News Briefs – 03/26/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

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So Rosenstein might actually have been trying to entrap the Deep State and build a cover as a loyal operative when he volunteered to wear a wire, but he has really been working for the Q-resistance all along?

Hannity was good, but he downplayed a lot of it as the old paradigm, where the attempt to overthrow the election was just leftists who are out of control. My own opinion is we were looking at an organized, transnational intelligence operation run by a very old, international conspiracy of elites that has been moving the chess pieces of the globe for at least a century, and maybe far longer. Either I am wrong, Hannity has not yet seen the full scope, or Hannity is moving his audience toward that shocking conclusion slowly, lest he lose them in the interim. Still, Hannity was great, and is a patriot.

What is not said here is something I know only because I am doing this. Evopsych is the most brilliant book ever written on politics. I don’t care if I am invested and biased, I’ll say it. I’ve been here for years now, and probably everybody on the Chans would at least recognize this site’s name. And there is no way I would be able to acquire two $60,000 disbursements to spend on shit, even if I hung out a Patreon link and did brilliant Q analysis 24 hours a day. The money is just not there. So what you have in the mix with this site (as you will see down a little bit) is a Katherine Gorka, presumably the Katharine married to Sebastian, who is a shadowy spook-kind of guy who worked for British intelligence, apparently carried a gun in DC, and has firearms warrants overseas disappeared, and has been relentless in his attacks on Q. And around those two, a site just has to be set up, and literally hundreds of thousands of dollars will flow through it like water. Ask yourself how that happens, where that money comes from, and what kind of a centrally-organized machine is out there, cutting six figure checks, and drowning out the voices of little sites that are not plugged into Cabal. Add in the google bias and the social blacklisting, and you see how it ends up. This site can’t even buy advertising on Facebook or Yahoo now. Meanwhile Gorka probably has bots driving up his Alexa rank and sharing his site on social media 24/7, and premium search placement, as money flows freely into his accounts. That is how you control a narrative. It is an impressive machine. Be a shame if Donald Trump did something to it.

On the one hand the guy is 96. On the other hand, you have to ask, how did he get assigned to this case? Plus, the way actuarial tables for age of death work is, the longer you live, the longer you are likely to live, so when you have a guy who is 96, just by having made it that far, it will buy him a good chance of making it to the next year. Meanwhile when they are doing the calculation on whether to punch his ticket or not, him being 96 almost makes it guaranteed they will decide to pull the trigger. And given advanced age, any hit with directed energy will not take a lot to put him down. If he had been my relative, I’d have told him to get off the case, because I would have seen this outcome as a very high probability.

As we will note later in the brief, he appears to have been under the care fo a therapist who had just started him on new medication.

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That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

For laughs, Hitler in The Downfall does a reasonable impression of a Democrat:

Father of a Sandy Hook victim commits suicide. This one was a neuropharmacologist who formed a special foundation to study to neurological and neurochemical origins of violent behavior. A specialist in the brain, who would have known the mood issue was just chemicals and could be fixed, and he decides to cash out? It is tough to say whether he was a Cabal operative running the MK Ultra-type research, who had become a loose end in need to tying off, or whether he was an innocent victim who was about to stumble onto something Cabal did not want discovered. From within months of laying eyes on Cabal, I had noticed there is a cult-like aspect of it, even at the ground level. It is either that, or another good analogy would be those isolated gypsy communities in North Carolina, where there are those on the inside, and those on the outside, and they see the two as in direct competition with each other. I do wonder whether this is what Q’s suicide weekend is going to look like, only on a much grander scale. And they will probably not really be suicides.

Macron says he hopes the elderly woman at a Yellow Vest protest, who was run over by Police and suffered a head injury, will gain wisdom from the experience of being grievously injured. This is the pic:

Pope says water shortage is an inevitable consequence of climate change. Cabal limits access to water, poisons whatever sources it can, and then charges you for something you need for life.

New Zealand Music festival evacuated in panic because a concertgoer saw a tattoo they thought was a right-wing symbol. Later found out it was just a “traditional” tattoo.

Avenatti charged with wire fraud in one case, and extortion in another. Most likely this the freedom fighters taking out a Cabal asset, but it is not impossible that Avenatti is a Trump agent, and vestiges of Cabal are taking him out for failing against Trump. With Trump, you never know what is going on until his enemies lose and he wins.

Attorney of man who murdered a New York Mob boss blames online hate for the shooting, and mentions his client isn’t getting his recently prescribed medication. Given he is young and healthy, you would not be crazy to assume the medication was psychological medication he got from a therapist, which seems to be a common thread in these types of events.

Young female victim of Muslim grooming gang who was picked out of an orphanage says from what she saw, the various different Muslim grooming gangs were linked together somehow.

Claire Bronfman gave the death stare to prosecutors in her NXIVM case. It is really something when someone feels rage at anyone who tries to stop them from hurting innocent people. It gives you a sense of how the power breeds an amazing level of entitlement.

We have been spending $32 million per hour on war since 2001.

CAIR Executive Director caught on audio plotting the conquest of California through Mosque building.

John Brennan says he may have gotten bad information, or he may have suspected more than there was, but admits he was wrong about Russian collusion. Since he is a former CIA director, and the truth was obvious, you know he is lying. The video is more interesting for the low-key, soft spoken way he says things, indicating a man who knows he is defeated, and has given up the fight. As a Special Prosecutor, Mueller probably could have tried to set perjury traps, extend the investigation, go after Don Jr and the second generation Trumps, and do other things to try and be a permanent thorn in the President’s side. That he allowed the investigation to die, during what appears to be a critical period, is likely being seen by Cabal members as the sign that Cabal is no longer in control, and it is no longer the invincible, all powerful force they pledged fealty to. If Mueller is following Trumps orders, they are done. Which means it is over, and now that Mueller surrendered, they all know it.

US had captured calls between Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Ramzi bin al-Sihbh between April and October 2001, where they planned September 11th. Was CIA completely oblivious to this at the time, given this was the #2 operator in Al Qaida, and only recovered these after the fact, or might Cabal elements in the Agency have run cover for them?

Mystery man with wealth and power who partied with Jeffery Epstein sought to keep the records in the Epstein case sealed.

British MPs in the Remainer-dominated Parliament vote to take control over Brexit from Theresa May.

CIA and MI6 help Ukraine’s spy agency plot covert ops. If I worked in the spook world I wouldn’t trust the spies in my own agency. Yet all over the world these spy agencies work together as if they are all the same agency. None seem to worry that an ambitious spook in a rival agency would try to use that closeness to infiltrate their own operatives, and corrupt the agency of a rival nation. The concept of intelligence parity is a myth. Sooner or later agencies try to corrupt each other, and eventually one wins. And then that winner has two agencies to begin corrupting other agencies, and adding them to their power base. Over time, consolidation of power into one mega-agency is inevitable.

Michael Flynn has a $5 million dollar legal bill. Particularly vexing because of who he is, and the fact he gave his life to loyal service to everyone in the nation.

McLaughlin and Associates poll says if the congressional election were held today, 47% would vote for the Republican, and only 43% for the Democrat. Actually it might be good for 2020, and the Storm, that the collusion delusion depressed House turnout enough to let Democrat fraud carry the day. In a Presidency filled with brilliant moves, letting the Democrats have the House may have been among the most brilliant.

Another 9th Circuit nominee clears the final procedural hurdle and heads for a victory and a seat on that court.

Oxycontin maker settles Oklahoma opioid case.

Kelly Anne Conway says maybe Comey should get a lawyer, and he should be “brought in.”

McConnell blocks a resolution calling for the full and immediate release of the Mueller report.

Judge refuses to suppress evidence in the NXIVM case.

GOP’s McCarthy demands Adam Schiff step down.

Lindsey Graham says the Senate will investigate the FISA abuse and the surveillance of Trump.

FBI ready to share the intelligence from Mueller’s probe with the Gang of Eight. So Mueller investigated everything around the illegal spying campaign targeting President Trump, and now had reams of intelligence to hand off to the Senate Gang of Eight. It looks like Q may have been telling the truth about Mueller having been turned at the outset, and agreeing to take the Deep State weaponry of Cabal down.

Lindsey Graham says he will begin to “unpack the other side” of the illegal spying of the bogus collusion investigation, and thinks there should be a Special prosecutor assigned to look into it as well.

WSJ says it is time for Obama to answer for a historic abuse of government surveillance powers. As Q said, [1] (POTUS) will open the door to everything. POTUS is just the start. If they are going to open the door to everything, everyone is going to be blown away.

Donald Trump says it is time to investigate the left for “treasonous things.”

Mark Geragos fired from CNN for being Avenatti’s coconspirator.

A possible future Q proof:

You can’t say it better than that.

Spread r/K Theory, because winning like this happens only once in a lifetime.

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5 years ago

The Threat Knowledge site is archived here:

Scroll through the list of names associated with it. Very interesting.

5 years ago

Avenatti charged with wire fraud in one case, and extortion in another. Most likely this the freedom fighters taking out a Cabal asset, but it is not impossible that Avenatti is a Trump agent, and vestiges of Cabal are taking him out for failing against Trump. With Trump, you never know what is going on until his enemies lose and he wins.

I think it is Trump using cabal-style comms against the NY AG and the SDNY US attys. Note that it happened right after Mueller’s report and all the NY clowns saying that they are going to prosecute Trump anyway, AND it was literally an hour after CPL tweeted about having a Nike press conference. That’s “We know what you are going to do before you do it, and we aren’t afraid to take lawyers out.”

Think about it. We’re arresting hollywood actresses and CNN legal analysts.

The storm has started, and it’s only going to build.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

I agree completely that this marks the start of the storm. And I think it will only continue to unfold like this, a series of events that seem random or coincidental. Many Q followers have been imagining some kind of big dramatic event, with many highly visual things appearing. But it’s more likely to be a slow grind that has deniability that the opposition cannot directly call out. Thus they will need to throw out bizarre claims and offer counters that risk embarrassing or exposing themselves. And yes, a huge target will be cabal lawyers in order to simultaneously alert them that their powers have been altered and also to occupy their time and attention so that they can’t offend other cabal targets. Simultaneous with this will be the turning of FBI personnel who are cabal, pressuring them into betraying their former contacts. The net result will be deep fear, confusion, and paralysis.

5 years ago



Meme about this for ease of sharing (includes the news report, the archive link to the archive of the news report and inclides the link to the archive of the video):

R bere
5 years ago

I’m glad he was vindicated but simply NOT LOSING, is not the same as winning. It’s time to go on the offensive, crush these traitors and throw them in jail or at least fire them from positions of power. I hope Trump has the balls to actually take it this far and take action and not just do a tweet storm. We, the people, want retribution in the truest sense of the word!

5 years ago

So now this “married” chap is mincing into the Presidential picture for the D party. He reeks of Cabal, having so much in common with Burgess, Maclean, and Philby.

5 years ago

Article 13 was just passed in the EU. Article 13 is a copyright bill that may destroy all evidence and ability to communicate about Cabal on the internet through Copyright.

Memes and the Europeans ability to communicate will be destroyed and resistance to Cabal I think will be severely hampered by Copyright.

What’s Q’s thoughts on it?

5 years ago

Youtube has also disabled our ability to search for recent videos. When I tried the option it doesn’t work. Plus there is a lot of algorithm manipulation to prevent me from searching stuff that is related to the right-wing.

5 years ago

”We have been spending $32 million per hour on war since 2001.”

All that spending. For so little results.

Reply to  info
5 years ago

>For so little results.
The accountants of the MIC fellas would say otherwise, if you get what I mean.