News Briefs – 03/25/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q posts at present.

Flashback – Former head of the FBI’s LA field office, and true patriot, Ted Gunderson was Q before there was a Q.

So /pol is going nuts over this pizza ad, which it is convinced is mimicking the anti-Semitic “Merchant” image of a Jew rubbing their hands together:

It is obviously unintentional, they are just imitating greed. But I also see an opportunity here to drive the left nuts. So far we have taken Pepe from them, to the point if they see a green frog they go nuts. Then we took the OK sign, which is now seen as another dogwhistle we craftily created and use to mock them. Clearly the next play is to take eating pizza, and we can use this perception of antisemitism, and the left’s assumption it belongs to the alt-right to do it. Pizza is something the left loves, so if we can make eating it a dogwhistle symbol of the racists of the alt-right, which we use to signal our racist ways to each other, we could drive the left even more nuts. Bring pizza to protests, tweet pizza emojis to each other, meme it on the Chans, and point out that our plan now is to signal covertly to each other by using pizza. We could even say that kid eating pizza in the background of Cohen’s congressional hearing was one of ours, sending us racist white power misogynists a signal. Because the left is so triggerable, every time they see someone eating pizza, they will wonder if they are one of us. If you see them eating pizza, smugly make the OK sign, or rub your hands like a Merchant at them, like you think they are signaling support for the racist/anti-Semitic/white supremacist/Nazi-Alt-right and you are signaling it back, as a fellow Nazi. If they call you out, claim innocence and say you were making fun of the commercial, or just innocently signaling you like pizza too. Act outraged they would accuse you. Then smile as you walk away.

Soon they will walk down the street and focus on people eating pizza walking by them and freak out. A cop will roll by in his cruiser with his partner eating a slice in the passenger seat, and they will panic, thinking the conspiracy is everywhere. A black guy will be eating a slice, and they will wonder how he could be a white supremacist Nazi. It’ll be great, and as Pepe and the OK symbol show, leftist amygdalae are tailor-made to be triggered and driven nuts by stupid things like this. This is our chance to make pizza /ourfood.

I have never been one for tattoos, but I would seriously consider doing this one as a full-back-job (click for full size, in all its glory):

The modern-day Rembrandt who crafted that even got Hillary’s diplopia.

This is an interesting video about the Christchurch shooter, and all the people in red who walked around him. Don’t forget Sirhan Sirhan’s woman in the Polka dot dress, and how Derren Brown used exactly that to program a shooter in the most mind-blowing video I have ever seen, showing him actually program a shooter. Now the Christchurch video, which notes the pedestrian that walked by when he stopped, which I saw as curious myself, given my own experience. Spend enough time around this stuff, and those people get a “feel” that you can pick up on with the most vague of glances:

UK denies asylum to Iranian Christian, saying Christianity is not a peaceful religion.

Communities are struggling to cope with murders by illegal aliens.

Second Parkland student commits suicide in a week. Obviously, the timing is suspect – just as we are about to enter the real, action-oriented part of the Storm. Why now? What is particularly insidious is, it has been documented that infrasound changes mood (movies use it to heighten stress in horror movies). And I will bet if you have a 3d model of where someone is in space, within a residence, you could do the same thing with amygdala/adrenal stimulation by other directed energy means. So if these kids knew something or saw something, you wouldn’t even need to actually kill them. Just set up in a residence nearby and bombard them until their brain was so screwed up they took themselves out. And given what we know of MK Ultra, if these weapons were going to be developed (and they were), you know they would have tested them on regular civilians, just to see how they would work, and how best to deploy them in the field. So I will bet there have been innocent people just tooling along in their lives, when an intelligence agency or group set up in a residence near them and proceeded to drive them crazy, and maybe even precipitate their suicide, without them ever even knowing what was going on. And when selecting a target for testing, a Cabal intel operation would preferentially seek out those individuals who were patriotic and committed to freedom first, and therefore a threat. You see why it was so important to condition everyone to think such a thing would never, and could never happen.

There were several efforts by Russia to initiate collusion. Feels like the Cabal had elements in Russia reach out to collude. They probably hoped they could get one of the Cabal onto Trump’s staff and have them take advantage of the offers. That would have created a crime that would have allowed for impeachment as a failsafe should Trump get elected. Once again, the God Emperor, as always, was one step ahead of them.

Seven wounded after a rocket hits house in Tel Aviv.

Cartels use grenade launchers at the Texas Border.

Google hides auto-completed searches related to Mueller’s probe now that Trump has been Vindicated.

Russian Air-Force Airplanes land in Venezuela, reportedly carrying troops.

MSNBC says it looks like Mueller was compromised. I heard there is a dossier which says Putin bought Mueller free penis enlargement surgery, provided he defecate on the bed the Russian Prostitutes urinated on and let it be videotaped by some midgets. So he is totally owned by Putin. We should open a FISA warrant on him. On a serious note, I get the impression all of these host know that given a prosecutor could indict a ham sandwich, Mueller could have produced charges if he was inclined to. Which means Cabal’s plan to take out Trump was likely thwarted by one of its most loyal, long-term agents. Which means if Mueller has turned, Cabal is probably falling apart and will not protect them. They must really be horrified.

Bump-stock inventor cautions owners, if you turn in your bump-stock, do not sign a form relinquishing it or the standard abandonment form, but instead ask for a property receipt so that you maintain an ownership interest in it, and can reacquire it if the court decisions go our way.

James Comey’s twitter would seem to indicate he fled DC and is wandering round the national parks in California. Suppose I had gotten sucked into a global conspiracy of treason, which appeared as if all-powerful and inevitable, and I had enriched myself and enjoyed the power that came from working for an all powerful conspiracy in full control. Then one day I realized that it was all over, it was all coming down, there was nothing I could do about it, and I would have to endure the consequences of having engaged in outright treason. I would take one last vacation, and in it you would find me wandering through nature telling myself that my predicament was really nothing in the grand scheme of the universe. Being in the middle of the wilderness might also be the only way to potentially escape the surveillance machine of Cabal, which might not want me hanging around to potentially tell my entire story:

Of course Pelosi seemed to get the exact same talking points, so they are still getting their orders somehow:

Lindsey Graham agrees with Comey:

Alabama Senate passes bill to end common core.

Even more sanctions piled on Iranian entities.

Chelsea/Bradley Manning is still being held in jail for contempt of court because he/she will not answer questions under oath. Some media said, without any basis, this had to do with WikiLeaks, but it looked like it might have related to his/her involvement in some sort of intel operation, perhaps at behest of the CIA, to damage Military Intelligence by leaking all of its secrets. I’ve since wondered if he could have been MK Ultra’d as part of his recruitment, and when the programmer did it, he threw the tranny thing in for the lulz.

Heckler calls Jerry Nadler a loser at his Mueller Press Conference.

A former Jehovah’s Witness is exposing the secret database of child molesters the Jehovah’s Witnesses have amassed over the years.

In Gaza, the people have been rising up against Hamas, and being dealt with brutally. I love the US. But I do not like Cabal using US forces to try and exert total control over everyone. My guess is we will see more of this all over the world until Cabal’s leadership is finally decapitated and the lower level machinery can be reclaimed for its original purpose.

Zuckerberg fails to purchase all of the old family Hawaiian properties surrounded by his land which he forced into auction. One group managed to outbid his people on one property, using $700,000. I wondered if Intel or Cabal bought it to keep a foot in the door, and keep him on a short leash.

On Monday, 9/11 families will sue FBI to get access to all information it has about the 9/11 attacks. None of this is coincidence. Every day it looks more like that was an inside job done by Cabal elements in almost every agency in the US, probably in part to open up Afghanistan to increase opium production to fuel the opioid epidemic in the US and further line Cabal’s coffers, in part to start a global war to further line Cabal’s coffers with war profits, and in part to increase the surveillance state in the domestic US. Trump could not do better to destroy the old guard, and every last vestige of power they have in the US, than to reveal the truth about 9/11. And given Cabal will kill him and his entire family if he doesn’t destroy them, I think he is going to do it.

Nunes says there will be no celebrating Mueller’s vindication, because now we have to round up the dirty cops who tried to overthrow the election of President Trump. Also he notes we have no idea what Mueller actually investigated because his tasking memo is still classified. Which leaves open the Q-assertion he was actually hired to look into Deep-State criminality, and not collusion.

Nobel-winning economist says Trump’s tax cuts will keep the economic boom going for another two years. In other words, bank on reelection. And that is with Cabal sucking resources out of the system like a leech.

There is a petition to seize Obama’s, Clinton’s, and all senior Obama official’s passports so they can’t flee.

Rumors swirling through Washington that an investigative counter-attack is about to begin as President Trump, fresh off vindication from the Mueller Report say, “My turn!”

Spread r/K Theory, because now comes the pain.

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New Name
New Name
5 years ago

I think that it makes sense that Mueller was compromised. Obviously, something very unexpected happened. The entire machine was counting on him. Which raises interesting questions about Cabal’s vulnerability. Turning some more key people, and then letting Cabal’s imagination get to itself, should take out substantial power of the organization. Everything indicates that on this high level Cabal is fighting blind.

5 years ago

I want to thank you A/C for all your hard work! Also, thanks for allowing LembradorDos6Trilliões to post. Thank you very much.

A/C, you are the progenator and then the expert on r/k theory of human behavior. Yesterday, you wrote this:

“The answer is both amygdala-deterioration in a few prone to the r-strategy for whatever reason, and the fact there is enough K that the majority of the population has not similarly deteriorated. It is the amygdala that both constrains to the boundaries in the individual, and which collectively establishes the boundaries in the group. Leftists are a small cohort of rabbits going even more rabbbity, in an environment where the rest of the population can smell the scent of K-selection wafting in the wind.”

That inspired me to ask this. Does the preaching of Hell and its vivid imagination create K? Because I notice a difference in actions between fundamentalist believers/churches that have a vivid and/or traditional teaching of Hell and the liberals that say all people are saved and/or don’t talk of hell at all. It says in Scripture, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…” That to produce r, obscure teachings of hell or nullify it. Does “fear” produce K? Is that why God does, in His Almighty wisdom, have Jesus and His apostles preach on Hell–to K-ify His adherents? Does the non-preaching of Hell produce “amygdala-deterioration”? Is not God the ultimate psychologist? And could it be that preaching on Hell is very needful? That all those detractors of the Enlightenment were wrong? Fear produces attention to detail and scrupulousness? Fear produces discipline?

I would like to see your take on this. Thanks.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

I forgot to add: many saints immersed their minds in contemplation of Hell to keep themselves from sinning. Their contemplation is one of their strategies of keeping on the straight and narrow. How does this fit with r/k theory. Or does it at all?

5 years ago

A minor correction:

There is no Nobel Prize in Economics. It’s a Swedish Central Bank Prize.

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

Something to consider: the right’s worship of guns and gun rights as their protection from tyranny is itself a Cabal op. Do you really know who owns most gun companies or distributors or ammunition companies in this country? Ever looked into the backgrounds of most NRA board members? Oliver North is president of the organization, need I say more?

Guns don’t protect your freedom. They really don’t. Not in this day and age. They might work good for self-defense, yes. But when your freedom goes it’s not going due to a massive police action kicking down your door. It will just be a slow, imperceptible bureaucratic creep consisting of raising your taxes and reducing your rights at a rate you don’t notice because you’re too busy polishing your pistol that you think is somehow protecting your freedom.

The time and money people waste “training” or reading gun porn magazines would be better spent learning how things really work. The most effective ways to fight cabal are not from the barrel of a gun.

Guns only protect you from the mob cabal will send. They don’t protect you from a slow erosion of your rights. The entire gun rights thing is just a way of actually weakening the power/effectiveness of right wing whites.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

I’d say its 2 parts of the whole.
If you have no guns, free-speech gets taken away faster than you can blink and you can’t learn about how things work because you can’t read and hear what others have to say about the world, but if you only care about guns, they will fuck you other ways than direct confrontation.

So pls no bully le guns fren.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

Guns give us a last chance that those who give them up don’t have and they discourage the worst abuses.

I the French had guns Macron would have resigned by now.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Yes, guns are vital. But something can be vital and at the same time overemphasized or misunderstood in such a way as to be harmful.

It’s not just patriots who have guns. Cabal members have them, too.

Beyond that I think far too many ‘patriots’ have a false sense of security. The kind of people who don’t worry about rising flood waters because they have fire insurance.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

So why does it matter to you if we own and master guns or not? It literally makes no difference in your life, one rightly assumes, which makes me wonder at your motivation. Are you simply airing an inner dialog, trying to prove or disprove the truth of the proposition? That’s fair. I hope you are not trying to black pill us because that’s just wrong.

5 years ago

> There is a petition to seize Obama’s, Clinton’s, and all senior Obama official’s passports so they can’t flee.

No! Let them run. Then make a major production out of extraditing them back to the US and perp-walking them through the airports in cuffs and prisoner overalls.

5 years ago

Sen. Graham is now urging GEOTUS to move on and not investigate the origins of this coup against the President. He even sounded mad about it, too, which tells me there is an ocean of amaglyda behind it for some untoward and unknown reason.

Yeah, Lindsay, I bet you do. If DOJ starts looking at what started this entire sordid coup, I’d wager the blackmail that Sen. McCain held over you might just come out in all its ugliness.

Senator, your service will be taken into consideration, especially over the last few months when you’ve really shone as a leader. Don’t worry–there will be other elected leaders who will pay much more than you ever will. You were forced into it, which does make a difference.

In the long run, you might not be a shining example of a politician, but we’ll need contrite, seasoned, and more-or-less loyal leaders on Capitol Hill, especially when there will be so many new faces from gubernatorial Senate appointments to replace those convicted, imprisoned, and/or executed for the many horrible crimes they committed against our Constitution, our nation, and our God. I met you many times when working years ago on the Hill. At the end of the day, you’re a decent man who was forced into making bad decisions because of your own sins and human frailty.

Graham will be least worst of the bunch. He should stay, but the truth _must_ come out for everybody.

5 years ago

I like the pizza idea, pizza needs to be reclaimed from the leftists and perverts, it is too good for them.

5 years ago

Venezuela Plunged Into Darkness Hours After Russian Troops Arrive

5 years ago

Popular Spanish Nationalist Calls for More Gun Rights in Spain

5 years ago

Judge Who Oversaw Epstein Sex Trafficking Case Dies

5 years ago

Scientists Are Surprised To Find That One Of The Fastest Shrinking Glaciers Is Growing Again

5 years ago

Part 3 of Mathis’ analysis of the NZ shooting:

5 years ago


This comment is a list of links that is a compilation of a series of posts that appeared on Q’s board, after having appeared originally on Twitter. The subject is the Weimar Republic, and it ties to Q’s suggestion for us to study nazism in order to understand the current state of affairs in the world.

“In America, the public is given zero information on the “Weimar Republic,” the period in Germany post-WWI that led to the rise of the NationaI SociaIists in 1933.
This is deliberate. The period holds too many secrets to the modern world.
This thread will expose those secrets.”

Archive links:

You can find an archive of the posts on Weimar here:

The user who posted them was the guy with the id:

You can ctrl+f his id to see all his posts on the archive (which I compiled into the pics I am about to post, I am providing you with the archive so you can verify that I have not changed the information in any way).

NOTE: the original poster posted the thread in a chain of posts, but he forgot to chain one of the posts to the rest, this is why I gave you the id of the guy and told you ctrl+f it, that way you can follow the full chain and not miss any post, he did 23 posts on that bread and all are part of the chain of posts about the Weimar Republic.

Enjoy frens.

5 years ago

First the Parkland suicides and now this:

Father of Sandy Hook victim found dead in apparent suicide, Newtown police say