News Briefs – 03/23/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

Image here.


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

Lots of places are suddenly having an epidemic of Police Suicides

Lyft and Uber drivers make almost no money on average. I have noticed we now have an enormous number of areas where the money you make is seemingly determined at random, and yet if it is not, imagine the power. You go to ebay, search an item, and ebay throws out the “Best Matches.” What if those are just the Cabal-associated sellers? What if Uber and Lyft throw fares preferentially to Cabal-associated drivers without telling anyone? How do you think Google allocates search traffic? Once you begin seeing things that way, nothing looks the same.

Disease is flourishing in the poverty of Venezuela. When the collapse comes, the pandemic will likely follow on.

Both CNN, and a new book, out of the blue, put out a story pushing the narrative that John Roberts saved Obamacare out of some deep desire to be the best Supreme Court Justice he could. Might they be trying to protect him for some reason?

Girl who survived the Parkland School Shooting and lobbied for gun control commits suicide, by shooting herself in the head with a gun.

Meanwhile, five administrators at Parkland have been relieved of their duties and put under investigation for matters related to the shooting.

New Zealand’s Chief Censor says Christchurch shooter’s manifesto is now banned, and all copies must be destroyed. Is it any wonder New Zealand was a Cabal bugout resort? In retrospect, I should have predicted a mass shooting event followed by a weapons ban there, as the Storm closed in.

Atlanta child-murders case, where young black kids were kidnapped and murdered, to be reopened over doubts about the suspect who was never charged, and suspicions of parents of a larger conspiracy. The parents thought KKK. But whenever you encounter Cabal, you may think conspiracy because you sense something off, but you never think big enough, because it is unimaginable.

Lori Loughlin’s friends are distancing themselves from her after the scandal. Probably many of them have their own special deals they are afraid will get exposed if anyone looks too closely at them.

Brennan claims autocrats and authoritarians will take advantage of Donald Trump by manipulating him. Liberals tell you how they think. He wants to manipulate you, so he uses two concepts which would frighten him, assuming they will frighten you too. The first concept is the “Autocrat/Authoritarian,” which in his mind presents the person who does what they want, who has power they don’t have, and who most of all isn’t corrupted and under their control. The second concept is the idea that he is not in control of President Trump, but rather someone else is. That tells you his whole world is about manipulating a world full of selfish, craven “others” for his ends, rather than idealizing the concept of free, independent freedom-lovers uniting together to secure freedom for the next generation. Subconsciously he is assuming we will see that statement of his and feel as if we are not in control of Trump, and therefore someone else is, and that will terrify us. The most interesting part of all of that is it presupposes that Donald Trump must either be controlled by the autocrats, or controlled by the globalists, because everyone is under some form of control. Personally, being “uncontrolled/uncorrupted” feels to me a natural state, so the idea of Trump as a moral guy operating autonomously for good, without fear of someone doing something to him is something I tend to assume, and think is great. But I am not sure Brennan can even imagine it, and the result is this attempt to push our buttons and frighten us – an attempt Brennan cannot even imagine we would completely ignore, because we are not corrupt Cabalites, and thus it misses all of our buttons. Regardless, if I were trolling Brennan on twitter, I would leverage those levers – his lack of control, and the fact his enemies are in power and they now have the power to destroy him, leaving him helpless to stop them.

Schiff says he will subpoena Mueller. Desperation and grasping at straws.

Research show Google search bias probably flipping seats to the Democrats in the midterm elections. That research feels like something Q and Trump would have be done to lay the groundwork for lawsuits and FEC actions.

Muslim Migrant in UK blames immorality around him for his 20 minute sexual assault on a man.

An interesting case from Q’s board is this:

These were two Marines, one of whom was AWOL. They teamed up to do “mind control” experiments on women, ostensibly to create the perfect sex slave. The leader was Leonard Lake, who was diagnosed while in the Marines with Schizoid Personality Disorder, where one prefers fantasy to reality so much their brain actually adopts the fantasy, without telling them. So he was in the military, with a mental disorder which yields a tenuous grasp of what is real, and he was under the care of a therapist. He ultimately hooked up with his partner, Charles Ng, a foreigner from Hong Kong who became a fellow Marine using fake papers and was discharged for bad behavior. (Did he undergo therapy too?) One other interesting thing about the case. It unraveled when Police stopped Leonard Lake on a relatively small shoplifting charge, found a silencer in his car, and noted his ID didn’t look like him. They brought him to the station, but instead of trying to talk his way out of it, he asked for a glass of water. When they brought it, he pulled a cyanide capsule from under his collar and downed, it, killing himself. It was one of those cases that I remember because when I saw it, the probabilities pointed to something missing from the story. Now you have to wonder if MK Ultra progressed to programming windup toys to do experiments so extreme that even MK Ultra was afraid to do them directly. That you have a Marine who was under therapy, who self destructs like a Mission Impossible tape when in contact with Police, with a cyanide pill, and even a relative of the Standard Hotel crew married to him who took part but escaped all consequences. It all look very suspicious.

Fox News execs ask Sean Hannity to stop calling Sara Carter an investigative reporter. Narrative control through trying to control who narrates.

Macron gives Police the green light to open fire on Yellow Vest protestors.

EU decides voluntary UN Migration pact isn’t voluntary after all.

95% of bitcoin spot trading is faked?

Illegal confesses to killing four elderly Americans in Nevada to get money for Meth.

As Biden and Kerry went soft on China, their sons scored lucrative nuclear and arms deals.

Nokia accidently left software on its smartphones that bounced data back to China.

Soldiers who were convicted of killing terrorists on the battlefield, including one sentenced to life, are hoping President Trump will offer them pardons. Literally Bradley Manning was running for Senate, as these guys have to spend their lives behind bars.

Horowitz confirms the IG has been investigating the FISA abuse for a year now, and the investigation is still going strong. With no leaks.

FBI says more people are killed with Hammers and clubs than with rifles of all kinds.

Ocasio Cortez calls for radical gun ban with confiscation.

Sheriff says he expects Robert Kraft Massage Parlor video will be made public.

Shep Smith accused of sexual assault. Will his white male privilege save him?

Judge says NY Ban on stun guns is unconstitutional.

Los Angeles bans Roundup.

Masonic Lodge in Italy busted for Corruption.

World’s largest facilitator of child porn to be extradited to the US.

10th circuit stops the bump stock ban’s enactment next week.

EU will lose £500 billion and UK will gain £640 billion in no-deal Brexit. And May couldn’t get a good deal?

ISIS gone in Syria. So many things would never have changed, had we had “President Hillary” or “President Jeb!”

Trump reverses pending sanctions on North Korea. A sign they already know what they are doing, and this is all a script.

Trump blasts anti-Jewish democrats for skipping AIPAC. Beautiful. Democrats had to choose between Muslims and Jews, and Trump has forced the choice. Another fissure brewing is the Trannies vs the feminists, which is probably no coincidence. And then there are the blacks vs the illegal immigrants, which Trump is already working as well. And even the criminals vs the special class victims like rape survivors is out there. For that matter, the entire leftist movement is a conglomeration of victims, all clamoring for an increasingly limited pool of sympathy and special-victim-class status. Trump has clearly picked up on that, probably going back to his announcement of his candidacy where he threw down the gauntlet over illegals. After six more years, Trump will have wreaked an unimaginable level of damage on the left. This was always hanging out there, waiting to be exploited. We just never before had a leader who was actually on our side.

Mueller officially concluding his service in the coming days. His spokesperson’s words.

CNN calls it a huge victory for Trump.

Former Staffer says Southern Poverty Law Center is an expensive scam ripping off donors for a half billion dollars.

Small Iowa town votes to end water fluoridation. Look at all the pushback from “Health Officials” when it comes to eliminating a potential ionophore-blocker, which could behave like lead, and which could impede nerve function or have adverse health consequence. All for cavities?

Judge blocks Deerfield, Illinois’ Assault Weapons and High-Cap Mag ban. Setting up a Supreme Court ruling?

Spread r/K Theory, because the blockade is now lifted.

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Felix Bellator
5 years ago

That Washington Post article on Sydney Aiello was blocked for me. But the ABC News article points out that Aiello posted on Facebook about Robin Williams, Kate Spade, and Anthony Bourdain. Those were high profile celebrity suicides sure, but at least two were Cabal possibles. Which begs the questions: Was Williams Cabal? Why was this girl posting about them? Was she Cabal too? How many at Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS were Cabal? And the final question, in these celebrity deaths, are they murders or suicides based on Cabal affiliated guilt?

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Felix Bellator
5 years ago

I have zero doubt that Sydney Aiello is somehow connected to cabal. Probably via parents. Beyond that I can only speculate on the meaning of these events.

5 years ago

This may have already been discussed at some point and, if so, my apologies for beating a dead horse. When I saw the twitter post about the mumps outbreak in PA, I had a thought:

We suddenly have this massive social push against the “anti-vaxxers”, very clearly artificially drummed up. At the same time we have notable outbreaks of measles and mumps in various parts of the US. Probably with illegals as the “typhoid marys”. And, from what I’ve seen, a lot of other shady reporting and facts to indicate that this was not at all the fault of the unvaccinated but, still they are to be blamed.

This in turn of course gives energy to the Mandatory Vaccination laws. No exceptions, every one gets these shots.

If I had perfected a virus. Or, not even a virus if everyone is being injected directly, just any ol’d disease, virus or infection. But maybe targeted to certain gene sequences in some way. Well, if I was the Bad Guys. . . .this would be a definite way of trying to destroy my opposition. And the civilized world but, if those gene sequences are targeted, for instance, such that your genetic family is safe, well, no problem. Get rid of the troublesome excess population. And, they’ll do most of the work for you. Just plant a few disease bombs, tell a couple scary stories, and then make sure that you’re the one dispensing the “Prevention”.

This might be *part* of why the push for both massive amounts of 3rd world illegals and the tide of drummed up hate against “Anti-vax”. I am certain there are other aspects, other wheels and cogs to this that I’m not seeing at the moment. But I do think this a definite part of it.

Reply to  zmalfoy
5 years ago

That’s a great hypothesis. But, as you say, there’s a lot more to the open borders push.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Wildly OT:

Watched this Forensic Files show and found myself repulsed by this criminal. I feel like he could be used as an example of narcissist, Gamma, and lack of disgust threshold that afflicts leftists. He was Antifa before Antifa was a thing.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Reminds me of your book on narcissists. If you don’t train yourself to distinguish these “people” the last thing you may ever see is their wild eyes and creepy smiling lips.

5 years ago

Lots of good information on the NZ shootings here:

Part 1

Part 2

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Good ol’ Miles Mathis. What I love about him is that he’s the opposite of your traditional right wing conspiracy theorist (he is a degenerate leftist artist and “free spirit”) yet he is intellectually honest enough to admit that people on his side are also evil. I think he goes too far sometimes, but that’s the whole point of the adversarial legal system we have in the USA: let each side present its points vigorously, and let the truth come out in the vetting process of each claim.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Afterthought: AC, Mathis is REALLY a stickler when it comes to noticing and researching historical bloodlines, including their crypto-sub-lines. If you haven’t yet, you may enjoy binge-reading his stuff.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

I like Mathis, he may be the only leftist I have ever liked.
I don’t always agree 100% with his conclusions (he tends to think that everything is totally fake when sometimes it is real with fakery added) but his research is always sound and informative and his science papers are even better than his conspiracy papers.