News Briefs – 03/21/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, get the full size pictures, and read any new drops which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

This page has been wiped, but there is an archive here, showing a lot of strange art shots featuring young girls dressed up like Jon Benet Ramsey posing on couches like grown women, with older men standing next to them as if they are their spouses, and other disturbing content. Some think the artwork is actually an advertisement for the children featured in it.

If you search this, you come to this page, which features her at the Boom Boom room in the Standard hotel. Not sure if that is related to Q’s frequent “Booms.”


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

DIA spy who spied for China hated President Trump. Again, Q says Cabal is moving to China and opposes President Trump, and we see a spy who is funneling intel to China, and he hates President Trump.

Witnesses say Utrecht Jihad Massacre was performed by four men who screamed Allah Akbar.

American Taliban John Walker Lindh to be released in May, and he supports ISIS and Global Jihad. “Mike” Spann’s family still lives without him though, and will never be released from that sentence. Spann’s dad makes the case for it being wrong. All of this was from living under a leadership that served a foreign, non-American power, and didn’t actually care about America.

Donald Trump says “I gave John McCain the kind of funeral he wanted” and “did not get a thank you.” Which implies that he didn’t have to give him the funeral he wanted. If McCain asked for that funeral as part of pleading guilty and taking his death sentence that is a nice poke in the eye to his supporters. Also said, “We sent him on his way…” McCain was Cabal’s go-to guy, so it is not at all unlikely there is some kind of massive blackmail files out there that would have ruined him if exposed. It may be that Trump is setting the stage now, getting everyone to take McCain’s side or his, before he reveals what the deal was with McCain.

South Korean Police bust gang that had installed 1600 hidden cameras in hotel rooms and were selling access to them to a subscription service. Assume all hotel rooms, even in the US are monitored just like that.

Fact checker who falsely accused a disabled Marine Veteran of being a Nazi and resigned from The New Yorker in disgrace is now hired by the NYU Journalism School, to teach a course on how to report on the Right. It is a Secret Society. She got the first job because of it (and you never would have) and she got the second job because of it (And you never would have). I do not think it is overtly leftist or rightist here. Those who hired her were told to, just like Bill Kristol could be told to hire you. It is about controlling who has a voice and whether or not you know you are under control and accept it.

Gender pronouns are now a Police matter in Britain.

Bridget Bardot, lobbying against animal cruelty, has criminal charges levied against her because the animal-killers she targeted were of the wrong complexion.

Boeing 737 Max fiasco may stall the US-China trade deal. If the deal is critical to move the Storm forward, would Cabal crash a couple of jets to trigger a stall?

A report says Hannity is worried Murdoch might turn on Trump. Murdoch was actually married to a suspected Chinese spy. So there is no telling whether he was comped by her, whether he already was comped when they hitched up, or if he just got sucked in because he is naive.

France to deploy troops to quell Yellow Vests.

France threatens to nix any delay in Brexit, unless Britain agrees on several points, including a clear path to ratification of a non-negotiable deal, and no UK voting in any EU elections. Probably organized to lock the UK in once May enters into a disadvantageous agreement that screws Britain.

The key players in the Trump dossier scandal have rebooted their efforts with a fresh attempt to sell Congress and the media on a Trump impeachment. Who is paying the bills?

Between 1765 and 1938, Britain drained $45 Trillion from India. Where did that money go? And how much will we one day be told was bled from us?

Weinstein is still playing the intel game to try and beat his charges and get back into the game.

Lori Loughlin’s daughter says her father never went to college, but just said he did. He is a fashion designer who “built” his own brand. Notice, you could never do that. If you designed the clothes, nobody would ever mention them in the media. If you made them, no stores would ever buy them because the stores only buy what Cabal approves of by mentioning it in the media. This guy had some sort of Cabal hookup, and once that happened, everything was given to him on a silver platter, and he was in the Secret Society. But they will act like anyone could do it, and everyone else will think they had the same opportunities, because they don’t want anyone to realize everything is about taking what they want, and preventing anyone else from competing and succeeding meritocratically. If we realized that, we would all play the same game, and they would have no advantage.

Cabalite pedophile sodomite sanctuary Disney and 21st Century Fox have struck a deal, which may explain some of the leftist slanting going on at FOX. Fox Corp, which has FNC, was spun-off as its own entity, separate from Disney and still, ostensibly under Murdoch’s control. But Rupert got a huge payday from Disney’s deal, and it would not be surprising he could have made unofficial agreements on how Fox will operate for Cabal post-deal, in return for the big bucks Disney forked over up front. Would explain bringing Ryan on board, suspending Jeanine, and so on.

Iranian Mullahs are afraid of the coming Fire Festival, because it promotes introspection and rebellious spirits.

Republicans in the House and Senate will ty to legislatively bloc any move by the Democrats in the future to pack the Supreme Court. Long gone are the days of one country abiding by elections. Unless this trend reverses, civil war would appear inevitable at some point. Not surprising. r will always go more and more r, until K culls it back in nature.

Missouri passes a law nullifying all federal gun control laws, and making enforcement of any federal law a criminal offense. This does not happen, unless the centralized control of the past is breaking down.

President Trump gives a speech at America’s last tank plant – which he saved. Obama nearly killed it. Without Trump, we’d have faced a world war, without a single tank plant to build tanks, remaining in America?

Ford building new pant to build autonomous cars, 900 new jobs created.

Trump showed on a map how ISIS would be eradicated by last night.

Trump’s disapproval slides to the lowest level of the Presidency.

Pentagon identifies $12.8 billion funding for the wall.

Louisiana Attorney General says AGs all over the country are putting every option on the table to break up big tech like Google, Twitter, and Facebook. Sounds like the exact same singleness of purpose that was previously used to destroy America, being brought about to reverse the destruction.

Spread r/K Theory, because the Zero hour draws near.

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5 years ago

On the Fox/Disney merger. Fox hires Donna Brazille! Donna Brazille who, as a “journalist”, fed debate questions to Hillary. Morally compromised—still hired. Fox puts Paul Ryan, Traitor-in-chief, RINO-in-chief, all around scum-bag in my book —–ON A EDITORIAL BOARD!

And we are NOT to think that something is going down? The removal of their MOST highly rated talk show, Bill O’Reilly, the removal of Jeanine Pirro, and attacks against Tucker Carlson! And then you post that Hannity is getting squeamish.

The past president of Disney was a Jew Michael Eisner—and the person that follows is another Jew—Bob Iger?!?! What is with all of these Jews?????? Everywhere in our media? 2.5% of our population—and THEY CONTROL ALL our media?!

How can one have European culture with a Semitic people controlling everything? How can the Anglo-Saxon have his culture when a Semitic people OWN practically everything!

Catholic political authorities and episcopal authorities wrote Napoleon to NOT give liberty to the Jews. Napoleon went ahead!

There ARE Consequences to fighting God. Death and Destruction are the consequences in disregarding God’s authority. Do you really think that God sits in heaven and lets the European blow Him off?

Who gave liberty to the Jews? The whole of the Enlightenment was about giving Liberty to the Jews.

If you are NOT the Sword of the Lord—-Then, you become the object of the Sword of the Lord! What this means is that then the Infidel welds the sword as punishment! not the righteous! Either you are the harasser and subjugator of the infidel—or the Infidel becomes your murderer. European, you Drank the Kool-Aid of the Enlightenment—and so you are being killed and genocided!

That is how reality works! Life is War. Either you become the Sword of the Lord—or you die from the Sword of the Lord. Because Murdoch WANTED this merger, he, a Jew, ordered that Fox News to STOP talking about the Strozck/Page/McCabe/Commey/Clapper/Brennan/Yates Coup-de-etat! Who is Murdoch working for? Who is Iger working for? The Anglo-Saxon?

Blood is Thicker than Water! Life is War.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

The photographer that Q mentions on his drop #3157 is an Israeli:

5 years ago

‘Bizarre new low’: Republicans outraged after Trump claims he approved McCain’s funeral

Don’t jizz your pants, Trump is fueling the rumor about No Names execution. It is more than likely No Name died and his death was simply kept secret.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

He didn’t, they said No Name will return to the headlines in a month. (times stamped)

No Name was a walking corpse anyway, it would take the death of several Cabal members would prove that Trump White hats are in control, or at least holding their own in some kind of war.

I know Qteam is “real”, I question their motives.


What browser do you use for qanonoub? It doesn’t’ work well with Chrome of Firefox.

Reply to  E
5 years ago

I thought a State funeral had to approved by POTUS. Certainly in the U.K., apart from the Monarch who is the only one to get an official State funeral without approval, obviously, it has to approved by Parliament and by the Queen too. Very exceptional. Only one in the 20th century was Sir Winston Churchill.

Princess Diana and Maggie Thatcher had ceremonial funerals. Similar but not the full blown State occasion.

Jason in KT
5 years ago

This sickens me. I don’t want to know but I damned sure hope that we find out.

5 years ago

regarding Fords Autonomous vehicles Plant.

are we sure it’s a good thing?

5 years ago

Quick before it’s taken down!

“Christchurch uncovered”
(the excellent “SGT Report)

5 years ago
5 years ago

btw AC you are aware of aren’t you?

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