News Briefs – 03/18/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

This was in reference to this retweet by POTUS, which was by someone whose avatar was a Q with a MAGA hat on.

So POTUS retweeted the Q tweet as a shoutout to anons.

Here is the larger image here. It also make me think the urge driving the writing on the gun may be a vestige of some sort of writing therapy used in the programming. Which would mean Aaron Alexis would have been a victim too.

Full image here.

The image Q posted was the center of this painting, which probably represents the choice he is offering someone, to choose which side they are on.

Image here. Didn’t make much sense, until you see the next post.
What this image appears to show is that in a coordinated test, POTUS tweeted MAGA, and then the QAnon76 account immediately replied with the flag image Q posted and a patriotic blurb promoting Q, so it would be the first reply. Q screenshotted it, only to see that, and any other positive comment supporting POTUS deleted, until the first comment was a comment attacking POTUS. If you stop by POTUS’s twitter page on a daily basis, what will immediately strike you is how whenever he tweets, there will be a barrage of negative comments immediately under the tweets. This is how it is being done. Jack has somebody monitor the President’s twitter, and delete any positive tweets that are posted, until they create the effect of making it look like everyone is attack our President. It also means that although there are no outside comms, Q likely coordinated with @Qanon76.

Oddly enough FAST is the mnemonic for the symptoms of a stroke. Facial drooping, Arm weakness, Speech impediment, Time to call 911. Twice now, the vibrations I get have touched my head for just a moment. Although both times I have been drifting into sleep when they yanked me out, I have noted that not only do I feel the vibrations for that moment, and feel a mental dullness/weakness/drugging come on in response, but I also get a weaker/duller version of the distinct sensation in the sinuses you get when the first punch in a sparring session hits you in the face. I assume the vibrations, even in that moment, create some sort of microtrauma to the sinus tissues similar to the jarring of a punch. In the back of my mind, I wonder if somebody like Anthony Bourdain, who was an accomplished BJJ practitioner, even had to be drugged. Or if the vibrations, turned up to eight or nine and delivered from the room next door, would be enough to knock him unconscious from the next room, so whoever had to kill him could just come in, drag him over to a door knob, and tie him up. It is not impossible Jack will be hit with some sort of directed energy weapon in the coming weeks, that turned up to ten and kept on him for a minute or two, will vibrate his brain and blow something open in his skull, triggering a stroke like Luke Perry. I’m way past the point of sympathy. This is war.


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

60% of the Census results will be from an “Online Census” in 2020? Seems like it would be prone to fraud. This can’t be as stupid as it sounds.

Ex Boeing pilot says MH-370 may have been flown toward a secret runway after a mid-air hijack.

US Warship has been in quarantine for two months after rare, but generally harmless viral outbreak. Rare but generally harmless diseases can be innocuous chance, but they can also be “sentinel species,” used to test how well a specific method disburses a pathogen. Be interesting to develop a DNA test to track strains of Parotitus, and see where it came from. Or at least keep a record of its sequence, and see if it ever turns up anywhere again lacking the small mutations viruses acquire over time.

YouTube eliminates sort-by-date to better assist in preventing you from finding what you are looking for. I used to love searching for things on google using that raw Boolean search language. It was so mechanistic, as you expanded the search where you wanted it to go, and restricted it back from what you didn’t want it to include. I was dumbfounded back then when I saw normies search with regular questions, hoping what they wanted would be in the search. But as time went on, I realized it wasn’t working the way I thought, and now I don’t even search for material on google unless I think a simple question will put it at the top of the results.

Bernie Sander’s son has an “Institute” which accepts donations, which he is now closing because it blurred the lines between its fundraising, family expenditures, and campaigning, and he is afraid of embarrassing his dad’s campaign. Q said they all have foundations.

Article on Hollywood sexclub that claims to have A-list participants, called “The Kinky Rabbit.” Amusing it is yet another organization which associates sex with rabbits. It is possible that a smart aspiring actor would knowingly enter an event like this, not to partake, but rather to grant the organizers the video and audio blackmail which I am sure is taken at each event. Those who do not may see themselves passed over for casting, while the names of those who do partake pop off the list and get hired. And it is possible parties like this are just for the extra positions, while A-listers have very different, much darker events they must take part in. It is interesting how much of the mechanism works so very differently from what we were taught to assume.

Jordanian illegal tries to get into Fort Bragg, “to see if it is worth my time.” Keeps saying at noon the weather will change and we will all be happy, and asking what everyone’s exact position is. Sounded like an MK Ultra windup toy that went off early, before he was fully programmed.

Medvac Helicopter pilot saw something over Vegas which could only be seen with Night Vision Goggles, and did not show up on radar. Invisible drones?

Bunch of migrants grabbed off a bus near the border in Mexico by an armed team, Government seems to want to keep it very quiet. Bad Hombres heading for the US, grabbed up by the Mexican government? It happened right after the entire bus had ID’s checked by the Mexican government, and all the snatch team grabbed were male migrants.

DARPA, creator of Lifelog, is working on a $10 million secure open source voting system. Have they already designed a hardware backdoor?

Story about a Grandmother trying to save her 10 year old grandson from demented parents who have decided he is a girl and are going to gender-transition him.

Pelosi calls for a veto override on the bill to stop the national emergency.

Los Angeles gas explosion sends massive cloud of black smoke over the skyline.

As time goes on, mental health deteriorates for the young. They blame social media, digital devices, and so on. Dopamine, and the lack of its polar-opposite counterpart, amygdala, is the real culprit.

Barack Obama’s brother asks if Michelle is Michael. If you remember, Joan Rivers thought so, and you saw what happened to her. As far I am concerned, Michele was the MK Ultra crew showing off just how far they could control minds:

Google erases founder of Greenpeace because he said Global warming was bunk:

Trump tells Saturday Night Live he may trigger a government investigation over them being a political ad by NBC that is being run in violation of election funding laws. Normally he couldn’t do this and they wouldn’t worry. But their problem is replacing Darryl Hammond with Alec Baldwin. Hammond’s Trump was a funny, amusing character, done as an Uber-Alpha. Hammond could make a “Trump-expression,” and you would smile reflexively, waiting to see what he was about to say. There is no doubt Saturday Night Live replaced him with Baldwin’s Scowling, embittered version to try and associate negative emotions with Trump. (Just imagine the completeness of the control Cabal asserted. They had experts examining the entire panoply of media which people were exposed to, looking for emotional linkages like this. And when they would identify this input they could waltz in and make this change, in a supposedly privately owned and operated, independently scripted show. Nothing you saw was by chance – Cabal scripted everything that mattered to them to manipulate the masses.) I will bet there are memos, emails, and text messages documenting this, and if an investigation begins, they will be pulled. And as we know, NSA has it all. Which means Trump has it all. Very bad for NBC.

Pentagon wants to test spaced-based weapons by 2023. Article indicates both Russia and China may actually deploy weapons next year. Obama and the 16 year plan to destroy America in action.

Bolsonaro comes to the White House on Tuesday.

Brazil’s response to the school shooting is to postulate what would have happened if there had been a good citizen with a gun to stop the shooters.

Venezuela’s Guaido announces national tour in new phase to oust Maduro.

Yellow Vests still tearing it up in Paris on Saturday.

CNN smoked by Home and Garden TV and the Hallmark Channel, almost overtaken by the food network:

Spread r/K Theory, because the immigration is being surged because somebody is afraid of something.

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6 years ago

On the writing on the weapon: Let’s not forget that American servicemen have been writing on bombs in WWII and in the Iraq War in messages to their targets! It is not strange. The “Welcome to Migrant” on the weapon is the same style that was written on the bombs! The American Indian put on face paint and probably the Celts, of ancient times. It is part of war-making.

YouTube is becoming terrible. They have taken down most of the music videos of a Traditional French Catholic group Les Brigandes, all female, that satirized the globalists, Masons, Jews and Roman globalist pontiffs! Many of my subscriptions have been deleted from YouTube like Colin Flaterly, Alex Jones, etc. Many things have changed. They have deliberately begun to hide much stuff. See one thing one day, go back and the vid has disappeared. I found a juicy speech by Alan Dershowitz on him demanding equality, quoting the Hebrew verse it came from, talking of it as a goal that must be achieved. After a month, I go back to find it—poof it was gone. I think I’m being monitored and things that I find interesting—they make disappear!

This “Free” society? We are living under totalitarianism in this country. Funny, the whole Enlightenment was about destroying the Catholic Church and its guidance of European society. Now, when these Enlightenment people are in control, they have resurrected and are doing the same stuff, but to a grander scale, that the Catholic authorities ever engaged in. Humans need shepherds, because humans are a herd animal that is defective. Why do you think Jesus used the metaphor of sheep for His people for? Out of all the domestic animals that are herd animals, Jesus uses sheep. Why is that? I worked on farms, sheep are the dumbest animals. Why do you think that sheep ranchers throughout the ages put donkeys or goats or themselves as head of sheep flocks for? Why does every sheep rancher put dogs with their flocks for? God set up the Catholic Church has the shepherd and the dogs to guard His flocks. The European atheists, the Jews destroyed that, but turned around and recreated a pseudo-Church with its totalitarian control. Notice, they have recreated an evil doppleganger. Either you adopt the yoke of Christ—or you adopt the chains of the Devil. Either or. There is NO middle ground. A) You can’t run, escape from God and B) the whole of the Enlightenment has to go. Nature only works one way. There is NO such thing as “Free”. Life is NOT about Freedom. Life is War.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

That is why you archive everything as soon as you find it fren.

6 years ago

DARPA, creator of Lifelog, is working on a $10 million secure open source voting system. Have they already designed a hardware backdoor?

Hardware backdoors are there forever. Better to just have a very well obfuscated “bug” in it that can be “fixed” when it is discovered — or when no longer needed.

5 years ago

Quote by Ohio Governor John Kasich on CNN:
“It’s 24 hours since John McCain was put to death.”
at 5:05 minutes.
John Kasich calls Trump the ‘commander of the chaos’,
September 5 2018

I found out about it from

5 years ago

The comments from 3-15 won’t show:

Not Acceptable

An appropriate representation of the requested resource /blog/news-briefs-03152019/ could not be found on this server.

5 years ago

Alan Krueger, Princeton Economist And Obama’s Top Econ Advisor, Dead At 58

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“A RETIRED pilot has amazingly claimed missing flight MH370 was flown towards a secret runway following a terrifying mid-air hijack – by one of the crew.”

This was the cover story. Senior Israeli officials came on the news announcing just this. Saying that the plane could have landed in Pakistan. But…they got caught. Investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn found an exact copy of the pane, painted the same, that was supposed to be demolished in Florida but was in a hanger in Israel. They then shut up about the landing in the desert thing. I see they think they can bring it back now. Lies, lies, lies.

bollyn site is slow so bear with him.

MH370 Hijacked thru Remote Access to its Computer System?”

“Are the Israelis Planning Another 9-11 Using the Missing Boeing 777?”

Was MH370 a U.S./Israeli False Flag Operation?

Uhhh, we know where abouts the plane landed. We have parts of it so their lies are, lies.

It’s all there. A byproduct of the crash is all the owners of a semiconducter company were killed and now guess who owns all the patents, Rothschild of course.

5 years ago

Bezos’ Babe’s Brother Bagged $200k For Selling Sexts To National Enquirer

5 years ago

Alan Krueger, Economic Advisor To Clinton And Obama, Dead From Suicide


5 years ago

Brilliant video on Brexit even if it wasn’t filmed in the U.K.