News Briefs – 03/17/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

Tommy Robinson has the perfect frame in dealing with journalists. He perfectly mixes bemusement, fun, and a subtle “fuck-you” sense of total moral superiority and Alpha-ness. Excellent extemporaneous speaker too:

The college fraud investigation began with a Securities Fraud case, where the target was telling everything he knew of to save himself. It was a secret society, where everything was rigged in your favor. Remember the “Rufschild” interview, where he laughed at the idea “they” would play by the rules of everyone else, or leave anything to chance. They all agreed that in their affairs everything was pre-determined, and if you did not agree to those rules, you did not get into the Secret Society. People are going to be surprised how far this goes, from what restaurants made it and didn’t, to what Landscaping companies had enough advantage when starting to make it to success, to who got government contracts, to what actors got movie roles, to what guys made it onto the Fire Department. You consented to being owned, or you didn’t get into the game. It bugs me that I knew so much about Darwinian processes, and the systems which would naturally arise around such rules, and I never saw this was not an aberration, but rather the natural end state which should arise, absent extreme effort, consistent discipline, and a willingness to kill, by those few who really value freedom.

Moroccan model who testified against Berlusconi in 2012 dies, appears to have been poisoned with a radioactive substance.

The New Zealand shooter is reported to have had a sudden personality change when returning from his trip to North Korea. A trip to North Korea sounds like a Cabal boot camp. So he came into a ton of money from bitcoin, decided to travel to Pakistan and North Korea, and when he came back he was a different person. It is possible he was ID’d, and recruited, and that trip to Cabal’s denied area was part of the process.

Six US agencies conspired to wiretap President Trump, and they used British Intel as a front.

How do book sales happen for Cabal members? They get organizations whose boards they sit on to buy hundreds of thousands of dollars of books. ANd look how low level she is.

Forbes begins the calls to take down 8Chan. Just a coincidence the site that hosts Q is the focus, instead of 4Chan. New Zealand has already blocked access, and it has little to do with the shooter.

Steele admits he used posts from random people online to source the Trump dossier. The prostitutes peeing on the bed was cooked up on 4Chan, and spread to the dossier.

War simulations show the US losing to war with Russia and China. Of course other superpowers focus on outcomes with one nation, we focus on dominating simulations fighting every other nation in the world. And after Trump I’d imagine we will be winning them reliably.

Mexican traffickers have created a transportation infrastructure that holds migrants at large facilites in the south of Mexico, then busses large groups of migrants up through Mexico to holding facilities near the border then rushes them en masse to flood the border all at once.

Newark NJ is looking into testing a universal basic income.

Illinois has now mandated students have to study LBGT history.

In the 70’s Bernie wanted to nationalize most major industries.

Whooping Cough may be evolving around the vaccine in LA.

Organizers put immigration at the forefront of the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. Leftists really fuck things up. Year back I remember how each of these holidays had a feel, and culture celebrated it. Columbus Day was for the Italians, Christmas was a mixture of the sacred and fun, and Saint Patrick’s Day would feature the Quiet Man on TV, Danny Boy would play somewhere, everyone would have Irish Soda Bread just to show solidarity, and everywhere you went there would be Leprechauns and Shamrocks. All of that is gone, replaced with a Saint Patrick’s Day parade that is a celebration of homosexuality and migrants. And that was the best of it. I didn’t see any of the old culture on the TV or out and about this year.

College scam mastermind did what Elizabeth Warren did, claimed fake ethnicity to get admissions advantages.

3000 young Yazidi girls kidnapped, tortured, and turned into sex slaves are now missing and feared murdered.

Man arrested in murder of NY Mob Boss, said to be a “conspiracy type” who isn’t all there. Either it was a noob who nothing of how things work, or Cabal tied up a loose end and framed one of the woke to get them out of the game too. Probably equal probability.

In Sweden, one in three returning ISIS fighters go on to commit serious crimes.

Hundreds gather outside the Supreme Court to Plank like RBG, when her trainer comes out and tells everyone she has resumed planking. But no public sightings, so far as I have seen, so she may not look so good.

MS-13 back active, stabbed DC teen more than 100 times before setting him aflame.

Facebook says it removed 1.5 million videos of the Mosque shooting in the first 24 hours. Personally, I think the video is a hyper-K-stimulus, and should not be covered up. Yes, it was designed by a communist to trigger gun control, and there is some merit to that. But something in me thinks a fight should always be against a superior enemy who poses a real threat. Shooting unarmed people, even in a mosque that is known for terrorism and child-grooming is unpleasant to watch. It is amygdala-stimulating. Seeing all the violent death, firsthand, will get that amygdala producing aversive stimulus and that will K-ify the population immensely.

Kentucky Judge halts new fetal heartbeat abortion ban.

New Zealand bans Mosque video, possession alone could bring ten years, and Dissenter banned too. Well played by Cabal. Notice New Zealand was designed to be their failsafe, and look how they have given it the cover to turn leftist fascist just as the Storm kicks in. I bet this is an attempt to try and secure someplace to flee to that will not extradite, because the right wing is like “literally Hitler.”

John Podesta was in New Zealand until a day before the shooting, and gave an interview where he said New Zealand was a “big juicy target” (for election meddling). Wouldn’t be surprised if he was finalizing bugout plans.

Vigil of Christians, Jews, and Muslims join together to show solidarity against nationalism and the New Zealand shooter, when just by chance the guy who tows a Trump, Build The Wall Float everywhere he goes happened to drive by on his way home from the Rock and Roll Museum, blaring patriotic music. Much hilarity ensued:

Judge tells FBI it performed an inadequate document search for Judicial Watch, orders a fuller, more complete search. I get the strange feeling a lot of this is not a fight, but a choreographed script designed to create optimum timing.

North Carolina county declares itself a gun sanctuary. Obviously I support it, but this is the beginning of soft-balkanization. As rabbits go more rabbit and conservatives try to remain free, we will end up with two very different nations, as different as the US and the Soviet Union in the 50’s, living side by side.

Cabal plans to use the International Criminal Court to harass US efforts in countries like Afghanistan, so US announces no members will be allowed to get Visas.

Zogby says Trump will be hard to beat in 2020.

10,000 turn out as the Yellow Vests experience a second wind in Paris.

The amusing mix of narcissistic hubris on one side, and making fun of one’s opposition on the other means the Virgin/Chad memes always make me laugh:

Spread r/K Theory, because the future is free.

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6 years ago

In regards to your analysis, “It was a secret society, where everything was rigged in your favor. Remember the “Rufschild” interview, where he laughed at the idea “they” would play by the rules of everyone else, or leave anything to chance. They all agreed that in their affairs everything was pre-determined, and if you did not agree to those rules, you did not get into the Secret Society.”

I’ve been collecting all of these by you and putting them in a Notepad titled “Globalist Mafia”. What you are describing is Mafiaesque. You are right on. But did you know that is how Freemasonry works? In the Wiemar, Jewish department stores would out-muscle goyim owned stores. There was a secret money-lending where Jews would ask other Jews for money at great rates or no rates and advertise and put the goyim stores out of business. This occurred throughout the Wiemar in many other fields. Prof. Kevin MacDonald talks about this in the academic field where Jewish professors only quoted other Jews! And then through this influence, the only people being read were Jewish authors. Since the Jews are an outsider race living in foreign lands—they live this mafiaesque style of life. Natural Europeans don’t act like this in their home countries because it doesn’t cross their minds to do so; it is community. Not so the foreign sect.

When the Jews instigated the Masonic movement as a secret society, it is my supposition that they transferred their modality of mafia-like behavior, of connections into Freemasonry. When I was in the Marine Corps, in a stupid radio platoon, there were people becoming Masons because that led to a) advancement and b) protection. You don’t get ahead without the secret handshake! The US Military’s provenance is in Freemasonry! George Washington was a Mason and all of his generals underneath him were Masons as well! You don’t get ahead, and you’re not protected unless you belong to the club! And the Freemasons are the Jewish puppets; they are an internationalist, globalist club!

The Club is Globalist. It was first the Freemasons, then the Fabian Society, and now the Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Liberals are also globalists, fellow travellers. They all act in unison! They are all of one herd. Their Loyalty is to The Cause.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
6 years ago

Really interesting. Thanks.

Have you seen these? – On the ethic double standard of the traditional Jewish teachings (the whole Old Testament “don’t steal, don’t kill, etc” was only to be applied to other Jews, non-Jews were fair game for killing, stealing, etc). This because the belief was that Jewish laws were divine, and non-Jewish laws were man-made. – Usury was forbidden among Jews, but non-Jews were fair play (and remember that the Torah (first 5 books of the Old Testament) tells Jews to enslave non-Jews via debt-slavery in Deuteronomy 15:6: “For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.”. The nations are the goyim, the non-Jews). – Anon comments on how Jewish morality is an oxymoron and can be summed with the phrase “Is it good for the Jews?”. He uses Jewish sources to argue his point. – Israeli professor Ehud Sprinzak notes that among Jews, traditionally, nobody recognized national borders, the only borders that mattered were those that divided between Jews and non-Jews. – An article of 2014 that talks about the interest-free Jewish loans that they grant each other. Off course, those are for Jews only, goyim need not apply. – On the Jewish nepotism phenomena on Harvard Law School. – An article about Jewish nepotism and the fact that it is a constant thru-out Jewish history and present day group MO. – Article about Jewish nepotism on the Noble Prize Committee. – Article about Jewish nepotism in the SNL – Anon post on Judaism being a racial supremacist ideology (and yes, there is a Jewish race, see here: ) ; ; – Judaism has its own Jewish version of Sharia law, the Moser concept.

Those facts are part of what makes me say that like Islam, Judaism has no place in the West, at all. Its 100% incompatible with what gives the West the potential to become truly great.

Reposting my proposed peaceful solution to the JQ:

==The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:==
Educate the general population world-wide about the jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to israel;
Ban islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags. ;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.
Some scenes:
-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.
-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation of Palestine.
-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel (part of Canary Mission)
-AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) members buy out Congressman using pre-paid credit cards which are given to them inside an envelope

6 years ago

“Whooping Cough may be evolving around the vaccine in LA.” Not entirely new information. The original DTP vaccine, which contained whole-cell pertussis, was known for causing lethal or life-altering side effects, especially if a person received the pertussis component of the vaccine twice. It was replaced with DTaP, in which the pertussis component is “acellular” and contains only some of the proteins produced by pertussis, by the early 1990s. The acellular pertussis vaccine protects people against some of the symptoms of pertussis, but was known from the beginning to allow the vaccinated to become asymptomatic carriers. One of the proteins used in the aP vaccine is PRN, a surface protein expressed by many pertussis strains, but not all. By around 2007, most pertussis in the U.S. was PRN-negative.

“Facebook says it removed 1.5 million videos of the Mosque shooting in the first 24 hours.” They’re afraid that people will read his lips or notice other signs that it was a sloppily executed false flag.

“Notice New Zealand was designed to be their failsafe, and look how they have given it the cover to turn leftist fascist just as the Storm kicks in. I bet this is an attempt to try and secure someplace to flee to that will not extradite, because the right wing is like “literally Hitler.”” When Cabal is exposed, the world will be ready for Trump to use the RNEP against their bunkers if necessary.

“John Podesta was in New Zealand until a day before the shooting, and gave an interview where he said New Zealand was a “big juicy target” (for election meddling). Wouldn’t be surprised if he was finalizing bugout plans.” No, finalizing the operational plan for the shooting.

“North Carolina county declares itself a gun sanctuary.” Gun grabbing is one of Cabal’s core issues, along with abortion at any age and voting rights for foreigners and dead people. Gun sanctuary jurisdictions are signaling that they are not controlled by Cabal.

6 years ago

Q’s posts aren’t showing

6 years ago

A bit of alleged fiction by Beto O’Rourke.

“”””One day, as I was driving home from work, I noticed two children crossing the street,” O’Rourke wrote. “They were happy, happy to be free from their troubles …This happiness was mine by right. I had earned it in my dreams.”

“As I neared the young ones, I put all my weight on my right foot, keeping the accelerator pedal on the floor until I heard the crashing of the two children on the hood, and then the sharp cry of pain from one of the two,” O’Rourke continued. “I was so fascinated for a moment, that when after I had stopped my vehicle, I just sat in a daze, sweet visions filling my head.””””

6 years ago

[…] Vox Day and Anonymous Conservative have both saw fit to publicly entertain and believe that certain conspiracies are true, I thought I […]