News Briefs – 03/16/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

As Trump tries to bring peace to the Korean Peninsula, a shadowy group of rebels with CIA ties, who want to overthrow Kim Jong-Un, breaks into the North Korean Embassy, takes it over, interrogates the staff on video, and then steals other intelligence before stealing Embassy cars and fleeing into the dark.

“… before the intervention or the tragedy at Dallas…” As the cocksucker touches his nose. I have been telling you, the Secret Society knows the secrets that are kept from us, and enjoys making jokes about them in front of us.

And one to make you feel better:


From 4CHan:

>shooter was a personal trailer for 2 years after school. Leaves 2011 to “travel overseas”….
>7 year gap who knows where he is…..
>Posts from the facebook of a Hotel in Islamabad with a picture
>Says how amazing and wonderful this muslim country is and the people
>Hotel owned by Shia muslims connected to Nizari people…
> a little over 6 months later appears in christchurch a small NZ town of a little over 300k people
> a small town that has had multiple White kiwis become jihadis, travel to yemen and get killed by US drones
>the same small town another kiwi teen was radicalized into a Jihadi and planned a mass killing before being arrested
>the same small town that a large mossad operation had been operating in for who knows how many years
>then this guy goes into mosque and shoots up a bunch of Sunni
>the SAME DAY the high ranking pakistani intelligence operative working in Islamabad in the region the shooter visited last year is SUICIDED

Add to that this article, which actually has a picture of the Christchurch shooter in North Korea. Glow in the dark Cabal agent confirmed.

Pilots were livid Boeing never bothered to tell them about the new software on the 737 Max that could drive the nose down no matter what they did. It sounds ridiculous, but if that wasn’t designed to act as a remote kill switch for a plane, what other reason was there for not telling pilots their controls would be overridden?

Swedish parents are keeping their daughters home due to Muslim migrant abuse at the schools.

Young Beto O’Rourke wrote a fantasy essay online when he was younger, about how much joy he got from running over innocent children who were happy. What he is describing is a real psychology, which I would assume he would have been too young to have understood or modeled abstractly, absent possessing it himself. Also wrote poetry about wanting his ass waxed and buffed and his balls scrubbed.

Drag Queen story time hires a Drag Queen reader who was charged with sexually assaulting a child.

Low-Energy Jeb calls on Republicans to primary Trump in 2020. So sad!

New Zealand to ban semi automatic weapons. How much harder, because of this dumbass, would it be to throw off Cabal if the Storm failed, and one day things had to go hot? Now the patriots will either be disarmed, or be turned into criminals the state can selectively prosecute at their whim. You see why once Cabal realized the power of hypnosis and mind control this became the plan. They inflict terror on the populace, which seeks to give the government more control, they disarm the people, and they come out of it looking like the heroes.

Sanders gets seven stiches on a broken shower door. Sounds sketchy, but you never know. In this age I would assume Cabal was letting him know they can’t have him screwing up Hickenlooper’s ascension like he did with Hillary. We’ll know if he turns up dead soon.

Now it comes out Lori Loughlin’s daughter was on a TV Game show that was fixed to let her win. WWE was the most honest entertainment in our culture. Everything else was fixed.

Disney reinstates James Gunn as director of Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, after his pedophilia scandal drops off the front page. A media company making media for children that employs pedophilia.

Trump’s Border Agency says he hasn’t built any new wall. Somewhere on this site you will find video from someone down on the border who walked right up to and filmed a massive construction project in action, installing wall in a line where there clearly wasn’t any beforehand. The money is being spent, and the crews are using it. So what gives? Notice, they ask is there any wall being built where there was no “barrier” previously? Notice how they slipped “barrier” in for wall in that second part. They admit wall is being built to replace Normandy style barriers that only stopped vehicles. The worst, most trafficked parts of the border got barriers, which were being bypassed. So when wall funding came through, that is where they began putting full fledged walls. But the media will tell you there is nothing being done. None of us know exactly what is going on these days, unless we see it with our own eyes. But never, ever trust the leftist media to give you an honest picture.

Ex-Muslims in the Netherlands get threatened every single day for leaving Islam.

Investigators ask Loretta Lynch, if there was such fear Trump had Russian colluders on his staff, why was he not briefed so he could get rid of them?

Obama released a terrorist who killed Americans into Iraqi custody, now he heads a terrorist cell in Syria. Also known as a Cabal reassignment.

LA Times tries to unravel the details of the pilot with multiple identities whose plane plummeted to the ground, who claimed to be a cop, but Chicago denies he ever worked for them. A relative says he did, but due to the nature of his work he had to change his name after he left. Chicago PD says no.

Bodycam footage of Nicholas Cruz right after his arrest released. Yelling about demons and voices:

Ocasio Cortez’s unfavorables rise. That is not happening to her, and socialism is doing just fine.

Japan says trannies have to get sterilized.

Bernie Kerik is talking about scrapping the FBI. Trump has given indications he intends to rework the system to make it resistant to future takeovers. Moving FBI responsibilities to deputized local Police Departments, each of which would be relatively autonomous, might remove the centralization issue which Cabal exploits to take over the federal machinery easily. No idea if that is where things are heading, but people are floating the ideas out there. I have seen talk Trump may move to a sales tax collected by sellers, so IRS will not interact with individuals and have the ability to exert pressure there either. Clearly the closeness of what we hopefully dodged will result in a system redesign at some point.

Masterpiece Cakeshop case ends with mutual agreement for cake baker to be allowed to deny service to whoever he wants.

Former Trump campaign official has sentencing postponed because he is still helping Mueller with ongoing investigations. Trump hiring the Deep State Cabal and then encouraging an investigation into himself is pretty sharp, if he really did own Mueller.

Mother files $500 billion lawsuit over the college bribery scandal. The truth is, they destroyed the timelines of the lives of those kids, who were denied, to make way for the cheaters. The degrees they would have got, the jobs they would have led to, the wives, the children, the houses, all of that was irreparably lost.

Lifesite creates a petition against Marvel creating a new, gay superhero.

Muslim NYU students call out Chelsea for criticizing Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar’s antisemitism. In terms of practical risk of violence, Jews < Muslims, so it was no contest. Chelsea caved.

Don Blankenship, former candidate for Senate from West Virginia launches defamation lawsuits against a load of media outlets. Hits a lot of the regular suspects, plus Fox and Breitbart.

Researchers think regrowth of limbs might one day be possible.

Lawyer’s Committee for 9/11 is subpoenaing people with potential knowledge of explosive usage to demolish 3 buildings.

Barr makes a point to back Trump unequivocally on the legality of the National Emergency powers he has taken on.

You wonder what discovery in this will turn up about that hornet’s nest:

Spread r/K Theory, because you don’t want to have to scrub Beto’s balls.

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M. in MI
M. in MI
6 years ago

Dim bulbs like the Krassenstein brothers would wait in line for hours for the privilege to scrub Betos balls.

6 years ago

Michael Ramirez’s cartoon today is about the Boeing 737 Max 8, uh, feature. Everyone knows it was malice. The Narrative is failing.

M.S. Lovel
M.S. Lovel
6 years ago

I know your site doesn’t focus on this as much anymore but: interesting article written by a leftist at Salon: “I’m a liberal because I’m autistic”, The pattern he describes is: having autism leads to social incompetence, which leads to getting fired from jobs, which leads to self-hatred and feeling like a failure, which leads to supporting leftist economic policies that will distribute to the unsuccessful. It’s a pretty honest article, as much as you can expect that, and it basically is evidence in favor of what you and also the Unabomber’s Manifesto wrote about the left, i.e. that it’s often caused by feeling or being inferior to other people. Anyways.

Reply to  M.S. Lovel
6 years ago

“it basically is evidence in favor of what you and also the Unabomber’s Manifesto wrote about the left, i.e. that it’s often caused by feeling or being inferior to other people” Support for some policies that we are taught to associate with Leftism is often caused by seeing that everyone who is allowed to succeed in society is inferior to us or openly evil.

6 years ago

Found this on “the tube”… seemed relevant:

6 years ago

I would also add there’s quite a bit of content from X Pilot on Youtube to go through. I’ve watched about a dozen of his jet crash walk-thrus now and would say that I have already identified a common theme of diving and loss of joystick control presented in many scenarios pieced together by the NTSB (they appear to be un-witting accomplices, if at all, IMO). I will also add that the Russians sure know how to crash ’em good.