News Briefs – 03/15/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

[Ed Note – He delayed the release of the news due to the NZ Shooting, but did say Mifsud is “being held” in a NATO country.]


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

Tommy Robinson interviewed on Louder With Crowder – and now if you just mention Tommy on Facebook your post will be removed. Talk about being non-personed:

Canadian reporter barred from reporting on Tommy’s trial by the judge. Notice how much flak Tommy is getting. Whether he is right over the leadership of the Cabal or not, he is clearly seen as a major threat to their operations and plans.

Bernard Kerik tells Breitbart that FBI Agents were scared to death of what would happen to them if they stood up to the corruption. Fits with the story of the Clinton mistress who appealed to FBI when she was being harassed, and though the FBI agent tried to help her, and gave her advice, he made it clear he was powerless.

Mass shooting in NZ, by 8Channer, done at one Mosque which was live streamed, and possibly more after that. I saw this as it was going down on 8Chan, where he announced what he was about to do. 40 dead so far, shooter was an anti-capitalist, who hoped to start a civil war in the US by helping get Assault Weapons banned through this attack, so we would start shooting. Best comment was on Free Republic here“Why does an Australian who goes to New Zealand to commit mass murder seem so invested in the politics of the USA?”

I shouldn’t need to say it, but he was on the Chans, in New Zealand (a Cabal hotzone), espoused anti-immigrant ideals, and got a special endorsement on top of a firearms license for the military weapons, which is almost impossible there. He was probably under coverage, somebody was watching him in real time as he posted what he was about to do on 8Chan, and this was facilitated and then allowed to happen.

Thoughts – Once the shooting started, his amygdala focused him on what was in front of him, and as a result he left his back to one group for a long time. If you have a mass shooter, it is fight or flight. If his back is to you, his amygdala’s focus on what is in front of him may be super intense, and give you more time to rush him than you would think. Also, he may exit to reload, but that doesn’t mean it is over and he isn’t coming back in. One guy tried to rush him, but he waited just too long and didn’t have drilled into his brain a disarmament technique for a high-cap semi-auto. Don’t run to tackle the shooter. The goal is always to focus on the weapon, and sweep the muzzle to the side and grab the barrel with that hand, get inside the muzzle, step in with the foot opposite the weapon to face the weapon while staying low, the arm close to the shooter sweeps over the far side of the gun behind the mag but in front of the pistol grip, the hand travels under the gun just behind the mag, forward, and then snakes back up on the far side of the gun in front of the mag, and over the top of the forearm as best you can, so the gun is under the armpit, the magazine is hooked/locked in the elbow, and your hand is over the top of the forearm of the gun from the far side, gripping it while your other hand has the barrel. From there, once you have that mag hooked in your elbow, the shooter cannot get the muzzle back far enough to shoot you, and disarmament is as simple as turning away from the shooter as you straighten your arm and use your elbow to drive the magazine up, so your elbow drives the magazine up to the side, twisting the gun upside-down along the bore axis and out of the shooter’s hands.

But the big thing I noticed is the shooter wrote shit all over his weapons in white paint. Aaron Alexis did the same thing. I am struck by that urge. Those who buy weapons generally like the aesthetics of them. I once acquired a dirty pistol, and it bothered me to even look at it, until I had soaked it in break-free and scrubbed it clean. A beautiful, pristine weapon with a perfect finish and totally unmarred stocks is actually relaxing for me to look at. Even if I had snapped, and decided to kill people, why would my amygdala develop a drive to deface my weapons with garish writings? I cannot envision any scenario in which it would.

There are therapy techniques however which require you to write things down, as a way to process them and make them real in your mind. It is actually called writing therapy. I can’t help but wonder if this strange urge to defile the aesthetics of weapons is a vestige of some sort of programming process which imbues these characters with an urge to write, and then look at the writings to imprint the ideas and learn to relax when they see them, as an emotional outlet and amygdala-release. Under the high-amygdala which drives the shooting, they reflexively feel a need to write their feelings/programming to make them real so they can see them, and release a little of the amygdala that is driving them to the act.

The last thing I noticed was how at the beginning of the video, at 3:19, when he pulled over to the side of the road, and turned the camera to let you see his face, he said something to the camera and then put the camera back on his head and just sat there for a minute before pulling back into traffic and continuing to the mosque. But the audio went out just as he started to speak, and stayed out for about a minute, until jut before he pulled back into traffic. I suspect he said something Cabal did not want you to hear, and they literally edited the audio feed off the video feed live as he streamed it, meaning the real feed was broadcast by them on a delay as they watched to make sure he didn’t say anything they didn’t want us to hear. After whatever he said had been finished, they put the audio back on, and he went on his way. Think about that. I’d love to know what it was they took out.

Mob hit in NYC. I know what is possible if Cabal is interested in you, and I assume Cabal, being into the mob, would keep an eye on all those players. If so, I do not think this could have happened, unless Cabal wanted it to. They would have picked up on the plot, known it was going down, and had numerous opportunities to stop it under some pretense. It makes me wonder if the boss killed was a longtime Cabal employee, who knew too much, and Cabal is cleaning up lately. Watch for more plane crashes, car accidents, and unexpected heart attacks.

A battle is opening up over who will be allowed to read the black boxes of the Ethiopian 737 Max that crashed. Why would it matter? SpecOpsMonkey has a theory.

Ethiopian flight rose to an unusually high level, before disappearing from radar over a militarily restricted zone.

US Warship being quarantined at sea due to mumps-like viral infection.

Pelosi wants to lower the voting age to 16. Bring in illegals, lower the voting age to let children vote. Is she fucking real?

Kamala Harris wants a moratorium on executions.

Antifa are preparing a masked protest at Tucker Carlson’s house Friday night, under the guise of it being a “Halloween” protest.

Rotten Tomatoes mulls tighter restrictions on their dialog about movies, ostensibly due to “trolls” but really so the Cabal can better control what movies people see, how much money they make, and what people think of them.

UK Lawmaker wants all knives registered, and fitted with GPS trackers.

People are beginning to ask if the Tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch had anything to do with DOJ forbidding the FBI from charging Hillary Clinton with any crime.

Trump lets out that Paul Ryan blocked subpoenas and stalled investigations into the Cabal targeting of Trump’s campaign and other illegalities. If Ryan led the GOP when Cabal was ascendant, he was comped.

The meme is Red Flag laws are bipartisan. Lindsey Graham is pushing for it. These absolutely have to be a red line. We were too close to have the government be given the right to take our guns without any history of criminal activity, so they can simply delay their return as long as they like through obstructionism.

Bruce Ohr reveals the FBI opened a politically-launched investigation into the NRA without any signs of wrong doing.

Transcript indicates May has been working with Merkel to stifle nationalism in the UK and stymie Brexiters.

Lower court allows lawsuit by Sandy Hook families against Remington to go forward in violation of law.

Family Tree DNA offers customers the ability to bar Law Enforcement from accessing their DNA. You have to grasp the power of Cabal to destroy any entity that gets in their way. Once you grasp that, you realize this is a classic intelligence honeypot. Who gets their DNA done here? People who are interesting. So Cabal Intel will set up a company like this, to get that interesting DNA. My guess is this is Cabal looking for people to blackmail.

Rothschilds are taking one of their banks private.

FBI investigating illegal immigrant voting in NJ.

30-40% of troops on the border will be leaving in the next month. Interesting, because it implies they will not be needed because the migrant surge will stop.

SPLC fires founder Morris Dees. Supposedly he doesn’t like black people and let black coworkers know by discriminating against them. Nobody is as racist as a leftist.

Trump issues a warning to those who would do violence, that we can do violence better.

Toyota to boost US investment to $13 Billion.

Spread r/K Theory, because the Wind Up Toys are coming out of the woodwork.

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6 years ago

The NZ shooter may well have posted on 8Chan, but it all seems to be a ploy to take down the Chans or put people off. Several Kiwis and Aussies say the slang and language used in the posts was not from a native speaker. More like the type of language seen in TV dramas as ‘typical’ of Australia or New Zealand.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

I was able to grab a copy of the “manifesto” before it vanished from the web. Curious that it would not be available if the narrative of the Elite Media Monoculture was so undeniable. One would think that the powers that be would want it to be widely disseminated as an example of what not to believe. But they are making it very hard to find and read it for oneself.

Also a few points on the document itself. It is certainly rather sloppy in its layout. Speaking as a professional graphic artist it looks like it was put together by someone who has little or no training in how to write correctly and present information well. The pdf that I have was exported from a program I have not heard of before; LibreOffice 5.1 and it uses very non-standard fonts; DejaVu Sans and Liberation Serif, both available from Font Squirrel. (Acrobat allows one to view this information under “Properties.”)

Why this should be the case is odd to say the least. Just about every computer in the world has a standard set of fonts and most also have MS Office, so why go with such non-standard items? Very curious.

Reply to  RedMoonProject
6 years ago

“The pdf that I have was exported from a program I have not heard of before; LibreOffice 5.1 and it uses very non-standard fonts; DejaVu Sans and Liberation Serif, both available from Font Squirrel.” Those are quite common (de facto standards) for a Linux user.

6 years ago

What did they do, drug them all? They were already lying in piles.

Homestead Tuck
Homestead Tuck
Reply to  mobiuswolf
6 years ago

Also, I saw no blood in the clip I watched. Not one drop.

Homestead Tuck
Homestead Tuck
Reply to  Homestead Tuck
6 years ago

To clarify- I saw a one minute clip on twatter. Not the entire event.

6 years ago

“These absolutely have to be a red line.” They are.

James S.
James S.
6 years ago

I worry that the NZ shooting is a false flag that heralds the start of a push to de-platform the autists…also, “Tarrant visited Pakistan in October 2018” yeah, seems like the perfect holiday destination for a white supremacist… the currupt, aggresively muslim shithole of Pakistan.

6 years ago

> Family Tree DNA offers customers the ability to bar Law Enforcement from accessing their DNA.

Suuure they do. Just because they let you click a button or email a request doesn’t mean they’ll actually do anything. Facebook, Microsoft, wall thermostats that aren’t connected to anything, dummy street light buttons…

Oh, and even if it’s real and they bar law enforcement access… nothing says an officer can’t refer his request to a civilian “fusion center”, which exactly the kind of thing they’re for. Or simply run a search from home.

6 years ago

> UK Lawmaker wants all knives registered, and fitted with GPS trackers.

It’s a good thing knives only come from knife factories, and people couldn’t make their own if they really wanted one…

And after knives, it’ll be fountain pens and pencils, because they’re still stabby things, and the Plod have to justify their “anti-stab vests” somehow.

6 years ago

nz is a big false flag / op. and its already unraveling. they know the shit is hitting the fan, the noose is tightening, and their frenz are getting indicted and/or exposed. more will talk. trump is going to extend money confiscation via EO to bank accounts that are found moving cabal money. and cabal is low on cash again. so, they go back to the old playbook with one of their sloppiest ones yet. i knew something was up when i was again suspended days ago from fb… but not for complaining about muz or yahoodi… no, this time they didnt like a locklin takimag article on global finance from takimag, and a dilbert cartoon about how environmentalists just make it all up. riiiight… they are clamping down more everywhere. fb is a public thoroughfare, or soap box, we all paid for. and cabal is privatizing info/profits after they socialized the development costs to the taxpayers.

6 years ago

sorry, meant “cartel money” not “cabal money”.

6 years ago

A present from the cabal?

Sanders cuts head on shower door, receives 7 stitches

Jason in KT
6 years ago

Looks like the SpecOpsMonkey twitter account is shut down.