News Briefs – 03/07/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

Tommy Robinson pays a visit to the home of the guy who was broadcasting the address where his wife and kids were staying to Antifa and Jihadi groups:

We are facing pure evil. And even if I disagreed with Tommy on 90% of the issues, there is morality in joining with him to eradicate this evil, just for the purpose of doing good. Of course this specific guy is probably just a Cabal foot soldier. In my experience, focusing retribution on their drones is what they prefer, so generally I would focus on generating a threat to Cabal’s infrastructure more generally, usually threatening exposure of something they want hidden, and then hold that in abeyance with an expectation Cabal will keep their drones in check.

Make of this what you will. A video which claims to show an initial flash of gunfire from Paddock’s hotel room (far above the V and E in the Harvest sign), and possibly a passing helicopter returning fire, before Paddock opened fire on the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Vegas (begins at 2:15, and hard to see unless full screen). Video could be altered, some say it is a reflection on the hotel window, and navigation lights on the helo (though the nav lights seem to be irregular in their repetition), and you do not hear gunfire. But interesting, as a reflection in the window seems statistically unlikely:

Billionaire diamond trader goes in for a penis enhancement in a Paris clinic, and whatever they injected into his penis caused complications and killed him. He probably never even knew he had coverage, and figured as a Cabalite (billionaire = high probability) he would be safe.

Remember Apotex, the Pharma company owned by the Canadian billionaire who was found hanged with his wife? The company has just recalled birth control it produced, because women who take it may be taking placebos, and get pregnant. So Planned Parenthood is being defunded. With all the public outcry over abortions, they are probably on the wane for social reasons. Politicians are taking measures to allow more abortions to happen, so they want more dead babies for some reason. They are even talking about legalizing births, where they set the baby aside alive, and allow it to die if the mom doesn’t want it. And suddenly a Cabal Pharma company has accidently shipped out placebo birth control, so lots of r-selected women will have sex, get pregnant, and then get an abortion. The question is, what do they need all these dead babies for?

Swedish Prime Minister refuses to strip citizenship from ISIS fighters, welcomes them all back. He knows. He is doing this because he was told to.

New Florida Agriculture Commissioner is revoking concealed weapons permits based on non-existent court orders, and then making gun owners prove their innocence, so they can wait four weeks for a response on whether they will get their license back. I’ll bet the revocations are not random.

Rich neighborhoods being exempted from 5G requirements.

Second US Judge says Citizenship question on Census is no good – issue now goes to the Supreme Court.

Immigration is so screwed up, we have pickpocket tourists who drift through the US for a few weeks, and then go home. New York Times won’t mention immigration status, but this is probably one more problem the Wall will solve.

Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital was linked up with Huawei. I keep getting blown away. Cabal controlled everything. It controlled who got money, who got media, who got connections, who had the regulatory pathway’s cleared. Where I really saw it was guns. By 17 I knew an enormous amount about guns. How they worked, what was required, why, locking lugs, gas blocks, roller locks, sears, pistons, impingement, delayed blowback, chamber pressures, extractors, safety systems. And I was far from alone. Historically, out of the millions of guys like me, a few would always take it to the next step. They’d get a milling machine, a lathe, and a drill press and begin tinkering in the garage with improvements on what they had learned, and occasionally even entirely new designs. It created names we all would come to recognize. John M Browning. Sam Colt. Bill Ruger. Eugene Stoner. Uziel Gal. Gaston Glock. The names became synonymous with the weapons they designed. You don’t see that today. Who designed any major weapons system designed today? We don’t get names, we get companies. H&K. Fabrique National. Smith and Wesson. Remington Arms. Every major weapons producer is a major conglomerate, with almost no opportunity for a lone gun maker in his garage to break into the industry, even though the key element of weapons design is not generating complexity, but stripping it away to make a design as simple as possible, with as little to go wrong as possible, and as few machining processes as possible. There should be a machinist in his garage somewhere figuring out how to make a present design simpler, with less moving parts, less to do to make it, and less to go wrong. With weak points redesigned to be stronger. But I don’t see it. I either see older designs like ARs and 1911’s being tweaked, or brand new designs like SCARs and pump action double-barrel shotguns that took entire teams of nameless engineers to produce. Where is that garage machinist of old who would create the next big arms company? I will bet there are ten or twenty or more killer gun designs out there, that never got publicity, never got funding, and ended up sitting in somebody’s garage as a failed idea, because the world didn’t work today, the way it used to.

Chinese immigration smuggling rings are recycling young people to smuggle adults into the US as families to bypass immigration laws.

There were lots of studies on social media users, testing how changes to their news feeds would control how they felt and what they did. Pretty crazy – the government taking over your news feed and curating your incoming information, to see if they could make you sad, or happy, or angry, or depressed. If you said government did that to you, you would sound like a loon. And yet, there they were, doing it to people. And I will bet in some cases, watching them in real life to document the effects.

House oversight committee is planning to dig into voter suppression in the Georgia election. Despite the fact that under the Constitution, elections are purely the purview of the state.

Due to flaws in how the software running self-driving cars works, they may be more likely to run over black people. Might be a good publicity lever to slow the widespread roll out of them. Because once they roll out, they will be used to kill people Cabal does not like. A lot.

Diverse French youth on motorbike flee police by driving on one side of bus, Police drive on other side, bus driver makes way for Police and squashes youth against a wall. Now Muslims are rioting. All Cabal’s plan.

New York City Homicides have spiked 30% the first two months of 2019.

Illegal immigration in 2019 is set to be three times the rate of 2017. Something big is afoot.

Kentucky Secretary of State’s Office was pulling files on citizens and political rivals left and right. Sounds like Cabal was filling out it’s files. Mark my words – they were operatives under orders, and it is everywhere.

Ancient massacre of children in Peru may have been a sacrifice to try and stop bad weather. Why is it, throughout the world, across cultures, across geographical barriers, this idea is such a universal commonality, that if you kill innocent children, ideally sexual virgins, you will get good fortune? Especially since killing the best and most innocent of the next generation would seem, logically, to be a process that would likely produce failure in a society.

Bill Kristol says conservatism would be better off had Hillary won.

Dem lawmaker introduces measure to lower voting age to 16. They point to student gun control activists as justification. Why is it we hold the nation in such low esteem you are allowed to vote before you are old enough to drink?

Now a source close to Hillary says she has not closed the door on 2020.

North Carolina’s overturned House Election featured Ballot Harvesting, which now is in the crosshairs of legislators. I almost wonder if that Republican consultant did that purposely, so now Dems can be shamed into making it illegal, and preventing another debacle like in California again.

Rape is so common among migrants that ICE gives every 10 year old girl a pregnancy test. Is there any aspect of Cabal’s operations that is not entirely horrific?

Hispanic Caucus says DACA is not enough, they want Amnesty for all.

Georgia High School students get tested for Tuberculosis after a case emerges at their high school.

Belgian Politician and Brexit coordinator Guy Verhofstadt says the next round of elections is the last chance to stave off a populist nightmare. Says, “without a statist Brussels takeover — which would see Eurocrats create an EU army, seize control over national borders, migration and bloc-wide energy policy, and even “organise the internet in a European way” — a populist “nightmare will become reality”.” He also wants to go further than the EU and merge Europe with Africa into one “economic zone.” Probably so Europe could more easily trade cars and DNA synthesizers for Shrunken heads and hand-carved Ivory penises.

Illegal alien who murdered Mollie Tibbits now wants them to throw out his murder confession.

Wisconsin Governor wants to give illegals driver’s licenses and ID Cards. So they can vote.

Somebody wrote a climate change paper designed to trigger amygdalae, and it is so effective it is sending people into profound depressions and therapy. What always struck me in the martial arts was how many times you would see a scenario, and your instinct was to resist it, and fight it. But what you learned was to do exactly the opposite of what your instincts said. This reminds me of that. We want to say Climate change is not our fault, and no problem anyway. But here, these leftists were wrecked by someone saying it is an enormous problem, it is all our fault, and it is so bad there is nothing we can do about it. Interesting. To steal a line from Hank Hill, with leftists, your strategy needs to be always putting more stress on a structure that was never up to code to begin with.

Crazy gardener in Germany got in arguments with people, set boobytrapped bombs to kill them, then was found dead. One former enemy was killed in a blast, and now everyone who had a beef with him has to watch their step.

Somali Gangs, including Madhiban With Attitude, and the Somali Outlaws, are at war, and turning Minneapolis into a war zone. We should take bets on how long it will be before technicals are rolling through the streets. There is a very good chance that one day we are going to have to use the military to recapture parts of America. All because of leftism and the Cabal supporting it.

US Government tracks journalists through a secret database. Notice how you do not hear journalists complaining, or even talking about it. Are they afraid of being killed, Michael Hastings style? Is this their “real boss” doing it and they are afraid of losing their jobs? Do they like it because it helps their conspiracy maintain control? Also notice Trump is not yet in full control of all this (or else they would complain), so even saying it is the government is not quite accurate.

Federal Appeals Court set to unseal and reveal more details about the Epstein case. Court arguments included more allegations Dershowitz was among those who partook of Epstein’s underaged girls. Is Dershowitz trying to save himself by aligning with Trump?

Here are the ten Republican traitors opposing Trump’s National Emergency.

Russia passes law giving people 15 days in jail for disrespecting government. Notice had George Bush not been Cabal and done this, he would have been locking up Cabalites. I used to adhere to those old principles of the myth, but facing Cabal, you do what you have to.

An Alabama court is allowing the father of an aborted baby to sue on behalf of his child, thereby extending human rights to an unborn baby.

China’s super-rich are bailing, because they think that China’s leaders don’t know what they are doing, and will crash the economy. Unsaid is they fear they are overmatched in facing off with Trump.

New Samsung TV may have a wireless power transmitter, eliminating the power cord. Somebody get ahold of Tesla’s old papers?

US specifically targets Spanish Speakers for return to Mexico while their asylum applications are heard. Another nugget of intel. Cabal is flooding Spanish speakers through the border, for some purpose. Is it just their recruiting operations are strongest in South and Central America?

Nadler’s son works for a firm suing Trump, which means Nadler should be conflicted out and have to recuse in any investigation of Trump, since his son stands to gain.

Georgia State Senate passes a bill to protect the State’s monuments.

Miami US Attorney’s office recuses itself from Epstein case.

Whites-only town started in South Africa. Cabal will immediately begin infiltration operations.

Trudeau loses another cabinet minister who has lost faith in his administration’s handling of its scandals.

Trump to scrap trade privilege for India.

Illinois will lose billions of dollars and a congressional seat if residents dodge the census. Such as if illegals avoid it to avoid creating a record that could be used to deport them, because the census inquires about citizenship.

Ford scraps a plan to build cars in Mexico, will expand its Michigan plant instead.

Spread r/K Theory, because the immigration is being surged because somebody is afraid of something.

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6 years ago

>”In my experience, focusing retribution on their drones is what they prefer, so generally I would focus on generating a threat to Cabal’s infrastructure more generally”

Bingo. Its stupid to try to get a gate-keeping shill in harm’s way, the way you exploit their deployment is via communication (getting them harmed only increases the noise level (drama) and it makes people who don’t understand their role as gate keepers trust them more (“oh look at him, he is such a threat to the deep-state that they want him dead” kind of reaction)). You expose WHAT they are not allowed to show to their audience that is it (also, I wonder many times how many of those gate-keeping shills are nothing more than useful idiots at the end of the day who got in the game without really knowing what they were getting into until it was too late (as in, might have been approached before they knew that there was more to the subversion of the West but the Muslim Question, for example)).
Reposting this link related: ;

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
6 years ago


6 years ago

“We want to say Climate change is not our fault, and no problem anyway. But here, these leftists were wrecked by someone saying it is an enormous problem, it is all our fault, and it is so bad there is nothing we can do about it”

Agree and amplify is a good term for the rhetorical tactic.

re Kristol. That is what a liss of moral authority looks like. His tactics are still the same, shame, outgroup, casting his way as the moral choice. He is openly mocked for it now and yet he does not adapt. These people are stupid.

Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

About human sacrifice:

In the book ‘The Masks of God: Primitive Mythology’ by Joseph Campbell. He writes a lot about the ancient and long history of animal and human sacrifice. Most is to appease the gods so that their survival is improved.

Though I think the torture and human sacrifice by the Cabal is for reasons of black magic and evil, to increase their power and control of the seen and unseen worlds.

Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

Regarding Minneapolis and one reason why it is overrun with violent Somalis:

In the book ‘Breaking the Chain’ there is a section entitled, ‘How the Illuminati are Organized in the United States’:

“The Illuminati have groups in every major city of the United States.
They originally entered the U.S. through Pittsburgh, Pa., and from there, spread across the US. There are 18 cities across the US, which are considered major “power centers” for Illuminati power and/or influence. These include: Washington, DC and the surrounding areas; Albany, New York; Pittsburgh, Pa; the “golden triangle” of the Winston Salem, Raleigh, NC area; Minneapolis, Minn; Ann Arbor, Mich; Wichita, Kan.; Phoenix, Az.;Portland, Or.; Flagstaff, Az.; Seattle, Wash.; Houston, TX; Los Angeles,CA. and surrounding areas; Atlanta, Ga.; New Orleans, La., Springfield,Miss.

6 years ago

[…] Anonymous Conservative’s posts before. But if you want to know the truth about Facebook, you should read this post of his. Regular people like me who’ve researched this previously knew about the origins of Facebook. […]

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

As to Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital, I’ve heard significant reports of Cabal infilitration into the Mormon Church. And I’ve seen several coincidences on a local level that would indicate this. The Mormon Church is perfect for this: The act like a neighborhood watch; very snoopy and nosy to neighbors. They run world wide missionary operations. They’ve quite a presence in intel and law enforcement. They have good operational security, follow orders without question, etc.,

Watch them closely going into 2020. The natural inclination of the membership is to vote conservative, but I’d not be surprised to see them move in some ways to Anti-Trump if things became critical.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

Bingo, somebody in the FBI once told me that Mormons are loved by intel because of their trustworthiness and ability to follow orders. They usually don’t have the normal fuck ups that disqualify the majority of people.
Perhaps there is a deeper reason why they are so valued.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Spectrely
6 years ago

A deeper reason that they are so valued? Yes, it’s interesting to think about. I find the claims of Cabal entanglement I’ve heard about to be credible, so it makes one wonder when the infiltration occurred. I’m sure there is an interesting history there. Obviously LDS went a long time facing great hostility. Somehow they moved into a kind of mainstream acceptability. Perhaps the value is that they serve as good intel gatherers in various communities as well as being obedient and skilled at keeping secrets. And then being able to turn voters out for local elections. This is very important as it makes it much easier for Cabal if they can just get their people into office and not have to pressure others.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

The full significance of the Q drops about Facebook surveillance haven’t set in. There are a number of people who would say things like, “Oh, I’m not doing anything wrong, they aren’t going to waste their time coming to get me.”

What these people don’t consider is that intel just might be going straight to cabal who could make it available to their cronies. Now that could be very helpful if Cabal wants you to go out of business so that their cronies can take your market share. Or they have a vendetta against your family and want to find out information that will create a series of bad luck.

Yes, this violation of privation is upsetting. But being afraid of it being misused by a police state overreach is the least of my concerns. It’s really kind of amazing that all of our literature warning us about such overreach in surveillance technology has us all looking in the wrong direction: at law enforcement agencies. When the real threat is actually organized crime. These installed biases in the minds of the masses will make the government’s job of taking down cabal that much more difficult.

6 years ago

Check out the lyrics to this song:

Hunger Strike by Temple of the Dog

I don’t mind stealin’ bread from the mouths of decadence
But I can’t feed on the powerless when my cup’s already overfilled, yeah
But it’s on the table, the fire’s cookin’
And they’re farmin’ babies, while the slaves are all workin’
Blood is on the table and the mouths are all chokin’
But I’m goin’ hungry, yeah

“Cornell stated that the lyrics for “Hunger Strike” express “somewhat of a political, socialist statement.”[4] The song puts forth the theme of stealing bread to give to the poor and protesting insolidarity with them via a hunger strike after witnessing injustice in food distribution.”

Or more accurately………..he is talking about babies getting farmed as FOOD for the elites.

Of course, he suicided as well.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Feasting on the kids of the slaves, I would imagine. Seems to fit in with the dining room shit on Epstein’s island.

I think this song is from the early 90’s.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Hunger Strike was part of the debut album of the band Temple of the Dog. From the infogalactic: “…. was conceived by vocalist Chris Cornell of Soundgarden as a tribute to his friend, the late Andrew Wood, lead singer of the bands Malfunkshun and Mother Love Bone. The line-up included Stone Gossard on rhythm guitar, Jeff Ament on bass guitar (both ex-members of Mother Love Bone), Mike McCready on lead guitar, Matt Cameron on drums, and Eddie Vedder providing some lead and backing vocals.” (

According to the article, Chris wrote most of the lyrics while on tour in Europe with Soundgarden. Its seem like Chris got hint of something going on in the shadow. More to the point is the death of his roommate, Wood is bit interesting in terms of the Cabal. According to the infogalactic, Wood went to rehab to get clean before the debut of first album of the band Mother Love Bone. From the article about his death:

“On March 16, 1990, Wood was found in a comatose state by his girlfriend, having overdosed on heroin.[1][11] Wood was taken to Harborview Hospital and placed on life support. Despite being responsive, Wood had suffered a hemorrhage aneurysm, losing all brain function. On March 19 physicians suggested that Wood be removed from life support.[1][2]” (

What are the odd that Cabal was using his addiction to control Wood. Mother Love Bone was becoming one of the premier bands of the alternative scene at the time and who have been lovely assets to control. Wood didn’t want to be druggie no more and Cabal decide to give him overdose for his actions of trying to be ‘clean’. Chris slip that line in there as warning to Cabal in the alt scene, leave me the fuck alone. The funny part is Hunger Strike is the most well known song from the album. Chris was left alone until he was willing to help someone with the child trafficking.

Just thought on why that line was put there in the song from everything you told us about the Cabal and the world.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

The thing about human sacrifice to keep in mind is that outside of literature and movies, I am unaware of any culture that engaged in the sacrifice of its own people. No, they don’t take the most beautiful virgins and sacrifice them. I’ve not found a single case of that.

What they do is “sacrifice” those deemed to be criminals or those captured from other populations/tribes/etc.

We are the same. We wrap our death penalty around trappings of ritual and formality and pretend that it’s going to somehow make us safer, all evidence notwithstanding.

The cabal doesn’t look at killing our citizens as killing their own. We’re a conquered population and, according to them, deserve our fate. The fact that these people don’t even have the decency to identify themselves as enemies makes them the lowest form of scum in human history. War has always been surrounded by ideas of honor, fairness, and the idea that some things are simply beyond the pale. As arbitrary as these rules may seem, they brought some form of humaneness to an inhumane practice. Cabal dispenses with any and all of these notions entirely.

“We’re living in a time, an age that we never thought possible before. The vicious barbarism we read about in history books, but never thought we’d see it in our so-called modern- day world. Who would have thought we would be witnessing what we’re witnessing today.

We’ve got to be very strong, very, very smart, and we’ve got to come together not only as a nation, but as a world community.”

-President Trump speaking at the Al Smith Dinner for Catholic Charities.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

When you get right down to it, gangstalking is nothing more than the ritualized torture and execution, sacrifice, of the “enemy.” It’s the most gruesome kill that can be devised. These people are sick. Sick beyond the ability of most to truly comprehend.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

The post on child sacrifice in South America combined with something I was recently contemplating to leave me with some questions about the truth behind what was happening in South America, specifically Chile and Argentina, in the 1970s.

I was thinking about the cabal in this country and the challenges to full eradicating it. It’ll take more than anything alluded to by Q. This is an organization with millennia of experience in criminal activity and covering their tracks. Our justice system will not be up to the task. Yes, it can be used to definitely soften them up. But final clean-up will take painstaking effort. I was thinking about what that effort might look like.

The big risk, IMO, is that we simply replace one cabal with another. This time, an aristocracy based upon military families, most likely. Cabal is fascism, of course. And the effort to fight them may require some of the same dirty tricks being played on them.

Which got me wondering: were south american death squads an attempt to deal with cabal under circumstances where the judicial system was either compromised or not up to the task?

It also got me wondering about the Falkland’s War. I’m really curious about what started that, as in some ways it appears Galtieri was duped into thinking that he’d have US support or at the very least the US wouldn’t get involved. The US put up a front of not supporting the UK, but there’s reason to believe the US provided plenty of intelligence.

Was Galtieri tricked into seizing the Falklands, convinced by Cabal that Britain wouldn’t fight, so that Cabal could re-establish control in Argentina?

6 years ago

maybe this will change but AUS looks like an area to watch. trump’s new ambassador to AUS, Culvahouse, was confirmed in Nov 18. but he isnt seated there yet. but a bunch of top AUS politicians have stepped down since the DECLAS threat in Sep 18.

6 years ago

The voting age should be moved upwards to 30 not down to 16.

I particularly liked your comments on gun design, I am a self taught gun designer but I have come to believe that I will never be able to produce or sell my designs unless Q is real and Trump succeeds at making America great again.
(Not to mention other inventions I have)

If Barr prosecutes Epstein will it be the Epstein-Barr case?

Epstein-Barr virus
The Epstein–Barr virus, also called human herpesvirus 4, is one of eight known human herpesvirus types in the herpes family, and is one of the most common viruses in humans.
More at Wikipedia

6 years ago

I lived in Ann Arbor for many years and there is no hint of anything like cabal there. It’s just a stupid liberal town, that’s all.

6 years ago

That’s a response to Mountain Farmer.

Mountain Farmer
Reply to  Epic
6 years ago

Other books list Ann Arbor as an Illuminati center:
“The New Underworld Order: Triumph of Criminalism the Global Hegemony”

You may not necessarily see anything unusual. One of the points of this blog is that the Cabal are secretive and most people don’t notice that the Cabal are in control.

Do some research on Ann Arbor and the Illuminati. Then see what you believe.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Absolutely right on the elusive, lurking, invisible quality.

More to the point just look at what’s in Ann Arbor: Lots of incoming tax revenue/grants. Lots of government employees who are having some influence on people, in this case university professors. Lots of bright young people looking to be future leaders/influencers.

By that alone I can tell you that the city is likely to be absolutely infested.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago


The best evidence you’ve provided for ordinary citizens being under surveillance that I can remember was that video of the guy sitting on a bicycle looking in the general direction of the camera while a bunch of ordinary people and cars went by. It seemed interesting at first but did you notice that that video was ~10 years old and that was the best evidence that the poster could muster over that time? So the guy was obsessing for 10 years about this one incident and he couldn’t come up with anything more persuasive? Just a little harmless (?) paranoia, that’s all.

Re your personal experience:

“fogged with chemicals” That seems hard to do without poisoning the whole neighborhood including your surveillance. You should be able to test that out by taking swabs of hard surfaces inside your house & take them for testing. You might be better off, tho if you invested in putting infiltration barriers and good air filtration in your house. If you live in a cold climate you should be able to find a contractor who can do a good job of that and save money on your heating bill.

“painted with energy…brain tumors” I think you said that you had a degree in some hard science, maybe physics. If so, then you should know that electromagnetic radiation needs to interact with human tissue to do damage to a person. Most of the wavelengths that are absorbed by your body are not going to pass thru walls. Still you can protect yourself from any EM waves by building a Faraday cage. Particle beams could do some damage but those can be blocked by mass. Same with ultrasound. Solution to those types of attacks: build a Faraday cage in your basement surrounded by plenty of mass and sleep there or go there any time you feel under attack.

Don’t be a victim. Protect yourself, even if it is just from yourself. Don’t to publish this comment if you would prefer not to.

Reply to  Epic
6 years ago


Also, some people are reporting adverse health effects of 5 gigahertz wifi, such as decreased clarity of thought, muscle weakness & tingling, probably due to neurological interference. You could try simply try turning off your wifi, if you have one, when you aren’t using it and see if you feel better. I’d give it a couple of days off to see if that makes a difference. If so, then you could disable the 5 gig signal permanently, assuming your router has one. Also, new cell phone towers have a 6 gig signal. I’m not sure what the physiological effects of that might be but you might want to check if there are any of those in your neighborhood.

Reply to  Epic
6 years ago

Roundup has no smell; of course other herbicides might. In my experience tho insecticides have the kind of smell you describe.

“there was a time I could barely see one house from my backyard at any position and I could only see maybe ten feet of road, mostly obscured by leaves.”

How long a time period elapsed? Tree growth can surpress undergrowth and increase sight lines and visibility in 10 years.

What about the workers who unleashed the dense suspicious clouds? Did they do it only when upwind of you? Did they wear any air filters? Do have evidence that they were targeting you specifically? If so why? Why would Cabal target r/k back then? You have a lot of ideas that I find interesting but I don’t see why Cabal would target you.

Reply to  Epic
6 years ago


Thanks for making the effort to provide detailed responses to my points & questions. I remain skeptical but interested.

Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

Mountain Farmer,

I did a google search for ‘illuminati “ann arbor”‘ and looked thru the first 4 or 5 pages of results and the only thing I got that wasn’t a joke was several references to the same writing by “Svali”, which didn’t provide any facts or references for why Ann Arbor is a center for the Illuminati; it was all just assertions.

Gotta give me something a lot stronger than that to convince me that your assertion has weight. Can you?

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Epic
6 years ago

I’m curious as to what you think compelling evidence of the presence of the cabal (or Illuminati, even though I believe those are different things) would look like. When you’re in a city, how do you know if there’s a network that there seeks to hide itself from the view of commoners?

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

No Name,
I was not claiming that I had compelling evidence. I wanted to see what MF’s evidence was since he was making the claim.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

The first article you linked to there is about Michigan State University, which is “the other one down the street” in East Lansing, and the one involved in the Nassar pedo scandal.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

When I was in A2 I actually worked for an organization that did ”war research” and had a Secret security clearance. You might think that that would be a Cabal operation but the guys who worked there were all doofuses, except for me of course. That touches on one of the reasons I am sceptical of a wide spread cabal of evil doers: it takes a bright, energetic and intelligent person to do something like working a normal job while spending his spare time running Cabal ops. Further, most such people want to do good, not evil.

6 years ago

Q said “we are saving Israel for last”
Perhaps that is further evidence that AOC actually works for Trump since she made an issue about supporting Omar’s Israel statements?

6 years ago

“New poll: Americans’ support for Israel declines to lowest point in a decade”

We have to do better frens, these are rookie numbers.

Top kek comments in the thread.

“The Lobby: USA” documentary:

>Some scenes:
-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.
-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation of Palestine.
-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel (part of Canary Mission)
-AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) members buy out Congressman using pre-paid credit cards which are given to them inside an envelope