I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub :
That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.
An interesting interview with Fritz Springmeier, on the Illuminati and their use of mind control. I strongly suspect some of the intel is good. The idea of them using WWII to wipe out all shipping fleets, while not allowing either side to touch any ships from those owned by Illuminati/Cabal families is brilliant. And it could happen everywhere. Imagine you had a car company, and the war started, and suddenly steel was rationed, it would only be given to companies with war contracts, and those only went to Cabal families. Everything could be monopolized like that, on a global scale. It might have been a world war not for geopolitical reasons, but specifically because Cabal had spread over the globe, and they had decided to take it all over, all at once. Now picture the War on Terror, and the restrictive rules of engagement, where Commanders in the field could not engage any enemy, without expressly asking permission from the upper leadership at the White House. Was that because we were afraid of civilian casualties, or was Cabal making sure Afghans who worked for their opium production/terrorist enterprises didn’t get hurt, while those with poppy fields they wanted, or who competed with their terrorists for leadership positions got wasted with prejudice.
Still, this field is unlike most fields of study in that you have very powerful forces launching intelligence-type operations to seed disinformation – and they are operating against less prepared and less capable opponents like Springmeier which are desperate for any crumb of intelligence since everything is so secret to begin with. So I take everything with a grain of salt, especially claims of superpowers to insert thoughts at a distance using “frequencies.” I understand the minute levels of electrical charges involved in nerve activation, the unique, randomly developed nature of the randomized mishmash of millions of such charges in each individual’s brain, all masking each other, which should produce an almost quantum-fog-like, indecipherable haze of electrical activity of a level that even the entirety of all of it put together should be near undetectable at even short distances, let alone measuring an individual action potential discharge alone, let alone teasing one individual discharge of action potential out of the buzz at a distance, let along combining measurements of millions to tease out thoughts. He also claims as many as 2 million Americans are under the influence of mind control. It is not clear to me how he defines that, so he may be including those influenced by media into thinking Donald Trump is evil and destroying America, while Hillary would have saved us, which might be a gross underestimation. Though it would be interesting if the massive surveillance state was getting that big, and couldn’t hide itself any more, because it had to monitor all of those people because they were all programmed assets that needed control. Now I am wondering if the TIPS program was really cover to produce enough “handlers” to manage all of the MK Ultra Windup Toys they were in the process of creating. Such wild times to see all of this in the process of exposure.
Late term abortionist says saving babies who survive abortions is ignorant. Given how the baby could be spirited into another room, supported, and then adopted by a loving family without any effect on the birth mother, it really highlights how they need that baby to die.
Internal Facebook leak reveals global bribery scheme to relax privacy laws all over the world.
Clapper now claims he didn’t lie to congress about spying on Americans, he just misunderstood the question. We need a law that allows a citizen to use, as a legal defense, that a political leader or powerful person did the same thing with no punishment, and thereby invalidated the law by practical precedent. Once Clapper lies, he either gets punished, or the entire system loses the power to punish others for the same thing. It would have neutralized all congressional investigations for this administration, or Clapper would have had to go to jail for a long, long, time.
North Korea rebuilding a launch pad and engine test stand. Could just be part of a script which allows young Kim to gain face as a hard negotiator. If he is actually going to be freed from his handlers, and one day lead North Korea himself, he will need it. There are undoubtedly some bad assed Nork Special Forces Generals standing right behind him, who would have killed him long ago and seized power were he not a puppet.
UK will block access to porn, unless you hand over your ID online and let yourself be tracked, or pay a tax. Will probably block a lot of other stuff “accidently,” so everyone will just give in and hand over their ID.
CBS Austin talks about record-breaking migration overwhelming federal agencies. Sounds like a national emergency.
Also: New York Times says border is at the breaking point. Their solution is to tear down any border walls.
More migrant families captured at the border in five months than in any previous full year.
Finnish Police make a big deal out of a Soldiers of Odin video set to rock music that declares open season on rapists and pedophiles. Subtext – rapists and pedophiles are protected.
AOC is denying her campaign funneled $1 million through LLCs to her top aide.
AOC says she would have voted against retaliation over 9/11. I pimp this woman in this blog because I love her. When she is done with the democrats, there will be nothing left.
Nadler threatens to drag Ivanka into the House probe. A sign of panic, but also a sign of the evil being faced. Think you, as an average citizen with no power, would ever have been allowed, by these people, to have any say in government? Think they would have hesitated to destroy you when their power was absolute? We lived in a dictatorship, made to look like a democracy.
British Government threatens to cut all trade tariffs if no Brexit deal is cut. Clearly a threat to Brits to wreck the economy over Brexit.
Minneapolis imports Somalis from Mogadishu, now community is reeling from violence.
Cops bust man in New Jersey with over 40lbs of fentanyl. A fairly regular occurrence of late.
Multiple sources list the Mueller Report for sale, with a release date of March 26th. Not clear if they know something we do not.
Disputed NSA phone monitoring program is shut down.
55 migrants caught at the border need free medical treatment every day.
Orban warns Europe of a second migrant crisis that will be even bigger than the last one. He’s right. When K hits, the aid to Africa will stop, and everyone down there will either pick up and head for Europe or die.
Not entirely clear how sourced the site is, but an interesting article if true on the Bush Family’s links to Paraguay. It says Prescott Bush helped Nazis escape to South America after WWII. The Bush’s just bought almost 100,000 acres there, and this site says there is no extradition treaty.
#BREAKING Counter terrorism police launch investigation after three explosive devices were found at transport hubs across London on Tuesday afternoon. pic.twitter.com/Ha4zQaHSSh
— Breaking News Crime&Terrorism Alerts (@BreakingNewsTA) March 5, 2019
Cabal is renewing old relationships:
#BREAKING At least 2 of the 3 London explosive devices had Irish stamps on the packages.
— Breaking News Crime&Terrorism Alerts (@BreakingNewsTA) March 5, 2019
JUST IN: 76,000 illegal immigrants apprehended at the US/Mexico border in February alone. 76,000 illegal aliens would’ve cost the American tax payer approximately $6,232,000,000 per year.
— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) March 5, 2019
BREAKING: @AOC & her chief of staff are looking at possible serious prison sentences over major violations in election law. Coordinating with a PAC that supports you in an election is illegal. AOC ran the PAC, which is worse than coordinating with a PAC. AOC denies violations.
— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) March 5, 2019
BREAKING: Robert Mueller, in a sentencing memo, says Paul Manafort has failed to accept responsibility for his crimes, and is instead shifting blame "to everyone from the Special Counsel's Office to his Ukranian clients." Manafort faces up to 24 years in prison – Bloomberg
— LIVE Breaking News (@NewsBreaking) March 5, 2019
Liberal billionaire Tom Steyer is setting his sights on two of President Donald Trump’s fiercest defenders in Congress: Republican Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Mark Meadows of North Carolina https://t.co/hkhxAsVlO0
— POLITICO (@politico) March 5, 2019
NEW: Judge Jackson scolds Roger Stone in a new order over his latest book intro ripping Mueller and demands a March 11 status report "detailing his efforts to come into compliance with the court's rulings" on the gag order. Link here: https://t.co/BfvJNrsxeJ
— Darren Samuelsohn (@dsamuelsohn) March 5, 2019
Statement on Chairman Nadler’s fishing expedition. pic.twitter.com/tBsVzrtGYg
— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) March 5, 2019
Hans Von Spakovsky, “I haven’t seen any evidence of actual violations of the law, which is usually a basis before you start an investigation. Adam Schiff seems to be copying Joseph McCarthy in wanting to open up investigations when they don’t have any evidence of wrongdoing.”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 6, 2019
The greatest overreach in the history of our Country. The Dems are obstructing justice and will not get anything done. A big, fat, fishing expedition desperately in search of a crime, when in fact the real crime is what the Dems are doing, and have done!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 5, 2019
Fischer Sand And Gravel is offering to build 224 miles of President Trump’s Border Wall for $1.4 billion. Says he can do it half price with paved roads, technology installs, and a warranty. Sounds good, but always tricky, because the standard spook approach is, “I’m here to help, and can do it cheaper/better/faster.” And then they sabotage.
Florida man tries to get on board a plane with a disassembled RPG in his carry-on. It was inert, but still funny to picture.
Bloomberg won’t run in 2020. Interesting he will not even try for second place in the Primary, so he could lead the field in 2024.
British MPs are getting death threats every day, in part due to Brexit. K is building. And don’t think when a vote comes up these rabbits don’t think twice now about their own asses.
Marijuana is now producing functional degrees in chemistry and husbandry.
New Home sales unexpectedly jump 3.7%. Under Obama we were always “unexpectedly” doing worse, under Trump we are always unexpectedly doing better.
The Second Amendment Sanctuary movement among Sheriffs continues to grow. If they can do it with Weed and Illegal Criminals, why not guns? But it does not bode well for our unity as a nation. This refusing to acknowledge the old boundaries we set up is a harbinger of the splintering of our nation. Either we redraw the boundaries peacefully so rural citizens do not need to live under the neurotic tyranny of the looney SJW left in the cities, or those boundaries will one day be drawn by force in a way that will not allow any ties to remain.
Nicholas Sandman has a pretty good case against the WaPo.
Bradley/Chelsea Manning will have to testify in front of a Grand Jury. They think it is WikiLeaks, or at least that is what the media is saying. But this is the character who may have been a CIA plant tasked with destroying Military Intelligence for the CIA, who Obama then gave a full pardon to. And he appears to be a flake. It will be interesting to see if he survives until trial.
WaPo admits Trump’s support among Latinos is real and will not fade.
UC Berkeley attacker gets felony charges.
Trump hints the White House may tell the Democrats Investigating in the House to go pound sand.
Feds Bust a sophisticated ID lab in Oregon which was providing all sorts of fake IDs and documents all over America. Sounds like the type of thing a covert intelligence operation, taking over America, would have working for it.
Florida lawmakers introduce a bill to fight social media censorship.
Rand Paul and Tom Udall enter a bill to end the War in Afghanistan.
Six more US Attorneys hired on in Utah.
GOP flipped a seat in an Kentucky Special Election. An election without the biyearly flood of illegals that parallels our national elections.
RealClearPolitics average approval rating for Trump continues to climb. Everything the dems throw, and the public ignores it and sees through to the truth.
Gallup has Trump’s economic approval at a new high.
National Association of Manufacturers says optimism in the manufacturing sector is sky high.
This makes it look suspiciously like Q’s story of Mueller doing a Deep State Cleanout is actually true:
Trump’s former White House lawyer Ty Cobb said that special counsel Robert Mueller is an "American hero" and that the probe he is leading is not a "witch hunt" https://t.co/F3mHYWuzfn
— POLITICO (@politico) March 5, 2019
Minecraft creator notch goes all in on supporting Q, saying this to his 3.69 million twitter followers:
check out prayingmedic on yt pic.twitter.com/7SaGqefjNI
— Notch (@notch) March 6, 2019
Trump is planning to tap the U.S. attorney in Washington, D.C., Jessie Liu, to fill the long-vacant No. 3 position at the Justice Department, the White House announced Tuesday https://t.co/MJlOyyGDO4
— POLITICO (@politico) March 6, 2019
Sen. Rand Paul on Tuesday railed against government-mandated vaccines, suggesting they infringe on personal rights https://t.co/1vLziOFugt
— POLITICO (@politico) March 5, 2019
JUST IN: ICE arrests more than 20 released in New York after detainers ignored – https://t.co/6PPkGq8gtO pic.twitter.com/xSOewLJ1ci
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) March 5, 2019
BREAKING: 500 ISIS fighters surrender in terror group's last Syrian enclave – CNN
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) March 5, 2019
"American people held hostage… weaponization of the Intelligence Community" – @SaraCarterDC on @seanhannity's @FoxNews show.
Absolutely. And don't forget the resultant terror threats those acts incited, "intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population"
18 U.S.C. §?2331— Carter Page, Ph.D. (@carterwpage) March 6, 2019
President Trump on House Democrats launching broad probe: "I guess we got 81 letters…They want to do that instead of getting legislation passed."
"Basically, they've started the campaign. So, the campaign begins."
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) March 5, 2019
Apparently another lie produced in last week’s farce of a hearing. Keep it up Dems. Your credibility is about as good as Cohen’s and/or your economic plans.
I’m sure they’ll investigate!?!? https://t.co/LKvbd5jw2E— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 5, 2019
Weird that all of a sudden the Fake Dossier author (paid for by Hillary and the DNC etc) no longe wants to show up and testify!?!
Spooked? Christopher Steele Cancels Appearance After Cohen Testimony Destroys Dossier Allegation | Zero Hedge https://t.co/P5EJgGYzVl
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 5, 2019
Republican Approval Rating just hit 93%. Sorry Haters! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 5, 2019
“(Crooked) Hillary Clinton confirms she will not run in 2020, rules out a third bid for White House.” Aw-shucks, does that mean I won’t get to run against her again? She will be sorely missed!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 5, 2019
Spread r/K Theory, because we don’t have a Paraguan Bolt-Hole.
It appears the video of HRC saying she wasn’t running was edited. Also the question was asking her if she would 100% rule out running. She didn’t actually answer the question. Her initial response was cut out.
”55 migrants caught at the border need free medical treatment every day.”
This might sound callous but I feel like they should not be treated at all and allowed to perish. No way invasion should be rewarded like this.
“rapists and pedophiles are protected” Wouldn’t be much of a hunt, otherwise. ;o)
“Mueller report” It is “physical evidence” that a rabbit can put on his coffee table, and never have to read or think.
“We need a law that allows a citizen to use, as a legal defense, that a political leader or powerful person did the same thing with no punishment, and thereby invalidated the law by practical precedent. Once Clapper lies, he either gets punished, or the entire system loses the power to punish others for the same thing. It would have neutralized all congressional investigations for this administration, or Clapper would have had to go to jail for a long, long, time.”
That’s a great, simple and elegant solution.
FYI and the readers here. Vox ran a darkstream on the vacuity of conservatism. Correct. What many don’t see is that the Spirit of Conservatism is the Virtue of Righteousness. Many people have never heard of this. St. Peter, at II Peter 1:5, taught “Supplement the Faith with Virtue”. Virtue literally means “to be a man”.
“To righteousness it belongs to be ready to distribute according to desert, and to preserve ancestral customs and institutions and the established laws, and to tell the truth when interest is at stake, and to keep agreements. First among the claims of righteousness are our duties to the gods, then our duties to the spirits, then those to patrida [fatherland] and parents, then those to the departed; and among these claims is piety, which is either a part of righteousness or a concomitant of it. Righteousness is also accompanied by holiness and truth and loyalty and hatred of wickedness.”
For a short history of conservatism and the source of this teaching, in a one page handout:
We are all to exhibit, habitualize, live the Virtue of Righteousness.
Neighborhood watch groups have been weaponized; I see a lot of mind control there. They may have started out as a “good” idea. What about good old-fashioned caring for our neighbors instead of destroying them, mostly in the name of slander?
After an 11 year absence, Naval Special Warfare will reactivate its East Coast SEAL delivery vehicle team in a ceremony slated for March 8 at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story…
By splitting off SDVT-2, the SEALs will beef up their delivery capabilities on the East Coast and in Europe.
An interesting article reference over at The Chateau:
I’m toying with the idea of supporting people like AOC. I’m not saying I’m in the acceleration camp but definitely leaning that way. Hell, I’ll even tell them why I support them. “You guys are extremely bad, as in millions die bad. But if we only get part of your agenda 10’s of millions die over a longer period. We can vote our way into socialism & we’ll shoot our way out of it”