News Briefs – 03/05/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

[Key positions are always interchanging because when someone takes an office, Cabal immediately has a procedure. They do a database analysis, looking for weak points to gain control over the person, or how to investigate/prosecute to stymie or remove them. They deploy surveillance on them and their family to look for weaknesses, to gain insight into their/Trump’s/Q’s plans, gather any blackmail, and make it clear they can affect their comfort level. They begin to try and establish observation posts in nearby houses close to their residence, probably to deploy directed energy weapons on them and their family as well as more sophisticated monitoring tech. If it is not already present, they begin tech installs in the broader neighborhood and any frequent destinations, to better maintain command/control when they travel. There may be other things they begin which we can not even imagine, using technology we would not believe possible. As time goes on, a target does things like take a car for maintenance, or eat out at restaurants, which opens the door to other options. Parents suddenly have to go in the hospital or a nursing home, or they require medical procedures, and that can create leverage, as with McMaster, whose father was killed in the nursing home days after he was fired, in retaliation for his failing to control/stymie Trump. All of that takes resources and manpower from the machine to set up. So Whitaker takes the office, that entire machine moves on him, all that money and effort is spent over several weeks, they get all set up, and suddenly he is gone and a new guy they were not up on has taken his place.How long will the new guy be there? Is it worthwhile to get up on him, if he is about to be replaced?]

[Whether this guy is a genuinely concerned Anon, or a Cabal shrink trying to plant the seeds of frustration in the minds of Anons is probably 50:50. People need to understand, this is literally the fork in the road between us being free, and able to shape our own destiny by our own hands in free volitional interactions with fellow citizens, or having to appeal to a bureaucrat who may very well be a full blown psychopath, in hopes he will shape and grant us a life we find “tolerable,” at his whim. At this point we citizens really have almost no plays. I had a vague plan, but I suspect it would have done little more than expose the machine’s more noxious elements, if it even was able to get to fruition. Clearly Trump and Q have our best shot at beating this. If that plan is helped by informing us, they will. If it isn’t helped by informing us, then they should not, and they will not. And if it is helped by lying to us, then please, lie away and spin that web. The only thing which matters is the ending being successful, at all costs. Unless you signed up for Military Intel twenty years ago, or formed a multibillion dollar real estate empire that lets you tell everyone to go get fucked for fun, you don’t get to be a part of freeing the country, and you don’t get read in on everything. You just offer whatever help you can to amplify whatever signal they give out, and understand the limitations of your role. Q isn’t there to inform us, beyond how it helps the plan, and the bottom line is I think their plan is so good it would succeed without any individual on the web who is watching. Be grateful you get to watch, in real life, the destruction of probably the most well developed, and extensive tyranny this planet has ever seen. Others, millenia from now, will read about this, be blown away, and they will not be seeing one hundredth of the true vision you will see with your own eyes.]
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That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

Just a curious tidbit. I was thinking about Laura Silsby getting arrested at the Haiti/Dominican border trying to slip kids out, and I was thinking about our CIA agents getting driven out of Cuba, and I wondered if they might have decided to avoid any official border crossing by shipping kids out of Haiti over water, to Cuba for further transportation. So I checked on Google Earth, looking at the north- western tip of Haiti. I was looking for any place with water access, a road leading to it, and privacy, and saw an interesting harbor, devoid of any pleasure craft, with a small makeshift earthen projection into the water. All around it were what look kind of like metal shipping containers, maybe some of the metal pipes commonly used to build underground bunkers, and a backhoe. Almost makes me wonder if the containers are holding facilities, and they are installing them and the corrugated pipes underground to lower their profile. The backhoe could even be to dispose of “spoilage” as traffickers call it (Click the image for the better version):

A newer image shows no backhoe, a mound of freshly turned earth, some containers still above ground, and a new building on the plateau above it, which could serve as some sort of overwatch or tech post for monitoring, for counter-surveillance purposes:

UK Supporters of Muslim rape gang threaten to rape female court prosecutors.

Anonymous winner claims $1.5 billion mega-millions prize in South Carolina. Cabal re-upped. Read the article, and look at how hard it sells the idea that the win happened entirely by chance. Just happened to… The winner marveled… “Me thinks thou doth protest too much…”

The first look at how hacked self-driving cars will affect NYC traffic. Imagine a world where Barack Obama’s nutty, hyper triggerable, neurotic SJW apparatchiks conducting your follows can hack autonomous cars and use them to hit you, every day, with no chance of repercussions. And they actually already did it to a sitting President. We were really heading to a bizarre dystopia.

Frontman for the band Prodigy takes his own life. You never know who these guys were before they got into the band. He could have been plucked from the mailroom at MI-6, and installed there after surveillance cut a mix tape of him singing in the shower, and now they don’t want him explaining how he got there, or what they made him do on tape so they’d have blackmail on him.

Luke Perry, actor from Beverley Hills 90210 dies of a stroke at age 52. I suppose these things happen, but it does seem to happen with unusual frequency among the celebrity class.

Jihadi who fled New Zealand and joined ISIS laments he was never able to afford a slave, because decent ones cost $20,000. Radical Islamists are attracted to Islam because of the r-selected promises it offers, and the more r-selected they are, the more desperately the ideology grabs hold of them, and the more aggressively they pursue it.

30,000 lbs of ground beef recalled because it may contain unspecified “Extraneous materials.”

Ilhan Omar still going with the “anti-Semitic” Tweets. The truth is she is right about the Jews she cites supporting Israel over America. But I would ask, is it because they are Jewish, or because they are Democrats? Chuck Schumer would support Israel over America, but he would also support Mexico over America too. He supports Central Americans over Americans, and Africans over Americans, and Afghans over Americans, and on and on. Is it the Jewishness, or the Liberalism behind the treason? I mean you have liberal Jews in Israel that want to import Africa, and that take the Palestinian’s side over Israel. It would head fuck leftists beyond all measure if Conservatives befriended Ilhan on twitter by saying she is right about the treason while trying to explain to her that it is the leftism, not the Judaism.

Firefox uses a cyber security company that has been linked to a cyber espionage campaign.

Muslim Rep Rashida Talib violated law by taking over $17,000 in payments from her campaign after the campaign had ended.

Ocasio-Cortez’s mom fled NY’s high taxation.

Ocasio Cortez and an aide may have funneled $1 million in campaign dollars to a private LLC to hide where it ended up. Rabbits + Money = Free for all. Daily Caller says Jail Time is on the table.

Chicago could soon have as many as five Democratic Socialists on its city council.

Democrats expand investigations into Trump to target his family.

Illegal alien who murdered Mollie Tibbits now says he wants a Hispanic-majority jury.

WaPo says the border rush may hit 100,000 migrants in March this year. Of interest is, they are clearly amping up migration for something that is coming. And yet we do not see Acute Flaccid Myelitis flaring up. So something is different from the rush we see during elections. I assume the significance of that will become apparent at some point.

Whistle Blowers say Girl Scouts have a “cozy” relationship with Planned Parenthood, as well as Teen Vogue, the magazine that gave a tutorial on how to perform anal sex. Cabal was on the prowl everywhere looking to get control over children, looking at the next generation with an eye to who was a standout, and who came from a powerful family and would have an easy path to a position of power themselves. An organization like the scouts would have been high on their list of places to permeate.

Ocasio Cortez’s Green New Deal apparently stands to personally benefit some of her old college socialist buddies. Not surprising.

Failed Presidential candidate Hillary claims voters were turned away from the polls in 2016 because they had the wrong skin color.

Huawei said to be preparing to sue the US government. Discovery can be a dangerous thing for the sue-er as well as the sue-ee.

Fusion GPS founder was in close contact with the State Department during the 2016 campaign. Makes you wonder if Seth was passing to the FBI more than just Bernie-related emails when he was killed. He could have seen major foreign espionage evidence.

A reminder from /pol:

Animatronic Ruth, or body double? As I have said, she will cruise along, and then suddenly get very sick very fast:

Nick Sandman’s Lawyer says WaPo’s correction 41 days after their fallacious Covington teens coverage is too little too late.

Hillary rules out 2020 run. Interesting.

A Qanon book is flying off the Charts. In, and NBC, and another site, all at once. Possibly a good sign of Q’s increasing popularity, but one caution. The media is mentioning this book and giving it publicity, which I do not think it would do unless the book had machine approval. So those sales may all be fake, just to justify the publicity. You have to understand how controlled the media is. No reporter is going to mention a book that will help the Storm, even with criticism, unless they are a sleeper of the resistance, taking orders from Q. I haven’t read it, but I do know Cabal is not above coopting the names Anon and all of Q’s symbolism to try and take control of the narrative and adjust the message the public takes away from Q, and make money off it in the process. And this one sounds like it blames Q for ridiculous theories Q has never spoken of. So I’d wait to get Q’s take, which I assume will come if it is legit. My guess is he will say, “Be careful who you follow.” The problem for anyone honest with doing a Q book is anyone who really knows what is going on and could do it justice is on the inside, and bound by secrecy. All of the rest of us would be trying to predict the outcome of a movie we never saw, which was guaranteed to have plot twists nobody will see coming.

For the record, it was the Obama Admin who determined Miss ISIS bride was not a US citizen and couldn’t come back to the US.

Former acting AG Whitaker quits. The Scaramucci model.

Minecraft creator Notch pushes Qanon to his 3.69 million followers by putting a link to Q’s drops under his name on his twitter page.

From the comments, $100 million in artwork just hit the auction block and failed to sell. This may have been a request for voluntary contributions to Cabal’s slush fund, but everyone is beginning to think they had better horde what they have since the party is over.

Oxycontin maker considering Bankruptcy because of all the lawsuits.

Wall Street Journal admits that Donald Trump’s America-First economy has produced substantial increases in wages and productivity.

NY Times admits what Trump said a year ago was right – Migrant women are raped at unprecedented rates by the traffickers who bring them up. The full Times piece is here.

Trump picks a new Federal Personnel Director. Looks like Cabal will no longer be controlling Human Resources and hiring.

Trump administration authorizes lawsuits going forward against Cuba over the property taken during the revolution. Could mean those are Cabal funds, because Cuba is a Cabal-run denied area right on our doorstep.

The left is now transitioning into becoming an apolitical meme that is poised to attack anyone:

This filing says the DNC fabricated the hack of their servers, which makes me wonder if they fabricated the hack because they feared stolen files showing something like espionage was about to leak, and the hack was to argue that any files released were in fact altered by hackers, and not legit:

Roger Stone still incorrigible:

Spread r/K Theory, because unless we fight, the whole nation will turn into San Francisco.

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6 years ago

Neon Revolt has written and will be publishing his book about Q and all the research he and other Anons have done since Q first appeared. Between 4-500 pages so quite in depth.

From what I’ve read, the one on Amazon was written by 12 people in a rush to get out ahead of anyone else. If the Q question gets asked and POTUS confirms then there will be a rush to get things into print whether accurate or not.

While there are those that don’t approve of the Q phenomenon being monetised, I don’t see why not. Any Anon or group of Anons who has supported Q and done the leg work for the rest of us who sit on the sidelines watching has a right to tell their story. It’s for the rest of us to decide what we want to read, accept or reject.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

Have been aware of DN for quite while because of Q, think he’s ok, sometimes naive mostly woke af, he’s part of the Book, it’s possible he’s been played? No chance he’s cabal.

Mountain Farmer
Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

“Radical Islamists are attracted to Islam because of the r-selected promises it offers,”

Is Islam an r-type religion overall? Or do r-strategists just focus on the promises of good times?

Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

I think His-Slum is an r selected Ideology.

Competition averse – requiring WW Caliphate?

Low ingroup loyalty – Moslem on Moslem violence > Moslem against. …?

Early Sexualisation – Bandi Bachi boys? – circumcision (guaranteeing violent sex/rape) ?

Promiscuity – rape gangs? – Polygamous marriages ?

Low investment parenting….. large polygamous families?


Thom Baltic
Thom Baltic
6 years ago

Q stuff is really boring. I just skip past all of it. Would rather read I Ching tosses than the random babbling from Q and his interpreters.

Reply to  Thom Baltic
6 years ago

How could Q be boring? I don’t even trust Q and I find the analysis intriguing; spaceshot76, Destroying the Illusion and Dustin Nemos make great Q content if Neon Revolt or AC isn’t to your taste.

Reply to  Thom Baltic
6 years ago

Happy Lent everyone.

6 years ago

AC, your editorial comment at the top of this brief about Cabal’s surveillance of key players in Trump’s team and the way he moves them around so frequently is highlighted in this Twitter thread about ‘formless’ which is from Art of War. Also references Bruce Lee’s ‘Be like water’.

6 years ago

Rashida’s last name is spelled Tlaib, not Talib, FWIW.

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
6 years ago

“[Omar] is right about the Jews she cites supporting Israel over America. But I would ask, is it because they are Jewish, or because they are Democrats?”

Michael Moore is about as radical left as they come; we agree on nothing. Yet I don’t doubt that he loves America.

I don’t get that same sense with Schumers Amy & Chuck, or Sarah Silverman, or {insert Jew here}. Matthew 6:24 tells us you can’t serve two masters, and Israel’s got their googly eyes..

6 years ago

A retired CIA analyst tried to warn his paymasters about the corrosive effects of truth telling set free by the internet, they did not take him very seriously.

“””Angry voices were suddenly heard where before there was silence. At the time, it was an open question whether this was merely virtual anger or if it would have an impact on politics in the real world. When we pointed out the turbulence, and those voices mocking the status quo, we were asked: If the security forces come after them, what will they do — hit the police with their laptops?”””

The analyst himself regrets the loss of power by the current elites but sees that they will have to be replaced since they have not learned how to maintain control.

He rants a bit on the inadequacy of the public, what he calls “José Ortega y Gasset’s Mass Man” while rather nicely summing up the “r” sector of our population, while seeming to have none of our hosts insight into r/K theory.

6 years ago

RE: Keith Flint. It’s very odd (just like the Cranberries chick) that he’d commit suicide right before a huge tour. He was about to do Chicago Open Air with the Prodigy. It was a punch in the gut, especially since the article I read made him out to be a sad, pathetic person who hated his life and sat around popping pills, even though everyone around him said he was a great guy deep down and fun to be around. I always thought there was something strange about him, -even behind the bizarre getup- like he’s effete, has a wide-ish mouth and looks like a tallish midget. Looking at a recent photo, would you think he looks happy? Does he have a slight Wanda Sykes smile? Both? Neither?

One would think if it was anybody pulled from a mail room with a singing tape, it would be Liam Howlett, the mastermind the band was named after. He’s the genius who operates in the background and creates the music. Flint was just one of the pieces of crap dancers they were able to turn into a gimmick to push them mainstream for a bit. Intuition (or maybe I’m writing an irl people fan fic in my head) tells me maybe Howlett was the windshield and Flint was the drug-addled, harmless-goof bug who was taken out as a message to him, especially since taking about ‘Creepy Keety’ sank the whole band. Maybe Howlett went off script. All Flint wanted to do was pop pills in peace, take his eight-ish dogs out for walks in the countryside and take care of his aviary.

I really hope none of this is true. It’s easier to take that Flint would just overdose accidentally, rather than being popped off at age 49. One would think he was safe because he’s not a big enough fish to fry.

Reply to  Kharmii
6 years ago
Reply to  SteveRogers42
6 years ago

They took Keith, but surely the autistic neckbeards of the world will be safe. 😛

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

Here’s just a general observation on the Cabal:

The technical capabilities that some teams may have to themselves doesn’t surprise me nearly as much as the sheer immoral savagery. These people will destroy without restraint, showing a level of ferociousness and lack of forgiveness and empathy that is truly breathtaking.

I believe that this shows up in our jail and prison systems, which are by any standard appalling. We call these facilities “correctional”, but do they really help anybody? If I’m telling you about someone’s life going wrong and then I say, “and then he went to jail…” is not your first thought that this would mark a radical acceleration downward? Think of the amount of rape in our prisons and the fact that this is openly joked about in our society.

When someone offends or bothers the cabal, they don’t want them to simply stop the offending behavior. They don’t want that person to merely become a better citizen. They want total destruction and elimination of any chance that person could find redemption.

And that’s what our jails are. And with this in mind, the mass incarceration of African Americans since the Clinton Crime Bill are really notable. Thousands upon thousands of young men jailed for minor drug offenses, and the jail experience leaving them (and their families and communities) only worse as a result.

Our jails need not be this way. They do not need to be resorts, but they need not be rape and torture centers. The first job is to keep the potentially dangerous away from victims. But everthing should be done to encourage healthy lifestyles, life skills, etc., etc., so that they can be contribute to society after their sentence. Interestingly, this isn’t the case. They mostly emerge more troubled than when they entered.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

Great point.
Agreed 100%.
You can bet your ass that cabal loves the fact that jails are hotspots for Islamic radicalization (sponsored via tax payer money to add to the injury) and are regarded as “crime universities”. And most likely it is that way by design.
Also another thing about jails is that a lot of people among the convicted population end up becoming assets to the IC or police. If police and IC are comped by cabal then the convicted assets become useful expendable assets of the cabal with an extra layer of separation from the head of the snake.

6 years ago

Liberalism/communism/progressivism, Judaism, zionism and Islam are all cancers in the West and have no place in the West, for very specific, logical and factual reasons.

“It would head fuck leftists beyond all measure if Conservatives befriended Ilhan on twitter by saying she is right about the treason while trying to explain to her that it is the leftism, not the Judaism.”

It would certainly fuck with their heads. But it would be counter productive to getting rid of the cabal and Israeli lobby in the West (which is a big tool of the cabal), because you’d be giving Jews cover for their subversive activities, and you’d simply be wrong, given that Judaism and zionism do incite Jews into becoming subversive towards our Western nations, and there are lots of Republicans that are Israel first (Neoconservatives). Its a losing strategy.

If Israel and zionists were ethno-Nationalists I wouldn’t care, but they’re supremacists and imperialists, they think they have a God given right to enslave the world to their will and meddle in everyone elses affairs. A people like that needs to be utterly broken and humbled before they can understand what true ethno-Nationalism is and why it’s important to respect the sovereign rights of other people.

If you want the big version with all those specific, logical and factual reasons for my claim, keep reading.


“The truth is she is right about the Jews she cites supporting Israel over America. But I would ask, is it because they are Jewish, or because they are Democrats? Chuck Schumer would support Israel over America, but he would also support Mexico over America too. He supports Central Americans over Americans, and Africans over Americans, and Afghans over Americans, and on and on. Is it the Jewishness, or the Liberalism behind the treason? I mean you have liberal Jews in Israel that want to import Africa, and that take the Palestinian’s side over Israel. It would head fuck leftists beyond all measure if Conservatives befriended Ilhan on twitter by saying she is right about the treason while trying to explain to her that it is the leftism, not the Judaism.”

“… supporting Israel over America.. But I would ask, is it because they are Jewish, or because they are Democrats?”

-Its because they are zionists (in the original sense of the word as defined by Theodor Herzl the father of modern political zionism. See this graph for more information on this: ).

You should also keep in mind that you have the same phenomena of Jews being Israel first on the Republican party. And even more interesting is the fact that the Israel first branch of the Republican party (Israel first in the true believer, ideological sense, off course some of the people in both parties that put Israel first do so because they are being offered the “lead or silver” treatment, those don’t care about the zionist ideology or Israel per se, they just comply with the Israel first agenda due to money or fear, that is not what I am talking about in this paragraph), the Neoconservatives, have its origins in Trotskyite communism (see fully sourced graph so you can verify this fact for yourself: ).

And a even more interesting fact is that Leon Trotsky was a Jew whose original name was Lev Davidovich Bronstein (just duckduckgo it, its easy to verify). Add to that another fact about the communist political phenomena: most of the people involved in the financing, promotion, leading and implementation of communism at its start were Jews, including in China using Mao as a proxy (verify this claim here: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ).

Even Fidel Castro was a crypto-Jew (verify here: ).

In fact, Bobby Fischer, one of the greatest chess players of all times, and a Jew himself, has said this about the connection about Judaism and communism: “First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.” ( ; )

Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise (aka: “The Red Rabbi”) had this to say about communism: “Some call it Communism; I call it Judaism.” ( ; )

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn had this to say about the connection between Judaism and communism: “We cannot state that all Jews were Bolsheviks. But: Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” ( ; ; ; )

Rabbi Rabbi Harry Waton: “The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.” ( ; )

Now, before communism, why did Russia wanted Jews out of there? The answer is simple: debt slavery (which is a central part of religious Jewish ideology (its in their Torah (which is composed of the first 5 books of the Old Testament), in Deuteronomy 15:6: “For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.” . The nations are the goyim, the non-Jews)).

Mark Twain had this to say about that: “The Jew is being legislated out of Russia. The reason is not concealed. The movement was instituted because the Christian peasant and villager stood no chance against his commercial abilities. He was always ready to lend money on a crop, and sell vodka and other necessaries of life on credit while the crop was growing. When settlement day came he owned the crop; and next year or year after he owned the farm.” ( ; )

Another interesting thing about the relationship between communism and Israel is that Israel refused to extradite Salomon Morel, a Jewish-Polish NKVD officer, commander of the Zgoda labour camp, and a war criminal who later immigrated to Israel and acquired Israeli citizenship to Poland ( ; )

NOTE: not all religious Jews are zionists, and not all religious Jews are communists/progressivists (aka: cultural marxists), but there are problems with Judaism itself not related to zionism and communism/progressivism.
Those problems are: Judaism forces genital mutilation on children (just like Islam, see this graph: ), Judaism is a racially supremacist ideology (see this: ) (and yes, there is such a thing as a Jewish race, verify this fact here: ), Judaism promotes the enslavement of non-Jews via debt slavery (as we’ve seen above, its in their Torah (which is composed of the first 5 books of the Old Testament), in Deuteronomy 15:6: “For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.” . The nations are the goyim, the non-Jews)), and last but not least Judaism has its own Jewish version of Sharia law, the Moser concept ( see here: ; ; )

And more, Judaism itself has a double-standard between the treatment of Jews vs. non-Jews embedded in itself. See here: ; ; ; ; .

And then watch this: “Yossi Gurvitz: When Israel Is Mighty”

“Chuck Schumer would support Israel over America, but he would also support Mexico over America too. He supports Central Americans over Americans, and Africans over Americans, and Afghans over Americans, and on and on. Is it the Jewishness, or the Liberalism behind the treason?”

We’ve already established that the is a direct correlation between Jewery and Liberalism/communism, but we can delve deeper and find that the reason why Jews disproportionately support Open Borders and and shit like that in the West is because as a minority, Jews benefit from a fragmented (aka: multi-cultural, multi-ethnic) society because it makes it easier for them to take and keep control over said society (in the usual ways they do: take over the press, banking, eduction and the institutions that allow them to pull the strings on everyone, which is nothing new, as was noted by Jewish sociologist W. D. Rubinstein: ). You can see what some Jews themselves have to say about that here: ; ;

And off course, you have the classic examples of zionist Jews promoting multi-culturalism for the West, and promoting the exact opposite thing for Israel: ; ; ; ; ;

Also notice that the zionist MSM (which is owned, financed and staffed by mostly Jews) does the same exact thing, they promote Israeli nationalism while promoting communism/socialism/preogressivism for the West. See proof that MSM is dominated by Jews here: ; ; ;

The weaponization of other minorities in order to subvert the US was the reason why Jews founded the NAACP in the US in 1909: ;

The same NAACP that defended a Chinese pedophile operating in the US, as you reported in this blog: ; ;

And lets not forget that it was Jewish interest groups in the West that pushed for the 1965 Immigration Act for 40 years before it was passed (which was the most destructive thing for US demographics that ever happened in its history): ; ;

” I mean you have liberal Jews in Israel that want to import Africa, and that take the Palestinian’s side over Israel.”

Call it the poisoner getting poisoned on accident. And not all the people that support Palestinians in Israel (which I partly do in the sense that Israel is a Rothschild military invasion of Palestine) support importing Africa to anywhere, do not conflate the two.
Its very telling that Israel has advocated for Soros in the past:
While not allowing Soros to operate in Israel:

“It would head fuck leftists beyond all measure if Conservatives befriended Ilhan on twitter by saying she is right about the treason while trying to explain to her that it is the leftism, not the Judaism.”

It would certainly fuck with their heads. But it would be counter productive to getting rid of the cabal and Israeli lobby in the West (which is a big tool of the cabal), because you’d be giving Jews cover for their subversive activities, and you’d simply be wrong, given that Judaism and zionism do incite Jews into becoming subversive towards our Western nations, and there are lots of Republicans that are Israel first (Neoconservatives). Its a losing strategy. The way I deal with this is telling it like I see it: Liberalism/communism/progressivism, Judaism, zionism and Islam are all cancers in the West and have no place in the West, for very specific, logical and factual reasons.

Conclusion: AC, you know I love your work and all the effort you put into it, but I think you are at a big risk of being taken for a ride by the zionists into supporting Israel for all the wrong reasons, possibly because you like Tommy Robinson so much (yes he gets attacked by the MSM, just in the same way Alex Jones and Laura Loomer (both another 2 Israel first zionist gate-keeping shills) gets attack by Twitter, its called re-establishing rep using the “common enemy trick”). Remeber this: sometimes the enemy of my enemy is just another enemy. This is the case with zionists and Islam for us (and by us I mean the West). Its great news that they are fighting each other, but that does not make neither Islam nor zionism a good thing for the West. In the same way feminists and transgenders are starting to fight each other, that does not make either of them a benefit for the West.

I think you would benefit greatly from reading this book called “The Life of an American Jew in Racist, Marxist Israel” AC. Here is a link to an online version of it here: (and for fun, go see how expensive it has gotten to acquire a physical copy of that 30 page booklet, you can bet your ass that someone made sure to buy all the copies they could in order to drive the price up and thus dissuade people from acquiring it).

Another work I believe you would benefit greatly from reading is this one called “When Victims Rule: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins”, you can find it online here:

Also, you need to watch this “The Lobby: USA” documentary:

>Some scenes:
-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.
-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation of Palestine.
-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel (part of Canary Mission)
-AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) members buy out Congressman using pre-paid credit cards which are given to them inside an envelope

Israeli ministries are literally ordering AIPAC and other zionist group’s staff to commit crimes against Americans on American soil for the political benefit of Israel. That is no small little thing.

Cheers, have a great day frens!


==The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:==
Educate the general population world-wide about the jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to israel;
Ban islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags. ;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.
It is not ALL Jewish individuals that are the problem, certainly there are plenty of non-subversive non-criminal Jews that are swell and very nice people, the problem is Jewish COLLECTIVE power, which needs to be criticized and terminated as peacefully and fairly as possible, for all the right reasons, including the freedom and safety of non-subversive non-criminal Jews.

Links to archives for the Cabal Global View graphs for ease of sharing: – #1 version 1.2 – Annex 1 version 0.2 – #2, version 1.0 – #3, version 1.0 – #4, version 1.0 – #5, version 1.0 – Annex 2, version 1.1 – Annex 3, version 1.1

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago


>”But I still hate to attack the group when we have guys like Jarrad in it, who are fighting with us. It just feels like betrayal.”

I want to make it clear that I do not hate Jews (religious or racial), just like I do not hate Muslims or communists in the sense that I don’t hate an individual for being a Jew (either racial or religious) or a Muslim or a communist (in fact, many people who self-identify as such have no idea of what they are actually supporting (they’re useful idiots)). Criticizing the ideology does not equate to hate for those that self-identify with it.

Kushner (a racial and religious Jew), for example, he said in an interview some days ago that Israel should open its borders.I think this gives him big points because in saying that he opens up a dialogue that we can take advantage off by showing to the gen public on how so many zionists that defend open borders for the West defend the exact OPPOSITE thing for Israel. I don’t think Israel should open its borders at all, and I don’t really believe Kushner does to, but I can see him being smart enough to use such a statement to give the people who are better informed an opening to redpill the gen pop on the typical zionist hypocrisy. That being said, I still think its a disgusting aspect of Judaism for it to force genital mutilation on children. I think he should convert along with Ivanka, to be honest, I kinda like them both on a intuitive level and they strike me as good people, although that changes nothing about my opinions on the ideology of Judaism (and the facts about Judaism that support those opinions on Judaism of mine).

>”That so many happen to be Jewish I see as their hook into Cabal.”
For some reason, cabal always has had a close proximity to Judaism and Jews (don’t ask me why thou, I have no a conclusive answer and to write all the speculations I have about it would take me WAY to long, kek).

That does not make all Jews into cabal assets automatically, but the decisions and plays of the cabal in the past and “infrastructure” surrouding Jews that they’ve prepared over the years (in terms of “hate”-speech laws, Holocaust-“survivors” forced payouts, the engineered general public perception of Jews as a group that is always the victim and never the abuser, etc) have made Jewish collective power into a major tool in the cabal tool box. My proposed set of solutions for the JQ aims at terminating Jewish collective power without arming individual Jews, and I think its pretty sensible and effective.

>”I feel better about it when I consider a lot of what you write that needs to be fought, about them restricting freedom of speech, creating these all-powerful interest groups, taking over positions of power – those are all things Cabal doles out. I do not think they could do that on their own. I see Germans like Merkel opposing all Holocaust questioning the same way I see her importing all those migrants – those are Cabal orders.”

And I agree with you. This is why I aim my proverbial sights at Jewish COLLECTIVE POWER, not at all Jews as individuals.

>”If Cabal told her she was going to round up the Jews and kill them, I think she would do that without batting an eye. I could propose the greatest interest group that everyone would love – but if it was not Cabal-approved, no way it would ever get off the ground like AIPAC. It would get no media, no money, and if by some chance it got money, it would get investigations and prosecutions – and if it beat that, I would get taken out.”


>”So I agree Zionism is to be opposed by nationalists, but I still think Cabal is the problem, and something that makes it worth supporting guys Like Tommy Robinson, no matter where they fall elsewhere, if they are a thorn in the side of the Cabal (Which I believe he likely honestly is, because he has unwittingly described intelligence tactics deployed against him which I do not think he would have broached, if he were controlled opposition.)”

I agree that cabal is the top problem and that zionism is merely a tool of the cabal (like communism, Islam in the West, etc).

Regarding Tommy Robinson (and all other zionist gatekeeping shills like Cerno, Laura Loomer, Alex Jones, Lauren Southern, Jordan Peterson, AIM, etc), the way I see it is this: they are useful in the sense that they introduce less informed but actively-information-seeking people (those that no longer trust the MSM/Hollywood normie indoctrination apparatus) to some facts, but by design they will manipulate them as soon as they can given their established level of trust with the audience. This is what makes them exploitable by the people who care about truth 100%. What I mean is this: in a perfect world for the cabal EVERYONE would trust the MSM/Hollywood 100%, and if that was the case, they would NEVER allow ANY “alt”-media “e-celebs” to gain traction on the various social media channels (because they would not need to). Given that some percentage of people will invariable ignore MSM/Hollywood and its non-sense, they need to put these gate-keepers in place in order to not lose 100% of their control over what people that reject MSM/H are exposed to. Off course, by design (and the cabal surely hates that things are like this), gate-keepers HAVE to give their audience SOME amount of truth and facts in order to stablish trust with the audience, which is always BAD for the cabal, but its an investment, they have their gate-keepers feed the audience SOME truth in order to have the audience not get ALL the truth (its kinda like a stop-loss on a investment, you lose some money in order to not lose all the money).

That the cabal has been ordering/allowing that the zionist gatekeepers reveal ever more facts that end up hurting them is telling that they are gradually losing more and more control over the narrative to the point that their gate-keepers have to keep revealing more and more (but by design, NEVER more than necessary to stablish trust).

So how do we exploit the zionist gate-keepers (notice that ALL of those, no matter how they go about things have that in common, ALL of them are zionists)? Simple, we ask them questions that end up revealing their own masters even if they don’t answer them (because ignoring a question is also an answer). I developed a protocol which I call “Flat Tire” (because of the Laura Loomer fiasco about her flat tire scam) that explains it. You can read it here: ; and here is the same thing in graphic format along with some Q crumbs related to the issue of Mossad shills:

The fact that we can exploit the zionist gate-keepers puts the cabal in a tight spot because: their shills are now giving their audience more facts in order to keep trust with the audience, while we use their own audience reach against their masters and use their own reach against the zionist masters. Its a great thing because if the cabal shuts down any of their established “e-celebs”, they have to build another one from the ground up (which means it has to bring MORE to the table than the previous ones, otherwise the audience will just call them a copy-cat and a plagiarizing cunt), and if they don’t, then we can piggy back on their reach to attack their masters. We put the cabal use of zionist gate-keepers to put them in a no win situation (that is, as long as they use GAB, and GAB does not nuke our posts that exploit the gate-keeping shills).

>”Let me ask you something slightly off-topic, since a lot of my history is weak. So the Jews who pushed Communism were Cabal – meaning Cabal had influence over the early Soviet Union. I’ve assumed the Soviet collapse was in part, Cabal pulling support for some reason – either a geopolitical change they wanted (perhaps to create Western hegemony so they could deteriorate the west with decadence absent any threat, and then collapse it), or they lost control and decided to take Russia down in retaliation. Between the Cold War and now, do you see any clear sign the changes from the Soviets to Russia involved a purge of that element from the leadership? I’ve thought so, since Russia seems ostracized from the world, and prevented from reaching its full potential in the way the west effortlessly dominates areas economically, and clearly it is not prone to the same self-destructing silliness we see in the West.

In short what is your opinion of the influence of Cabal on the Russian government this moment.”

Kek, I think you give me too much credit because I am somewhat weak on history too. The only reason I know about all that shit regarding communism and Jews is because I started my digs on 4chan as a newfag into Antifa and Islam, because I thought those were the ultimate enemy of the West (I was uber naive, of course). I didn’t even knew about the JQ per se, I knew the MSM was made up of mostly Jews, but it was much later that I had enough information to see how Jewery was so awfully connected to what we call the cabal (and before Q came into the scene I had no idea about the connection between the UN and the zionist clicke, for example, if it weren’t for Q’s crumbs, I would never made that connection probably). From there I found out about Cultural Marxism and the Frankfurst School (which is directly connected to Jewery), and the historical connection between Islam and Jewery, etc etc.

You can say that I ended up over-specializing in the JQ because that is what happened, I just saw it connected to so many things that I thought were disconnected-from-each-other threats to the West that I decided that it probably would the best way I could invest my research time and energy for the most gain (meaning, zionism and Jewery/Jewish collective power are not the only components of the cabal, but if we can take those down, you can get rid of the other MUCH more easily (and this is just my opinion on the cost of opportunity, I might not be correct about that but I think/feel I am)).

That being said, I can give you my not-as-informed-as-you-might-think perspective on the things you asked me about:

>”Between the Cold War and now, do you see any clear sign the changes from the Soviets to Russia involved a purge of that element from the leadership? I’ve thought so, since Russia seems ostracized from the world, and prevented from reaching its full potential in the way the west effortlessly dominates areas economically, and clearly it is not prone to the same self-destructing silliness we see in the West.”

From my very information limited perspective on the issue, I would say this might be relevant to your question:

Archive link for the same link here:

(If that shit is confusing (it is for me), you can see Martin explaining the whole con using a pen drawn graph in his documentary “The Forecaster” (which I recommend you watch anyway even if you don’t need the drawing to understand the Boris Yeltsin trap)).

Basically, Martin Armstrong claims that Boris Yeltsin (which was at the head of Russia since the collapse of Soviet Union until Putin got into the place in 1999) was conned into getting into being susceptible to blackmail via a huge IMF loan, which ended up with him being forced to not seek re-election and resigning to give way to Putin. If you notice carefully, one of the names implicated in that shit-show called the Magnitsky Act is the pro-eminent Jew (which I think is a zionist although I can’t find the source on him being a zionist right now) that have since taken arms against Trump called Browder (watch this: ).

Also notice that Putin claims that:

“For instance, we can bring up Mr. Browder, in this particular case. Business associates of Mr. Browder have earned over $1.5 billion in Russia and never paid any taxes neither in Russia or the United States and yet the money escaped the country. They were transferred to the United States. They sent [a] huge amount of money, $400,000,000, as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton. (Later, the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office spokesman Alexander Kurennoy clarified that it was not $400 million, but rather $400,000.[61]) Well that’s their personal case. It might have been legal, the contribution itself but the way the money was earned was illegal. So we have solid reason to believe that some [US] intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions. So we have an interest in questioning them.”
(source: )

This is pure speculation and I am going on my guts here, but I think there is a possibility that Putin is indeed a force against the cabal and that it might be possible that the collapse of the Soviet Union could have been an attempt by the cabal to re-take control over Russia after having gotten in at the start of the Soviet Union but then lost it in the meanwhile (as the communist Jews lost control of the Soviet Russia).

Also notice that if cabal was using some faction of Jews to control Soviet Union (the communists) and had lost control of Soviet Union at some point (which is plausible if they were exerting control over Russia using the only the communist Jews, Jews implemented communism in Russia but then lost control of the Soviet Union (and the question is, did the cabal lose control when the communist Jews lost control or not)), it would not be beyond the realm of possibility to have the Soviet Union collapse in order to re-establish control, this time via “democracy” and Boris Yeltsin.

But my speculation begs the question: if Putin was helped into office using the play against Boris Yeltsin, and that play was facilitated using the IMF (which is no doubt a cabal comped institution), how did that happen? Did Putin pulled a Trump by making the cabal feel like he would be easy to control and then flipped the bird on them and went his own way and decided to start the process of cleaning Russia (which would imply fighting against the world-wide cabal), or did the good guys managed to infiltrate the IMF and convince/manipulate everyone involved in ousting Boris Yeltsin that there would be some kind of benefit in doing so and putting Putin there instead? I don’t have answers to those questions. For what is worth it, Putin strikes me as a Patriot who wants the cabal to get fucked as much as we do. Its probable that Putin put a lot of money under his control, but the way I see it, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was complete chaos, military was not getting paid and officers were selling tanks and weapons (I think I read something about even submarines) on the black market for example. Who knows how long these kind of “wild west” shit went on for. Perhaps Putin putting a shit load of money under his control came down to the fact that if he didn’t, then someone who didn’t gave 2 shits about Russia would get that money. At the end of the day, the world is shades of gray, not black and white, but in the overall, I feel like Putin is a white shade of gray (and notice I used the word feel, it a gut thing and not based on hard data).

Or perhaps Soviet Union never collapsed in the 90’s, and cabal was in control of Russia ever since the commie Jews took control of it and until Putin it was only different puppets in Russia management while cabal was in full control (Jews or no Jews implicated). I could see very well the the US MI using NSA or some other asset to pull the play against Boris Yeltsin as a way to help Putin get in place in Russia so when the time was right and they get their own man in the US gov (in this case Trump), they could start the pincer movement against le cabal.

Also, there is this statement from Putin that I think is probably honest where he says “They never thought we would become a military power again.” Here: , around the 2:35 mark forward (although I recommend you watch the whole thing, its worth it).

I think what he means by that is: “the cabal collapsed Russia and took control over it, but Russians took control of Russia and we rebuilt it from the ashes into a super-power again, despite them not wanting that”.

Honestly, I don’t really know how useful my reply is regarding those questions on Russia, but overall, if you ask me, based on my very limited information on the subject, I’d say Russia is managing to push back on the cabal in some way, and I think Putin is a key element on that.


No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I’m very curious as to what the cabal influence is in Russia. And it’s hard to say, but I’ll offer these observations:

There’s gotta be something behind the constant animus towards Putin in cabal media. We know he purged a lot of oligarchs from positions of power and that this was met with claims he was a thug, gangster, dictator, etc., This and the constant agitating for war with Russia, the constant wish for sanctions, etc., indicates that, at the very least, cabal influence is far from what they’d wish it to be.

Putin’s concern about GMOs, his push to raise the fertility rate, the lowering of the alcoholism rate, etc., all suggest a concern for public health we don’t normally associate with Cabal.

Most importantly, Putin’s deep support for the Russian Orthodox Church and the incredible building spree of new churches, seminaries, etc., is definitely something that both Cabal and Vatican have no interest in.

As to Soviet collapse, I think in general Cabal wants to end Russian society and civilization. There’s all sorts of resources right under that society, and the strength of that society forms a layer of protection around those resources. Right now, the west cannot extract those resources without in some way strengthening the population.

I heard one interesting thought about the fall of the Soviet Union. It suggests that it was a strategic withdrawal in order to open markets as the Soviets were falling behind in integrated circuit technology. This would make some sense considering not only the economic importance of computers but also specific applications such as CNC machining. If you’ll recall, in the 1980s in the midst of the Japan bashing in the US there was a deep fear that the Japanese might sell advanced machining equipment to the Soviets that would make possible things like the fabrication of submarine propellers that produce reduced levels of noise.

My guess is that this is completely plausible. Note that Russian manufacturered goods had a reputation for being “crude”. Well, that’s not a cultural or behavioral thing. It’s a technical/economic thing. Now that they have CNC machining equipment, they are producing stuff as precise as everybody else.

So maybe it was a strategic retreat followed by a shock at how aggressively the West rushed in and tried to destabilize things. Putin seemed to be put in power as an attempt to shore up things.

Russia is known for a pretty intense state security/intel capability with the FSB, etc., I have no doubt that its sole function is not to protect Russia from the US. It’s to protect Russia from Cabal.