News Briefs – 03/04/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

[Ed note: the tweet was deleted, but the article on the story is here, and a screen cap of the tweet is below:] [Ed Note – a long video by the #WalkAway founder detailing how he began as a liberal, but was turned off by the increasing intolerance and fascism he saw being expressed by the liberal movement.]


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

A quick thought on why things may be taking so long. By amassing all of the indictments and releasing them all at once, you will have an interesting effect I have not seen mentioned. Throughout the courts are Cabal judges, Cabal prosecutors, and even Cabal jurors. If all the indictments are released at once, you can immediately conflict everyone who works for Cabal out of Cabal-related cases, without waiting for court cases to work their way through the system, or waiting to complete complex, politically involved impeachments. A Cabal judge under indictment for working for Cabal in one place can hardly sit on a Cabal case for someone else. Jurors can be disqualified from service, prosecutors can be removed from cases, and so on, and it will happen instantly, for all Cabal-related cases. In one fell swoop, you can wipe the judicial branch clean, and allow the rank and file Cabal to be actually prosecuted and tried by an honest system of real Americans purged of Cabal. And that may even hold up to the Supreme Court. It might explain why they wanted Sessions to conflict himself out over Trump’s Russia Collusion case. If Sessions conflicted himself out of a fake investigation which was about nothing, how can Roberts/Sotomayor/Ginsberg/Kagen/maybe-Breyer rule on any case related to Cabal when they are sitting under an indictment for corruption and bribery relating to Cabal owning their votes? That might even be why Trump is attacking Sessions of late – to emphasize that Sessions recused himself, because that is what you do, even when there is no case. If that is what they are doing, it is very, very clever, and it will have a very, very powerful effect. But it means they need to get an indictment for everyone, even if they don’t intend to prosecute and it is only to remove them from the game when the fun begins.

A Sanford and Sons star died suddenly of a heart attack. Renegade Anon, who showed up on the Chans and began dropping bombs about how every Hollywood star you see has gotten their parts by letting the gay mafia that runs Hollywood bang them, The Rock offers himself for gay sex in return for roles, Pedophile gangs make the highest ranking stars compromise themselves by hurting kids on video before they are allowed to become the super-stars, and the fact they murdered his friend Red Fox, was supposedly a star of Sanford and Sons. Ultimately, Where We Go One, We Go All, so we would see him again anyway, but I really hope this was not him and his time was not cut short because he stood up. If so, God bless him, he was one of us.

Stefan gives us the Truth about the Trudeau Scandal up north of the border:

Elizabeth Warren says Mike Pence is not a decent man. Bill Clinton, Hugo Chavez, Mao, Castro, and Stalin were, however.

Trade Union Barons’ Lobby wants Tommy Robinson banned from ‘Public Spaces.’ Nothing Fascistic about that.

UPS halts deliveries to Swedish No-Go Zones due to attacks on drivers. They will deliver to the Congo, rife with Civil War and an Ebola outbreak, but not a neighborhood of r-strategist migrants in Sweden.

Muslims are pulling their children out of British Schools over LGBTQ brainwashing. Wait until they figure out leftists are infidels.

14 year old British girl raped repeatedly by Muslim rape gang.

ISIS Jihadi leaves Sweden, gets shot up, returns to Sweden to get treated on the taxpayer’s dime, and then returns to the front line to try and kill Americans again.

German Youtuber faces five years in jail for burning a Koran.

DNC has booked rooms across Milwaukee in preparation for their convention, though they claim no decision has been made.

Canadian Courts say parents have no say in whether their 14 year old daughter can take male hormones to transition to a male. What if she wants to commit suicide? Is there any line?

In the face of a $250 million dollar lawsuit, WaPo backs off their Covington Teen coverage.

Province of Brittany tries to ban Yellow Vest Protests.

1500 transgender troops have already cost the military $8 million dollars.

UN Expert says Green New Deal doesn’t go far enough. If we could only get more leftists attacking it from the left. That would be epic.

Rand Paul will vote against a National Emergency.

Policing MS-13 in El Salvador is so dangerous that Police Officers are fleeing the country. Are they fleeing MS-13, or are they fleeing Cabal, which probably controls everything there, and which would want to protect its criminal shock troops?

Facebook launches massive lobbying campaign against politicians worldwide.

Media rushed to report tax refunds were smaller, but now that evidence shows they are actually larger, there is no comment.

California judges are ordering reimportation of deportees who committed crimes like burglary because it wasn’t violent enough.

The Voice TV Show singer dies at 33 from a blot clot that traveled to her heart.

This one has the power to take your kids, and put them with someone else:

Russia tells Syrian asylum seekers it is time to go home.

Trump to add new sanctions on Cuba in response to their support for Maduro.

Ocasio Cortez knocked for using gas-guzzling vehicles when it would have been easier to use the subway. Global Warming shill would be such a fun job, because extravagant over-consumption is almost a job requirement.

Ocasio Cortez campaign spent more that $29,000 on ride sharing services between May and December. Since it was a geographically small NY City District, all she really needed was to travel around her small district in New York City – in a city full of public transportation. You wonder if she got a car and signed up as an Uber Driver so she could bill herself for her travel.

A single group of 180 migrants arrested crossing the New Mexico border. Is it possible Cabal is actually picturing trying to start a hot civil war between the left and right, and this rush of migrants are all Cabal ground reinforcements trying to make it to the battlefield for D-Day? They sure are putting the push on, given Q says the war is already over.

Another group in North Korea seeks to purge Kim Jong Un and replace him with the son of his assassinated brother.

Guaido calls for mass protests ahead of his return to Venezuela Monday.

California DMV is to be audited after suspicions of voter fraud.

Roseanne says Kamala Harris slept her way to the bottom. Meanwhile, Kamala is now leading the charge to legalize prostitution, because it worked out so well for her. At least she is not hypocritical on that.

Russia and Israel will team up to force Iran out of Syria.

A Freeper is tracking growth in Twitter followers of potential Presidential candidates as a measure of political viability. Interesting in that it is a single metric that will combine increasing real popularity, ability to disseminate a message, and Cabal astroturfing activities for the candidates of their choice. Regardless Trump’s actual popularity has him dominating.

For those who might have any hearing impairment, here is a transcript of Trump’s blockbuster 2019 CPAC speech. Thank you to the commenter who raised the issue.

Trump’s Vietnam visit brought $15 billion in contracts and thousands of jobs to the US.

21 of 33 counties in New Mexico just refuse to enforce new State gun laws. If you could create a law allowing rural areas to split away from cities, into new States, I wonder if that would help stop advancing leftism by increasing the Presidential electors and Senators representing those areas, as it diminished the degree to which rural areas were oppressed under City-rule in City-dominated State governments. Conservatism tends to breed Conservatism too. If you could keep rural areas from getting acclimated to the wacky demands of uber-leftists in cities, it might help keep the fire alive too. It would probably also be good for Sheriffs who would prefer a slate of honest laws they could enforce in good conscience.

Bold action? Sounds like Happenings coming to me. Buckle up.

Spread r/K Theory, because the Democrats are hurting our country.

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6 years ago

Dunno if you saw this 3 Mar NYT piece about Trump’s Presidential Daily Briefs (PDB), AC.

According to the article, Trump has a “fascination with Angela Merkel.” Given the assertions made about her origins and possible grooming by Cabal for the German Chancellorship, perhaps this focus of his is part of the overall secret campaign against them.

FWIW, I think Trump’s doing a great job with the PDBs. He’s asking a lot of questions about economic intelligence, which is more macro-oriented than worrying about the thoughts of secondary personnel in foreign governments, such as what the Bushes did. Macro will always push micro in directions; it rarely happens the other way. Trump knows that.

It’s a good article to read to determine the President’s thinking methods on this critical subject. Bet his opposition already has done so this morning.

M. in MI
6 years ago

I think the Renegade Anon was the actor who played LaMont Sanford (the one who was typically serenaded as “You big dummy!” by Fred Sanford)

6 years ago

“A Sanford and Sons star died suddenly of a heart attack.” They wanted to silence RenegadeAnon, so they had to whack two others too.

6 years ago

In the past 24 hours, three ‘celebrity’ deaths, all relatively young.

Luke Perry, 52, result of massive stroke.
Keith Flint, 49, suicide.
Lisa Sheridan, 44, cause presently undisclosed.

Other than temporal proximity, not much relation between the three. But, one never knows.

6 years ago

Yesterday’s discussion in the comments with regard to who (or what) is Cabal, or Management, and how it operates, put me in mind of the old TV show The Prisoner, created by Patrick McGoohan in1966/67. A Gnostic interpretation of it works, but it was inspired by an actual site established in Scotland during the Second World War to contain agents who were compromised or otherwise under a cloud, or had become demented in their old age and posed a security risk.

The prisoner has something which The Village wants; he in turn wants to know “who’s running this place?”

It became a cult classic.

Themes include surveillance, mind control, psyops, indoctrination, resistance, and personal identity.

If you could use some entertainment, and a few laughs, about all of this it’s worth having a look. Literate scripts, good production values and direction. Seventeen episodes.

McGoohan’s career was wrecked.

6 years ago

Even islam may be shifting K:

Chief Imam Of Egypt Draws Backlash From Other Imams For Denouncing Polygamy

6 years ago

Vox Day talks about your thing from a different perspective.