News Briefs – 03/03/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is back. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

[Ed Note : This one looks like the McCain post – another one month alert that Hillary’s execution has been scheduled for the next time that watch looks like that. I am guessing April 2nd at 3:42 PM is what her death certificate will say was the time of death.

Some also thought 3:42 might be a reference to the post shown in this proof.]
[Ed Note – the Hillary Twitter banner is of her with a young black boy in front of her, and she is holding him in a loose bear hug. Also, POTUS’ “bye Crooked Hillary” tweet would seem to confirm the watch analysis. If you have never known a narcissist, you will not grasp the agony Hillary would be in, not just from being sentenced to death, but from being taunted by a bemused enemy like Trump. Narcissist are weirdly competitive. They are so competitive they create competitions where there are none, over stupid things like what kinds of shoes you wear. To have been soundly defeated, in such a way, be sentenced to death, and then be taunted like that would be torture.

Most puzzling, and what should be of most interest to you, is that as with all the others, this secret will be kept. Chelsea will not share it, not even to try and save her mom, even though she knows. Meghan McCain kept it, as did Jenna Bush. Hillary will keep it, the Democrats will keep it, and so will everyone else. As with McCain, the only way you could even find out they knew is if someone in the Secret Society, like John Kasich did, accidently lets it slip by saying something like “John McCain was put to death.”

I can keep secrets for friends, with no problem. I have been told things, and there was never any chance they would ever cross my lips again. But I do not know how you get such a large secret society that would rather destroy itself and those it loves, than reveal, even anonymously, one of the Society’s secrets. Not a one of them will speak such a secret, even after the Society cuts them loose and leaves them to their fate. Not a one of the millions will ever cede to the narcissist urge for attention and share the secret, not a one will ever decide to trust a non-society member, not a one will even try to save themselves. Hillary might save herself if she revealed this, but she will not. It is all very puzzling, and raises in my mind a question of exactly what the secrets are they keep, and just how demonizing they would be if they ever reached the light of day.

Understand this concept well, because I have seen it first hand. I am certain there are brothers out there keeping the Secret from brothers, husbands keeping it from wives, children keeping it from parents, and even moral-less criminals keeping it from Police who have just arrested them, even though it could save them from their fate. There are people who will give their lives for a secret which it appears is kept in support of an almost Supreme Evil. It is the most puzzling aspect to me, if the economics are just massive tax-receipt graft.]

[Ed note: this was in response to this proof from an anon, showing Q is posting seconds before POTUS as a sign to us.]
[Ed Note for the video impaired – This is the video of the roast at the Al Smith Dinner, Where POTUS said among other things, “Everyone knows of course, Hillary’s belief that it takes a village… Which only makes sense after all, in places like Haiti, where she has taken a number of them.”]

Best part – the guy behind Trump whose forehead is covered in flop-sweat as he looks on in terror at Hillary. The only thing better is looking at Hillary’s face, and picturing her saying to herself, “Oh, wait until I get in that office you cocksucker – then I’ll make your life a living Hell.”

Maybe next time, toots. Maybe next time.

The proof above, enlarged.


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

At 32:50 here, Dan Bongino points out the evidence that there may be something else in the unreleased FISA warrant, proving that Hillary’s campaign took in information from an element in Russian intelligence which was then provided to the FBI by them to open the door on surveilling Trump, all so this Russian intelligence element could get Hillary installed into the US government.

Square, Inc cofounder dies at 35. Lots of tech founders are suddenly keeling over.

Aussie Muslim immigrant from Myanmar set himself on fire while trying to torch a bank because he couldn’t get his bank card to work. Wherever they come from, you should hear President Trump’s voice in your head, saying, “They aren’t sending us their best people.” r-strategists are never their best.

Arizona High School Students report being discriminated against for wearing MAGA gear on USA Spirit Day, and ultimately kicked off campus. Arizona is a Cabal hotspot, so it would not be surprising to me that Cabal had gotten into Human Resources everywhere, and taken over the schools, the better to make sure Cabal’s next generation got off to a good start on their path to leadership. Know your place, sheep, even if you do not know your place.

Democrats are actually planning hearings over the fact President Trump has criticized the Fake News.

Law Enforcement agencies are selling smartphone-cracking devices on Ebay, and some still have sensitive data from previous phones they cracked stored on them.

Controversial expose on George Soros gets several reporters fired. Firings occurred due to an investigation started after then-Sen Jeff Flake complained the piece was unfair to Soros.

CIA whistle blower says, the Post Office is spying on you. I really am not that concerned with them documenting what is shipped where. What bugs me is the semi-official-wherever-they-want-it-to-be Cabal-program which has made intercepting and opening your mail, and potentially contaminating food, or breaking technology, or installing tech in your technology a rather mundane occurrence. These things are all fine if the government worked the way you were told and it was only done to criminals and terrorists. but it doesn’t work out that way. Once the Cabal took over, it got into everything, and had a blind drive to simply assert full control everywhere. Q says you have no idea how big or how bad things were. You really don’t, unless you fall afoul of it.

Under Obama, a Clinton Foundation-connected company forwarded top-secret technology to Russia, and FBI/DOJ covered it up.

Historic Antwerp Belgium is now so flooded with migrants it is a majority of minorities. One poster on Q Research coined a great phrase for what is being lost as old Western Civilization is being gradually extinguished through migration by (((Them))) – He said what was being lost, and what should be fought for is “Heritage Peoples.” It may or may not be the phrase, but that word “Heritage” captures what is being lost, makes it sound rare and valuable, and harkens back to a fonder time when people cared about their heritage and we were all more bound to each other, together.

From the comments – a Crypto-exchange founder died in India, taking with him the passwords to the cold-storage where his company’s clients kept $150 million in Crytpo, thereby keeping that currency locked up and inaccessible. Somehow they finally cracked the wallets and got in, only to find the currency is all gone. It is possible this guy took off with the cash. But it is also possible he was taken out to get the coin. Here is a protip if you are ever in this guy’s position, and I can vouch for it 100%. You can’t keep a secret. If you are interesting, and (((They))) have sent people to keep tabs on you, their abilities are amazing. They can literally be in your room, watching you and videoing you, and you will not know because you cannot see them. They can even pick up differences in the noise each different key makes when it is hit, and with tech that pulls the sound out of your house, pull the vibrations from you typing and turn it into actual keystrokes. This guy was never the only one who knew his passwords. Ironically his system would have been more secure if he had let it be known he left a lot of backups of his passwords for everyone, and had a couple of other people (preferably hard targets difficult to kill) in on his passwords. By trying to secure things by not letting anyone else know his passwords, he would only have made himself a more likely target to get hit.

NYPD says murders and rapes are soaring. Someone on here made a convincing case that Cabal’s Secret Society may in fact keep a lot of the more dangerous individuals in line, with its understanding there are much more dangerous individuals up above them. I wonder if this is a shift toward K, or if it is indicative of the pains which will come with the first reintroduction of freedom.

I love Alexandria, Ocasio-Cortez. Love, love, love:

This is the future of innovation in the West, after (((They))) finished their migration program:

I keep an eye on Hickenlooper because when the then Cabal-controlled CIA took over Colorado and turned it ultra SJW with pot and against guns, he was their man in the Capitol, so to Cabal, he is a proven entity willing to destroy whatever he leads:

Trump personally welcomes to CPAC the activist who was punched in UC Berkeley.

Democrat Senator says he thinks they may get enough votes to pass an override of President Trump’s National Emergency in the Senate, but since Trump will not sign it, and they will never get enough to override his veto, they can’t stop it.

Twice in his CPAC speech, Trump used Q’s phrase, saying, “These people are sick!”

16 weeks in, Yellow Vests are still packing the streets of Paris wall to wall.

The latest Harvard/Harris poll shows 3 in 4 Americans (and these are their bullshit massaged numbers designed to make the left look stronger than it is) favor an America First approach to Immigration, Trade, and Foreign Policy. How is it an openly treasonous party would garner 50% of the vote each election then?

Canada GDP growth drops .1%. Cabal funding cut? You may see this in a lot of other nations as Cabal’s corruption is purged in the US and the US money spigot closes.

Trump will sign an Executive Order protecting Campus Free Speech.

US and South Korea end joint military exercises that riled North Korea after Trump-Kim talks. For a no-deal summit, it seems unofficial deals were made.

Notch, creator of the game Minecraft, says Q is legit:

Donald Trump goes off script, gives a record two hour speech, and the CPAC crowd is thrilled with every second.

He gave an air Q at the end, and this one at the beginning:

Hugged the Flag too:

The full speech:

Spread r/K Theory, because the clock may be ticking for Hillary.

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6 years ago

”Square, Inc cofounder dies at 35. Lots of tech founders are suddenly keeling over.”

What’s your hypothesis?

Reply to  info
6 years ago


6 years ago

Trump needs to cut out the calls for higher legal immigration, though. That is a betrayal of what he was elected on.

Reply to  glaivester
6 years ago

It is also a direct threat to the future of our country.

I believe that Trump doesn’t really intend to increase legal immigration and is just cutting deals in which he gains some people’s cooperation in return for bags of air but we need to dramatically shift the conversation on immigration towards a massive reduction and even a temporary freeze.

I hope that the USMCA is another bag of air and the fact that he is refusing to lift the metal tariffs that Canada and the Dems say he must lift before it is implemented are an indication that it is.

6 years ago

Re: the DIY heated seat dude… that guy has been making such videos for years. IIRC, he’s an electrical engineer who one day, while trying to make an instructional video, decided to show the effects of electricity in a funny manner, and began to post his videos online. He actually knows what he’s doing, and does these videos purely for comical effect.

6 years ago

GTMO 2.0 SITREP: We are about to see a tempo change to and from the island due to a civilian landing permit being terminated. This means it will be a little harder to track what’s coming and going. Note the “NLT June 2019 date”.

Keep an eye on the CRAF. That will tell you what the real tempo is.

6 years ago

The video of Mr. Trump’s CPAC speech is useless to people with impaired hearing because no subtitles nor closed captions. Please, P L E A S E, give us text, that we can READ.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  robertpinkerton
6 years ago

Mr. Pinkerton, have you tried searching “Trump CPAC 2019 subtitled”?

6 years ago

That is a monumentally _huge_ political assertion about Hillary and 2 Apr 19, 1542 hours, AC.

Her absence for any reason, natural or otherwise, will dominate the news cycle for the rest of the month. And if speculation such as this turns out to be prescient, absolutely world-shaking.

It could be part of the [-countdown] Q is advertising, it would seem. Amazing. Simply amazing.

I wonder if we will see any indication of her knowledge of this fate in her appearances over the next month. She’s fragile, and her knowing this end is coming will cause immense stress on her disposition and bearing. It could be a huge tell about other things happening behind the scenes.

The ability to keep a secret like this is incredible. I don’t know how those doomed would resist a final FU to the Cabal and spill everything they know via a taped confession. Perhaps its fear that they know their progeny would suffer a similar end if they told all. The world shares your curiosity.

6 years ago

Even if cabal was keeping dangerous people in check, there are still too many people getting randomly shot in black neighborhoods and too many women getting raped and murdered (sometimes in broad daylight) while out taking a jog. Clueless women have an attitude like, “I shouldn’t have to worry about being raped out alone. Men should learn not to rape.” That’s true, but they shouldn’t assume that because they should, they can. Women should be encouraged into concealed carry. If it got K enough, it wouldn’t hurt to have vigilante mobs out beating homeless people and migrants to death whenever they go around assaulting people. Then certain communities would be driven keep their problem people in check. It shouldn’t be normal, law-abiding citizens living in fear.

Reply to  Kharmii
6 years ago

Randomly? Violence is random, and accidents occur, far less often than we have been led to believe.

Reply to  Brickbat
6 years ago

The crazy thing is that the black guy at work has always told me violence isn’t really random in Chicago. He keeps saying that the people shooting know who they are shooting. Lately though…it really seems like it is random more and more, especially on the interstate. It’s like people are rolling down their windows and firing into vehicles full of strangers at random over smallest of road rage provocations. Nobody talks about it, maybe because the rabbity culture likes the idea of random casualties.

6 years ago

AC, with regard to Cabal, you say: “But I do not know how you get such a large secret society that would rather destroy itself —>and those it loves<—-, than reveal, even anonymously, one of the Society’s secrets.”

Aren’t you making a fundamental error with “and those it loves?”

What stood out to me with your prior bloodline posts is that bloodline appears to be everything, protecting the {{{group}}} is everything. Individuals don’t really matter and therefore love wouldn’t matter…? Am I off base?

Reply to  Cinderellaspeaks
6 years ago

That is what makes sense now about Hillary. She is such an unlikeable person; and was a very unlikeable candidate who just didn’t connect with people. To me, it seems like this is because there is a lack of love or any other normal human emotion to her (other than rage).

Reply to  Cinderellaspeaks
6 years ago

People with Aspergers have little to no emotional intelligence or empathy. Have several members of my family with that condition. It’s a neurological ‘mis-wiring’ in the brain during gestation so is untreatable.

In the U.K. it has come to light that there are more women with ASD than previously thought. It manifested itself in boys and men more clearly and originally they thought the ration was 17:1 male to female. Now it is considered to be 2:1.

In girls, they copycat the behaviour of other young girls. Essentially learned behaviour rather than instinctive. That is how they socialise, by mimicking but without understanding what it means. They have no comprehension of love or what emotions mean. Can’t read body language or facial expressions. Words don’t help as without understanding they are meaningless.

Ask them what love means and they look at you blankly. Doesn’t mean they are all narcissistic or sociopathic, just unable to recognise feelings for what they are. They usually end up in unemotional careers. Being a lawyer would be a good career as would politician. Don’t care what others think or feel about them. Often have no internal dialogue or imagination. Dreams, make believe, creative concepts are alien to their thought processes.

IMO HRC is on the Autistic Spectrum, high functioning but emotionally stone cold. That side of things she does by rote. She knows what is expected of her, because she has learned what is socially acceptable, so has the husband and child to complete her image, but they mean nothing to her. I also think that’s why she has put up with Bill’s affairs. I would expect her to use the act of sex as a means of gaining power and manipulation over someone. She will not understand hurt or pain in others and will see emotions as a sign of weakness.

The term ‘a cold fish’ would be very appropriate. I would not be convinced that she would be bothered about those she leaves behind. They are all tools to do a job. If her job is finished, the tools are no longer needed.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

I should also say it is why the Autists on the Chans, Gab, Reddit and Voat are so successful and why the Left has such a job fighting them and will never succeed in breaking them. The Left is driven by emotional responses and cannot cope with the Anons. I would even go so far as to suggest that without the rise in Autism, we would never have had the breakthrough against Cabal we have experienced in the last couple of years.

Anons are inherently good at chasing down the slightest little connection and details. Their minds connect dots in ways most ‘normies’ would miss. I think they have created a new neural network, far beyond what anyone could have expected and used the internet to show us how it’s all been done.

The narrative no longer works because of the Anons and for that we should all be thankful.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Cinderellaspeaks
6 years ago

“Even sinners love their own” Luke 6:32

6 years ago

Hickenlooper: After destroying Colorado he was invited to Bilderberg.

Has Hickenlooper Been Anointed by the Elites?
Thursday, 07 June 2018

That Hickenlooper was one of this year’s 131 elitists in attendance is significant. Bill Clinton, when still a fairly obscure governor of a small state of Arkansas, was in attendance at a Bilderberg meeting in 1991, and the next year he was elected president of the United States, defeating another former attendee, George Herbert Walker Bush. In 1964 and again in 1966, Congressman Gerald Ford was at a Bilderberg meeting.

So, Hickenlooper is someone to watch, for sure.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

Damn that air Q raises the hairs on the back of my neck. I’m so fvckin ready. I’d better not be being played.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

Regarding the entire Covington Catholic thing, I have to say that I find myself being suspicious that things are far beyond what we’re being told. It’s some kind of a set-up, but I don’t think it’s so neatly obvious as merely the MSM picking on MAGA hat wearing teens.

Take a look at most of the known black hats, known cabal, and media Never Trumpers. Religious denomination? Where did they go to college? How about their spouses? Any patterns?

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

AG Barr (then only a nominee) went to Covington for high school. It was planned as the first step of an attack on him.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

Here’s a theme: with Trump we finally have a father figure again. He’s brash, cheesy, cringey–all who grew up with a father felt the same about our own fathers at one time or another. This is where we get the phenomenon known as “Dad jokes”. And we love our dads for such jokes. And we also know our dads had our backs.

This is how I feel about Trump and it’s why I want to believe in him. I watched him hug the flag and I thought “OMG how embarrassing, that’s so cheesy.” But then I realized I would do the same if my child were the flag, no matter who was watching.

Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

IMO, that video of Donald Trump at the Al Smith Dinner Roast will be deeply studied for decades. There are so many interesting aspects to it, above and beyond what he chose to say (how he said it, what he didn’t say, his timing, the eyeballs of the dudes behind him, Hillary’s looks, shrugs, laughs, and body language, …………

It is an amazing video in light of the last two years of Q and with POTUS Trump as POTUS.

Gregory Pierce
Gregory Pierce
6 years ago

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum- even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there is free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on by the limits put on the range of the debate”

Gregory Pierce
Gregory Pierce
6 years ago

Remember a time when a true liberal arts education meant TOTAL freedom of expression to bring up any issue or topic to debate? What happened to that concept? The SPECTRUM happened. Human nature has been fucked with by EVIL forces.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

You wrote:

“here are people who will give their lives for a secret which it appears is kept in support of an almost Supreme Evil. It is the most puzzling aspect to me, if the economics are just massive tax-receipt graft.”

Actually, I want to address the topics that you raised in all of the paragraphs that sentence came from.

Remember Joe Pesci in JFK talking to Jim Garrison?

“Oh man, why don’t you fuckin’ stop it? Shit, this is too fuckin’ big for you, you know that? Who did the president, who killed Kennedy, fuck man! It’s a mystery! It’s a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma! The fuckin’ shooters don’t even know! Don’t you get it?”

Look, I’ve run into this thing. And I’ve watched it very closely over many, many years. I have good observational skills and I’m very strong in history, social sciences, etc. I think I have a good grasp on it.

And I’m keeping my mouth shut. Even here with some chance of anonymity. I’m not risking it. Yes, it’s that bad.

So why else won’t people talk? Well, just who am I going to tell? The media? Lot of good that will do. Random people on the street? Few would have the requisite knowledge to understand it; most would think I was crazy. Or, worse yet, I end up blabbing it to a member and then I’m in even worse trouble. So basically, my two choices are 1) be seen as cray, 2) dig myself deeper.

That’s the same thing facing Chelsea Clinton or Meghan McCain. Who are they going to tell without being labeled as crazy or digging themselves in deeper?

Additionally, most people involved in this clearly have no idea what’s going on. They have no idea of the genesis, historical origins, who is on top, or what it is all leading towards. None. I know this because I know people involved who are too stupid and ignorant to even grasp such questions. Beyond that, it’s not like they hold certification trainings. Certainly most of the foot soldiers and even mid level operators have no clear understanding of things like Q’s reported 16 year plan to destroy America and all of that. None at all. They are focused on their own little world and the survival and future of their family.

“The shooters don’t even know.”

So what do they know? They know the most important part: Silver or lead. Playing along brings rewards, potentially great rewards. Rebellion brings death. Now this is where many people don’t understand. They think that death means sending someone out to get them. But there are many ways to effectively kill someone: elimination of opportunities, destroying relationships, destroying lives. If anything, I think cabal prefers the slow kill to make an example of people. That and they are naturally sadistic.

The only thing these people know is that at some point they were approached with an opportunity that they couldn’t refuse. And behind it was Keyser Soze. And no one is coming to save them: not the media, not law enforcement.

If you grasp this you understand the full psychology involved.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

The other thing to keep in mind is this: the dynamics of the cabal lead to a kind of artificial selection. By its nature, the cabal selects for people who are sociopaths and sycophants. It selects for order-taking killers.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

Makes perfect sense.
Your posts are top notch fren.

6 years ago

And what’s interesting is that the Simpsons predicted Trump’s Presidency including his trip down the escalator:

6 years ago

There are people who will give their lives for a secret which it appears is kept in support of an almost Supreme Evil.

Satan rules over all. And angels rule over certain nations(Daniel 10):
“12“Do not be afraid, Daniel,” he said, “for from the first day that you purposed to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. 13However, the prince of the kingdom of Persia opposed me for twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia. 14Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision concerns those days.”

”20“Do you know why I have come to you?” he said. “I must return at once to fight against the prince of Persia, and when I have gone forth, behold, the prince of Greece will come. 21But first I will tell you what is inscribed in the book of truth. Yet no one has the courage to support me against these, except Michael, your prince.”

As God of this world Satan has the power to give kingdoms. But to have such power they must worship him and carrying out his designs(Luke 4:6-7).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

If other Alien species exist. Would they need a savior like ourselves? Or due to our special position that not only do we need redemption. But that all of creation would need to be renovated(Isaiah 65:17) as a result?

6 years ago


I understand Q expresses both truths and disinformation, for obvious reasons, but how are we to discern which is which? The date of Hillary’s demise, for example, could be either a truth or a falsehood and is therefore logically fallacious.

Intuitively, Q seems legit, but the accusation that Q-believers so desperately want Q to be real that they “excuse” events that don’t correspond or fulfill what has been written … well, this accusation also seems legit.

What say you?

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

“I have no idea what is behind the curtain, I only know it is massive, and was nearly all powerful.”

I think this is where you might be wrong. You seem to indicate that you believe members of this have a deep knowledge of some kind of parallel society. You also seem to indicate that there must be something big and powerful these members believe and somehow agree to. Please excuse me if I’m wrong, but that’s the sense I get.

I think it’s much more simple than that. My guess is that over 95% of people knowingly participating know less than you, I, and other commentators here. Seriously. They know it’s something big and its powerful and they want to be on its good side and not the bad side. It’s Keyser Soze. And they know that certain individuals that they’ve come across are what you’d call “handlers”, and those people deserve deference and their slightest suggestion should be treated as a papal bull. Most importantly, it’s not the threat of immediate lethal force that keeps people in line. It’s the very real awareness that doors could suddenly open or close in all areas of their life, for many years to come, if they disrespect those handlers.

What’s important is that much of what they’ll be called to do isn’t immoral. There are “handlers” in this who are decent, upstanding citizens who believe that they are looking out for people and institutions. When they tell many people to do things, they are wanting them to do it for their own good. Not everyone is given missions to kill.

I think that you’re trying to make sense of this by trying to imagine something utterly fantastic. I think the way it comes into people is much more basic, more simple, more cloaked. More subtle.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

>There are “handlers” in this who are decent, upstanding citizens who believe that they are looking out for people and institutions. When they tell many people to do things, they are wanting them to do it for their own good.
Hahahaha, this is where I disagree with you fren (and I agree with all the things I have ever read from you here until I read that).

From what I have seen, and I have went to war with this thing you talk about, (and I have been effectively killed without being killed, like you said sometimes is the option taken by this thing) if you analyze close enough those supposedly “upstanding citizens”, they are nothing but hypocrites trying to have others do what is best for them (the order givers, not the order takers).

They care about control, not seeing other people be well or successful. Its kinda like Pablo, if you collaborate, you get the silver (opportunities, social acceptance, etc), if you don’t, you get the lead (smear, no more jobs, they use their surveillance apparatus to take your business ideas from you). Pablo did not give 2 shits about those he bribed. Those “upstanding citizens” are the same way. They care that you comply and are under their control. Nothing more.

They don’t give two shits about making a dent on the system that protects the high level criminals (central banks, comped politicians, etc) because that would make them obsolete and would take away their power, so perhaps in their own minds they see themselves as these really nice people who just happen to be very nice if you do what they want and very hostile if you don’t, but in the end, there is nothing nice about them because they are hypocrites that just want to keep their own power going.

This can be seen from this anecdote of mine: I was told and shown that I was under permanent 24 hour surveillance where I lived by a co-worker a a son of one of the owners of the business I worked at. I decided to fight back. Several things happened: I almost fell into a trap that would have had me committed, I had my car’s brakes fucked with 2 times in a row (total failure 2 times), among other kinds of psychological attacks. I decided to continue with my plans. I managed to be able to out-smart my stalkers temporarily after spending years playing the fool while at the same time evading their efforts to fuck me big time (which included having my own brother making death threats on me and mock me about the situation in a plausible deniable way, which I never reacted to, because I knew how to fuck them good when the time was right). So after I luled my stalkers into a sense of control and comfort (playing the fool, and pretending I trusted my own brother), I did what I had to do to set up a dead man switch, which I was lucky to be able to figure out how to make happen. This lead my stalkers to try to pretend that they never intended to hurt me and that “we all need each other”. This of course is pathetic, they just want to make me feel safe while they figure out how to fuck me, but unfortunately for them, they can’t fuck me without fucking themselves up.

So now their only available play is to try to keep me under control without being too hostile about it. But I don’t mind the hostility, I keep rubbing it in their faces their own personal triggers (one of them is a literal cuck whose wife is a known whore, and I use my wire to mock him and his sons about it, for example), which sometimes results in them turning up the heat a little bit again, which I find very funny and amusing.

Their need and want for control is all that matter. This is why my brother tells me that I need to find a job, but not any job, the job he wants me to get, so he can keep trying to be my wannabe handler (which he failed spectacularly at). This is why when I told him that I am going to enlist on the USA navy and leave this Country of mine, he said to me “if you go there [to the USA], we will not let you get out”, which I replied to with “try it”, which prompt him to tell me, and I quote: “we will cut your head”, with I replied to with “try it”. They don’t give a shit about anyone, like you said, they select for psychopaths and sociopaths, which my brother is one of (I could tell you some stories about it, but as a small example, when we were kids, he told me that we should go spend the money our parents had gave me that month to eat and live (we were both living on another city because of school) and then call our parents pretending I was mugged so they would send more money).

At least from my own experience this is what I have seen. The same teachers who give free out-the-clock-lessons to students who need it for no money are the same ones that spy on their employees in their own family businesses and threaten them and try to have them committed when they don’t comply and don’t help them in their scams to get more government money for their business, while everyone around them is on their dicks about how nice people they are (and btw, one of those teachers banged a minor student of his and his wife is rumored to have threatened the kid, no complain was ever made about it (and a fun fact, the same teacher I am talking about tried to make a bomb when he was young because he is an ubber communist, and he ended up blowing up his own bathroom), and everyone know about this here).

Oh, and this is while also rubbing shoulder with known criminals (including violent drug traffickers) and helping people connected to the violent criminal’s network (which includes cops).

Its a wonderful thing that nature itself will bring the chaos, bring the conflict, bring the end of hypocrisy, because all this corrupt state of things is at its end soon enough, one way or the other. Apparently MI and NSA in the USA are going to make the transition in the US as stable as possible, but you can bet your ass that here in Europe some places are going to see plenty of bloodshed. For all the right reasons, unfortunately (things became too rotten).


No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Okay, I could actually answer a lot of your questions here but given the circumstances I’m naturally reticent to spill too much.

I’ll simply say that I think you’re assuming everyone knows they are up to no good. I don’t think that’s the case. Not everyone is trained in surveillance ops or how to use specialized equipment. That’s for specialized teams. Most of the “operators” are just people in mid-level administration who pull strings at the request of their contacts. A lot of “surveillance” is just people in the community having been requested to keep an eye out on you, with very little knowledge of the big machine.

I really believe that most involved don’t know the full details. I think that they operate primarily from a position of mystery. Mystery, confusion, and uncertainty is far better for gaining compliance and also reduces risk of exposure. When these people get together, I do not believe that they all talk about their involvement. Just the opposite. I believe that there is a strong element of “those who talk about it don’t know about it. Those who know about it don’t talk about it.”

Compensation? There is none for most, directly. Many of these people are on existing payrolls. And what they do know is that opportunities open up for compliance and doors slam shut for disobedience. If you’re a business owner and you run afoul, you go out of business. People will be told to boycott you. Members are just told to avoid you; perhaps given a pretense for it. But they learn that to be in contact with you could result in their ostracism. It’s much more favor based than you might be guessing. Scholarship for your kids, new business contacts, etc. You’ll find that they have representatives in most churches, civic groups, city councils, etc., and word gets out that you’re either one to promote or one to sabotage. It’s not like they get together and inform each member of what is going on and why. There’s no written records. They just know that someone in a position to grant them favors vaguely hinted that they should welcome or shun some other person.

There’s a few denominations that are big into this. Obviously, they already have existing structures of obedience to authority, and each member of the congregation is a potential spy. Again, think subtle. “Hey, have you seen that neighbor of yours? What’s going on with them?”

If you have an organization that has representatives on the school board, city council, a few local civic groups, the chamber of commerce, a couple of school principals, and a few church pastors, you have an outstanding intel gathering organization that is in a position to find out just about anything and grant or deny enough favors to drive a small businessman out of business.

So much can be accomplished with just that.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I also think it’s important to note that I think this whole thing is both larger and far more compartmentalized than you may believe. So many members have no idea of the full scope. It’s beyond them. And so much of this operates on a need to know basis. The secret is kept because no one knows all the secrets. Certainly average level people such as your local cop, local police administrator, local Rotary members, etc., have no idea of the full scope. They know that there is something powerful there and they know who a few of the key power people are directly connected to them, but they have no idea about others.

As for families participating hanging out with other families? The first rule of fight club is you don’t talk about fight club. They know it, they acknowledge it, but they keep their mouths shut.

Mystery and the unknown and powerful tools. So is keeping secrets. It’s said that when people are keeping secrets or attempting to believe that which they know is not true, they become much more susceptible to falling into trance states. It narrows their window of attention and brings a sense of fear. This makes mere off-the-cuff suggestions or hints have much more weight.

Let’s take a recent example: this Berkeley thug. I doubt he has any special knowledge of directed energy weapons, corruption in government agencies, etc. Even if you got him to talk, he’d have little actual knowledge to share. He knows that *something* is going on, he knows it benefits his family, and he knows he receives a reasonable income wandering around acting like a student, spying on other students, and intimidating conservatives. But he probably doesn’t look at it that way. He probably looks at it as he’s being paid to keep the right-wing racists under control. And if they get in control he’ll lose something cushy.

The people zapping innocent people are clearly no damned good. But guys like our campus friend? Even stupid thugs frequently know right from wrong. And he probably really thinks conservatives are racist and all that. And he’s probably accepted a BS story that he’s actually a good guy. The fact that he’s getting paid for it doesn’t hurt. Minor comforts. People will sell you out for job security.

This thing is not bound together by shared knowledge and information, IMO, other than thru existing institutions (churches, etc.) What really makes it stick is the uncertainty. The secrecy is maintained by high levels of compartmentalization, a prohibition about talking too much about it, general ignorance and an avoidance of written records/communications.

Most participants have no idea of the scope of things. Many of them will be shocked if the lights are turned on. And if not handled properly, attempts at turning on the lights will leave many participants simply more intimidated.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I think it is a mixture of your view and the one you are replying to, I would never dare guess what the split was but it would only make sense for the lower levels of the cabal to recruit and handle people who were not allowed to know anything but that some person with wealth/power/connections wanted them to do certain things from time to time and would make their life easy for them in return, they might even be told that they are working for some publicly acknowledged group like the C1A or the FB1 or just the X family that “runs this county”.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

“[Q] could be buying time until the Cabal can get its forces in place to grab us all up and ship us off to the work camps. It is possible. I don’t think it is, because it is poisoning us against the media, which Cabal would never do. But I can’t say for certain.”

This is another reason I admire you, AC. You refuse to play mind games. This is tonic to my amygdala. I just want the facts. Interpretation is fine, persuasion not so much. I appreciate that you interpret but don’t preach.

Reply to  KR
6 years ago

I say you aren’t Q-anon’s audience, and you should stop following it.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  KR
6 years ago

On the idea of discerning which of Q’s posts are true vs disinformation:

Umm.. it doesn’t matter.

Think of what the purpose of Q really is. Q is a psyop directed towards multiple populations with the intention of shaping the battlespace.

Q is not here to convince you of anything, and the truth value of the sum of Q’s statements does not tell you his value to you.

Q’s posts are intended to:

1) manipulate the opposition by generating fear and getting them to take action based upon fear and incorrect understanding.

2) Indicate to foreign allies that something is going on, a kind of back channel.

3) Discredit and marginalize the MSM for both present and future information operations.

4) Shore up support amongst Trump’s base and effectively communicate with them without MSM filtration and arguably to reduce the understanding of the opposition’s base of the information flowing into Trump’s base.

Q is essentially forming a wall around Trump’s base and making that base hard to penetrate by the opposition.

What this points to is that Trump wants to bring radical change that would highly resisted by the media establishment and liberal cultural establishment. In order to do this, he must maintain solid political support in his base that can’t be easily eroded.

Q is a psyop.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing. Part of psychological operations is maintaining and strengthening morale, as well as contempt of the enemy. And countering the enemy’s psychological operations.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

His base is what gives him the votes to stay in power. Trump is building a wall. Q is part of it. A wall around his base.

The Great Awakening will simply be a process of provoking the media and the Democrats and their street thugs into taking counter-productive actions that push just a few percentages of the eligible voters into Trump’s camp.

We are at war. A civil war. And right now that war consists of a wide array of techniques to make sure that the next election is won because that is what determines who controls the White House and the US military, which is the only entity with the fiscal, intelligence, communications, and kinetic resources to control the cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Or, more laconic — if you strike at a king, you must kill him.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

My mistake. I should have made myself more clear: just because I think it’s a psyop doesn’t mean I think it’s bad or that it’s inherently dishonest. IT’s just prepping us for what’s to come.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I would agree wholeheartedly that the plan has to be a total takedown of Cabal and that Trump knows the stakes.

But this is going to be a massive undertaking. It will require exposure, of course. But as you know that is so, so much more than a few high profile arrests or even changes in our banking system.

Exposure will require a massive educational effort to document how this came to be as well as the methods, along with moral education to make it clear that this kind of behavior is unacceptable. This naturally requires a complete and total rebuilding of our media and our educational institutions. It means new textbooks, new curricula, and new teachers.

The plan clearly began with reigning in the CIA, beginning to clean out the DOJ, and destroying the media and hollywood. Mass arrests will not be the end, but mark a new beginning to include cleaning our education/academia and local law enforcement. Against a determined, ferocious foe that is very skilled at hiding in the shadows.

This will require at least one generation, probably more.

6 years ago

$100 Million In Extremely Rare “Intensely Private” Artwork Just Hit The Block – And Most Didn’t Sell

Since art is often used to launder money I find this very interesting.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 years ago

It might be a sign that the channels to move the dirty money are under too much scrutiny at the moment, or that they have been taken down for the time being.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 years ago

It’s relatively easy to launder money with smaller and more portable objects than art — rare books, jewelry, antiques that can fit in a pocket, etc. And yes, you’re right that rare or expensive objects aren’t selling as well as one would expect. Rare books, for example, command about half the price than they did, say, a decade ago.

Check out Christie’s or Sotheby’s catalogs. If you compare the auction sold results to the listed items in catalogs, you can discern which sorts/sizes of items have sold as well as the sorts of lots that were unsold.

To sum, and this is just my observation without any statistical analysis, it appears that smaller, well priced/quality lots sell more quickly than large-size, highly priced lots.

(Here’s a fascinating analysis of A. Hepburn’s recent auction at Christies. Just a FYI if you’re interested.

Reply to  KR
6 years ago

There is more to the art than just the laundering. It’s also a method of holding and transferring wealth. You purchase expensive art to invest in the System, and it gives them a degree of control. If you are loyal, you can be rewarded by the value of your art going up. If you are going sideways, suddenly the value of your art investment goes sideways too.

The interesting thing is that if all of the art is going down in value, that implies that the entire System is collapsing, either because no one is investing in the System anymore, or because They can’t pump more money in the system to pay returns.