News Briefs – 03/02/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q had one post to let us know the countdown was not affected by the lack of a deal in North Korea (and that may even have been part of the plan). The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

Q said on the 26th that within 21 days there would be big happenings. 20 days from the 26th is March 18th, which is “Supreme Sacrifice Day,” in honor of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the nation so that others might one day live in freedom.

I just saw the most patriotically done advertisement for “The Bush Years,” a documentary about to show on CNN of all networks. It was about a minute of exciting music played against a backdrop of Bush family videos of football games on lawns, patriotic imagery, 9/11 flashbacks of Bush II rallying the nation after the attacks, Military men going into the War on Terror, interviews with James Baker and other Bush loyalists talking about the family’s greatness, and a voiceover about this family of patriots who have been serving this country going back generations, and how they are so integral to the fabric of America. CNN, doing a whole documentary on how wonderful the Republican Bush family is. Do the math, and try to guess what must be coming, and what they are trying to inoculate themselves against.

Just found it on youtube, if you are curious:

I still can’t believe W would have been a part of anything associated with child sexual abuse and torture, but there it is.

NYC mayor’s wife gets $850 million diverted to her pet project to help mental health, but the project is a failure, she didn’t bother to account for the money’s spending, and now they are allocating another $1 billion to the same program. It is not even like she is an elected official, but already she is poised to burn through $1.85 billion just on her pet project. What do you think her Husband the Mayor has burned through?

Roberts, the Bush II appointee has been swinging leftist lately in his rulings. Ginsberg will change that once she keels.

MS-13 is conducting surveillance of NYPD officer homes, in preparation for attacks. Knowing all the machinery out there, I can say with zero doubt that these animals could be made aware, with absolute certainty, that this is not allowed. If Trump had control of the machinery I know of, it would already have happened. But apparently it has not.

Kochs will intervene in Republican Primaries for the first time ever, to support Cuckservative establishment hacks over real conservatives. That they never did it before, tells you how much control they have had, right up until 2016. It also tells you they were pulling for Hillary. Nothing was what it had seemed.

The deaths of that billionaire pharma couple in Canada conveniently caused an investigation into his support for Trudeau to go away quietly. Long article – relevant part is, “More recently, in August 2015, Sherman hosted a cash-for-access fundraiser at his house for Justin Trudeau and a local Liberal candidate, a controversial event that landed the drug magnate in the crosshairs of Ottawa’s lobbying commissioner. The Lobbyists’ Code of Conduct prohibits registered lobbyists (which Sherman was at the time) from placing elected officials in a potential conflict of interest that could make them feel “a sense of obligation.” Before the commissioner could finish her investigation, Sherman dispatched lawyers to Federal Court to try to get the “unanchored fishing expedition” shut down… In January, a newly appointed lobbying commissioner dropped the investigation into Sherman and Apotex’s 2015 fundraiser for Trudeau, a decision now being challenged in court by Democracy Watch, an advocacy group that contends Apotex shouldn’t be let off the hook.” If he was getting Trudeau elected, no telling what other Cabal secrets he may have held.

Experiments on how to increase transmissibility of pandemic-producing viruses are quietly going forward.

Rashida Talib took in $45,000 from her own campaign, in addition to $225,000 fellowship she had gotten from the George Soros Open Society. You can see why these people seem so unhinged about Trump taking over. It isn’t about the leftism – it is the tub of butter they had their ass in that is about to go away.

DOD report said North Korean Satellites might have Nuclear Weapons in them. EMPs?

The Walton Family is suddenly offloading a ton of Walmart Stock.

A long article on a guy who sold himself to the media as a ground breaking MD/PhD sex researcher, but who made all his credentials up. What is interesting it that this guy seems to have been making money at this, when I suspect if he actually had all those credentials, he would not have made any money – unless he was willing to shill for normalizing bestiality, and fisting, and sexual depravity, which I suspect was what some facet of Cabal was paying his bills for. There is no money in online content creation in world filled with free online content, which always makes me wonder who is paying the bills for all of these outlets and personalities.

Measles is documented to be able to be transmitted by a vaccinated individual. Ergo, bringing Measles up from across the border in immigrants is doing far more to spread it than people not vaccinating their children.

Nuns at Irish home for orphans and unmarried mothers that had a mass baby-grave scandal says they were ordered to destroy all records of some vaccine trial that experimented on their charges.

Canada is maintaining a database on its citizens to track “risky” attributes.

For some reason Huma appears to have been forwarding classified email chains to Weiner, according to the following page in this FBI doc drop:

To this point, Weiner has been the bumpkin sitting home in his underwear eating bon-bons, sexting teenaged girls, and accidently destroying Hillary’s entire life’s work as he exposed a global conspiracy that may have dominated the entire world unchallenged for millennia. It is possible he was something much bigger. For all we know, while Huma was cashing checks from Hillary, Cabal, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Saudi Intel, Weiner could have been bringing home an additional cash stream by sending intel Huma gave him to Mossad, and Huma was knowingly feeding it to him because that was their life. Now that I think about it, might Mossad approach him once he was kicked out of Congress and had nothing but a shared bed with Hillary’s BFF? Maybe a common taste for treason and cash was what brought together a Muslim Brotherhood Princess with ties to Saudi Intel and a nice Jewish boy from the big city in the first place.

Netanyahu gets the Trump treatment, and begins to respond in kind:

Opium addicted parrots are devastating poppy plants in India.

China is treating Islam like a mental illness.

Bradley/Chelsea Manning has gotten a mystery subpoena to testify in front of a Grand Jury, and has no idea what it is about. Some think it is WikiLeaks/Assange, but they are just guessing. Manning sounds to me like he/she knows more than they are saying, and they are not happy.

Canada allows extradition of Huawei CEO to go forward.

Judge imposes a gag order on Roger Stone, figures now she won’t hear from him again, but Surprise! – he has a book coming out imminently. Judge is not pleased, Stone will have to answer to her, likely much to his great delight for the spotlight and publicity. If ever a man was incorrigible…

Another massage parlor operation busted and charged with human trafficking in Boston. Chinese, not Russian or Eastern European, or Latin American. Always Chinese. Is that Cabal?

Leftist who punched Conservative activist on UC Berkeley Campus is arrested. Zachary Greenberg, 28. Get a load of the mouth in his mugshot. A Cabal inductee, 28 years old, and not a student on campus but dressed like a student with a backpack (a cover), and walking around UC Berkeley all day for no discernable reason. Makes me wonder if Cabal would have some sort of unofficial headquarters hidden away somewhere on that campus, in a restricted no-go area for regular students. It would offer a lot of traffic for agents to hide within as they reported for duty, and most of those leftist professors are probably Cabal leadership. Also might have facilities/space to keep a Server Farm up and running for records without drawing too much suspicion.

Kentucky House passes Constitutional Carry.

It might have been just to help the leftists play politics, but Michael Cohen’s testimony to the House Intelligence Committee was conducted in a SCIF, even though he shouldn’t have any classified intelligence, nor could Congressmen share any with him:

CPAC has gone full MAGA, Bush legacy has essentially been erased.

US seized 50 tons of gold from ISIS.

There are signs of major change in Iran.

The Mexican government is helping Trump to carry out his immigration policy all along the southern border. When the current Mexican President got elected, but before he took office, he commented about how he had spent the last 20 years under hostile government surveillance. Except it wasn’t government – it was Cabal, though he didn’t know that. So whatever it takes to defeat Cabal is his primary objective. By comparison, the fact he is leftist, and Trump is Right, means nothing. Still interesting is how that porous border is so vital to Cabal. Also interesting to note that previously we had Presidents on both sides of the border who agreed it should be kept open, and suddenly we had Presidents on both sides who agreed to work together to close it.

Swedish city puts up a welcome sign for Muslims featuring a woman in a hijab, and angered Swedes shoot it to pieces. A good message to the left that you can bet triggers their rabbit amygdalae in very primitive ways. Still, if you are out there in Sweden, understand that if (((They))) are smart, (and (((They))) are), they will have put that sign out in a position where they could keep an eye on it. It might very well be a honeytrap put there specifically to lure in and identify their troublesome little pricks. Be sure you don’t drive there in your car, stop at a gas station with video surveillance on the way, and then pull right up to the sign and shoot it while standing in the road. A lit sign itself makes me think it is acting as illumination for IR cameras, which need some small amounts of light to function in the dark, but which will be betrayed by the soft red glow of IR LEDs. Go on foot through the woods, shoot from a distance from within concealment, and then police your brass before leaving through concealment on foot. And ideally scout the location beforehand for anyone “watching” while looking like what you would expect of normal people not watching. Otherwise you will get a note in your file. And understand, to you it may be almost like a funny lark, but to them this is dead serious, because they cannot imagine anything happening to the ease and advantage that they presently enjoy.

Only 39% of voters thought Cohen was credible., and only 58% of Democrats though he was credible. Almost half of the Democrats thought he was lying.

Spread r/K Theory, because the happenings are still on the timetable.

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White Guy
White Guy
6 years ago

So this is quite terrifying in it’s application. Young MIT engineer has figured out how to recover sound from video only, even through soundproof glass. I wonder if this has any relation to “I can hear you breathing” from Q…This tech might already be around.

6 years ago

“The Bush Years: Family, Duty, Power” is produced by Raw TV. Raw TV is a British television production company producing documentaries and scripted television shows. “The Bush Years” is the next documentary from this company, which previously produced “American Dynasties: The Kennedys”. The company started in 2001 and was acquired by All3Media in 2017. It can be found at

All3Media is another British television company, a larger holding group comprised of 27 production and distribution companies in Europe and the US. On 8 May 2014, it was announced that Discovery, Inc. and Liberty Global would acquire All3Media, in a joint venture valued at US$930 million, according to Wiki.

CNN contracted with All3Media to produce the Bush show, or it could be that All3Media did the show on spec and pitched it to CNN, which had a good run with the previous Kennedy production.

Essentially, All3Media is leasing CNN airtime to run the series. There’s an ad revenue sharing agreement between them. They probably produced this show for about US$200K-300K; it’s all archived footage and interviews so it’s a cheap production. And to get some of the private Bush family archives probably included an agreement on what could be shown and how it was described. The family is not going to be part of a CNN hit piece.

I would imagine that CNN had little editorial control over the show, since CNN is scraping bottom today and needs the cash, and has been ever since Anthony Bourdain involuntarily stopped making their highest-rated show for them last year.

If you know what I mean…and I think you do, AC. Enjoy your weekend.

6 years ago

Zachary Greenberg, 28.

(((Greenberg))). Every single time.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago


The university confirmed to Campus Reform that Zachary Greenberg was once an employee of the university. Specifically, the university told the site, he “was employed by UC-Berkeley from May 21-July 9, 2010 as a lab assistant [that’s what the paycheck memo said, but I doubt he did any assisting — P] in the Department of Psychology.”

Furthermore, he was “briefly a non-degree seeking student at UC-Berkeley,” Campus Reform reported. It’s not clear why he was on campus when the attack occurred.

We’ve got another wind-up toy.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago

It’s certainly plausible, but there are other alternatives. As AC mentioned previously, he could be plugged into cabal through family, and thus have a visceral reaction to Trump. It’s also entirely possible that the vast majority of the liberal activists on college campuses aren’t really spontaneous activists as we’ve been meant to believe but are actually paid employees with the intent of keeping everyone thinking the left is more prevalent than they really are.

There’s really no loss to the left for this guy’s behavior. I doubt he’ll be convicted and even if he is I doubt he’ll face much of a sentence. But his behavior has no doubt served as a bit of a chilling example. A lot of college kids just don’t want to get into ideological fights and want to concentrate on their college life. It doesn’t take too many guys like this to keep anything from forming spontaneously.

6 years ago

US seized 50 tons of gold from ISIS.

I wonder where they got that much gold from…

Q said on the 26th that within 21 days there would be big happenings. 20 days from the 26th is March 18th, which is “Supreme Sacrifice Day,” in honor of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the nation so that others might one day live in freedom.

My mind went to Anton and the pseudonym he used to write that essay. Is Anton going to make a sacrifice? Will he tell the world that he is Q?

Swedish city puts up a welcome sign for Muslims featuring a woman in a hijab, and angered Swedes shoot it to pieces.

Anyone tell you that you have a suspicious mind? 😉

Hans Gruber
Hans Gruber
6 years ago

Interesting development in the Quadriga crypto currency story. I wonder if Cabal took him out in India or if he faked his own death.

Reply to  Hans Gruber
6 years ago

Good article on this topic here:

6 years ago

“bye Crooked Hillary”. Interesting spelling ‘mistake’

6 years ago

Off topic, but why does Jared Kushner look so incredibly creepy? From a physiognomy perspective, which aspect of his face makes him look like a sadistic sociopath? Or is that just me? He gives me the shivers.

Reply to  BrachaBenedicta
6 years ago

I think it’s because he looks sexually androgynous.

6 years ago

Conservatives banned from financial:

Just like Chinese social credit system. We can have our money cut off.

6 years ago

”By comparison, the fact he is leftist, and Trump is Right, means nothing. Still interesting is how that porous border is so vital to Cabal. Also interesting to note that previously we had Presidents on both sides of the border who agreed it should be kept open, and suddenly we had Presidents on both sides who agreed to work together to close it.”

A broken clock is right twice a day. And given that Cabal is the much bigger evil. He is a lesser evil by comparison.

Once cabal is defeated.

Then the evil that is at the foundation of the left can be defeated too much more easier.

Sin is still sin. But disorganized sin is more easily dealt with than organized evil.