News Briefs – 03/01/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q as of when we went to press.

Bernie turns up the heat, actually hires an illegal alien as his Press Secretary. And she is protected from deportation by “Dreamer” status.

Colleges are taking money from China to expose students to what the Chinese themselves refer to as Chinese Propaganda.

Democrats who opposed the Born Alive Act got a half Million dollars of formerly taxpayer money from Planned Parenthood.

Democrats introduce new Dream Act with Amnesty for millions and protection for all the other illegals.

7,000 migrants grabbed by Border Patrol in one week on one section of Texas Border.

California refused 5600 requests from Federal agencies to turn over illegal immigrants.

Sheldon Adelson reportedly gravely ill with lymphoma. Lymphoma has always struck me as something we will find Cabal has a lot of knowledge about someday.

Harry Reid, dying of pancreatic cancer, but not showing it, is pushing for UFO disclosure.

Details on Huawei’s alleged theft of IP from T-Mobile.

There has been a mysterious surge in $100 bills in circulation, perhaps due to corruption. Is Cabal raiding the buried funds, and paying for things in cash lately to try and keep their operations afloat? Might they even be printing cash in someplace like Iran?

The EU is quietly seizing control of member state’s finances.

Megan Markle says she will raise Prince Harry’s child with a fluid approach to gender.

A week before the summit with Kim and Trump, a mysterious group of people broke into the Madrid embassy of North Korea, tied up the staff, and stole computers and technology.

Kristen Gillibrand’s stepmother was a member of NXIVM, while her father did work for them.

US Army estimates that Russian capability will peak in 2028, and China’s will peak in 2030. Right around the time we were likely to have economically imploded, making us unable to spend on defense. The plan was well timed.

Arsonists are targeting Congo Ebola clinics, because of rumors they have some ulterior motive. Like the Central American Countries killing people because they think they are stealing children, you have to wonder if they are right.

YouTube disables comments on videos featuring minors, because the comments were uncontrollably filling up with pedophile comments. Are pedophiles that bold? Or was this an organized campaign by psych professionals to groom these children by bombarding them with sexual content online?

Cohen was singing Trump’s praises in a proposed book deal just days before the FBI raided his office. Look at how divorced from our expectation the system is. (((They))) just showed up, and told Cohen the only way to save your wife from a 30 year prison sentence is to lie about President Trump and destroy him. I could kill an orphan, and probably get off with a ten year stint. But have the machine decide you are their’s…

Infant mortality has doubled during crisis. Those are bad, r-selected parents killing off their own r-selected genes with neglect, and weak soy-boy babies dying and taking their r-genes with them. Combined with Migration, Venezuela may end up the Russia of Central America in the next r-swing.

UC Davis professor says all cops should be killed, and still has a job. Try saying transgenders with penises should not be using female locker rooms with young girls. You will be gone by the next day.

Jonah Goldberg to leave National Review to begin a “Trump-Skeptical” newsletter, with maybe a website at some point, and maybe a print addition later. Could National Review be going down like the Weekly Standard now that there is no Cabal funding, and he is hoping to have a low-overhead alternative ready to mop up readers when it collapses? Notice, in seeking payment, they are targeting Trump hating Republicans. Even though Trump probably has a high 90’s% Approval rating with Republicans, if not 100%, those people do not pay money for their content. The only hope of monetization is to hope the establishment will reward you for helping them get control. It is all a racket, and there are no subscribers, there are only payoffs. Do you wonder why r/K is meeting such headwinds, when Conservatives themselves who see it love it so much?

Former Federal Prosecutor Joe Di Genova says we are heading to a civil war, so all he does is vote for now, and buy guns for later, when the Civil War hits.

The money Obama gave Iran in the Iran deal went through Switzerland. This led an Anon to post this, which I take no position upon, other than it is interesting to file away:

Woke up this morning and saw this.
>>5430559 (pb) >>5430644 (pb) >>5430782 (pb) Is Trump negotiating with someone other than Kim?
[P] + KJU = Who is Behind The Scenes?
Let me reiterate what I’ve interjected here before; since we’re speculating on the “Mysterious [Power] Behind-the-Scenes”.

By reviewing history and asking simple questions:
* What [Place] is (Declared Neutral) in (Perpetuity)?
* What [Place] is known as (The “Secret Banking” Financial Center of the World)?
* What [Place] has Compulsory Military Conscription for all able-bodied, mentally competent adult males – But remains neutral in world conflicts?
* Who guards [The Vatican & The Pope]?
* Who has the world’s largest [Super-Collider] and advanced (Quantum Physics) research?
* Who NEVER gets attacked in the arena of (World Public Opinion)?

I’ve tried to come at this logically & with reasoned analysis.
Asking the typical questions.
* How is it this little “Postage Stamp” country is [Exclusively] [Declared] by [“The Powers”], in the “Treaty of Paris” in 1815, to have the [Exclusive Right] of (Neutrality)?
? While (The World) murders itself around them; SWITZERLAND:
* Is [Exclusively Exempt].
* Holds the [Secret Banking & Finance – Levers of Power].
* “Guards” “The Chair”.
* Etc…
History Review:
(Charles Pictet de Rochemont – notably of Geneva) – Drafted the (Swiss Declaration of Neutrality) that was signed by, guess who, [“The Powers”]; at the Treaty of Paris in 1815 – after the defeat of Napoleon.
* (Treaty of Paris – 1815) = [“THE POWERS”] and yes, that is what they are called in (The Treaty) itself.
* Great Britain
* France
* Russia
* Austria
* Prussia
Recent History.
* Where did (Kim Jong Un) go to school outside of NK?
? (Switzerland) ?
* (Charles [P]ictet de Rochemont) – Author of (Swiss Neutrality)
– [P]ictet = Still a Major banking family & “Power” in Switzerland and The World.
* Are these Major World Events & Interesting Connections – Just Coincidences?
? So who is POTUS (Really) negotiating with?
* Probably (Some Form) of [“The Powers”] = /_\ ? Who hide deep in Bunkers & Tunnels in The Swiss Alps.
Just dropping a little history & analysis to stimulate some productive intelligence analysis.
Before some anons jump down my throat:
I’m just presenting [P]ictet & “The [P]owers” as one possibility of interpretation of ‘Q’ comms out of many.
Multiple meanings can apply to single statements.

A small injection of nanites into the eye can let you see infrared wavelengths and give you night vision.

Chinese manufacturing hits a three year low as Trump Tariffs take hold.

Facebook and Google to be fined billions of dollars by the UK because they did not police content properly.

Rand details how Iran has exerted influence throughout Latin America through Hezbollah, and how much of the activity has been done in Venezuela. Iran is south of the border, our borders need to be kept open. No idea if that is related, but it is curious.

British businesses are thriving, despite the Brexit situation. Is it possible Cabal’s diminution is already yielding economic benefits?

Somalia tries to tell Denmark that it will not accept any Somalis Denmark tries to return, but Denmark says return by force is an option.

Pakistan promises to release captured Indian pilot as a goodwill gesture.

US and Taliban talk Troop withdrawal and counter-terrorism at peace talks.

Hundreds of Venezuelan Troops are defecting as country spirals into chaos.

Lindsey Graham promises the Senate Judiciary Committee is going to dig into censorship of Conservatives by social media giants.

Last year the US economy grew the most since 2005.

Trouble in Paradise for Democrats, as the leftist extremists turn on the old establishment.

Experts say POTUS’s No-Deal Summit was a master stroke. It undoubtedly scares the hell out of the Chinese with respect to upcoming trade negotiations. Trump could sink their entire economy overnight by just walking away. Another theory on Q’s board was if Kim gave up denuclearization on this meeting, he would have looked weak in Asia, as if he gave away the store to Trump. By doing this, Kim and Trump look like equals who bumped into each other, and fought to a draw, allowing Kim to save face in the region, before coming to a deal on the next go around.

Even though it was Cabal doing the surveillance on Page, Cabal would probably be interested in grabbing anything interesting on anybody interesting who they could gin up a cover for surveilling along the way. And this could offer cover to legitimize other intelligence gathered during surveillance they ran illegally even before Page showed up on the scene, so they likely would have grabbed all of this in their travels and stored it somewhere officially. Interesting twist.

Spread r/K Theory, because happenings are coming.

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6 years ago

“A small injection of nanites into the eye can let you see infrared wavelengths and give you night vision.”

Nanoparticles have other uses too. (Follow the IDs and timestamps for more fun.)


“Even though it was Cabal doing the surveillance on Page, Cabal would probably be interested in grabbing anything interesting on anybody interesting who they could gin up a cover for surveilling along the way.”

There are no coincidences. Page put himself in those buildings to aim the surveillance at those companies. NSA has it all.

6 years ago

All of the aid groups (Drs w/o borders,etc) have pulled out of DRC. Didn’t like being shot at/ kidnapped. The disease has resurged everywhere it was thought beaten.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  mobiuswolf
6 years ago

If Ebola is going to really flare up into something significant, this current Maunder Minimum would be the time. It doesn’t seem colder to us, but sensitive heat loving crops are noticing the cold shift even near the tropics.

Another Jim
Another Jim
6 years ago

Cabal has memory holed all the @DawsonSField Carter Page thread
Nothing to see
It was a violation of the Narrative, and a thought crime

6 years ago

So it occurred to me the other day that the Special Forces build up in Puerto Rico and all the other troops building up in the Caribbean and the Northern coast of SA are not being positioned to hit Venezuela. I realized that if they are being positioned to hit the cabal, there is a much more important target that they are not only positioned extremely close to, but in fact surround.

I don’t want to type the name just to keep from alerting the bots.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago

Long endurance felps, can you poast le name in a riddle bls?
I can’t figure out on my own what is the country you’re talking about.
PS: bls resbond

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
6 years ago

The mud cookies are world famous there.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
6 years ago

Look at a map of the area. I would guess either the four-letter country on whose island the U.S. has an infamous naval base, or the infamous six-letter Island just south of there.

6 years ago

Thomas Wictor has a good piece about Trump, showing that he speaks several languages. In the video at the top TW points out that Trump clearly understood what Kim said before the interpreter spoke.

Goes into how he also learned Russian at the New York Military Academy and has had a relationship with the House of Saud for 40 years. The only time MbS has spoken English in public was when he met Trump.

Even says Trump read Art of War in the original Chinese form. Fascinating background and shows the hidden depths of the man.

There’s a lot more going on than we currently know. Cabal’s mistake was to completely underestimate him and the threat he posed to their plans. Wrote him off as a TV reality star of no substance. Too late now, thank God.

Anna eppa
Anna eppa
6 years ago

Trump may also speak/understand Gaelic, which his mother spoke.