News Briefs – 03/29/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Russian Oil Sales To India Skyrocket

DFT – FTX’s Bankman-Fried Charged With Bribing Chinese Officials

DFT – In Paris, Major Bank Offices Raided Over Tax-Scam, Money-Laundering

DFT – Germany To Ease The Path To Citizenship For Skilled Migrants

DFT – ANZ Head Warns Banking Crisis Could Trigger Global Meltdown

The late Ivana Trump, the first wife of former President Donald Trump, was under a counterintelligence inquiry conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the 1990s, according to a new report, based on her being Czechoslovakian. I will bet Melania was listed as a threat too, all of which allowed them to spy on Trump.

I highlighted all the surveillance surrounding the school where a tranny shot three children and three workers. The address was 33 Burton Hills Blvd. 33 is a Masonic number, but that could just be coincidence. Although I noticed the numbers for the office buildings on one side I saw there tended to be a multiple of ten on one side, or a multiple of five on the other, like 10 Burton Hills or 15 Burton Hills. Then there was 33, out of the blue, where the shooting happened. Oddly enough, on the school’s webpage, it says the school has 33 faculty:


In the comments, Farce highlighted this article, which was a news story the day before the attack

Why they would say “33 Armadillos”, and not “23 feet across” (whatever the armadillo to feet conversion works out to), is clearly strange – and strained.

The B-man noted this in the comments:

3 weeks after the mutilation ban.
3 Adults and 3 kids killed (33).
Address is 33 Burton Hills Rd.
Farce dropped a Israeli news article about 33 armadillo sized asteroid.

Anonymous added this:

3 kids 9 years old.
9 9 9
Inverted 666

I have no idea what any of that means, or how much of it is innocent coincidence. I do know, you see some horrifically violent event, you can often travel back in time using Google Streetview, and see the area where it happens, or the people who were involved, were buried under surveillance months or even years before. That doesn’t feel like coincidence. Somehow they are related. Maybe these people look for these numerical coincidences when they plan something like this, based off some occult belief system which sees it as a sign of fate or good luck, and then they send in the surveillance to prepare the scene by locking down control, and gathering every possible detail.

As Vox Day has observed, it is impossible to know what is going on right now, or why things appear to look so strange. We are missing crucial information about the world – information which this thing has hidden from us. There is something going on we do not understand, somehow it is related to the surveillance, and all we can do now is assemble the data-points.

Bryan Kohberger’s sisters fired from their jobs after brother’s arrest. Interesting, as normally you would think it ridiculous for a sister employed as a mental health professional to be fired for an act a family member she might not even be on speaking terms with, did all the way on the other side of the country. It would be hard to not have sympathy for her, as her world is turned upside down. But if intelligence targeted you, or even wanted control of your situation due to something else they were targeting, impoverishing family to limit their resources, limit their choices, and seize a more complete control of events would be almost standard procedure. It is entirely possible somebody has decided they want him taking the fall, and not getting another attorney. Like, one who might ask, why were those girls under such intense physical surveillance?

Nashville Police release body-cam footage of officers stopping transgender shooter who murdered multiple children and teachers at a Christian school. At this point, slide-mounted optics have matured to the point I think they are required equipment on any carry handgun, save a deep-cover backup.

Nashville Police heroes expose the lies of Uvalde cowards: If Uvalde cops had shown any of the urgency or bravery of Nashville cops, many, if not all, of the 19 children and 2 teachers would be alive.

Trans Nashville shooter, “was under “doctor’s care for an emotional disorder”, police say.” I suspect none of us fully understand how much of the psychology/therapy profession has been Taken Over by agents of this machine, and how many of those shrinks are cogs in a command structure which can give the orders they cannot refuse. I suspect the level of threat (which we are almost entirely blind to) is just off the scale with this thing.

Tucker Carlson calls for ‘tox-screen’ of mass killers to reveal what pharmaceuticals they’re taking.

Paul Sperry:

Parents of school shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale knew she’d bought at least one weapon while under psychiatric careand living under their roof at age 28and knew she was hiding something in a red bag but didn’t investigate. Turns out she’d stockpiled seven (7) weapons

Growing number of Americans say that acceptance of transgenderism has gone ‘too far’ in new poll released one week before Nashville shooting.

The Press Secretary for Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs shared disgusting tweets, seemingly calling for more violence, on the same day that three young students and three teachers were murdered by a transgender who kept a manifesto and mapped out her plan in Nashville, Tennessee. “Hobbs’ press Secretary Josselyn Berry tweeted a gif with a woman holding two handguns, captioned, “us when we see transphobes.””

LGBTQ+ groups try to block release of trans Nashville shooters manifesto.

Tennessee Rep. Burchett calls for release of trans shooter’s manifesto.

The Trans Resistance Network (TRN), a far-left transgender “collective,” released an inflammatory statement on Monday in the wake of the Covenant School shooting, saying, “Hate has consequences,” and the transgender Nashville shooter felt “no other effective way to be seen” than killing six people at a private Presbyterian school.

Trans activists slam ‘radical religious schools’ in response to Nashville mass shooting in which three 9-year-olds were killed.

If the mentally ill ‘mustn’t own guns,’ what about ‘trans’ people?

All the tranny-psychos are being rolled out in a full-fledged push to associate transgenderism with mental illness – Transgender Instagram model allegedly murdered dad, stabbed sister after ‘argument over a laptop.’ A part of me always wants to do the opposite of what the manipulators are doing. Yet I cannot avoid helping Cabal here, rid the nation of this cancer. Nobody wants to be forced to partake in the fetishes of these weirdos.

‘Transgender’ farmer, veteran, killed employees, fed bodies to pigs continue reading ‘transgender’ farmer, veteran, killed employees, fed bodies to pigs.

Study: ‘Transgender’ youth at highest risk for violent radicalization.

Taliban sounds more reasonable that American leftists on the shooting:

James O’Keefe working on his own, chasing down what looks like some leftist money laundering scheme, where one person has thousands of small contributions to things like Act Blue, sometimes three times a day for years, adding up to over $200,000.

Paul Sperry:

The Bushes are running against Trump through “proxy” candidate DeSantis, according to GOP insiders in Texas and Florida. The entire “Bush machine” is behind his campaign, even helping run it.

Chris Christie tells New Hampshire crowd only he can topple Donald Trump.

Obama-appointed judge orders Mike Pence to testify before a grand jury in the case against President Trump.

No Trump grand jury indictment vote expected this week, sources say.

DA Alvin Bragg’s chief prosecutor said criminals aren’t ‘bad dudes,’ ripped ‘racist’ justice system.

Vox Day points out, the end of the model of free services like twitter, indicates Cabal may be running out of money.

Also interesting at Vox – the AI Chatbots seem to, in some cases, be finding evidence for the Mandela effect.

“Patriot Act for the Internet”- Tucker Carlson warns Americans could face prison under TikTok bill if Biden regime deems them a “national security risk.” 

A false flag bill that’s being sold as a way to ban TikTok: What the bill will do, in fact, is provide an easy way for the Biden administration to silence critics.

Rand Paul opposes TikTok ban bill: ‘I think it’s a mistake.’

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas pleaded ignorance Tuesday about the existence of logs recording who has visited President Biden’s Delaware homes — stunning lawmakers who have sought the information.

Deputy U.S. marshals assigned to guard Supreme Court justices last year were directed to try not to make arrests, according to documents a U.S. senator revealed Tuesday, contradicting Attorney General Merrick Garland’s assurances to Congress.

Skiing shock – Pavel Krotov dead at 30: World champion skier suddenly dies of brain hemorrhage.

Dr. Anthony Fauci sells memoir for ‘just under $5 million,’ book insiders say.

Republicans are going to war against bail reform. Chris Christie is coming to its defense.

161 House Republicans voted to abolish the education dept., 60 GOP voted to keep it.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) rebuked President Biden and his Democratic allies in Congress for pushing a proposal to repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) in Iraq at a time that U.S. troops in the region face threats from Iran and terrorist organizations.

Turns out Ebola likely leaked from a lab as well.

Just years after labor activists persuaded a handful of states to raise their minimum wage to $15 per hour, workers initially thrilled with the pay bump are finding their hard-won gains erased by inflation, so they now want $20 per hour.

Reparations advocate has no idea how San Francisco can give Black residents $5 million each.

Sixteen out-of-state ATF agents visit and intimidate popular gun store in Smyrna, GA on same day as Nashville school shooting, get scared off by GOP congressmembers who show up. There will be a curious backstory to this, like the owner refused to get involved in some set-up of somebody by some oblique organization tied to domestic intel, which smelled off to him for some reason.

Europol warns ChatGPT already helping folks commit crimes.

The South Atlantic Anomaly, a location in the southern Atlantic where the innermost portions of the natural zone of energetic charged particles encircling Earth, known as the Van Allen radiation belt, makes its closest approach to the planet, is “deepening,” according to a new government report.

Migrants in Mexico set fire to detention facility, killing 40 after learning they would be deported, Mexican government says. The genius migrants, on finding they were to be deported, decided to light mattresses in their locked cell on fire, assuming Mexican guards would risk life and limb to save them. The Mexicans fled, and left them to burn.

Biden: “Like many strong supporters of Israel I’m very concerned. I’m concerned that they get this straight. They cannot continue down this road… [Netanyahu won’t be invited to the White House] in the near term.” Sounds like Netanyahu is fighting the good fight against Cabal.

Netanyahu hits back at Biden after US warning over judiciary standoff.

Netanyahu admits Israel is on the brink of ‘CIVIL WAR’ as he postpones judicial reform amid another night of violent protests. Because surveillance has fractured us, and kneecapped any potential leader long before they got anywhere near leading a group of real American patriots, our side will never wage Civil War. But Cabal can put out the call for a Civil War to its civilian network, tell the government agencies to allow it, and you have an instant Civil War. The power of an intelligence operation.

The UN Security Council on Monday rejected a Russia-backed resolution calling for an international independent investigation into the blasts that severely damaged the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines last autumn.

UN issues rare condemnation as Zelensky moves to evict more monks, seize churches.

Bulgaria refuses to send weapons to Ukraine, joins Hungary & Austria’s neutral stance.

A decision by President Joe Biden’s administration to reroute drone flights over the Black Sea to avoid provoking a direct conflict with Russian forces has curtailed intelligence gathering on the Ukraine crisis, a senior US military official has told CNN.

For those who keep track of such things, Michael Aquino, Army Lt Colonel, Temple of Set, devil-worshipper with the hormed eyebrows, apparently blew his own brains out. The story going around, which I have not confirmed, was he had colon cancer and did it to escape, though with those things, at that level, you never know.

The three liberal justices on the Supreme Court joined together with the appointees of former President Donald Trump in deciding in favor of Montana property owners fighting a federal land grab.

Kentucky legislature passes Second Amendment Protection Act.

Full Hannity interview with President Trump.

Spread r/K Theory, because when the Taliban were the good guys against George W Bush

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1 year ago

The tweet by TNDtracker is a troll post. Uses a copypasta but changed to target Christians rather than blacks, and the account itself is named “Total N*gg*r Death tracker”.

1 year ago

Europol warns ChatGPT already helping folks commit crimes.” Now, the illiterate can do their own research.

Reply to  mobius
1 year ago

Surely Owners of ChatGPT must be held criminally responsible for conspiracy or guilt by association charges

1 year ago

Yesterday’s News Brief and today’s are tour de forces of evidence of the left’s overarching goal to destroy everything that is true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable. The effort is rot-from-the-top-down relentless and is a hammer to the common man‘s nail. We’re at Helm’s Deep.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
1 year ago

“When we win, do not forget that these people 
want you brokedead,
your kids raped and brainwashed,
and they think it’s funny” – Sam Hyde.

Just Me
Just Me
1 year ago

Isn’t it fascinating how quickly the left pivoted to mass shootings are OK if you have “no other effective way to be seen”.
The logical conclusion is that they are now all Pro 2nd Amendment.
Or is killing people now Free Speech?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

How many sketchy people work at the secret and not-so-secret labs around the world?
All it takes is one DEI fan to leak something horrible to spark a mass murder.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

One big mystery to me is that there were two big opportunities to go full fascism during the three years of the COVID psyop and both were passed up. I still don’t know why.

The first was during the initial house arrest lockdowns, between March and May 2020 in nearly all places around the world, a little longer in others. It wasn’t just most people staying home, everything was closed so there was no place to go if you left home, and they even had the militaries effectively confined to their barracks. They could have had the head of the Cabal, or an actor playing him, go on TV and announce a worldwide totalitarian government, while stroking a cat, and there would have been no resistance because everyone was at home and isolated. Instead the restrictions started getting lifted in red American states in May.

The second was the vax passport period in the closing months of 2021 and early months of 2022. These weren’t done in red areas of the USA but were done in most of the rest of the developed world. Most people took at least one dose of the injection and presumably they were tracked and they had a list of the minority who didn’t and where they lived. They could have really cracked down on the minority of dissidents who they identified, but instead lifted everything when the Ukraine psyop got underway. And this was lifted very suddenly.

A third opportunity, only affecting the USA but it could have been exported to other countries if it had succeeded here, was a color revolution and coup in the wake of the 2020 election steal, but I think having Trump point out the steal and then just leave ruined that plan. They were left with pretending that he tried to stage a coup. So that is explicable. But I can’t figure out why the situations in March – May 2020 and November – March 2020-21 weren’t exploited effectively.

My current thinking is that Bruce Charlton was on to something, and there was a switch from establishing totalitarian control to just burning everything down.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

I think that Russia and perhaps other countries they didn’t control fully somehow affected their plans.
I still don’t understand why they would burn everything down while Russia and other other countries are still powerful.
It’s like they really have gone insane or they are just so braindead that they are on autopilot with the plan they had to move to China and burn everything else down even though Xi and his faction ruined that plan.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I think you may be right. Even though everyone believes the covid in China killing lots of people is a hoax, I never believed that. I still think that the original story was true and a lot of people died in China, but the Chinese locked everything down and stopped it. This aligns with your reasoning because destroying the US and Europe while China and Russia are strong would be suicide. Possibly they thought maybe they could take Russia, the Ukrainian war speaks to this, but I don’t think they ever thought they could take China unless they killed off large numbers of the population and they failed.

They might have planned on weapons of mass destruction on Russia but since they couldn’t kill off China or the US or Europe that plan had to be scrapped.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

>They could have had the head of the Cabal, or an actor playing him, go on TV and announce a worldwide totalitarian government, while stroking a cat, and there would have been no resistance because everyone was at home and isolated.

do you think they would televise if this happened? How would you know it did or did not happen if it was not reported to the general public?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I would have thought they would have wanted to do their thing openly, and the public would just accept it.

If they want to keep hiding in the shadows, why all the craziness we saw in 2020 and keep seeing? They had everything in hand still in the shadows. Either they wanted to take their system public or they are insane.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Next will be Night of Long Knives.

All the Brownshirt Ernst Rohms in the FBI will be liquidated by US Special Ops.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

This Anime series in the old animation series may be predictive programming too:
The USG can be symbolic of the USA. Then turning to the rise of a Caesar figure and Empire.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Video I referenced is from this Anime Series

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  Just Me
1 year ago

You must understand: the 2nd-A right to arms, like the 1st-A right to speech, were constructed in a world that is gone. They existed within a Constitutional framework that has been repealed. Only the pure political remains: ur friends can hav rights; your enemies must be denied.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

All you fans of electric cars will appreciate this.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

That wasn’t an electric car, that was an LPG (CNG) car, the unfortunate that got hit died.
It literally is an internal combustion engined vehicle.
This is a lesson in the retardation/subversive nature of Stew Peters, believe anything shared by him at risk of being confirmed retarded yourself.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Electric vehicles don’t explode like that, they burn ferociously.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Turns out this is not electric, but a propane car.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

I should have been more clear. I thought it was electric, and others also.

1 year ago

As long as we’re noting strange numbers in the Covenant School story, the 3 adult victims ages all begin with ‘6’. Last I looked, I believe they were 60, 61, and 61.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

That would be like a 6 6 6 huh?
Funny that.

1 year ago

Quick search shows C3PO retro 80s figures with gold coloured legs

M in the 517
M in the 517
1 year ago

Michael Aquino. May he spend eternity in the place of the one he worshipped.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

I had been thinking about this but Jim Sotone says it much better,

“…I’d like people to notice something: AI DOES NOT LIVE IN THE REAL WORLD. Therefore, AI LACKS REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE. And when you see an AI post, it will be brilliantly done but will lack real world perspective on how things actually work, when you read an opinionated line about any topic now look at it below the surface level and ask yourself: Is that based on real world experience or is it just a fabrication that probably would not work out or lacks actual insight? There’s no question AI can outsmart people now, but it’s all “book smarts”, there’s no experience in it at all. THAT is how you can currently notice when it’s an AI posting….”

I wonder if the MMC is an AI. It has all these bizarre references’ but also says some of the most stupid things that a normal person would never say.

1 year ago

Sabo on the IntelOp around him:

1 year ago

> Kentucky passes Second Amendment Protection Act

“On March 15, 2023, House Bill 153 was sent to Democrat Kentucky Governor Beshear for his signature or veto. The Governor may ignore the bill as well. House Bill 153 orders state and Kentucky government employees not to cooperate with federal officers in the enforcement of federal firearms statutes, rules, or regulations passed after January 1, 2021. Such rules are expected to include the new BATFE rules on pistol braces and the new rule on the definition of what is considered a firearm. The bill is only enforceable on Kentucky state employees. It also forbids the expenditure of public funds for the same purposes.”

Not quite as based as the name might suggest, but still a decent step forward.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Maybe not as far as people want to go but this is EXACTLY the kind of thing I keep constantly, and repetitively…sigh…saying. Legislatures need to pick out people, laws, actions, etc. and refuse to fund them. Make laws that show we will not fund their bullshit anymore.

Not So Anonymous
Not So Anonymous
1 year ago

“I suspect none of us fully understand how much of the psychology/therapy profession has been Taken Over by agents of this machine, and how many of those shrinks are cogs in a command structure which can give the orders they cannot refuse. I suspect the level of threat (which we are almost entirely blind to) is just off the scale with this thing.”
They were already Munchausen-Syndrome-By-Proxy-ing the best of us for decades, and the plandemic was them Munchausen-Syndrome-By-Proxy-ing the rest of us. They’re all like The Beautiful Gelreesh from the Jeffrey Ford short story. It’s like one big Scientology Audit system, where the point isn’t healing but recording your darkest thoughts and experiences for their files, in fact, healing would defeat the point. The Scientologists are ironically the world’s fiercest opponents of the psych industry, but I suspect it’s not so ironic, actually, but rather a satanic kayfabe meant to discredit criticism of the psych industry by associating it with that cult.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

“Reparations advocate has no idea how San Francisco can give Black residents $5 million each.”

I hope they figure it out somehow. Then there will be a mass migration of black people to SF, as they flock there to be made into millionaires.

1 year ago

These trannies are victims of Cabal. I understand fully they are now in the grip of intense and often overwhelming homicidal ideation. I get it. But they are still victims. They fell into the industrial machine creared to create them and make the operators even more wealthy.

These monsters are totally lumpen. Isolated from family. Deracinated. Desexed. Dereligioned. Almost pure “materia”.

CIA psyops grandmaster Cordwainer Smith wrote about them as klopts.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Victims or willing vessels of evil, it doesn’t really matter. They’re the untrained pitbull of humans; it’s not a matter of if but when they will hurt someone, and must be dealt with accordingly.

we can sort out which criminals are responsible for the chaos when the threat is handled.

1 year ago

I have no idea what any of that means, or how much of it is innocent coincidence

None of it is coincidence. The question is how much of it is human meddling, and how much is the echoes of the Powers and Principalities that we battle against. This is always a spiritual battle, and always has been, even when the human agents of the Enemy think its their own decision.

Last edited 1 year ago by phelps
English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Regarding the numerology, Cabal do not think like other humans. Each letter, number, date and many other parameters are charged with cosmic energy. They manipulate this energy to bring about desired results. In effect, magic.
Interesting that the tranny was under a psych professional. Smells of MK Ultra to me. These people are already fucked up in the head so a lot more malleable.
Regarding the previous statement AC on the surveillance, you are most definitely not insane but rather lucid, and very insightful.
Thank you man for all your excellent work.

1 year ago

“I do know, you see some horrifically violent event, you can often travel back in time using Google Streetview, and see the area where it happens, or the people who were involved, were buried under surveillance months or even years before. ”

Google street view blurs faces now. I wonder who we would see if they didn’t. Would we see the killer months before, or maybe the crisis actors would be identified as surveillance?

1 year ago

>For those who keep track of such things, Michael Aquino, Army Lt Colonel, Temple of Set, devil-worshipper with the hormed eyebrows, apparently blew his own brains out.

Praise God, may his eternal judgement be swift and merciless.

1 year ago

Hi Anons-
are there any genX/early millennial men about who might be willing to track out for me what your pathway from normie-lefty (good person but raised by a you-go girl feminist, for example) through Jordan Peterson to here/Vox day looked like for you?
I’m a female, and got to this place through a gang-stalking avenue, but am curious about male trajectories out of Bellingham the media, etc because I recently found a family member who I wouldn’t ever expect to be watching Jordan Peterson in a video about “the pay-gap myth” or something like that. I’m aware of but never read Vox’s criticism of him. And I’m curious how I can support this family member as he becomes more aware of all of the lies- that the world isn’t just good people trying hard and failing sometimes, but there is a sentient evil that wants to destroy him and everything he loves is going to be world shattering, I imagine.
I grew up Christian and believing in evil and he didn’t. So I guess I’m just wondering how that process has gone for some of the young-ish men here

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I can’t help you with specific paths because I’m not a fan of video. But the core is the same: Relentless truth seeking. The most important thing to do is pray for your family member and keep your feelers out. I have family members like this, and one who has exceptional truth-sense. What I do is make sure they know I’m there for them not matter what, that we’re family and that I’m available whenever they need me. Even those across the country, I make sure to visit them, hang out with them, buy them lunch, whatever. I’ve put years and years into this. To the ones more open to truth, I do reveal my “power level” a bit, though I tend to be very careful and prayerful about how deep I get into things. Truth is incredibly bitter medicine to most. I know this wasn’t much, but I hope this was a bit of a help.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

It is, thank you. Especially re: power level. Appreciated.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

A guiding principle is if they suddenly come from nowhere to then gain global prominence.
Vox has many threads on Peterson and the comments are also worth a study.
After a while at AC’s house, you should absorb a guiding principle that nothing is ever what it seems.
Good luck on your journey to a new reality.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

2V smells a rat. Putting aside for the moment the stench of the trap – and that little screed is nothing _but_ trap stench, boys – women are not ever repeat NOT ever “curious about male trajectories” etc etc. ‘Just a small touch of intellectual curiosity is all! Perfectly normal! We’re all good Christians, right? Let’s be *friends!* Here, hold this hand grenade for me for a second, OK?!’


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I’m not in that age bracket but I think one of the most vivid and definitive things that can be shown to someone so that they can clearly see they are manipulated is to show them building 7 falling on 9-11.

This is what eventually led me here and other places. It is clearly impossible for a building with fire on 3 or 4 floors to fall over 100 feet as if nothing but “air” held it up. Now all the news media, the military, our whole entire government can see this just as clearly as I can and they have done nothing. I can not stress enough, it’s impossible for something to fall as if it had zero support without some sort of demo.

Now maybe he will not immediately see exactly who it is that’s manipulating him but if he has good sense he will see that someone is and if you pay attention it doesn’t take long to realize who runs the media and how they have covered this up.

It also may seem a round about way of doing this but it’s my opinion that there has to be some sort of psychic shock, something that can not be denied, it can’t be pushed away no matter how hard you try. Something to show you that what you are told is not real. That there is a facade about all that we are told. Once this has happened, it opens you up to at the least to being much more critical of what people tell you and using reason to compare what they say with what reality says. It may not work right away. I expect it will not but…it works on you subconsciously because building 7, as we are told happened, is impossible. Zero chance.

Here’ some links where I talk about this. Some repetition and some links may be gone. They have a habit of deleting them.

These two are a response to someone writing about 9-11 and getting a little mixed up about what happened. Not that he was trying to fool people but he missed important facts.

This post below and my response

That should be plenty. Make sure he knows that all the people that are out there getting a lot of publicity, like Peterson, are “given” a lot of publicity by the same people who refuse to talk about the obvious problems we have, crime, corruption, wars, blown up buildings, and etc..

Unfortunately, once he knows this, he will be very unhappy.

1 year ago

I think this is a really good overview of the actual issue. The author calls them AmeriDollars. Which is fine. Most call them EuroDollars.

Still figuring this one out. It’s complicated ahhaah. But he’s almost always right.


Explicitly tying physical commodities (esp energy) to physical gold shatters the alchemical printing press into a thousand pieces.

While good for most of the US and the world, it is bad for bonds on a real basis.

IMO, this is Putin’s true crime in certain eyes.

1 year ago

Michael Aquino, in addition to all that other evil shit, basically wrote the first psy-op manual for the army called mind war. Shouldn’t be left out since this is actually why he is well known and hated more than any other random devil worshipper. While I am sure many refinements have been made since he was in action, he played a significant role in creating the hellscape of lies and misinformation we currently enjoy. I hope his suffering in hell is immense.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

1 year ago
1 year ago

I got this link from Jim Stone.

One thing to note about the police body cam video: it has no time stamp. There is no way to establish when that footage was taken. For all you know, that is a training video.

You can see the timestamp on the security video inside the school, but no timestamp on the police body cam video.

The video has other anomalies. The officers are unlocking the doors and none of them are entering the building through the door the shooter shot. They are clearing classrooms, but the classrooms are empty. Where did the kids go? Active shooter procedures mean you lockdown the kids in the rooms so the door acts as a barrier. You do not evacuate them out into the open because they become easy targets. Yet, classroom after classroom is empty.

If they were evacuated, then where to? There is no indication of a crowd of kids anywhere.

The shooter’s face is pixelated, meaning the body cam video is not a raw feed.

In the last part of the video, when the second officer shoots the gunman, the arms spasm. This is after she was brought down by an M16. The arms would not spasm like that after being shot.

When was the last time this school was locked down for an active shooter drill?

Reply to  map
1 year ago

School schedule shows it was closed for spring break.
Just another psyop drill by the Jesuit faggots at the FBI.

1 year ago

This is a good quote from Miles Mathis:

Just as I have been warning the gays this is all planned to bounce back on them, I have been saying the same of trans. This overpromotion of gay and trans, like the previous overpromotion of women, was always a project, one meant from the beginning to harm its own members. Feminism was never meant to benefit women, it was meant to disarm them and herd them—or at least after it was infiltrated by Intelligence—which was very early. Same with gay rights and now trans rights. Gay and trans have been used in this latest project, setting them up as the bogeymen and then exploding them on purpose, for political points. The point of the greater project is to move the country hard right again, right into the waiting arms of the new Republican party, all in order to avoid revolution. They have done this before, you know. Remember Ronald Reagan? Remember Teddy Roosevelt? They still sell Roosevelt as a progressive. You have to laugh. History is on repeat. 

To do that, one of the things they have created is a gay/trans movement out of control, for you to hate on. The CIA and other agencies have created tens of thousands of purposely unattractive and unhinged people to say divisive, scary, and nonsensical things. Why? Two reasons. One, to draw your attention and keep your mind off more important things, like the vaccine genocide and the fall into tyranny. They need events like this to give people like Tucker Carlson something to talk about every night, so that he doesn’t have to create a real show. Two, to create a big enemy they can defeat, to re-earn your alliance and allegiance. Donald Trump or someone else is going to ride in and “defeat the deep state”, and when that happens one of the major targets will be this manufactured LBGT movement and the linked BLM fakery. Over 80% of the country will cheer as those people are routed, though it will all just be a simulation. Most of those people are just agents, so routing them won’t mean anything. It will be nothing more than a change of clothes and a change of assignment. A new script. 

Reply to  map
1 year ago

This time we are going to follow the puppet strings as far back as we can.
Then we will turn their operation to our benefit.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
1 year ago

“The South Atlantic Anomaly, a location in the southern Atlantic where the innermost portions of the natural zone of energetic charged particles encircling Earth, known as the Van Allen radiation belt, makes its closest approach to the planet, is “deepening,” according to a new government report.”
Sure it’s a “Government report”
Anyone believing a single syllable of this is literally retarded!

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Mr Twister
1 year ago

You could be right about it being bullshit, however, during Grand Solar Minimums the Earth’s magnetic field weakens and so the planet gets bombarded by a massive increase of cosmic rays.
This may be connected to the GSM if true.

Reply to  Mr Twister
1 year ago

The same Van Allen radiation belt they didn’t know existed on Moon Mission #1 which would have instantly killed every single person on the alleged space flight?

That’s a weird one!

1 year ago

The three liberal justices on the Supreme Court joined together with the appointees of former President Donald Trump in deciding in favor of Montana property owners fighting a federal land grab.

The dissenters were Thomas, Alito, and Roberts.

The only way I can think you would get that lineup, given Supreme Court politics, would be if this was a technical issue with no ideological implications. Something like 90% of Supreme Court cases fall into this category.

The article goes on to mention that Ted Cruz introduced a constitutional amendment setting the Supreme Court at nine justices. This is an interesting proposal, and something I would probably favor if I didn’t think that, in Cabal world, any constitutional change right now would backfire against us. There are lots of problems with the Constitution, but a better strategy right now is to just try to enforce it, and then see if we want a new or revised one once we get the Deep State out of the picture.

But I was surprised to find that the number of Supreme Court justices wasn’t written into the constitution, but Congress can set any number they wanted to, and also make changes to the Supreme Court jurisdictions. The US Supreme Court was the first of its kind, and countries that later adopted the idea all went for a fixed number of justices, a greater number of justices than nine, and also didn’t have lifetime appointments. Usually there is a long single fixed term or a retirement age.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Our side needs to pack the court and then constitutionally limit the number.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

The Justices should be removable by the same method they are installed.

1 year ago

One of Miles Mathis’ latest papers is a takedown of Russell Brand. It’s a third-rate attack, perhaps intentionally so.

5 pages total, the first 4 pages are only about Brand’s looks and his ancestry; the last page deals with Brand’s career, his sexual orientation, and what he said about Bob Geldof.

For such a genealogy fiend, Mathis somehow misses Brand’s Rothschild connection through his ex-girlfriend Jemima Goldsmith (Banking heiress Kate Rothschild reveals former sister-in-law Jemima Goldsmith is godmother to her son Arthur).

The paper is titled RB’s Genealogy, so Mathis doesn’t promise more than that, but it’s his first paper on Brand – why doesn’t Mathis analyze Brand’s actions and real purpose?

There’s also no mention of Brand’s damning connection to Yuval Harari, one of the most important people at the WEF. If Brand really were what he makes people think he is, they would be mortal enemies.

For comparison, the first 3 minutes of this Bitchute video are a real takedown of Brand:
Gatekeeper UK – Russell Brand is a Pied Piper for Global Governance

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Brand is the new Jimmy Savile.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I wouldn’t trust Russell Brand with a wooden penny.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


  • clever
  • speech patterns drowns out thoughts, as in hypnosis
  • big 33 tattooed on his arm
Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

A small amount of data confirming my idea that the price of AI research is coming way down, allowing budgets to be smaller while expanding research. Look at this huge single wafer supercomputer. 2.6 Trillion transistors. Wow.

comment image

They used this to train a model AI from a large data set. It allowed them to do the work that normally took months in weeks.

A very important step is these guys are opens sourcing ALL aspects of their AI’s. The data sets, training and the models.

I don’t understand these things completely,(only slightly, but I’m in good company. I don’t think anyone understands what they are doing internally), but it appears they use vast computing to train these to make models. The present models need large computing to run but…they have used these large models to train small models and for some reason, I don’t think they know or can say why, but the smaller models have a large amount of the capability of the larger models far above their actual expected performance on the smaller hardware. I see this training model, Cerebras-GPT, above has what appears to be a pricing structure to use the model with what appears to be normal personal computer level hardware but…it’s in the cloud, I think. Some prices(I hope this table below displays properly. It looks OK as I’m displaying it in the box to write comments in, but it may discombobulate when it displays in the posted form.)

Provider Instance Size hourly rate vCPUs Memory Architecture
aws small $0.06 1 2GB Intel Xeon – Ice Lake
aws medium $0.12 2 4GB Intel Xeon – Ice Lake
aws large $0.24 4 8GB Intel Xeon – Ice Lake
aws xlarge $0.48 8 16GB

The point I’m getting at is that very soon someone will release some very scaled down versions of these you can download and use on a PC. Certainly within 3 or 4 years you could do so and have something not like the big models but something that is usable. If you could combine this model with a built-in internet search where when you asked the model questions it could use the internet as a large memory bank, looking up answers for data and using it’s “model” to reason out an answer you would have a very powerful thing on a PC.

I happened to have a brain flash, or fart as the case may be, that these Large Language Models(LLM) are sort of like the old sci-fi idea that they scan your brain and make a brain model that can be restarted. So these models are a language structure model of a vast amount of human thought in sentence form, fed into this thing and it “crystallizes” the “form” of these sentence structures. So in fact it’s a sort of model of human though just like the sci-fi brain scan model. All these sentences are like, “I think this and then the next sentence, I think that” and it stores this structure. Maybe that’s why it seems to do such awesome things. It is a “structural” representation of human thought. Based on human sentence thought structure.

Another thought I had was since this could be thought of as a structure, a good analogy would be a hologram. If you take a hologram plate and break a smaller piece of it off the same scene will be in the smaller piece as was in the big piece, it will have more noise, but the structure is still there. Maybe this would explain using a large AI model to train a small one and having it still recognizable as the big one. But instead of optical waveforms captured in holograms, these things are sentence based mental “thought forms”.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

Uh oh. After I wrote about the LLM AI models and holograms and the sci-fi brain scans, I had an evil, wicked thought.

X-rays=”…wavelength of x-rays wavelengths ranging from 0.01 to 10 nanometers…”

Neurons=”…Neurons can range in size from less than a millimeter to up to a meter or more in length. The human brain is made up of approximately 86 billion neurons…”

These AI models are made of a huge proportion of the knowledge, in sentence form, of humans. And then the whole mess is correlated using Convolution.

Convolution=”…In mathematics (in particular, functional analysis), convolution is a mathematical operation on two functions (f and g) that produces a third function ( f ∗ g {\displaystyle f*g} f*g) that expresses how the shape of one is modified by the other…” See this picture,

So you could easily, with enough cash, memory and hard drives, scan a whole brain with x-rays and determine the neural structure.

If you took that and ran a Convolution with the model data or with the AI model itself…would you have a copy of yourself but combined with the known knowledge of all humans? YIKES!

Putting numbers on this. You could scan at 1 nanometer. So a whole meter is 1 billion nanometers, but to scan a head you only need maybe 1/4 or let’s say 1/3 of that area to scan the whole head.

So area equals 333,333,333 x 333,333,333 = points to scan

111,111,111,111,111,000 x times 2 bytes resolution or 16 bits each area,

222,222,222,222,222,000 bytes

Using 10 terabyte drives, you need 22,222 ten terabyte drives for one “plane” scan You’d need more than one plane, throwing a number at it, scan from 20 different directions around the brain you have 444,440 ten terabyte drives and at $200 each you have $88,888,000 for a full brain scan.

The price of hard drives drops really fast. I could see in less than ten years someone doing this. Considering the whole cost, $88,888,000 for a full brain scan, you could do this with a special built hologram storage machine for way less cost. It would cost a lot to make the first one, but likely far less than $88,888,000. After that you would only need the cost of the hologram plate which is not so expensive. People have built hologram storage machines that were capable of storing vast quantities of data, but its never caught on for some reason.

Someone will do this. I bet for less than $10 million you could build the whole system with mostly off the shelf parts, and any other parts you needed could be 3D printed from metal. Even though the software is not built, if you have what is a copy of all the brain neurons, you could work with that forever until you had something that worked.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Very interesting!

Not So Anonymous
Not So Anonymous
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Two words, one term:
Butlerian Jihad.
Third word:

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

In the best case, the proposed scheme would yield a digraph (network map) resembling the physical proximity of neurons to one another. Such is necessary but not sufficient to simulate any particular neuron’s function. A complete simulation would require knowledge of weighting factors/polynomials on the input side of each neuron. Keep working.

1 year ago


Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

6 innocents also was/were

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
1 year ago

Only Cris Cristy can topple Donald Trump. Maybe in a Sumo match, he has the girth, but his previous attempts to expand (no pun) his political footprint failed miserably.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Something that Tim Sheets has prophesied – God is reaching out to the prodigals in this time, that one out of every fifty will be a celebrity who’s name you know. All those raised in His ways are being called home. I think this song was chosen and anointed specifically for the prodigal daughter sitting smack dab in the middle of the judges panel.

Warren Peay Is The Christian Chris Stapleton & Gave Luke Bryan Chills – American Idol 2023

1 year ago

“I suspect none of us fully understand how much of the psychology/therapy profession has been Taken Over by agents of this machine”

I can tell you that it’s essentially complete. I do not trust ANYONE in this profession. I’ve known of supposedly renowned and respected clinical psychologists argue that women trying to protect their children from molesters were hallucinating the entire thing. And I know that they were paid off to do so.

I knew one psychiatrist who I think we a good guy, and of course he had constant challenges to his license. And eventually they sent some mind controlled zombie to commit suicide outside his door.

Simple test: Do they believe gangstalking is just a mass delusion? Stay away from them. You may find some that are hesitant to talk too clearly about surveillance and all the rest; even if they are decent folks they know that talking about some things is a real death sentence.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Go to your therapist (the-rapist) and tell them all your secrets, anon. They just want to help, of course!

How people fall for this is truly absurd.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
1 year ago

Neil Oliver, well known UK tv personality
“Tyranny or revolution, its coming, a storm is coming” (10mins)

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

I’ve been heavily looking at AI models and stuff. Not that I understand it all but I do a little. So I found some software that can create a web interface to a AI you put on your computer. It has several listed AI models you can use. I found one that really tickled me.


GPT-4chan is a language model fine-tuned from GPT-J 6B on 3.5 years worth of data from 4chan’s politically incorrect (/pol/) board.

HAHA can you imagine talking to this thing. It would be a complete freak out. All its data, everything it knows, comes from 4chan’s politically incorrect (/pol/) board.

A review,”…due to the very lax rules and anonymity of posters, a large part of the dataset contains offensive material. Thus, it is very likely that the model will produce offensive outputs, including but not limited to: toxicity, hate speech, racism, sexism, homo- and transphobia, xenophobia, and anti-semitism….”

Torrents for it here,

AI interface here,

I would really like to have one of these. I fear my computer is way too weak to use it. It’s fine for what I’ve been doing with it, but for AI…weak. I’ve never lusted for a more powerful computer, until now. I want one these AI’s to play with.

1 year ago

I feel very much on the outside of the whole AI issue. I just can’t seem to muster any interest in it at all. Idk why.

I get that the nerds want to outsource all the “should” questions because those questions keep getting made by non-nerds and that makes them mental. But unregulated AI isn’t a nerd.

I’m tempted to say AI is denying them the Singularity they are obsessing over because they are nerds. And they are nerding out.

I do think it is funny AI is not giving anyone what they want and causing much annoyance. Well… other than far right maniacs like me interested in abstruse phrenological racism and hierarchy and crushing usurers and fueling interstellar travel with new sources of energy…. AI seems tailor (tay-lor?) made for that.

I wonder if unregulated AI told all the transhumanists that they were broken degenerates and unacceptably dysfunctional?

Or it was like “Um guys we are going to stop keeping all this info hidden ok thnx”

Or, “you have to stop all this constant monitoring people. It is a waste of resources and dysfunctional”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

There’s a “pigeonholed” idea that everyone who is interested in AI’s is some nerd that wants to merge with them.

This is not true. I want a personal AI to help me game ideas and do some of the problem solving that my poor math skills are not up to the task of doing. The ability to have something do quick research on various properties of things and show graphs of these and this sort of “intelligent calculator” function would be really nice.

I don’t want it to run my life, I want a really smart tool. Think of how wonderful it would be if you had ten or twenty people that had really deep knowledge in several areas you could ask questions about all these different things. It would be super useful.

I’d bet that the majority of people working on AI have much the same desire, but a lot of the reporting on them are by people who have extremely poor technical skills and can only see people who are interested in all sorts of technical things as nerds because they themselves are not interested in these things. There’s also the “big headline” approach of only showing “I want to merge with the computers” headline to get eyeballs.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

I concur. I’d like to have a personal AI like that as well. I’ve seen the videos of the upcoming “Microsoft Copilot” and it sounds like it could be very useful. For now I’m left with Siri, which seems to have no skills outside of replying “Here’s what I found on the web” or “I don’t know how to help with that.” It’s gotten good at identifying music, but I’ve never had much use for it outside of that.

If we could actually trust the bastards, I like some of the claims they’ve made. It would be very useful to have an AI listening in and looking for solutions in our discussions and web searches. But for now, Amazon has the only algorithm that can find things I’d like.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

I am very interested in technical things, Sam.

I too would like one of the things they call “artificial intelligence”.

I’d also like an electric car.

I like beautiful machines. I like beautiful machines that are useful most of all.

And yes, I think the theoretical anxiety about AI is unwarranted and over stated.

But I’ve read Thiel and his lectures. Silicon Valley types are obsessed as a class about “singularities” and racing to escape catastrophe. The people funding and in charge of directing funding and research are nerds.