News Briefs – 03/29/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Someone on 4Chan made the interesting case that Will Smith hitting Chris Rock was planned as an outgrowth of the MK Ultra conditioning program, where you show high-status people doing things, and the lower status monkeys then deeply absorb the behavior, normalize it, and display it themselves without even thinking, as a programmed way to absorb and mimic the successful. Will was a high-status “star,” and everyone watched as he ignored all the rules, stomped up onto the stage and into the spotlight, assaulted someone for something he didn’t like, and shortly thereafter, he was brought back up on stage to receive an illustrious award from the very organization (government) that was responsible for organizing the event. That trained the lemmings who still watch that drivel to expect a society where if you say the wrong thing, someone will physically attack you, and where you perform those behaviors yourself as a way of becoming high status yourself. They noted that security at those venues is tight and ordered to keep the tightly rehearsed script on the program, and nobody goes on stage from the crowd, unless it is in the script. If that was scripted as many suspect, (and at this point I would assume it was), it was scripted perfectly to take us into the next phase, where the Brownshirts will enforce the narratives of the elites by force.

Former Disney star Orlando Brown has accused Hollywood star Will Smith of raping him when he was a child. My guess is you get taken to these parties, and if you take one of the children in a back room, you get turned into a star, and if not, you have hit your ceiling, and will just be a minor player, if allowed to play at all.

Will was on this list in Q post 4577, though Q never said what the list was of:

Will also does Haiti stuff with Sean Penn. He seems like a nice, likable guy, and he was fantastic in Enemy of the State. But you have to reserve in the back of your mind that Hollywood has a strong undercurrent of evil itself, Cabal runs everything and is pure evil, and this is not a world where nice people with good morals are just free to rise to whatever level they desire.

A new peer-reviewed study of discrepancies in the ballot counts of six key battleground states in the 2020 election has turned up more than 250,000 “excess votes” for President Joe Biden, and maybe far more. It was by John Lott of More Guns Less Crime fame.

A new subpoena was issued to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors last week, commanding them to testify before the Senate Government Committee on Monday, March 28th at 4 pm and to produce the unfulfilled items that were recently requested by the Arizona Attorney General’s Election Integrity Unit.

It is not clear if Justice Thomas’ wife actually had inside info, or if she was just following the same news sources we follow, but clearly from her text messages, she is one of our’s. The full thread is here, though it is the same things we have been hearing for a long time now, starting even before our country was being run into the ground:

A federal tax investigation into Hunter Biden is gaining momentum as prosecutors gather information from several of his associates about the sources of his foreign income, including from Ukraine, and examine President Biden’s son’s relationship with a company that handled some of his finances, according to people familiar with the matter.

Hunter Biden’s $142K Fisker sports car scrutinized in tax probe. Seems like something you wouldn’t see if Cabal were in control.

In a legal filing submitted Wednesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s norm-breaking Committee on Jan. 6 claimed its open pursuit of opposition records in what is being called a modern-day “digital Watergate” is above the law. When Republicans take over, will there be a committee to investigate the Jan 6th committee?

Daily Mail chases down a shocking paper trail that shows Nancy Pelosi’s son, Paul Pelosi Jr.’s connections to a host of fraudsters, rule-breakers and convicted criminals being charged by the government, but somehow he has remained free. Could they be working their way toward him, or is he above the law?

Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s stepfather was a close confidant and lawyer for Ghislaine Maxwell’s father Robert Maxwell, and Blinken went to the Dalton School where Epstein taught.

Blinken’s parents, Vera and Donald Blinken, have repeatedly donated to Soros’ Open Society, even creating a permanent endowment at a European-based data archive that carries their name – The Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives.

Clarence Thomas remotely participates in SCOTUS hearing after hospital stay.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has been admitted to a military hospital in Brasilia for tests after feeling unwell, reports say.

Over 73% of Floridians polled believe that too many people have moved in from out of state, according to a survey. This is the plan. Make New York and California uninhabitable, and those blue voters will head for purple Florida.

Former President Donald Trump’s Georgia rally on Saturday failed to draw the number of supporters he has been accustomed to in the southern state, according to multiple journalists covering the event. Trump says not true. 

Elon Musk is worth over $250 billion, as a new analysis predicts he’ll be a trillionaire by 2024.

Dr. Anthony Fauci over the weekend said Americans need to be “flexible enough to pivot” back to a world with restrictions in place — “more rigid” restrictions, specifically — due to the Chinese coronavirus.

CDC officially admits a higher-than-usual number of cases of a type of heart inflammation has been reported following Covid-19 vaccination, especially among young men following their second dose of an mRNA vaccine.

Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins, who died Friday in Colombia, had a heart that weighed double the average for men his age. If the vaxx is going to cause heart failure, this is what the leading edge of the wave could look like.

WWE wrestler Triple H retires after heart failure scare has a pacemaker installed in his chest.

23 year-old Romanian water polo player is dead from a sudden heart attack during a game.

Whether people who suffered heart conditions following their Covid-19 vaccinations develop long-term health problems is being looked into by the Ministry of Health in New Zealand. Maybe it is just me, but it feels like this is the type of thing you should do before you make everyone take the vaccine.

Heart abnormalities were detected in some adolescents months after COVID-19 vaccination, according to a study.

Joe Biden’s budget asks for an extra $12 billion to welcome more migrants.

President Joe Biden is seeking more than twice as much in American taxpayer funding to defend the borders of Ukraine against Russia than he is seeking for “border security technology” at the United States-Mexico border.

Opponents of a controversial 2021 law asked a federal judge this weekend to prevent the state from moving forward with surveys about “intellectual freedom and viewpoint diversity” on college and university campuses.

On Thursday, the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), issued an open letter ruling that a type of gun trigger, known as a forced-reset trigger, will be considered a machinegun despite functioning differently than a true automatic machine gun. The company is opposing it, and it could balloon into something bigger, as their case is semi-automatic is defined as one pull of the trigger, one shot, and technically, this trigger requires a pull per shot, even if it is forcibly reset each time the gun fires. So they could turn this into a legal review of whether ATF is unilaterally creating laws as part of the executive branch, when it declares something like this, which fit into previous rulings as legal, is now illegal, and whether things like this need to be left to congress to examine and draft laws on, for Constitutional reasons. I have no idea how anything you see in the news arises anymore, but it is possible if government is going to be revamped, something like this is another script designed to raise this question.

Germans told to wear a sweater to cope with soaring energy prices.

Soaring cotton prices could mean clothing is about to get more expensive.

FedEx founder Fred Smith stepping down as CEO. Nowadays I see a Fed-Ex truck, and I assume it is at least 50:50 the driver is surveillance. But there is an interesting piece of family lore I was told growing up. An ancestor in New York City almost created the first Fed-Ex/UPS type company. He had a pilot’s license before both of them, and apparently began doing package deliveries city to city. Things picked up, and before long he had an air cargo company which was big enough he owned a couple of full city blocks in New York City, and was like royalty, though whether intel was in that field that early on I have no idea. What I do know is everything fell apart when he supposedly was found dead at the bottom of a flight of stairs, it was assumed by the family having been drunk and fallen down them. I got the impression they assumed drunk, because he was still young enough he needed a reason to be dead at the bottom of the stairs. Family lore was, a whole team of Jewish lawyers immediately closed in on the probate and by the time they were done everybody in the family got a small chunk of change that lasted a week, and everything else had disappeared.

G7 rejects Russian demand to pay for gas in rubles, urges companies involved not to comply with Russia’s demands.

But, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Minister of Energy Suhail al-Mazrouei says, the world’s energy markets need Russian oil and no producer can replace it. So Russia just physically made the G7 impotent and irrelevant.

Russian speakers in Germany are assaulted on a daily basis as hate crimes against people of Russian and Ukrainian origin have spiked in the country, reaching a staggering 200 cases every week, according to Germany’s police chief.

Ukraine has vowed to investigate after graphic videos emerged purporting to show the horrific abuse of Russian prisoners of war, including some who were shot in the legs.

Couple of interesting things in this next rumble video. First, Chernobyl appears to be abandoned, and nobody cares. Two, the EU made a big deal about funding all of the equipment there, but the vast majority is old, rusted, Soviet stuff, so that is probably an embezzlement scheme. And finally, the Ukraine government claimed the Russians looted the lab, but even the Ukrainian military guy says it looks like the Ukrainian staff scattered the trash while fleeing, and the Russian military didn’t touch any of the expensive materials left there.

Russian Oligarch Roman Abramovich and Ukrainian Peace negotiators suffer symptoms of suspected poisoning. Abramovich and the negotiators all went blind for a few hours, and the skin peeled from his hands and his face. Cabal needs this war for some reason. That is why Biden leaked to China that Ukraine was about to be admitted to NATO, to force Russia to invade. So it follows, whoever might stop the war is going to be dealt with. The use of a chemical/neurological agent looks almost like somebody framing Russia, so they would have a pretext to take us deeper into the war. You wonder if Abramovich screwed things up by getting exposed, making the case it was Russia much more questionable than it would have been if only the Ukrainian delegation was hit.

US doubts Ukraine poisoning claim. Sounds like a “whoever supplied it denied it” situation.

Russia is no longer requesting Ukraine be “denazified” and is prepared to let Kyiv join the EU if it remains military non-aligned as part of ongoing ceasefire negotiations, according to four people briefed on the discussions. Did that poisoning make Russia more desirous of ending the war, as a way of thwarting whatever Cabal’s plans are?

Moscow to hit most Western states with visa restrictions. It is a shame, as the people who would want to travel there would tend to not be the problem in relation to Ukraine.

Russian Ruble is back to 90/USD, the highest since March 1st. So sanctions have had no effect, except to cost us reserve currency status, and have oil getting traded in a slew of other currencies.

India ready to bypass dollar in trade with Russia.

The important southeast city of Mariupol has now been completely taken over by Russian forces, according to its mayor.

Russia sets fixed gold price as it restarts official bullion purchases.

Blind psychic Baba Vanga – who is known as the ‘Nostradamus of the Balkans’ and correctly predicted 9/11 – claims Russian president Vladimir Putin will become ‘Lord of the World.’ We could do worse.

Zelenskyy says Ukraine ready to discuss neutral status, slams Western cowardice. I would cheer for the Russians to capture Zelensky, but they would probably treat him decently.

Oscar viewership second-lowest rated in history despite Will Smith’s stunt. The spell is broken.

GameStop stock saw a third large insider buy.

MIT is reinstating its SAT/ACT requirement for future admissions cycles.

Senate Judiciary Committee delays vote on Ketanji Brown Jackson at GOP request.

Dumbphone sales are soaring as people revolt against “overwhelming” smartphones.

Trump threatens a MAGA boycott of Georgia midterms if Kemp is the GOP’s candidate.

Clinton appointed judge assigned to Trump lawsuit recuses herself.

Trump-backed Ted Budd takes the lead in North Carolina’s GOP Senate Primary.

Trump-backed Kelly Tshibaka leads Alaska Senate race, as Lisa Murkowski is losing her reelection bid.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


Highly respected Nigel Farage when asked on Fox and Friends this morning about Trump, he stated, “Trump was 100% right.” Thank you, Nigel!


Massive crowd last night in Georgia even despite the cold weather, the enthusiasm was unbelievable. David Perdue, running against horrendous Governor Brian Kemp, who let the Election be Rigged and Stolen, is seeing a very big surge. Will be interesting, but why would anybody want to vote for somebody who unnecessarily allowed a really bad and unfair consent decree, but wouldn’t allow a special session as requested by the State Senate. Kemp is a disaster for Georgia.


We had a massive crowd last night in Georgia, but as usual, the Fake News Media absolutely refuses to show it. People are estimating 25,000 to 35,000 people, but our record so far is Texas with 87,000 people with 50,000 being turned away. This is really fun!

Spread r/K Theory, because the magic is gone once the spell breaks.

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2 years ago

Clinton appointed judge assigned to Trump lawsuit recuses herself
This is interesting, Why did she do that?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Trump’s legal team moved for it. She was appointed by Bill, Hillary is a defendant. Clear appearance of a conflict of interest, which is the standard for recusal.

2 years ago

Will was on this list in Q post 4577, though Q never said what the list was of:

Funny that Jeffery Epstein name appears twice.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

One is Jeffery and the other is Jeffrey.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I noticed that as well.
I don’t know what that might mean, but it was done for a reason.
Taking into consideration rumors that have followed a number of the other names on that list over the years, like Woody Allen and Spielberg, I assume the list is giving us the names of people that have had sex with the underaged, or at least barely legal.
Either that, or a list of people with genuine blackmail material being held over their heads.

2 years ago

He seems like a nice, likable guy, and he was fantastic in Enemy of the State.

AC, he’s an ACTOR!

Rex Regum veniet
Rex Regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

He got in one little fight and his mom got scared, literally.

Reply to  Rex Regum veniet
2 years ago

And a Cuckold to boot. Imagine defending the non-existent “Honor” of an adulteress that cuckolds you routinely

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Is he really a cuckold, if the rumors are true that he is gay? Even gay men can be possessive of their fag hags. A term that the younger generation doesn’t seem to know. A fag hag is a straight woman that hangs out with gay men.
I think we all agree this was scripted to move the overton window. If they are really trying to get a war going, they must have realized that men only fight for their families, which means fighting for their women. Men today don’t have women, and very slender prospects of having one. A fuck partner doesn’t count. A roommate doesn’t count. So why should they fight? Make it acceptable to have legally defensible rights in woman again, the fighting spirit will rise, and the war can finally happen.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
2 years ago

Maybe. But “Open Marriage” tells us all we need to know.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

He seems like a nice, likable guy……….ACTOR.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Made his highly embarrassed Son kiss him on the lips live on a tv chat show.

2 years ago

AC, Thanks for being a great resource site!

Annnnddd, headlines for today:
Joe Biden’s budget asks for an extra $12 billion to welcome more migrants.
President Joe Biden is seeking more than twice as much in American taxpayer funding to defend the borders of Ukraine against Russia than he is seeking for “border security technology” at the United States-Mexico border.

America has become a Clown Show. Yesterday, I saw the particulars of the Biden budget—what a disgrace–these people who created that must be on the moon. So out-of-touch, spending gazillions we don’t have, 30 Trillion deficit, —“We MUST spend MORE!”. On top of everything else, they come up with that—Not only is America evil to the core—it is a Clown Show. We are being run by sixth graders.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Embezzlers always loot the company as fast as they can, because they know they will get caught at some point, and they need to have as much as possible hidden away when they do.
In the federal government, you have HUNDREDS of embezzlers in Congress, who are all trying to out-loot the others before it all collapses. They know it will collapse, just not when, so they loot as much as they can as fast as they can. It’s instinctual, like a dog gulping down its food.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

It makes sense if you realize they are purposefully trying to tank the dollar and our national economy.
Cabal is going for the trophy right now, no holds barred.

2 years ago

>Over 73% of Floridians polled believe that too many people have moved in from out of state, according to a survey. This is the plan. Make New York and California uninhabitable, and those blue voters will head for purple Florida.

The flip side of this statement is why it’s always important to stay where you have ancestral claim and fight to the knife for it. R-selected rabbits will always flee when it gets hard. If enough rabbits flee California, the only people left there will be the K-selected good ones who stayed and can now lay claim to the area.

Will it be easy? No, but is it ever? There’s no safe haven left in the world, wherever you go is going to have to be defended eventually anyway. Better to fight now and carve out your space than constantly be just another displaced outsider in a community that might not want you there.

2 years ago

> Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins, who died Friday in Colombia, had a heart that weighed double the average for men his age. 

Heart enlargement is also a consequence of sleep apnea. Ten-fifteen years ago sleep apnea was the one-size-fits-all diagnoses, and doctors prescribed CPAP machines for everyone. Now insurance companies are much more reluctant to pay out for iffy diagnoses, and doctors still typically don’t screen for apnea, even at the “does your spouse complain you snore at night?” level.

Even among people who are diagnosed and issued CPAP machines, the FDA says the “compliance rate” – whether the patient actually uses the machine every night – is less than 15%.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

They’re miserable machines. Doesn’t surprise me one bit.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

I live with a senior old lady—I take care of her for room. She has a CPAP machine and she HAS to use it every night! She is very weak physically and she has trouble breathing. The CPAP is a life-saver for her. She uses it every night and when she takes naps!

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

They definitely take some getting used to, or at least I had a hell of a time with it. On the other hand, the cardiologist said complications from sleep apnea were one of the main reasons I had a heart attack. One of those was more than sufficient, thankyouverymuch.

The filtering system in the CPAP also helps with some of my allergies.

2 years ago

Moscow to hit most Western states with visa restrictions. It is a shame, as the people who would want to travel there would tend to not be the problem in relation to Ukraine.”
I thought this was funny, because a link further up the page was hand wringing about all the people moving from blue states to red states, complaining that they would corrupt/ bring cooties to the blue states.
That later is pretty obvious cabal/ deep state propaganda. I see it repeated on reddit threads all the time, so its being spread by some bot. It doesn’t work that way because the people moving are essentially refugees from the blue states who hate what they have become. Keep in mind, that according to the official tally, Trump got a third of the vote and over a million votes in Massachusetts, and Biden got a third of the vote and over a million votes in Oklahoma, so we make too much of this stuff. Its not like people moving to Florida from Cuba in the 1960s turned Florida Communist, in fact just the opposite.
I don’t know why this stuff gets getting repeated, but I see it repeated a lot,, so its being done by bots, and I don’t know what effect it is supposed to have.
This does leave the legitimate question about what was the object of making blue areas so miserable, as opposed to red areas, in the last two years. This dynamic only happened in the United States, and the cabal operates world wide. The only theory I could come up with that sort of make sense was that the long term plan was to clear everyone who wasn’t part of the cabal network out of the cities, and to use cities as secure military bases and force projection platforms for controlling the countryside after the reveal. This is completely crazy, but its a situation where all other possible explanations are even crazier.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

I don’t know why this stuff gets getting repeated

Because it’s safer to point the finger at white people from California than recognize the racial demographic time bomb ticking away. Conservatives seem especially clingy to this fallacy because they live in existential fear of being called racist, even if it means their grandchildren will be a persecuted minority in a future dystopia. And then they get called racist anyway.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

Some of us got over being called racist (or homophobic, or Nazis, or whatever) because over the years, the Left has flung the words like a monkey flinging poo. Nowadays they don’t even need a reason; it’s automatic, if not mandatory, whenever they see something counter-Narrative.

Once you realize they’re going to call you a “racist” anyway, you simply don’t care any more.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

We have seen examples where the migrants from leftist areas have taken over and ruined the places they fled to as well as examples where they were refugees who hated the place they left and strengthened their new home.

2 years ago

> Clinton appointed judge assigned to Trump lawsuit recuses herself.

No problem. Given DJT’s success rate at appointees, 4 out of 5 of the judges he appointed will be happy to stab him in the back if they can.

2 years ago

> Elon Musk is worth over $250 billion, as a new analysis predicts he’ll be a trillionaire by 2024.

$250B? That’s where the question “where did it all come from?” starts making itself insistent.

Tesla’s profits are either small or nonexistent, depending on which financial wag you listen to. Boring Company has always been in the red. SpaceX’s financials hazy, but their costs are high and I doubt they’re even covering expenses. If Starlink is making a profit, it’s not much of one.

I would assume his wealth, if accurately reported, is from his portfolio – stocks that suddenly rocketed up and real estate investment jackpots. That’s your tried-and-true payoff/black funding setup, before NFTs and art sales.

Funny, DJT, Soros, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg, and Gates haven’t seen their wealth surge like Musk’s, and I’m assuming they’re all hiring top-notch investment managers.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Musk is being managed for some ulterior motive.
It’s not clear how aware of his ultimate purpose he really is.
I get the sense he’s more or less just going along for the ride.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

Could be. He has the big boy toys – his own car company and his own space company to play withm and all the little stuff. And he has fanboys and plenty of media coverage. If he took the ticket he’s getting a good deal.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

“…Musk is being managed…”

Maybe, maybe not, but it’s clear he is not some propped up dimwit. I’ve seen numerous interviews with him. He says very profound and insightful things. He knows exactly what he is doing and is well versed in all aspects of all his operations.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Yes, and then he’ll do some dipshit stunt like starting a Twitter war that lands him in court, or shooting off his mouth and getting the SEC after him, etc.

I don’t know if he’s so out of touch with the Real World(tm) that he doesn’t realize he can be held accountable for his actions, or if it’s part of a cunning plan to… something.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

“…Tesla’s profits are either small or nonexistent…”

Not only his profits but his potential profits are extraordinary. Really, earth shattering big.

Let’s look at this quote,”…
Tesla annual/quarterly net income history and growth rate from 2010 to 2021. Net income can be defined as company’s net profit or loss after all revenues, income items, and expenses have been accounted for.

  • Tesla net income for the quarter ending December 31, 2021 was $2.321B, a 671.1% increase year-over-year.
  • Tesla net income for the twelve months ending December 31, 2021 was $5.519B, a 665.46% increase year-over-year.
  • Tesla annual net income for 2021 was $5.519B, a 665.46% increase from 2020.
  • Tesla annual net income for 2020 was $0.721B, a 183.64% decline from 2019.
  • Tesla annual net income for 2019 was $-0.862B, a 11.68% decline from 2018.


True profits are not extraordinary but growth is off the charts. All you have to realize is that he has been spending a fortune on building plants and new motors and new batteries. Huge capital expenditures. Once he has these, with this growth, then profits will soar. He is the low cost leader in EVs. Most everyone else is battery constrained.

I have been a pro-Musk guy. All the things he has done are good for humanity if they are used for humanity and not for nefarious purposes. Of course most anything is this way from hammers to dynamite. I’m still not sure he’s not a part of (them) but it’s looking a bit more like he is. I’ve always had doubts about him. On the the other hand without him at least going along they could ruin him. Another scenario could be that he is not one of them and when they saw him saying he was going to build electric cars and space ships they thought he was a nut but then,…he did it. Once he had the product done then it becomes much more difficult to stop him. I suspect they put money in because, hey it’s new cash, but that doesn’t mean 100% he’s one of them.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago


Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

I like to think Musk may be the front for a tech transferral op from the above top secret advanced tech program to our own normie world. That begs the question is the op run by white hats or black hats and my gut instinct about Musk is that he’s one of the good guys.

How’s that for a well-researched scientific opinion?!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Huck
2 years ago

“I like to think Musk may be the front for a tech transferral op from the above top secret advanced tech program…”

Not even close. Not even in the ballpark. All the tech Musk is using is stuff that has been around a long time. Where he excels is he is constantly improving it. Constantly making it cheaper, better, faster. Relentlessly cutting cost. He went to business school but he not like other businessmen which are a bunch of interconnected frat boys who don’t really have insight into the tech their companies are using or more importantly, failing to use. He knows and is pushing constantly.

He’s not the first person to do this. Andrew Carnegie made his fortune this way. He constantly upgraded his steel mills to the very best he could build and took over the whole steel industry this way. People may hate Rockefeller but I always wondered, how did this young guy take over the oil business. Why didn’t the older more established players knock him out? A big mystery until I found an answer. He owned the patent on steel tanker cars pulled by trains and that’s the answer. All the other companies were using wooden barrels, (I kid you not), to transport oil. When people say he locked them out what he did was refuse to carry their oil in his tanks so they had to use barrels which of course would never make money like a big steel tanker. He then invested all his money back into refineries so that he had a consistent and pure product. Everyone else had really crappy gasoline and kerosene. That’s why gas pumps used to have clear glass tops so you could see if the gas was contaminated. His was clear and filtered.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Sam J,

From the link you provided, Tesla has lost around $4.9 billion between 2009 and 2020, but somehow made up all of that in one year? That looks awfully suspicious.

It’s even more suspicious when you see that no other measure increased by anywhere near the 669% that Tesla made between 2020 and 2021. Not revenues, not cost, and not gross profit.

Just an incredibly unusual result.

I appreciate that you are a fan of Musk and you provide us all the positive spin, but nothing changes my opinion about the electric car: the whole project is a denial of access to energy and the eventual demise of on-demand, personal transportation. The system does not want you moving around at will use the electric car to make sure that you don’t.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
2 years ago

I’m not going to dredge through all the numbers. I suspect the extra earnings come from stock sales. He sold a heap of it to fund growth.
the whole project is a denial of access to energy and the eventual demise of on-demand, personal transportation…”

That’s just silly. It’s absurd and violates any sort of logic at all. With an electric car you can charge it from anything that makes electricity but with diesel and gas you have no choice but the Oligarchs. Look at the price of gas from just a little tinkering with supply causing huge price gouging. There is an inelastic demand for fuel There must be a certain supply or the price rockets up. But the supply of solar power is essentially infinite for our purposes.

If the government decides to make personal driving illegal, it has nothing to do with a car being electric or not. Why people say such silly things when they are so blindly obvious defeats me.
Why don’t you explain your logic on this? It confounds me. You do know that ALL cars have had cell phone connect chips in them since think 1990 or so, don’t you? So even tracking for electric cars is no different. You also should know almost all cars can be controlled, not only electric. So WHY exactly is it that a car being electric is suddenly some big threat???

What you are doing is propping up straw men just so you can knock them down. You frequently do this. I guess it’s your nature, job maybe, to spout a lot of nonsense.

Another reason I am really for electric cars is the after market. There are all kinds of Tesla engines and controllers on the market. I almost bought one the other day. Really cheap model 3 motor with a broke mount. For me the mount would make no difference. I should have bought it. It was somewhere around $300-$350 can’t remember. It went quick.

The hold up is batteries. They are too expensive. I expect that all the billions poured into this will bear fruit eventually. I also expect some people to start a DIY battery system.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Solar, wind, and all of the other renewables are junk. It’s not abundant, not consistent, and does not provide enough energy to do anything. Using solar energy to charge batteries to run cars is a none starter. As I have mentioned elsewhere, not enough energy hits the surface of the earth to power anything significant. This is just basic physics.

Alternative energy is no energy. It is being pushed to get rid of fossil fuels so that people can’t use transportation, heat/cool their homes, or cook their food.

The whole point of the electric car is to get rid of mass on-demand transportation. First, Tesla’s are expensive. At a $40,000 price point, it means most people can’t buy this car and, therefore, most people won’t have a car. I can get a used ICE vehicle for as little as $1,500. Second, a Tesla requires that you have a house and a charging station. If you have an apartment, then you can’t own a Tesla because you can’t run an extension cord from your apartment to your car. Third, it takes too long to charge a Tesla. I can fill a gas tank from empty in less than 5 minutes. A Tesla takes 30-60 minutes to charge. Imagine having to wait in line to charge a Tesla? Fourth, because of these limitations, a Tesla is not a direct replacement for an ICE car. You will need an ICE vehicle to do what a Tesla cannot do, like drive anywhere beyond the radius of your personal charging station. Fifth, because a Tesla has a giant battery, it is much easier to attach audio/video surveillance devices to it. Because of the automated features, it is much easier to have you killed.

This entire electric car business is a heap of trouble. As far as oligarchs are concerned, you will still be subject to whichever oligarch controls the supply of lithium and other materials in making a battery, so the oligarch problem does not go away.

This whole electric car fantasy is like being a teenager and hearing about polygamy for the first time. You think you’re going to be the one with two or more wives. in reality, it means no wife for you. The same with an electric car. People think their going to be riding in an automated vehicle that massages their butts, makes food, entertains them with media, and lets them sleep, while they travel. In reality, their not going to be riding in these cars.

There will be, however, plenty of electric bikes.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
2 years ago

“…As I have mentioned elsewhere, not enough energy hits the surface of the earth to power anything significant. This is just basic physics…”

Your wrong. Every time you make these silly assed “pronouncements” I show you wrong with…numbers…facts…actual physics, not your made up gas-lighting.

“…In 2000, the United Nations Development Programme, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and World Energy Council published an estimate of the potential solar energy that could be used by humans each year that took into account factors such as insolation, cloud cover, and the land that is usable by humans. The estimate found that solar energy has a global potential of 1,600 to 49,800 exajoules (4.4×1014 to 1.4×1016 kWh) per year…”

That’s a stupendous amount of power. Stupendous, and it’s coming from numbers using present tech. The new stuff that I go over is much higher. Like here.

This entire electric car business is a heap of trouble….”

“Tesla net income for the quarter ending December 31, 2021 was $2.321B, a 671.1% increase year-over-year”

WOW I wish had trouble like 671.1% increase year-over-year in income. You must some sort of super rich guru if you can look at those kind of income increases and declare them, “trouble”.

“…At a $40,000 price point, it means most people can’t buy this car and, therefore, most people won’t have a car. I can get a used ICE vehicle for as little as $1,500…”

A prime example of “Dooferism” (like a Doofus)where you say something so stupid and absurd that that anything else you say MUST be taken with not even a grain of salt(far too much). More like an atom of dirt. Electric cars are “new”. A “new” non electric car cost a lot also. You can get cheap Chinese electric cars for $4,500, new, not used. Now they lack a lot but it does prove your facts wrong and ANY $1,500 car you buy will also lack a lot. As electric cars age and the cost of batteries come down the cost of owning electric will plummet far below the cost of ICE cars.

Let’s look at some real numbers. There’s Tesla model S with over 300,000 miles.

Think you will get 300,000 miles out of your $1,500 car? I doubt that.

“…so the oligarch problem does not go away….”

Which is exactly my point. You try to link electric cars to Oligarchs, and yet electric cars decouple you from them. Meaning, you don’t know what you are talking about.

No wonder you promote Miles Mathis, and his little CIA gymnast girls, so much. You babble incoherently just like him with made up fake facts with stupidity enough to drive even imbeciles mad.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

…In 2000, the United Nations Development Programme, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and World Energy Council

Really? We are trusting the UN and the WEC?

“The estimate found that solar energy has a global potential of 1,600 to 49,800 exajoules (4.4×1014 to 1.4×1016 kWh) per year…”

Show me a single power plant that’s collecting and distributing 1,600 to 49,800 exajoules of power anywhere. In fact, show me a single solar array that is generating comparable power to a fossil fuel plant. There are none. Solar power is such a colossal failure that energy costs are skyrocketing due to its inability to meet demand.

“WOW I wish had trouble like 671.1% increase year-over-year in income. You must some sort of super rich guru if you can look at those kind of income increases and declare them, “trouble”.”

The CIA can launder $2.3 billion through Tesla forever.

Let’s look at some real numbers. There’s Tesla model S with over 300,000 miles.

Yeah, I don’t believe that article. First, big deal if true. It’s a $90,000 car. Whatever you save on maintenance you’ve just paid up front in the $90,000 price tag. Second, the article mentions they had to change the battery twice. What did a Tesla battery cost between 2015 and 2018? $30,000 a piece? So we have $60,000 in battery replacement costs to beat up car for 400,000 miles. Yeah, no thanks. And all of their cost estimates on a Lincoln Town Car are bullshit. Do you think a lincoln town car costs you $.22 a mile to run?

Which is exactly my point. You try to link electric cars to Oligarchs, and yet electric cars decouple you from them. Meaning, you don’t know what you are talking about.”

Who controls the lithium for the battery tech?

Think of any technology as a provider of a stream of services. A superior technology should be able to not only provide the same stream of services as the old technology but greatly improve upon the old technology. A good example is the iPhone. The iPhone greatly improves on the flip phones that preceded it. The iPhone could do everything the flip phone can do and more.

Tesla is not an iPhone to ICE’s flip phone. A Tesla is an Apple Newton being sold as an iPad. Imagine if the iPhone could not send or receive phone calls. Or, every third character was wrong when typing. Basically, imagine if the first iPhone couldn’t do some basic functions of a flip phone. It never would’ve been adopted.

Tesla is in the same position. It is too expensive. It has a limited range. It takes too long to charge. You cannot run this vehicle the same way as an ICE vehicle. you have to have dedicated hardware and the space to put it. Drive beyond the radius of your charging station and you literally have to plan your trip around the car.

You have all of these technologies you claim are coming online, but they are nowhere. Imagine if Steve Jobs said “well, we’ll improve the efficiency of flywheels and photosynthesis and then our iPhones can make calls and recognize typed characters.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
2 years ago

“…Show me a single power plant that’s collecting and distributing 1,600 to 49,800 exajoules of power anywhere…”

During daylight hours look up. That bright thing in the sky puts out
“…The Earth receives 174 petawatts (PW) of incoming solar radiation at the upper atmosphere…”.
It’s distributed in photons.

“…In fact, show me a single solar array that is generating comparable power to a fossil fuel plant. …”

Solar works better distributed at it’s point of use unlike fossil fuel plants.

“…Solar power is such a colossal failure that energy costs are skyrocketing due to its inability to meet demand….”

No, energy costs are skyrocketing because we have assholes running things. There is no energy crisis. The numbers below answer this and the false statement you made before. If that’s failure, then…I don’t know what to tell you. Right now fossil fuels are cheaper. I’ve never said I was against burning coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, any of these. I have said that solar gives people more independent options. I’m not the only one that thinks this as solar is growing at exponential rates. But you seem to have a little trouble with numbers, as in you are stupid, so maybe you better look up that term exponential to see what it means.

“,,,Worldwide growth of photovoltaics has been close to exponential between 1992 and 2018…”

1.2 GW in 2008 to 1,250GW in 2022

That is, a really big ass increase. I guess all the people that bought all these are all in on failure. Why they are determined to all fail.

“…It’s a $90,000 car….”

Not true. A lie.

“…What did a Tesla battery cost between 2015 and 2018? $30,000 a piece?…”

I didn’t say that, I said, “…Present cost of batteries are somewhere around $15,000 to $20,000 for a Tesla car….”. Probably lower by now. I don’t know where you get your numbers. Since you have such trouble with numbers, I doubt any numbers you provide.

You didn’t read the article and are mixing up all sorts of cost for different things in different situations. The batteries didn’t cost them a thing because Tesla replaced them for free and notice the mileage I quoted was 300,000 on ONE set of batteries that is still going. A totally different case. Some estimates are 1 million miles on one set of batteries with 80% loss of charge at the end. The reason you garble this up so bad is you are stupid and don’t know how to read or comprehend even short articles.

“…Who controls the lithium for the battery tech?…”

Once again, you show how stupid you are. You don’t even have the slightest idea of what’s going on. Possibly that’s why you are always pushing Miles Mathis and his tales of CIA Olympic gymnast. It’s just all stupid all the time with you. Talking logical, and even worse using “numbers” with you is like trying to teach an Ocelot to square dance.

“…Think of any technology as a provider of a stream of services. A superior technology should be able to not only provide the same stream of services as the old technology but greatly improve upon the old technology….”

My God you’re stupid. It’s a very, very, very, very, very, well known principal of new technologies that usually the new tech is not as good as the old. This is noted as such common place knowledge that by you not knowing this you are screaming to the world,”I’M A HUGE FUCKING IDIOT AND KNOW NOTHING”.

You are the living essence of the Dunning–Kruger effect. They should put your comments in books as examples to little children so even can laugh at you. We want the little children to be amused.

“…You cannot run this vehicle the same way as an ICE vehicle….”

Well you also can’t use a zebra as an impact wrench. You can’t use a ice cream cone as a drive shaft. You can’t use a porcupine as a bed comforter. So…so what if a Tesla is not just like a IC engine car.

“…Tesla is …”
blah, blah, blah, blah…

Uhhh…they’re selling like hotcakes.

No one ask you to buy one. No one is making you. For some people, a lot actually, electric cars make sense. Right now they are slightly high in price but not if you figure the cost of use over the life time of the car. And certainly not if you compare them to other import luxury cars. They will get much cheaper. They are only a few years old in their present incarnation.

I think you would be better off reading Mathis, his CIA gym girls, Phoenician Jews and all that about how PI is really some other number instead of what it is.

“…Imagine if Steve Jobs said “well, we’ll improve the efficiency of flywheels and photosynthesis and then our iPhones can make calls and recognize typed characters.”…”

Yeah…once again, you’re mixed up. The photosynthesis part is about food production, the flywheel is energy storage and iphones are for calling and texting people. You should lay off the drugs and coffee, or at the very least lay off the coffee so when you get drugged up you don’t stay awake and embarrass yourself. You’re also mixing up ideas about the limits to things being built with, stuff already built. I know this all so hard and complicated for you.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

During daylight hours look up. That bright thing in the sky puts out
“…The Earth receives 174 petawatts (PW) of incoming solar radiation at the upper atmosphere…”.
It’s distributed in photons.”

But we do not collect solar energy from the upper atmosphere. We collect it at the surface. Not enough of these “distributed photons” hit the surface of the earth to power anything. I’ve already demonstrated this in out last conversations where 1550 sq inches of solar panel bought from Harbor Freight generates 300 watts of energy. basically, nothing, compared to what fossil fuels generate.

“Solar works better distributed at it’s point of use unlike fossil fuel plants.”

Give me an example of something significant running on solar power.

You didn’t read the article and are mixing up all sorts of cost for different things in different situations. The batteries didn’t cost them a thing because Tesla replaced them for free and notice the mileage I quoted was 300,000 on ONE set of batteries that is still going. A totally different case. Some estimates are 1 million miles on one set of batteries with 80% loss of charge at the end. The reason you garble this up so bad is you are stupid and don’t know how to read or comprehend even short articles.”

The article states that the battery had to be replaced twice to reach 400,000 miles. That’s a current cost, by your estimates, of between $30,000 and $40,000 dollars.

“My God you’re stupid. It’s a very, very, very, very, very, well known principal of new technologies that usually the new tech is not as good as the old. This is noted as such common place knowledge that by you not knowing this you are screaming to the world,”I’M A HUGE FUCKING IDIOT AND KNOW NOTHING”.”

That’s not true at all. Look at John D. Rockefeller. He had a patent on steel tanker cars that maintained the purity of his gasoline over transporting gas in wooden barrels. See, new tech is better than old tech. The Tesla is an Apple Newton trying to pass itself off as a an Apple iPad.

“Well you also can’t use a zebra as an impact wrench. You can’t use a ice cream cone as a drive shaft. You can’t use a porcupine as a bed comforter. So…so what if a Tesla is not just like a IC engine car.”

I expect a car to work as a car, whether it’s electric or ICE. Again, if the first iPhone could not make or receive phone calls, then it would never have been adopted.

Uhhh…they’re selling like hotcakes.
No one ask you to buy one. No one is making you. For some people, a lot actually, electric cars make sense. Right now they are slightly high in price but not if you figure the cost of use over the life time of the car. And certainly not if you compare them to other import luxury cars. They will get much cheaper. They are only a few years old in their present incarnation.”

Yes, virtue signaling Cabal dummies with lots of money are buying them. The CIA is buying them. That doesn’t change anything.

Yeah…once again, you’re mixed up. The photosynthesis part is about food production, the flywheel is energy storage and iphones are for calling and texting people.”

No, it’s an analogy. Electric cars are immature technologies that don’t provide the same services as regular cars.

Look at how long it takes to charge a Tesla: Given that the Model S comes with a range of 396 miles, it’s easy to see how much the charging system can impact the amount of time it takes. Using the Supercharger network will take less than half an hour to fully charge a Model S. The at-home Wall Connector can fully charge the same model in nine hours. In contrast, using a standard 120-volt outlet at home would take nearly 200 hours to fully charge, while the 240-volt adapter could do it in roughly 13.

To fully charge a Tesla, you have to wait 30 minutes. If there are four Teslas in front of you, typical for a gas station, then you are waiting two hours to charge your car. It’s absurd.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
2 years ago

You’re severely screwed up and are still mixing things up. Not realizing that there are a lot of things you do not know and are telling me the opposite of what is real, and not knowing you are wrong. Your still reading the article I linked wrong. You don’t understand the circumstances the batteries were changed and don’t realize the other batteries mentioned in the same article. You haven’t seen the testing that shows Tesla batteries still at 80% capacity tested charge-recharge of a million miles. Your facts are all fucked up.

I expect any minute now for you to tell me,”Says on your chart you’re all fucked up, you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded. What I do is like…you know…you know what I mean like…”

You don’t know how much Sunlight reaches the earth. You base all solar cells on cheap harbor freight cells. You get the prices of batteries wrong even though I give you the numbers. There’s not much you get right. I’m not giving you more links because you can’t comprehend the ones I give you.

“…Give me an example of something significant running on solar power….”

“…California, located on the Pacific coast, leads the country in terms of the number of solar-powered homes. Reports indicate that 3.319 million houses in the state utilize solar energy for their electricity needs. This number represents about 13,241 megawatts of energy…”

Your facts are just showing stupidity, mixed up crap and lack of knowing. You don’t understand basic stuff taught in business schools and the S curve of technology.

You give two examples, and one of those I was the one that told you about it. You base all progress on two examples. Retarded.

You have so many mistakes and when I point them out you just babble on as if you have something real to say. You do not.

“…Look at how long it takes to charge a Tesla: Given that the Model S…”

I said a electric car is not like a gas car. You ignore it. Normally, you charge the car a little at a time. Rarely do you run it completely down then charge. For most people, most of the time electric cars work fine. You don’t mention that for most people they charge their car up at their house so they never have to go to a gas station at all. You must be obsessed with “everyone” having to go to the gas stations, as any alternatives you ignore. You don’t like them, don’t buy one. Your problem is you want to tell everyone else not to buy one. Why is it your business to tell people what to buy. You constantly say fucked things and link silly ass shit like CIA gym girls. This talk with you is no different. All you have is silly stuff to say and garbled fake facts.

Even when the facts are directly written down for you you fuck those up too.

It must be the “Miles Mathis” effect. You read enough of his nonsense, and everything you say becomes sort of garbled bullshit that makes no sense.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

…California, located on the Pacific coast, leads the country in terms of the number of solar-powered homes. Reports indicate that 3.319 million houses in the state utilize solar energy for their electricity needs. This number represents about 13,241 megawatts of energy…”

But these are not “solar-powered homes.” Are they detached from the power grid? Do they have no natural-gas connections? Or they just homes with some solar panels that provide one day of energy every month while the rest of the power is done by gas and grid.

I said a electric car is not like a gas car. You ignore it. Normally, you charge the car a little at a time.”

Yes, that’s the problem. It does not provide the same level of service to the user as a gas car. I would not care what people buy if the government wasn’t hell bent on making gas illegal.

What would it mean to have gas illegal and only electric cars being available? It means most people won’t have cars.

Fossil fuels are abundant and energy-dense and they are trying to phase it out for electric crap.

2 years ago

> India ready to bypass dollar in trade with Russia.

India and Russia do a lot of trade, and India favors buying their military weapons from Russia over ones from the USA.

Since the fall of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the ‘stans splitting off as independent countries India and Russia no longer share a common border, but Russia is on generally friendly terms with the ‘stans and moving goods back and forth is easy.

Also, India has been setting itself up as China Lite; if you pay attention to there stuff is made, you’ll see a lot of the small consumer items that used to be made in China are now made in India. And if you do your own auto repair, you might have noticed how many car parts have “Made in India” on the package. China is the main Source of All the Stuffs, but India is coming up fast, meaning Russia’s dependence on Chinese manufacture is reduced. And Russia doesn’t have to worry much about China and India colluding against them since they’ve been at war on and off since 1962.

2 years ago

> “intellectual freedom and viewpoint diversity” on college and university campuses.

Remember, the collegiate/liberal interpretation of “viewpoint diversity” is “STFU and think only approved thoughts, or we’ll do our best to make you sorry.”

2 years ago

Minor clarification on the Alaska Senate race, which I looked up after seeing Kelly Tshiba (sp?) on Bannon.
The Murkoskis were a prominent family in the Alaska GOP, and Lisa was essentially given the Senate seat by her father. She lost the Republican primary in one election to a more populist candidate, then ran in the general election as an independent, with Democratic support, and sat as an independent who caucused with the Republicans. This is the mirror of what Joe Lieberman did towards the end of his career. Instead of retiring like Lieberman did, she got the Alaska GOP to change the rules to make it easier to pull this maneuver in future elections.
So Alaska now has a system that is similar to that used in France and several other states. The standard system in the USA is that every candidate runs in a party primary to get on the ballot as their party’s candidates in the first round, then the party nominees face off against each other in the second round. In Alaska, California, Louisiana, Nebraska (I think), and France all candidate run against each other in the first round, regardless of party affiliation, and then the top two finishers, who could be from the same party, run against each other in the second round. Note that while this alternative system was adopted in Alaska to help Murkowski, it is a legit electoral system that the Alaskans may want to keep for future elections.
Except Alaska adopted a twist where the top four candidates make it to the second round, then there is effectively a third round for the two two, but using instant runoff voting so the voters don’t go to the polls a third time. But Murkowski would want this to ensure she is on the general election ballot without having to win the Republican primary, or switch parties to the Democrats with no guarantee she will win that primary, or have to qualify for the ballot as an independent like last time. It appears she thinks that a majority of Republican voters or their staffs can’t stand her.
This really only marginally helps her. For it to work, she needs a majority of the electorate in the general election to be Democrats plus country club Republicans, plus probably fraudulent ballots, and it doesn’t work in a populist (as opposed to GOP wave) or against an appealing populist candidate. The climate has shifted in 2010.
The actual story is really not news. The first round is over four months away. The polls show the populist with 45% to 28% for Murkowski among the entire electorate. With four candidates in the second round, both almost certainly make it through without anyone getting a majority. The poling numbers could easily change, and eventually the winner will need a majority, however grudging.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

This is why armies shoot traitors first.

2 years ago

I’ve noticed that the new format doesn’t do paragraphs, though I am hitting return after each paragraph when I type things. Other people don’t seem to be having this problem.
Should I be hitting return twice after a paragraph?

This post is a test post, I hit return once after the first paragraph and twice on the second. In the text box as I type this, there is a huge space between the second and third paragraph, and the normal space between the first and second, but I am testing to see if when this shows up, there will be no space between the first and second and the normal one space between the second and third.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

Of course you hit return twice after a paragraph as always silly billy 😉

2 years ago

The negative stories and investigations about Hunter Biden show that the cabal is fully in control. They are being done to make sure Joe follows the script. Other blogs have pointed this out.

This probably happened during the COVID psyop with the Democratic state governors. The recall in California was allowed on the ballot, then the effort was crushed with a supermajority in the actual vote, and it was obviously a warning to the California governor that he was expendable. The ridiculous kidnapping plot against Whitmer was probably the same. Also the Cuomo scandals, though in this case they went through with replacing Cuomo.

I can’t figure out the Ukraine play at all, since it doesn’t seem to be leading anywhere, or so far affecting ordinary people in their day to day lives, unlike COVID.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

Beggars the question as to why Cabal would need to do anything that blatant? It is enough to simply warn the governors and to tell them what to do. After all, if they’ve been in the machine long enough, then all of these leaders are aware of what Cabal is capable of.

Having to use the whip so blatantly indicates a loss of control.

Reply to  map
2 years ago

This. There was a reason that Nancy Pelosi’s daughter openly blurted out on CNN that Nancy will “cut off your head and you won’t even know that you’re bleeding.” It was a warning to everyone in the know that they’d better not support Trump, that everything they have could still be taken from them.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

Well, the Ukraine play is already affecting people in Europe. We have official government censorship in many countries and even on EU level (RT and Sputnik are banned). Local sites are being blocked for nothing else than just wrong-thinking. Very useful in the next round of forced vaccinations or whatever terror they are planning.

So IMHO this media hype about UA is the same story over again. Just another crisis to take another chunk of your freedoms away.

2 years ago

Germans told to wear a sweater to cope with soaring energy prices.

You went full Jimmy Carter. You never go full Jimmy Carter.

Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

What did Jimmy Carter do?

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

He had fireside chats wearing sweaters and telling people to turn down the heat.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  kid
2 years ago

Phelps is referencing Carter’s sweater speech I think.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  kid
2 years ago

This is before my time, but I think he routinely wore a type of sweater (a cardigan) instead of a suit jacket. And he didn’t do it well. Ended up looking like a children’s TV show host instead of the supreme leader of the most powerful country on the planet.

Reply to  kid
2 years ago
Reply to  kid
2 years ago
Last edited 2 years ago by phelps
Reply to  kid
2 years ago

During the “oil crisis” of the 1970s Jimmah used to appear on tv dressed in a sweater for fireside chats with the American people, telling us in somber tones that there was only 5 (?) years left in natural gas supplies so we should all wear sweaters and turn our thermostats down in winter to 65 (?) to stretch out the time we had left till we all freeze. He was wrong about nearly everything during his presidency, and like Trump he never really had control of the entrenched bureaucracy in D.C. That’s why he was ridiculed, marginalized, and driven from office.

2 years ago

G7 rejects Russian demand to pay for gas in rubles, urges companies involved not to comply with Russia’s demands.

Even people in the hood know if you don’t pay your gas bill, you gas gets cut off. Maybe we need more people who have been poor at least once in power.

2 years ago

Clinton appointed judge assigned to Trump lawsuit recuses herself.


Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

I don’t really think you mean this Boosh but it came to mind

Reply to  Stern
2 years ago

I really meant boosh, but you were close.

2 years ago

The Financial Times report rests on “anonymous sources”, which is an obvious tell that this is propaganda and the claimed information provided is not only false but open Narrative Warfare propaganda.

2 years ago

…..during the course of our MULTI-YEAR investigations into corruption at the highest levels of the federal government.

WASHINGTON – On Monday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) joined U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on the Senate floor to discuss their investigation into the web of foreign financial entanglements of the Biden Family and how the mainstream media published countless stories reporting on the Democrat’s false charge that the senators were soliciting and disseminating Russian disinformation. Sen. Johnson also released new information relating Hunter Biden’s business deals. 
 Sen. Johnson’s remarks as prepared, below.
 “Thank you, Senator Grassley.
 “I want to first thank you for your tenacity in pursuing the truth and ignoring all of the false attacks leveled against us during the course of our multi-year investigations into corruption at the highest levels of the federal government. Both of us have been first hand witnesses, and at the same time victims, of the dishonesty of our Democrat Senate colleagues and their willing accomplices in the media. When it comes to our investigation into the vast web of foreign financial entanglements of the Biden family, those attacks have had one goal in mind – to cover up the extent to which President Biden might be – and almost certainly is – compromised. 
“Over the course of our investigation into how Hunter Biden used his father’s position and name to enrich himself and his family, the dishonest press published countless stories reporting on the Democrat’s false charge that we were soliciting and disseminating Russian disinformation.  Once we issued our September and November 2020 reports, which were based almost exclusively on U.S. sourced documents and interviews with U.S. citizens, the media largely ignored it. When they did write a story on it, they declared that our reports found nothing new. A classic media cover-up. 
“I’ve always said the bias in the media is revealed far more in what they don’t report versus what they do report.
“But all the false attacks have not deterred us.  We have continued to uncover the truth, and fortunately, our reports also served as a catalyst for others to come forward and for more investigative journalists to keep digging. The American people deserve the truth.
“That’s why we’re presenting additional evidence today and over the next few days. For example, this is the first time this document is being made public. It shows that money from CEFC – which is effectively an arm of the Chinese Government – went directly to Hunter Biden.  
“Bank records like this piece of evidence are pretty hard to deny and sweep under the rug. Our reports were chocked full of irrefutable evidence like this. And yet, the media buried those details, in an attempt to keep it hidden from the American people. 
 “Because the mainstream media and our Democratic colleagues had no substance to refute our reports, they reverted to their time-honored tradition of lying, making false accusations against us, and engaging in the politics of personal destruction.
“Again, their goal was to destroy the credibility of our reports before the American people even had a chance to read them.
“For example, listen to what New York Times journalist Nicholas Fandos said about our report:
“’lack of meaningful new information and overlap with a Russian disinformation campaign.’
“The then-Democratic Minority Leader was quoted saying about our report: ‘as if Putin wrote it, not United States senators.’ 
“A Democratic senator described our investigation as being ‘rooted in disinformation’ from Russian operatives. 
“Separately, a Democratic senator also said about our report: ‘Bottom line: the Johnson-Grassley investigation is baseless. It’s laundering Russian propaganda for circulation in the U.S.’
“But all of those quotes were disinformation. As Senator Grassley reiterated, our reports were based almost exclusively on government records from the Obama administration and transcribed interviews of government officials. 
“So, how did the Democrats and their liberal media allies carry out this false attack on us? We describe part of what they did in Section 10 in our September 2020 report. Their disinformation and smear campaign against us and our reports was extensive, but in the interest of time, I’ll give you a shorter, cliff notes version. 
“On July 13, 2020, then-Minority Leader Schumer, Senator Warner, Speaker Pelosi, and Rep. Schiff sent a letter to the FBI to express a purported belief that Congress was the subject of a foreign disinformation campaign. The letter included a classified attachment that had unclassified elements that attempted to tie Senator Grassley’s and my work to Andriy Derkach, a Russian agent. The Democrats speculated that based on this unclassified information, Senator Grassley and I had received materials from Derkach. This was false. But this information linking Senator Grassley and I to Derkach was leaked to liberal media outlets to start a false narrative to smear us. 
“Until news reports of this false allegation surfaced, I had never even heard of the man. We immediately, and forcefully, denied the false allegation, but Democrats and the media continued to spread the lie. To this day no one has ever apologized to either of us for spreading this lie.
“Next, my staff and Senator Grassley’s staff did a transcribed interview of George Kent.
“During that interview, Democrat staff members introduced Derkach’s materials into the record. Then Democrat staff members asked Mr. Kent about it. He stated, ‘What you’re asking me to interpret is a master chart of disinformation and malign influence’
“So the actual truth of the matter is that Democrats, NOT Senator Grassley or I, introduced known Russian disinformation into our investigation record. They did the exact thing they were falsely accusing us of doing.
“Again, not my staff. Not Senator Grassley’s staff. Democrats were disseminating Russian disinformation. Just like they did with the Steele dossier. 
“Then-Ranking Members Wyden and Peters sent me and Senator Grassley a letter asking for an intelligence briefing relating to our investigation. 
“Such a briefing was completely unnecessary. But it was an effort by our Democrat colleagues to further falsely taint our investigation hoping to discredit the truth.
“On July 28, 2020, Senator Grassley and I reminded them that the FBI and relevant members of the Intelligence Community had already briefed the committees in March 2020 and assured us that there was no reason to discontinue our investigation.
“Then, in August 2020, Senator Grassley and I were provided a briefing from the FBI – a briefing that we did not request – that was also leaked to the press to further smear us.
“This unsolicited FBI briefing was also not necessary and was completely irrelevant to the substance of our investigation. 
“The FBI briefers did tell us that they weren’t there to ‘quash, curtail, or interfere’ in our investigation in any way.
“No government entity ever warned us that our investigation into the Biden family’s financial deals was connected to any kind of Russian disinformation campaign – because it wasn’t.
“But, again, the substance of that FBI briefing was later leaked and contorted to smear us – which was exactly why, we suspect, we were given the unsolicited briefing in the first place. Those briefers promised confidentially. Clearly, that confidentiality was breached and resulted in another smear operation on Senator Grassley and I to deflect allegations of corruption and conflicts of interest that could compromise President Biden. 
“To-date, we do not know who all was involved in this smear campaign, but after repeated requests, Director Wray and Director Haines have refused to come in and fully explain who requested and directed this briefing, and why it was provided.
 “So, to review. Senior Democrats and liberal media cooperated to smear me and Senator Grassley with false accusations of receiving and spreading Russian disinformation. 
“They created documents, leaked them, asked for briefings and then leaked those, too. And then they, themselves, disseminated Russian disinformation.
“Fortunately, they failed to discredit our investigation because we stayed true to government records. We stayed true to the facts and the evidence.
“And the evidence is stunning and it is growing.   
“Over the next few days, Senator Grassley and I will come to the floor to present additional evidence that has not yet been made public. 
“These records show extensive connections between the Biden Family and elements of the communist Chinese regime.
“We’re talking high-dollar transactions- some of which we’ve already highlighted in our September and November 2020 reports. But, our speeches will introduce new financial documents into the public record for all to see.
“We expect Democrats and the media to continue to use their power to smear us and cover up for the Bidens. But the truth has a power of its own, and we intend to continue to reveal the truth.  
“I yield the floor.”

2 years ago

After Calling US Shut Downs “Fascist” In 2020, Elon Musk Silent About Shanghai’s COVID Lockdown

Kind of like Vox.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Yeah, but if white hats were hunting down Cabal assets and operators it sure would be helpful to have the entire city locked down.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

The Chinese know that the Jews are likely trying to murder them all with biological attacks. So if they get even a whiff of any sort of attack they shut everything down no matter what the cost so it is impossible to spread. I wonder how that will work out for the Jews. Not well I expect.

2 years ago

ON FedEx

I worked there. I was deliberately set up to gang stalking street theater events. The place is infested.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

It was during the point in my stalking where they trying to create the illusion that they were everywhere and everyone was involved. It was all very minor, no one could ever use it as a grounds for complaint. They’d simply take me off my normal job to “help” someone else who would try to set up some small talk where he’d just vaguely mention things somewhat close to what other people stalking me were talking about. And then the guy would randomly show up at places I routinely went to outside of work. “Oh, hey… you come here often?” kind of seemingly innocent approach.

It’s quite clever and pernicious. It eats at you gently and yet you can’t complain about it to your supervisor and if you mention it to anyone else they immediately try to suggest you’re paranoid or that there are “perfectly sensible explanations.”
But when you know, you know.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

the founder of fed-ex went to Yale and was in a certain secret society, coincidence of course

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Tell me why you thought this video would have importance to me.

Reply to  Anon
2 years ago

Perhaps he thought it would be of importance to our host.

2 years ago

This commentary is important enough that I will probably repost this tomorrow morning:

And the first two dozen or so comments at least are worth reading. Off Guardian comment sections are usually very hit or miss.

The writer questions why suddenly both the Hunter Biden laptop and the US funding biolabs in Ukraine are getting coverage, including in the mainstream media, and concludes we are being set up.

The writer argues that the deal with the biolabs is that the Cabal (he doesn’t use that term) wants to revive the COVID scare, and needs a bioweapons release, and doesn’t particularly care at this point if the United States is blamed for doing it, as long as they get their bioweapons release.

He doesn’t given an explanation for the laptop, but two commentators make the same argument that I made here, that it is being floated as a way to keep Joe on script.

Another commentator points out that the sudden radio silence on COVID is really, really suspicious.

2 years ago

A commentator on the Off Guardian article I posted earlier linked to this:

I might repost this one tomorrow morning too. Its from the perspective of a self-identified leftist, so it would be unusual to post the link in this comment section. But its about how the entire “left” marched in lockstep with the Cabal agenda, and how weird that is if you look at how the left behaved historically.

The article reads quickly and is not without humor, and is sort of a portal into an alternative universe where the left is sane.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

I don’t know. These “real leftists” always come off as confused and easy to exploit because they don’t understand their underlying theories and how they have been undermined.

First of all, the Daily Mail is not some “establishment newspaper.” It is equivalent to the New York Post. The Guardian is an establishment newspaper, the Daily Mail is not, although at this late stage most media is co-opted. It is just that Leftists have always resorted to treating fringe right-wing sources as somehow mainstream to show how little progress Leftism has actually made.

Then there is the hodgepodge of “causes” that have rolled into the Left: LGBTQ, race, class, sex, civil rights. globalism, the environment, and other nonsense. What does any of this have to do with the Left’s traditional and primary concern: making sure the workers aren’t exploited by wealthy and well-connected people? Well, it doesn’t.

In a market economy, it is an accepted fact that economic entities are allowed to maximize profit. This means that a company like Apple is allowed to leverage its advantages to make money. It utilizes technology, marketing, branding, manufacturing, and politics to charge as high a price for an iPhone as it can get. Nobody says boo. Nobody demands that Apple charge half as much while still making a bundle and being more accessible to boot. Everyone accepts this.

Well, this ethos applies across the board. What is true for a company is true for an employee. Employees can also maximize profit. They can leverage their advantages. They can combine with other employees, agree to withhold all of their labor in exchange for higher wages, and hold out until a company either gives in to their demands or replaces them with other workers.

Notice that the activities of a company and the activities of a labor union are both consistent with market principles. Had Leftists stuck to this paradigm, they would’ve accomplished this mission without a hitch.

Instead, they were taken in by the Communists and all of their nonsense about equality. They went from kicking trees to get more fruit, to believing that kicking trees made fruit, to believing cutting down the trees gets even more fruit. They bought into the “equality” nonsense, and the parochial interests of their labor group were “equalized” with Latino immigrants, Black sharecroppers, and Asian cooleys. Now they want to focus on “class” and make sure that the LGBTQs are safe. It never occurs to them that “capital” pushed these fringe groups on them precisely to divide and conquer their ranks.

Leftists just don’t want to admit that National Socialism is the only type of system that looks out for something like the working man. The rest want globalism, world unity, and diversity because that is what benefits the capitalists.

2 years ago

The #Saudi coalition announces the cessation of military operations in #Yemen, starting 6 am on Wednesday.

2 years ago

Modern Horrors beyond imagination:
Makes me agree with Ted Kaczynski

2 years ago


2 years ago


Lord of the Hundreds
Lord of the Hundreds
2 years ago

Isn’t it terrible how all of your readers instinctively go to your website each morning to start the day, but discover that you instead decided to take a much-deserved rest and day away from the grind of content production?
I hope you monetize this blog in some kind of way to be compensated for the enormous positive information service you provide to the human race, good sir. You’ve earned and deserve your time off from all of this, AC.

2 years ago

No blog for the 30th?

2 years ago

I saw an unapproved post in the recent comments page again.
It was about spam links.

2 years ago

AC, today’s blog post didn’t go through again!

2 years ago
2 years ago

American men should start learning to speak Russian.

Reply to  X15
2 years ago


Reply to  Anon
2 years ago

I assume X15 thinks we should prepare to move to Russia or to welcome Russian liberators.

2 years ago

‘Geofence warrant’ unconstitutional, judge rules in Virginia

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Committee in house questions VP of FBI cyber security. Ask him where Hunter laptop is. He “Don’t Know Nuffin”. Representative at end ask for unanimous consent to enter a copy of Hunter Bidens laptop drive into public record. Says he has a copy in his hand and shows it. WOOOOPS!!! So there’s a lot of copies of these. Someone should pack it into a zip file and dump it on I2P as a magnet file.

From Jim Stone

2 years ago

I recommend reading this PDF on the nature of power. And how Ancient Bureaucratic Tyrannical Power ends up coming to power:

The Playbook of Totalitarianism.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

I look at what’s going on and we are in a position to see the same sort of ending that the Romans saw when the Vandals were a 100 miles from the city and everyone knew they were coming.