I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub
There was a video I linked to in my archives from a guy who purported to have led a gangstalking outfit. He said he began doing corporate espionage, and got lateraled into his company’s gangstalking unit, where he was a team leader. A lot of what he said made sense, most notably to me, he said the monitoring tech would screw up a target’s teeth. I never had teeth problems, and brushed religiously, but over the last few years, I had four teeth actually just crumble under no stress at all. Anyway, somebody asked him how they chose targets, and he said he had no idea, as it was done way above his head, and he was just handed files with the target’s info. But he said he had noted one thing about every single target – to a one they were all free, independent thinkers, who did their own thinking, came to their own ideas and conclusions, and did not blindly follow the ideas or thoughts that were just generally accepted by society. He indicated that may have had something to do with their targeting. My guess is what Q is talking about is about more than just casting out a hook, and drawing in the gullible bots in society, and hoping that was enough. My guess is there would be a more direct action component of the operations, a stick to the carrot, to deal with the problem children.
Also of interest is Q left number three blank. What the third thing of value the elites harvest from us is, has not yet been revealed. Maybe it is esoteric, or maybe it is children’s blood/stem cells, or something else. No telling, though I thought the redaction was interesting.
Coronavirus hits US police, and “Officers are scared out there.” The irony is, what is genuinely dangerous and unpredictable is an armed human being who wants to kill a cop. Coronavirus is wholly predictable, easily isolated and controllable, and easily killed with no cost. Protect your nose, your mouth, and your eyes using a mask and goggles/glasses. Keep your hands sterilized. That alone probably reduces exposure risks 99.999%. Wear a Tyvek suit under your uniform, and treat your uniform, ballcap, shoes, and gunbelt as biohazards and spray sterilize them with alcohol after a tour, and rub down the Tyvek suit, as well as exposed parts of your face, and you will deal with that remaining .001% of risk. It is fully controllable, but for some reason the commands of departments are leaving all these guys hanging. POTUS really needs to step in for them. At this point I would assume all Police Chiefs who have not masked up and goggled their officers are Cabal plants trying to savage their own departments so this pandemic will devolve into full on chaos.
Enjoy the show – JFK’s Grandkids sing the song “Timber! Its coming down!,” and the randomly assigned YouTube video address ends in “YesQ.” The address also begins with NRFA, which is the National Registry For Adoption, which some think may be tied to child trafficking and acquisition. Also Hillary’s codename was Evergreen. “Timber! It’s coming down!”
Coronavirus is killing people in New York City at rate of one every 17 minutes. How many minutes? There are 84.7 17 minute spans in a day. What are the chances it would be 84 or 85 (both imprecise), and they would say it as 17? Is it possible this is a sign from somebody we are watching a movie? I am really having trouble judging what is reality these days, given what I know could be possible. Imagine if Q was running all these happenings, like Hollywood movies, filmed and then aired by controlled news programs as if real. You were seeing them on the news all this time, and thinking, who would ever go to the trouble to script and air all these totally fake movies as if they were real. Then one day they rolled out McCain, who was in prison all this time, and GHWB likewise, and revealed the pandemic was entirely made up, and 9/11 was a CIA op at behest of Cabal for which Osama bin Ladin was just an actor they picked up back when he was moonlighting as a waiter in a Saudi nightclub, and on and on. Would anyone believe the news ever again? What if it was that controlled all this time before Q, only for Cabal, and they have just repurposed it to do a big reveal and BTFO the news organizations forever? Imagine the national response if they revealed the people they have shown everyone as dead were really actors who are alive, and just living under new identities somewhere. It is a small probability explanation, but given how strange things are, a not-impossible one. Sandy Hook always looked most curious to me. Q did act as if we have nothing to worry about from Corona.
Bob Dylan releases 17-minute song about John F. Kennedy assassination. 17 Minutes? JFK? Is Q showing the elites that their assets are now his?
First official estimate is, mortality rises in Spain by at least 17% in March. 17%?
A new, up to date TrumpPills test says, 870 patients in total treated, with only one death, while 1837 who weren’t treated had 13 fatalities. (Article in French) Given the illness affects the elderly more, it is possible that death would have happened anyway in one out of a thousand elderly patients in a hospital, and among anyone healthy it would be a 100% cure. His Almighty Highness, The Holy God Emperor and President of the United States Donald J. Trump, literally unveiled a cure to a global pandemic on live TV which might never have caught on without him. And he caught out all the traitors trying to stymie it.
This study finds the Flu vaccine may make you more susceptible to Coronavirus respiratory infections. And hospitals make nurses and doctors get the flu vaccine.
Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are better from Coronavirus. Bear in mind, the virus is mostly defeated in children, so what would happen if you got an infusion with blood from ten five year olds?
Coronavirus can damage the heart like it damages the lungs.
An Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainee who contracted the Chinese coronavirus has been released from the Bergen County Jail in Hackensack, New Jersey. The article says, “The infected detainee was released following a federal judge in New York City ordering ten illegal aliens released from custody citing “inadequate conditions.””
Just weeks before he tested positive for Covid-19, Boris Johnson insisted that people would be ‘pleased to know’ that the virus would not stop him from greeting hospital patients with a handshake. If you are on our side, do not take things lightly.
Detroit-area hospitals seeing ‘tsunami’ of coronavirus cases in national hot spot.
There are more deaths than they detect officially in Spain. (Article in Spanish.)
Two HIV antiviral drugs combined in a medicine called Kaltera did not work in one of the first major studies in seriously ill patients, researchers from China reported on Wednesday. I really don’t trust anything coming out of China, especially now that they took out the patent on using a competitor to these drugs, Remdesivir, on the Coronavirus.
Russia using virus crisis to sow discord in the West. It is tough when you do not know who the real players are. Here is Cabal media, complaining that Russia is using the virus to try and sow discord within the West, primarily the EU, which is a Cabal-entity. Who do you root for? If it is Cabal they are fucking with, it is no contest. Go Vlad.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs warns that prescribing the TrumpPills for treatment of COVID-19 ‘without further proof of efficacy’ may be investigated for administrative action. Bold action to keep people from getting treated.
More coronavirus tests available, but people still can’t get tested. Odd. Basically No testing available, even though ti is what we need. We know the TrumpPills are a treatment, but they won’t give it to people. I get the impression Cabal is calling everyone on the field, and demanding every asset, at every level, all do as much as they can to make this as big a disaster as possible to hurt Trump. It is reminiscent of Reagan ordering a strike on Iran, twice, and it just never happened. Understand how such illogical actions, with little reason, only make sense in the context of an organized, covert intelligence network acting together in concert. Individuals will not do these kinds of things on their own so often.
The Guardian says people with Lupus are having trouble getting one of the TrumpPills for their disease. It is a malaria treatment, also used for arthritis, and there is a bit of both all over the world, so it is a safe bet there is a fair amount of it around. I suspect the word went out to the CEOs of wholesalers to hold back deliveries.
World braces for condom shortage after Malaysia lockdown shuts top producer. Now people will start to hate China.
Germany won’t lift coronavirus restrictions before April 20. Interesting date. I see that picture of Netanyahu amusing himself by giving Merkel a Hitler shadow moustache with his finger as he feigned pointing.
Rhode Island police, National Guard begin stopping cars with NY plates and going door-to-door to enforce quarantine. If we had a narrative of a higher death rate, as in China, people would be blockading roads, and forbidding people from moving freely. In times of K, people do what they want. and the societal norms become what the average of the population wants. In times of r, people do not just do, and the norms revert to the most deviant, because deviant urges are driven by high amygdala in times of r.
Coronavirus is rising in Africa and their healthcare system is shit. One ventilator per million people, and the doctor they talked to said their’s (singular) was not in good condition. There’s no PPE for healthcare workers, and social distancing will not work in the poorer slums, where people are crowded close together. What I see looking at it are quintillions, of quintillions, of quintillions times ten to infinity viral particles being produced, many with small mutations, looking for one which will be able to get around the human immune system easier, or infect other humans more easily, or last in the air longer, or travel farther, or survive on surfaces for longer. V 2.0 is probably coming, so I would begin preparing for that now, as it could be as soon as next year, or even later this year.
Sweden keeps schools and borders open in ‘huge experiment’ on the virus. Seems more like an experiment on their own people. Then again, the virus has been killing Middle Easterners and those with African bloodlines aggressively, so it will cull migrants, as well as the lower IQs who listen to the authorities.
France extends lockdown to April 15 as coronavirus wave swamps Paris.
French official says quarantine should not be enforced in migrant areas to avoid riots. That based patriot knows how to handle things. Masks also do not help, and if they have any they should hand them over before those masks infect them. Also, Mohammed would want them to prove their loyalty by not trying to avoid the virus.
The cook at Riker’s Island had Coronavirus.
Another sign that China was lying about the Coronavirus death toll has emerged as they handed out urns with remains cremated during the crisis, and were observed to be handing out double the number of total deaths in urns just over the short time they were observed.
Vietnam is fully shutting down its Coronavirus using contact tracing and monitoring through its extensive covert surveillance networks, with operatives on every street corner tracking everyone. Another sign Trump is not in full control of the intelligence apparatus.
A Belgian woman infected her cat with the Coronavirus. This virus may be a “jumping strain” whose binding domains target cell surface receptors that are largely conserved among species. That is bad because it is the jumping between pigs, birds and humans which gives us a constantly changing flu each year.
Thousands attended Miami gay festival; several later tested positive for coronavirus.
One of the EU’s architects says, the epidemic is infecting Europe with the ‘germ of division.’ From a cognitive Neuroscience perspective, it is perfect as a K-ifier – disgust, mortal salience, threat, violation of expectations, conflicts with outsiders invading your turf – all Amygdala-activators. It has it all.
Trump authorizes Defense Secretary Mark Esper to order National Guard and Reservists to active duty. Will they be on duty prior to the election? From Q’s first post – “Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.”
A doctor in Orgeon is managing an outbreak in a Veteran’s home among the elderly there using the TrumpPills, and he says, “I’m seeing improvement within 24 to 48 hours but I can’t tell you whether that’s the course of the disease – I don’t have a control arm – or whether it’s the effect of the drug,” And yet there are people out there trying to prevent Americans from getting the pills.
Italy and France are now prescribing TrumpPills as treatments for coronavirus patients
101-year-old Italian man born during Spanish flu pandemic survives coronavirus, official says.
Study says, half of Coronavirus carriers show no symptoms.
The United States still has one of the lowest Coronavirus cases per capita in the world.
Trump’s desire to reopen the country by Easter may not be far-fetched. It would be absolutely possible if he mandated everyone wear PPE, and follow hand hygiene practices, shoe disinfection, and sanitary procedures, in addition to social distancing.
The Guardian tells you, don’t wear a mask when going outside, because it won’t protect you. There is a part of me which wonders if the intelligent people at the top kind of want to see the morons in the lower levels killed off, and they figure by peddling this lie they will cull those rubes from the population.
Check this NEW preprint from the University of Nebraska demonstrating that SARS-CoV-2 #COVID19 is present as AEROSOL particles "even in the absence of cough or aerosol generating procedures". AIRBORNE isolation precautions including N95 were protective. https://t.co/Rm0nHWXPwn
— Ameet Kini, MD, PhD (@AmeetRKini) March 26, 2020
Makes this from yesterday sound legit:
Yes, this! ?
So glad that starting March 28th, @MDAndersonNews will start providing medical staff with masks to wear while interacting with patients #Masks #COVID19 https://t.co/5bL7hFi14B— Ashish M. Kamat, MD, MBBS (@UroDocAsh) March 26, 2020
On this next one – Yes! If we do this, reopening by Easter might be feasible. I hope they add eye protection and renew the importance of hand hygiene, just to be safe and go 100% all in to get the economy back open. This can be controlled, and have society reopened:
? Get ready – new CDC mask wearing guidance (requirement?) will be coming in 10 days. Talk about likely awkward about face change from past “don’t wear mask” mantra. America might potentially become a mask wearing society like Asian soon. #COVID19 https://t.co/zvm0s6Tcc3
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) March 28, 2020
Could the Coronavirus be targeting based upon IQ, and ability to recognize threat and adhere to unpleasant quarantine protocols:
There is a huge inequality emerging in the districts of NYC for #COVID19 infection. The hardest hit parts are some of the more poor minority areas. This could exacerbate the inequalities. pic.twitter.com/Z7yHso3ClY
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) March 28, 2020
2) “The molecular test looks for fragments of the coronavirus genome, which can be detected in as little as five minutes when it’s present at high levels. A thorough search to definitively rule out an infection can take up to 13 minutes” #COVID19
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) March 28, 2020
Trump’s DHS starts to import 85,000 H-1B graduate gig workers seemingly without Trump’s approval. Again, like Reagan ordering strikes on Iran, twice, and the swamp just never transmitted the orders.
At-home sex ed digital media teaches children watching porn is normal. An open attempt to r-ify the next generation.
Illegal Aliens are demanding they too be given $1.2K each in taxpayer-funded checks.
Another Biden twoface, which really shows how the brain is creating an emotion on the right side, but the left is just empty. Also notice, the smile is a grimacing smile, with downward angled eyebrows, as if in pain. He could just as easily be completing a painful last set of reps. By now you should be approaching a point where you do not need the bifurcation included after the photo, and you can feel the emptiness/blankness on our right/his left side. It is like the lights are off. Even the eye is empty and dead. Oddly enough facial asymmetry in males (but not females) is associated with dementia and cognitive decline:
DEVELOPING: SSCI has completed this report — "Volume 4: Review of the Intelligence Community Assessment" (ICA) on alleged Russian interference ordered by Obama — but where is it, Sen. Burr?
Prosecutor Durham is investigating whether ICA was politicized by Brennan,Clapper,Comey
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) March 28, 2020
Fiscal conservatives embrace rescue package. Suppose that rescue package was actually a massive bomb designed to blow up the Federal Reserve. Would it make more sense?
Lawsuits are flying over gun shop closure orders.
Trump admin names gun makers, retailers essential businesses nationwide.
Tractor-trailers carrying $8.7 million in meth, pot stopped at South Texas border crossing.
Coronavirus is screwing up the door to door registration of voters by leftist groups in Florida.
Joe Rogan predicts Biden’s ‘medical condition’ will be his downfall , and “Trump is going to eat him alive.” I wondered about Joe endorsing Bernie, which seemed a strange move for a quasi-libertarian. But now Bernie-bros will see one of their own saying Trump is all powerful and dominant, and there is no point in even thinking about Biden, because he is a known loser.
Ted Nugent says, Donald Trump is ‘the greatest leader in the history of the human experience.’ And the best is yet to come.
Really, now you attack homeschooling? I’d wager the average homeschooled kid in America fares better in virtually any metric that the average public/leftist indoctrination school kid.
You should do a story in it… but you won’t because you would never expose the racket. https://t.co/Vc1242YWIU
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 28, 2020
The fake news will utilize any metric to turn a truth into a gotcha moment. I’m pretty sure @realDonaldTrump didn’t say per capita when he made the statement so they change the measurement criteria so they can keep their BS narrative going.
IT NEVER ENDS!!! https://t.co/0Zctc2kr1G— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 28, 2020
So much of the Lamestream Media is writing and broadcasting stories with facts that are made up and knowingly wrong. They are doing it by quoting unnamed sources that simply do not exist. These are very dangerous & corrupt people, who will do anything to win. NAME YOUR SOURCES!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2020
….very often FAKE NEWS. Lamestream Media should be forced to reveal sources, very much as they did in the long ago past. If they did that, the media would be trusted again, and Fake News would largely be a thing of the past!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2020
I am giving consideration to a QUARANTINE of developing “hot spots”, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. A decision will be made, one way or another, shortly.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2020
….Federal Government. A quarantine will not be necessary. Full details will be released by CDC tonight. Thank you!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 29, 2020
Domestic Travel Advisory: Due to extensive community transmission of #COVID19 in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, CDC urges residents to refrain from non-essential domestic travel for 14 days effective immediately. Read more: https://t.co/fDvmSvOHG8 pic.twitter.com/DXRzgMvXx1
— Mandy K. Cohen, MD, MPH (@CDCDirector) March 29, 2020
Thank you @POTUS @realDonaldTrump for signing the CARES Act right away and for your leadership throughout this entire process.
I urge the Administration to implement this package as quickly as possible.
The lives of countless Americans depend on it. #COVID19 https://t.co/enaMJJl1oc pic.twitter.com/LEgnZE5M1R
— Senator Kevin Cramer (@SenKevinCramer) March 27, 2020
Thank you James! https://t.co/Ku1RMHmeVK
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2020
"We will stop at nothing to protect the people of our country." – @POTUS #COVID19 #USNavyAlwaysThere pic.twitter.com/BMoZwIjVrz
— U.S. Navy (@USNavy) March 28, 2020
Heading to the Great State of Virginia now, will be there shortly. The #USNSComfort is “loaded to the gills” at Naval Station Norfolk, departing for New York City this afternoon. pic.twitter.com/1ZSUweoX7x
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2020
“The ship behind me is a 70,000 ton msg of hope & solidarity to the incredible people of NY: we are here for you, we are fighting for you, and we are with you all the way. You have the unwavering support of the entire nation, the entire gov, & the entire American People.” @POTUS pic.twitter.com/wbLcTdlGL9
— Dan Scavino Jr. Archived (@Scavino45) March 28, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2020
LIVE: President @realDonaldTrump at Send-Off for USNS Comfort https://t.co/ovTIY8tpjb
— The White House 45 Archived (@WhiteHouse45) March 28, 2020
With the courage of our doctors and nurses, with the skill of our scientists and innovators, with the determination of the American People, and with the grace of God, WE WILL WIN THIS WAR. When we achieve this victory, we will emerge stronger and more united than ever before! pic.twitter.com/sFmxKzXdGC
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2020
“Also of interest is Q left number three blank. What the third thing of value the elites harvest from us is, has not yet been revealed. Maybe it is esoteric, or maybe it is children’s blood/stem cells, or something else. No telling, though I thought the redaction was interesting.”
Reproductive capability is one thought. Which, like how they vote, could also be perceived as a risk if this person has the capability of bringing more non-conformists into the world. Cabal seems to advance people who have families. Partly because it offers additional leverage/control but also because it undoubtedly means next generation of cabal staffers.
The other is their net worth. It might be best to just drive a rich troublemaker crazy and force him to forfeit assets.
One can think of other possibilities. The thing to keep in mind is this: cabal evaluates everyone in terms of assets and liabilities. They don’t look at you as a sovereign individual who should be able to be free. You’re their property, to either be terrorized and scammed or cultivated and rewarded.
>”You’re their property, to either be terrorized and scammed or cultivated and rewarded.”
This is why it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that everyone figures out how to collect as much dirt on the cabalite faggots they come across and integrate it into a dead man switch. This is the best way to cripple ground level operatives who might otherwise get ordered to kill you or sabotage you in a big way.
At the end of the day, this shit is going to end, either via judicial action (if the Western governments/white hats manage to purge themselves of the gaybal infiltrators), or via a massive wave of violence from the People against the Cabal. The gaybal faggots better pray it comes in the form of the first option, because the pent up rage they will have to face is going to make the degree of dehumanization they will suffer something the world is never going to forget.
Well, that and also child sacrifice for their adrenochrome. Plenty of times this has been broadcast in their various media. Here is but one example of many:
This video in particular was wiped from the internet after I first wrote this article, but luckily I saved a copy of it. I suggest mirroring it other places so it won’t disappear if my site does.
It’s frustrating trying to wake a lot of normies. I had a heck of a time convincing people Gunn’s tweets were an indicator of something more, that a adult, mentally healthy man does not consistently make jokes about child sex or killing prostitutes.
My husband and I both have a very dark and risqué sense of humor (it was part of our initial attraction, in fact) and we were disgusted at the Gunn “jokes”. Pedosnark is a term we coined for it. It’s not even jokes- it’s something someone guilty of those things might say.
I find that showing them the type of art Podesta is into raises some alarms on the most normie of the normies.
Redpilling the normands is a process, not a single time thing event, and at the end of the day, you can only take the horse to the water, you can’t make him drink.
>”9/11 was a CIA op”
Don’t leave out Mossad for the newfrens AC:
==Alan Sabrosky, Ph.D, retired Marine officer and former Director of Studies at the United States Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute says Mossad did 9/11==
==Dr. Sabrosky is an American Patriot of Jewish heritage==
Dr. Sabrosky himself has one Jewish grandparent, although he does not identify particularly strongly with this Jewish ancestry, stating “an outside identity, Jewish or other, has never meant much at all to me. I’m an American”, distinguishing himself from “an awful lot of American Jews [who] do not think of themselves as Americans who happen to be Jewish, but as Jews who happen to be living in America”
– – – –
==Fox/ Cameron Segment on “Dancing Israelis” (December 2001)==
– – – –
==9/11 Suspects: The Dancing Israelis==
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=19760
In the days after 9/11, while Ground Zero continued to smoulder, millions heard Dan Rather and various media outlets repeat vague and unconfirmed reports of arrests that took place that day. These rumors held that Middle Eastern men, presumably Arabs, were arrested in explosive-packed vans in various places around the city on September 11th, and that some had even been photographing and celebrating those events. What most do not realize is that those reports were not mere rumors, and we now have thousands of pages of FBI, CIA and DOJ reports documenting those arrests.
– – – –
==Chris Bollyn: Israel behind the 9-11 attacks– and Iraq wars.==
>”Bob Dylan releases 17-minute song about John F. Kennedy assassination.”
Could be a death threat against Q and Q+, Dylan is a Jew who claims he sold his soul to the devil, and Jews do control the music industry, and Jewish collective power does want to destroy Trump, and Bibi even posted a death threat against Trump using JFK as an example on the 4th of July of 2019. See here:
#3 susceptibility to mental control
All we’re missing is a good old magnetic reversal. Say goodbye to the holocene with a cold snap.
As a reader of this blog who had been diagnosed with the virus and is — so far — getting better, I’d like to share a few comments and observations.
It has been eleven days since symptoms first presented in this order:
1) temp (100-101, not very high);
2) extreme tiredness (sleep 10-12 h/day);
3) joints ached;
4) sinuses full, nose runny
5) stomach upset with no appetite,
6) a strange pressure between my breasts, as if someone was pushing down on me. No coughing.
By day three, I knew I probably had the virus. Though the government – CDC, public health sorts, FEMA, etc. – accuse ordinary citizens of hoarding medicines, it is the government that is hoarding meds thus keeping us from getting the drugs we need. When I was searching, I learned that every single pharmacy in the state had been forbidden from selling quinine-based drugs. I called at least 20 pharmacies, prescription in hand; none would fill it.
If I hadn’t found a quinine-based drug to use in combination with an antibiotic, I believe I would have died. I did get quinine drugs on the sly. From another state.
By day five, I had the drugs I needed:
hydrozychloroquinine + azithromycin + tamiflu + inhaler + vitC lyposomic (thanks to someone on this blog for this!) + vit D3 + Bs particularly B7.
Please note that Quinine has to be taken IMMEDIATELY, that is, when symptoms first appear. It is much less effective after your lungs fills up with fluid, which happens quickly. This is why you need quinine pills in your med storage cabinet – you won’t have the time to hunt them down when you need them.
Days 5-7 were the worst. I propped myself up in bed, gulping air, forcing myself to breathe deeply — each breath made me cough. I was determined to NOT go on a respirator, which I consider a death sentence. Oh, I used the inhaler (albuterol) during this time. Temp was about 100.5, or so. My doctor offered to take me into his home to care for me rather than let me go to a hospital. Though he’s not a Christian, he acted more “Christianly” than the people who care only for themselves and their own families. It’s a bit sobering to be served by a leftist, aging hippy who smokes pot and blabs endlessly about alternative energy … still, he was the one who pulled me through this viral disease, not the straight-laced, government-cowed physicians (including my sibling).
Day 7 — Max horror day. My lungs were foaming. I felt as if I was choking. After I coughed, I could breathe again for a few minutes before the process repeated itself. It wasn’t so much my lungs, as I look back on it, but the area between my breasts. Take a line down your trachea and then cross it about where your nipples are. That “T” shape is where all the foam seemed to be coming from.
I slept under an electric blanket on the max setting, one or two hours at a time, awakening to cough and breathe deeply. Fever still in the 100s. Vomiting occasionally probably as a result of the pills.
I also slept in the tub to get the humidity and heat from the hot water — felt great. I was on the internet often, mostly to keep my mind off of what was happening. A distraction. I wrote when I could. I had never listened to youtube personalities until now. Wrote some great poetry — by my own standards, which are low! — when I thought I was dying. Very strange to have my creative processes activated as my body collapsed.
Day 8 — turned corner. I could breathe! Still feverish. Much less phlegm (such weird spelling, no?) The stuff in my lungs had become more solid, like snot (sorry). Not foamy, in other words. But now, it felt like someone was stomping on my chest. The pain was incredible. Every breath hurt … but at least there were breaths! Appetite returned — I had lost eight pounds.
My old doc called me every two hours during this time. He understands civil disobedience — from his days as an anti-war protester during the 1970s?? Who knows. All I can say is that his priorities are correct; he puts the health and well-being of his patient above the dictates of the government. He put himself on the line for me. I’ll never forget what he did for me.
Yea, I’m radicalised now.
Day 9 — The stuff in my lungs kept coming up, gross and constant. The pain between my breasts had lessened slowly. The Anon who runs this blog mentioned a finger-O2-reader-thingy, which I actually had, but hadn’t used in years. When I found it, my first read was 78%. Within five hours it was 84% with a variance of about 2%. On the side of the box that had held that little gadget, I had written my old numbers from about three years ago — 97, 98 and 99%. Obviously, the virus has taken a huge toll on my lungs.
Day 10 — Fever under 100! Still feel like someone is standing on my chest. Joints not as achy. I’m absorbing water, weirdly, which may be because of the drugs. Not sure why. My O2 read this morning was 88%. Varied from 84% to 89%.
Day 11, today — No fever. Amazing. Lungs ache and I’m coughing up a lot of stuff. My O2 reading was 90% when I awoke. After walking around a bit, it actually went UP to 93%. I find it encouraging to see myself healing with this objective metric. I’m healing quickly! As that number goes up, my lungs are getting oxygen again. I’m going to take a slow walk today. Yea! I’m going to make it, folks!
Recap of practical advice:
1. Get the quinine-based drug ASAP, that is, in advance. Just store it.
2. Do not go on a respirator. Force yourself to breathe deeply.
3.. Stay out of the hospital. Avoid trad medical people.
4. Do not take anything that lowers your temp, in fact, raise your temp with hot water/tub and electric blanket. Cook yourself.
This has been a searing experience. Whatever lingering respect and sense of duty I once had toward our government has evaporated. As far as I’m concerned, civil disobedience is a responsibility, not am esoteric debate; it’s my Christian duty. I will forever put ordinary people before politics and policies.
I hope this is of help; some food for thought, anyway.
Quite fondly,
KR – that was an incredible accounting of your ordeal. Thank you for sharing. I find your advice to be taken seriously. God bless you as you continue to recover.
Thanks for that KR, it was the only first hand account i heard. I will put you in my healing sphere for the next few days.
>”Wrote some great poetry”
Bet it went something like this:
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Almost got dead,
But I beat the kung-flu
Glad to hear you’re ok fren, thanks for sharing.
That description is sobering and horrifying.
As an asthmatic, I don’t see how I could survive it.
I found an oximeter at my local walmart neighborhood market. I got the last one. Couldn’t find anything reasonably priced online and what I could find was out of stock until mid April. And they are all made in China as far as I could find. These and blood pressure monitors and other more professional medical equipment needs to be manufactured here from now on. Down to the lowest level circuit board!
Key takeaways:
“Whatever lingering respect and sense of duty I once had toward our government has evaporated.”
The government is horseshit.
“As far as I’m concerned, civil disobedience is a responsibility, not am esoteric debate;it’s my Christian duty”
Jesus wants us to overthrow the government.
“I will forever put ordinary people before politics and policies.”
So actually be a Christian, instead of a Fake one?
Square this circle:
“My old doc called me every two hours during this time.”
“He understands civil disobedience — from his days as an anti-war protester during the 1970s?”
The Tip Off:
“The Anon who runs this blog mentioned a finger-O2-reader-thingy, which I actually had, but hadn’t used in years.”
Riiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhttttttttt. Got any swamp land for sale?
I’m glad you made it I was the one that recommened vitC lyposomic. It’s looks as if it dampens down overreaction of the immune system, likely reduces inflammation and possibly kills off the virus.
If I get this I’m probably a dead man.
KR—May I have permission to reprint your story to my facebook act to let my readers know about this? WLW
I think KR tried to reply to you and accidentally replied to Sam J. below.
I thought you might like this very interesting graphic:
If you want to see some super interesting info on plagues then read this,”Plagues and Peoples” by William H. McNeill. It is excellent. As a matter of fact anything written by McNeill is excellent. Not only is it a great history it’s written in an interesting style that’s not boring.
Of course. Just remember to hat-tip to AC’s blog so more readers see it.
Thanks Farcesensitive for the heads-up. Thanks KR.
I have a question for all of you still on the Trump train:
If Trump tells you to take the covid19 vaccine, will you?
Trump isn’t the kind of guy to tell you to do something. He would try to sell the idea “it’s the greatest vaccine evah” type thing.
What President Trump will do is make vaccines, hydrochloroquine, tests and ventilators massively available, at low cost, to let each US citizen choose what to do.
All whilst taking a baseball bat to cabal btw.
Especially if it was coming from Israel.
Just because I support Trump doesn’t mean I have to agree with everything he says and/or does.
RE: “Coronavirus is killing people in New York City at rate of one every 17 minutes. How many minutes? There are 84.7 17 minute spans in a day. What are the chances it would be 84 or 85 (both imprecise), and they would say it as 17? Is it possible this is a sign from somebody we are watching a movie? ”
I’m going to say this as delicately as I can – you’re a germaphobe that has gone a little paranoid. It’s perfectly understandable, you have very valid reasons.
The virus is real. The pandemic is real. It was deliberate(Cabal, probably with the cooperation of Beijing which is why Trump has labeled it the China virus).It was supposed to be MUCH worse than it is. Trump has all but nationalized the Fed. The only reason that JFK’s grandchildren would be singing that nonsensical song is to signal us. 17 is not a coincidence, it’s a signal. This is The Plan. The Storm Surge is here.
Your voice is heard by more people than you can imagine. So do everybody a favor and COWBOY THE FUCK UP.(“Tears of the Sun” is such an underrated movie).
X22 – The World is Watching, Silent No More, Time to Save America
Thank you, KR. Appreciate very much you telling us your experience. I am glad you survived and I wish you full recovery. If you can and have time, let us know anything else that you think might be useful.
I’d like to think there was an element of honorability to the free, independent thinking. I’ve noticed a lot of these ‘red pilled men’ on these right wing sites are smug atheists who think they are awfully unique and special. If you hold similar values to Satanists, then Cabal likely sees you as being as much as a useful idiot as a snowflake left wing sjw. Personally, I’m humble enough to be susceptible to group-think in the right context.
Everyone is susceptible to group-think. Reminds me off how there is a cognitive bias which is related to having knowledge of what cognitive-biases are and it making the person think they aren’t biased anymore by cog-biases (plot twist: they are).
It’s just that I’ve seen more than a few people on these sites who are obviously repellent, ‘forever fifteen’ in their uniqueness, and have some growing up to do. If cabal isn’t using them, it’s obviously not on account of their great virtue of thought and character. I suspect some of them are either too retarded or too autistic to be useful, more like. Maybe it’s true for me as well, but I’m not on here weiner-waving.
I think VoxDay said it best and more succinctly with:
“MPAI, Most People Are Idiots.”
Please do not, I too have my own moments of retarded-ness and too-much-autism (we all do), I was just making reference to the fact that everyone has those kind of mental vulnerabilities (although they can be minimized, that requires efforts and does not make no human being infallible).
>I’m not on here weiner-waving
Nothing against you personally, just that it’s been an eye-opener. I’ve seen people on the right acting just like leftists in their values….or at their worst, members of ISIS. On wonders what the criteria for being in Cabal actually is.
>Nothing personal
Kek, I know you love me fren.
>I’ve seen people on the right acting just like leftists in their values
I bet that has to do with the whole “women shouldn’t be allowed the vote” thing etc… Honestly, I can understand why people come to that conclusion. And so do you if you look at the political group behavior of women without bias. That isn’t about hating women, it’s about realizing that women as a group were weaponized via their emancipation.
Some people are provocateurs trying to rile up people, but there are also people who are just sick of all the shit going on and in moments of higher frustration let out their inner urge to purge (and I confess that some days I too feel like going on a rampage of rip and tear against the cabal would be extremely satisfying, but patience and diligence is the right play, and wisdom in rage is very important to cultivate).
>On wonders what the criteria for being in Cabal actually is.
Many people who act like useful idiots for it don’t even know they are doing so, but it seems that “follow the program and don’t ask questions” is the main characteristic the cabal HR department values.
From what I’ve seen, they sell bullshit to their useful idiots like telling them that the “spying on everyone” shit is for “pre-crime prevention” and they use bullshit catch phrases like “the safety of one is the safety of all”, but the whole thing falls apart when you tell them that makes no sense because they are using that system to protect cartel connected violent criminals (and they know it on the macro level, and at the local level), then the useful idiot cannot hide behind that plausible deniability cloak of “I though I was doing the right thing”, and most of the time after realizing they are collaborating with a high level organized crime network, their justification for doing so is the most powerful human emotion: fear. I could not begin to tell you how many times I have heard the phrase: “that is dangerous to know” when discussing these things. And not to say that like AC mentions, they don’t like these things being discussed in the first place, at all.
Also, this conversation reminds me of this screencap from 4chan (on how the reaction to the leftist subversion creates extremism in the right):
Farcesensitive, can you open that pic? The previous one I asked you if you could see was direct from the 4chan server, this one is from the 4plebs server (more durable links). Also, I have seen people on 4chan saying they too can’t open archive.today links, so it does look like an ISP thing. Thanks in advance.
That happened to me too. Archive links were working until a quarter to nine, then got the gateway error. It was working again this morning. 4chan isn’t much for politics, but if you want to check out dumb fandom degeneracy to unwind, it’s good for that, LOL!
People who want to purge might go after the easiest targets before the most deserving. That’s why protections are needed.
4chan as a whole is an ocean of piss, and /pol/ is a region on that ocean of piss where some of the most valuable pearls of information can be sometimes found (and I have witnessed shit that didn’t get archived happening in real time there that at the time was really really fucking weird and made me start question everything on a whole deeper level). But it is not for everybody for various reasons, and it’s very polarizing, you either love it or you hate it (I love it).
Thanks for the report on the issue about archive.today.
If the optimal scenario is achieved, no purge by the population will even occur, the urge to purge arises in response to the ineffectiveness of the Wester leadership. The best protection they can offer to those that might need it is for them (the gov) to start fixing the issues of subversion effectively, then people won’t feel the urge.
Rabbits fleeing the cities to every rural area they can find:
I just found this 2018 essay about chan culture and lots of other sociological related subjects on 4chungs, and found it very very interdasting, and worthy of investing time reading:
Can you read that one Farcesensitive? I haven’t forgotten about what I promised regarding hosting all the graphs outside of archive.today for those that are getting ISP fugged.
That works.
Thanks 🙂
Watch “tiger king” on netflix, thank me later.
I sense massive cabal working, but can’t quite piece it together. Would love an analysis.
Cabal fucks are out in force on this forum tonight. Jesus.
It has irked me for a long time the way the media people from different companies refer to each other as “my colleague” when doing their ankle biting question times. They should be trying to beat each other by being distinguishably and obviously better at getting and disseminating relevant information. Instead, they resemble cartel members divvying up a fixed pie.
“Expecting MSM Jews to turn on each other, is like expecting cat to bark” – Kekfucious, yesterday
They are a mass brainwashing cartel, and that fact just violates the expectations you have about what they should be.
Have you ever read Biohistory by Jim Penman, AC? https://www.biohistory.org/
Both the long book and the short book are good. It’s closely related to and certainly compatible with r/K theory.
I feel like a fusion of both of you men’s research could be explosive.
Check it out!
I have followed his work, and agree we are on similar paths to the same destination. Thank you.
I don’t know if anyone will read this but I think biohistory is wrong. I actually think the ideas he has should be right but…they actually seem to be wrong. Better nutrition leads to more vigor not less. A simple, so very simple example is the USA. When the colonist, and servants,(White slaves), came over they in very short time received a vastly better diet and did they fall apart and become useless? No they didn’t so that’s at least one point. What about the Romans. When they conquered all that territory and had vastly better transport did they immediately fall apart? No they didn’t so that’s two.
If anyone is reading this I found a link I’m reading that goes into great detail on this. I haven’t read all of it yet as it’s in many parts but I have read the beginning and the summation. The idea is as old as the hills. The civilized group gets weak and the barbarians being strong crush them but…that’s actually not the evidence and yes I’m guilty for thinking this also. He goes into great detail about this and relates it to the Frank Herbert novels about the planet Arrakis and the Fremen and how what we think is not actually what happens. He also talks about how the Romans said the exact same thing but…this was 4 or 5 Hundred years BEFORE Rome finally fell and the eastern portion lasted for another one thousand or so. What we believe is often wrong. The reason I think this is important to read is a lot of flyover people, including myself, have said that the Leftist city dwellers wouldn’t have a chance in the heartland but…that’s not what history shows. Might be good to understand this better.
The Fremen on Arrakis only started to kick ass for real against the Emperor and the fat pedo Baron once Paul trained them, especially his special unit of death commandos. They knew how to survive in the desert and shit, but they couldn’t take over the planet (cities) if it wasn’t for the ebin and CEO of BASED, the one and only muda fugging MUAD’DIB.
Wow. Good find. Many happy hours of reading on that blog. Thank you Sam J. Really been appreciating your comments and analysis in general, very solid.
“What the third thing of value the elites harvest from us is, has not yet been revealed.” ‘Energy flows where attention goes’ – Hollywood steals your life force. How many people waste years of life watching films, not with family? How many ruin relationships, believing in romcoms and porn? How many talk about celebs instead of to friends? It’s occult, they feed on your attention like Lilith. She kept misbehaving for Adam’s and God’s attention.
“There is a part of me which wonders if the intelligent people at the top kind of want to see the morons in the lower levels killed off, and they figure by peddling this lie they will cull those rubes from the population.” I have personally told them that masks don’t work and to “save them” for NHS workers, they will die to virtue signal.