News Briefs – 03/28/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Sidney Powell says in this video, in the next two weeks, the fraud will be apparent to everyone.

Patrick Byrne says he knows what she is talking about and he vouches for it. But in an earlier telegram, he said he didn’t know what the knowledge of it would do, just that everyone would know.

Telegram appears to censor attorney Lin Wood. But then they went back on it. Oddly enough I called Lin once. I got an answering machine message, and left a message with details of my case, but never got any communication, even from a staffer, which I thought strange for a lawyer, even someone as big as he is. It dawned on me, Cabal could have fortold my calling Lin from my web activity, called him, recorded his answering machine message, and then routed my call to their own number with Lin’s message, and Lin never heard from me. Or it is possible Lin just wouldn’t get involved with a surveillance case, like so many lawyers, or he is just too big and busy to screw with such things from someone like me. It is all God’s plan, and may be designed to drive me to pro-se, which actually would be the most certain way to not be sabotaged. Plus I would be quickest on my feet in seeing nuances of the surveillance world that might crop up in depositions or examinations, after years of dealing with the subject, and at this point, very little stresses me. If anything I suffer from hyper-focus.

I do have a couple of questions for legal eagles here. Is there any legal reasoning by which one suing over personal surveillance/gaslighting could drag into the case seemingly related public cases where the surveillance popped up elsewhere? I am thinking along the lines of could you argue that since they were performing intimidation/gaslighting on you, and the news environment was part of your world (and you might be able to show they employ reporters as agents to control what the news presents), could you argue that other public cases which were performed and publicized, like where they protected a serial killer and it was in the news surveillance was involved, or they framed a Police Officer who investigated the network with a complex intelligence operation and sent him to prison, or where they were involved in harassing mass shooters until they popped and killed a cop, or zapped Bill Binney’s house, or even or protected MS-13 by forbidding uniformed patrols, or outright blackmailed a governor or harassed a radio personality, or were raping a girl, all were integral facts of your case to be examined, as they were a part of a broader environmental gaslighting campaign cast out as a wide net to intimidate society, that affected you and your perceptions of what you were up against once your coverage went overt to intimidate you and you saw it? Would that be geographically limited to your local operation, if you could not prove national organization fully? Or might the possibility of national organization, indicated by similarity of operations, that by their nature were extraordinary and unusual, allow at least a preliminary examination of distant cases to judge relatedness? Or does that all depend on the judge’s discretion? In summary, I am mainly interested in any legal reasoning which would allow making extraneous cases into separate factual foundations of your case, mainly with an eye to allowing discovery activities directed at them early on, as well as what factors would limit the inclusion of such cases.

I am mainly looking at how since this conspiracy is a holistic system, and they are all related, the more of these cases that can be probed in pre-trial discovery, the more likely you are to find errant threads that lead back to your case. And the more of those threads that can be pulled upon, the more likely you are to discover targets for more relevant discovery directly related to the primary harassment operation, strengthening all aspects of the case foundations.

Also, if anyone knows, how would a court handle “law enforcement sensitive” material, or contractually secretive material which was subject to discovery, if you were lucky enough to track things back to a specific individual who was contractually bound to secrecy, and get discovery on them? I am thinking suppose somebody like Tom Bauerle has signed a non-disclosure agreement with a law enforcement agency binding him to secrecy, but you have ascertained that what he knows is integral to your case, and would reveal details of a criminal act performed against you. If he is deposed under oath, and has to answer, and perhaps even wants to answer, but has signed a non-disclosure with the guilty party, does the court’s right to facts as he sits in that seat, trump his signed non-disclosure to an agency, itself possibly engaged in criminal activity? Or does the agency’s private non-disclosure between him and the agency take precedence over court matters, and the court cannot force it? Would it affect things if the matters considered were to relate to criminal activity by a government agency? I’m thinking practically it would be analogous to Sammy the Bull claiming he can’t testify about some hit a Gambino soldier did, because ten years back he signed an NDA with John Gotti, who ordered it. But I am not schooled in the art.

Finally, I’ve only read one book on the Pro-Se process so far (Though from one read through of it, I think I got enough from it to perform the process, and become a fairly competent run of the mill community-frivolous-lawsuit asshole after two or three tries). I have two more books queued up, and then I see a video course on courtroom procedures and the trial process, and obviously I’ll have to sit in on a couple of cases in the Court where I will file to observe the process. What I will need is some grasp of legal research processes. ie how to pick up the legal reasonings which underlie the arguments in the case and define the specific transgressions and find related cases that demonstrate the law related to them. I know the term pro-se is what you use to get the court procedures. What is it you would look for to find books on performing the legal research part of the process that are written for the novice, pro-se litigant? Thank you to the anonymous poster who recommended this, BTW. You were absolutely right about how every citizen should have to take numerous courses in operating within the court system growing up, and become intimately familiar with exploiting the legal process. Clearly this is fully Idee Fixe worthy.

I’ll try to document the process here when it starts for those of you who come after me, but it may be a while, as obviously I am not expecting more than a bite or maybe two, if I have luck, at the apple, so it has to be mostly right from the start, and that requires research, before even looking at the process beginning. Although obviously we are under a time constraint nationally. Even with the most assiduous research, I suspect this may just end up a documentation of just how deep the corruption runs, and all the roadblocks the machine can throw into your path. But someday, if it goes the way I hope, I think this may be the most fascinating account of the corruption and evils of this age, and just how deep it ran in our society. Plus it may start someone else ahead of where I began, and they may find the way to destroy all of this.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has fired almost all members of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC), a sign by the agency of its intention to move away from the practices of the prior administration. I have no certainty what is coming. I have hope whoever installed Trump has plans to exploit the extraordinarily bizarre circumstances and turn things around. Nothing now is normal, which means nothing is predictable, and if you want change, unpredictable is better than the alternative. But I think it is safe to say the present trajectory is not good. Everyone out there needs to look for ways to chip away at the Cabal’s infrastructure and control mechanisms. Destroy what you can by any means, expose everything you can, and do it fighting tooth and nail, no matter what comes. If this trajectory is real, then we will have either a full destruction of the US and its subservience to China, or a Civil War which will be lost badly due to the surveillance infrastructure, followed by the same destruction and Chinese domination. This period now is the only possible chance we have to set the stage for an alternate outcome, and the primary goal has to be the exposure and destruction of the surveillance infrastructure, and the tying of it to Cabal and the establishment politicos on both sides. You don’t have to do it violently, or even illegally. Shooting now is actually a loser’s strategy – even before you consider that the mechanisms are there now, to hold them to their own rules, Alinsky style, and erode their capabilities, expose their operations, and maybe take some of it apart within their own system. The surveillance is a criminal conspiracy the entire nation would eradicate spontaneously, if only you can find a way to put it in front of them. The physical danger will still be there, but when it comes, it will be illegal, and actually operating from an inferior position to you, in terms of your restrictions on acting against it. Look for opportunities to act now, and seize them, because these do look like the last days when you will be able to set the stage for the finale. Fail now, and head into the final stage like this, and America as you know it is done, and future generations will be born to serve ruthless Chinese bugmen who will view them as fleshy disposable robots.

A federal judge has ruled that Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies acted properly when they seized drugs and other evidence from the West Hollywood home of Democratic donor Ed Buck after a man was found dead there in 2017, and that the prosecutor should have charged Buck off that. Instead they didn’t prosecute, and Buck went on to kill again.

Biden will likely delay the UFO report because Military and spy agencies arestiff-arming investigators.

Mike Lindell has done a second movie on the election fraud, Absolute Interference, to complement his first movie on Election Fraud, Absolute Proof.

The punishment for giving false information on an ATF background check form, like Hunter did, includes fines up to $250,000 and/or ten years imprisonment.

SOCOM’s first “Chief of Diversity and Inclusion”  is a toxic leftist who posted anti-Trump memes that compared Trump to Hitler.

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) said that he is still getting more information from Mexico about what’s having at the border than he is from the White House.

US waives FBI checks on caregivers at new migrant facilities. Child traffickers?

A group of Republican state officials asked the U.S. Supreme Court to allow them to take over the defense of a rule issued by President Donald Trump that barred immigrants likely to require government benefits from obtaining legal permanent residency.

Philly announces plan for “Restorative Justice” for the vast majority of BLM/Antifa rioters who destroy stores and pillaged merchandise, because they are getting public defenders and probably cannot repay everything they stole. Basically they offer to drop charges and expunge records, in return for promises from the criminals.

New York City becomes the first city in the nation to end qualified immunity for police officers after slashing NYPD budget by $1 billion amid sweeping reforms. So now cops will be getting sued personally left and right for every minor thing by the people they arrest, with juries from the inner city overseeing the trials. And if Cabal wants a cop gone, they just keep throwing agents at him to get arrested by him, and each sues until the cop gives up and leaves.

Photos of a shipping container “Evergreen” goes viral as it cause a huge traffic jam on China’s busiest highway, days after the ship “Evergreen” blocked the Suez Canal. If you look at the pics, it looks strangely like it could be some form of comms – though it is a big shipping company. Still Evergreen was a word Q promoted twice, asking us to define it, as if it had meaning to Cabal. Could this be saying to somebody that Evergreen, (ie Hillary’s SS codename) is some sort of blockage to something that needs to be dealt with?

Florida State University is holding a racist ‘History of Karen’ class to trash white women.

“Conservative” David Brooks says that if we want to reduce gun violence we need to reduce the number of guns in society.

Some hand sanitizers were laced with cancer-causing benzene.

In London, Sadiq Khan’s “Housing Design Advocate” has denounced traditional architecture as “offensive” and said it “harks back to oppression.”

Rapper Lil Nas X and Nike release a shoe dedicated to satan with a Pentagram and human blood in it – in a limited edition of 666 pairs.

Pope Francis blesses a lesbian, her family, and her writing for kids.

Curious case where a whitefly was found with a plant gene which allows it to eat crops like tomatoes. And the only way to protect against this new pest is to buy special tomatoes which have been given an RNA that deactivates the new gene. They act like this is rare, and just happened by chance. But it seems more likely somebody may have created the fly in a lab, and then created the fix, which now everyone will have to buy.

Neanderthals appear to have had complex language.

A prosecutor in the Sicilian city of Syracuse placed two doctors and a nurse under investigation for possible manslaughter, following the sudden death of a navy officer just hours after he had received the shot made by AstraZeneca PLC.

In Hong Kong, two more deaths, and another nine temporary facial paralysis cases after Covid vaccinations.

Russian parliament house passes bill allowing Putin to run for two more terms. I’m actually pleased to see the only credible counterweight to Cabal influence presently holding the power of an office set to remain in power, hopefully.

Spread r/K Theory, because enemies of your enemies are allies.

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3 years ago

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Rapper Lil Nas X and Nike release a shoe dedicated to satan…”

And just like that the way has been prepared for the sons of Ham to be ensnared by the devil. All those who take the mark of the beast will be damned to Hell, as the Revelation of the Apostle John clearly states. Only Jesus will save, if you have faith in Him and reject the world.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Jesus will save you, if you have faith in God, and believe in His son…..another if….if you do the will of the Father in heaven….faith without deeds = dead faith (James 2:20)

Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’

23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’


Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  tops
3 years ago

Yes, and hopefully one who rejects the satanic “air jordans” will be a shining example to his brethren. If said brother can articulate his rejection of the devil’s shoes to his peers that just might count as a good work, we can hope. And if he gives them shoes in place of the devil shoes it would definitely count as good deed.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Russian parliament house passes bill allowing Putin to run for two more terms. I’m actually pleased to see the only credible counterweight to Cabal influence presently holding the power of an office set to remain in power, hopefully.”

How Putin handles cabal in Russia.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Доб лел : DDD


Googling that just brings up pics of y llama.

I think I approve.

I always approve of llama.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

It is just “Dob lel” using the Cyrillic alphabet, and dob lel is just top lel in spurdo speak, lel being just a retarded form of lol.

So basically, top kek : D

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

That was hilarious!

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“New York City becomes the first city in the nation to end qualified immunity for police officers…”

Good. If I remember correctly the Supreme court are the ones that made this possible and this qualified immunity is what keeps prosecutors and all sorts of public officials breaking the law constantly with no penalty at all.

This is just just another of the vile evil courts destruction of law and the country as a whole by making shit up and calling it law.

I notice VoxDay is talking about counties threatening to succeed. This is not necessary and will only delay not create a solution. It may very well be that this is put forward as a solution to throw off any reform. I also noticed that one commenter pointed out that the courts are the ones that fucked this up in the first place with their canceling of State Senate regional representation. I can’t comment there because i called the Jews psychopaths. I hope someone will go there and comment that the courts retarded, or evil whatever the case, rulings can be overturned by the Congress.

Here’s the relevant constitutional passages.

“…In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make…”

“…with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make…”

The important part. The earlier part declares what powers they have but it ends with control of these functions by Congress. Congress could tell them to butt out of any stupid overbearing rulings. They could do that with with lots of stuff they keep ramming down our throats. They could be stuck with only deciding water rights cases between States if they push too hard to twist the Constitution to death.

And before anyone reminds me they stole the vote I say it’s not over yet. If the legislatures of the States get mad enough they could pass amendments to the Constitution that force the corrupt States to have verified voting or lose their representation all together.

They could also end direct voting for elected Senators in the federal government giving States much more power.

They could pass amendments making corporations either declare to be people with the same tax burden and liability or be corporations and no financing of elections.

We only need 38 States to do this.

It drives me nuts that the “structure” of the country has been slowly changed and no one will attack this. Changing this would give us a good chance of staving off a mass destructive civil war.

I believe the vast majority of intelligence officers, FBI etc. are just following orders from a bunch of psychopaths and Jews who have taken over the country. If a Senate made up from “appointed” Senators from the States came in and forced legislative change I think they would go along. Especially if they were determined to completely wipe out the whole intelligence operation and pull it up by the root if they did not comply.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“Just following orders” didn’t fly when US Supreme Court justices sat in judgement at Nuremberg.

You need a law degree or accounting degree to join the FBI. You’re not moving up without the law degree, though. And credentialism has reached such an extent that it’s hard to get far in a small-town PD without a law degree. It would be pretty hard for them to make a defense based on not knowing what they were doing was wrong or “just following orders / policy / SOP”.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

In “The God of the Machine” (1943) author Isabel Paterson was very critical of the Amendment that changed the way in which Senators were chosen. Previously it was state legislatures that voted for Senators. After, it was by popular vote. This effectively reduced a state’s ability to represent it’s interests in DC.

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Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“I can’t comment there because i called the Jews psychopaths.”

I really don’t think that is the reason you were banned. I’ve said the same thing there, and so have many others. Most who are banned there are either liars or unable to shut up about their tiresome monomania. Jew-hating is the most common monomania to draw a ban, but it’s the monomania, not the subject of it, that draws the ban.

Reply to  Name (required)
3 years ago

if yer not lying or using constant blue language, it is hard to get banned there. of course the gamma wall of text may do it.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“relevant Constitutional passages” LOL. the enemy is done playing by rules, and if you try, they’re just gonna laugh harder at you as they bury you.

“We only need 38 states” uh-huh. and in a country that includes the states of New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland, Connecticut, Illinois, Minnesota, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Hawaii, and California – plus another dozen or so states that are demographically tending permablue …..

you ain’t gonna get ’em. ever.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ozona
3 years ago

True that makes 35 but with the pozz in full effect we could pick up three of these. Maybe enough to get State legislative appointed Senators which would lower the ability of corporations to fund Senate elections because there wouldn’t be any.

Also you’re counting is not really the full story at all. These changes could, and will of they do, come from the legislatures of the Staes and in that we do not look so bad.

“Partisan composition of state legislatures

Cumulative numbers

As of February 26, 2021, Republicans controlled 54.21% of all state legislative seats nationally, while Democrats held 44.90%. Republicans held a majority in 61 chambers, and Democrats held the majority in 37 chambers. One chamber (Alaska House) was organized under a multipartisan, power-sharing coalition.”

So the numbers could be there. There’s also a really good possibility of picking up more representative seats. They are stealing seats in some places some places not or not so much so it’s not over.

My question to all those who continuously say “nothing can be done” well then all that’s left is civil war. And I say you get at it but I want no part of that if I can avoid it. If it happens it will be really awful. Really bad. We are so intermixed it would be difficult to clear any territory for your own. Civil wars are always really bloody and if there is one we could beat the blues BUT we could not beat all the support they would get from other nations around the world or I doubt we could.

They have most of the ports and could block the Mississippi river which we would need for supplies.

You can call me a coward or cuck or whatever but if we really do have a total civil war you will wish that it hadn’t happened I’m sure.

You know one thing that’s really admirable about the Jews is they never give up. Even in the worst case they will try to find a way to get a little wiggle room and then push that as far as they can. We should do the same and my recommendations are exactly in that vein. Whites and the West seem to concentrate on some sort of huge bloodletting final solution, remember Hitler,”final solution”, when as we can all easily see the Jews by constant pressure have taken the major whole of the western world without firing many shots at all.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I agree that we should do everything we can before the civil war comes.
But come it will.
If we do begin to make progress the left will start the civil war just like they went full retard with the election theft because Trump won in 2016 and was winning again in 2020.

So do what you can to prepare for war in spite of everything else you do because it is coming no matter what.
When it is over we must expel all leftist survivors.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I am glad to see the baseless qualified immunity end. There was no law, it is judicial system poppycock..but why only the police? All NYC bureaucratic drones should lose QI…not just NYPD

3 years ago

Is there any legal reasoning by which one suing over personal surveillance/gaslighting could drag into the case seemingly related public cases where the surveillance popped up elsewhere?

No. In fact, its the opposite. You can’t used pattern and practice evidence to prove a tort. It’s only relevant for damages. The reasoning is, “you can’t prove that I robbed THIS bank by saying that I rob banks all the time.” It’s not relevant for THIS bank. Proving that all kinds of people are under surveillance doesn’t prove YOU are under surveillance.

Also, if anyone knows, how would a court handle “law enforcement sensitive” material, or contractually secretive material which was subject to discovery, if you were lucky enough to track things back to a specific individual who was contractually bound to secrecy, and get discovery on them?

You would file a Motion to Compel. The judge would grant the motion and order them to produce the documents in camera, meaning he reviews them to see if they are relevant, if they are privileged, and if that privilege is revoked. Privilege would likely be revoked under the Crime Fraud Exemption.

NDAs don’t keep things out of court. They do cause things to be filed under Protective Orders, which is were you litigating pro se becomes a problem. If you had an arms length attorney, they could put the docs under protective order, mark them AEO (attorneys eyes only) and then your attorney could generally tell you what was in them, while not letting you see the actual documents and not giving you the legally protected details. (Most common in my work is the opposing company’s financials or client list. We can tell our clients what the documents mean for the case and their relative impact, but can’t start quoting numbers from the financials or tell them who specific, non-case related clients are.)

In any event, an NDA can’t be used to prevent someone from testifying in court, and they can’t be used to cover up torts or lawbreaking.

What is it you would look for to find books on performing the legal research part of the process that are written for the novice, pro-se litigant?

That’s what law school is actually for. The good news is, what you really want is a westlaw login. Once you have that, westlaw is pretty much like google for law. You’ll need to learn to cite cases Bluebook style, but most westlaw cases already have a “cite” line on them that has the case properly cited.

The other thing is that you need to get a copy of your state’s Rules of Evidence and Rules of Civil Procedure and learn them front to back, and bring them with you to court every time. They are the rule book, and court is like a game of Monopoly where everyone is always arguing about the rules.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

FWIW, presenting complex legal arguments in plain English for people who shop at Walmart is my day job.

Now go listen to “my little armalite” on YouTube if you want to thank me.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

“Come out ye Black and Tans” has a whole new meaning nowadays.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Could he hire an attorney just to be a consultant and to handle the “attorneys eyes only” parts while going pro se about everything else?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

There is a lawyer trying to contact you through Timeless Authors.
See my new posts at the bottom of this thread.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Could? It might be legal.

Would any attorney agree to it? Not any I would want working on my case.

It’s like an architect who would agree to sign off on the plans of just a staircase of a mansion. Anyone who would try to slice things that narrow would be too sketchy to trust for anything.

Also, listen to “by the rising is the moon”. They lost that battle but still sing the song.

3 years ago

SOCOM’s first “Chief of Diversity and Inclusion” is a toxic leftist who posted anti-Trump memes that compared Trump to Hitler.

This was a message from SOCOM’s leadership. SOCOM does their own background checks. There is a zero chance that they missed this in the BG check. That means that they let him through.

They let him through, because if they had bounced him on the BG check, (((they))) would just keep sending more candidates until (((they))) came up with one with a clean check. By letting him be announced and THEN burning him, SOCOM managed to both humiliate and possibly end the entire push.

SOCOM is making it clear that they know How to Play the Game. In the Gervais Principle, they just showed that not only are they fluent in Powertalk, but they also have Table Stakes.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

There is a lesson to be learned here. Learn from SOCOM Patriots. Quiet Professionals

3 years ago

> Is there any legal reasoning by which one suing over personal surveillance

You’d have to read your state law very carefully. From commentary on various stalking and paparazzi lawsuits, “being spied on” isn’t actually a crime in many jurisdictions. State laws vary widely on the subject; for example whether it’s legal to record a phone call depends on where you are.

If it’s the Fed, you won’t have standing to present a case. Q.E.D.

Also, if there’s any whiff of “law enforcement” or “national security” that can be waved in your direction, they’re untouchable. ie, “this guy talks crazy on his blog, so we’re keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t endanger anyone” or “his blog has a bunch of commentators from the alt-radical-crazed Right, and it’s a national security matter.”

3 years ago

> Also, if anyone knows, how would a court handle “law enforcement sensitive” material, or contractually secretive material which was subject to discovery,
By default, court records are “public”, though actually getting copies of them might require a lot of work. For “law enforcement sensitive”, the lawyer representing that side would automatically file a request for the records to be restricted or sealed, depending on how his jurisdiction does things.

Even if the courtroom is closed and the records are sealed, doesn’t mean that information is going to remain confidential; there are too many links in the chain, from the judge to the interns working for “job experience”, who will have access. Remember the couple in St. Louis who stood off a crowd of antifa who were going to burn their house down? That was all sealed practically from the moment of arrest, and the papers had everything by the next morning.

Something to keep in mind if you watched Perry Mason (or LA Law, if you’re younger), is that state laws and police/court methodology vary a *lot*, and that a sitting judge can do damned near anything he wants in his courtroom, and appeals seldom succeed, even with particularly egregious and probable errors or bias.

3 years ago

> to hold them to their own rules, Alinsky style,

Back in Alinsky’s day, he could assume the courts were still operating without overt bias. The Establishment’s enforcers would generally enforce the rules even against their own.

It isn’t 1971 any more. They’re not going to hold themselves to their own rules. They don’t even pretend not to have bias now; they’d not only point and jeer, they’d issue a press release before declaring you had “no standing.”

Because you don’t really have power unless you can do wrong and be seen to get away with it.

3 years ago

> US waives FBI checks on caregivers at new migrant facilities. Child traffickers?

I recall stories about “migrant facility child trafficking” during the Obama years. They’d send kids off to secondary facilities nominally outside CBP control, and then for some reason nobody had any records showing where they went after that.

[hits Google] page after page of the Glorious People’s Customs and Border Patrol and their ceaseless efforts to serve the proletariat and defend the Homeland, but the Goog doesn’t want to return any stories about kids disappearing from the system. It has all probably unhappened now.

Once everything is online and easily altered, they will start agitating to destroy all the printed records, “for recycling” or some such. They won’t want nasty old paper conflicting with the Narrative.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

hell bidan already blurted out “we have to get these kids to market”. $3200 a head?

3 years ago

The tv show Dexter and Evergreen shipping containers/human trafficking.

3 years ago

> Some hand sanitizers were laced with cancer-causing benzene.

[clicks] They do have a list of products, but I’m not going to try to follow each one to see where its original source was.

Benzene is expensive. Way more expensive than common alcohols. It’s also toxic and requires care in handling. You wouldn’t put expensive benzene into cheap alcohol, and no alcohol distillation process involves anything even remotely resembling benzene. There are the gelling and fragrance chemicals added to the alcohol to make “sanitizer”, but I doubt benzene is used in processing any of those

So… benzene is a very common industrial chemical; I’d put my best guess into “failed to properly clean storage or transport tankage properly”. “Deliberate contamination” seems unlikely; I can think of several things that would be better (worse?) if you wanted to mess with people.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Agreed. Benzene is well within my bailiwick and makes no funking sense.

(Apologies for typos and nonsensicalness. Back from a wonderful wedding along the lines of Canaan and well in my cups.

No one took my challenge of trying to put the leftover wine back in the bottles. Alas, no one wants proof of everyday miracles.)

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Name (required)
3 years ago

“ I have hope whoever installed Trump has plans to exploit the extraordinarily bizarre circumstances and turn things around. Nothing now is normal, which means nothing is predictable, and if you want change, unpredictable is better than the alternative. But I think it is safe to say the present trajectory is not good.”
There is a very good chance this is the trajectory that the Q faction of Cabal wanted, and it seems very unlikely they would want to turn anything around. Trump and populism may have been nothing more than a knife at the throat of the other factions.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
3 years ago

Powell, Wood, Lindell and Byrne seem to be trapped in some sort of Intel disinfo feedback loop.

They have spent the past 4 plus months since the election claiming we are all about to find out the “truth”, only to have every single prediction fall flat on its face, week after week, month after month.

Someone needs to tell them the story about the boy that cried wolf.

Are these 4 so deeply mired in a web of disinfo that they can’t see that no one is actually listening to them anymore?

I almost feel bad for them.

Look, let’s say the irrefutable “truth” is revealed in the next 2 weeks. If the MSM and major social media platforms don’t cover it, and they definitely won’t, then the vast majority of the population will not know the facts, and nothing will stop the trajectory of our society going completely off the rails.

These 4 people, however well intentioned they are, need to get out of their own heads and take a walk around the block in the fresh air.

As far as I can tell, they are being played, and whoever is playing them is trying to exhaust them emotionally and psychologically to the point of collapse and withdrawal.

No one, at least no one on this earth, is coming to save us.

Act accordingly.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

anyone who trusts msm is being played, and ought to secede from it.

Name (required)
Name (required)
3 years ago

“ If the legislatures of the States get mad enough they could pass amendments to the Constitution that force the corrupt States to have verified voting or lose their representation all together.”

If the states wanted, they could do that and more. The state governments are largely captured by the same power structure as DC, and just as dependent on the same cheating machinery for their power. We’ll have to recapture our state governments before anything good comes from them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Name (required)
3 years ago

I’m not denuded that this is not a huge problem but I don’t see much of anyone trying to nail down exactly what we can do short of having a civil war or other such drastic measures. At least I’m talking about actual things that if we concentrated on could work.

I personally believe that if we had a huge civil war the Jews and their handlers would be happy as pigs in slop. They want it. In the carnage they could hide 9-11, the looting of the country through the FED and the corona they unleashed on us.

People have said the Chinese would not want the US because of all the people but if they kill us all off in the central portion of the country they would have some of the best land on the planet. Would they? I don’t know but it’s not out of the realm of possibilities.

I believe having such a huge integrated country is a great advantage “if” we could get back to the basic laws we had earlier which provided less control by the larger population centers. I also say this is not impossible at all. Already we see legislatures working to curb fraud.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Of interest:

Next step in the gun control narrative, perhaps.

3 years ago

in case of a con-con, its adherents ignore that the one-worlders who screwed the country up will also show up at the con-con.and the cuckertarians, libertarians if you still call them that, will invite them. cause they are so inclusive. / i like the counties seceding from their large cities / state capitols. just not so much combining with other states. maximize number of states on our side. render all the cities as city-states that no one goes to. be disinclusive.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

It is easier to join another state than to get a new state approved and accomplishes most to the same benefits.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

“…i like the counties seceding from their large cities / state capitols. just not so much combining with other states. maximize number of states on our side…”

Yes it would be great if we could get Eastern Washington, Oregon, and Northern and Eastern California to succeed and make new States. Give us 8 Senators.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago

Very interesting article, also exposes the coronu scam psyop, and goes into how Trump protected the US from the economic devastation that is hitting Europe (and will only get worse until the wheel turns):

Johannes Q
3 years ago

A/C: found this on my travels and thought of you:
I’ve recently started re-watching early 90s WWF out of pure nostalgia and have formed a love of Rowdy Roddy Piper, a Canuck acting as a Scot. He has such infectious, devil-may-care, bring it on and let’s fight in an alleyway and then have a beer together energy, I love this guy. I was Roddy-poasting to friends, saw this clip on YT, was interested to see how he would interact with Bill Red Shoes Club Maher, so checked it out – it’s sehr interesting, especially his final remark to Maher. I sometimes wonder at the high suicide rate among wrestlers, though it’s not an easy industry.

Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago


3 years ago

On Putin

Jeff is a great patriot. So was McCarthy. Smart guys.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  tops
3 years ago

Smells a bit like concernyrollfaggotry to me.

Putin may be a tyrant. Still, better Putins modern day Menshevism than the globohomo Bolshevism.

Feels like trying to paint Putin as a bad guy in terms more amenable to supposed patriots.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  tops
3 years ago

I wouldn’t read Putin that way. Putin does what he can to strengthen the Russian nation, protect Russian people and secure the needed territorial integrity of approaches to the Russian heartland- territory which includes other (small) ethnic nations that have historically been associated with Russia. That includes the Abkhazians, the Mords, the non-Finnish Sami, Yakuts and other small groups. Other related nations to Russia (Belarus mostly, but also some Ukrainians) will look to Russia for defense, which Russia will also provide.

In my book that’s nationalism. Now, if Putin were to invade the Baltics or Finland, or annex Georgia, or force ALL Ukrainians to give up their Ukrainian identity, that would not be nationalism, it would be imperialism, and Russia would probably pay a price for conquering those lands. They would conquer them, but they would pay a heavy price in Russian blood for doing so. So far, there is no indication that Putin wants to do that so he remains a nationalist. And to be frank, nobody wants that fight, no Russian, no American, no Ukrainian or European wants that, such a fight would be counterproductive to interests of White peoples in that part of the world.

As to Putin’s Christian faith, who knows. Do you really profess to know what another man believes? Should Vladimir prostrate himself in prayer in St. Basil’s cathedral? Would that convince you? Should the Romanovs in golden tombs replace Lenin? Who’s to say. I’m not Russian, and you aren’t and if the Russian people demand such an act then I am sure the Russian government will respond. Personally, the Lenin thing seems a bit Asiatic in character, Europeans don’t really display dead bodies of their leaders for decades. We do that to mummies. Anyways, Putin’s challenge was to maintain Russian patriotism, which the Soviet system had provided a form of, but Putin had to keep that while making it Russian in character. I believe he has succeeded, and made life much easier for his successor(s), whom he will designate at the appropriate time.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Fat chance on Putin bringing the Sami into the Russian fold. Murdering Russians is practically a sacrament for them. As to the rest, agreed. If Putin proclaims Jesus Christ crucified for our sins and risen again, he’s my brother.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Very insightful post.
My instincts tell me that if Putin was as anti-Christian and as pro-commie as the article claims he is, then the gaybal faggots wouldn’t be trying to demonize him and start a war with Russia as much as they’ve been.
Putin is a Christian Nationalist IMHO.

Reply to  tops
3 years ago

Cognitive dissonance in all its glory here.
Sad, many such cases.
Phelps, the Pope declares Jesus Christ was crucified for your sins too.
He ain’t heavy, he your bro too?

Reply to  tops
3 years ago

Yup. Wayward brother teaching false doctrine and totally consumed by demons. I pray that he will find grace.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Oh, you’ve never read 2 Thes 2?
Or Hebrews 6 and 10?

You only get one shot of grace, then the holy spirit, then you either conform, or you return to sin, and are cast away by God. That’s Bergolio, plus c. 3 billion others. But multiplied by 10000000x, as Bergoglio is not simply teaching false doctrine, he is actively aiding the enemy, and this brings curses, not grace.

‘But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be under a curse! 9As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be under a curse!’

But he’s your bruv.

Reply to  tops
3 years ago

Right there in Hebrews 6 it talks about those who have fallen away and then rejoin in repentence.

I’m not going to presume to try to Jew lawyer God into who He can and cannot forgive. If He wants to bestow grace on the Pope and bring him back into the Kingdom, He can.

We don’t “get a shot” at grace. We CAN’T save ourselves. If you are saved, it is through Christ and the Holy Spirit, and your low sinner ass didn’t have a single thing to do with it. He decides who His Elect are. We don’t “earn” it because we can’t. It has to be given.

Reply to  tops
3 years ago

Hey AC, you’re a brave man in not allowing someone to quote verbatim scripture to correct the lie Phelps states re Hebrews 6.

No fear of God eh?

Rest assured, you will do, unless you repent.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Old joke/anecdote from my wife:

There was a ministry that worked with felons, and one of them wanted to start witnessing to people. He got some training, and went to his first group.

He asked them, “have you heard the Good News?”

When they asked what good news, he said enthusiastically, “you’re all going to Hell!”

Reply to  tops
3 years ago


You mis-read Hebrews 6, inverting its meaning:

4It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age— 6and then have fallen away—to be restored to repentance, because they themselves are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting Him to open shame.

It is impossible to be once enlightened, to share the Holy Spirit, then to fall away, to be restored to repentance. Impossible.

I am happy to share the truth with you. Bergoglio is a brother-in-satan now, Putin too.

3 years ago

“Neanderthals appear to have complex language”

Many things about Neanderthals are now being discovered

The vindication of Tex continues

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  optimalrebellion
3 years ago

“Neanderthals appear to have complex language”

I read the article and it says their hearing seems to be set up to “hear” language so they inflated that to they had language. A quote form the paper,”…The ear structures in Neanderthal skulls showed that they were capable of picking up on the wavelengths associated with human language..”.

In fact it means nothing. Nothing at all. They could hear. WOW!

They are blowing smoke up your ass.

I repeat myself. If Neanderthals were so great how come they spent 250,000 years in Europe and didn’t build anything worth a damn? There’s nothing of anything advanced at all anyone can point to.

The Cro-Mags get to Europe and immediately you see a mass of construction of all sorts. There are very specifically made, muti-step, complicated flint spear points found off the coast of North America embedded in Mammoth bones that the only other place they were made on earth was in France made by the Cro-Mags. These were found, with the Mammoth bones, under water at a level that was coast line during the Ice Age. The insinuation this permits is Cro-Mags were building boats during the Ice Age and moving from Europe to North America.

What were the Neanderthals doing??? Notching sticks. I think they might have made a flute.

I don’t doubt the Neanderthals were smart but they were animals so they spent all their time murdering each other and us when they could get a hold of us. Note that Tex says that we defeated them by having longer arms to chunk spears at them but any decent stone tribe has Atlatl spear throwing sticks. Even Negros and Women know how to make these. Why didn’t the genius Neanderthals???

comment image

The whole Neanderthal good, Sap bad is just another attack on White people. Same old gas-lighting and bullshit.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  optimalrebellion
3 years ago

Furthermore on the Neanderthals here’s a picture of the lead author that’s telling you just because neanderthals can hear speech they must be able to speak.

comment image

Maybe she’s not a Jew but she sure looks like one. Another picture. Sure has Jew body shape.

Reply to  optimalrebellion
3 years ago

Did you read the article?
They just imagined the ears, and imagined they had complex language.
Pure fiction.

3 years ago

If you think you can use the law to expose anything, anything at all, you are deluding yourself.
No legal eagles can free you from the iron grip that Cabal has on the legal system.
And since when has “discovery” produced huge blockbuster revelations?
That’s just not how the system works, and you’d never be allowed to get close to what you’re envisioning.

It’s time to think of alternate routes to get where you wanna go. If not the comped legal system, how else might you get the word out?

Also if you’re looking up this info for after the fall of cabal, to stick it to them good and hard… well, that’s some forward thinking!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Don’t let me slow you down!

Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

If you think you can use the law to expose anything, anything at all, you are deluding yourself.

Sad but true, to quote Metallica.

Your princess is in another castle.

3 years ago

Massive explosion rocks Balongan, Indonesia

There is no information regarding the cause of the explosion at the largest refinery in Indonesia with a capacity of 125 thousand barrels per day, yet.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Jew-hating is the most common monomania to draw a ban, but it’s the monomania, not the subject of it, that draws the ban.”

Well I can’t prove it but I was banned after a comment that called the Jews a tribe of psychopaths. At the time true I was on a sustained rant about the Jews in many places. Still do because, well if they are the ones causing the most grief they should be the ones most criticized.

How anyone can complain about my limited bitching about the Jews with their omnipresent networks 24 hours a day screaming about white privilege, banning any one who favors Whites, burning down our cities and calling it non-violant protest and all commercials with Blacks telling Whites how to run their lives seems a bit odd to me.

I also do not only talk about Jews. I’m interested in vast range of stuff but on a site relating to politics or society it’s damn difficult to comment on anything and leave the Jews out of it. It would be like talking about cooking without ever mentioning French cooking. It can be done but it would be seriously incomplete.

If we could deport the Jews I could go back to talking about space travel, DIY solar, DIY alt-home building, boats and other interesting stuff.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I have a gut feeling that there is a force deeper than the jews. They are too easy a target.
Also we know the chinese have no love of Jews, but are also infiltrating, alongside the jews.
Who is behind both the jews and China?

Are we in the sims? UFOs? Rothschilds? Lizard people? Mellonheads?

Also AC! I found a backup of Vault-Co

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

“…I have a gut feeling that there is a force deeper than the jews. They are too easy a target…”

I have a very good answer for this criticism. Let’s get rid of the Jews first then we’ll see if there’s anyone else afterwards. If there is then we will deal with them.


You know a Jew who was in some UN development bank. Real person, said that Melonheads were running everything and that she saw one. I say she’s gas-lighting. Karen Hude or something like that. Ok here she is

She’s now a “World Bank Whistleblower”! Yeah right…sure…I’ll buy that for a dollar.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

Well, according to the Bible, above the Synagogue of Satan, there’s Satan.
NOTE that the SOS is made up of people who claim they are Jews but are not. And also note that Judaism doesn’t exist anymore because they have no Temple and God’s Messiah already arrived 2000 years ago (Jesus Christ).

So yeah, there’s that layer to this shit show, and it’s very real. Note that that doesn’t make every person who self identifies as a Jew a bad person, it just makes them useful idiots (in the political sense of the term) to Satan’s efforts against God. Hopefully they’ll wake up and realize it.


Not quite, satan isn’t a fallen angel it isn’t even a name, it means ‘the accuser’, and he’s the angel God employs to keep men on their toes. So, he was employed when Moses forgot to circumcise his son, nearly killed Moses. He tested Abraham, with Isaac’s offering. He tested Job, and he tested Jesus for 40 days and nights. But he isn’t a bad guy, he’s working for God, we don’t know his name either.

The fallen angels, referred to as the Watchers, are named and their trangressions are listed in the book of Enoch, Azazel is the worst of them, he taught men all unrighteousness, no doubt he still does that, search for it at the sacred texts website, well worth a read. Hidden for a reason, until now.

These fallen angels are AKA as demons, they can assume any form at all, even inanimate objects, as well as human form.

Judaism very much exists, and it’s even worse now than it was in Jesus’ time, full of lies and traditions. Big silly hats, thousands of fence laws, but black hearts, pride, sin galore.

Note that many actual Jews have converted to believe who Jesus was, since the 70s, as prophesied, and many more will do so in the end times, being a proper God-fearing, Jesus-loving Jew, or indeed descendant of any of the other tribes of Israel, they are fine. Genetics isn’t important at all, just being God-fearing, faithful, obedient. Ashkenzim are not Jews though, most Israelis are Ashkeniz these days, hence Israel will be blasted again, as prophesied in Revelation, when they kill the two witnesses.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  tops
3 years ago

I was using Jews in the sense of followers of Judaism.
A Jesus loving Jew is a Christian.

As for the racial aspect of it, it’s even more retarded given the Khazar shit.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  tops
3 years ago

@ Mycroft and others: I recommended that everyone should read David Astle’s book, “The Babylonian Woe,” because it’s a free PDF various places online, and because of the unique insights and info it presents. These are discussed in the books introduction. There is no comparable coverage of most of this material.

Another free resource, which provides succinct and palpable insights into how the usury system developed — and the MANY social, economic, and moral evils it engenders — is “The Sumerian Swindle,” by as I recall, Gregory Delaney, PhD. This all happened LONG before there were Jews, or even Semites, so if AC’s cabal was connected with it back then, you will probably find some substantial evidence or at least probable cause.


yes and no. dont get confused that only righteous jews are real jews. that’s like saying we haven’t tried real communism yet. and reptilians or not, we all know who would do the reptilian thang themselves, or collaborate with them. and from mathis, another ssdd.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

There are no real Jews left, at all. Judaism ceased to be a thing once the Messiah came (Jesus Christ) along with the new Covenant, and when Jews lost their Temple.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

It never rains but it pours. First someone recommends Astle’s book on the “Babylonian Woe”, which refers to Alexander Del Mar. Now this paper by Miles Mathis and Co references Alexander Del Mar also. Like Pierre Proudhon, he was well placed in the money system to know what was really going on and to analyse it. Proudhon is sold as an anarchist, but his analysis of 2000 years of tax records to show the effects of taxation was really well done.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

I said that genetics don’t matter, what are you on about?
Neither jew nor greek in Christ. Just faith, belief, and fear of God and obedience. Sinners gonna burn, whether jew or white or black man.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago

Generally, I agree with most of the points made by Phelps, but I’ll add my 2 cents on a few points in case its helpful. The advice should at least be worth the price you’ve paid for it. 🙂

“Is there any legal reasoning by which one suing over personal surveillance/gaslighting could drag into the case seemingly related public cases where the surveillance popped up elsewhere?” YOU NEED TO DEFINE WHO YOU ARE SUING SPECIFICALLY. “THEY” DOESN’T WORK, AND SAYING IT’S AN UNIDENTIFIED HUGE NETWORK OF PEOPLE DOESN’T WORK. YOU NEED TO START WITH A CONCRETE PERPETRATOR AND CONCRETE WRONGDOING (TORT). THEN YOU COULD WORK TO BRING OTHERS IN BASED ON SPECIFIC EVIDENCE.

“I am thinking along the lines of could you argue that since they were performing intimidation/gaslighting on you, and the news environment was part of your world (and you might be able to show they employ reporters as agents to control what the news presents), could you argue that other public cases which were performed and publicized, like where they protected a serial killer and it was in the news surveillance was involved, or they framed a Police Officer who investigated the network with a complex intelligence operation and sent him to prison, or where they were involved in harassing mass shooters until they popped and killed a cop, or zapped Bill Binney’s house, or even or protected MS-13 by forbidding uniformed patrols, or outright blackmailed a governor or harassed a radio personality, or were raping a girl, all were integral facts of your case to be examined, as they were a part of a broader environmental gaslighting campaign cast out as a wide net to intimidate society, that affected you and your perceptions of what you were up against once your coverage went overt to intimidate you and you saw it? Would that be geographically limited to your local operation, if you could not prove national organization fully? Or might the possibility of national organization, indicated by similarity of operations, that by their nature were extraordinary and unusual, allow at least a preliminary examination of distant cases to judge relatedness? Or does that all depend on the judge’s discretion?” YOU’RE NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO BRING IN MORE THAN YOU CAN PROVE AS A DEFENDANT IF IT DOESN’T EXIST AS A SPECIFIC ENTITY. IF IT’S US GOV, THEN YOU HAD BETTER HAVE ROCK SOLID PROOF. NO JUDGE IS GOING TO ALLOW A FISHING EXPEDITION ON U.S. GOV, UNLESS YOU CAN PROVE ITS INVOLVEMENT ALONG ALL THESE VARIOUS LINKS.

“I am mainly looking at how since this conspiracy is a holistic system, and they are all related, the more of these cases that can be probed in pre-trial discovery, the more likely you are to find errant threads that lead back to your case. And the more of those threads that can be pulled upon, the more likely you are to discover targets for more relevant discovery directly related to the primary harassment operation, strengthening all aspects of the case foundations”. NONE OF THIS WILL MAKE ANY SENSE TO ANY JUDGE. THE FIRST TIME THEY HEAR “CONSPIRACY”, THEY WILL BE INCLINED TO THROW THIS OUT. CASE NEEDS TO ALLEGE SPECIFIC WRONGDOING BY SPECIFIC ACTOR(S).

“Also, if anyone knows, how would a court handle “law enforcement sensitive” material, or contractually secretive material which was subject to discovery, if you were lucky enough to track things back to a specific individual who was contractually bound to secrecy, and get discovery on them? I am thinking suppose somebody like Tom Bauerle has signed a non-disclosure agreement with a law enforcement agency binding him to secrecy, but you have ascertained that what he knows is integral to your case, and would reveal details of a criminal act performed against you. If he is deposed under oath, and has to answer, and perhaps even wants to answer, but has signed a non-disclosure with the guilty party, does the court’s right to facts as he sits in that seat, trump his signed non-disclosure to an agency, itself possibly engaged in criminal activity? Or does the agency’s private non-disclosure between him and the agency take precedence over court matters, and the court cannot force it? Would it affect things if the matters considered were to relate to criminal activity by a government agency?” THIS SHOULDN’T BE A CONCERN. AN NDA CAN’T STOP REQUIRED LEGAL DISCLOSURES. ALMOST ALL NDAS PROVIDE FOR SOME PROCESS FOR THE PARTIES TO FACILITATE DISCLOSURE REQUIRED BY LAW. READ SOME FORM NDAS FROM THE INTERNET TO GET A GIST OF THIS, BUT BOTTOM LINE IF YOU CAN COMPEL SOMEONE TO TESTIFY THEN THEY DON’T GET TO USE A PRIVATE NDA AS AN EXCUSE.


hope that helps.

3 years ago

China Reportedly Doubled Freight Shipping to Europe Via Russia, Central Asia Before Suez Jam-up

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago

Old man gets pepper sprayed by antifa homosexual terrorist, pulls gun out on agressor, gets arrested:

I don’t think that when things get hotter cops are going to have a good time (regardless of some of them being good people who disagree with being the enforcers of a system that has turned its back on the people who built it for the benefit of foreign interests).


As a further point of reference, police use-of-force continuums specify that an offender’s use of pepper spray on a cop is to be considered a deadly threat justifying the use of lethal force because the blinding spray would make it possible to disarm the gun-toting cop.

3 years ago

Slovak premier resigns to end crisis over Russian vaccine

3 years ago

Beijing enveloped in hazardous sandstorm, second time in two weeks

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Spent 25 minutes crafting a response to the legal question early this morning, an accidental click of some unknown keys triggered a shortcut that loaded another page and deleted my text before I could submit. The condensed version:

Don’t get your hopes up without reason, as there is way more to presenting a case than the layperson would ever imagine. In short, a case of this magnitude is so complex that it’d take you about a year (perhaps less, knowing you) to understand the wartime strategies behind it well enough to anticipate your enemies’ moves and defeat them. Even then, your savvy would likely need to be augmented by an experienced [team of] litigator’s experience.

I agree with everything Phelps shared, and I amplify greatly the need for legal research above all else. The problem is, even “legal research” doesn’t mean what the layperson thinks it does. This would take us hours to talk about in person; a pithy comment online does it no justice, but it will have to suffice for today.

If lawsuits are a minefield, pro se lawsuits are a Mexican gas line leaking next to a flaming fireworks factory. This is not discouragement, it’s encouragement to spend a whole lot of time learning how the system works before you try to argue facts (aha, ahahaha, ha ha) before the court successfully.

I would recommend spending your year searching for an amenable Lin Wood clone over trying to take this on yourself. The intricacies, many of which could scuttle your case without a competent legal strategist at your side, are legion.

This is far from a final answer. Keep us posted if you’d like more, or more specific, info.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

People need to get through their heads that the police are not your friends. If you read some of James Lamond’s blog you soon realize this is true. LaFond notes that the police originally came into being to be strike breakers and muscle for the owners. You can’t dismiss this fundamental reason for their being.

I’m not saying all cops are bad but it’s like Negros. There’s a whole lot of them that would take advantage of you if it were in their interest or they felt they could get away with it and cops are the same.

LaFond noted that many times he was accosted by Blacks and when they say they could not defeat him their first response was to call the police on him, even though they attacked him, and then the police would harass him instead of stopping the Negro.

Now we say the police protect us but is this true? If there were no police we would blast the living hell out the people accosting us, stealing from us and burning down our businesses. The problem would be solved but with the police you are not allowed to defend yourself and are subject to arrest for doing so.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

There is the fact that even if AC and others don’t win if everyone being attacked like this attacked back in courts the sum total of all this turmoil would cause them great distress. Every case would advance the cause even if none were the deciding factor