News Briefs – 03/28/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at



Masks make a big difference:

There are lots of reports of Coronavirus patients who get better, and then suddenly crash. There are also reports of people walking on the street, apparently feeling OK, and suddenly going lights out, presumably from their lungs failing and their body literally not getting any oxygen. There are reports of patients in the hospital who are not winded or bothered, but their blood oxygen level is almost to the point they should go unconscious, but they have no idea. And there are reports out of China that the virus can, in some patients, invade the Central Nervous System and take out the respiratory center, so patients actually “forget to breathe.” Those may all be related.

I was thinking about this. Suppose in the cases where they get better and then crash, they never get better, but rather their brain gets damaged and it can’t tell they are not getting enough oxygen into their blood? One minute their brain registers all the damage and they look symptomatic and re out of breath, and the next the brain is damaged, and suddenly loses the ability to register all the rest of the damage. As their O2 levels drop, they don’t register it, and don’t feel the sensations that make us breathe faster, feel winded, and show those symp0toms of low O2. The doctor looks, and sees a patient breathing slowly and comfortably, and saying they feel fine. Meanwhile their blood O2 level is 34%, their body is starving for oxygen, the biological/biochemical stress of that hypoxia has their adrenals pouring out immune-suppressing corticosteroids that are shutting off all immune response, and underneath it all, the virus now has no immune response opposing it, and it is moving forward unimpeded, as the patient cannot feel any of it. It continues, until the virus has gotten so far that suddenly their system goes under all at once, and suddenly the doctor is wondering what happened given it looked like their immune system had fought off the virus. But it never had.

If you get this virus, get a pulse oximeter, and monitor your blood oxygen as you fight it off. They are like $20 and just go around your finger, shining a light into your finger and measuring the color of the blood and how much red light of a specific wavelength is reflected back out, which will reveal how oxygenated your blood is. It tells you in a nice digital display. Even if you start to feel better, monitor your blood oxygen, and make sure you aren’t suffering from a fake-recovery produced by your brain being unable to see your declining blood oxygen levels. If your oxygen begins to drop as you begin to feel better, consciously force yourself to breathe faster, and seek out a doctor to get medical oxygen, with the knowledge you may be in a dangerous position.  I think that may be what happened to a guy described in one of the tweets below. My guess is the virus is not suddenly evolving around the immune system and regrowing in these resurgences, but rather it is continuing its assault on the patient’s lung function while simultaneously destroying the patient’s ability to register it.

A part of me wonders if pulse oximetry should be included with temperature-taking to screen for the illness, such as when people meet with the President. Because now I am wondering if those asymptomatic individuals who are infectious are actually hypoxic with infected lungs, and would be showing symptoms, as in any other virus which requires symptoms before the patient becomes infectious. The only difference is in their case, the virus has damaged the brain center responsible for registering and displaying symptoms, so they actually can’t feel the symptoms which they would otherwise feel and display if this virus didn’t infect the Central Nervous System. Meanwhile they are fully infectious, walking around as the virus wracks their lungs, and not knowing anything is wrong.

Border Patrol agents say their agency is doing too little to protect them against coronavirus, and they feel ‘hung out to dry.’

Global Coronavirus graphs:

Officials investigate whether race is only link among Milwaukee Co. COVID-19 deaths, as all fallen victims were black. They said blood type A was more affected, and Blacks have the fewest Type A blood types, so not sure how this affects that prediction. But there are a lot of blacks dying from this. Could be high comorbidities in that cohort.

In India, a Coronavirus ‘super spreader’ quarantines 40,000 people. A 70 year old who ignored advice to self-isolate as a precaution after a trip to Italy and Germany, and then died from the virus. It would appear India is not testing, which raises the question of what exactly is going on there.

In the UK, a temporary mortuary site is being built at Birmingham Airport in preparation for an expected rise in coronavirus deaths.

Boris Johnson tests positive for Covid-19.

China bans all foreigners from entering the country.

Putin orders 145 million Russian citizens into lockdown.

Hong Kong reports biggest daily rise in Coronavirus cases.

Four dead, 138 sick on Holland America’s MS Zaandam as the cruise is in limbo off Panama amid coronavirus crisis.

Trump to cruise lines: If you want American coronavirus relief, try being American companies first. They run under foreign flags in order to skirt US taxes.

More than 100 LGBT+ rights groups on Wednesday called on U.S. public health officials to address the heightened vulnerability of gay and trans people to the coronavirus, warning that their frequently weakened immune systems can put them at risk. That is one of the biggest risks, because there is a long history of pathogens evolving to be stronger and more aggressive in immunocompromised individuals.

NBC reporter criticized over article touting China as ‘global leader’ in coronavirus response who would surpass the United States.

If China has COVID-19 under control, why are they closing their cinemas again? Why are they bulk-buying and shipping all of Australia’s PPE off to China if the crisis is over?

Andrew Cuomo says, “quarantine everyone” might have backfired by accelerating the spread of Coronavirus. It if travels in the air, do the modern buildings in the city have common air/heating systems that mix and circulate air between apartments? If so, those apartments are giant incubators.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo admits to a stockpile of thousands of unused ventilators. His feeling is Trump should give him 30,000 more ventilators to put in a warehouse, unused, just on the off chance he needs them, while other areas of the nation go critical and can’t get enough ventilators and their people die.

Another Hydroxycholoroquine success story – New Jersey woman hospitalized for coronavirus has been released and is improving.

Dr Fauchi says, that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%).

Texas orders 14-day quarantine of air travelers arriving from NY-NJ-CT, New Orleans.

Italian engineers help coronavirus patients by harnessing snorkel masks for CPAP machines with 3D printed adaptors.

Breitbart’s Pinkerton predicts, Coronavirus will bring a new era of borders, walls, distancing, dispersion, and self-defense. Mortal salience stimuli.

80,000 people died of Flu last winter in U.S., the highest death toll in 40 years.

Nearly 500,000 went to a hospital in the 2018-19 flu season but today there are not enough hospital beds for Coronavirus patients?

The media has turned on Dr Deborah Birx because she decided to use some of her screen time at the daily Coronavirus task force briefing to caution against hysteria based on worst-case-scenario modeling and projections. The fact (((They))) seem bent on driving panic now might be a sign this thing is moving faster than they intended, and is burning out too soon to affect the election this fall. Trump might have intel pointing to this, hence his Easter reopen.

New Fed study finds efforts to slow pandemic don’t depress the economy long term more than continuing without lockdowns, and letting the infection run uninhibited. What does hurt is lacking data on exactly what is going on. Has a majority already been infected and become immune? Or is the virus just a few free days from another explosive outbreak.

Trump accuses media of wanting the economy shuttered to damage him.

Trump orders GM to open their shuttered Ohio plant and “start making ventilators now” as he threatens to invoke special defense powers claiming company tried to price gouge.

CDC has known since 2005 Chloroquine was very effective against Coronavirus in lab studies.

Indian Health Ministry declares Hydroxychloroquine a Schedule H1 drug,  declaring it “essential” for treatment for CORVID-19, and restricting its sale to keep it held domestically for the emergency.

Michigan’s Democrat Governor threatens all doctors and pharmacists who prescribe or dispense Hydroxychloroquine for Coronavirus patients. The coronavirus patient I was emailing with who wanted to try Hydroxychloroquine reported they could not get it from local pharmacies, it was sold out in foreign pharmacies, and they finally only acquired some because their doctor, who was a personal friend, had an almost black-market hookup that could get them a few pills. It is being suppressed, and I am suspicious it is Cabal’s network shutting it down at critical chokepoints, from doctors to pharmacies. Why would a diagnosed patient, with a valid prescription, be unable to get it from all major pharmacies they tried?

Pew Research poll says, 95 percent of Americans say Trump’s travel bans were ‘necessary’ to stop the Coronavirus.

When you violate the Coronavirus lockdown in India:

Coronavirus package contains $11 billion for three international development organizations. Sounds like Cabal front organizations, but I would guess the bill was so important now it was worth the cost.

A UPS store in Hendersonville, NC was evacuated after a suspicious package was left, detonated, and put out a white powder in the building on Friday.

Hillary Clinton may be angling to be Biden’s VP, based on the premise the party will recognize they need a proven asset with experience behind Biden that can string a sentence together.

CNN to air Biden coronavirus town hall Friday night.  But only 632 people watched on YouTube. That is how almost everything works – book sales, website stats, and on and on. The vast majority of people are occupied by their immediate present, and do not waste time on things like that.

Congress stopped Pelosi’s attempt to fund Planned Parenthood with the Coronavirus bill.

Abortion giant Planned Parenthood seeks PPE donations during COVID-19 pandemic. Taken straight from the healthcare workers on the front lines trying to save people. Somebody on Free Republic proposed the government sweeping in with some wartime power, and seizing all of Planned Parenthood’s PPE for the front line healthcare workers, since abortions are elective, and they are hoarding.

Meghan and Harry forget all about their vow to never live in America so long as Trump is President, as they pick up and move to Hollywood.

A Manhattan judge on Thursday ordered the release of a career criminal charged with stabbing his girlfriend to death out of concern he could contract coronavirus at Rikers. Who does he work for, that he has a judge under his finger?

Krispy Kreme giving free doughnuts to health care workers during COVID-19 outbreak.

Black Rifle Coffee launches ‘Buy a Bag, Give a Bag’ campaign to support those battling COVID-19.

The US navy hospital ship Mercy reaches virus-struck Los Angeles.

President Trump signs Coronavirus economic relief bill.

Advocates complain that the Senate’s $2 trillion Coronavirus relief plan leaves out undocumented and their families.

ABC/Washington Post poll says Trump’s job approval is 49%, and his disapproval is 47% among registered voters.

Spread r/K Theory, because the Fed is going bye bye.

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

Those found hiding, stockpiling or otherwise removing chloroquinine from medical use will be found and probably ripped apart by angry mobs before summer is over. Q warned them they wouldn’t be able to walk the streets safely.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…Michigan’s Democrat Governor threatens all doctors and pharmacists who prescribe or dispense Hydroxychloroquine for Coronavirus patients…”

Could this even possibly be true??? Do they have this much control over the voting process that they can do things this stupid??? I can’t imagine anyone would vote for someone that would do this.

This whole Trump presidency period in history is the most bizarre whacked period I’ve ever seen. Many things have ceased to make any sense at all.

WA sheltering-in-place
WA sheltering-in-place
4 years ago

Chris Martenson had an version of a Wuhan treatment decision tree (over a month ago). Fever followed by low oxygen saturation were the first 2 indicators IIRC. SpO2 trigger threshold was pretty high…something like 92%. Below that they put you right into treatment while awaiting test results. I have a pulse oximeter and have added a check to my daily BP monitoring.

4 years ago

You’re hearing a lot of anecdotal stories from people who believe the virus has been here awhile. Some are medical people who work in hospitals and nursing homes and are fairly convincing. Say black hats release a nasty virus and white hats find out about it and release a weaker inoculation form. Pretty much all kids would get inoculated, older isolated people might not. If 70 or 80 percent of the population catches immunity that would be great but still leaves a lot of vulnerable people. Some countries “catch” more immunity than others depending on where the inoculation originates. Celebrities and elites isolated from the plebes would be less likely to catch immunity.

4 years ago

You know, AC, in light of the erroneous advice the world is receiving on coronavirus, if the Cabal is as clever as one thinks it is, wouldn’t it make sense when they were gaming out this last-ditch Cabal-protection situation they would:

a. Know to insert into the narrative by “trusted” experts placed earlier in key positions erroneous information on curing this malady, including seeding information that is exactly the opposite of what is needed; and

b. Knowing what would easily solve it (i.e., malaria drugs, saunas to raise core temps) and then instructing those placed into key public health positions to deny this treatment’s effectiveness, including official prohibitions of such.

It is unclear in this gaming scenario that the Cabal is assuming the counter-actions taken by the Trump Administration would be as extensive, such as shutting down the country’s economy. Perhaps they did, but the Cabal planners measured the risk of such counter-action and felt it was worth the effort, given there almost nothing left in their quiver except to head to the New Zealand lifeboats and disappear.

If The Plan is as good as decent people hope, these two actions (a. and b.) are now being recorded in their entirety by Q+ to play back to the nation as a final example of just how corrupt and evil is this Cabal. Unfortunately, the evidence collection mechanism requires sacrifice, in order to prove it to be true. God rest those poor souls, and those to come in this silent BW action.

A period of military law may be needed, too, in order to legally and properly indict and try the guilty, and I fear that is part of The Plan in the months ahead. Fortunately, we have a leader who recognizes that need but also the necessity to return us to constitutional law, such as what our nation risked when we put our first president, Gen. George Washington, into the top office in the 1787-1794 period. Washington could have been a monarch, but he chose not to. Let’s hope our current president stays healthier than the British PM.

K is coming back faster than I thought I would ever see it, I have to admit. One wonders if this current situation is a case of Q+ knowing this was going to be the last ditch effort of Cabal and running appropriate counter-measures to take full advantage of this Cabal-caused situation and sticking it back to them in a myriad of different ways, hastening their demise? A brilliant plan, if so.

I am so hoping that I can serve on the firing squads. It will be a national honor to do so. Publicly televised hangings are good enough for the Cabal leadership, but at 150K+ guilty they won’t have enough time to administer proper justice with a noose. At those numbers, you have to run through the guilty with rifles or full-auto to be efficient and effective.

Fascinating times, indeed.

I finally ordered your book, but Amazon is now promising a month’s delivery time on non-essentials.

King RAT
King RAT
Reply to  lordofthehundreds
4 years ago

1 You could hang 20 with the same rope simultaneously. They did it in medieval times.
2. the ambassador in H had the same cv as Er c Cia ramm elle… some gov organization arab countries Estern Eu.. you coud do.further digging

Reply to  King RAT
4 years ago

Why not just hitting them on the back of the head where the spine connects to the brainz with a heavy 2 handed blunt weapon? You could work on your cardio, help drain the swamp and entertain the whole world with one simply efficient method!

You could even make it more entertaining by lining the perps up in a mirror parallel course, and have Patriots see who could reach the end first (you had to execute the traitors at each checkpoint before being able to advance in the course).

4 years ago

If you get this virus, get a pulse oximeter

Remember when we were saying, “keep a supply of N95 masks on hand, because when you figure out that you need them it will be too late?”

Get a pulse ox. When you figure out that you need it, it will be too late.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago

Might already be too late. Hard to find any instock at Amazon or Walmart for the last couple weeks.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Check your local drug store where they keep the glucose and BP machines.

4 years ago

“If you get this virus, get a pulse oximeter, and monitor your blood oxygen as you fight it off.”

I’ve been taking the probiotic for the last 6 months, tired normally is the indicator that I’m fighting an infection, so I try to get more sleep. If I do get anything, it’s really mild and lasts a day or two at the max. Before the probiotic, i would normally have 3-4 days of crap and then 3-4 weeks of nasal drainage and hacking cough.

I had to fly for work. During the time away from home and up to a week later, I doubled my probiotic usage to 2 pills of Florajen. I felt tired, but not sick. Once I dropped my probiotic back to 1 day, I got a bad cold. (I also had been working long hours with less sleep).

A sore throat for a day.
No fever.
Some fatigue. (about a week)
Lots of nasal drainage and coughing up mucus. (Last week).
None of my family got it so it’s probably just a cold.

Tylenol (one dose before bed for 3 nights)
Ener-C (1000mg dose of Vitamin C and other vitamins) everyday since sick
Centrum daily vitamin everyday since sick
1x Florajen everyday since sick

I bought a oximeter to monitor my O2 levels, because I’ve had a couple crappy battles with pneumonia that I could of known ahead of time with that little device. And so far my O2 levels never dropped below 94 and are now up to 97.

It’s worth the 30 bucks.

4 years ago

Forgot to add….I drink a TON of water all day. That’s another reason I had issues previously with the pneumonia.

4 years ago

That’s utterly absurd, the idea that people could walk around lacking in oxygen and appear to look and feel fine. If a person falls below 90% oxygen, then they start feeling cold in the extremities, and their lips and fingernails start turning blue. Even if something was switched off in the brain so they couldn’t tell, they’d still be stumbling around and intermittently passing out, even if they went as low as 80%. There are some people who are used to living with less oxygen, -such as COPD patients- but they don’t exactly look great. They’re always falling and passing out. The brain needs a lot of oxygen to function correctly. That’s why it’s so easy to choke hold someone in a matter of seconds.

This flu isn’t the same as the flu that killed a bunch of people in the early 1900s. I remember reading that healthy young people with good immune systems were collapsing and dying all over because it was forcing their immune systems to overwork making too much mucus, which would cause the lack of oxygen. There may be something that is causing people to collapse, but I don’t think it’s a brain switch off. I’m still not convinced this all isn’t fake bullshit.

4 years ago

What if the MERCY and COMFORT are for rescue missions

4 years ago

“80,000 people died of Flu last winter in U.S., the highest death toll in 40 years”

Did that include unknown Wuhan Flu cases?

Do we already have a lot of immune people here?

4 years ago

“New Fed study finds efforts to slow pandemic don’t depress the economy long term more than continuing without lockdowns, and letting the infection run uninhibited”

I trust the Fed.
They would never try to hurt the economy or Trump.

4 years ago

No sugar coating: “If its rate of growth in coronavirus cases continues, the New York City metropolitan area will suffer a more severe outbreak than those experienced in Wuhan, China, or the Lombardy region of Italy.” #COVID19

— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) March 27, 2020″

What if NY goes red in Nov.?

4 years ago

“Hillary Clinton may be angling to be Biden’s VP, based on the premise the party will recognize they need a proven asset with experience behind Biden that can string a sentence together.”

And then he drops out because he is senile.

It’s still her turn.

4 years ago
4 years ago

Prostitution camp provided women in human smuggling case

4 years ago

I spent some time looking at the Wash Post/ABC poll our blogmeister listed above. Without an RDI split, and other info, that poll can’t be dissected. Did I miss this info? It’s usually given upfront. Does anyone know how they weighed (percentage of total) Republicans, Democrats and Independents?

3.5% error is acceptable. Double this for possible error.
1000 is a nice sample.
Interestingly, they used a Registered and not a LIkely voter screen; this tends to produce D-friendly results.

Bottom line: The fact that they screened for registered voters and not likely voters, even with such a large pool, suggests that likely voters are far more Trump-supporting than this pollster wants to reveal. I’m certain they asked voters if they were likely or merely registered.

In other words, this poll discounts — perhaps heavily — Trump’s popularity and support.

4 years ago

Support for Hong Kong protesters’ demands rises even as coronavirus halts rallies

4 years ago

I’m not sure if this was mentioned here yet, but if not…

I came across something interesting today. Someone had noted that in the Coronavirus Task Force briefings held 3/13 and earlier, the podium showed the presidential/VP seal, whereas in the press briefings on and after 3/14, the podium was changed to say “White House” instead. Do you make anything of this?

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

My guess is that this might be some form of covert signaling. On the other hand, it seems that the’ve gone with the White House podium instead of Presidential Seal ever since the number of experts speaking has gone up. It may be that they want to leave the Seal for times when it’s primarily just the prez speaking.

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

That would make sense, though 3/13 was also the day that the national emergency was declared.

4 years ago

France issues call to ‘buy French’ as coronavirus erodes single market

4 years ago

trump is warring on the cabal, who were conducting a neverending nameless war on us. they had a 16 year plan. he and we interrupted that. to some it just looks crazy. well, cabal is getting shut down. they will get more desperate, however.