News Briefs – 03/24/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


After this next one. think of all the places, from Maine with Christian missionary groups importing Somalians, to the Arabs of Dearborn, to Minneapolis, and how it was all CIA, to the Hmong from Vietnam, to the Cubans of Miami. And that is not even the Congress people they outright control. Omar herself appears to have been from a CIA asset family in Somalia. Then add in ones like AOC who worked USAID, likely for CIA, the ones who are blackmailed by CIA, and Slotkin was an actual CIA officer:

This, if true, could be indicative the surveillance is a CIA operation, probably run under the rubric of a training operation:

Oddly enough the elementary school I went to had that same star/compass thing in the center of the CIA logo above, like an exact carbon copy, in the foyer of the main entrance, when you walked in. I have no idea if that was some kind of sign of something.


Some UFO abductions were simulated CIA psychological warfare experiments. The anal probing parts though were just CIA homos having fun.

Jane Roberts – the wife of Chief Justice John Roberts – was paid $10 million as a legal “recruiter” for corporate firms with cases before the Supreme Court. A flagrant conflict of interest.

Jessica Aber, US attorney found dead at 43, was in charge of high-profile cases targeting CIA leaks, Russian fraud. She also took part in a multi-year effort to get an Israeli extradited for getting Israelis fraudulent Visas for illegal entries, which sounds suspiciously intelligence-like.

911 scanner for the Alexandria Police Department, at 8:18 a.m. on 3/22, states that police responded to an unresponsive person undergoing a reported “cardiac arrest” at her address.

The bottom line is, we now live in a world where problematic individuals can just be turned off like a lightbulb by the local observation post set up next door, if the upper levels of management will greenlight it. Whatever The Beam is, it is very difficult to thwart or shield against it, even if you know it is in use. Being just a lawyer-chick which cannot imagine it, who sleeps in their bed each night – if they decide to kill you, your colleagues will just find you dead the next day. Unless the conspiracy is dealt with, you will see a lot of these in the coming years, and eventually the only resistance to the machine will be those with the direct protection of the Lord, or those who have no fear of death. But a lot of Americans will disappoint you and simply bow down to save themselves or get their free shopping trips in the grocery store.

If things were as they seem, this dude would have zero awareness of any international affairs, Israel would mean fuck-all to him, and he would not even think to mention it, as his entire focus would be on Ireland being overrun by foreign migrants with a propensity for rape and crime. But he is purposely groveling to Israel. Those were lines in a script he was given.

Here is the thing with The Beam – it allows the conspiracy to control sports outcomes. Meaning the best fighters might not be winning the fights now, and those you see with high athletic skill who supposedly win in the games they play, could just be the Cabal assets who were following people through grocery stores as kids, and who, as a result, did not get beamed into some level of inferior physical ability, like their opponents, prior to matches. Whatever is going on here, MacGregor is captured, and although he might actually change things in Ireland, I suspect if a meteor were to hit him on the head and kill him, whatever he was going to do would simply be handed off to another actor, who would do the same thing. From here on out, outcomes are all controlled, and it appears it will be the assets of some side which are carrying them out.

David Icke takes a victory lap over an Air Force intelligence officer who claims to have worked in the UAP sector telling Rogan the only alien species which they are not supposed to talk about are the reptilians. Kyle Odom did nothing wrong? At this point I am open to anything.

“Do you think Oswald killed JFK personally?” Travis asked.

“I do, and I always felt that,” Trump replied. “Of course, he was … helped.”

Trump said the document dump “turned out to be somewhat unspectacular” but concluded, “Maybe that’s a good thing.”

Trump does not say who specifically helped or how.

While freaking out, the NY Times admits that by eliminating government waste, Trump is defunding the NGOs the left needs to make itself competitive with Republicans. By “left” they mean the conspiracy of Cabal and the American Stasi.

Over at Truth Social, Trump re-Truthed the Gateway Pundit’s article – Activist Judges and the Overreach of Judicial Authority: A Case for Sedition and Treason.

Kash Patel plans a major cutback to ATF by moving as many as 1,000 agents to FBI.

Kash will also fire 1,000 FBI agents.

C.I.A. plot to doctor Cuban sugar bound for the Soviet Union was undone by Kennedy.

Elon Musk’s acting coach still needs to work on his handshakes. One thing which would be consistent with that expression would be if Trump’s intel op somehow forcibly turned Elon.

I strongly suspect, despite all this shit you see, all of the above is some kind of script to try and turn the populace anti-Israel.

On the AOC/Bernie rally:

TENS of thousands of ultra-rich Chinese nationals are using a disturbing surrogate loophole to automatically secure their kids a US passport, according to reports. They use an American surrogate who gives birth here.

US sets Easter target for Ukraine ceasefire deal — Bloomberg.

Bookmakers see 20% chance of third Trump term — media.

Send people to, because the IRS is going away

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1 day ago

Good article on music and how:

They reflect the soul of the Nation like Art and Architecture. But also influences the Nation in turn.

Reply to  Anon
1 day ago

Sure explains a lot.

Reply to  Anonymous
16 hours ago

The Beauty of Music and Architecture. In this way is either or help or a harm.
What they should be. Is being emblematic of Order, Symmetry and Harmony.

1 day ago

What Tony Seruga writes about in that tweet towards the end of the comments is how to identify the Cabal network in each zipcode.

This is where “AI”, which seems to me to be an ultra strong database search engine, will actually come in useful. Train an AI to search all these records and social media sites, and train it on identified cabal network members to put together a profile.

This is done on a more limited basis in the Myles Mathis essays. I just did this on a really limited basis, really using just one of these sites. Yesterday in the comments, I put together a profile of the “suddenly dead” (murdered) former US district attorney, using just Wikipedia, Linked In, one mainstream news article, and her official government bureaucracy, to come up with a theory that she was a Cabal network member in the process of defecting. Imagine how much more you could do if you had an AI searching everything.

Reply to  Ed
1 day ago

I can’t find anything about her marital status. Did you see anything? Or her family either.

Reply to  Thesokorus
18 hours ago

Wikipedia doesn’t list a husband, so probably never married.

1 day ago

AC, thought of you when I came across this meme on X.

1 day ago

My comment disappeared again.

1 day ago

This comment keeps getting disappeared and doesn’t return when I post again and refresh, the last time that happened was my RFK replaces Biden theory. (I still wonder if I didn’t ruin that plan for them so RFK ended up switching sides)

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
1 day ago
1 day ago

My comments keep disappearing.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
18 hours ago

No need for you to be sorry, I’m just giving a report on what’s happening so you and the others know.

So far I usually find a way around it.

Samuel Maverick
Samuel Maverick
1 day ago

CIA immigrant importation:

Anyone and everyone imported in this manner must be ejected out of the country. Even if they were “granted’ citizenship, it must be rescinded. The imports were criminal acts. Rev up the largest air transports and get them out. Omar would be a good start. Send her and her entire family back to Somalia.

If the individuals running the importation programs are not “unalived” and can be traced, round them up, try, convict and imprison them. All of them are seditionists.

The internal workings of the government are truly disgusting.

Reply to  Samuel Maverick
18 hours ago

George Santos, an immigrant, was expelled from Congress. But no known CIA connections, nothing criminal during the months when he was in Congress (dodgy behavior beforehand), no accusations of electoral fraud or ties to foreign government.

Pretty much all of that applies to Ilhan Omar.

Samuel Maverick
Samuel Maverick
1 day ago

Jane Roberts – the wife of Chief Justice John Roberts – was paid $10 million as a legal “recruiter” for corporate firms with cases before the Supreme Court. A flagrant conflict of interest.

Can anything be done about his kind of stuff other than censures? Every single one of these judges that are fudging up the Administration’s direction have some sort of conflict of interest.

Reply to  Samuel Maverick
18 hours ago

Judges have been impeached and removed for bribery. The last instance was in the 1990s. One Supreme Court justice was impeached, but not convicted and removed, for overly partisan rulings.

While it is thought that impeachment is pointless because the Senate Democrats will block removal, it would have value as theater, and would not preclude stuff such as judicial reorganization that can be done with majorities in both houses and presidential signature. However, they would not start with the Supreme Court, but with the lower level DC circuit judges where the cases are strong, and hope that Roberts gets the message.

Reply to  Samuel Maverick
18 hours ago

Martial law.

Samuel Maverick
Samuel Maverick
1 day ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
18 hours ago

They didn’t have the helmet you have though.
I’m hoping that and Divine Intervention will keep it from happening to you.

Samuel Maverick
Samuel Maverick
1 day ago

Bookmakers see 20% chance of third Trump term — media.

Maybe the wheels fall off the country and everything goes martial?

Reply to  Samuel Maverick
13 hours ago

The Zelenski Option

1 day ago

eventually the only resistance to the machine will be those with the direct protection of the Lord, or those who have no fear of death.

Same thing.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
1 day ago

Full video of the killing of the Ukranian Nazi Ganul in Odessa.

Ganul was just ahead of the curve. Once Putin takes Odessa either he or the remaining Ukrainian populace will kill them due to their forced conscription hi-jinks. They’re almost out of time.

1 day ago

Here is the thing with The Beam – it allows the conspiracy to control sports outcomes. Meaning the best fighters might not be winning the fights now, and those you see with high athletic skill who supposedly win in the games they play….
Own the leagues.
Own the rules.
Own the refs.
Hire actors for the script.
Voila….”Professional Sports”
(Football, Basketball, Baseball, Hockey, Boxing, UFC, etc….)
The more you read into the early UFC fights the more you see the rules were bent in favor of the Gracies. Do you think Gracie beats Ken Shamrock the first time if Shamrock wears his wrestling shoes and Gracie has to ditch his gi?

1 day ago

Regarding JFK, nobody seemed to notice much when the Billings thing made the mainstream news in the last month, i.e., JFK was gay, i.e., Miles Mathis was right, about that, at least. But it’s a huge thing to be right about, because it topples the whole mythology and reveals the still mostly-unthinkable depth of the systematic lying, i.e., we shouldn’t believe one damned thing about these JFK files, as far as who killed Kennedy, because it remains to be seen whether Kennedy was even killed at all, it still might have all been deranged theater kid bullshit. Couple that Billings thing with Hitler faking his death being back in the news again, and this has been a banger of a month so for Miles. Here’s a meme I made to highlight what Miles himself highlighted in his most recent JFK update paper.

Reply to  Anonymous
16 hours ago

Where did the Billings thing show Hitler faked his death?

Reply to  Anonymous
13 hours ago

seems Trump is the only non-gay leader in the west

Another Dave
Another Dave
1 day ago

Trump admits the JFK data dump was unspectacular, and it certainly was, but that begs the question… why didn’t he release it during his first term, when he was quoted as telling close associates that if they saw what was in it, they wouldn’t release it either.

Trump is playing games here, which is rather tiresome, at this point.

I never believed those files would contain a smoking gun, or direct evidence of conspiracy by LBJ and/or foreign countries, but Trump made it sound like the files were too dangerous to be released, then releases them and admits there is nothing controversial in them.

Whatever one may think of JFK, the reality is that his public execution was the moment cabal seized direct control over the U.S.

There are reams of documentary evidence, including confessions, that Oswald was a patsy, and several other players were responsible for the hit, and yet Trump falls back on Oswald being the culprit… with help, that remains unnamed.

Forgive me for being sick of this peek a boo nonsense.

Reply to  Another Dave
19 hours ago

> why didn’t he release it during his first term

He did. The FBI slow-walked the release and still hadn’t complied by the time Biden was installed. Then everyone went back to business as usual.

Don’s first term was an expensive lesson in, “just because you give orders, doesn’t mean they will be followed.”

Reply to  Another Dave
16 hours ago

it was just spectacular enough. surely none of us were daring hope CIA would be so stupid as to not destroy a doc titled “Requisition for Special Weapons & Ammo for use in Chicago/Tampa/Dallas JFK Presidential Assassination Op”, and guess what? they didn’t.

but I saw all I needed. for decades, the conspiracy loons have been saying LHO belonged to CIA/FBI/Naval Intel, and for decades those worthies have been swearing under oath, “nuh-uh!” because if LHO **was** CIA, then it’s all over: CIA killed Kennedy, can’t be anything other than that. right? and there, buried in the middle of those 80,000 pages, there it was: a formerly HIGHLY CLASSIFIED MEGA TOP FUCKING SECRET doc about Oswald’s Marine CO – company cmdr? – swearing under oath to a congressional cmte in the 90’s that “LHO moved over into the CIA sometime after he got to Atsugi.” which was of course instantly classified because our sacred holy CIA can’t be running around with toilet paper flapping from their shoes now can they.

there it is, boys. there’s all we ever needed. CIA {almost certainly Angleton and the counterintel dept} killed JFK, just like we always knew.

1 day ago

Don’t know what to make of this post/poster. But here it is:
The cabal existed before Israel did. The cabal is not tied to a nation. It exists independently. While nations and regimes fall, it survives in the shadows, and seeks to dominate the globe via infiltration and subversion.
Israel is just one tentacle of many. However, control of the US, is without a doubt, the cabal’s most powerful asset. The CIA is the most powerful tentacle of this beast.

1 day ago

Chuck Shoomer should be required to register as a foreign agent.

Reply to  Anon
18 hours ago

Just deport him to Israel instead.

1 day ago

CIA doing off-the-books Deep State shit via running drugs and USAID and multi-layers of shell companies … y’all realize they didn’t invent that. they were taught it by their bosses & mentors in Mil Intel in the prewar years (mostly naval intel, who LHO worked for before he lateraled into CIA, per his CO’s once-classified testimony) where they mostly came from back in 1947. I don’t know how to fix this short of burn it all down and scatter the ashes to the 4 winds – but I tend to think that’s not wise in a world that’s eagerly ramping up for WW3. viable suggestions?

Reply to  anonymous
18 hours ago

Burn it all down and scatter the ashes to the 4 winds, and chance the consequences, trusting in GOD.

1 day ago

I found this on another site today.
I’m not sure if there’s any new information.

1 day ago

Elissa Slotkin was a CIA officer.

Elected to Michigan’s 8th district. Pretty rural conservative community. Was originally Debbie Stabinaws district. After her it was Mike Rodgers, he was on the permanent select sub committee on intelligence. Slotkin, from this gerrymandered district (they slid the district 50 miles away into the population center of Rochester to get the votes for her) raised more money than any junior congressmen. I belive she was in the top 5 her first term. This area seems to be a preferred stronghold for some reason. Mike Rodgers was almost certainly a CIA plant also. And Stabinaw got the senate seat for life after serving here.

1 day ago

comment image

Reply to  Bman
18 hours ago

“A Republic if you can keep it” snicker
Franklin snikered under his breath too.

Reply to  Bman
13 hours ago

Not proof, but it is evidence, and sufficient to initiate investigation.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Bman
12 hours ago

Ryan Chew has served as an election staffer since creating voter registration programs in 25 high schools in 1991. Much of his work has been with Cook County, IL, as Deputy Director of Elections, managing diverse responsibilities including early voting, vote by mail, voter file integrity and election day oversight. More recently, he has consulted with state and local election offices on a variety of topics including early voting, election communications and election security. In addition, Ryan is the founder of a kayak rental business that introduces city dwellers to natural areas.

Of course his work is in Cook County IL. The crookedest county in the nation. He’s not only rigging elections in Wisconsin but all over the country.

This just supports my theory that Al Capone’s old organization The Outfit took over most of the federal government.

23 hours ago

Kyle Odom did nothing wrong? At this point I am open to anything.

Shame he was so hostile to Christianity. Which he believe facilitate Mankind’s slavery to the Reptillians.

Last edited 23 hours ago by Anon
Reply to  Anon
21 hours ago

Sounds like demons were manipulating him.

21 hours ago
Last edited 21 hours ago by teotoon
19 hours ago

Propagandists earning a living.
comment image

Reply to  Bman
18 hours ago

Remember the vids of empty WalMarts and Home Depots? We all cheered? The other day I remembered that it’s still fully legal for the US government to propagandize us.

Sam J.
Sam J.
15 hours ago

Just so I can say I said it first. I was watching a video on what they are finding with the James Webb telescope and they are finding “dark matter” problems that disproves some things they thought. Here’s two quotes,


Webb telescope also revealed that dark
energy in the early universe behave
differently than it does in the current

“…scientists have
recently proposed a new model of the
universe named Timescape Cosmology in
this model scientists highlight the
significant influence of massive cosmic
voids and structures on the nature of
time in this new cosmological model
scientists have revealed that the
expansion of our universe is not driven
by dark energy but is an illusion
created by time they proposed that time
flows slower in regions of space where
the concentration of matter is higher
for instance an atomic clock situated
within a galaxy might tick up to a third
slower compared to an identical clock
positioned in the middle of a vast empty
void now think about this over the vast
time scale of the universe the universe
is about 13.8 8 billion years old but in
regions with little matter like cosmic
voids time has been passing faster so
billions of additional years may have
passed in these voids compared to the
matterrich regions this means that the
universe doesn’t have a single unified
age as we often imagine instead the age
of the universe could vary depending on
where you are the age of the universe
may be greater in the cosmic void than
in a denser region of space…”

Now think how silly this is. These people find expansion differences and instead of realizing that they are barking up the wrong tree in the first place they decide that time changes. Sigh…

I have talked a good deal about “inertia waves” Which is the waves from acceleration of matter. They are released just the same as electromagnetic waves are released by moving electrons. Why would matter be different? Now I say this is so because it makes simple common sense and we have several devices that show this affect that anyone can see. This, I say, means there is no dark matter, or dark energy, as they perceive it, it’s all these masses, galaxies, stars spinning around and rotating around their galaxy causing some inertia waves which give the “perception” that there’s matter holding them back that we can’t see. Not the case. Now this new data shows that in dense galaxies the “dark energy is higher”, and in less dense “lower”. Well this perfectly fits with the idea that dense galaxies if they are giving off some level of inertia waves appear to be be affected by some force greater but it’s the inertia waves, not dark matter or variable time zones [what a silly idea] that is doing so. And seeing that the opposite, less mass, less affect, it’s a further confirmation that I’m right about this. So far I’ve never heard anyone else make this postulate so, I’m first.

15 hours ago
14 hours ago

This seems like it’s intended to cause noticing:

12 hours ago

Batshit Crazy German Green Woman says Immigrants needed because Germans dont make babies.

Them: Problem, Reaction, Solution.

Of course, the correct solution to a problem, is not have the problem….

Make Babies. Its actually quite easy