News Briefs – 03/24/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Mike Gallagher announced he will leave Congress after the April 9th date which would have set in motion a special election to fill his seat. According to Emerald Robinson, the backup plan of the Uniparty Cabal is to hand the House to the Democrats, who will join with the Democrats in the Senate and Biden to ban Trump from running, But I think they may plan to give all illegals Amnesty and citizenship so they can vote in November, instead.

MTG calls for the immediate expulsion of Republican Congressman Mike Gallagher so there can be a special election“His district deserves a voice in Congress and we should expel him, and that way his district can replace him as quickly as possible with a special election.”

Ohio volunteers uncover massive irregularities in voter database.

Doug Mackey, AKA Ricky Vaughn’s appeal of his conviction for posting a humorous meme is going forward April 5th.

Feds order Google to reveal who watched certain Youtube videos.

Michigan man sues to see election records after his Freedom Of Information requests were denied.

Biden’s handlers forced to awkwardly splice propaganda video with Obama and Pelosi because he can’t read his teleprompter.

Massachusetts Governor calls illegal immigrant raping teenage girl ‘unfortunate, says, ”Things will happen.’ If you were electing your leaders they would care what you think about them.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams cancels trip to southern border, claims it is too unsafe.

Mayor Adams breaks bread with drug dealers at Burger King that’s become an ‘open-air drug bazaar.’

Someone who sent a drone over an airfield in Brooklyn, New York, discovered a massive migrant that has been hidden from the public, until now.

Senator Bill Hagerty:

Tonight every single Senate Democrat voted against my amendment that would stop Biden Admin from using taxpayer dollars to charter flights for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from their countries directly to American towns to be resettled.

Wall Street Apes :

Tuscan Arizona Prepare Yourselves, Potential Crime Wave Incoming. Federal Gov Funding For Illegal Immigrants Of $1 Million Per Week Is Ending

When these illegal migrants have no way of supporting themselves guess what they’ll be doing…

“Come April 1st, your city will no longer be able to house and take care of all these illegal migrants that are entering into Arizona and coming to Tucson. April 1st, they’re out of money. So far, the federal government has been funding Tucson $1,000,000 a week to take care of these illegal migrants.”

“They’re housing them, feeding them, giving them clothes, giving them medical care, airplane tickets, You name it, they’re getting it. But the money is gone. And the government leaders of Tucson, Arizona say, we don’t want to rely upon the citizens’ taxpayer money to pay for these migrants. So, streets of Tucson.

Once the people enter, once the migrants cross over to into America, they will be loaded up on the border patrol buses. They’ll be processed, and

then they’ll be sent into Tucson, Arizona. One government leader, she said, well, they’re gonna hang out in Tucson until they figure out where their final frightening. President Biden, he has been in Arizona the past couple days. It is very frightening. President Biden, he has been in Arizona the past couple days, and he’s been begging the Latino voters.

He says, I need your vote. Latino voters helped me win in 2020. So he’s in desperate need of these Arizona Latino voters to vote for him. He says that Trump despises Latinos, and he says that Trump said that these open borders is poisoning America, which it is. I totally agree with that.

This is not sustainable. We cannot take all these people in. We don’t know who’s coming in. Dangerous criminals are coming in, and we cannot take care of these people. We need to secure our borders.

This is a travesty, a crime to the American people. And if you live in Tucson, be prepared. It’s coming your way. I know it’s already there, but it’s going to be worse.”

An account of an online writer getting gang stalked in the bottom third of this piece.

Whistleblower John Barnett claimed Boeing managers spied on him before his alleged suicide. Also had non-specific health issues. I would think he was getting beamed.

The Biden Regime on Saturday morning continued its attack on the Second Amendment and launched a federal gun-grab operation to keep firearms out the hands of people who “pose a threat to themselves and others.”

The Justice Department launched the National Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Resource Center (the Center) which will provide training and technical assistance to law enforcement officials, prosecutors, attorneys, judges, clinicians, victim service and social service providers, community organizations, and behavioral health professionals responsible for implementing laws designed to keep guns out of the hands of people who pose a threat to themselves or others.

Thomas Massie:

What the hell is this evil?

A Federal Red Flag center;

We did not authorize this.

Announced, of course, just hours after the omnibus passes.

Kamala Harris announces three quarters of a billion dollars for more Red Flag laws.

Japanese preprint calls for mRNA “vaccines” to be suspended over blood bank contamination concerns.

The COVID-19 vaccine spike sequence was detected in the DNA of two types of chromosomes in cancer cell lines following exposure to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

DEI priorities create havoc in kidney transplant system as survival factors are abandoned to make race the determinant.

Biden admin accelerates plan to relocate Grizzlies into rural Washington, locals not amused.

Historic crackdown on gas cars will ensure two-thirds of vehicles will be electric, hybrid by 2032 after Biden admin finalizes new rule.

A California company is making a business out of kicking squatters out of properties by squatting on the squatted properties, so the only way to get them out would be for the squatter to go to court to get them evicted.

Philippines accuses China of water cannon attack on supply vessel.

European Union bans anonymous crypto transactions using self-custody wallets.

Some on 4Chan are wondering if this 7 year old video was used to create a deepfake of Kate. The neck appears tighter, and the hair is very similar, just a little longer, but one top has twelve bars on the torso and arms, the other has ten on the torso and 11 on the arms.

Israel summons Turkish envoy after Erdogan threatens Netanyahu: Turkish President vows to send Netanyahu ‘to Allah.’


Russia said on Saturday it had arrested all four gunmen suspected of carrying out a shooting massacre in a concert hall near Moscow, and President Vladimir Putin pledged to track down and punish those behind the attack. Another report notes eleven people in total have been arrested in connection with the attack.

Russia detains suspects with Tajik passports – death toll rises to 143.

Posobiec says the Tajiks hired to do the Russian attack say they were hired by somebody on Telegram for cash, and armed by cells already operational in Russia, and it will track back to Ukraine. He makes a good case off Nuland noting three weeks back that the new US funding would go to helping Ukraine launch asymmetric attacks on Russia and deliver nasty surprises to Putin. She even made it a point to say it again at another event. Even CIA shill mouthpiece Posobiec is saying it was CIA.

Russia’s special services received information from the United States on a terrorist plot, but this data was of general nature without any specific details, a source in the special services told TASS.

Putin says gunmen who raided Moscow concert hall tried to escape to Ukraine. Kyiv denies involvement. There are battle lines between Russia and Ukraine. If they headed for the Ukrainian border, it was because they were Ukrainian and somebody on Ukraine’s side was ready to receive them across the lines. Otherwise Ukrainian soldiers would have thought they were Russian soldiers and tried to kill them.

Not clear if this next one will bear out over time, but it is going around:

Russian authorities plan to mobilize 300,000 new troops in new massive push into Ukraine, high-ranking sources claim.

President Putin’s full statement on the Moscow attacks:

High school students at a New York high school staged a massive walk-out protest this week in opposition to the district’s attempts to force them to share restrooms with the opposite gender, in the name of “transgender” acceptance.

Wyoming becomes 24th state to ban gender transition procedures for minors.

Democrat strategist James Carville says Biden’s poll numbers are as bad as seeing your grandma naked and that president’s party is dominated by ‘too many preachy females.’

Trump wins Louisiana primary.

Spread r/K Theory, because you never stop fighting, or evil will return immediately.

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10 months ago

“But I think they may plan to give all illegals Amnesty and citizenship so they can vote in November, instead.”

Where is Q?
Can you hang someone for Treason multiple times?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

If you have enough rope.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

A foreign army has not only been allowed to settle in the U.S., but we are collectively paying for their upkeep, and I still don’t see masses of normies waking up.

Hey Q… you guys need a new “Plan”.

Just Me
Just Me
10 months ago

AC, 4chan link about Kate goes to YouTube

Reply to  Just Me
10 months ago

That’s the video they claim was a source.

10 months ago

‘Biden admin accelerates plan to relocate Grizzlies into rural Washington, locals not amused.’

Better them than the criminaliens.

And did a Leftist lemming like Carville actually tell the truth about modern women? Wow.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Maniac
10 months ago

“…relocate Grizzlies into rural Washington…”

If Trump is elected,”relocate Grizzlies into San Francisco, Chicago, Detroit and New York City…”.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
10 months ago
Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
10 months ago

I watched this video a couple of days ago, and it hit me viscerally.

Raising the question: How long was 9/11 being planned? And obviously, it wasn’t just planned for a year or two in Afghanistan only by Islamic terrorists. A (jew?) producer in Hollywood knew it was going to happen 16 FREAKIN’ YEARS in advance. And put the prediction, the signs and symbols for it, in his own movies. How deep does the rot go???

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

“And I am sure the foreign immigrant surveillance is probably either the same level, or a little below the Americans raised in the conspiracy, doing surveillance. So I would assume the whole ground surveillance op knew what was coming somehow, and that it was the op’s big day to shine.”

That information may have been restricted to their people in NYC.
But the rest of them would have recognized all the signs in the aftermath if they didn’t just assume that anything like that was allowed or caused by their people.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Just like the Hollyweirdos who missed their flights that day!

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Please don’t deprecate the Axis powers, except for maybe Japan, which actually was alien. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin were the real enemy of WWII, plus their handlers, the International organized globalist Satanist Jews. Plus the ignorance and fecklessness of the American People, who by that time had been fooled and suckered over and over and over again into fighting and murdering and being murdered by fellow White men in the wars that were and still are, “The Jew’s harvest.”
Today I think it was Western Rifle Shooters that published a picture of Jew, Theodore Kaufman’s, book, calling for Germany to be sterilized, and lordy, lordy, lord….AMERICANS too!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I think Hitler went of script to try to win when he was supposed to lose and failed.
But The NAZIs and Fascists were not “the good guys”.
There were no “good guys”.
There is room for debate about whether history would have gone better or worse with a different outcome, but that’s the most that can be said.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Roosevelt knew and acknowledged the existence of the hidden hand. So did Wilson, right? Did the NSDSP attempt to root out freemasonry and similar groups? I think they did. Obviously much easier said than done.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

We know that all or most of the, “Wall Street financed and created Hitler” jawboning is nonsense, just like the, “He only had one testicle” claptrap is bs. The German economy based on labor rather than debt is real, and could be done here — probably to the chagrin of the gold worshippers. Truly, a superb national economy could and has been run with Tally Sticks.
Otherwise, re “no good guys?”
Jesus said that, so if you believe him, yeah, but there sure is a vast difference between John Wayne Gacy and Albert Schweitzer, isn’t there!

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

The German economy under the 3rd Reich was eating the seed corn to temporarily improve the lives of the working class voter.
It had almost run out of seed corn and was beginning to have problems feeding itself, that’s one reason Hitler started the war when he did instead of waiting to be even more prepared.

None of the sides in the war had that much of a difference, and if any nation came closest it was the US. (which wasted any betterness it had by taking a side at all in the war, the only way the US might have done well by getting involved would have possibly been a war against Japan alone because Japan absolutely intended to build up and take our holdings in the Pacific)

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

How was Germany eating the seed corn? Also, how did Hitler start the war when England and France set up Poland, which then began murdering Germans in the Danzig corridor? Many thousands of Germans? Should he have let that continue?
What you say about America is true. Huey Long should have beat Roosevelt, had he not been assassinated. Then no US entry into the war, eh.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

TIK History has excellent videos on the German economy that explain it far better than I could.

The short version is Socialism and Central planning.

A good video to start with:

The REAL Reason why Hitler HAD to start WW2

Playlists you can pick out more relevant videos from:

BankWars: Weimar Hyperinflation–Dx7Gnqehw4J

Axis Food Crisis

National Socialist Ideology Politics and Economy

One thing TIK is wrong about is Autarchy.
Autarchy was a good goal but Hitler pursued it too quickly and hobbled the economy by suppressing trade.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Thanks very much. TIK History. I watched the beginning of each video; it looks like he knows what he’s talking about, so will watch full length. They are all of viewable length -‘ a huge plus. Saved to notes and will watch all three. The rest of his material looks good.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

The German government and military was riddled with saboteurs and traitors , during the entire period, causing intense damage and loss and this is not well known. The aristocracy and the military and some big business interests, all doing capital-offense type treason. Also, they turned from the original Gottfried Fedor economic plan to that of Hjalmar Schacht, allegedly to win support from big industrialists, changing horses on midstream and abandoning the parties original plan to scrap Usury.
That said, the war and the one before it were certainly planned, at least according to A. Pike, along with a third one (in the process of kicking off now?).
Was Hitler a conspirator in favor of all the above. I doubt it and his coming to power was anything but a cakewalk.
Finally, literally all the “Hitler was a war monger non-sense is just that. The world opposition to him which brought Germany into that war and created the war itself has never been equalled, except to be maybe approximated on what we have seen against Trump, although Trump is extremely pro Jewish, or appears to be.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Definitely planned. They were warning each other to stay away.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
10 months ago

“Microsoft Flight Simulator, commonly known as Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0 or FS3, is a flight simulator video game. It was released in mid-1988 for the MS-DOS.”

& several other pop culture ‘announcements’.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
10 months ago

People say that nobody could have planted the necessary tactical devices to shear the supports in the tower so that it would collapse, but this high wire artist could secretly get a tight wire attached between the buildings to facilitate the great walk. Nothing to see here folks, all a coincidence. I’ve always, at least for some time now, thought that ideas and the existence of future events were floating around the universe, occasionally landing in peoples brains. Inventions and so on. Few receive this information, fewer remember the flash of knowledge, even fewer think it’s a possibility, finally landing on the one person who can bring it to fruition, either in physical existence or biblical prediction form. The universe is more weird than we think or accept.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  bigD
10 months ago

“…People say that nobody could have planted the necessary tactical devices…”

Well if a Jew buys the building, fires all the security, and then hires security from a company controlled by George Bush’s brother, yes this is true, then it’s a simple matter. A CIA agent who was a liaison to Saddam Hussein, said she was informed that vans several weeks before the explosions took the building down would come in after the cleaning crew left and stay for several hours, leaving before the building opened. The rest of the explosives were likely inserted when they shut down the elevators for “service” shorty before the attack.

The outer portions of the building columns were only demoed every three floors I think. So 110 stories, only 37 floors or so. You could use preformed charges, carry a ladder and supplies on a cart. Lift the ceiling tile, scrape off the fireproofing on the column, and then stick the thermite/explosive package on the metal column. It would not take long at all to do this. There were 59 perimeter columns, narrowly spaced, on each side of the buildings. But you all saw the pieces came off in sections so they would not need to demo all of them. I saw an interview with a guy who blew up buildings for a living, and he said the amount of explosives needed would fit in a few vans.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

There’s actual photographic evidence of young Jewish students doing work inside the towers not long before 9/11. I would suggest they were planting the charges and doing whatever was necessary to make the event work.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago


Reply to  bigD
10 months ago

Years before 9/11 I created a Champions tabletop roleplaying adventure for a convention. It had ecofreaks as the baddies who would dive a 747 into Tower One.
Tom Clancy had an angry Japanese jumbo jet pilot crash a jumbo jet into something important in America in one of his later books.
Osama Bin Laden supposedly ran 9/11.
My theory is basically like you said. I ran a game because I’m a gamemaster. Clancy wrote a book because he’s a novelist. Bin Laden was supposedly a terrorist so he did what he did.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Logic is solipsistic and unsound. If you or anyone doesn’t see why, then chances of being either a shill or narcissist are high.

10 months ago

Point to remember. Certification of presidential electors are handled by the Congress seated after the electors vote, in other words the one elected that election year and seated in January. The current Congress has nothing to do with certification of the electors for the prez taking office in January. That will be handled by the Congress elected this November.

To be fair, most people don’t understand this. I get the impression that even the Cabal types handling the issue don’t understand this.

Flipping the House of Representatives would stop the investigations into “Biden”. However, a better way to do this would be just to have their GOP assets switch parties and cross the floor.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Why not just have their RINO assets do that now?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Nobody is fooled.
The retirements are recognized for what they are.
And they could have them party switch instead.

And once they have those millions of new legal voters why do they care about preserving any illusion?

Last edited 10 months ago by Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Some on 4Chan are wondering if this 7 year old video was used to create a deepfake of Kate. The neck appears tighter, and the hair is very similar, just a little longer, but one top has twelve bars on the torso and arms, the other has ten on the torso and 11 on the arms.

There are many other photos of her in very similar striped tops… So that’s not quite AI proof. The summer day with flowers? That’s more unlikely since she recorded it in March…
Also: George Farmer in that video (one of the charity runners) is now married to Candace Owens.

Last edited 10 months ago by scruffy
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

The Soviet Union had a long tradition of altering photographs to remove people who had fallen from the Party’s grace. The alterations were extremely crude, even on the ‘official’ versions of photographs.

By then, the point wasn’t just to remove the unwanted people, but to make sure everyone knew that those people had, indeed, been erased, as a warning to anyone else who might cross the Party.

Some of the coming “AI” imagery will certainly be like that, because totalitarians are all the same, whatever their professed ideology.

10 months ago

Ian Kummer again on the terrorist attack in Russia a few days ago:

Asking if it was MI6, the CIA, or Mossad is like asking if Biff the schoolyard bully punched you with his left hand or his right hand. They’re all arms of the same globalist octopus.”

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago

I should have known.—That is a deep fake. A guy created that, has done a lot of masterful Obama deep fakes.

I should’ve learned the lesson, “If it is too good to be true, …” then it isn’t. outed it. And I believe their conclusion. They link to the guy.

10 months ago

Everyone thinks all these illegals are being imported for their votes and for cheap labor. I have a slightly different view. I think the government is importing canon fodder for NATO’s upcoming war with Russia. I think the draft is going to be reinstated. I think Washington is planning on drafting all these military age males pouring across the border and granting them American citizenship in exchange for military service. I’m sure votes and cheap labor do figure into the equation, but our government has a tendency to make really stupid decisions. They won’t be able to count on the loyalty of these soldiers, but then the government can kill off part of the population in a war and not have to pay us benefits. So in their convoluted way of thinking poking the Russian bear is a win-win situation.

Reply to  Anon
10 months ago

Except that doesn’t explain the Chinese military age men…. 25,000 or more in just 2023. Gonna recruit those? Unlikely. They already have the training, haircut and manner… So who do they work for now?

Reply to  Anon
10 months ago

Well, if the Russians slaughtering them in Mass quantities overseas after they are drafted into the army, that would solve a few problems. Fewer white Christians killed, for example. I see that as a win. Because there’s no way I’m hell an army of third-world conscripts is going to do any better than the Ukainians.

Reply to  Anon
10 months ago

They aren’t being imported for war on Russia. They are being imported for a war on you. The attack on the Russian shopping mall is nothing compared to what’s coming for Americans.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Anon
10 months ago

No. The foreign imports are meant to stay in the US and be the proxies for the Jew/Bolshevik revolution; while foolish Whites march off to war against Russia. The revolution will quickly engulf Western Europe as well.
An excellent video covering the Jews revolution against the non-Jews. Europa: the last battle.
We have reached their timeline for the final moments before the overthrow ( up to at @37:27 on video). The video is long 12 hours; so it will need to be watched over several days.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anon
10 months ago

I think you make a valid point about some of the muds (but not the chins) as history shows empire’s have a tendency to recruit foreign mercenaries for their wars once the empire reaches a certain stage of development (see Rome especially).

Unfortunately as in the case of Rome, this can backfire spectacularly!

Sam J.
Sam J.
10 months ago

MTG calls for the immediate expulsion of Republican Congressman Mike Gallagher so there can be a special election

Senator Bill Hagerty:
Tonight every single Senate Democrat voted against my amendment that would stop Biden Admin from using taxpayer dollars to charter flights for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from their countries directly to American towns to be resettled

This is the way to go if we can get enough decent people to do it. With enough people like Green and Hagerty we could stop funding their pozz. Make it impossible for them to legally do this. Though it increasingly looks like a full scale war is coming, I do want to remind people that with a 10 to 15% hard core group of Representatives in the house and Senate the whole thing could likely be avoided, and we could make series headway into straightening things out. Over a few years collapse the democrats and the cabal without firing a shot. They can not exist, or at least in a hazardous capacity, without us funding them.

It is so disheartening to see the Democrats constantly skirt every single issue of the law while the Republicans seem to be helpless to even use the ones we have to contain the damage.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
10 months ago

It would be great to release a grizzly in the presidential residence in the White House, then we’d see how much this a hole environmentalist cared about “wild life”.
The Russians warned the US of an attack of non specific targets, now the US claims it warned the Russians of a non specific target attack. What’s the point? Something’s going to happen, OK.

Sam J.
Sam J.
10 months ago

I ran across the movie “Lord of the Flies”. The old one and remembered this story about a real life lord of the flies involving some English boys marooned. Why mention this? AC mentioned what would we do if we could slough off the cabal of evil ruling us, well here’s what happened once before and I think this could also be our fate. Good story.

So all is not lost. Every day is a new day.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

Great article.

10 months ago

Intro to Prism Scopes: What are they Anyway?

10 months ago

Chinese-Owned Tanker Hit By Houthi Missile Despite Safe Passage Deal

10 months ago

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