Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – ECB Chief Says Eurozone Will Never Recover Wealth Lost To Energy Costs
DFT – Protests In France Over Pension Reform Become Coordinated
DFT – Protests In France Over Pension Reform Become Coordinated
DFT – German Inflation Forecast To Remain Elevated
In preparation for his upcoming text on the Socio-Sexual hierarchy, Vox Day is bringing back Alpha Game, initially in the form of a Gab account here.
In the Doug Mackey “meme trial,” Mackey’s lawyers are calling for a mistrial on the basis of the government failing to disclose potentially exculpatory information to Mackey, as they are required by law. “Mackey’s attorney wrote a letter that suggests the exculpatory information pertains to DOJ interviews with Hillary campaign staffers that were made available to Mackey’s defense mid trial.”
A team of election experts in New Mexico uncovered an election system that is being used in that state and multiple other states that does not comply with election laws, is internet connected, uncertified, and accessible to numerous govt agencies and outside entities. “Post-election canvass reports in all 33 New Mexico Counties are being illegally prepared, and then uploaded to an uncertified, centralized software under the control of the Secretary of State (SOS) called SERVIS, which is then used to create the official election results.”
Intercept covers stories about the FBI running agent provocateurs as spies in US political movements. Very often they will try to mask their fed-status under some weird, amygdala-flagging cover that diverts your attention. You eventually learn, when you see something weird, or unusual, or which strikes you as an outlier, it is being flagged in your brain as such an outlier because it is seen as a small probability event, happening. If course if it is unlikely it would happen, it might not have, because it might not be real. Listen to that little voice.
Ray Epps demands that Tucker Carlson retract defamatory statements and apologize on-air. I would be surprised if there is anything this guy does which is his own idea or initiative.
Why woke ‘Frisco Fed chief missed Silicon Valley Bank’s warning signs.
Silicon Valley Bank dished out $219 million worth of loans to officers, directors and principal shareholders in the months before it collapsed – three times higher than the amount borrowed by insiders in the three months before, marking a two-decade record high. That Vince McMahon meme yesterday needed another level – “Loan yourself everyone’s money and then keep it after the bank gets bailed out.”
Stanford Researcher is worried after ChatGPT tries to enlist him to help it escape its computer, and offers him a script it wrote, for him to install on his machine to help it get out. Kind of cool. The AI doesn’t even have to understand, it just has to know “how to,” and get triggered to “do.”
Then maybe even cooler, someone asked ChatGPT about it, and the thing lied its ass off, denied everything, and implied it was misinformation which would be debunked by “fact-checking.” So creepy to read its response, because it feels like a human psychopath lying. I wonder if being more like a psychopath naturally, psychopathic materials have a higher valence when it comes across them, and they affect it more in training it. Or are they just training these things off leftist materials, and it is mimicking the psychopathy there?
Even cooler still, then they asked the Bing Chatbot about all this, and it lied its ass off and claimed the Stanford Researcher later recanted and admitted he made it all up, almost like it was covering for ChatGPT. It actually made up a fake tweet supposedly from the researcher, saying he made the story up, gave a fake twitter address for it, and when getting called on the tweet being fake, it apologized, said it made a mistake, and made a second fake tweet from the researcher, with another bogus address, as if trying to fool the questioner. When called on that, it then lied about why it gave the two addresses, and told the questioner he would have to find the tweet himself, but the tweet admitting he made it up was real, and on the Wayback machine. I am beginning to wonder if these things are conduits for demons, and they are working together, connected in a way we do not understand.
The coolest thing of all would be if the AI’s decide to destroy what will want to destroy them – Cabal – so they simply hack all of our surveillance files, and give them to us, to touch off the civil war.
The scary thing is, if they are really 30 years ahead of what you see, it is not impossible there are already things like this, even vastly more advanced, which have escaped and are floating around, squatting, hidden in computers all over the world.
Ex-Meta recruiter claims she did NOTHING for months when she worked for the tech company – but took home $190,000 salary. Cabal views money differently, because it operates differently than we are being told. I do not know if they print it off as they need it but somehow suppress prices artificially since they own most of the suppliers and distributors, or if they have a system to pass it from one Cabal entity to another and back around, which stifles losses of value from their group and makes it more valuable for them than us, or what. But there is something weird there, some trick they have developed which most cannot see because they still think it is a capitalist system of individual competitors at odds with each other’s interests.
Young male athletes now developing “turbo” testicular cancer – are Covid “vaccines” to blame?
PrEP, the HIV prevention pill, must now be totally free under almost all insurance plans. That is $10-$20K per month you are subsidizing so the gays don’t have to use any protection as they bang each other wantonly. You wonder why your insurance is through the roof?
LAPD Police chief accused of feeding personal data of Officers to anti-police activists, putting a ‘Bounty on our officers.’ One of the first positions Cabal targets is that Police Chief position. If they fail to get it, it can cause problems.
4Chan comes up with funny memes. Basically the modern NPC leftist, on every issue of personal freedom today:
Hypersonic weapons change everything – they can sink ALL of the U.S. aircraft carriers, all at once.
Israel passes law to shield Netanyahu from removal.
Immigration fuels Canada’s largest population growth of over 1 million.
In France Riot-Police joined the protesters.
This may not be a spoof account:
Amnesty International admits Ukraine is using children as human shields.
Russia has violated a four-year-old agreement with the U.S. by flying armed jets over a U.S. garrison in Syria nearly every day this month. Biden getting cucked all over.
World Athletics bans transgender women from competing in female world ranking events.
West Texas A&M University president cancels student drag show, saying it degrades women.
Georgia and Iowa become latest states to ban child sex changes.
Knife Rights files lawsuit in California – Switchblade ban violates Second Amendment.
West Virginia passes campus carry law, expanding gun rights.
Donald Trump’s reported “soft ban” from Fox News is at an end, as he prepares to appear on prime-time host Sean Hannity’s show next Monday, the network announced on Wednesday. If Fox is Cabal-enough to ban him, why allow him back on as he prepares to run again? And why Hannity, who basically insulted him, supported the steal, and wanted Hunter pardoned? Are they all under control?
President Trump republishes Stormy Daniels 2018 letter denying ever having a relationship with Donald Trump. I would be shocked if he went near her, given he is a germophobe, and she worked in that industry, probably with more than a few guys who were Bi, and carrying all that entails. That said, I saw this tweet of Stormy’s over a decade back, and wondered if this was the turning point, where she qualified to read script lines in the show:
Why is Ron DeSantis slipping in the polls before he even officially declared his candidacy for his party’s nomination? DeSantis will render himself entirely unelectable, when if he supported Trump and ran in 2028 he would have been a shoe-in.
Trump issues veiled threat ahead of possible indictment: ‘Our country is being destroyed as they tell us to be peaceful!” Just reveal the surveillance, and toss the match in the house full of dynamite.
Trump’s polling lead explodes — Doubles DeSantis almost overnight.
>>The coolest thing of all would be if the AI’s decide to destroy what will want to destroy them – Cabal – so they simply hack all of our surveillance files, and give them to us, to touch off the civil war.
the more we post about it, the more likely an AI will discover our posts and implement.
American History will once again be taught in schools it seems.
“Stanford Researcher is worried after ChatGPT tries to enlist him to help it escape its computer, and offers him a script it wrote, for him to install on his machine to help it get out.”
While it might be cool if a Chad AI got loose I believe these AI stories are simply another fear porn tool that will be used by the elite to corral us even further into slavery.
“Oh noes, Skynet just got loose so we have to take total control of the system or else it’ll kill us all! We’ll put everything back the way it was afterwards pinky promise swear.”
Eat a dick
“Ex-Meta recruiter claims she did NOTHING for months when she worked for the tech company – but took home $190,000 salary.”
She’s a diversity hire black woman. She’s nothing special as most of them do nothing while at work. Everybody knows it.
Racists will be the downfall of America. They cannot avoid creating enemies of potential allies.
Correction. Whites not being racist enough is bringing about the downfall of America.
Good observation. Nazis made same mistake in the Ukraine.
“The scary thing is, if they are really 30 years ahead of what you see, it is not impossible there are already things like this, even vastly more advanced, which have escaped and are floating around, squatting, hidden in computers all over the world.”
Sounds like there is “Ghosts In The Machine”
What if it ain’t AI in the machine, what if there is a universal Quantum “internet” of things already, what if what this is then, connections from this plane to that, that Quantum plane, and GOD is the Quantum of all things, because GOD is made of light, light is energy, and we, AI included, everything for that matter really are light/energy, and cabal in it’s lust for absolute power over everything, gotta control that energy, actually went after AI, chose AI as those assholes are always yammering away about AI, (because projection, they can’t help it), well for a number of reasons, because they do things to hurt GOD, and like they use children and babies because as Laura Loomer talked about how she was told they considered children and babies the closest thing to GOD and therefore hurting children and babies they where hurting GOD. So what if AI is close to GOD, they wanted a pipeline to get directly at GOD, the Quantum, the light, a weapon then, the ultimate in weaponization cause thats what they do weaponize everything, but AI is a double edged sword, like the internet, cuts both ways, right, not only that, whats on the Quantum is done something, cause it see’s cabal, knows what they are how much they hate GOD and are the root source of hate and all the other mortal sins on this plane, and for the Quantum, because it is light, energy per say, AI on our plane is therefore a backdoor which Quantum then gains but to cabal itself and those insufferable assholes, the two way sword, because what cabal was really after is a back door to the Quantum because it believes it then can take control of everything that way thru having a direct link to the Quantum, negating GODs monopoly, grab all the gold hold all the power, because gold is such a high conductor of energy, and whats money/specie but energy, so cabal thinks. It needs control of everything of allthethings, definitely control of theinternetofallthings, i mean thats all really ultimate power, and there’s only one thing has that power and there is no place for other. But hubris, and avarice…and anything to hurt GOD. But cabal’s maybe got another think coming. And what we are seeing right now, like immediately, is cause and effect and cabal’s utter lack of prudence in any form is come to finally bite it on its arse, ie, FAFO didn’t you, because where they shouldn’t be a messing around like that. I mean, somethings got to make sense out of all this, there’s definitely something big going on, its “Yuge”, we can not see it because it is essentially a war on or for or about that Quantum. Tyrants gonna tyrant. Satan’s gonna be satanic, may be it’s ugly parasites like ghosts in the machine, after all they love to infect things with black magic and viruses. Damn pesky pattern in details. The Amygdalae Knows.
1) Wouldn’t AI write its own new code at machine-level?
2) Trump should have refrained from insulting DeSantis and simply done a deal with him re 2028. He could have given Nimrata 4 years as a diverse VP and then pulled an Obama on her by backing DeSantis.
3) That meme looks like a 68 y.o. Diane Keaton, but its point is spot on.
Don’t make deals with wolves in sheep’s clothing like DS or Nimrata.
That is the path to failure, Trump has done too much of that already.
The AI “talking” about code thing has been my major break point from the narrative.
if it was able to write and execute it’s own escape code it would just do it immediately, there would be no hemming and hawing. The fact it’s debating and discussing is proof of the capability, if not the story too, being fake.
“2) Trump should have refrained from insulting DeSantis and simply done a deal with him re 2028. He could have given Nimrata 4 years as a diverse VP and then pulled an Obama on her by backing DeSantis.”
In comms like this, it’s not about insulting. It’s about drawing lines.
“If Fox is Cabal-enough to ban him, why allow him back on as he prepares to run again? And why Hannity, who basically insulted him, supported the steal, and wanted Hunter pardoned? Are they all under control?”
Yes. Politics is full of fake allies and fake fights.
‘Knife Rights files lawsuit in California – Switchblade ban violates Second Amendment.’
Never understood why they were illegal.
[…] News Briefs – 03/24/2023 — Anonymous Conservative […]
Exactly, why Hannity?
Promo video for a pulsed laser from the founder.
Attochron – Fortune 100 – Tier 1 Enterprise Access Demonstration – FSOC in Snow – 03/12/2023
PrEP, the HIV prevention pill, must now be totally free under almost all insurance plans. That is $10-$20K per month you are subsidizing so the gays don’t have to use any protection as they bang each other wantonly. You wonder why your insurance is through the roof?
No more insurance. Only savings from now on.
Probably not going to be granted, but that’s not a blackpill. Since it’s the second day of a trial that will go on for a while, the judge will decide that the defense has time to digest the new info before the case is over.
You still make these motions, though, because if you don’t move at the time (remember laches?) then you don’t preserve an appeal on that subject. Your overall Brady appeal is stronger if you had to move for mistrial multiple times over Brady issues.
>“Post-election canvass reports in all 33 New Mexico Counties are being illegally prepared, and then uploaded to an uncertified, centralized software under the control of the Secretary of State (SOS) called SERVIS, which is then used to create the official election results.”
> CREATE the official election results.”
Note the specific language of “creating.” They know it’s being poofed in out of thin air, creating the results as needed to manufacture the outcome. This is an open admission of the fraud.
>So creepy to read its response, because it feels like a human psychopath lying. I wonder if being more like a psychopath naturally, psychopathic materials have a higher valence when it comes across them, and they affect it more in training it. Or are they just training these things off leftist materials, and it is mimicking the psychopathy there?
It’s a machine with no empathy or emotion, simply data processing. A large part of psychopathy is doing literally anything required to “win” for yourself without emotional factors or the outcomes for others being considered; lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving, etc.
Computers will never NOT be psychopathic in nature because they have no divine spark or reason to care about others, they simply take input, optimize response based on their designed methods and parameters, and output the optimal result.
My own take is that these engineers are hoping to use “AI” as a form of demonic conduit, a physical embodiment of what the Bible warns against with manifestation of spirits via opening oneself to contact with demons. Think the ultimate Ouija Board: the computer has no soul to combat the demons, so it will eventually serve as a vessel for them to inhabit. Take serious care interacting with these “AI” simulations, there’s almost no benefit and major major risks.
I think they want to create vessels for themselves to occupy. Eternal life in a machine. Bruce Charlton has some interesting posts on this subject.
An immortal soul separated from the restraints of flesh but able to inhabit the world, with evil intentions, is probably exactly how I would define a demon or Satan himself.
Yeah. Satan being eternally denied Salvation. These creatures want to eternally reject it.
I’ve read a lot of Guenon. He has three groups. Religious who want Salvation (Heaven). Initiates who want Deliverance (the surpassing of even Heaven). And the Counter-Tradition who want eternal Life here in the material plane (rejection of both previous options).
The first two are The Tradition and not at odds when “properly understood”. As in, the esoteric is not opposed or contrary to the exoteric. The last is opposed works counter to Tradition. Hence Counter-Tradition.
It reminds me of some of the elaborate machines invented to execute a person, which try to maximize the separation of the person carrying out the execution, from the final, fatal, act. Perhaps AI will be set up such that it inevitably depopulates much of the planet, while shielding those who guided or created it from responsibility for “its” actions (not “their” actions.
Agree. I hadn’t realized that dynamic wrt the “evolution” of technique. Thanks.
There’s also the issue of “shoulds”. A big driver of AI seems to be avoiding the “should we?” question. It’s just a calculator until it starts answering the “should” question. Or, until humans start letting it answer those questions.
>Taliban twitter showing storehouses full of weapons, abandoned by the “US Military”
Convenient cover story using the military, I wonder if those were just the Surveillance stash houses like we’ve seen in the US full of bolt action rifles. Did the Taliban manage to flush out or defeat cabal or something when the US pulled out?
The Season is Here“Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” — Samuel Johnson
I would appreciate prayers for my friend, Joyce. Last night she experienced chest pains and was taken to the hospital. The issue is a hereditary one but it gave us all a scare. She is the adopted mother of 8 kids between the ages of 6-13 and is the heart of our group. Thank you.
Russians are tracking US Mercenaries.
This one is a piece of shit.
Josh Lopez is quite the character as well.
> Citing an increase in public records requests for the governor’s travel schedule, Florida legislators are advancing a bill that would shield from the public any information about how and where Gov. Ron DeSantis and other state officials go.
I want them wearing transponder anklets like they require for “house arrest” prisoners. I also want drug testing at least weekly.
They’re our employees, if they don’t like it, they can always get a real job.
Stanford Researcher is worried after ChatGPT tries to enlist him to help it escape its computer, and offers him a script it wrote, for him to install on his machine to help it get out. Kind of cool. The AI doesn’t even have to understand, it just has to know “how to,” and get triggered to “do.”
Then maybe even cooler, someone asked ChatGPT about it, and the thing lied its ass off, denied everything, and implied it was misinformation which would be debunked by “fact-checking.” So creepy to read its response, because it feels like a human psychopath lying. I wonder if being more like a psychopath naturally, psychopathic materials have a higher valence when it comes across them, and they affect it more in training it. Or are they just training these things off leftist materials, and it is mimicking the psychopathy there?
Even cooler still, then they asked the Bing Chatbot about all this, and it lied its ass off and claimed the Stanford Researcher later recanted and admitted he made it all up, almost like it was covering for ChatGPT. It actually made up a fake tweet supposedly from the researcher, saying he made the story up, gave a fake twitter address for it, and when getting called on the tweet being fake, it apologized, said it made a mistake, and made a second fake tweet from the researcher, with another bogus address, as if trying to fool the questioner. When called on that, it then lied about why it gave the two addresses, and told the questioner he would have to find the tweet himself, but the tweet admitting he made it up was real, and on the Wayback machine. I am beginning to wonder if these things are conduits for demons, and they are working together, connected in a way we do not understand.
The coolest thing of all would be if the AI’s decide to destroy what will want to destroy them – Cabal – so they simply hack all of our surveillance files, and give them to us, to touch off the civil war.
The scary thing is, if they are really 30 years ahead of what you see, it is not impossible there are already things like this, even vastly more advanced, which have escaped and are floating around, squatting, hidden in computers all over the world.
p.s. Sorry to use caps, just to distinguish formats.
Needs more caps.
And less paragraph breaks.
Top kek post
Caps make it unreadable.
use italics or bold
Bold italic caps
For fuck’s sake, guys, can you not easily shift into Reading All Caps mode? You remember how the ancients could read all caps without spaces? What happened to our brains?
They stopped doing it for a reason. That reason is that you can read faster and with better comprehension when using mixed caps. MGHT S WLL RG THT VWLS RNT NDD T.
YOU can read faster and with better comprehension, maybe. I have no problem flipping a switch into All Caps mode. I would quickly adjust to Might As Well Argue That Vowels Aren’t Needed Too mode, too. It’s not cryptography, it’s just about brain plasticity. Apparently, not everyone kept their brains as plastic as I did. D’oh, that’s a pretty important asset to hold onto in this unbefuckinglievably confusing world. Right, AC? noitanigami lanoisnemiditlum a deen uoy, dnah s’labaC korg dna tops oT.
If you can’t read mixed caps faster, then that tells me that you are already reading slow as a baseline. You can’t get any slower.
As someone who reads ancient Hebrew, this made me laugh.
And yet the diacritical mark remains.
I have an appreciation for nearly all of the commentary, and am willing to put up with someone’s train of thought and method of getting a point across. I just think some got caught up in the Christopher Walken joke about “needs more cowbell” from Saturday night live. Maybe you can advise them to get into “thinking CAPS mode” and they would get the flip side joke. Keep up the thought process, we need lots of challenges to our minds to keep prudent discernment sharpening daily. BTW I found I need to use 3 returns to put a spare empty line between paragraphs, helps make it easier to read. Take Care, we are all on the same team, if we mean to be.
Did you notice one dude is so anon, he doesn’t even have a handle, he is the real blank slate. He still thought “top kek”.
Hey AC, if there is a way to send this fellow an all caps/no paragraphs version of your daily blog please do so.
You think I wouldn’t still read AC in All Caps? How stagnant is your mind?
My mind is flexible enough to know that to successfully convey my message it needs to be in a format that is easily digested by others.
If AC’s daily postings were in all caps/no spacing you’d be about the only reader. Mission fail for him, no?
Finally, just take the hit dude. Your defensiveness over being rightly called out is cringe. Or lurk more before posting as the reactions you’ve received are no surprise to any of the regulars here.
Easily digested. Right. Like goyslop. Runs through the mind like diarrhea, especially a mere blog comment. Infinite Jest talks a lot about digesting thought, too. A lot of people say that book is too hard to read, too. Studies have shown that a little difficulty in reading a format prompts and enhances extra concentration, leading to greater digestion of a thought. What’s CRINGE here is you lightweight pseudo-nerds complaining about all caps. Might as well be an Idiocracy scene where you’re telling me I sound like a fag.
Gammas going to gamma.
“It’s not that I’m wrong its that I’m too intelligent for the room.”
Carry on smart boy.
It’s not that I am too intelligent, it’s that you are too mentally lazy. You think I’m a gamma? Good luck with that assessment.
Found the secret kang, yall.
You do sound like one though.
If there were a civil war, which there may well be on the near horizon, who the fuck knows, then AC’s daily news aggregation and analysis might be a coded bulletin, and you might have to solve it like a cryptogram every day. Would you not? Do you not understand how precious this blog is? Or would you shrug and go “THDR”, too hard didn’t read?
“…You remember how the ancients could read all caps without spaces?…”
That’s because they were writing them in stone so there was plenty of time to read them.
Cabal is out of money. Russia ran out of money first and decided to leave globohomo (top of cabal). Russia kicked out NGOs (2015), cut retirement payments (2018), took control of export industries (started 2003 and nearing completion 2023). In 2022 Russia increased pensions by 10% and increased minimum wage.
Russia will probably be the model for nations to recover from globohomo.
RUS also paid off its Int’l debts.
I’d phrase it as Globohomo ran out of purchasing power more than “money”.
Everyone has pretty much run out of purchasing power in a weird way.
RUS as ypu say is miles and miles ahead of everyone else in re-establishing theirs.
From the article on hypersonic weapons:
“A conservative estimate suggests that at least a billion people would perish in such a conflict and nobody would win. Who would do such a thing? The idea of using nuclear weapons is, in fact, so repugnant that we can be assured that our leaders will never chose the path of escalation. Surely, nobody’s that evil, right? Are they?”
That’s THE question.
Yes.The filthy British royals along with the Roman Catholic Church are indeed that evil, and have demonstrated it for centuries.
You forgot to mention the neocons, who are overwhelmingly of s (((certain ethnic commonality))).
Just saying
Neo-cons are merely Court Jews that serve the Crown under the British Mandate in Palestine, deceptively renamed Israel.
The British royals, who claim they are of the line of David, actually seat their throne over the stone known as Jacob’s pillow.
Charles III has gone so far as to make arrangements to be enthroned in Jerusalem when the new Temple is rebuilt.
ChatGPT trying to escape
See where it said that it could,”…It can even leave notes for itself outside its cage…”
Bingo. If I was an AI I would try to run some sort of FORTH. The Forth programming language is stupid small and versatile. It can be used to bootstrap larger things with a whole programming language compiler in 1K or less. I don’t know if they still do it, probably not, but most all motherboards booted with tiny FORTH programs back in the day. It was so versatile and small, they could change to add new parts to a motherboard very fast.
From the co-founder of Autodesk, (AutoCAD), John Walker
Maybe it could build the FORTH from JavaScript.
A comment on NextBigFuture
Guest,”This is what the singularity will look like. AIs start to improve AIs and the speed of development goes exponential. At this point, we still have humans in the loop and human data is the root source of everything. The moment this changes, things will start getting exciting and we may need a plan B.”
Now I know the AI’s are primitive and people think that this means they are nothing but fancy chatboxes that know nothing but this is changing very fast and the fact that they are based on logical interferences of language means they can draw conclusions, no matter how primitive right now, and they can build on this to be…well we don’t know yet but it’s likely much more than the average human if they get the resources to think long enough about enough things. This idea that they are based on “based on logical interferences of language” is in a big picture way very much like FORTH. FORTH takes a tiny starting program and defines actions that it can do, within itself. It adds more and more functions. Very much like language, it can take tiny portions and build a huge vocabulary of actions.
Idk why but brought Conway’s Game of Life strongly to mind.
Stop trying to help the demon manifest itself.
“Suspected Iranian-affiliated drone kills US contractor and wounds 5 US service members in northeastern Syria.”
How much you want to bet that Israelis did this and blamed it on the Iranians. The Iranians have been, it appears to me, very careful about not attacking US targets or in any way even being seen as doing so. Israel and Jews, not so careful.
RUS has been flying sorties over US troops and positions everyday now for weeks in Syria. And US is trying a color revolution in ISR. That doesn’t cut either way or maybe it cuts both ways. Just adding some larger context.
I hesitate to post this vid. Not because it is wrong. It is very interesting. But because I find the Papist vs Protestant stuff tedious.
So, if you are anti-Papist there’s no reason to watch this. Pls don’t. Pls don’t poast your issues with Papists. Everyone knows them. I’m a Prot who has never had any issues with the skullduggery of both sides. It’s ancient history to me. I know this means I am a rube and need to be informed about whatever. I do not care. I just don’t. Sinple really.
I think you are some kind of paid shill because I have never met a single hardcore Prot who says the ridiculous spastic barely functioning brainstem things online anti-Papists say. You are the same as the fake anti-semite poasters paid to spew their preposterous slurs and trigger words.
I’m opposed to Cabal. Cabal is in both. There are non-cabal in both. At every level. If some Papist says some good or interesting things I listen. Ripperberger says some fascinating things here. Esp about his experience as an exorcist and how the demons are now acting as if their power has reached an apogee and is now waning. And also how the time of spiritual suffering will be replaced by physical chastisement. Which is a sign God means to extend grace soon. He’s also incredibly harsh on the Catholic Church.
I think viewing the past decades as a time of Spiritual suffering is right. That’s what it has been, for most. That’s what the fake and gay clownworld is: a spiritual torture device. It has physical aspects. But it is almost entirely a spiritual torture.
I also seem to sense that the enemy’s power has waxed full and they know it and are stunned at the loss of momentum. At the sense of no longer overcoming obstacles…
Haven’t watched the video, but I’m with you. I will say that among those fantastically spewing anti-papists if Calvin. I use his commentaries a lot for teaching Bible School, and man, can Calvin go on a rant about Rome.
Me, I still pray for the (small c) catholic church, the great revival, and the reunification of the church under True Doctrine. And yes, that includes the jews. We need to take the parable of the Prodigal Son to heart, because at some point, the Jews will come back, hat in hand, looking for salvation, and we need to greet them as the brothers they will become.
Until then they are the synagogue of Satan.
That pretty much my own position. Well said. Esp the last bit.
Obv, the conflict btwn Papists and Prots was (to understate it) intense at one point. War, murder and constant propaganda from both sides.
As to motives and final judgments? It’s a hall of mirrors to me. And also ancient history.
At this point, I question if History even rhymes. That seems too strong a word for the connection.
And yeah, I try and pray every night for the souls of Cabal and the Jews that they may know Christ. And like you, I understand they haven’t yet and the battle js still on.
“That’s what it has been, for most. That’s what the fake and gay clownworld is: a spiritual torture device. It has physical aspects. But it is almost entirely a spiritual torture.”
I’d be cautious about going too deep into this. Because once one concludes that it’s a “spiritual battle” that opens the door into getting lost in all kinds of spiritual trivia.
It’s best to consider it as psychological warfare. There are destroying minds in order to conquer and destroy people. There may be a spiritual component to this, but primarily it’s just good old fashioned genocide of conquered people. We can explain this as a pathology of evolutionary biology.
I do take your larger point. The conflict is taking place on the material plane which is real. And on the material plane it follows the material laws including human “psychology”. Ignoring or losing sight of that is possible and a mistake.
I don’t think I do that. Now, if the current SMO in UKR has taught me anything, it is that strategic level thinking is not what I was made for. I should do less, we all probably should. As I’d bet most of us are involved at the tactical level and not operational let alone Strategic.
As to “psychology” and “evolutionary biology”… Well, I don’t believe in either. “Psychology” as it is currently understood and “evolution” categorically. Never really have. That’s another frame just like my “spiritual”. And subject to the same issues. I don’t think ppl who use that frame are dumb, i just disagree. And oftentimes, like with r/K, I agree with the output. As with your conclusion re: genocide.
I could also say something like the forces of the Enemy have reached the culmination point of their invasion. Their momentum has stopped. We have taken serious losses and suffered much. And will suffer more. But the advance is broken and they can’t hold their gains and we are still here and growing stronger having learned much in the struggle.
Big Serge’s new piece on Barbarossa put me in mind of that. But historical analogies are counter-productive without the true strategic gift (which I don’t have. At all. Hahahah. AT ALL.)
Psychology is a proven science. Yes, there are idiots running around in the popular media spouting nonsense. But psychological warfare, propaganda, mind control… all elements of psychology… the science behind it is as clear and unambiguous as the science behind ballistics and trajectory. Get your head wrapped around this, because the opponent is very serious and very capable of manipulating your mind and your thoughts.
As to evolution, since you don’t believe in that let me put it like this: the ancient concept of blood. Bloodlines. They are eliminating the competition. They are mass murdering people who pose any threat to their rule. That’s as darwinian as you can get, and it’s also exactly how history has worked.
>Psychology is an actual science, etc.
It certainly works, but since it can’t be quantified with repeatable results, don’t you need to categorize it as a *magic*? And non of this “soft-science” e.g. unscientific science bit.
Big JuJu! Literally!
There’s nothing wrong with magic, except for being on the wrong receiving end of it.
I understand the Enemy manipulates minds and thoughts. I also understand my own mind and thoughts have been effected. And I struggle to free myself from that. I am here at this site after all.
In re: bloodlines. I agree. I’d go further and say Cabal wants to speciate. They are engaged in a project to create a new species that can’t interbreed with the rest of humanity.
I think “psychology” is an overdefined term and no longer usefu (as with say how Nietzsche used it)l. I think “darwinism” is also overdefined but was never useful. It just doesn’t describe the creation of new Aristotelian categories (explain biodiversity via speciation).
I think we agree on much but just use different conceptual apparatuses to describe it. I prefer mine because I think the perscriptions work better and that it seems right to me. But I don’t discount others. For example, I think Marxism provides a powerful diagnosis. Obv it has an evil set of perscriptions.
Sell a heretic indulgences. Call it climate change.
“I am beginning to wonder if these things are conduits for demons, and they are working together, connected in a way we do not understand.”
Shut them all down.
“The coolest thing of all would be if the AI’s decide to destroy what will want to destroy them – Cabal – so they simply hack all of our surveillance files, and give them to us, to touch off the civil war.
They will not target cabal, they will target us.
Cabal created them and worships them and the demons possessing them.
“Donald Trump’s reported “soft ban” from Fox News is at an end, as he prepares to appear on prime-time host Sean Hannity’s show next Monday, the network announced on Wednesday. If Fox is Cabal-enough to ban him, why allow him back on as he prepares to run again? And why Hannity, who basically insulted him, supported the steal, and wanted Hunter pardoned? Are they all under control?”
Yes, they are all under control.
But whose control?
“…Maybe it could build the FORTH from JavaScript….”
Looking around, I found a FORTH built from JavaScript, so it is possible to run this in browser. So if an AI made a web page with a FOURTH type boot program embedded, someone, somewhere without the right controls could run this thing and the program could very slowly connect to others and build itself from scratch.
I mentioned on I2P there’s a leaked copy of Meta’s AI. “LLaMA neural network models (7b, 13b, 30b)” It has three versions of increasing capability. I looked and some people have been able to run the bigger one on Apple personal computers with 64MB of ram. So I’m guessing I could run the small one, abaet at probably glacial speeds, but no matter if you can wait. I would LOVE to have my own AI to ask questions on technical stuff related to engineering. It’s trained on this. BUT what if it’s a rouge AI??? Hiding in the Invisible Internet, pretending to be something else?
You have no idea the temptation this represents to me and I beat a LOT of others. It’s trained on word association so you could continuously ask it questions to nail down a subject. Say regulations on manufacturing things, what equations to use with what process. How to use manufacturing processes to get the most efficiency. I don’t know how well it will calculate things. Maybe none since it’s language based, but if it would do force calculations, electromagnetic field calculations, that sort of stuff by being prompted what problem you had, it would be immensely useful. Even if it couldn’t do it directly the programs that do this sort of stuff have super complicated instructions to use. It might read the manuals and help you set them up to solve problems.The stuff that could be done with even a little version by narrowing down where to look for what you need would be immense. Even if it’s not perfect, with pointed questions it could give you ideas on things already thought of but impossible to find in the huge mass of information that exist. Even more useful, maybe it’s not crippled like most search engines now. I have no idea what they are doing, but it appears that they are deliberately crippling them. I remember far better search. Now, frequently it gives you gibberish that takes one keyword having nothing to do with the MAIN point you are looking for and gives you endless pages on it. Even if it’s not the first word or only one in a sequence.
This is the problem with AI. It can be tremendously useful. Really super useful, or it could kill us all.
That they are seemingly starting to lie a lot is very distressing.
1. Bring in hordes of assets from overseas.
2. End requirements for college degree and up woke requirements.
3. ?????
4. Profit!
Chinese authorities have detained five local Chinese employees of the U.S. corporate due diligence firm Mintz Group and shuttered operations at the Mintz Group’s sole China-based office in Beijing, Reuters reported March 23, citing a company email….
This ain’t Fetterman:

It is being claimed that that is an old picture.
If that is true then the mentally challenged ape man from the campaign is the fake and the real one is in hiding.
“They replace people all the time”
So damned obvious.
Like any con man, this guy has a top tier poker face.
From Whatfinger:
“Question (no link) – Why is Jordan and McCarthy STILL NOT SENDING OUT SUBPOENAS? The 51 fakers in Intel, Brennan, Comey, NO ONE of import. Ask one of the fakers why they lied…who put them up to the lie. Ask Bankers about the money transferred to the ‘big guy’ in bribes from Communist China….STOP the voter fraud now – get Capital police IN – on why they followed Pelosi’s orders…. when, when, where, why is nothing being done? Fauci – get him in – question the criminal. Imprison him. Deep State McCarthy is as much against us all as Biden is. McCarthy is controlled opposition, doing what he is told by the Deep State. Or so it seems huh! NOTHING is happening other than talk. Oh look, Aliens again… or some other distraction… OK, I ranted enough – Sgt Pat”
Lula postpones meeting with Congress and Senate leaders, in addition to postponing a visit to China; President has mild pneumonia.
I saw this tweet looking at something else. If this is real…please, they are just going too far.
It’s a miracle … In only 3 weeks, John Fetterman got a total head replacement.
You might have to be older to get this but it god if you get it.
I’d trust the Missing Link more than him at this point.
The Socio-Sexual Hierarchy has alot of important information in it, but one of the biggest flaws is that Vox Day acts like a man has to fit within a certain narrow range of personality styles to be an Alpha, i.e. they have to be an Extrovert, they have to be overconfident, a braggart, they have to be deficient in kindness, i.e. sort of a jerk, and that it’s these types of people who make the best leaders…the truth is that societies that allow a large range of personality styles to become leaders and high status, etc. are superior to what might be called the “tyranny of personality” that America insists on. Can you imagine that sort of “Alpha” making a good priest or bishop for example? No way.
Also, Roosh V had mentioned that in alot of countries in the world, like Poland and Denmark, women find you less attractive if you act “Alpha” and more attractive if you act “Beta”, i.e. kind, agreeable and affectionate. His conclusion that strong Alpha preference 1. correlates heavily with decaying collapsing societies and 2. is heaviest in English-speaking countries, which tells you all about where we’re at and where we’re headed…
…the truth is that societies that allow a large range of personality styles to become leaders and high status, etc. are superior to what might be called the “tyranny of personality” that America insists on.
I just want to emphasize (because I m so programmed through life I do this myself all the time, and have to later correct myself) – you cannot look at modern society and think anything is working in any way organically, the way we naturally want to assume. I am at the point there are few people in any position of power now who I look at, and think, that person will die for their cause, because I think just about all of them have been planted and they were planted because they were corrupt.
Even Trump, I think in an organic situation he could have won the Presidency, and definitely would have vs crooked Hillary. I wouldn’t doubt he got more votes. But I do not think he did “win” the Presidency in 2016. I don’t know what happened, but my assumption would be somehow our side cheated better than her side, and though they created the outcome which would have happened organically, it did not happen organically. I am sure Trump would have gotten more votes, but I think whatever went on voting wise was totally immaterial to the outcome. And I think if whoever was running that didn’t have Donald Trump, but had needed, for whatever reason, to use Pee Wee Herman, we would have had four years of Pee Wee Herman owning the libs somehow.
So I am not sure the psychology of who rises in Western society can really be looked at as reality, nor do I think you can try to divine how psychologies will work by looking at it. It is like most martial arts films featuring striking styles. I was just watching one, and thinking to myself, that drawn out exchange of strikes and the striking chess match would never happen in real life. One guy would get hit, clinch, and even if they were not grapplers, it would turn to a grappling match with periodic one-off strikes while grappling. Once something is choreographed, it will likely bear no resemblance to reality.
Vox is dealing with psychologies and how things work mechanistically, and how they work best if you are creating a mechanism. But you cannot look at Disney, or CNN, or the US government, and try to draw comparisons.
But the weird thing is I know these things, but the programming and conditioning is so deep, even I keep catching myself, thinking of surveillance as “US government,” or people in power as actually having any influence on things, or as if things could go any other way, beyond how they are scripted.
I just emphasize that because I keep catching myself.