News Briefs – 03/23/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Mass shooter in Colorado kills seven, including a Police Officer. Officer was a devout Christian with seven kids who apparently went right in to engage and got hit.

Supposedly the shooter is this local nutjob, but as of now that is unconfirmed. UPDATE – this was wrong, he is a Syrian leftist who ranted about Donald Trump.

Witness interviewed on youtube is wearing his airpods during the interview. His hidden earpieces may have run low on battery, since he had to do other interviews, probably as part of his Freemasonry duties.

Here is a video of a live-streamer who ran up to the store as the shooter was still active inside, so you can see what it looks like around one of these mass shootings as it is happening. Watch just the first five minutes, after reading the following rundown. I’m telling you, the old people in this, just standing in the front door, all blase and relaxed texting on their phone, saying, ‘Yeah, the shooter went in the store, right in there behind me,” as gunshots go off right behind them, or standing around the back of the building with walkers but not moving away to safety, are surveillance, and I would say it is 99.9% they are some form of operational support for the shooting, watching the perimeter for the central control running the operation. I can’t explain exactly what it is I see when I look at them, but they are coverage – I see that all the time. It is almost like they are on a different frequency as they stand there, and it stands out from what you would expect them to look like they are doing and thinking. Ask yourself, if you were an obese, decrepit old geezer, and some dude was popping shots off inside that store, and you had dead bodies strewn about your feet as you stood in the doorway, and a livestreamer nut was screaming in front of you, would you just stand there in the middle of the carnage, looking down into your phone, only pausing to look up saying, “Oh yeah the shooter is right behind me, in the store, he went in right that way over there” as you text away and gunshots go off? Or would you be too busy getting the hell out of there? And there is the old couple in back with a walker. How did they get there, given the store floor level is about four feet higher due to it being a loading dock behind them, and there are no cars anywhere near? Did they walk around back there from the front, with a walker, instead of going to their car? Why aren’t they moving to a car, or at least away from the store, given a shooter could come out a door there at any moment? What are they doing there? And there just happens to be a guy on the opposite side of the back covering the other corner towards them, who walks away from the streamer as he approaches, and another guy with a semi-afro, watching the side, from the back corner up to the front. None of them are rendering aid, they are not seeking cover or concealment, or moving to their car, or even assessing where the shooter might be. They are all just on post, with no sense of danger, and for some reason know they aren’t going to get shot. Notice vehicular units driving through the parking lot too, all throughout it. At least a few of those are support coverage. I will bet if I was in the parking lot and pulled an AR-15 out of my trunk, to sneak around back, go inside and confront the shooter, minuteman style, those people would radio that into control, in its basement control center, and control would get on the shooter’s earpiece to guide him to either meet me or describe to him how to evade me and make it to a new site, based on what perimeter surveillance was telling him about my movements in real time. That cop may very well have been sacrificed just like that to make this a heinous shooting for maximal effect. I will bet this is why we do not see more of these characters offed by armed patriots on the spot. These operations are run under much more controlled conditions, with far more resources than we would believe possible. If I was Police, I would create a procedure to jam all radio frequencies on arrival, so nobody could transmit Police movements out to any control center, or in to the shooter/s inside, whether it was the posted coverage, central control, or this streamer. Though maybe Cabal would not allow that. Also, though it is not impossible he is just a moron, it would not surprise me to find out this “streamer” was assigned to get live video of dead bodies to help the dialog to push for gun control more effectively, which is why he was not more safety conscious. For all we know, his video was live on the main screen in the basement control center and was central to the execution of the event, and it began with him saying, “You’ll see it now.”

The more I look at this in my mind, the more I realize this operation is a hostile foreign force launching a tactical assault on America, so it is not surprising they would follow the blueprint of any tactical assault. When we would grab a warlord in Mogadishu, we’d fly in Rangers to secure the perimeter, while Delta went into the warlord’s compound to commence the assault. The only difference here is no regular civilian knows what this is, so their perimeter security doesn’t need to engage with what is outside, so it can operate covertly, and absent weapons, overt force, and physical capability. Though I wonder if I had walked past the old fat guy at the front door on my way in with an AR-15 to confront the shooter, if control wouldn’t have told him to draw and hit me from behind after I passed, and all you would have heard is the shooter got eight people. People don’t grasp how organized all of this is.

Powell argues that Dominion’s lawsuit against her should be dismissed because she was iterating her legal arguments, and thus her statements were protected legal speech. She is trying to get the case killed quickly and cheaply, presumably. If I were her, I would assume the court system was compromised, and even if I went through the case, got all the evidence in discovery, and make an impeccable case Dominion was corrupt, I could easily still end up losing and having to pay Dominion a billion dollars, given how rigged the system is. We cannot know what is going on, beyond the fact people, such as Trump, were making crazy decisions that purposely put us on this path, so it is clearly somebody’s planned chain of events.

A Department of Justice prosecutor believes that former President Donald Trump could be charged for his alleged role in the Capitol riots.

The wife of a decorated combat veteran who was inside the Capitol suffered a miscarriage one day after the FBI raided their home.

Kamala Harris does not salute the military when she arrives at or steps off Air Force Two, unlike her predecessors former Vice Presidents Mike Pence and Joe Biden who both saluted the military, numerous videos show.

Jen Psaki struggles to explain why migrants get hotel rooms, as the National Guard sleeps on the floor.

On Youtube, Project Veritas gets shocking video out of a migrant facility showing illegals packed like sardines in plastic cells, sleeping on the floor under thin foil blankets.

Illegal immigrants to receive $4.38 billion in stimulus checks according to a new report.

Chamber of Commerce says it is ‘critically important’ for the Senate to pass Amnesty for illegals.

Karl Rove to headline a virtual fundraiser for Never-Trumper Rep. Adam Kinzinger despite sex-harassment allegations. Try finding anything about Kinzinger’s sex harassment allegations on google. All you will see is stories of him calling out other Republican politicians for sexual harassment. He is totally protected, showing google is not controlled by ideologues, but rather by the network.

Biden advisors plan up to $3 trillion more spending on infrastructure, universal pre-K, climate-change initiatives.

California Senators push Biden to set an end date for gasoline-car sales.

A leaked email shows there is a mandatory directive for all agencies to refer to the Biden administration as the “Biden-Harris administration.”

Cuomo accuser’s lawyer calls on AG to end Cuomo’s ‘obvious interference’ with harassment probe. He is trying to contact witnesses, and asking his lawyers accompany them to interviews, to suppress their speech and see what he is up against.

Gretchen Whitmer may soon face Cuomo-like scrutiny over nursing homes, lawsuit plaintiffs say.

There is an underground train system which goes straight from the White House to Camp David. So Biden wouldn’t really need to take Marine One to Camp David, and those videos of him making the flight could just be for public consumption. Those videos could even be fake to get assassins to expose themselves trying to take him out on the lawn.

China is challenging territory of Japan and the Philippines on the sea.

In Britain, a new anti-protest bill raises profound concern and alarm, human rights groups say.

Leaked docs show Obama FTC gave Google its monopoly after Google execs helped Obama get re-elected.

Illinois school district agreed to pay anti-racism speaker $10,500 for 1-hour talk. Not all of these are what they seem. In reality he was owed that cash by somebody. But absent a knowledge of the network, it makes no sense.

Rite Aid apologizes after denying COVID vaccine to 2 illegal immigrants.

Miami Beach cops make 1,000 arrests as rowdy spring break crowds ‘overwhelm’ the city as authorities are accused of racism for extended curfew and state of emergency that black community say targets them.

‘Several dead & others injured’ after huge blast at Government office in China as building collapses on top of workers.

On Youtube, Australia rocked by a sex scandal where Parliament MP’s are caught photographing themselves in sex acts, and bringing in “rent-boys.” They were placed in that position because they exhibited those behaviors in civilian life. And if you ran for office and were smarter, more moral, more decent, and more patriotic, these people would have beaten you handily, and you would likely never have spotted exactly why. This was why.

From here:

Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki says he is racing to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, and precious metals as the economy weakens. The site is a crypto-booster, so it is biased. But I did see on 4Chan an investor who tweeted out that hyper-inflation was coming, he got a visit from SEC investigators, and his next tweet announced he was taking a break from tweeting. I got the impression he was warned.

Mexico heightens interior enforcement to stem mass migration crisis caused by Biden immigration policies.

Medical specialists from the the Philippines are advocating the use of Ivermectin as prophylaxis and treatment for Covid.

The BCG vaccine for Tuberculosis, which has been around forever, offers protection against COVID-19.

President Joe Biden’s job approval rating has slipped three points since Friday as Democrats in the House continue to pursue a range of far-left policy proposals and the Biden border crisis worsens.

Trump defender and former Governor Eric Greitens announces his run for US Senate in Missouri.

Rasmussen finds a majority of swing-voters blame Joe Biden for border rush.

Governor Kristi Noem announces a national coalition to protect fairness in women’s sports.

The Supreme Court rejected an appeal from Facebook requesting the court intervene in a $15 billion class-action lawsuit alleging the firm illegally tracked the online activities of its users when they are not on the platform, thereby violating the federal Wiretap Act law.

Trump looks to take down Raffensperger in Georgia Republican primary. This is good, as he is clearly a Cabal asset. But have no doubt, Cabal had backups in place had Raffensperger come through for us, and pursued voter fraud. There would have been judges, delegates, and others who would have thwarted Raffensperger’s efforts. Perhaps the plan factored in it was futile to fight, and plotted a strategy from there based off a defeat. I am still not sure why they refuse to use the public. Or perhaps they do, but they need things worse first.

President Donald Trump says of Dr. Anthony Fauci, “I listened to him, but I didn’t do what he said.” The most brilliant path possible.

President Trump is warning Republicans that any effort to abolish the Senate filibuster would cause irreparable damage to the party.

Trump says McConnell is ‘hanging by a thread’ as the ‘catastrophic’ filibuster debate looms.

President Donald Trump called into Fox News on Monday morning and tore into Joe Biden.

Former President Donald Trump confirmed news that he plans to launch his own social media platform in the near future.

Spread r/K Theory, because you always ice the sentry first, but you have to do it quietly.

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

Looks like one of their wind-up toys (channeling Patrick Bateman no less) wound up being a dud. For now at least. One of their judges will release him soon so he can try again I guess.

“In July 2020, Vanderburg was arrested in Santa Monica, Calif., for carrying a loaded gun on a beach. Witnesses to that incident told police Vanderburg, who is white, said he was upset with liberals and Black Lives Matter protests.”

Knowing how crazy everything was last summer it’s a good thing this nut didn’t throw more gas on that fire.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
3 years ago

If anybody knows how compromised the court system is, it’s Sidney Powell. I read her book “Licensed to Lie” back in January. She knows EXACTLY how compromised and corrupt the court system is, especially at the federal level. She lived it.

anonymous poster
anonymous poster
3 years ago

High IQ = the leaven of the Pharisees.

Tex, Leo, Vox, all pharisees, think they know better than God.
Neanderthals, they were just one of the beasts created by God.

Man, created by God to rule the world, dominates all the beasts. Bye bye other ‘hominids’ (varieties of monkey beasts).

Reply to  anonymous poster
3 years ago

You’re concern is noted. We’ll just listen to pretty blonde newscasters with room temperature IQs from now on.

anonymous poster
anonymous poster
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Your, not you’re.
Zero concern from me, just some truth.
Pretty blod newscasters, or your pastor, makes no difference if you’re ignoring the Sabbath and eating pig flesh, sinner.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  anonymous poster
3 years ago
Reply to  anonymous poster
3 years ago

Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.”

You do not follow Christ. You follow the dead rituals of the synagogue of Satan.

3 years ago

The biggest thing that makes me believe there’s still a plan and “patriots are in control” is that Trump and his family aren’t fleeing for their lives right now if not already taken out. He’s playing golf, talking shit about RINO’s and how badly Biden is doing. Not the kind of things you’d expect him to be doing if it were a total loss.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Or, Trump was backed by some gray hats/MilitaryIntel, but once in office preferred listening to his daughter and her goofy husband, and proceeded to surround himself with backstabbers and traitors, and so the MilitaryIntel guys withdrew their support and threw him to the wolves without backup, hence Trump being left to twist in the wind even after winning in a landslide.

They realized they couldn’t accomplish their goals with Trump at the helm.
Trump didn’t know how to swim in the deep end , so they let him drown.

Unfortunately, heritage America has been left to drown as well.

Make America Free Again
Make America Free Again
Reply to  Anon
3 years ago

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton known U.S. intel operatives going back to the 60s. Both still talking shit, playing up race war, and race baiting to this day. Also, both friends and benefactors of Donald Trump right up until he rode down the escalator in 2015.

All of sudden, once Trump 2016 began? Al Sharpton is bragging how he had been fighting Trump for 20 years. It was lie as all these types do. Trump had contributed million$ to both Jackson and Sharpton for decades.

Trump, Jackson, and Sharpton have a long history with U.S. intel. Therefore, the plan you speak of is for Cabal to keep playing Americans like fools.

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Reply to  Anon
3 years ago

Certainly Trump believes he is safe. He believed he was going to be re-elected, too.

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3 years ago

“We cannot know what is going on, beyond the fact people, such as Trump, were making crazy decisions that purposely put us on this path, so it is clearly somebody’s planned chain of events.”

Trump finished up his four years with teams of crazies making crazy allegations of vote fraud, all obviously true and all still unsubstantiated. That sounds like the standard Cabal playbook, with the truth obscured by calling it conspiracy. Some of the crazies, like Powell perhaps, are going to get burned in the process. The intent was probably to poison the legacy and to discredit the obviously true allegations of fraud at the same time.

Make America Free Again
Make America Free Again
3 years ago

On this latest mass shooting, per the previous 50 to 100 mass shootings:

1. this will be treated as another hoax like almost all the others.

2. was the fema, fbi, any other alphabet soup agencies, and/or the locals running one of them drills we are always hearing about.

3. the blood on the guys leg could have been real but it could have easily been faked; there was no obvious injury and he was walking ok.

4. the claim was bodies strewn all over the place; the same claim as sandy hook which photos of have never been published.

5. all grocery stores today have video surveillance without exception; until they show it i’m calling this a hoax.

6. notice how the ar-15 was named but not the suspect; as though the weapon is the criminal not the individual; not a coincidence.

6. the harris administration needs to take eyes and ears off the border; this is just the 1st of what may become many more attempts.

Conclusion: this will be called a hoax until proven otherwise. As will all future dramatic events that the police state can use to impose tyranny.

David S.
David S.
3 years ago

You did notice that the article about the White House tunnel to Camp David was a fake, a parody site, and that the “tunnel map” was strikingly similar to the Metro subway system map, down to the colors (I took the Green Line to the office for some years) with fake labels. Seriously, guys!?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I’m enough of a transit geek to look into this.

My vote is that this is a parody site, but its very cleverly done, and its designed to be a realistic parody.

First, a good much of the supposedly civilian infrastructure in the USA was in fact built for the military, or at least intended to be dual use from the start. The interstate highway system and most airports fall into this category. Given how much money the federal government has dumped in to the DC metro, and how deep underground it is, I find the thing being designed to also function as a nuclear fallout shelter and a means to travel between various government installations in the DC area to be completely plausible.

Second, it wouldn’t surprise me at all to find out that the TV image of the Prez taking off in a helicopter to go to Camp David is a photo opt, and in fact he is either driven there, at night or in an unmarked car, or he takes a different helicopter at another time. This would make sense for security reasons. I actually don’t understand why the schedule of the Prez and VP are publicized in advance.

The joke part is the extension of the DC Metro Red Line to Camp David. The Red Line goes to Gaithersburg, MD (the Metro is more of a commuter train than an urban mass transit system), about 20 miles away from DC. It is about 40 miles further to Camp David, which is in the mountains, so while not technically impossible, an extension this far would be prohibitively expensive. Also, urban and commuter rail systems almost always run above ground once they get out of the center city, and I remember the Red Line being no exception.

3 years ago

Powell argues that Dominion’s lawsuit against her should be dismissed because she was iterating her legal arguments, and thus her statements were protected legal speech.

She’s pretty safe. The court system is NOT willing to jettison Judicial Privilege just to get Powell on a civil verdict. If attorneys were liable for libel every time they said anything derogatory about the people they were suing, the class action plaintiffs bar would be dead tomorrow, and (((they))) are NOT going to let that happen.

If there was no Judicial Privilege, Crumb would be liable every time he talked shit about the cops on TV and alleged they killed the suspect.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

The court system just got done jettisoning elections.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

Because they aren’t elected.

3 years ago

There is an underground train system which goes straight from the White House to Camp David.

The source for that is a satire site. Semi-officially the white house train only goes to Raven Rock. Unofficially, I think that the DUMB tunnels are more likely than not, and hooking Camp David into those tunnels would be certain. They just wouldn’t use them for public movement, because that would expose their existance.

Make America Free Again
Make America Free Again
3 years ago

“A Department of Justice prosecutor believes that former President Donald Trump could be charged for his alleged role in the Capitol riots.”

It’s a farce. Trump45 is one of theirs and they are just trying to maintain his credibility with the street. They know the people hate them and don’t trust them and… by constantly attacking Trump it makes him look like one of us.

DoJ is simply boosting the Trump Brand by doing this. The way 45 operates he will parlay this into financial gain. He always does.

Bill Clinton42 played like he was an Eastern Elitist even though he was born and raised in Arkansas.
George Bush43 played like he was a native Texan when he was born, raised, and educated in New England.
Barack Obama44 played like he was a native Chicagan when he was born and raised in Hawaii allegedly, suspected of being born in Kenya, and allegedly educated at Harvard.

All these POTUS’s are actors. Good actors too. Their job is to fool the people into believing they care. They don’t.

And they all without exception have ties to the intelligence world that go back a minimum of 20 years before they are installed. It’s like you literally have to work for intelligence a generation or more before you are allowed to even speak publicly about running for the high office.

Trump is not one of us because neither he nor any in his family have ever been forced into the slave schools. Trump is just another aristocrat playing a role in the theatre of American politics.

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Reply to  Make America Free Again
3 years ago

“Trump45 is one of theirs and they are just trying to maintain his credibility with the street. ”
That’s not impossible. It would explain why he sees no need to flee.

Reply to  Make America Free Again
3 years ago

Trump’s role is to become the most hated man in America? He’s playing a position that vindicates all the Leftists and NeverTrumpers, while making enemies out of the deplorables by fooling them.

Who would take such a role? And if intelligence decides to pull a Navalny on him, then what recourse does he have?

And we always go back to the basic question: why would the deep state bother with this whole Trump operation to begin with?

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Make America Free Again
3 years ago

AC needs to take the above comment to heart.

It might not be the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but it’s damn close.

Make America Free Again
Make America Free Again
3 years ago

“On Youtube, Australia rocked by a sex scandal where Parliament MP’s are caught photographing themselves in sex acts, and bringing in “rent-boys.” They were placed in that position because they exhibited those behaviors in civilian life. And if you ran for office and were smarter, more moral, more decent, and more patriotic, these people would have beaten you handily, and you would likely never have spotted exactly why. This was why.”

Where there are homosexuals there are pedophiles.
Where there are pedophiles there are whores.
Where there are whores there are homosexuals.
They travel in packs and are inseparable.

This is why they are condemned as immoral and have been illegal for most of history. They always as a group seek power because from positions of power is the only way they can freely exist in any society. Once they achieve this end they destroy nations by pushing their perversions down everyone’s throats including the churches and the children. They leave no exceptions.


It’s happening right now across the entire west. Romans:1:32 states, “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”

They will not let decent people be. They literally enjoy corrupting those who would otherwise not be involved in their perversions. Thus, they constantly recruit, coerce, entice, bribe, rape, and do anything they can to bring others into their fold.

They use Capture Theory to take control of organizations including whole nations. Capture is where they all collectively work to get a selected one of their group into a position of power/authority. Then… that one starts hiring and selecting only perverts like his/herself until… they are in full control.

The United States Corporation, the MSMs, and most of the intel networks are examples. They are also really strong in management and ownership of the all the major sports leagues. High Society in general.

Marcus Cincinnatus
Marcus Cincinnatus
Reply to  Make America Free Again
3 years ago

Whores have been legal for much of history and in many societies, including in the American Old West. Whores aren’t without sin, but please explain the connection to the other two groups.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Marcus Cincinnatus
3 years ago

Hetero whoring is currently illegal — at the same time that every genderbending travesty and perversion is encouraged, if not demanded — because it’s hoped this will turn many marginal males into faggotry, And, of course, because it’s sexist!

Make America Free Again
Make America Free Again
Reply to  Marcus Cincinnatus
3 years ago

Your premise is a lie. Whores i.e. prostitution has been illegal throughout most of history. At various times the prohibition has not been enforced such as boomtowns where there are no children, married women, or families. But full of a bunch of desperate men who will do OR PAY anything for a sniff.

Each time those communities started to sprout families prostitution was quickly banned and shut down. That crap you see in those Wild West movies is not history. Those are highly embellished images of the Old American West.

Reply to  Make America Free Again
3 years ago

Your premise is a lie. Whores i.e. prostitution has been illegal throughout most of history.

Nope. Prostitution has been a social, not criminal problem for the vast majority of history. Prostitution in America was legal until the early 20th century. Individual cities would ban it or restrict it to red light districts (like most of the Wild West towns, in fact) but it was more like the way that tanneries and candlemakers were treated. They were a public nuisance that no one wanted to live next to, but not a crime. Move them away from respectable families (and preferably someplace where a respectable man couldn’t go without being spotted by the gossip crowd) and be done with them.

The temperance movement (the same unfuckable hags that gave us prohibition and thus organized crime and corrupt cops) started the White Slavery lie that led to the Mann Act, and within 10 years of the Mann Act all the states had prohibited prostitution except Nevada.

Banning prostitution was certainly good for organized crime, though, because it took the business away from Madams and turned it over to pimps. Then white slavery became real.

If I were king, I would have serious penalties for whores, but that doesn’t change the reality of history.

3 years ago

Supposedly the shooter is this local nutjob, but as of now that is unconfirmed.

Shooter turns out to be anti-trump, pro-ISIS muslim. It’s already on its way down the memory hole.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Of note:

Alissa’s brother, Ali Alissa, told The Daily Beast his brother was deeply disturbed, “very anti-social” and paranoid. In high school, he would say he was “being chased, someone is behind him, someone is looking for him.”

Ali Alissa told the Daily Beast his younger brother acted strangely, and said they “didn’t know what was going on in his head.”

“When he was having lunch with my sister in a restaurant, he said, ‘People are in the parking lot, they are looking for me.’ She went out, and there was no one. We didn’t know what was going on in his head,” Ali Alissa said.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Seems like he was getting stalked by the gaybal machine. They turned him into a wind-up toy.

Curiously there was a shooting here in Portugal today too (rare stuff), but it was because cops where called into a bad neighborhood that had lots of non-deadly violence happen there, but someone started to shoot at the police when they arrived there after getting called because people were beating the shit out of each other in the street for some reason.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago

Barricade Garage on the recent very talked about shooting:

3 years ago

Megaship Blocks All Traffic In Suez Canal After Running Aground In Bizarre Incident

Idiot or sabotage?

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago
3 years ago

Boulder, CO of all places, and we know what happened with CO

This glows as bright as the sun

OTOH, if it was jihadi maybe not

Idk, this timeline is weird

3 years ago

comment image

The eyes…its always in the eyes

Shooter & his Amydala in the photo link