Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
I recently purchased two drones from different manufacturers for different purposes. They were linked to the remotes indoors, and both were taken out on different days to my backyard, midway within the 80 feet or so between my house and the house which, in the thermal, it appeared was emitting the beam which heated the aluminum foil over me and began the spattering noise. It is a grass ground, with no metal under it like piping or wiring. Both drones initially were locked by the controllers, which popped up warnings of “magnetic field interference,” directing me to move the drone away from the source of the magnetic field, or calibrate the drones in its presence. I tried moving the drones all around the yard between my house and the other house, a space about 60 feet by 140 feet, but the warning persisted and eventually I had to perform the calibration procedures, with the DJI remote directing me to spin the drone 360 degrees around its axis in a couple of different directions, and the Autel remote directing me to move the remote in a specific figure 8 motion. Both procedures resolved the problem, and the drones were subsequently usable, but I am curious if anybody has any ideas whether that is common, or if that fault, when starting a drone, would be probative in any way. I would imagine at a normal house or yard, they would simply have taken off.
Also, I now have the ability to get precise industrial grade temperature readings off of surfaces and do thermal mapping. If anybody sees a way to use that ability on transformers or electrical wires to monitor current flow through them for use in locating the beam source, I would welcome any assistance in understanding anything I should look for, as in what might be significant or noise, and so forth. Should a transformer, viewed in a full color spectrum pallet look some specific way, and would a fake transformer look different?
I also notice, strangely, all the neighbor’s transformers appear a flat, uniform gray, apparently from paint, as if new, but mine is now fully rusted, to the point I would not be surprised to see a breach of the outer shell, with absolutely no paint visible. I have wondered if that bears any significance.
Trump releases JFK files, historians note there is no search functionality, the documents have not been OCR’d, and there is no index telling them where stuff is. Verdict so far is nothing new, but will take days to fully parse. 30,000 more pages coming tomorrow though.
Gateway Pundit does some of the highlights found so far.
Juanita Broadrick says she was swatted.
38K Chinese Illegal Aliens Living in U.S. Despite Being Ordered Deported.
Brandon Gill has publicly called for Ilhan Omar to be deported and sent back to Somalia.
Pete Hegseth slashes 60,000 Pentagon civilian jobs in massive purge sending shockwaves.
Biden appointed Judge, Ana Reyes, just blocked Trump’s ban on transgender military service.
Republican who recently introduced a bill that would declare “Trump derangement syndrome” a mental illness is busted trying to hire a 16 year old prostitute. He rose to where he was because surveillance knew he was doing that. And the dumbass either dumbly thought he could oppose Cabal, or he has done mush worse, and was given this script to act out, and felt relieved people would not know what a real degenerate he is.
We are saving Israel for last:
Hamas protest organizer at Columbia turns out to likely be a British Spook. So a character in the play acted out for the nation, who was the basis of an act by the administration which curtailed speech, and which was supposedly an attack, was actually a theater kid too. I think they do those things as a message to others, and to psyop them, so the “victim” they do it to is also one of them because they can control the resistance you see as well.
Radars Deployed To Mexico Border To Detect Cartel Drones. Drones are undoubtedly the future of warfare.
Ukrainian sniper takes out Russian drone. Interesting in that the Russians are using DJI Mavic 3’s, in this case the Classic, which as an over .55 lb drone should be broadcasting Remote ID. Since the Russians are sophisticated, it is a safe bet they have a way to jailbreak the firmware to eliminate the Remote ID broadcast, which among other details, broadcasts the operator’s/remote’s exact GPS location for use by law enforcement in cases where the drone is being operated where it should not be, like over an airport. Lots of Ukie drone operators supposedly were killed early on, being unaware that as they deployed over .55lb drones, the Russians were picking up the Remote ID signal, and sending artillery to the GPS locations of the operators. Also the Ukrainian used thermal, which is smart as you cannot see those drones at higher altitudes with optical light. So if you want to use thermal drones in CWII (all of which are over .55lb), you will need Russia’s trick to kill the Remote ID broadcast, and if you want to be able to scan the sky for drones tracking you, you will probably need 640×512 thermal on hand, to catch that heat signature.
“The strike was fatal”: Russian drones destroy Ukrainian oil refinery.
Fifth Circuit Gives Trump Opportunity to Act on Suppressors.
Send people to, because freedom never rests
> Trump releases JFK files, historians note there is no search functionality, the documents have not been OCR’d, and there is no index telling them where stuff is.
All that means is that the FBI just turned over “boxes-O-stuff” without an index. Bondi probably had to throw a lot of manpower at the files just to vet them for “national security.” Not much time there for OCRing and indexing.
The Feebs probably had an index, but that would be an FBI-generated document *about* the files, not part of the specified JFK documents. The index likely went to the shredder or secure delete.
And, really, who would trust the Feds’ work on either? How many readers would be going through comparing every image to every OCR page, and reading the text to make sure everything got properly indexed? And they could blame any discrepancies on rushed work or sabotage.
Hey y’all … are you “sticking to your personality profile assignment”?
> Pitzer was found dead
Jim Garrison, a Lousiana prosecutor, ran his own investigation based on Oswald’s pro-Cuba activities. Unlike the disaster of the Warren Commission, Garrison treated it as any other criminal investigation, documenting things in excruciating detail. A lot of people don’t care for Garrison or his work, but he had photos or depositions to back up almost everything he wrote.
He finally called off his investigation because way too many times, when he would subpoena someone for a deposition, they’d wind up dead. And these were people only peripherally involved in Oswald’s brief activities in Louisiana; no real connection to the assassination, as far as he was able to determine.
Monty Python, we have a classic skit for you as Vox Day comments on Hungary’s gay parades ban:
“It’s rather remarkable that Clown World succeeded, even briefly, in openly celebrating sin in this regard. Although I suppose both the Sloth and Gluttony parades were always going to be a bit challenging, while the Autism parade simply never got out of the very, very detailed planning stages. In any event, it’s good to see Clown World being methodically pushed back on every side.”
Judges can create Legal precedent. However, they have no authority to over-rule the executive where the no law is breached.
Time to impeach the stay behind judges.
> Navy … pistol … left-handed
Unfortunately, the US military really, *really* doesn’t like left-handed shooters. How much varies by branch and decade, but typically they forced people to shoot right-handed. Sometimes if their scores were bad enough they were allowed to shoot left-handed, but at other times they were simply washed out.
Here in the Year of Our Lord 2025 the US military *mostly* allows people to shoot left-handed, but you’ll still be issued a right-handed firearm, as the US military hasn’t bought into the “ambidextrous” thing like some countries have.
Anyway, for a guy whose Navy career spanned the late 1940s to 1966, I wouldn’t see anything unusual about him shooting right handed, no matter what hand he wrote with.
> wet affairs
Shortly after the USSR collapsed and the KGB was reconstituted as the SVR, the Federation started selling access to the old KGB files in exchange for hard currency. The CIA and FBI bought a lot of information from the Federation, just to be able to close a bunch of open files.
Naturally, the SVR wouldn’t release anything that would affect Russian national security, but they provided files on Alger Hiss (yes, he was a Russian spy) and the Rosenbergs (ditto), probably with the idea that “the Soviets did it, not us.”
If they were involved in the JFK assassination they might not have released the files, but they FBI would almost certainly have made a request for any Soviet files related to that, and there should be records of the requests, both here and at the SVR.
Even if the Yeltsin government denied involvement, that was more than thirty years ago. Most Americans weren’t even born in 1963; that’s ancient history. Maybe Kash or Don ought to make another request to the SVR; Vlad is in a position where unsealing the files (if any) would be a gesture that would mostly be politically helpful to the Federation.
> Pete Hegseth slashes 60,000 Pentagon civilian jobs in massive purge sending shockwaves.
Interestingly, Wikipedia says “About 23,000 military and civilian employees work in the Pentagon, as well as about 3,000 non-defense support personnel.” says: 20,000
Reader’s Digest ( 26,000
The 60,000 number doesn’t match well to the previously-accepted number of people working at the Pentagon. They have ~40,000 “work from home” people?
Hopefully these aren’t more of those “phantom employees” that seem to be able to draw checks despite not existing.
> The Trump administration is taking steps to reinstate thousands of probationary federal workers who were fired in an effort to downsize the government, according to court filings in one of two cases where judges deemed the terminations unlawful.
“Welp, the judge says you have to be re-hired. But your old job doesn’t exist any more. Budget cuts and DOGE mean we’re out of those nice “do nothing and get paid” jobs, but we have some openings in the US Customs and Border Protection, we can even give you your choice between Texas and Alaska. You didn’t know we have CBP in Alaska? Yeppers, we surely do. Yes, it surely does get cold up there.
And you’re welcome to apply to any branch of the armed services, assuming you can meet the requirements. No, you don’t qualify for moving expenses; as far as we’re concerned you’re a new hire. No, no seniority for new hires. Fairs are where they sell cotton candy; this is the government. We don’t do fair.”
> Republican who recently introduced a bill that would declare “Trump derangement syndrome” a mental illness is busted trying to hire a 16 year old prostitute.
Face it, Congress isn’t exactly filled with “the best and brightest.”
That’d be prison and the sex offender list, then. Too bad.
> A technology mogul based in Spain, who sits on the board of the German company that owns the American media outlet POLITICO, publicly admits that he is using his position to influence the corporate news outlet’s reporting to align with his personal political views.
Well, DUH!
If he owns enough of the company to make them print his views, he’s no different from Bezos, Murdoch, or the dudes who published the Volkischer Beobachter, Brdzola, or Il Popolo d’Italia.
> Radars Deployed To Mexico Border To Detect Cartel Drones.
Yet, for half a century much less capable radars to spot light planes were completely out of the question.
> safe bet they have a way to jailbreak the firmware to eliminate the Remote ID broadcast
You don’t need to jailbreak them. That’s what the SVR is for.
“You will give us the source code. And you will keep your mouth shut, unless you want your children to be sent to a whorehouse in Thailand. Are we clear on this? Da. I am glad you are sensible in this matter.”