Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
Musk did a podcast with Ted Cruz, noting there were twice as many credit cards in some departments as there were employees, with millions of credit cards, each with a $10,000 limit, and a lot of departments bought thousands of software licenses, presumably from companies like Microsoft, but not one employee ever logged in to use the software:
Full interview here. More:
Stephen Miller calls Former FBI counsel Andrew Weissman a ‘moron’ and a ‘degenerate.’ Possible reference to a blackmail file on him which was what allowed him into such a high position in FBI?
Article III Project, War Room and Rep. Brandon Gill move to Impeach Obama Judge Boasberg.
I slept out of water as part of an experiment recently. I have done so maybe three times since I began sleeping underwater last March. It is odd, because I almost get the feeling the beaming is by an AI or something, because I will lay back, and under the shielding around my head, it is like one of those science fiction shows, where the heroes are in some city protected by an energy shield, and alien battlecruisers are raining fire down on the shields. All over the shielding around my head, in this case the interior portion, which was the lead blanket, as if coming from an arc of about 90 degrees around me, it sounds like a cacophony of impacts from BB guns, so aggressive the individual impacts simply sound like a rapid spattering. It goes that way for a minute or two when I first lay down, and then dies back. From then on, every turn or body adjustment triggers a spattering for twenty or thirty seconds, and then it dies off over ten seconds or so. But it is every time I move, so either somebody is watching me assiduously, or, it feels more likely, it is somehow automated.
Anyway, with respect to this article, I can do eight hours like that, and despite the protection, wake up tired and groggy, and spend that day dull and sluggish. Or I can sleep just two to four hours underwater, and wake up clear and refreshed, at least until I sit in one spot, and the beaming begins.
We are going to find we evolved to sleep in a primitive state of nature, for very short periods under adverse environmental circumstances, and wake up refreshed and highly capable. I suspect the present condition, of needing seven to nine hours of sleep for most people, will be traced to malfeasance harming them as they sleep, purposely, so they will be less capable on awakening. New Scientist kind of agrees:
The United States Department of Defense has confirmed the deployment of three aircraft carriers towards the Middle East. Some think we will attack Iran.
US to hold Iran directly responsible for any further Houthi attacks, Trump says.
“The thing that the Russians are very good at is electronic warfare,” Prince stated, emphasizing that advanced American weaponry, such as Javelin missiles, HIMARS, and Copperhead guided artillery shells, often become ineffective within weeks. “It works for a week or two, and the Russians figure how to jam the navigation or the command link, and the stuff goes blind.”
“First of all, don’t listen to the idiot politicians that say, yeah, we’ve degraded the Russian army. No, we have chewed up a lot of material. The Russian army has gotten infinitely smarter.”
He pointed to the rapid improvements in Russian counter-artillery capabilities, contrasting the response time between early 2022 and now. “If you shot at a Russian, with artillery in March or April of 2022, it would take them an hour and a half to shoot back accurately. Now, about two minutes, which means if you shoot at them, you better be in your vehicle and hauling ass because they’re going to get you otherwise.”
A presidential decree issued by President Vladimir Putin has granted an American hedge fund permission to trade in the securities of Russian firms, loosening previously imposed sanctions as relations between Russia and the United States thaw. Americans investing in Russian success. You can imagine the response of Zelensky, now stripped of American support and funding.
RIP Mark Klein, the engineer who exposed US domestic spying ops after wiring it up.
This is a dude who would not make any money were there no conspiracy, and he is sensing the party may be over:
Ystdy I posted about how shocked and border-line demoralized I was about DJT picking a m’f-ing SAS guy as his chief of private security. And then there was this
“reply from user Adrian Dittman:
That guy is legit. Coincident timing but last week I just came across his name for the first time.
He basically single-handledly put down some “terrorist” attack in Kenya that I barely remember. Balls of steel.
Some cool YouTube videos out there about him and the incident.”
God in Heaven. So the SAS(!) guy has recently been pumped by Cabal algo and is a “hero” for “single-handedly” fighting off a “terrorist” attack? I’m just assuming said terrorist attack was from “jihadis” who were Cabal proxies run by either CIA or City of London (as all “jihadis” are). Miles-Mathis-laser-eyes dot png
This is suicidal by DJT if true. But, this DJT dude does things that look absolutely bonkers to me and keeps racking up W’s. So, idk. God Speed with the SAS bodyguard DJT.
In regards to the article about sleep: a year ago doing research on my own sleep difficulties I found out about biphasic sleep and there’s not a lot of research on it but apparently we used to have first sleep until around midnight, then get up for a few hours of chores or whatever, and then second sleep went for a few hours. With my AC thinking cap on I wondered how this fundamental condition could have been changed and for what purpose. Did we invent the light bulb and say ok, no more first sleep, second sleep, we will just power through 8 hours? Or does the new sleep cycle help slow us down and degrade us?
I no longer worry about sleeping all night, two to four hour sleep sessions then I’m up for eight to twelve hours. I’ve gotten enormous amounts accomplished in ‘the middle of the night,” over the last year.
The updates today were overwhelming. Most v positive!
The info DOGE is revealing has me totally convinced that the vast majority of these “stolen” USDs were never deployed into the economy and are just being held/stored somewhere outside visibility (but maybe not idk their location could be another open secret in DC).
“Hyper-inflation” gets used a lot. But, it means that a de facto non-industrialized economy has a relatively massive amnt of currency in circulation and the disparity between the amnt of currency and the number of things to buy is increasing “exponentially” either throught increasing de-industrialization and/or increasing amnts of currency. “Nothing to buy and all the currency in the world”. This must be coupled with an inability/unwillingness to remove currency via taxation.
Historically, this is what the consensus occasions of “hyper-inflation” had in common. CSA, ZIM etc
Based on this, I thought it possible the US would enter a true “hyper-inflationary” period. We are de-facto de-industrialized and the USGov was allegedly injecting huge amnts of USDs into circulation. And the IRS, despite the appearance, is almost entirely without the ability to extract USDs in meaningful amnts. True, they take USDs from us plebs effectively. But, that’s a relatively small amnt. Hard to believe, but true. The large pools are outside their ability to see or tax.
But, we haven’t seen “hyper-inflation”. The clearly onerous and large price increases are sector dependent and not at “hyper-inflationary” lvls. Gas is not historically abberational!
I’m open to counter-args, but the only thing I see is that the vast majority of these USDs are simply being held outside the “system”.
They aren’t in the global economy either. There is a constant complaint by nations that they have to scratch and do absurd things to gather USDs before engaging in trade. And the global economy is not booming at all. The opposite.
China clearly holds a massive amnt of USDs that they havr acquired over the decades. Idk maybe a quadrillion? And that’s a huge massive Nat Sec issue. As, those USDs can be deployed in hijinks aimed at disrupting the US domestic economy.
I don’t think China comes close to explaining the missing USDs though. I think there are still un-counted vast sums out there just sitting…..
On 4chan last night, but not confirmed anywhere else, was that we sunk an Iranian Signals Intelligence ship.
Anyone else see or confirm this?
In re Nayib Bukele’s religious context. Seems personally of Christian background but father was apostate and became devout Muslim. Wife has “jewish roots” (of course she does). Dude is hard-core Chabad like Bolsonaro and Milei and unlike Sheinbaum.
Kanye West made a couple tweets today that to me looks like he’s confirming he had his mother sacrificed for his career. › news › article-14382627 › truth-bizarre-trump-mar-lago-goat.html
Mar-a-Lago goat has sparked outrage from Christians – Daily Mail
“Internet Reacts to Golden-Hoofed, Trump Cash-Covered Goat Idol “
I’ve posted before about the constant midnight to 530am drive bys if I go outside of my house in the middle of the night. I live in a town with a population of 1500. It is odd to see any traffic at night. My street can be busier at 2am than it is at 3pm, if I go outside. Those things have stopped since both my dogs died, I have theories about what happened to them. Anyway, now I hear a vibration, I don’t feel it I hear the hum of it. I’m assuming with my large dogs out of the way it has been easier to tap me. As a young girl, my dad talked to me about surveillance. I thought he was ridiculous, I realize now he was warning me. In school, I was a mediocre student. I was moved out of class in 4th grade, and not allowed back in. I got to go to school, I just had to sit in the hall 7hrs a day. The teacher said I talked too much, but it wasn’t me talking. My dad would have whooped me if I disrupted other’s learning. 22 years after high-school, at age 40, I went to college. During which time, I found out I have a decent IQ(135), and I stayed on the dean’s list. It never occurred to me I was being purposely held down. Keep on spreading the word, this site has opened my eyes a lot.
We have all been hit, because this thing needed to hit us to keep draining 80+% of the national treasury. I am sorry it happened to you, but we are lucky enough to get to live through the takedown. There have been a fuckload of us over the previous decades who were suppressed, gangstalked, harassed, and beamed, and who went to their graves, never finding out even what was behind it all. I truly believe we will see this taken down, aired out, and maybe even justice served.
And we have all found each other along the way, for which we should all be immensely grateful.
Hang tough, the light is at the end of the tunnel, and we are coming up on it fast.