News Briefs – 03/17/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Vox Day expands on a comment here:

The world you live in is not the world in which you were taught to believe, a world that is purely material, in which Science determines truth, in which free and democratic elections establish governments, where Accidents and Great Men dictate the course of history, in which the press is the Fourth Estate holding governments accountable, and in which America is a noble idea rather than a nation comprised of the posterity of the American revolutionaries…

But the truth is coming out. And the secret army of the wicked are terrified and desperate, because they know full well that they merit even less mercy than the Romans showed Carthage, than the Reconquistadors showed al-Andalus, or than the Conquistadors showed the Aztec Empire.

What they have done to Americans is worse, far worse, than anything the National Socialists ever did, and continued for far longer. One way or another, judgment is coming for them. And eventually, an even more final judgment will be pronounced upon them, in a court in which no advocate will speak for them.

This is true. And it is worth noting, from all I have seen, they seem to think substantially differently from us, which I think will make the panic far more pronounced, meaning there may be more fireworks than we would think, using our own thought processes to model the conspiracy’s end. I have written before about them laughing at me, when they were riding high. I literally would be looking in a mirror, wondering how it was I looked funny, because over and over, I would walk in somewhere, and people who were there would look up at me, and laugh reflexively when they saw me.

I spent my youth in fights, which were now obviously set up by this thing. But at the time, they seemed to arise out of nowhere, with no rhyme or reason behind them, so I had adapted to, everywhere I went, expecting violence and wearing a game face to meet it. It did not feel like people should have been laughing reflexively when they saw me. But they were. I can only conclude they were laughing at how clueless I was, being smart, and yet having fully bought all of the lies, and being fully under this thing’s thumb, being beamed every night, with no clue of any of it. It was so funny to them, that professional surveillance would break demeanor and laugh in my face when I walked into places.

And you see it today. They still seem to think, they hit me in the head hard enough, threaten to kill me and then knock me out behind the wheel, and I will just cave and offer up everything they ever wanted on a platter to them, to save myself. I cannot even fathom how they could think that, even as a matriarchic organization. I am just even angrier, and even more determined that nobody is getting anything of what they want, for free.

And likewise, if I undertook a conspiracy to screw over all my neighbors, beam every clueless innocent person with potential, and rob the entire nation blind, and I got caught, I would take a deep drag on a cigarette, and ask those arresting me what took them so long when they showed up to arrest me. I do not think the people in this conspiracy will be the same when the hammer drops. I would assume anything is possible, because I do not think they think like us.

Donald Trump, after becoming reportedly disillusioned with the Secret Service after the Butler attack, has opted to pay out-of-pocket for a private security team, with Christian Craighead, a former SAS soldier celebrated for his heroism during the 2019 Nairobi DusitD2 terror attack taking a central role. If this is real this would be done in consultation with the leadership of the operation Trump is a part of, likely in response to credible threats.

DOGE chain of command revealed in court filing, showing Musk is not the boss, ,nor does he even work at DOGE.

An explanation, using the Department of Education, showing how every agency was laundering and churning most of their budgets back into the private sector:

The federal government issued roughly $1.1 trillion of improper Medicaid payments over the last decade – a whopping $8,200 per U.S. household.

More than 200 alleged Venezuelan gang members have been deported from the US to a supermax prison in El Salvador, even as a US judge blocked the removals.“Oopsie… Too late,” posted [Salvadoran President] Bukele on social media, making fun of the judge’s ruling.” There is also a video of the arrival of some of the gang members.

From medical examiners to law enforcement investigators, you cannot assume anyone is not in the conspiracy and willing to run cover or cede to its power. Nothing may be what it seems:

60% of Columbia University’s Students Are International Students. Could be foreign assets of the surveillance helping to build files and gather blackmail on the American student body. I was surrounded by such foreign students in the small, elite program which I had been guided into, and I think many were brought there just for me. In retrospect there were numerous instances of kids knowing things they should not have known, and strange synchronicities which stood out to me as weird, even though I did not know what they were at the time.

Ruthless sibling leaders of Zeta cartel charged in US; face death penalty.

Video interview with Trump – Trump provides an update on he releases of Epstein and other classified files: ‘It’s moving along rapidly.’ He says weeks, but the bottom line is, it will happen when the plan wants it to happen. And none of it will begin to have a millionth the happening qualities of the first arrest of a Congressperson or Senator for raiding the Treasury in the amount of tens or hundreds of millions, or in the case of Stacey Abrams, billions. And that will pale in relation to the exposure of the fact your neighbors thought it funny they were in the shadows fucking up people’s health with beaming and ruining life opportunities, and nobody had any idea. And I suspect that will pale in comparison to what will happen if the score settling begins to reach the critical mass where there are too many murders to solve, and killing begins to become something most men have done at least a few times. Because nobody is going to feel bad about the surveillance going away.

Humans may be able to grow new teeth within just 5 years.

An upcoming 60 Minutes investigation into the drone sightings that took place toward the end of 2024 promises to reveal more about the government’s knowledge and response to the still largely-unexplained phenomena. Teases Pentagon officials were baffled.

Gag order imposed on case related to Shin Bet activities against employee in Netanyahu’s office. Not really clear beyond domestic intelligence was operating against an employee in Netanyahu’s office, as well as what sounds like a protestor against Netanyahu, and they have told the media they are forbidden to talk about it.

U.S. launches strikes at Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.

The Houthis attacked the USS Harry S. Truman, Trump responds with additional airstrikes.

Majority of UK electoral districts prefer Farage over Keir Starmer as Prime Minister.

Multiple videos appear to show the Serbian government using LRAD-type acoustic weapons to clear protestors from streets. Another video here:

Panama in nationwide blackout after an explosion inside one of the generators at the La Chorrera Thermoelectric Power Plant. We are drawing up invasion plans, over the Canal. Maybe a taste of what happens if you displease the God Emperor?

French Member of the European Parliament, Raphael Glucksmann, wants US to return Statue of Liberty to France.

Erik Prince says, Russia can now jam navigation of Javelin missiles, HIMARS, and Copperheads (guided artillery shells).

SpaceX is sending an Optimus robot to Mars next year.

Stranded astronauts thank Trump and Elon for not doing what Biden did and just leaving them up there.

Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem announces 7 MORE MILES of border wall is being built starting today.

2026 map looks awful for democrats; as three more Senators are quitting.

Democrat party approval rating falls to record low of 29%;lowest ever recorded by CNN, dating back 30+ years. Q did indicate when they were done, the Democrat party would be left in wreckage.

Trump wins golf championship a day after ordering strikes on Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen.

Trump ties for highest approval he’s ever had — as more Americans say US is on right track than any time in 20 years: poll.

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5 hours ago

60% of Columbia University’s Students Are International Students. 
Same thing in UK. Worse, they are given priority including accomodation.
Its all part of the plan to de-nationalize the nations. They are betting on a more maleable population and vote for EU.

Humans may be able to grow new teeth within just 5 years.
5 years you say? Thats when they want the Russia war to end and introduce “Carbon Zero”

Return Statue of Liberty to France. Not certain you can ask for a gift after 1year or 200years has passed. Mind you, as the statue is a man in a dress, and probably a representation of satan, let them collect it.

4 hours ago

Zelensky might want to watch The Last Boy Scout (1991)
The central plot is that it’s cheaper to kill a Senator than it is to bribe him further…