News Briefs – 03/17/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Obama DOJ officials privately told Mueller they were alarmed by FBI treatment of Flynn. What this leak probably means is we are about to find out how General Flynn was mistreated, and Obama’s DOJ is trying to get itself clear of the blast radius.

Hunter Biden’s foreign visits for “global-business-deals,” estimated at $200,000 tax dollars.

Farcesenstive in the comments dropped this tidbit. In the video below, retweeted by Trump, the letters in the phrase “GOOD HYGIENE” disappear one by one. Below is a screenshot of each “O” at the moment it disappeared, just as it turned gray before evaporating:

Q did often speak of “March madness.” Keep the faith anons.

Coronavirus News –

Disclaimer – I know nobody who has Coronavirus personally, and I know the machinery is out there to produce a fake pandemic, from controlled news reporters, to controlled government officials, to controlled citizen agent networks. I repost the news on this because one, This is dominating the news, and there is not much else out there right now. Two, it is a threat if it is real, and you should act as if it is real to make 100% sure you are protected. Finally,  like it or not, this news is molding the world you live in simply by the normies’ exposure to it. Ignoring this data is just stupid. Take it in, process it, and do with it what you will. I myself am gauging how it spreads (and how to protect myself), how fast it spreads, when it looks like my area will be fucked and how bad, how long I will need to hold it at bay for an effective treatment to arise, how the hospitals look like they will be doing at various times, and what other effects I see coming from this, like food shortages or unrest. All are critical information.

One thing I will add – if this is a psyop, a narrative has been created which will require we all will know somebody who will die (or disappear), and we will know many who will get the virus (or at least LARP as having gotten the virus). It will also make it very likely we will get the virus as well if it is real and we chose not to use PPE, which I assume many will not. If it is a lie, it is either one we were designed to find out was a lie, or it is a lie which will require (((They))) disappear many, many agents who we know personally, under cover of their deaths at the hands of the virus, and (((They))) will have to hope we don’t ask why we were spared, if we didn’t use PPE. It will also set up a scenario where we will be able to go to a hospital, or a morgue, and see if this is real or not ourselves. However you look at it, I think it more likely this virus is real, and may be an attempt to kill as many as possible to distract from, and maybe try to prevent what is coming in the Storm. Take precautions, and act as if it is real. Buy your PPE. Take Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Zinc. Prioritize sleep. Eat well. Get sunlight and if you get sick, try to get a window open and get outside some. The masks are nice, and very comfortable, and you feel protected in it, and the Tyvek suits are very simple to deploy and they protect your clothes and you. And not only will you be protecting yourself – you will be protecting your elderly loved ones and fellow K-strategists by stymieing this disease. This is the big game. Don’t forfeit it. You of all people should be in the 30% who avoid the virus entirely, and if you do get it, you should be as well situated to beat it as possible. Do not fear this. Understand it and how to defeat it.

Tom Cotton floats Universal Basic Income for Coronavirus crisis. A surprising number of Republicans are pushing for $1,000 a month for all adults through the crisis. I am not sure how you end that once you start it. But it makes me wonder just how bad this is going to be. I would assume this is considered “do not loot, steal, or get desperate enough to actually hurt or kill people to survive” money. The benefit of having Trump as our leader, he’ll do what is best. Although this might not be bad as a one time payment if people were told to spend it on Protective Equipment. It is a shame we can’t get everyone in a full face respirator whenever they leave the house. For $45 per person just for the mask and 10 N95 filters, with no Tyvek or gloves or booties, you would drop the R0 to well below one without people needing to change their normal behavior at all. People would catch it here and there, but the virus would act as if it were not that contagious, and just go away, without economic effects or stockpiling, or panic, or restrictions on going out. For that you would not need 100% absolute protection of every person, just a reduction in spread to turn that curve downward. Full Face respirators will do that, with force.

Los Angeles is releasing inmates early and arresting fewer people over fears of the Coronavirus in jails.

NYC orders nightlife shutdown while bars, restaurants go takeout-only. Why every restaurant doesn’t just go take-out only, and put the waiters on delivery service I do not know. Nobody is coming in.

Brazilian data says Coronavirus is spreading there faster than anywhere else. And Brazilian Central Bank projects the Virus will infect Brazil worse than everywhere else, including Italy and China. On the opposite side, Brazil only has 200 confirmed cases, and doubtless the Globalist bankers there want to blow up the crisis, crash the markets, and get Bolsonaro out, so they could easily lie. However Brazil appears to have a testing issue, with almost 2,000 suspected cases they have not tested. I am mainly watching for the two obvious reasons. One, if it spreads in Brazil, it means summer will not save us. And two, Investor Anon made a lot of correct calls before anybody knew them, from the real R0, to the fact it had already mutated into a more lethal strain, to the fact the first European outbreak was in Italy, to the crash happening in March. One prediction he made was if it made it into Brazil or South America you should have a month of food stockpiled, because that was a precursor necessary for a really lethal mutant to emerge and make a real mess that could kill 100 million people globally fast.

Seattle will provide $800 each in supermarket vouchers to thousands of families during coronavirus crisis.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he will close his country’s border.

As coronavirus spreads, six Bay Area counties ordered to shelter in place, with residents forbidden from leaving their homes, except for essential needs like food shopping.

Bill de Blasio hits public gym, flouting coronavirus rules amid city shutdown.

NY Mayor Bill de Blasio says we’re ‘close to’ needing government to ensure the food supply is ‘equitably distributed.’

Chinese woman carrying coronavirus downs anti-fever medication to elude screening, and flies 13 hours from Los Angeles to Beijing ‘to seek treatment after being denied test three times in the US.’ Again, get PPE and wear it in such situations.

Italian daily coronavirus deaths jump 19% to 2,158.

Coronavirus-hit Italy sees morgues pushed to the limit.

US cases are where Italy was 2 weeks ago. The difference is, Italy was still saying it was just the flu, and you didn’t need to do anything, and two weeks later they look like they do now. By contrast, we are panicking the citizenry and shutting down public life now, which will crush infections two weeks from now hopefully. Imagine if we masked everyone and the virus could not infect anyone.

IMF says it’s ready to ‘mobilize its $1 trillion lending capacity’ to fight the Coronavirus.

Ohio’s top health official plans to order the polls closed hours before voters were supposed to cast ballots in the state’s presidential primary. Technically, if this lasted two years, and delayed the Presidential election two years, Trump could Constitutionally serve ten years. He could fill judicial appointments for ten years. He could replace ten years worth of Supreme Court Justices. Two more years to get a Constitutional Amendment allowing him to serve three, or four, or five terms. Remember the square with eight pictures of the same liberal screaming at the sky, and the arrow saying, “You are here —>” three pictures in? Picture two more pictures of the liberal screaming popping up at the end of the line, each with a little sound effect going  “Boop!”    “Boop!”

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, is holding up the House-passed coronavirus relief bill because he is insisting on reading all of the “technical corrections” Democrats made to it, rather than just trusting them. Bill passed muster and was passed.

Sharyl Attkisson does the first 85 U.S. coronavirus deaths by state and age. Mostly elderly. I would like to know how many of the elderly were shut inside, as in nursing homes, and how many were outdoors people. Being outside seems to make a difference.

In the WaPo, a member of the NSC’s Pandemic Response Force says Trump did not dissolve the organization like the media has claimed.

Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran.

15-minute coronavirus test kits to be sold in Japan from next week.

Early US Coronavirus patients have fully recovered from the virus.

Optimism grows that drugs from past outbreaks may treat coronavirus. Somebody on 4Chan claiming to be a researcher implied Remdesivir will not be able to be used by AIDS patients because it would interrupt their QT interval, and thus AIDS patients may have to cope with Coronavirus for the rest of their lives.

More on the two Australian drugs discussed yesterday which were so successful in vitro. This article says they were already given to people and caused a disappearance of the virus and complete recovery.

Preliminary Remdesivir results are in, three patients all recovered, albeit there were gastrointestinal side effects and elevated liver enzyme levels. No telling if they would have recovered anyway, or if the side effects were from the virus. Definitely not bad news though, such as if they had died.

Hong Kong lays out how it has beaten back the virus. Temperature checks at work, health questionaires, social distancing, as well as masks in the office and out and about. I’m telling you, even N95 paper masks are better than nothing. Put it on with sunglasses when you go out, and if anybody asks, you have an elderly relative you are terrified for. Nobody is going to judge you.

This is very, very bad, if true, because this will be the mortality level if the number of infected gets high enough:

It will be interesting if COVID-19 skips over the homeless because they live outside:

Bernie Sanders mentions the current “Ebola crisis” two different times while debating Biden. 

Supreme Court postpones oral arguments amid coronavirus pandemic. They can’t teleconference? Sounds like Roberts is pulling step two of Cabal’s plan.

New York City Mayor wasn’t going to do anything on Coronavirus until his aides threatened to quit.

Interesting list of points and article on the effects of the Black Plague on society, and how people thought it was sent as a correction by God, it produced more in-grouping, and rejection of foreigners. Even interesting some people thought a lot of the death was coming from Jews poisoning wells, indicating a general belief in greater hidden forces, which many at the time saw as Jews, and a skepticism of their motives and reverence for life. I’d like to know why people were looking at wells, and whether maybe there was poison in some wells helping things along, since I would be shocked if Cabal wasn’t out there back then. Some thought it was toxic gasses from poor sanitation, making me think of San Francisco. They even attributed it to earthquakes indicating possible onset of geological disturbances at the same time. And as I have postulated is likely part of Cabal’s script this go around, the rage of the populace turned on Jewish towns and purged them, at which point people felt they had dealt with the Hidden Hand and could move on with their lives, free. In the end, the effective enslavement of serfs was essentially abolished, and everyone came out of it richer and in higher social status, as if a drain on society had been purged. However a vague hidden hand passed sumptuary laws to make sure these new wealthy serfs could not dress in a way they might be mistaken for Royals, and they had to maintain their place.

Judge shot in Mississippi in an ambush. Judge in stable condition, shooter on the loose, even though somebody doubtless knows who and where he is.

Turkish armored vehicle tried to pull down border fence.

74 more miles of border wall set to go up in Arizona, feds say.

As the coronavirus pandemic grows, gun sales are surging in many states.

President Donald Trump will soon sign an Executive Order that would help relocate medical supply chains from overseas to the United States.

Spread r/K Theory, because knowledge is power, and you will need it



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John Calabro
John Calabro
5 years ago

Hey anonymous, one your comment of “One, if it spreads in Brazil, it means summer will not save us.”

Brazil is about to hit winter since it is on the southern hemisphere. June is winter down there. So in all likely it is about to hit the southern hemisphere hard. I suspect South Africa will also be big since they are having power problems and will probably soon have food problems. Since they are continuing to drive out European people (or kill them) they are fast becoming like many other African nations.

5 years ago

I am inclined to believe there’s a real virus, just because it’s much, much cheaper to do this with a real virus than without. If you’re an organization for whom releasing something like this is a trivial exercise, then if you do release something real, the entire world automatically and cheaply aligns to tell everyone else about it. You just need a touch of guidance here and there to make sure the propaganda points you want made are made. If you don’t have a real disease and try to fake it up, it’s much more expensive and much riskier; if people correctly figure out there is no “there” there then you have a very serious risk of the whole thing coming apart. The “cost” column for this organization doesn’t look like it does if you imagine an organization constrained by laws and the lack of already-existing diseases to be released, who would have a big chunk of “cost” and “risk” if they tried to create an actual disease; if you already have one, that’s no longer a cost for this operation.

5 years ago

Has anyone bought that Chinese knock off of a 3M 6800? Is it a piece of crap or not?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

With the cheaper mask you can definitely protect your family better and/or have backups in case you have a failure or it gets damaged through use.

5 years ago

Breaking: All UK mobile networks down, particularly cell calls.

This would be the first step in widespread arrests. Fingers crossed.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

An excellent reason to take down cell networks and also for the internet to go down. If things are as we suspect, I think a period of internet outage is likely because it will reduce their ability to communicate. Also, for entertainment people will instead naturally turn to broadcast and cable TV. And isn’t it interesting that so many talk shows have taken 30 days off? That could be the time Trump drops some major red pills utilizing some professionally produced videos explaining the situation to people who are stuck at home and have no internet. It’s as close to a force feeding as you can get. If internet and social media are down at that time, it reduces the ability of desperate minds to find counter narratives.

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

Killing the internet would have massive side effects in healthcare. Most e-prescriptions and pharmacy adjudications occur over the common internet.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

Just putting the pause on a few tech companies that run messenger services and social media would wipe out 99% of comms while leaving many businesses up and running. Leave the internet, kill key points of entry on the WWW.

Flu Manchu
Flu Manchu
5 years ago

You know, it’s easy to see why so many think this is fake. But really, it has cost every government around the world hundreds of billions, and will cost trillions. Trump, the left, the right and any other political faction wants this addressed, and the science for this either being a legit bioweapon or an animal coronavirus that jumped appears to be sound.

COVID-19 can and will kill many people older than 50. It will cause permanent lung damage in all who contract it. It is a virus and as such will stay in the bodies of those infected for their entire lives, incubating, spreading, mutating. Doctors do not know if it will cause later, permanent reductions in those who contract it who are apparently healthy, such as immune system impairment or nerve damage. Just like any cold virus, it could jump to animals or stay latent inside the bodies of very healthy or very young individuals until triggered (by something such as a flu or pregnancy) and cause pneumonia or sudden respiratory failure.

Think of the other impacts it will have. Will you ever need surgery? Will you ever need a new kidney, liver or heart? Life saving organ transplants will be very dangerous with this around and likely lethal for those who have COVID-19 in their systems, because of immunosuppressive drugs required to accept a new organ. It could cause an abnormal number of infants to be stillborn. It could permanently shorten life expectancy (like Logan’s run just at age 71 or 81). That’s all really bad stuff.

Now for the scary part. Yes, maybe it is all made up by Trump and Q and everyone else. But why would they want us practicing clear biodefensive moves? Why do they want us buying hand sanitizer and gas masks? Why are they buying so many? Why do they want multi-strain testing so bad? If they were rounding up cabal and such, don’t you think cabal would hit back? Wouldn’t bio-warfare be the cheapest and most effective way to “disappear” into the chaos? Wouldn’t cabal logically release everything they’ve got right before the storm? Are there worse bioweapons that cabal has? Are they going to release those? Why was the military conducting all of those drills in Los Angeles at Democrat law offices a year ago? What did they find? What was in those boxes they removed? Do you think cabal doesn’t have strains of 1918 spanish flu, swine flu, bird flu, MERS, SARS etc.? Are those airborne viruses fake too?

Q said it was a storm. What do you do in a storm? You stay inside. Stay inside.

5 years ago

(((This site))) is worse than any mainstream media site. The guy running this is feeding into the panic like no other web site. It’s only a matter of time before people figure out this manufactured panic is a deep state plot from the federal bureaucracy to topple the US and World economy and remove Trump from the Presidency. Notice not a single story here that even attempts to debunk or even question any of recurring mainstream media narratives. It’d be nice if you stop acting like an echo chamber for the Andersen Cooper and (((Wolf Blitzer)))s of the world.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

My guess is that it’s a real event with two competing psyops running by two different camps. As has been pointed out, too costly to be pure psyop.

Consider also that the real people likely to be running cabal at the top are likely to be older men; that’s just the way it is in any organization. I suspect the possibility that we could see a deliberate liquidation of the key cabal nodes in this very manner. Very deniable.

I DO NOT THINK that this is outside the realm of possibility. For the seriousness of the enemy we are facing, yes, absolutely, US military would be willing to take them out in this manner. US military believes itself to be at war and they would happily liquidate the enemy brass. Far easier, more effective, and less complicated than taking everybody to court. I wouldn’t past our guys to use Q’s constant talk about the need for trials and all to be pure disinformation so that the bad guys didn’t see the threat coming.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Jack
4 years ago

“… It’s only a matter of time before people figure out this manufactured panic is a deep state plot from the federal bureaucracy to topple the US and World economy and remove Trump from the Presidency…”

I would say if this is all a ruse, and I was hasty to say it is not, then Trump is a part of it and we’ve been had. He keeps appointing neocons to homeland security positions. According to this article he’s supporting people who want massive immigration and not Sessions for Senate and his traitorous son in law is setting up a huge amnesty for all the aliens.

An amnesty would be the end of heritage America. We would either buckle under or there will eventually be civil war because the immigrants and Jews would push us to the wall. Maybe I’m wrong, as I am frequently, but damn if this doesn’t look like the take over of the country just like Russia was taken over by the Jews with the new 2020 twist. The Jews ran the security services in Russia and they are running ours now.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I think that the ruse is too elaborate, wastefully so. I think it’s more within the spirit of cabal to kill real people to create chaos and mayhem in order to unseat Trump. If Trump is one of them, all this drama wouldn’t be necessary.

5 years ago

> IMF says it’s ready to ‘mobilize its $1 trillion lending capacity’ to fight the Coronavirus.

I’m sure they’re slavering at the opportunity. Holding nations in your debt is power, and they can use the other debtors as a hammer to make any defaulters pay. It’s like a self-licking ice cream cone that never stops.

5 years ago

> NEW: Britain considering quarantining all elderly over 70 over the next four month

It would be interesting to know how many of Parliament and the bureauracy are over 70… they’re a lot younger than they used to be, but 70 isn’t “elderly” by politician standards…

5 years ago

Just ordered a couple of those masks and sixty cotton filters. Just in case.

Borders closing everywhere.

Homeschooling being encouraged.

Leftist rats and muh diversity (the r-selected, as you term it) seemingly about to be btfo since we can expect cities to be much harder hit, with the moronic and over-socialized being especially hit. Can you imagine a reduction of the leftist population by 10%?

This timeline is like a reactionaries wet dream. It really feels like divine providence.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

More expensive option that takes 40mm canisters.

I bought that with a 3m 40mm to bayonet adaptor.

I bought a camelback reservoir as well.

I can use the CBRN 40mm cans and the P100 3M style bayonet filters with a quick change of the adaptor. The mask allows me to drink in it all day as well.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

The guide is fantastic and cost effective. What I have is not cost effective for a lot of people. I choose to just to go big on one person, and the rest of my family would stay home. I would be the one out.

I have a few 3M half masks that I use that for occasional house painting and woodworking and wanted something that could take the P100 cartridge filters. This way I’ll be able to use them after this blows over (hopefully).

I looked at the 3m full face respirators. The 7800 is way high and the 6800 was like half as much as the MIRA (not the Chinese knockoff or Chinese 3m out the back door). The cool thing, with the MIRA, is that it takes the 40mm cartridges and with the 3m 7800 adaptor they take the 3m p100s giving me lots of options. When the N95 masks were wiped, I bought 16 P100s at normal prices and were still stocked.

Don’t quote me on these numbers (I researched this a month or two ago):

N95 Mask – 8 Hours

P100 Filter – 40/50 hours or 30 days (depending on the environment). I think this is more applicable in areas where you are exposed to oils/solvents/etc. The recommendation for normal day to day was replace when breathing is labored through the mask.

40 MM CRBN – They supposedly have a 20 year shelf life. I’m not sure how long they would last for coronavirus. They list times for CBRN gases only (see below). I was betting on only using those cans if I was in a riot situation with tear gas or something. I’m not sure how a P100 would hold up to that.

Chart below for the 40MM cans.

I ended up buying a couple of the chinese knockoffs. We’ll see how well they work. Worst case, I can use them for painting or woodworking.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I didn’t want to order from china, so I got the 7 in 1 and ordered the filters separately on amazon.

Looks like those filters have been cleaned out already. I ordered 6 boxes for 6 dollars each or something like that. No one is probably going to find that good of a deal anytime soon.

5 years ago

I only know of one case of COVID-19. The guy is from Washington State and is a CIO of a company. I was told (not from a direct source) that he is in bad shape (ventilator).

Could he be Cabal? Based on my interactions with him, he could be. I haven’t done enough research into his background to know for a fact.

5 years ago

Check this out, AC

Great study about the cruise ship.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Do you think its deadly to RH- people?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  OutbackMike
4 years ago

Thanks for this link. It’s great news every thing else I read is bad.

5 years ago

The video Farce linked with the Q appears to cycle on every other letter. The other letters seem to follow suit. I’ll dump the pattern I see once I’ve had time to look through it.

4 years ago

HS teacher here – just talked to a colleague from another school – her principal’s sister-in-law was in Wuhan in November on business – came back sick – respiratory illness – passed it to her husband. Did she have the Kung Flu already? Has it been here all winter, and is ‘winding down’?

Reply to  OutbackMike
4 years ago

IMHO, yes. My family members had a nasty cold/flu virus around late DEC into early JAN.

4 years ago

Bill which strips privacy and imposing tyranny passing through congress right now:

Looks like Cabal is making one of their moves.

4 years ago

Study: High Temperatures, Humidity DO Deter the Spread of Coronavirus

Trump is right again.

4 years ago

US halts deployment & recalls troops from NATO’s biggest drill ‘Defender Europe 2020’ due to coronavirus threat

4 years ago

People with blood type A may be more vulnerable to coronavirus, China study finds

4 years ago

Roger Mayweather, Floyd Mayweather Jr.’s uncle and trainer, dies at 58

4 years ago

It’s ironic, but the main effect of Seattle’s $800 supermarket voucher will be to make groceries more expensive. It’s a well known effect – the government subsidizes something, and the market responds by raising prices. Look at the effect of student loans on college prices, or the vouchers the government passed out when we transitioned to digital television. Offer $25 towards a converter box, and all the converters went from $25 to $50.

I’d bet you won’t see an obvious jump in prices. The PR would be a nightmare, and might even trigger “price gouging” laws. Instead, you’ll see fewer sales. Large supermarket chains have incredible analytics. They know which items are most in demand, and which items are most profitable. They’ll cherry pick those items and stop or reduce the sales and store coupons on them. At the same time, they’ll continue loss leaders like Milk that bring people into the store. They’ll probably also hold the line on ready-to-eat or quick-fix foods, as people eat at home because of restaurant closures.