News Briefs – 03/16/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Starting at 6:20, we may have a national 2 week shutdown and quarantine coming up at some point:

Donald Trump defends his response to the Coronavirus after admitting a travel ban within the US is ‘possible.’

But then there was this:

Internet Book of Critical Care offers procedures to be used by medical professionals treating COVID-19 patients. In the event you end up with a sick relative who cannot get care.

This next tweet is good intentions, but a bad look:

Somebody actually had a much better take on this which was, if you love a restaurant,  you should call it up and order a gift certificate for a meal for after this passes. You get a meal and to keep your restaurant open, and the restaurant gets some income now to keep it afloat and help cover bills.

UK coronavirus crisis ‘to last until spring 2021 and could see 7.9m hospitalised’ in the UK, a secret Public Health England (PHE) briefing for senior NHS officials reveals. The level of K which you will see at the end of this will be incredible. This will kill and disable rabbits in higher numbers, and everyone who comes out of the other side will have had so much amygdala, they will not be taking shit.  I wonder now, did the amygdala from the flu ripping through from 1918 to 1920 in any way alter the brains of kids and younger people enough to facilitate WWII? Might this happening be molding minds right now in ways that may catalyze a war around 2035?

Elderly Britons may be told to self-isolate for four months under the government’s “wartime-style” effort to combat the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus.

Germany to close borders with France, Austria, Switzerland.

The UK backs away from “herd immunity” coronavirus proposal amid blowback. It may be a tough sell politically, but frightening the population, telling them how to avoid the illness with p100 filters on full face respirators with Tyvek suits, rub downs with alcohol, and hand hygiene, and then letting the chips fall where they may might have gotten them over the hump quickly. The problem is the public sees the idiots dying and assumes it could be them. The truth is, widespread deployment of full face respirators and P100 filters would drop the R0 on this illness well below one, and the whole thing might die out entirely in one to two months, with zero effect on the economy. But nobody wants to actually solve this themselves.

Italians over 80 ‘will be left to die’ as country overwhelmed by coronavirus.

Italy reports 3,590 more coronavirus cases, its biggest one-day increase. Is the virus accelerating, or is testing for the virus accelerating?

Italy hit with one-day record 368 new coronavirus deaths. That is probably not testing though.

Manhattan bank temporarily runs out of $100 bills as wealthy customers frantically try to withdraw up to $50,000.

Mexico holds big music festival despite coronavirus concerns. Be interesting to see if the heat holds back an outbreak there as in Africa.

Woman in Japan who was cured is reinfected, due to either re-emergence of latent virus, or re-exposure.

Articles are blaming the reinfected on testing errors, or dormant virus re-emerging. There are other possibilities. AIDS mutates so rapidly that they say a victim’s immune system will often actually purge the version of the virus they were exposed to, and two or three other strains which it mutates through before the infection finds a mutant custom tailored to the individual. This could be getting almost entirely cleared in these cases, and they tested negative just as there was only a small number of new mutants that had just emerged, and were about to amp back up. Or these people may be encountering newly emerged mutants from others which are like a new strain of flu to which their immunity is useless. If the flu can produce several new strains per year, this, being an RNA virus and a fast mutator, could be producing a few new strains every month, or even every couple of weeks. The other possibility is the Herpes model, in that this virus’ RNA can hide in an inactive state (albeit likely in a different method than the Herpes virus’ lysogenic method), before re-emerging in response to something. All three possibilities are frightening.

Wuhan Coronavirus is in India.

Democrat lawyer who tried and failed to impeach President Trump tests positive for the Coronavirus.

Israel government okays mass surveillance of Israelis’ phones to curb coronavirus outbreak.

The EU is abandoning Italy in its hour of need. Article has Chinese propaganda about how only China is stepping in (though in reality China is selling them medical supplies, and profiting, not acting altruistically, even though they created this mess). But the article is real, and shows that this event will condition people to expect K-selection, where you are in competition, and you do whatever you have to in order to survive. Italy ordered millions of Euros in medical equipment for its healthcare workers, and as it is being shipped through other nations, their customs agents are grabbing it under national security laws, and taking it for themselves. Germany essentially just stole a massive shipment of masks and personal protective equipment Italy had already paid for, having their customs seize the shipment, and now Germany, which hadn’t planned ahead or bought anything, has all the equipment, and Italy, which had been responsible and paid for equipment will have to go without, as all its people are dying in record numbers. Try having a Kumbaya moment across all of Europe after that. This will fundamentally change how people view the world, and it will not foster rabbitism.

First Germany screwed Italy by snatching it’s already-paid-for shipment of medical equipment as it passed through the country, now Germany seizes Switzerland’s medical equipment orders for itself.

In 1st minute of debate, Biden has a cough and breaks CDC hygiene rules as he tries to recover by covering his mouth with his hand. He coughed a few times. Could Biden be positive for COVID-19? This is the Democrat’s luck when facing the God-Emperor. They finally find a candidate, however flawed, and now he will keel over from a once in a century pandemic.

Coronavirus has caused a bicycling boom in New York City. Few think that the bike itself is not sterile and could infect them if they do not practice hand sanitization.

Nolte points out, some experts are projecting 1.6 million dead in the next 12-18 months. The problem with these projections is they assume a homogenous population and what we see now will continue later. Right now this thing is killing people who had no idea, who were infected before they heard about it, and the idiots who heard about it but ignored it. It will move fast through them. As people hear about it, and it exhausts the population of idiots, it will move slower, and eventually get shut down. So trying to extrapolate what will happen later from what will happen now just isn’t going to work, and that number is probably an absolutely worst case scenario that can’t happen – unless we see some type of horrific mutation. Either way, look for a much more K population in a year and a half.

Treasury and the IRS will announce this week an extension of the April 15th deadline by as much as 90 days.

Australians have two new drugs which stop Coronavirus in its tracks invitro. No idea if it works en vivo, but they are about to start trials to find out.

Coronavirus vaccine clinical trial starts Monday, U.S. official says.

During the 1918 flu pandemic, being treated outdoors in a field, with fresh air and sunlight, was shown to be more efficacious than being treated inside. Took mortality from 40% to 13%. Sunlight is Vitamin D, as well as biochemical changes associated with the increased metabolism of spring and summer, and fresh air has fewer virions per volume of air to inhale into the lungs.

Dude who bought up all the hand sanitizer he could to resell at inflated prices on Amazon got it all taken away. Makes me think of all those Glowie threads on 4Chan saying, “Let’s compare stashes anons, post your pics and we’ll rate them”:

This might be very bad:

Again are these next images the rate of testing increasing, or symptomatic patients emerging?

Both Ebola and COVID-19 are RNA viruses. I have no idea how that would affect recombination. But this next one could mean both COVID-19 and Ebola will be cooking together in the local bat population. This fucking shit just keeps getting better:

On this next one, I wonder if they suspect it will become like Herpes in some people, and they may have to catch and permanently quarantine them, and they are preparing now just in case:


Chinese property tycoon ‘disappears’ after criticizing Xi Jinping’s coronavirus response.

Andrew Gillum entering rehab, stepping back from politics following Miami hotel incident.

Biden got totally owned by Bernie over his prior support for cutting Social Security in the debate last night. Bernie asked if he ever supported cuts to Social Security, Biden totally denied it, no wiggle room, and Bernie then got him to admit he had supported it if it would help balance the budget. It shows a weakness of Biden in debate. If you can structure a question in such a way that Biden will want to deny what you allege, totally and completely, even if there is evidence out there, Biden will deny it to get that short term amygdala satisfaction, even though the lie will cost him more in the long term. When  it finally plays out and Biden is shown to be a liar, Biden gets triggered by it, and you can see his brain get turned off, as he begins to look tired of the whole thing.

My narcissist Bob had this exact same problem. If you asked him a question, where the reality was amygdala-triggering, and a lie would be amygdala-relieving, or where a lie was in-grouping, and the truth would be out-grouping, he would reflexively assert the lie, because his brain would completely ignore the truth, and would base its choice on the raw level of immediate amygdala-stimulation of each answer. I cannot overemphasize what a weakness this is in the people who are susceptible to it – and Biden is very, very susceptible to it. Bernie pulled it off quite well here, and created an excellent example. And when you walk them through that trap, and then drop the hammer by revealing truth even they cannot deny, they are caught in a spot where the truth – that they are a liar, is highly amygdala-stimulating, and the only other answer – they are incompetent and confused is similarly triggering, and that only enhances the amygdala hijack.

Biden is also operating with just a little bit of anger, which in my experience is very susceptible to bubbling up at the visage of everyone laughing at a joke about him that makes fun of and minimizes his concerns or problems. Guys prone to such anger generally try to assuage it by precipitating a reaction in their opponent. A wild, out-of-control outburst by their opponent often can be visibly seen to relax them, almost like a pressure relief valve opening once they have emotionally fucked their opponent up the same way they are fucked up. And when such a reaction is not forthcoming, as when a stillface is employed, they can often reach critical pressure levels, seemingly for no reason. I would harken back to Meatloaf in the post about the amygdala hijack in action, and how Gary Busey did the stillface purposely to light up Meat’s amygdala, and send his rage levels stratospheric. When you see these things, they look bizarre, to the point reading about them will sound like bullshit. But you only have to see it once to realize there is something very counterintuitive at work there.

Trump might literally kill Biden on stage with an amygdala hijack. Biden is not anywhere near being ready for prime time against a normal politician in a small local town mayor’s race, let alone a full blown genius-savant like Trump operating at the highest global level.

Here is the video Bernie was setting Biden up with:

More Biden being Biden:

Biden commits to naming female running mate, if nominated. This is Hillary’s luck when facing the God Emperor. She finally manages to get herself into a deal where she will be one shaky heartbeat away from the Presidency, and that shaky heartbeat will stop beating just before she is fully in position, leaving her greatest arch enemy among all Democrats as the presumptive nominee.

Biden promises a black woman to the Supreme Court.

Schiff protected the intel ‘status quo’ powerbase by sinking wide-reaching FISA reform.

Lawyers for Hillary Clinton ask appeals court to overturn order for her deposition.

Obama caught following a porn star of twitter. Could be coincidence. I looked her up, and saw that her step-father has no idea about her career, though her mother does, and so her mother controls all the media her stepfather takes in. Makes me think she is from a Cabal-family. One thing I have noticed about Cabal’s ground game is it seems to use women as operatives to cloak any threat, which I assume requires a certain domineering psychology be present. And since those women get married, you will see a lot of dominant-female/passive-male relationships around you. A lot of the other stuff, including the gross abuse of power, voyerism, lack of boundaries, and inability to grasp the dangers of exposure has also made me think at times that Cabal’s ground game is run by a matriarchy. I tend to think if it was men running it, they would obey “Bro-rules” on principle, recognize the dangers other men could present if abuses came to light, and just generally have run a more covert operation that refused to do shit like kill cops, overthrow the republic, or torture innocents. Guys would probably be much more likely to overthrow things on principle of they got out of hand, which might be why Cabal would seek women to run it. Why Obama would follow her is a mystery, unless it was a fluke, or Michelle used his account.

Only about half of the employees of the Bureau of Land Management have agreed to move to Colorado as the agency moves from the nation’s capital.

Trump’s approval unaffected by Coronavirus according to WSJ/NBC poll.

Spain’s King Felipe VI renounces father’s inheritance and his yearly stipend amid a scandal over his father’s finances and hundreds of million flowing into his family’s coffers from Saudi Arabia. Sounds kind of like Dad was Cabal’s man in Spain, and was financially managing Cabal funds he was supplied through the unofficial Banko Internationale De Cabal, Saudi Arabian branch.

Fed finally takes Trump’s advice and slashes interest rates.

Gun sales surging as citizens react to the possibility of civil unrest over Coronavirus.

Coronavirus has parents looking at homeschooling.

Spread r/K Theory, because it’s coming

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Leviticus 20
Leviticus 20
5 years ago

“Both Ebola and COVID-19 are RNA viruses. I have no idea how that would affect recombination. But this next one could mean both COVID-19 and Ebola will be cooking together in the local bat population.”

Their blood is upon them.

Sean Murphy
Sean Murphy
5 years ago

This blog was pretty good for a while. But now you are hyping the Corona Virus just like the Deep State, Dim-o-crat party and Mainstream Fake News media in an attempt to derail the US economy. Shame on you for doing this

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Great response. Thanks for all your efforts here, AC.

Reply to  Sean Murphy
5 years ago

Your concern has been noted.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sean Murphy
5 years ago

It seem to me that the vast decentralized nature of commenting today would show if the whole thing was false but I’m not seeing that. I think people will die in vast numbers. I went to get a couple of steaks on sale yesterday and there was NO beef at all. None. No steaks, hamburger, no beef at all. I bought the last “small” bag(2lbs.) of potatoes. There were no others just a big empty shelf. No paper towels, toilet paper. Certain items were just cleaned out. I have a big food storage but it will very plain. Rice, beans mostly but some smaller Vienna sausages, spam, tuna and a decent amount of those mandarin oranges in single servings and mixed fruit. Wish I had more noodles. I had a bunch but didn’t freeze them to kill off the bugs so bugs ate everything in the package. Learned the hard way.

5 years ago

The whole coronavirus thing is completely insane. It highlights our utter and slavish dependence on government. I don’t doubt the virus itself exists in one way or another, but preparation or not, don’t you understand that we’ve gone to de facto martial law at the drop of a hat? That governments now have the power to shut down whole industries and imprison whoever they want whenever they want at will with no one lifting a single damn finger?

If Democrats ever regain power in that context, we’re dead meat. And we really need to know what’s going on behind the scenes, because right now we’re virtually blinded, as all our sources of information have become laser-focused on the virus, which is rather disappointing, to say the least. We’ve willfully put ourselves at the mercy of the machine which we keep saying is our enemy. What the hell?

I hope Trump really is what he seems to be because right now, it’s all up to him and his team. Either way, it really is time for the American people to stop grandstanding and wake the fuck up before the next pretext pandemic is used to put us all in little cages, Chinese-style…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

And you’ve entirely missed my point.

I’ve met the machine, the very edge of it. I’ve known for a long time how it works and was even offered a (very small) part into it. I must have been seriously lucky, because when I told them to go fuck themselves, I was just thrown aside and ignored. In a sense, I was indeed no threat, as no one believed me anyway, even the people closest to me just mocked me as paranoid and a crackpot for the last 15-20 years.

But back to the coronavirus, my point is this: whatever actual threat the virus represents, the Cabal don’t even need to fire a shot to enslave us because “we” have basically have utterly submitted ourselves to their control in the first place, and this is proof. Your data about the virus comes from the media, from the WHO, from governments, from universities and spin doctors and sociologists and social engineers, from the very machine itself which you hate, and yet. I guarantee to you that all of these people are currently studying threat response and our reactions to their schemes and making studies out of it. It’s just a matter of finding the right way to make people go back to the plantation. Seems like they’ve found a weak spot.

So much written, so many words of rebellion, yet here we are. The Cabal gives the orders, and everyone simply falls back in line, obeys and turn upon each other. We’re not failing as a society because of the machine. We’re failing because instead of building communities in actual reality and not virtually, instead of working together to overcome our problems, confronting the discomfort of reality and actual relationships and putting all our grand theories into action, when the chips are down… this is it.

Everyone just shuts down into their own little world and throws everyone else under the bus. The machine is not all-powerful, though it would very much like us to believe so. It simply profits from a desire for non-responsibility and encourages us to go along with it. From there, the rest was more or less a mathematical certainty.

And I’m not saying that there is no threat at all from the virus itself, and I’m not saying that precautions shouldn’t be taken, but do tell me, in what way is giving up all that power at the slightest correctly-worded threat to those who have sworn to destroy us in the first place a solution, exactly? You think things will just “go back to normal” after we’ve “beaten the virus”? You think there won’t be others?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I’m not saying not to consider it at all and once again, I’m not saying not to prepare. I’m not telling you any of that.

What I am telling you, however, is not to give it disproportionate importance. The Cabal are indeed dangerous, but they are also personally extremely weak, and they rely heavily on our own fears and failings to act unhindered. As such, they are masters at misdirection, and we really shouldn’t rely on them for information in any way. We need our own independent sources.

In my opinion, the first thing you should do is ask yourself what it is that they’re trying to hide right now, and go from there. The research boards are losing resources to this whole thing. We don’t need another website regurgitating to us all the nitty-gritty very probably overblown details coming straight from the Cabal’s mouth. Even if there is an actual biological threat, speculation based on their data and mindlessly repeating what the media is telling us will not help improve the situation in any way, shape or form. We do need to know what the hell is going on behind the scenes so that we can act appropriately.

Consider the following “hypothetical” scenario: Cabal tells us there is a deadly virus. everyone rushes in a panic to buy masks and toilet paper and crashes the economy at the same time. Meanwhile, dissidents can be “personalized, targeted, isolated and destroyed” (to paraphrase a certain someone) and no one will lift a finger to help them because they’re now considered “dangers to the public health”. Entire industries are currently getting shut down by decree all over the world, you really think there won’t be negative consequences? You think no one will die from that?

It’s a matter of priorities. Which is the actual, or at least the greatest threat? Which will cause the most damage? The virus, even if it is just as deadly as claimed? Or the cocked gun pointed straight at the face of society?

By all means, do prepare, though. I do believe it’s a good thing to be ready for all sorts of circumstances. Readiness is resilience, and resilience is freedom. Stockpile food and medicine. Get equipped. Learn to use your stuff. Be willing to use it. But prepare for the correct problems and most importantly, understand that all the guns, masks and suits in the world will not save you if there is no society for you to work with, no one to watch your six when the jackboots come knocking at your door. And that’s exactly what’s going to happen if everyone just swallows the Cabal’s threat unquestioningly and simply cowers and lock themselves down for months on end whenever they flex their muscles, hoping to ride it out all alone. Read Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago or something, for God’s sake.

Social cohesion is the greatest shield against tyranny, and all that “rugged individualism” isn’t worth shit if you just give your enemies exactly what they want in the first place, which is divide and conquer. How can we be more divided than each of us imprisoned inside our own homes, separated from each other’s support and afraid of something that may or may not ever happen?

Comes next happening, don’t get caught by it alone, if you can. Build relationships and a community in real life. Apply that incredible knowledge of yours and come tell us all about the results.

I know it’s a tall order considering the circumstances, but we have to stop reacting blindly to whatever the Cabal tell us and start building the future at some point if we are to ever be free.

Just a thought.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

For me, this is the pertinent point AC

” … the first place, and this is proof. Your data about the virus comes from the media, from the WHO, from governments, from universities and spin doctors and sociologists and social engineers, from the very machine itself which you hate….., ”

Hear hear.

What is all this focus on the fear porn, blindsiding us to?

Basically the rest of Boganons comment.

Bottom line…

“NEVER get on the bus!”

If you’re K.. you’ve been prepared for this for years.
I know I have.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

“…not to give it disproportionate importance…”

I think it’s silly to say there is no virus or pandemic.

AC keep covering this best as you can. If it’s not real(seriously doubt this) we will know soon enough but until then info on corona is welcome. After all if it’s not real then it can’t kill us.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

I think it is an “and” situation. There is a virus (or multiple) and there is a hoax element. Options under consideration:

1. There is a virus whose extent is being exaggerated to some extent (perhaps using fake celebrity positives to make it more “personal” to the general public to encourage self-quarantine), maybe a known historical virus that everyone is pretending is new

2. There are multiple outbreaks, one natural, and others warfare

3. There was an intentional warfare release to try to hamper the Storm plus message management

4. #3 plus retaliation releases from the Good Guys plus message management

And the reality is likely something that I haven’t even considered.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Sam J.”I think it’s silly to say there is no virus or pandemic.”

OK so maybe an apology is in order. I could be wrong. So much changes so fast and such strange stuff is happening, probably on purpose, that I’m not so sure anymore. Maybe what everlastingphelps says is true.

everlastingphelps says.”I think it is an “and” situation. There is a virus (or multiple) and there is a hoax element. Options under consideration:

1. There is a virus whose extent is being exaggerated to some extent “

Reply to  Boganon
5 years ago

I think boganon is out of line here.

what I read in his comments are standard issue doom-porn and black-pilling (“we need to find out the truth!” “if the dems return to power, we’re screwed!” “you think there won’t be others?!?”) mixed in with (!) informing the proprietor that he’s basically just a cabal puppet; also he’s not doing near enough.

Very much like a gaggle of welfare queens whining about how they gon afford a BMW on this chickenfeed??

3 questions, then:
1) why are you here? surely a guy like you, a guy who’s “met the machine”, knows all kinds of top-end high-tech deadly supersecret Martial arts of Freedom!! that he could be using to smash the machine ….
2) but instead, you just come here to complain & criticize AC. why?
3) AC is running a blog that’s a) interesting & thought-provoking as hell, and possibly opening many eyes to …. what …. the Long Con or b) if nothing else, it’s entertaining. if it’s all nonsense, it’s **HQ** nonsense. WTF ARE *YOU* DOING, slick?

besides complaining?

Reply to  stingaling
5 years ago

Lol, no need to take it like that. Learn subtlety. But I’ll make an effort to clarify what I mean.

1) That’s not the way it works. I don’t doubt that there is some super-duber-hidden-secret tech somewhere, but we don’t have access to it, and the main battlefield is epistemological, not technological. If people just hit back at the Cabal instead of talking about it on the Internet, things would be much further along. Tacticool gear won’t save you by itself is what I’m saying, and I think it must be said. And isolating oneself is one seriously bad move currently. It’s the last thing you want to do in an emergency.

And if you’re going to talk about prepping, talk about it for real. Knowledge, means of production, homestead, you know, actual real independance. Otherwise, you might lull people into a false sense of security, and you might get them to ignore or miss what is actually going down.

Avoid the Dunning-Kruger effect. Don’t prepare just for the threat you have in front of you. Prepare for life:

2) I’m not complaining, I just don’t want us to get distracted when it’s going down. Also, if you think this is criticism, you haven’t spent much time on the Internet.

Either way, I like AC and I like this site quite a lot, but I’m rather baffled that he of all people would seem take the Cabal at their word like that. If we start getting led by the nose every time the media says something that gets to us, we’re kind of fucked. I think having a healthy dose skepticism is warranted.

3) Mate, there’s no reason to freak out over a disagreement in perspective. This isn’t nonsense, but if you think the whole thing is thought-provoking, you got to expect others having different thoughts than yours.

Reply to  Boganon
5 years ago

You think things will just “go back to normal” after we’ve “beaten the virus”? You think there won’t be others?

You think that the cabal wants this? There’s no skim. There’s no money to be made here. They are getting nothing from their fake money. They are throwing everything that they have at the economy to try to crash it and getting nothing.

Have you asked yourself why there haven’t been any wind-up toys shooting people lately? Have you considered that it is because people have been convinced to not gather in large soft targets lately? Have you considered that the numbers of groups get smaller and smaller as they start pointing their wind up toys to smaller and smaller groups?

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

Hm, depends. I know for a fact that Cabal (and politicians / medias / social engineers in general) rarely act directly. They mostly position themselves and their pawns and let the chips fall where they may, and they have all sorts of plans and contingencies to profit to the maximum.

Money doesn’t really count for that much, social control is infinitely more valuable. And having the power to shut down at will whoever and whatever you want under the guise of “health concerns” while having everyone nodding and going along with it because they’re scared and dependent absolutely is that kind of power.

A power which will have to be removed from government one way or another. What we really need is a way to stop relying on the whole machine, that’s what concerns me, or else well, when Trump is gone, we might be back to square one, or worse (hence my comment about being “dead meat”). Those who would sacrifice fundamental freedoms for temporary security and all that… the Founders truly knew what they were talking about. In the end, the machine has to go, or else with just be playing musical chairs with slave masters for eternity.

But you have a point and I do concede that some good might come out of the whole thing, after all. It’s just that, even if Patriots truly are in control right now, it’s one hell of a risky move.

5 years ago

Listening to Chuck Todd—makes me sick. That guy is a lunatic. Every time he opens his mouth—this broke down, whose to blame—Trump is to blame for everything going wrong.

Screw the Journalists. Screw the Journalists. I am sick and tired of the mainstream media. No doubt, not a one of those fucking retarded journos could do half the job that Trump and his admin are doing—NONE. They are looooosers. Please don’t post Todd—or any other journo. It’s just Hate Trump. Hate Trump. Hate Trump 24/7 with these assholes.

I listened to yesterday’s press conference also—made me sick. Reporters—-assholes. All these people asked were “gotcha questions’. They are creating a “katrina”—a Katrina of their own making. Screw Journalists.

5 years ago

“First Germany screwed Italy by snatching it’s already-paid-for shipment of medical equipment as it passed through the country, now Germany seizes Switzerland’s medical equipment orders for itself”

Germany will be cast as the villain again for a number of reasons when the coming wars begin.

They have been ripping off the rest of Europe with the Euro, they let in all of the muslims and now they are doing this.

5 years ago

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 16, 2020″

Watch carefully and you will see the second O in GOOD HYGIENE turn into a Q just before ir disappears.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I read about it on the FR Q thread and then watched it to see for myself.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Yeah, he’s right.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Wow, nice catch!

5 years ago

Top Cleric On Iran’s Powerful Council Of Experts Dies Of Covid-19

5 years ago

During the 1918 flu pandemic, being treated outdoors in a field, with fresh air and sunlight, was shown to be more efficacious than being treated inside. Took mortality from 40% to 13%. Sunlight is Vitamin D, as well as biochemical changes associated with the increased metabolism of spring and summer, and fresh air has fewer virions per volume of air to inhale into the lungs.

Don’t discount the additional disinfecting properties of UV from the sun.

5 years ago

Again are these next images the rate of testing increasing, or symptomatic patients emerging?

Yes. They are only testing the symptomatic, so there’s no reason to believe that they are suddenly capturing data on asymptomatic cases.

5 years ago

This is the Democrat’s luck when facing the God-Emperor.

Luck hell. Check Hillary’s medicine cabinet.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
5 years ago

The Big Bear with a 5 minute pep talk!

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
5 years ago

Are not Anxiety/Cortisol going to end up killing more people than Coronu?

Reply to  Mr Twister
5 years ago


Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago

Top lel

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
4 years ago

It’s a little flip, but the end calculation is that if we lose 1000 people to anxiety and we don’t lose 1000 to the virus, it’s a net help, especially since those people are folks who are not genetically acclimated to handling stress.

5 years ago

What is equally fascinating is that there have been no “Q” quatrains regarding the Coronavirus pandemic. Nothing at all. Neither a simple “wash your hands” message, or more darkly, a hint of biowar in the Storm to give us mortals an idea of what is really taking place around us right now and for the weeks ahead.

Or perhaps this radio silence is part of the Storm, and like much of this hidden campaign, not to be revealed until after the fog of war clears. But using the background of a pandemic virus to help drain something as huge as the Swamp is a hell of a plan, I must admit.

Q, we could use your flashlight for a few hints in this realm of confusing darkness.

And thank you, AC, for the best news and commentary service in the world today. Your time to compose this daily candle is very much appreciated by thousands of souls in places of power and around the world. Others here may doubt you, but you’ve got them scared because you’re right.

5 years ago


For Australia, it’s not enough to be warm. You need higher humidity, above 50%.

5 years ago

Hey guys, I found some raw data on the rate at which people who contracted COVID-19 either recovered or died in various countries here:

I put it into a table, screencapped it and stored it here:comment image
(It hasn’t shown up yet; don’t know if it’s being censored or just slow.)

Bottom line in case you can’t see it is that the death rate is thru the roof (80s & 90s) in white countries, US & Europe and much lower in yellow countries with the middle east in between.

Remember when this first showed up on the news and we were assured that the death rate was much higher for Asians and much lower for the rest of the world? Yeah, a lie intended to make us drop our guard and be careless about the impending biowar attack.

This thing was probably engineered to preferentially attack us and it accidentally escaped in China first forcing the gooks to make up lies about peasants eating bat soup.