Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
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We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.
Heroic doctor dies n his prime days after exposing deadly COVID-Vax component. His pregnant wife believes he was struck down right in their house by a directed energy weapon which triggered stroke-like symptoms, and says oddly enough, just before it the power went out. This is the guy who was raided by Police live during the pandemic.
Teen discovers best friend of 10 years is an actor hired by family. Interesting piece. It was an anecdotal case like this which first led me to believe Cabal’s ground surveillance was a transnational entity, and meant the idea of nations was a meme, and there was one overarching power. If the kids story is true, it sounds kind of like his family is secret society, and they turned him into some kind of an MK Ultra experiment. I find it interesting he got steered to a shrink which was part of the whole social circle.
You should also factor in, that whether something makes sense, may not be a good measure of whether it is true now. The elites seem to hold a raft of strange beliefs and be acting on them, from occult worship ceremonies, to paranormal phenomenon. In this timeline, it is entirely possible some remote viewer in the basement of the Pentagon threw out the social security number of the kid who would destroy Cabal, and he was just talking out of his ass and made up the number. But like Steve Martin in the movie The Jerk, this kid just happened to get the number, and Cabal immediately set about spending hundreds of millions of dollars and recruiting his entire family to put him on ice like this, because some boob in the machine believes in remote viewing. I am sure there have been kids in the GATE program, who just through dumb luck aced the Zenner Card tests, and I shudder to think what their lives were turned into.
Swalwell bundler and honeypot Fang Fang breaks cover, reveals FBI offered her $1 million.
Feds finally set to release $106M in migrant aid to NYC after months of delays.
Nobel economist reverses his support for migration. Angus Deaton now does a 180.
Tyson Foods wants to hire 52,000 asylum seekers for factory jobs.
A dengue fever outbreak is sweeping across Brazil after billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates unleashed untold billions of genetically modified (GMO) mosquitos that carry it into the wild. And now the Brazilian government wants to buy loads of Gates’ dengue fever vaccines to stop the spread.
California: We need *another* $100 billion for high-speed rail.
Wall Street braces for commercial real estate time bomb.
EV start-up Fisker exploring bankruptcy.
Mark Milley to get a knighthood. Also a billionaire (intel money manager). He was clearly carrying out Cabal orders, down to destroying the US military. Now the king Knights him. Is the secret society really a holdover of British infiltrators, trying to take vengeance on the traitorous colonists for the crown they serve, and this is the king saying, “job well done?” Interesting.
Trump Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin says he’s looking to buy TikTok. What I would say is, I would bet there is no “honest money” in it. Teeny bopper girls shaking their asses for 15 seconds is not selling an enormous amount of products, and making enough value to cover the bandwidth, the equipment, the electricity, and the salaries.
Justin Trudeau’s Canada: Proposed law may allow life imprisonment for online speech ‘crimes.’
Schumer faces backlash after calling for new Israeli elections to oust Netanyahu. Schuer would not fuck with whatever Israeli entity it is which everyone in politics bows before. So either this is normal Kayfabe, or Netanyahu is not in alignment with that entity. Still Netanyahu did not call Bullshit on October 7th, and look to kill the real people who set it up, on both sides.
Israel fires back at Chuck Schumer’s foreign election interference and tells him to pound sand.
An acquaintance of ours owns a business that has Palestinian employees
He said that two of them, each at a different time,
hinted to him half-heartedly
If he loves his children,
He will not be in the area (Yosh) on Purim
and that it does not move in the hinges,
Because the Arabs are planning something.Unfortunately, the Security Council and the Security Council have not yet woken up from the silence of 10/7.
Something is burning beneath the surface
The Pentagon’s plan for floating piers and a causeway to surge humanitarian aid into Gaza is drawing fire from military experts for its lack of detail, potential danger to U.S. troops, and risk of mission creep. Portrayed as puzzling because Biden could just order Israel to let trucks in, and all the aid would flow in much faster.
Biden rewards Iran’s murder of 3 U.S. Troops with a cool $10 billion.
Globalists discovered Haiti had $30 billion in gold before collapse.
Macron again declines to rule out Western troops in Ukraine, but says they’re not needed now.
McConnell tries to raise the pressure on Johnson over Ukraine funding: ‘Finish the job.’
As Republicans increasingly oppose Ukraine funding, Mike Johnson says he will pass it with Democrats. Reportedly he is telling Senators however, he wants it to be a loan, and not a grant.
Ukraine is shelling the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, targeting the fuel storage facilities. They can’t win, so they will create a nuclear disaster on their way out.
Pornhub blocks access to Texas over age verification rules.
Absolute bloodbath’ at RNC as new leadership loyal to Trump purges staff.
Quinnipiac poll: 2024 Michigan: Trump leads Biden in 5-way race.
Spread r/K Theory, because if those who run things are insane, the world will be insane
“Is the secret society really a holdover of British infiltrators, trying to take vengeance on the traitorous colonists for the crown they serve, and this is the king saying, “job well done?” Interesting.”
Also they seem to be taking vengeance on the British people for the English Civil War and the diminishment of the monarchy since.
Most of their chosen footsoldiers seem to come from the empire, India especially.
“Is the secret society really a holdover of British infiltrators…”?
My reply is to Farce, but I am asking AC, could you please spell out your theory on this? If you did so in the past, I missed it. My bad.
I don’t understand what exactly is supposedly being done by the British crown in the USA. Is cabal working for King Charles? Why then, would it be following Brits, as you yourself have shown in videos on this site? I recall a Brit woman ON FOOT being slowly followed by a car, for example.
My understanding of this theory which AC keeps as one of the possible options is that some or all of cabal believes itself to be serving the British Empire whether that is actually true or not.
Who actually rules the British Empire is another question which some or all of them may or may not know the answer to.
British subjects being cabal targets is natural if the theory is true, because they would likely have been the original targets of a British faction of cabal in an attempt to gain more power over them.
That about sums it up. It is not something I say is the case, and I do not know what they think today. It could have begun like that and changed somehow. But I think it very likely the king would immediately activate the spies he had in the colonies once he lost, to try and get at least intel. Once they were here, why not try to elevate them and run them for office. You or I need to bust ass and get lucky to make ten million, and rise that high in society where we can run for office. Most people never even try. The King could drop that money and business success on a trusted asset, and with an intel op directing the asset – “Go here, befriend this guy,” “Fill out these forms,” “Do this,” something which is daunting for us, is just following orders for his assets. Literally attaining office would be a possibility, even a probability, for every single asset. And he could have had thousands, or tens of thousands. Taking over the country could have been an inevitability.
And then we turned into a nation of immigrants, and flooded the country with foreigners, with no guarantee they would be like the founders. It makes sense of that. That is what an infiltration op like that would do.
And if it began that way, maybe they kept that concept of themselves. It makes sense of 5-10% of the population basically being an operating force against the rest of the nation, and KEEPING THE SECRET. I was always very loyal, and would do whatever a friend needed. I had these people all around me, and they had to know when I was fucked up healthwise it was their op, since I was a target, and their op was looking to wrangle me and control everything. I mean they all acted the role of friends, took my favors, acted appreciative, and were burning me all along. Nobody felt the slightest twinge of loyalty. I think to do that you have to have something in your perception like GIs had when they created names for the enemy to dehumanize them. Germans were Krauts, Japanese soldiers were nips, even extreme antisemites with Kikes and so on. I think for them, the opposition has to be non-human, and totally different from them. SO there also has to be something very different about them.
I think they have to have some perception of Americans, which makes us like that, to so completely fuck over the constitution, invade everyone’s privacy, launch intel ops to derail anyone who might rise, let 9/11 happen and know maybe their op even did it (assuming they don’t all know the details and that it was them, which I think entirely possible given the secrets they keep), clearly plunge us now toward utter chaos and anarchy with the migrants, and at the same time, every one of them keeps the secret. There is some separator between us, and something about us which must engender hate.
The whole betrayal of the crown thing could fit, and I think is something which probably happened.
Of course there are other possibilities. They could be some kind of cult, or it is a psuedo-religion thing. I think Demons are real, maybe they have something going on there, some relationship. Or some Freemason thing, with all of them plugged into that somehow, even just by family association. It could be a lot of things, the royal thing was just one which could fit pretty well.
You need to differentiate between the crown that describes the royal family and the Crown which is the Crown Corporation in the City of London, which is its own jurisdiction and is NOT a part of the UK.
As far as I can tell, the British crown has been controlled, or “owned”, by banking dynasties that are not truly English for at least several centuries.
The Rothschilds are one of the controlling families, but not the only ones.
Some day, one hopes, the true history of Western Europe, and exactly who has been in control, will finally be revealed to us.
That’s the point I was making. Thanks Dave.
Ohhh, McStain was not a traitor? How about the Bushes and the Clintons—all Anglo-Saxons there! How about Romney? General Kelly? General McMasters? General Marx Karl Milley–I read all of Marxist literature and I didn’t see nothing wrong there? Those traitors?
General Cornwallis, Mason (1791)
“Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years, the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”
George Washington was also a Freemason–Anglo-Saxon, was in on this program–the FOUNDER of this country and its first president! America in and of itself is part of this program! GW in his own words:
“We have sown a seed of Liberty and Union that will germinate by and over the whole earth. Some day the United States of Europe will be constituted, modelled after the United States of America. The United States will be the legislator of all nations”.
It is called Judeo-Masonic-Bolshevism.
Who said anything about McStain? or not being a traitor?
Every member of cabal is a traitor to any nation they claim and to humanity as a whole.
And you can get lost with your America hate.
“The Pentagon’s plan for floating piers and a causeway to surge humanitarian aid into Gaza is drawing fire from military experts for its lack of detail, potential danger to U.S. troops, and risk of mission creep. Portrayed as puzzling because Biden could just order Israel to let trucks in, and all the aid would flow in much faster.”
One theory is that they plan to use it to ship Gazans to Europe and the US in massive numbers.
Makes perfect sense. Send them to Italy and onwards into Europe. You will hear the violins playing and see, unlike the usual mud invasion of military aged men, suffering women and children.
Strange beings that ruled the Nations:
Evil Heavenly Hosts who rebelled against God.
Creatures from the Pleiades, a creature with 7 rulers or heads of command.
OK that explaines why “Pleiades” was an arcade video game in the 1980s
Some of the images may have been Photoshopped. As the comments say.
The Gazacaust and the pier are exclusively the result of finding natural gas off the coast of Gaza.
Heaven forbid the discovery of more planet destroying resources.
From the comments yesterday:
“Let me tell you a story. Tested very high IQ in school, gifted program
Remember some distinguished guy interviewing me at the cramped dining room table while my parents retired to the yard so as not to impede but more likely not to hear the interview
I was maybe 12 I’d say and can’t recall anything about the interview; my memory is very bad for some reason. I do recall one question as I was very proud of my answer, something like this”
My story was a little different but similar, I was in 7th or 8th grade and i recall going into the school on a weekend to take an IQ test w some psychologist in the school office.
I recall the only people at the school were me, my parents, my math teacher, and the psychologist.
I vaguely recall the test and the only other memory I have is the adults discussing the results in a hushed manner afterwards.
My mother still has the test results in hard copy (it was high enough for MENSA, at least hahaha), so i know it was a “real thing”, but i have no idea how/why they singled me out or what was the point.
I would ask my mother but she is not a reliable memory-holder at this point in life.
I have always attributed my descent into not caring about school and smoking pot to my own stupidity, but maybe this was some kind of trigger for something else?
I hate to say it, but if you are moral and empathetic, they would have noted it, and that would not have been about making sure you rose as high as possible. That would have been Cabal gathering intel on the OpFor. I think the entire GATE program is just OpFor research. I suspect the hearing tests are even related in some way to determinging what Directed energy weapons can be applied, without you hearing it.
That is interesting now that you notice it. We had hearing tests rather often, every couple of years or so. For delicate sounds. Clearly if there was a problem with a kid hearing instructions, teachers would have noticed it.
For some reason they were interested in screening for scoliosis, as well. I can’t remember them doing anything about it, however.
Yeah, we got scoliosis a lot too, and nothing ever came of it with us either. What else might they get from having you bend forward, and look at your back? Makes me wonder if rh negatives have some weird scapula structures or something and they didn’t want to miss any. It was like one last once-over
I remember the hearing tests. We had them in the UK.
I remember my high school guidance councilor telling me I am functioning below my IQ level. It wasn’t until sophomore year of college when I became a student of a serious artist who was also a art history PhD, that my intelligence began to bloom. In fact, I always felt that I was in some kind of mental fog until my early thirties; at which time the fog cleared; it was a few years later when I read that the male brain fully matures in the male’s thirties.
I hate to say it, but I think they also focus the beaming on the potential high flyers during the late teens and twenties, when you are young and full of piss and vinegar, and not experienced and cynical enough to know what is not possible, so you won’t try it. It is not impossible you were in a mental fog, and it lifted because they calculated you were not a threat anymore.
“I have always attributed my descent into not caring about school and smoking pot to my own stupidity, but maybe this was some kind of trigger for something else.”
Similar story here. I feel for “just another guy”. Although I would say my “stupidity” was in not knowing an intelligence operation was trying to derail me from a path free from all the apathy/drugs.
Voter ID rules could stop me getting re-elected as London mayor, Sadiq Khan claims
J, N, M
He will be fine

Alexander Dugin describes the militarization of Russia he thinks it needs to defend itself from the West’s Cabal:
“Militarisation requires a change in demographic policy, as the president constantly reminds us. Relying on the labour of migrants and replenishing the decline of the native population of Russia with their help is a crime on a historical scale. It is necessary to reverse the catastrophic trend of falling birth rates with extraordinary measures.
Militarisation of culture is necessary. The focus should be on glorifying the feats of our heroes at all stages of history — including the Special Military Operation. Any concert, any broadcast, any event should begin with the anthem and the glorification of the Russian person’s feats. At the same time, high moral ideals and traditional values should be prioritised. Any hint of mockery of them should lead to administrative punishments and a ban on public expressions of anti-patriotic or simply immoral nature — including blogs, social networks, and so on.
Militarisation requires a change of elites. The elites that have formed in society since the 80s and 90s are largely carriers of the spirit of defeat, cynicism, egoism, corruption, violence, lies, and those qualities that bring to the surface the dregs of society in an era of universal degeneration and decay. Putin made it clear in his message to the Federal Assembly: the 90s elites must go, and new elites — heroes and martyrs, creators and bearers of the highest moral principle — must take their place. However, the front and risk do only half the job in forming the core of the new Russian elite. Having returned to the rear, they must receive the best — elite! — education in an accelerated manner. However, the overwhelming majority of educational structures in Russia reflect precisely the liberal layout of the 80s and 90s. Therefore, militarisation of education is necessary, a sharp break in the vector — primarily in the humanities — that has been established over the last decades under direct control and by direct instruction from the West, with which we are at war today.”
Ahhh, re-working the wheel. Sparta: Done that–and it worked!
J, N
Dugin is correct. One more mark against Capitalism.
In this line of thinking, Vox Day writes a good essay:
Just a shoutout to all of the great ideas and mentions on this site. I have implemented many things talked about here and my life is much better for it. Thank you, AC for all of your work and dedication!!
That makes my day! Thank you!
Yay Capitalism! The cornucopia of good things!
Would You Feed Bugs to Your Pet?And:
Tyson Foods Closes Major Meat Plant as It Transitions to ‘Insect Farming’
> Justin Trudeau’s Canada: Proposed law may allow life imprisonment for online speech ‘crimes.’
Remember, your cellular carrier or ISP and any “platform” you post on can all alter your posts or insert their own under your account. Even if you’re encrypted end-to-end, that doesn’t mean they don’t have back doors into your email host, forums, or social media.
“The only way to win is not to play.” But if they silence you, then win by default.
> Schumer faces backlash after calling for new Israeli elections to oust Netanyahu.
Schumer is obviously a sock puppet, but like Biden, I don’t think they have full control of him. He also exhibits the symptoms of mid-stage senility.
That’s the problem with a gerontocracy; even when you get your puppets into office, they expire in just a few years.
For some reason they seem to not have enough competent assets to be able to force the dementia crew to retire and be replaced by younger minions.
Or somewhere in cabal their is a layer of geriatric leaders who have gone senile themselves and don’t want to give up their favorite toys.
If that really was the case there would be a sudden increase in heart attacks within that cohort. Schumer is worried Israel and because it is a Jewish state which espouses Jewish values, is being exposed to the world and they fear the coming backlash.
Schumer is far from the only example.
They are filled with senile vegetables at the top and in both parties.
They didn’t used to let that happen.
They either can’t replace them, or don’t want to.
> The French paper Marianne has published excerpts by secret military documents which show France has concluded it is impossible for Ukraine to win the war with Russia.
Which everyone not constrained by the Narrative knew and said as soon as the Russians rolled over the Ukrainian border. [sigh]
> Ukraine is shelling the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, targeting the fuel storage facilities. They can’t win, so they will create a nuclear disaster on their way out.
Note this isn’t the second, third, or even fourth time the Ukes have shelled their own nuclear power plants, trying to get the anti-nuke crazies to rally to their cause.
> Absolute bloodbath’ at RNC as new leadership loyal to Trump purges staff.
Quel horreur! [plays random notes on tiny violin]
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
> Experts say there is no such thing as Long Covid, and every virus does the exact same thing, with symptoms persisting for months, before slowly dying off.
Aaahh, “experts.” The same ones who assure us the vaxx is “safe and effective”, yes?
There’s “experts” and there’s “experts”
I listened to the ones that said masks are useless, there’s no such thing as Covid19, it’s just the Flu, and don’t whatever you do take the Jab.
Yep, those experts, dunno which ones you listened to?
Mask are not useless as they reduce the viral load. Clean rooms for semiconductor plants, the cleanest environment on earth, are nothing but a bunch of series fiber filters like mask, but more of them.
“…every virus does the exact same thing, with symptoms persisting for months, before slowly dying off...”
The judge has ruled in the Faaaani Willis Trump dismissal. tl;dr Wade (the special prosecutor) is out, Faaaaani gets to stay in.
The court applied many of the standards wrongly (in my non-lawyer opinion), particularly not burden shifting onto the state after the defendants made a prima facie showing of conflict which lead to him saying there was no actual conflict proven (not that there might not be). This means that Trump is almost certainly going to appeal this, and this is the sort of thing that (I could be wrong) you can mandamus, which means you can appeal it before the trial instead of having to lose the trial and then appeal at the end. The list of things that you can mandamus are small, but I think this is one of them.
The ultimate result of this splitting the baby is that the trial won’t happen before the election. They have to find a new special prosecutor, the county will likely have to approve it, the county is going to do a LOT more background this time, IF they can find someone who will take the job, and then that person will have to have time to get up to speed. If they ROCKET through it, they can have a new prosecutor by May, but even then there is only six months to November. No judge, even this one, it going to let a trial like this start later than July.
If the mandamus appeal is even heard at any point, then the appeal won’t even be done before August.
Trump has essentially won in GA.
Update: There’s a nuance I missed on first reading. The judge has given Faaaani a choice — one of them has to go, so either the entire Fulton Co DA’s office can leave the case and Wade can continue on, or Wade has to be fired and another SP appointed.
Too humble. You have a lawyer opinion, Phelps.
Tyson prefers slaves who believe they will be deported if they quit.
A floating pier is much easier to bomb in a false flag.
My Quora feed this morning provided a long post by someone about being fired from his job.
He was the only employee of this company working on delivering a multi-million dollar contract, so firing him meant that the company couldn’t complete the contract and got fined under the terms. And they made him destroy all his work instead of just handing it to another employee to finish the project.
So my question to readers here, is this just some example of really petty office politics? Or was it a well executed Cabal plan to destroy or damage two large companies, the one this guy worked for, and the one who contracted for the project?
Its a long post, but read it for yourself and decide:
Scroll down to “J Metz” or do a search for that name to find the post.
Macron just said in a public interview that he has been given assurances that Trump won’t win the 2024 election:
Its from the Duran. They also said that German intelligence told the European governments that if they put sanctions on Russia, the Russian oligarchs were ready to overthrow Putin and put in a puppet regime. That one didn’t exactly work out, so we will see about the USA.
During a campaign appearance in Denver this week, Vice President Kamala Harris warned the audience that if Trump is reelected, he will weaponize the Department of Justice against his enemies. Projection. As has been published already, the DOJ, FBI, and CIA are busy at work to sabotage Trump should he again become President.
Great SpaceX Starship IFT3 Launch!
The launch and deployment phase worked well, but the return landing, not so good. The heavy booster engines failed to ignite, and it appeared to me to go into some sort of oscillation that the grid fins could not correct. The starship had great pictures of the plasma. I saw what appeared to be lots of the heat shield tiles falling off. Likely why it failed.
I wonder if eventually they go with a second skin instead of ceramic tiles. The skin would have holes in it and methane would be squirted out of the holes. I don’t know if any of you remember this, but there was this guy who made a paste that he called starlite. He could coat an egg and blaze it with a super hot torch. It would not break down. Someone replicated it with baking soda and something else. Turns out the CO2 makes a heat shield blocking off the infrared. Maybe the same could be done with starship. The methane burning creating a gas shield. I read this sort of gas shield has been done with nose cones of missiles.
Even if the landing phase is not there yet, tough problem, maybe after one more test launch, if successful, they could start launching satellites and making money with it, whether it lands for reuse or not.
The relighting of the heavy booster should not be insurmountable to fix and that might cure the instability. I expect the heat tiles will be troublesome to fix. The shuttle had all sorts of problems with the tiles.
Nighthawkinlight reinvented starlite and discussed the history and demos the stuff he created
Yeah, that’s it. Amazing, a small gas shield of CO2 could reflect all that heat. And equally amazing, he figured this out.
Remember Elsagate? There’s a new one:
INCREDIGATE: YouTube’s Worst Rabbithole. Ft. TheGamerFromMars
What can you say about “freedom of russia” legion? I’m honestly expect that you mention about them. But there is nothing on your page, even in comments section. These bastards violanted two russian villages close to ukrainian border. Check it, how bad it looks for you?
Almost 8,000 civilian cars left Belgorod and Kursk oblasts overnight, Russian volunteer soldiers say
A quick way to get me to not report something is to have me get a whiff of Cabal propaganda bullshit. I have no idea if any of that is even remotely true. The Freedom of Russia Legion Telegram is probably some pimple-faced CIA intern in a basement at Langley, and I have a sneaking suspicion if I took a vacation to those Oblasts where the “Legion” has inflicted all that damage, I would find a place where the locals say literally nothing of note has happened anywhere, as they scratch their head, and wonder what the article could be talking about.
Either way, even if there is some military action in the area, my guess is it is Ukrainian regulars which are being sold as anti-Putin Russians. That, and anything like that has the stench of CIA written all over it, so good luck finding out what is real and not.
What country is “Peter” from? His syntax & grammar doesn’t line up with a native english speaker – even someone writing in a hurry.
“Peter” is an old fashioned name these days – i know 2 Peters in real life – both boomer generation. No one younger is called Peter. The name hasn’t survived – unlike other old fashioned names like Harry. Versions of Peter exist in other European languages tho.
It’s pretty common name in Poland 😉
And thank you AC for respond. Here, in Poland, mainstream yealling all time about that traitors and their wins. I hope that our brothers from east will be fine. And when not you, and not even VoxDay, call it “bullshit”, i’m start worried.
God Bless, Peter!
Hypothetical legal question: if someone has threatened to harm you but hasn’t actually done anything yet, but they have done the exact thing they threatened to do elsewhere after threatening you, is that credible legal grounds for a self defense argument? The most recent action against a third party being proof of imminent risk of bodily harm or death?
Ole billy boy’s mosquito release test ain’t exactly a peace offering to white people in the west right now.
IANAL, but it’s obvious TPTB have criminalized self-defense in every single western country. I’d imagine their position on pre-emptive self-defense is therefore pretty easy to guess.
Self defence whilst White is no defence at all!
Get a PO first
Oh wait I should’ve kept reading
“Swalwell bundler and honeypot Fang Fang breaks cover, reveals FBI offered her $1 million.”
Heh. “Fang fang” is a great name for a pit viper, if I ever heard one.
And she really got her teeth into him!
Does anyone have a copy of that 4chan post written by an alleged insider which details something along the lines of people processing movies as real in their memories and later being unable to differentiate between reality and movie? I think AC posted it once but I cannot find it anywhere
Thanks AC
Regardless if the OP was legit or not, the idea that “human brains take visual input AS IF their bodies/experiences were happening on some level” is pretty much confirmed by multiple experiments. Among other things:
porn feeds this circuit – some part of your experience is that you are having sex, by watching sex. POV porn and the immersion thereof is stronger to.
Sports are similar. We haven’t yet encountered POV sports because most sports don’t have extended periods where POV would make sense for individual sports, and team sports don’t translate well to individual viewpoints.
Video games likely are similar and the more immersive ones feed that circuit stronger.
I think another copy aligned a little different.
Much better!
WTF is with Little Mr Reaload Just So He Can Downvote Every Comment and Reply today?
A timelessauthors member has a new Tolkien book available:
“Middle-earth Lore: Tolkiens Legends Revealed, is now available for pre-order (ebook). It will be released in paperback and hardcover on March 25th, Tolkien Reading Day!“