News Briefs – 03/15/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Glasses may help protect you from Coronavirus. You would already have known that if you reviewed the pdf I posted a few days back (linked here), on how to protect yourself, and even be able to walk through a hotzone without getting infected. I am telling you, this will be around for at least a couple of months, and you will need to go shopping. You will need that equipment. Order it now so in two weeks, when you have run out of food and you need to go out, and outside it looks like an episode of the walking dead with people coughing and sputtering, you will be fine. Don’t fuck around with this. Worst case scenario if you splurge and this is nothing, you’ve spent a $100 which will be usable during the next pandemic. Worst case scenario if you do not and this is real, your lungs get scarred, you infect and kill your grandpa, and your life is altered. Be safe. While you are at it, drop a copy of that off at your local Fire Department and your local PD, so they stay available to answer calls for distress during the crisis.

Coronavirus: More young patients being admitted to hospital, Italian doctor says. From the article: “The type of patient is changing,” Luca Lorini, the head of Anaesthesia as well as Intensive Care at a north Italian hospital, has actually stated. “They are a bit younger, between 40 to 45-years -old and the cases are more complicated.” There was a methicillin resistant staph in the Bay area a while back which got shuffled around the gay community, and actually grew incredibly capable of evading the weakened immune defenses of AIDS patients who didn’t adhere to treatment well because it was able to multiply in them and search for mutants. It eventually got so strong it began to overcome healthy immune systems, and then it got stronger in normies. Eventually, regular people who went to local gyms began showing up at hospitals with actual ulcers, where they touched a countertop or a pad on a machine at the gym, a bacterium got on their skin, and it just took off, burrowing right through the skin and into their flesh, creating a nice open sore over a week or so that would not heal. If COVID-19 is real, Corona Chan will make it into the gay community, and when it does, we may suddenly have something emerge which is beyond imagination.

Africa has Coronavirus, but experts are baffled why it is not spreading locally. They think it is the heat, meaning if we make it to summer, containment should be much easier.

There is a theory out there that Coronavirus already blew through and was merely seen as a bad flu year. If this is the case, the minor version that first showed up in China blew through, and this will be the follow-on version, which is the more transmissible and lethal mutant. I tend to doubt it is almost over, because if that were the case here, it would certainly be the case in Italy and Iran, and the reports out of the hospitals there would not sound like a warzone. It is still possible this whole thing is a psyop, but I doubt this idea we are on the tail end of it.

Hoboken NJ announces city-wide enforced Coronavirus curfew – all citizens must stay in their homes from 10pm to 5am.

Fever-stricken reporter who worked for China’s state-run network barred from White House coronavirus briefing.

Doors slam shut across borderless Europe as coronavirus spreads.

China shuts all 16 temporary Coronavirus hospitals in Wuhan. The faster a disease spreads, the faster it blows through a population. What I would like to know is what is the population of Wuhan now vs before, and what is the lung function of those who had the disease now, vs what it was before. It is possible if this is real, that even without a warmup from summer, all you would have to do is avoid infection for two months, and it will have blown past the population. It is also possible the Chinese were welding apartment buildings shut because they were filled with dead bodies they didn’t want filmed.

C Pap breathing machines may be able to help ease the shortage of ventilators for artificial respiration in many cases.

France closes shops and restaurants, and tells people to stay home.

Georgia became the second state to postpone its primary elections amid growing concern over the spread of the Wuhan virus.

Fake coronavirus test kits seized at LAX. Curious. Is it possible some intel operation would have benefited from slipping such a test kit, designed to provide a guaranteed positive or negative into the official record? Might they have come with a Q-tip in a bottomless microcentrifuge tube used for sampling that was dosed with a real lethal virus to take someone out? Did we catch them because Trump’s intel was better than their intel? Sounds interesting, and not like it seems.

New York Times says China is the hero of Coronavirus who tried to buy us time, and we are the villain’s who squandered the time, and thus are responsible for the virus. Nice Chinese talking points.

Here, someone makes the case that New York City is going to be the next Wuhan or Lombardy, and they should shut down New York City immediately, issue everyone $500/month, and stop the advance of the virus. Assuming it is real, this will just slow the advance of the virus, and endanger more people by keeping the virus floating around. I do not think you can take the R0 below 1 with this virus. So it will keep advancing, even in the face of a full shutdown. I increasingly view these curves, where it rises exponentially, levels off and drops, as similar to IQ curves. At the beginning, and as you hit the exponential rise, you are seeing the idiots and lowest IQs. These are the morons who jokingly touch stuff and put their hands in their mouths, to show no flu is around. Then it goes to the entirely threat blind. As it advances, it runs into smarter and smarter people, of whom there are fewer, and it has a harder time. The curve levels off. By the time you are at the end of the curve, it is running into the people wearing full face respirators and Tyvek suits. It gets one here or there who makes a careless mistake, or suffers bad luck, but it has a hell of a time doing it, and its R0 has dropped to less than one. So what does this say about a shutdown? If it is at the beginning, it will still have that pool of morons out there, who will keep it alive by going out, licking door knobs for a laugh, and doing stupid shit, but it will just move slower through them, and the rest of us will have to wait longer, and have more opportunities to fail to fully rub down our gear properly, or happen to track a viral particle into our house by chance, or get caught by a piece of mail which didn’t heat up as warm as we thought it did for long enough. I think you infect more people over all, and fuck the economy worse by trying to keep things low early on. The only counter-argument is more people may die if you don’t flatten the curve, and it is valid. If you want to shut down just enough to keep admissions below hospital capacity fine. But you will never get near beating the virus this way, so trying just runs the risk of having this still going in October. Unfortunately this is going to tear through the morons one way or another. The question is if everyone else has to watch them keep it alive for a full year as we sweat bullets about making a small mistake in our procedures, or if we can get them all herd immunity in a month, and watch this thing die fast, so everything can get back to normal.

Iran’s Rouhani seeks to suppress coronavirus coverage.

A man in Kentucky who has a confirmed case of the coronavirus has refused to self isolate, and the state has taken the steps to “force a self-isolation.”

Italy’s coronavirus cases top 20,000, with 3497 added just in one day.

Wuhan Coronavirus hits Venezuela.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tested for coronavirus after symptoms.

Trump tests negative for Coronavirus.

A cameraman collapses in Norway in the middle of a news reporter’s liveshot:


National Review wants more ability of shadowy intelligence agencies to spy on regular Americans, because of “Muh Terrorism.” Whether knowingly or not (I would assume knowingly), they’re selling out every real American, to help the Cabal take over our nation, under the banner of conservatism, as if they are patriots. Totally traitorous motherfuckers, they want their millions and their cocktail parties, in return for sucking Cabal cock and stabbing us all in the back. I hope they all rot in hell. Trump and Q’s day of the rope can’t come fast enough for these pricks. And understand the little prick who wrote this was probably holed up in a hotel room like Andrew Gillum, which is why he was allowed a paycheck and a national soapbox, despite the fact nobody subscribes to his rag.

Socialist New York City Mayor calls for the “nationalization, literally a nationalization, of crucial factories and industries that can produce the medical supplies that can prepare this country for what we need.”

Ilhan Omar’s new husband made more than half a million off her campaigns.

This asteroid has a 1 in 40 chance of hitting earth in 2029, and it is even more likely to hit in 2036.

Military helicopters spraying the sky in Mississippi with yellow liquid?

Gun and ammo sales surge in US with coronavirus fears.

Trump orders a refilling of the Strategic Petroleum reserve now when prices are at rock bottom.

Bernie Bros warn of ‘massive exodus’ if Democrats nominate Joe Biden.

Trump takes out top Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ commander in Iraq – General Siamand Mashhadani killed in US strike.

James Woods is ‘buying more stock’ because America will ‘roar back’ under Trump. A very logical assessment by a very high IQ.

White House previews executive order to reduce medical supply chain dependence on China.



Spread r/K Theory, because you can’t save stupid

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LembradorDos6Triliões (there are no coinkidinks)
LembradorDos6Triliões (there are no coinkidinks)
5 years ago – “Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Already Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak”

What a Cohencidence!




I like it.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

LMAO! That’s great. I’m stealing that one.

5 years ago

I am interested in the document above on how to protect ourselves but cannot download a pdf and cannot print it out as I am blind and do not hve the technical know-how. Is it at all possible to put the text somewhere, like in the comments or in another post? Thank you so much if you can help in any way. Appreciate all your good information.

5 years ago

From the 1 in 40 assteroid article:

>”Scientists currently predict that extinction causing asteroids hit earth every sixty million years. At the moment we are currently five years over-due.”

Well, time to make plans for building a bunker!
>Cue in Fallout music:

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
5 years ago

4.856 years overdue but they thought it ok to round up?

5 years ago

Many Q folk believe there isn’t any real viral threat. However, “Nothing can stop what’s coming” could just as easily mean they knew it was coming but couldn’t stop it. The promise is justice. Just a thought.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
5 years ago


“Here, someone makes the case that New York City is going to be the next Wuhan or Lombardy, and they should shut down New York City immediately, issue everyone $500/month, and stop the advance of the virus.”

So “Universal income” then, same as has been tried failed and subsequently dumped in Finlamf when the district that have tried neared bankruptcy over the last 5 years or so,
also in Canada

Empty shelves
No public gatherings
Rationed services
Rationed consumables

If it looks like Communism…..

They need to get the libtards/Bike thieves on this tout suite so that they get 2-3 payments in before the moment passes and they lose the race against the summer temperatures, my money’s on God and mother nature,
If they do,however, Boogaloo when they try to cancel it?

Tracy Coyle
Tracy Coyle
5 years ago

I am curious to know how many of the critical patients with coronavirus, and those that died, smoked. Something that compromises the lungs no matter the age and likely improves the odds of a virus getting settled.

5 years ago

NYPD cop kills herself inside Midtown Manhattan police station locker room after taking a gun from a young officer

5 years ago

Health Inheritance: Asians Have Lower Vitamin C Blood Levels; More Prone To Coronavirus & Other Infections

The type of unstable haptoglobin that leads to the oxidation of vitamin C is very prevalent among Asians.

Unstable haptoglobin is prevalent in up to 56.4% of Chinese males and females, whereas the two more stable forms are distributed in 10% and 33.6% of genetic groups in Chinese populations. The more stable form of HAPTO-G is prevalent among 35% of Caucasians.

Vitamin C blood concentrations are lower among Asians with unstable Hapto-G. Among individuals who don’t consume the Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin C from their diet, the likelihood a person will be vitamin C-deficient is ~3-fold greater among individuals who inherit the unstable form of HAPTO-G.

Because unstable HAPTO-G does not as efficiently bind to iron, blood storage levels of iron (ferritin) are obviously higher among many Asians.

Haptoglobin & viral growth

Stable HAPTO-G controls growth of viruses and bacteria.

Mortality rates are higher among virally-infected individuals with unstable HAPTO-G.

Among virally-infected adults, median survival was 7.3 years in the unstable haptoglobin group vs. 11.0 years for the stable HAPTO-G group.

Supplemental vitamin C (1600 mg./day) was found to reduce duration of hospitalization by 36% among patients with pneumonia, which is what coronavirus-infected patients die of.

Highly virulent coronavirus-infected patients produce a viral load of 357 copies per milliliter of blood serum, enough to overwhelm the immune system and marginalize dietary and oral doses of vitamin C. Continual vitamin C infusions would be necessary.

Due to the fact vitamin C levels are lower among Asians, the COVID-19 coronavirus is not expected to be as virulent or frequent in populations outside Asia.

More at:

Coronavirus And Vitamin C: Is THIS Why Israel Closed Its Borders?

In the Middle East, only 28% of Muslim Iranians carry Hp 1. And only 30% of Israelis carry it.

Could this be why the Israelis (who are acutely aware of genetics) reacted so decisively to Covid-19? All new arrivals to Israel now face 2 weeks’ quarantine [Coronavirus: Israel to bring in 14-day quarantine for all arrivals, BBC News, March 9, 2020].

(Indeed, could this be true of Jews generally? Covid-19 reportedly broke out in New Rochelle, the U.S. city where a “containment area” has been set up, at a modern Orthodox synagogue, many of whose members are now infected; Westchester County, where New Rochelle is located, was reportedly 17 percent Jewish in 2011 [Jewish community caught inside coronavirus ‘containment zone,’ by Aiden Pink, The Forward, March 10, 2020. No less than 29 cases have just been confirmed at one nearby Jewish school, at a time when fewer than 1,000 cases were known in the entire U.S. [New York Jewish school says 29 students, staff diagnosed with virus, by Ben Harris, The Times Of Israel, March 11, 2020]).

The differences in the frequency of Hp 1 are small within Europe, but its frequency is among the lowest in Italy, where it is 36%. It is 40% in Scotland, the highest in Europe.

Now, of course, the key question is the population frequency of Hp 2-2, which is bad for vitamin C retention. Unfortunately, I cannot find a study that includes this information for lots of countries. However, within Italy, though Hp 1 is 36% nationwide, it is only 30% in northern Italy [Distribution of Haptoglobin Subtypes in Continental Italy and Sardinia, by Claudio Santor et al., Human Heredity, 1983], which has been worst affected by the virus.

More at:

4 years ago

Saudi Arabia detains 298 public officials in new corruption probes