News Briefs – 03/14/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


If whoever reads these sites for Trump sees this, I would ask one proposal be pushed up to him. Presently there are millions of Cops, Firefighters, and Paramedics who are going to be getting called to cases of respiratory distress and illness, who have little or no guidance on what to do, or what Personal Protective Equipment is required for personal safety. They are mostly not trained in science, and have no idea of the infectiousness of the virus, or the mechanisms or the tools out there that could protect them, nor do their bosses, and at this point from my firsthand observations, everybody is ignoring them. As it stands, they’ll just walk into a hotzone completely unprotected. Trump should assign one scientifically/medically trained person from his team to work to take care of them, by offering official federal procedures and guidance for local and state first responders on protective equipment and procedures necessary to protect them, and whether firefighters or cops should even go inside houses on medical calls, or whether only Paramedics and EMTS should go in, and what gear they need to employ to protect themselves effectively. Those guys will all have elderly relatives, and they are all Trump’s people. I’m pretty sure Trump will want to take care of them. To say nothing of what the loss of Fire Departments, paramedics/EMTs, and Police Departments would do in some areas if this went to a crisis and they were all taken out of commission with illness. Presently from what I have seen, that is exactly where we are heading in a lot of places. Those people have no idea what to do and nobody is stepping in, because all the medical people are looking at the civilian community.


Maybe I’m a little crazy, but when I saw this tweet:

I immediately thought of Q’s first post:

If you had asked me, what are the chances the National Guard will be activated across the entire US, and in all major cities under the Presidency of Donald J. Trump, I would have said it would be almost impossible. I wonder if Corona is only hitting elites because the elites are the professional script readers, and that is the script they were given, to allow for a deployment of the Guard?

Bill Gates steps down from Microsoft’s board of directors – notable resignation?

Failed Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum (D) was allegedly involved in a suspected crystal meth incident on Friday morning at a Miami Beach hotel, where officers found Gillum naked inside a West Avenue hotel room with two other men while providing medical attention to one of the individuals for a possible drug overdose. “Mr. Gillum was unable to communicate with officers due to his inebriated state,” Bear in mind, gay men frequently use Crystal meth during gay sex, and the man who overdosed was a known male escort in the Miami area. Gillum tried to claim he was drunk with friends after a wedding, but the gay escort said there was no wedding, and he had known Gillum for a while. Plus it was a Thursday night, which is an odd night to get married. A normie would think, “Wow, how could a man who ran for high political office allow himself to get involved in such a thing?” The reality is, he was involved in politics because (((They))) had observed him doing that from the shadows when he was a nobody, and approached him specifically to be one of their public agents because this made him controllable. From there, his rise was effortless and assured. Obama was probably the most obvious and extreme version of this phenomenon. The only guy I can think of who they definitely didn’t have such dirt on was an accidental Governor, NY Governor David Patterson, whose story of blackmail by (((Them))) is notorious among politicos. After indicating he was without a doubt going to run for re-election, he suddenly decided not to, so somehow they managed to get rid of even him. Makes me wonder what they have on Stacey Abrams, Ralph Coonman Northam, Rahm Emmanuel,  and Andrew Cuomo.

Matt Gaetz is quite the gifted twitter shitposter:

President Trump declares a National Emergency over the Wuhan virus.

Australia minister tests positive for COVID-19 after a U.S. visit with Ivanka Trump and Bill Barr last week. He attended a Five Eyes meeting as well. Figure a week’s incubation, and he probably had just been exposed on his flight over, and was not contagious when they met, but enough with the meetings already. The next two weeks, shut things the fuck down, teleconference, and wait to see exactly what we are dealing with. The virus is what it is going to be. If I was an investor, seeing it taken seriously and dealt with cautiously by people who see a risk would frighten me much less than seeing people treat what might be a world-changing event casually, not seeing the dangers, and not taking it seriously.

White House coronavirus expert Dr. Anthony Fauci says complete US shutdown is ‘on the table’ and warns the crisis could last two months. Basically you’ve got three classes of people, those who can and will take avoidant measures, those who won’t or can’t, and assholes who go around touching everyone and everything, acting like the virus is a joke. This thing will have a different R0 with each group. It will tear through the last group, spread through the second, and then die out with the first. The problem with prognosticating is, when it first hits, we see the high R0 because it is tearing through the last group of morons who are touching everything to be funny. After a while, it begins to spread through the second group, at a slower rate and the curve levels off. By the time it hits the last group, the R0 may be less than one, and it may just die out. I think that path is unavoidable, it is only a question of how quickly we can get through that process to get to where the R0 is lower than one, and begin to get things back to normal. To that end I am wondering if it isn’t a good idea to do this like a band aid. Panic whoever we can, let it do its thing among the idiots who ignore the risk, and shorten the period during which the cohort of idiots are going to threaten the well being of everyone else.

I suspect the changing R0 postulated above is why this seems to peter out quickly, despite how fast and hard it comes on at first, as Paul Sperry seems to suspect below. Once it has infected all the idiots over the next month or so, the spread rate will diminish dramatically, and I expect it will peter out:

According to a new poll, two-thirds of Americans are concerned about contracting coronavirus, as country grapples with growing crisis. Again, Corona virus probably has an R0 of 18 among the third that doesn’t care, and an R0 varying between .01 and 5 among those that care, depending directly on how much they care, and how far they are willing to go to avoid exposure. Print out and read the pdf posted at the top of yesterday’s brief, and get the protective gear you need to be able to go out, no matter how hot it gets, and get what supplies you need without getting exposed.

People who fully recover from the coronavirus can be left with ’20 to 30%’ less lung function. Those are probably the 20-25% who need ICU treatment. Though lesser infections may lose less lung function.

Italy hits a one-day record with 250 new Coronavirus deaths, 2,547 new cases, and 14,955 total cases.

Bolsonaro denies he tested positive for Coronavirus after meeting Trump, calls it fake news. Completely made up. I swallowed hard when they said it, so it is good it was false.

Ted Cruz extends self-quarantine after contact with second person who tested positive for Coronavirus.

Miami mayor tests positive for coronavirus after event with Brazil President Bolsonaro.

Coronavirus outbreak postpones hearing on SF bathhouse policy. Oh, my fucking sides! I suppose we should be surprised they actually had this much common sense.

Top Iranian cleric okays buying future Israeli Coronavirus vaccine. Likely a measure of just how bad it must appear on the ground in Iran.

Millions of Britons will need to contract COVID-19 for ‘herd immunity.’ Bear in mind, each million will produce 10,000 dead at 1% mortality, and 80,000 dead at Italy’s eight percent mortality, and if it all hits at once and there aren’t enough ventilators, 200,000 to 250,000 per million, at 20-25% mortality due to lack of ICU care. Population’s at 66 million.

China may have found coronavirus patient zero in Hubei province, and he got it Nov. 17, 2019.

CDC and epidemic experts projected between 160 million and 214 million people in the U.S. could be infected over the course of the epidemic, as many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die, and, 2.4 million to 21 million people in the U.S. could require hospitalization crushing the healthcare system.

California Governor Gavin Newsom signs an executive order allowing the state to take over hotels to house coronavirus patients.

The mayor of Champaign, Illinois has declared a town emergency over the Wuhan coronavirus that includes a potential ban on the sale of firearms and ammunition, despite her town not having a single case of the virus.

Japan will not cancel or postpone the Olympics. R0 will be very high among those who attend.

Trump says of the issues at CDC that Obama created, “I’ve Fixed Them And We’re ‘Ready To Go!”

Trump stops Pelosi from putting abortion funding in anti-Coronavirus bill.

Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus.

Interview with a doctor who relates the case of a woman who was at death’s door in California who appears to have immediately turned around and been saved by Remdesivir.

Scientists believe they’ve made a huge breakthrough in Coronavirus vaccine effort.

Scientists in Israel expected to announce in the coming days that they have completed development of a vaccine for the new coronavirus.

US scientists have completed a Coronavirus vaccine.

Donald Trump declares Sunday National Day of Prayer: ‘We are a country that has looked to God in times like these.’

Here is a random thought I am going to throw out for no particular reason, just to record it on the blog. We know respiratory virus infections reduce in number in warmer climes, and scientists are actually puzzled Africa is escaping the Corona crisis right now. We also know Coronavirus infects one lung much worse than the other, because the bronchial tube on that side is shorter, and the virus can get into the lung easier. That implies to me the virus is almost not getting into the lungs – it is almost borderline. Suppose the real reason you are seeing lung involvement is that patients are aerosolizing virus themselves like a human nebulizer, and then inhaling the cloud of virus particles they produce themselves in large quantities. Is it possible in warmer environments, there is more air exchange with the outside, AC filters the air better, and the air they breathe is cleaner with less virus per volume, lowering the exposure to viral particles before the threshold dose required to produce an advancing lung infection? If the virus is so close to failing to damage the lung that a couple of centimeters distance is the difference between a successful threshold exposure producing infection and not – in the same patient – maybe viral particles per cubic foot of air can make a big difference in patient outcomes, and this varies with seasons, and whether people are cooped up in closed off houses, or in rooms with the windows open and breathing fresh, filtered air. If I got this, I would run HEPA filtration in my room.

FCC Commissioner calls out Adam Schiff over his secret subpoenas taking the phone records for Devin Nunes, Rudy Giuliani, journalist John Solomon, and others, and may take action.

Hillary Clinton vice presidential odds surge, now fifth in line.

Young Turks beg Bernie Sanders to ‘hit’ Joe Biden’s ‘mental decline.’

Even mask-wearers can be ID’d, China facial recognition firm says.

Trump campaign accuses Biden of ‘plagiarizing’ Trump’s coronavirus plan.

Bioethicist who thinks people should die at age 75 is advising Biden on coronavirus.

What happens when you combine a candidate who doesn’t know where he is half the time with a campaign team that can’t piece together the know-how to do a Facebook livestream? You get the Biden virtual town hall. A total disaster, I can’t wait to see the Trump tweet.

Russian share prices collapse, ruble and oil tumble.

Next Level Armament gifts a special “Biden AR-14” to the Michigan auto worker who challenged Biden.

A ‘Never Biden’ movement vows not to vote for Joe.

Dow soars nearly 2,000 points in massive rally.

Spread r/K Theory, because if a disease is killing idiots, it may not be all bad.

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5 years ago

Sam J posted: “Their greed eventually led them to a civil war in Rome that killed the Republic altogether. If they would have let Julius Caesar live with a few reforms everyone could have prospered and things could have gone on.”

Reading ‘Caesar’ by Adrian Goldsworthy. One sentence caught my eye.

After defeating Pompey in the Civil War, Caesar returned to Rome with his battle-hardened legions. He needed funds to pay the soldiers, so went to the treasury in the Forum.

The money was kept in the temple of Saturn! Caesar subdued the guards, broke open the door, and took the money he needed, including a fund that had been saved for 340 years to guard against Rome being sacked again by the Gauls. Caesar noted that the fund was no longer needed since he had conquered Gaul.

No wonder Caesar, who was Rome’s greatest leader, was assassinated. He stole the money from those who even Cicero feared. The “star of Rephan” is in fact the star of Saturn. Readers here are fully aware of the connotations.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  moo(k)
5 years ago

Reading ‘Caesar’ by Adrian Goldsworthy

Arrrgh I need to read this. I have it but…I have so many books and my attention span is getting lower and lower from the internet. I used to churn through masses of books and magazines before the internet.

Another i need to read that I’ve had for years. “TRAGEDY AND HOPE, A History of THE WORLD in Our Time” by Carroll Quigley. I pick it up, read a little then put it down and then forget what read and have to start over. It’s big, dense and little tiny print and you have to pay attention it covers so much.

Reply to  moo(k)
5 years ago

It was the Jews then, again.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

KR commented a link which was good but it had another very good link in it. It’s a link to a video of an interview between Joe Rogan and Dr. Michael Osterholm, a major infectious disease expert. If you want to know about viruses and corona wow you should watch this.

A.C. said,”…We know respiratory virus infections reduce in number in warmer climes…”

Exact question asked in the video. He says corona is different from influenza , which is stymied by temp, but corona is a class of viruses that are not as some come from Arabia and heat doesn’t effect them at all. Bummer.

He also covers vitamins and though he doesn’t mention vit C I think that’s what he was referring too and says it does no good. I really, really, don’t understand why the people at the top have massive resistance to vitamin C. I’ve read papers from all over that say vitamin C is effective but for some reason it appears they refuse to do up to date studies. A lot them are from the distant past where they didn’t have a lot of the drugs they have today. While this guy is super knowledgeable I think he has biases that are prevalent in the medical industry. I’m not saying every one of them is corrupt there’s just some things they refuse to consider at all. There’s a ton of documentation of doctors using C with good results in the past but they refuse to consider.

Another example is certain drugs that act on cancer. Look at this link. It might save your life some day. Some good searches are “Mebendazole cancer” “fenbendazole cancer”

These are used by veterinarians on animals and there are many cases where incurable cancer has been stopped but there’s no massive big research program. There’s also no money in this as the ingredients cost a couple dollars per dose compared to thousands for chemo.

Another good example is the Melonheads or Coneheads. Unless all the pictures are photoshopped and there’s a large world wide conspiracy to make these up we know these odd “humans???” exist. Groups have tested their DNA and the mtDNA from their mitochondria does not match that of any other human population. They also have a different cranial stitching from any other human. They are often written off and head binding but I’ve seen mummified babies that have the exact same conehead ruling out binding. You would think something this different and exciting would open the flood gates of funding to find out what they were but…crickets….they just ignore any evidence.

There’s some things “experts” will just ignore and refuse to look at no matter what the evidence. And I’m not saying it’s a conspiracy it’s just the way some humans are wired. If it’s not in fashion they refuse to look.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

Shanghai Government Officially Recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19

I’ve read this several places so it looks like we will get a real test. I’m of course very interested in the outcome.

Just so people know I don’t believe vit C is the be all and end all for everything. Pauling who pushed this stuff to the max, and lived from 1901 to 1994, also covered up the fact that mice with high doses got cancer at higher rates.

5 years ago

I don’t know about you guys, but the pandemic solves most of the issues of wiping out the cabals ground troops.

The pandemic has virtually eliminated any mass casualty event, other than grocery stores.
Shutdown a lot of foreign travel.
Then all the beneficial things like people stocking up on supplies.
My guess is Trump will kill domestic air travel and martial law after.

Perfect scenario to quietly wipe out the ground level operators and then go after the big wigs once the low level operators are scooped up.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Bman
5 years ago

650 Mexican Cartel members have been arrested around the US in the last week.

5 years ago

Apparently, an anon who was working on a anti-censorship decentralized platform got murdered via gun fire by the police while he was sleeping:

Also why it is a good idea to install mechanical alarms in your house, like this:

And make sure you have some type of weapon within easy reach in the place you sleep in.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
5 years ago

“…anti-censorship decentralized platform…”

We desperately need this. it’s coming but none too soon. There are platforms now but they have problems. There’s new ones that will combine decent speed with anonymity and the ability to fund sites and buy things anonymously. I expect by two years max one of these being built now will take off.

When it happens there’s no amount of spamming or shilling that will stop it. Just like 8chan had a mass of disinformation but over time certain bits of intelligence gell into being known to be true. Not as good as knowing for sure but better than the continuous lies we are fed with now. The sites that stick to the truth the most will get better viewers and with the type nets proposed, the more your site is used the faster it gets and it doesn’t cost you more. With a small amount of advertising in the mix it could be profitable for someone to tell the truth. Never as much as the monopolist media but you don’t need all the infrastructure so cost will be low.

5 years ago

RE: Corona-chan

Or it could be that the virus barely exists and the whole thing has been seized as cover for the Storm. China has cleaned out Cabal before, the unreliable death toll numbers could easily be Beijing doing that again. The NG activation is a dry run for when it matters latter on. Q’s first post is probably setting a delta, it could very well be Trump’s October surprise, or getting them to panic in September or early October and do something really stupid. Or both.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Hello, in the campus residence in Spain were my brother was until today there was a friend of his and his gf that got the covid, other friends of his with whom the couple had spent time had fever today.
My brother spent many hours with said friends so I assume they are legit noncabal kids with legit fever.

Reply to  P
5 years ago

Assuming for politeness’ sake that we can trust you we must remember that we can’t be sure that those people who were sick actually had anything other than a regular cold of flu.

How would we know?
Because the “authorities” told them?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

It could be regular flu, however if in a group of friends all have it (supposing it is that way, considering that my brother tends to exaggerate stories for dramatic effect), then Id assign higher chances to the possibility that it is something more infectious than the flu.

I’ve been reading this blog for more than five years, I’d trust me 🙂

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

A/C, I’m glad you brought that up. I hesitate to say this, because I don’t want to sound like a Know-Nothing, but I don’t know anyone who has The Thang, and I don’t know OF anyone who does. I live in Cascadia, which is supposedly the USA’s Ground Zero, and I have asked friends and family in San Diego, Portland, and San Luis Obispo as well for their input, trying to get some sort of HUMINT picture. The answer is always the same: zip, zero, nada.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

My brother-in-law is a physician in the city in which I live who just tested positive for the virus. His positive status is being hushed by the local hospital “cabal” because he does daily rounds and therefore has exposed lots of people.

His speciality is not epidemiology, btw, but he did attend the elderly patient who recently died in this community.

5 years ago

Interdasting thread on 4changs about Q decodes, adrenochrome and the kung-flu:

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
5 years ago

Shits about to hit the fan.

Q has said absolutely NOTHING about Coronachan.

Ides of March
March madness

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
5 years ago

Good catch!

Thanks, fren.

5 years ago

“You’ve got three classes of people, those who can and will take avoidant measures, those who won’t or can’t, and assholes who go around touching everyone and everything, acting like the virus is a joke. This thing will have a different R0 with each group”

So Trump declares a national emergency yesterday. And what do my neighbors do? Throw a massive, two-day St. Patrick’s day with like 30 people. Shit.

5 years ago

Re. nebulizing virus particles, I found this product on Amazon and wonder if this or something similar could be a serious treatment option for people experiencing respiratory distress:

Equisilver respiratory Solution (check it on Amazon, the reviews are useful)

Used in a nebulizer or even a personal mist device for humans, obviously.

If it works, it works, and if effective could potentially help a lot of people. Already tested on animals and known to be safe, so there’s that. Animals don’t experience the placebo effect.

Also, silver is already known as a strong antimicrobial, and has been studied fairly extensively not just by people looking for alternative medicines, but by the National Institutes of Health:

Silver vs. HIV-1:
Silver vs. bacteria:
Silver vs. herpes & parainfluenza:

Another thing: if effective, as a water-based inhalable aerosol solution wouldn’t this be usable in a vape kit, making it relatively simple for people to administer at home before symptoms get serious?

Something to consider, anyway.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

I bet this would help. Silver is a long known way to fight viruses. To save money you could get a ultrasonic mister instead of an expensive neutralizer which it what this is anyways.

Here’s one from walmart but they are out. I bet it will be difficult to find these. The ones I’ve had have always broken down. Sigh. Walgreens and other pharmacies might have them still.

You also can make your own nano-silver solution with a pure silver coin and a battery. One link there’s lots if you search for “colloidal-silver”

5 years ago

Did you put together that Coronavirus bullet point document? Super helpful. Thanks.