News Briefs – 03/13/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


A good pdf floating around is below, containing the gear you would need to be able to go out in a pandemic situation and not get infected by a virus. With this, you could get on a subway car filled with sick people, go in a grocery store filled with infected people, or tend to a sick loved one, and not worry about being infected. And this gear is better protection than an N95 mask, and it is more available.

COVID-19 Virus Protection

Someone pointed out that in this next tweet, Trump used a collage image for the story about the CDC which had pictures you would expect, like a family, a bacteria, a scientist candling an egg, and vegetable produce but it also had a picture up in the right hand corner which was of a violent thunderstorm, which doesn’t seem CDC-related.

Sen Ron Johnson will subpoena consulting firm linked to Burisma and Hunter Biden.

Chelsea Manning ordered freed from jail in WikiLeaks case after suicide attempt.

FBI’s Russia collusion case fell apart in first month of Trump presidency, memos show.

Judicial Watch sues the State Department for text messages of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin.

A good collection of graphs demonstrating the explosive potential of Coronavirus, if the people are not actively spooked and motivated to self-isolate and take other protective measures. There may be a band-aid like quality to these things, where you can avoid panic, try to stifle market drops, and so on and watch as the agony is dragged out for months, or you can spook everyone, terrify them at the outset to stay inside and away from others and wear masks, let the market hit its bottom right away, and then after a few weeks, watch as everything soars right back to normal. If I had a restaurant, sending everybody home and enduring one month of no work would be better than two or three months of anemic/no business.

Trudeau and wife are in quarantine while she is tested for Coronavirus.

Kim Jong Un flees North Korean Capital over fears of Corona virus.

Norway on lockdown, everything closed. They are saying this will infect 70% of the population. That means all city-dwellers will get exposed, and only a portion of the rural folk. If it overwhelms the system, and you see the 20-25% who need ventilators largely unable to get them, and dying, you could see 25% of the leftist city vote wiped out in six months. That would be like 2 million people just in New York City alone, and mostly those who can’t process threat. Then add in the gay populations in places like San Francisco, and the travel-prone who are also leftist, and the amygdala addled who won’t do the crazy things you will need to do, like wear a full respirator and Tyvek suit, with full decontaminating procedures to be certain of saftey, and you could be talking a major political shift going on across the world in a matter of months, assuming this thing doesn’t get more lethal and more virulent, which I suspect may be happening in places like Italy. Already these places were going K. That is why you are going to see leftist governments across the globe begin to shit in the coming weeks. This is an existential threat to everything they hold dear.

Coronavirus can live in patients for up to five weeks after they first fall ill – more than twice as long as the recommended 14-day isolation period.

Sick passenger wearing a mask and gloves on a flight from JFK to Palm Beach ‘received call saying he had coronavirus just moments before plane took off’ but didn’t tell anyone until they were in the air and about to land.

Trump says restricting travel in U.S. a ‘possibility’ if coronavirus pandemic gets ‘too hot.’

German study revealed that patients with the infection are the most contagious before severe symptoms appear and can even spread it after they recover from the infection.

Italy’s top doctors say intensive care units should stop treating the elderly.

Since the United States imposed a Coronavirus travel ban for those entering from China, Border Patrol agents have detained 333 Chinese nationals attempting to enter the United States illegally.

Duterte places Manila under lockdown.

Ohio health official estimates 100,000 people in state have coronavirus.

Joy Behar, co-host of ABC’s “The View,” is taking some leave due to concerns over the coronavirus.

The world’s richest people are chartering private jets to set off for holiday homes or specially prepared disaster bunkers to self-isolate in the face of an escalation in the coronavirus crisis.

Princess Cruises cancels all voyages for two months.

Donald Trump suggests postponing Tokyo 2020 Olympics over Coronavirus.

Trump says he’ll likely curtail rallies amid coronavirus. Good move, even if just to see where this thing is going.

Lindsey Graham self-quarantines and is tested for coronavirus after Brazilian president’s aide who was at Mara Lago party had the disease.

Bolsonaro is also being tested as well.

The ban on single-use plastic grocery bags is unsanitary—and it comes at the worst imaginable time with the Coronavirus.

Jim Cramer supports Trump’s proposal to suspend taxes to support companies and people during the Coronavirus crisis.

China is likely using lungs taken from living political prisoners to treat coronavirus patients, a doctoral researcher told Breitbart News.

Wuhan gets back to work – a positive signs for the future of the coronavirus in the U.S.

Fed unveils dramatic measures to ease market strain from virus. Injecting liquidity, buying Treasury bills, and offering temporary cash loans through repurchase agreements.

In America you are racist if you refer to the Wuhan virus. Meanwhile, in Mexico they are making Coronavirus Pinyatas:

Pelosi is unable to pronounce “epidemiological:”

On Thursday, 174 Democrats in the House voted against an amendment to the Rights for Transportation Security Officers Act that would prevent the TSA from hiring convicted terrorists.

Nancy Pelosi caught trying to include abortion funding in bill to combat Coronavirus.

Senate Republicans poised to reject House coronavirus relief bill if necessary.

Democrats pass a bill to keep Trump from ordering travel bans during the virus crisis.

Megan Markle wore “fallen star” ear rings that protect from evil for her final royal engagement. One of the two most evil people I knew got into a thing with relatives, and the relatives told me she actually nailed garlic to her front door when they were coming over.

The Pope says God is not a magician, so the Big Bang theory is right.

Missouri lawmaker trying to ban drag queens from reading to kids says he’s faced ‘death threats.’

Harvey Weinstein once claimed in a text message he was sexually assaulted. I am at the point I wonder if it was chance, or if the puppetmasters had already cast a role for him, and it was part of his training.

Wall Street is making strange moves. What if Trump seized a ton of property from Cabal operatives under his corruption Executive Order, and he has to put it back into the market somehow. When better to dump bonds back in than when they are supposed to rise as people flood to them? Or when better to offload gold than right as we head into uncertain times, and people would normally be flooding to it? Even Crypto is plummeting, as if people are not moving assets anywhere, so much as a ton of assets are being dumped on the markets all of a sudden on all sides.

CNN’s Acosta says Trump referring to coronavirus as ‘foreign virus’ in Oval Office address ‘smacked of xenophobia.’ Leftists tell you how they think. Here, Acosta is not looking at this logically. He is looking at it through the eyes of somebody who feels the emotional attachments of words, and thinks emotionally. For him, attaching the word “Foreign” to “Virus” creates an emotional vibe for the word foreign that is negative, and will program brains to see foreigners as a virus. For him, the world is not logic, but rather emotional feelings attached to concepts. It feels good, it feels bad, Orange man bad, Green good. And so on. Of course Trump, the master persuader, has taught himself to think like this which is probably why he attached the words together in the first place. Everywhere else, fleshy robots just pick up his programming and follow his lead, without even knowing it, and the leftists who see it are going nuts.

Bernie joins the black eye club:

Russia’s Putin wants traditional marriage and God in constitution.

Trump throws surveillance bill into chaos with implicit veto threat. Rand and Mike Lee are also fighting it. Congressman Ken Buck from Colorado wrote a vociferous opposition piece to it here. The media is in full CIA disinformation mode, as here from the 1st article : “Mr. Trump and his supporters are invested in promulgating a conspiracy theory that the F.B.I.’s counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s efforts to manipulate the 2016 presidential election was actually a politically motivated attempt to sabotage his presidency.” Trump was an illegal target who now occupies the most powerful office in the land. It is impossible to be a target, without being irreparably poisoned against all surveillance, even viewing legitimate surveillance as not worth the cost of the inevitable abuses, which will undoubtedly spiral entirely out of control. I would be surprised if there is anything but the most minor surveillance operations, if even those, by the time he leaves office.

Trump signs law banning use of federal funds to purchase Huawei equipment.

New York Post says, “Trump passes coronavirus test with flying colors.”

Greeks retrofit giant fans from their parachute school onto the back of trucks to blow Turkish teargas back into Turkey:

Spread r/K Theory, because there’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.

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5 years ago

“Q is going again.”

No Q today.

5 years ago

Thanks AC

5 years ago

So Michael Savage’s kid just collected a cool $4 billion. Must have done something pretty earthshaking for a payout like that…dug the Panama Canal or discovered the principles of anti-gravity or something, right? Well, akshully, he put some B vitamins in a can of flavored water and then doubled the size of the can to 16oz. That’s worth $4 billion, I guess.

“The American Dream is alive and well”, he says. Guess it’s about time for me to dust off the blueprints to my big idea of reuseable toilet paper, apply a little gumption and elbow grease, and I’m sure I’ll be tanning at my Mediterranean villa in no time.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago

The people at the top have so much access to capital at essentially zero interest they can buy whatever they want or spend what they want on anything they want. The FED is pumping I think $1.5 trillion right now into the banks for essentially zero interest. This is after they have pumped in $29 trillion after the housing crisis. Robert Reich noted the student loan was like $1.9 trillion. Think if instead of giving banks this money you gave it to people that would damn well spend it. People being raped with student loans. Now many will say that students shouldn’t borrow all this money but I’m a populist and it’s damn hard to fault them when you are giving $1.5 trillion zero interest loans to banks. I want your average person to get the same deal as the Oligarchs.

Let’s put some real no shit numbers on the subsidizing of the Oligarchs. Presently the Oligarchs own the government and make laws that funnel money to their pockets. I would bet my life the banks own damn near everything by now. If they don’t own everything then they are the most incompetent fools in history with all the cash we shoved their way. They got, we know from Rep. Ron Paul’s forced audit of the FED $16 trillion. Estimates of the total amounts a few years ago from looking at financial data is $29 trillion. I bet it’s more. At $29 Trillion and 300 million Americans we could have given a zero interest loan for every family of four of $386,666. Housing crisis solved and the economy would have roared with all that cash going into people’s pockets. Instead the banks got all the money to buy hard assets and we got the bill. We would be much better off printing money straight up and just giving it to people. There will be gasp at this idea but if printing 29 Trillion and giving it to the banks is not bad then why would bankrupting the banks and giving 29 trillion to the public be worse?

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

“Money” appears to be purely notional now. Without tangible backing by a commodity, there appears to be no limit to how the electrons can be moved around on the screen. Twenty economists can gas on forever, and give you 21 different opinions.

If I understood it, I’d be rich.

LembradorDos6Triliões (a non-fan of the ususrious small hat club and their international clique)
LembradorDos6Triliões (a non-fan of the ususrious small hat club and their international clique)
Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

The financial/banking system as it exists today is nothing but a huge scam, and it’s used to keep the masses in check while the owners of everything can do whatever the fuck they want, including as we researchers now know, killing, raping and eating children for fun (because who controls the money controls the governments, and who controls the governments controls the intel agencies, and who controls the intel agencies controls the civilians, not to say anything about the fact that trillions of dollars buy you a shit load of mercenaries and fire power, and that at the end of the day true power is in the capacity to exercise force and violence).

And the bubbles and busts are a deliberate part of that system, it’s a tool they use to keep people in check when awareness of the system becomes to widespread, or used cyclically in order to scoop up everything of value the producers produce for pennies on the dollar (the operative word here is CYCLICALLY, they know they have to scoop up the honey from the beehive on a regular basis, part of life).

Off course this system is going to have to be changed, and it’s going to be a massive change in the way things work, which means the gaybal families will lose most of their control over everyone else, which is why I believe they gave the green light to the spread of the kung-flu, my intuition tells me it was the gaybal Samson Option, but that the white hats decided to use it against them.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago
New Name
New Name
Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago

To be fair, the earth shattering thing he did was not putting b vitamins in water and putting it in a can. He convinced a lot of people that they would enjoy it and that they should buy it. And he included a lot of caffeine in order to make it deeply habit forming.

The convincing a lot of people part is where he made the money. Someone bought a label that had been heavily invested in.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

I hear what you’re saying, but to an old fella like me, $4 billion is a figure that I would associate with a successful venture by Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Henry Ford, or DJT…someone who built massive tangible assets that benefited the nation for generations.

The real head-scratcher to me, though, is relating this to A/C’s theory that huge payouts only go to those who have received the wink and the secret handshake from The Controllers. I have always liked Michael Savage and considered him a maverick and an outsider. Now his kid is richer than POTUS? With a product whose social utility is only a notch higher than the Pet Rock? Hard to square those two competing concepts.


New Name
New Name
Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago

Very good point. As to Savage, he seems good on the surface but nobody is allowed to have that kind of audience without playing along. This isn’t to say everyone is a full scale conspirator, but simply that anyone on that level has learned to not cross certain lines.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago

“…Michael Savage and considered him a maverick and an outsider…”

His role is to scoop up listeners of a particular type and mention lots of things but not the most important. Doesn’t mean what he says is not right. He also a means to condition people that Jews are on their side.

I haven’t listened to him in a long time so…

Flu Manchu
Flu Manchu
5 years ago

An explanation for why the COVID-19 test kits have all been late. U.S. Officials wanted to simultaneously test for SARS and MERS (other coronavirus variants). Some of the kits probably kept showing either false positives (as common cold coronaviruses are everywhere) or false negatives for one of the big three. Otherwise the U.S. would just be using the effective South Korean or Japanese methods.

This could suggest CDC officials really think this is a bioweapon (perhaps only partially formed) and was released early or that there will be more releases of lethal coronavirus strains. Just to point out, lethality is probably not a good measure of a bioweapons potential, but infectiousness and asymptomatic spreaders are. If anything you want the maximum number of panicked spreaders possible sowing chaos and disorder- not a weapon of mass destruction but, mass affectation.

So who released it? Why not wait until the fall to release it to maximally interfere with the Presidential election? It was probably cabal, which knew the storm was coming before the election and pulled out every trick it could in an attempt to save itself. Afterall the initial response in Wuhan (whose leadership is probably a cabal hive) was to ignore the initial spread. Lockdowns give high level cabal time to flee and disappear. The Chinese gov likely knew and their plan was probably to release before the U.S. election to unseat Trump, but cabalites embedded within China/Wuhan could have been ordered to jump the gun. Also, don’t bet on this being the last major pandemic, but rather, the first really impacting one.

5 years ago

Sick passenger wearing a mask and gloves on a flight from JFK to Palm Beach ‘received call saying he had coronavirus just moments before plane took off’ but didn’t tell anyone until they were in the air and about to land.

Reports on the chans are that the passenger was a small hat, FWIW.

5 years ago

Now, search for the moniker “Old Microbiologist” in the comment section.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

Instead of searching for Old Microbiologist you need OldMicrobiologist or you won’t get many hits. The first does give you a link to a Joe Rogan interview of some infection specialist. I think I’ll watch it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

With a few twist we are just like the ending of the old Roman Republic. The Senators are not the wealthy themselves this time. They are hired by the Oligarchs. Back in the day the Roman Senators owned so damn much they would give all the billionaires in the US a good run for their money on wealth. They also continued to use slave labor in massive corporate farms destroying the working class. Their greed eventually led them to a civil war in Rome that killed the Republic altogether. If they would have let Julius Caesar live with a few reforms everyone could have prospered and things could have gone on. Julius Caesar was a fool for turning his back on them. He thought he was one of them and clemency would make them see reason but their greed was so great they were willing to burn the whole thing down instead of giving even a little.

We have the same thing today with a bunch of what are essentially like mafia families that all competing with each other a little and crush all of the rest, “A LOT”. Anything to pile up more money.

5 years ago

Bill Gates steps down from Microsoft’s board of directors

5 years ago

r selection in a time of crisis:

Hundreds of monkeys normally fed by tourists fight for food on Thai street

5 years ago

U.S. Strikes Back at Iran-Backed Militia, Supposedly Kills Senior IRGC Commander

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

Maybe someone can explain to me how Trump is draining the swamp after reading this article that shows he is packing the whole entire intelligence establishment with neocons.

Doesn’t this look like round two of the Cheka? These guys.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

Very important in case the Jews close to Trump try some funny shit:

How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:

The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations: – “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

I repeat that the only counter effective counter against this Zionist Occupation of the Government is to turn EVERYONE in the general public against Israel and Jewish collective power, until that happens, even if Trump or any other political leader has the will to end the ZOG, they won’t have the political capital to do so, and in case for some reason the political leaders of the West fail to terminate the ZOG, then it will have to be The People to end it via their own means, and for that to happen, The People need to be redpilled in the first place.

5 years ago

So I have been broke due to paying for my daughters upcoming wedding. May. Bridal shower set for tomorrow. The hall for the shower calls me this morning cancelling due to corona virus. I get it. Later, I go to Walmart to pick up supplies that I haven’t been able to pick up, mostly luxury items like coffee, cream, deli, etc… the whole store was cleaned out! I have never seen anything like it! What a bad day ( fri. 13) but, I am grateful for my life, family, and what I do have right at this moment. I know this is just the beginning. I am in Northeastern Ohio.

5 years ago

Zimbabwe Gives Land Back to White Farmers After Wrecking Economy

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

If they go back it’s very likely that after they build up a sizeable thriving business the Africans will look at it and will NOT be able to restrain themselves from taking it again. Rhodesia now Zimbabwe used to supply a large portion of the worlds fruits. I read a story about that but can’t find a link. Anyways the orchids were confiscated by the government and of course all the trees died. now they import 70% or their fruits.

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

On Trump’s rallies: while they are a great motivator for the average voter and form a good way of getting some local media coverage and data on likely voters, my guess is that he’s already got what he needs at this point. His campaign manager, Brad Parscale, has shown himself very capable with identifying the precise voters who needs to turn out to get a victory. More rallies would help build momentum and identify more of these (they ask people to register to get tickets so they have contact info and can compare with public info on that voter’s voting history). Honestly, at this point I think they’ve done enough rallies in the key swing states to ID the voters that they need to get out. If they cut back rallies there is always direct video. I suspect we’ll see a few feature length, hollywood quality, documentaries on Trump in the coming months.

The rallies are an old trick. I’m convinced this group has an entire deck of unseen cards up their sleeves.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
5 years ago

Those “Sniffles” numbers, do they take into account the false positives the pre-Trump test was returning?
The one Bollock Oblimey didn’t get fixed?