Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Apple And Foxconn Get India Labor Laws Loosened
DFT – US Job Cuts Running At Record Levels
DFT – US To Further Restrict Chinese Tech
DFT – Spanish Law Requires Women In The Boardroom
DFT – Silicon Valley Bank Paid Employees Bonuses On The Day It Collapsed
BLEM PSA DAGGER COMPACT 9MM PISTOL WITH DOCTOR CUT SLIDE & NON-THREADED BARREL, BLACK DLC – $299. Basically a Glock 19 Knockoff with optics cut, suppressor-height sights, and DLC finish, albeit BLEM’d, for $299. I do not get paid for putting it here, nor do I have any familiarity with PSA Daggers. Just for those interested.
Red Cross providing migrants with maps, resources to travel to US border. Fuck the Red Cross. Nobody should ever give them a penny from the right from here on out.
The Debrief covers a 1948 UFO/Air-Force encounter which sounds like a Tic Tac. Nothing mind-blowing, pilots interacted with it a bit, it out-maneuvered them. Took off at the end, toward the ocean.
These companies were affected by the Silicon Valley Bank crash. From the article: “The defunct crypto lender BlockFi has $227 million at Silicon Valley Bank, according to a new bankruptcy filing.” I am reading this, and I am thinking to myself, this feels like something the Rothschilds would set up. You have $40 million in crypto. It can burn a hole in your wallet, or you can give it to BlockFi, who will lend it out to up and coming tech superstars like FTX, who will then pay you 10% per year, giving you an extra $4 mil per year, on top of your initial $40 mil. Except FTX goes under, and now BlockFi can’t pay you and BlockFi goes under, except BlockFi had $200 million left in a bank which could have gone to you, except now the bank has gone under. It feels like a bunch of dominoes stacked up by the Rothschilds for everyone to put their money into, and then the Rothschilds, or someone like them, knock over one domino, and by the time they all fall, all these newly rich people are back to working the midnight shift at the local convenience store. The more you see how everything which happens in an intelligence-controlled system is controlled and long-planned, the more all of this looks a lot more like a criminal conspiracy than mere chance.
Investors implore the government to step in after Silicon Valley Bank failure.
Rumors swirl that Prince Harry and Meghan ‘lost everything’ at SV Bank.
Silicon Valley Bank top bosses sold $4.5 million worth of shares before the collapse.
20 banks that are sitting on huge potential securities losses—as was SVB.
Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund got its cash out of Silicon Valley Bank before it was shut down, report says. From the article: “His VC fund took action after encountering problems with transfers, per the report.” That sounds better than “His plug-in to CIA warned him the bank would be crashed on Friday.”
USDC ‘stablecoin’ breaks peg as circle admits billions stuck with SVB.
Fed to hold emergency meeting on Monday amid SVB’s swift collapse. Some think they may back off the interest rates, which I would only think they would do if banks in general are all on shaky ground, and we are at the cusp of something much more dangerous and massive than any of us normies could imagine.
19-year-old becomes youngest ever diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Probably Covid, or some idiosyncratic thing. But I saw recently a study linking too much zinc intake with possibly predisposing to Alzheimer’s by facilitating the buildup of amyloid plaques. A lot of people do ZMA for weight lifting, and I did too, but I moderate it now, laying off every few days for a couple of days, and I make sure I don’t get too much zinc elsewhere as well.
Over $250 billion swindled from US pandemic fund – report.
21-year-old MMA fighter Isaiah Abels suffers a cardiac arrest during fight.
Biden puts Muslim Brotherhood in key diplomatic and intelligence roles.
Here’s how progressive lawyers are using public nuisance lawsuits to try to outlaw guns.
DeSantis’ memoir outsells Trump, Obama, Clinton books in first week. A measure of how desperate they are to try and sell him as popular. Nobody has bought his book, or cares what he has to say. Compared to Trump he is naval lint.
CIA and Mossad-linked surveillance system quietly being installed throughout the US.
House Dems propose bill to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.
White House weighs mass poultry vaccination amid bird flu outbreak. mRNA vaccines?
The conservative grassroots group FreedomWorks laid off 40 percent of its staff on Tuesday.
Minnesota dad uses moose antler to kill 77 year old sex offender he claims was stalking daughter, police say. STalker was jailed for molesting a six-year-old girl in 1979. He used the antler and a shovel. Points for style. But he had a shovel and didn’t bother to just bury the body and keep his mouth shut.
NYC spends over $10M each day for illegals.
Gen Z, Millennials think women’s rights have gone too far, according to new survey. Interesting, in that K generally wants to see women shielded and protected, and kept out of the battle, while r tends to prefer women be out there doing all the competitive things men are doing. It does seem, absent any external prodding, newer generations are heading K.
DARPA created a hypersonic aircraft capable of Mach 20 speeds.
Poll: most Republicans, Republican-leaning voters want Donald Trump as 2024 GOP nominee.
“Red Cross providing migrants with maps, resources to travel to US border. Fuck the Red Cross. Nobody should ever give them a penny from the right from here on out.”
Nobody should have been giving to them ever since it was exposed how much money they spent on “administrative” costs decades ago.
And Q also told us they are corrupt ad part of cabal.
I repeat myself but we are not helpless in this endeavor. If we could get a few Representatives in office that would refuse to go along we could use the opposite of the “earmark” process, the “unearmark”, to defund specific agents embedded into the Red Cross. Pass a law that no government funds of any sort go to the Red Cross or any government contractors to the specific individuals that caused this. You could start with the top ten percent of the leadership. Add on everyone on entire board. The left embeds their scum in these public/private institutions, then derails the function of them while scrapping off healthy dividends for themselves. If it cost them directly, this shit would stop.
The left does this all the time with any situation where they have the power to. Firing and defunding all those they do not approve of. What’s good for the Goose is good for the gander.
If we could get 10% or so of our Representatives to continuously throw sand in the gears of these bastards, it could grind them to a halt.
I sail on right by them every Christmas
I think you mean the salvation army? They also went woke so that’s a good idea.
My grandfather didn’t have much nice to say about the Red Cross in WWI. One of the things he mentioned was how the Red Cross would preference the officers over the enlisted men with things like cigarettes.
A general comment to the host–
Good sir:
I read your newsfeed daily (and Vox Day’s blog). It is an indulgent pleasure of mine and many others, having much of the news most relevant to me in one place, and I especially enjoy reading your keen insights regarding the various machinations by which those who rule our world truly operate.
As a commenter here and now, I would like to use this opportunity to bid you to consider only the Last Four Things and eternity for a moment, and the power we have with our Free Will. In the grand scheme of things, the worry that we entertain is preventing us from procreating on the scale of our Forefathers when all is said and done, and we have fallen short in the number of souls we might have otherwise brought to Christ, because of this tendency to feed our selfish desire to fear and be entertained by ghost stories.
Ultimately, fear is consuming us all.
There is undoubtedly a case for people to break away, set up a homestead, and make the next generation. Clearly I would tend to think a dash to Russia might be better than Idaho or Alaska, if you are a higher-level target, but perhaps normies could get away in the US. I have never said don’t do that.
That said, I don’t view what I put here as useless ghost stories. Had I known all of this, my life path would undoubtedly have been vastly different. I don’t know if it would have been better or worse, but I would certainly have controlled my fate more, and not been buffeted by the schemes and manipulations of all these weirdos who were focused on me. I would probably have enjoyed my youth more, being freed from viewing the people around me as human, though whether that would have cultivated a psychopathy, I do not know. But maybe among these conspiracies, you are better off more a psychopath.
But I do not view this all as a waste of time. One, I think those of my kind who come here will leave stronger, and more autonomous. I think they will be better able to protect their children. Since we are no longer a meritocracy, there is no reason to seek to display your child’s merit. Avoid standardized testing. Home school if at all possible. Hide their power level. Because ignoring this thing will not mean it will not target your child, and try to kneecap them, divert them, maybe even destroy them. And honestly, I wish I had never known the assholes it surrounded me with. Or at least I had known they were all fake, so it would not have always been so baffling all the time, and awkward.
Moreover, I think God put me here for this. And I think we are coming to a climax, which everyone here will be a part of. I think we might even be able to destroy this thing, or at least expose it, and give the decent people of the world the ability to destroy this. Already, there has never been a time in history when the population has been this aware of the evils above them. All we need to do is take it a little farther, and show them it is next to them too.
That said, it is not for everyone. If you have family, focus on them. If you are not up for a potential war, maybe dying, and risking everything to destroy this leviathan at some point, maybe drop out, tune out, and get off the grid with a family. Our side needs that too.
I can’t tell you what to do. All I can try to do is give you options, information, and maybe autonomy, so you can decide.
But at this point, me closing up shop here, before this thing is utterly destroyed, is not going to happen. I am pretty sure I know what God will want of me personally.
If #Cabal wanted to convince you to pack up and leave, this would be option a. Option b, any day now, will be posts recommending you “be careful.”
You’re over the target, and I concur that it’s most likely that God wants you doing what you’re doing. Pray for your safety and energy boosts from Him nightly, may God bless you and keep you boosted
May God grant us all the courage and spirit you display dear gentleman, and may He deliver us from the clutches of the enemy!
AC, I think exactly mostly as you on this, I also think the commenter is fundamentally wrong in their theology, namely a little full of fake Jesus and not enough of real Jesus.
Just my 2c which technically I probably shouldn’t have given.I mean…
Turn it all over to God. We’re only able to turn it over if we know it, though. Wise as serpents, harmless etc. If we stick our heads in the dirt, we get reamed if not careful, so there’s that.
KOKO (keep on keeping on), please. For all our sakes.
Thank you.
Thanks for replying. I really do appreciate all of the work you put in here. I will re-read what you wrote above and reflect them. God bless you.
That green txt is awesome. I’ve felt for a long long time that 2008 was some huge sea change or eff it we’re all in yolo moment for Cabal.
I doubt the “petrodollar” is the whole reason. Cabal always has multiple reasons because they are run by Families and they all piggyback. And UKR has been a US focus for a long long time.
Disclosure: I think it is the “eurodollar” and not the “petrodollar” but that’s not crucial here.
2008 was a seachange for me. I heavily invested in real estate in the late 1990s / early 2000s. I wasn’t looking to make big bucks. I wanted a safe, stable, long term wealth maintenance situation. When property prices began skyrocketing a few years later, I realized we were in an unsustainable bubble. So I moved my investments from real estate into precious metals during 2005-06. The only thing about the market crash in 2008 that surprised me was that it took so long to happen. I was panicking in 2006 thinking I’d get caught holding worthless investments if I didn’t get my money moved. Once I got that set, I sat back and watched what happened.
Here were my eye opening experiences. First, it was obvious the Democrats deliberately created the real estate bubble. It looked as if they intended to make billions as the prices rose, then cash out at the top of the bubble. Then just before the bubble popped, they would buy shorts and make more billions as the market collapsed. It sure looked to me as if the bubble and the collapse were engineered. That was when I realized the Democrats were predatory shits who saw the American public not as their people and nation, but as some sort of outside group who was available for them to exploit. It took the Republican establishment’s reaction to Trump for me to realize they were as deeply corrupt as the Democrats, but that’s another story.
The second big lesson came with the bailouts. When a business fails, whether it goes bankrupt, or the government intervenes to save it, the management team gets kicked out the door with nothing. They caused the problem. They need to go. Someone else then takes over the company. That didn’t happen in 2008-09. The government took your money and gave it to the ultra-wealthy men who destroyed the banks and real estate market, and those men either remained in their positions or retired with hundreds of millions in their pockets. I realized these men had worked with the Democrats to fleece you, and they were well rewarded for engineering the bubble and collapse
The third lesson I learned was a shock. It was how many of the people involved were Jewish. For an ethnicity that is maybe three or four percent of the population, I bet a good half of the people involved in the scam were Jewish. That got me looking at Soros and how his entire career was built on coming into an area, destroying the local government and economy, then exiting with the billions he made by destroying people’s lives. For a guy who grew up hating Hitler and loving American inclusivity, it was tough when I finally had to say said myself, and I whispered it to myself because I could hardly believe it despite the facts staring me in the face, “Maybe Hitler was right about international Jewish bankers and their predatory schemes.”
Thank you for this excellent comment. You put words to what I’ve been thinking since this woke bank collapse. These fuckers are just ripping us off again like they did in 2008. I hope this leads to more people waking up (even though lets face it, most are permanently asleep and we are beyond waiting for them to wake up). More importantly I hope this cuts off another source of big money for the Cabal and the surveillance state.
Biden and their Democrat shills bailing them out is pure poison. In a country with fair elections they would be shitcanned ASAP. For us here and now it exposes them in the same way they have to steal the elections.
This isn’t the way it works. It’s like casinos. They are not rigged in an ordinary sense of weighted die or other carnival tricks. Casinos hire statisticians to make sure that the games obey probabilities like the law of large numbers or to confound Monte Carlo simulations. This way a casino will pay out, say, $9 million for every $10 million it takes in.
The Fed and its activities have a similar hack, namely, that there is 1) an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment, and that 2) inflation is rising prices. If you have a job, a raise, a house that increases in value, or stocks that go up in value, then, guess what? You are experiencing inflation and the Fed needs to do something about that.
Before 2008, there was nothing wrong with the housing market. There was no fraud or liar loans or any such nonsense. Banks did not suddenly forget how to do mortgage lending. Neither were interest rates too low. Interest rates were low because the dollar was very strong, Greenspan had run all of the inflation out of the economy when he crashed the Nasdaq, which is why the mortgage market was still clearing.
The economy was fine, but, because the Fed could not distinguish between price increases due to monetary policy vs. price increases due to changes in supply and demand, it just mindlessly went ahead and raised the federal funds rate until it crashed the economy.
It’s been doing that since the 1987 crash. And it will continue to do so because of this hack embedded in monetary theory.
The Fed deliberately manages the economy and any crisis it creates to make the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.
It’s socialism for the elite.
My husband works with a former Marine. Mid 30’s. This guy comes in late and leaves early every day. Major alcoholic. He gets the shot that makes you sick if you drink alcohol, and still drinks. Calls off 2-3 times a week. Says he has to babysit his sisters… I’m embarrassed for the guy. He just does what he wants. But he gets away with this because he’s a veteran. And he milks it. I don’t respect that.
If he’s “ex”-military then he does far worse things than booze and sleep-in.
Don’t associate with veterans. Maybe not fair but a useful heuristic.
“…Don’t associate with veterans. Maybe not fair but a useful heuristic…”
This is silly and I can prove it false by simple logic a third grader can follow. One of the main attributes of “decent people” is that they can follow through without screwing things up. Anyone that spent four years or more in the military has proved they can do “something” for a decent amount of time without screwing it up. Doesn’t mean there are not screw-ups in military. It does mean they are not hopeless screw-ups. Gather a random amount of civilians and a random amount of ex-military, and I bet the random civilian population will have a higher amount of screw-ups.
I can’t speak for the present but several decades ago I saw all sorts of screw-ups thrown out of the military. If you were a screw-up, they separated you. I saw them separated in basic, tech school and in service.
In fact, in civilian jobs I saw people screw up more times without being fired than I did in the military. People over time know who the screw-ups are and they get rid of them.
What you say is true, but it’s also irrelevant. Amongst our veterans are an astonishing number of cabal shit bags. Just because they are competent doesn’t make them any safer to associate with.
I don’t think you can (or should, practically) single out vets. Cabal shitbags are everywhere, and if you are here, they are all around you because the machine will be flooding them in to get on top of you. And you will not know. Whatever they are up to, they cannot let you know anything, I assume because you would not be supportive, to put it mildly.
There are a lot of assholes in the military.
There are a lot of assholes everywhere.
There’s also a lot of PTSD.
and a LOT MORE Assholes in Civvies street.
Did he see combat? Might explain the alcoholism.
Hey Everyone, I’ve been reading my Bible and I’m in the part where Jacob blesses his sons in Genesis. Does anyone understand this? It seems that Isaac had blessed his sons but Jacob received the blessing but when Jacob blesses his sons Joseph received the blessing, and when Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh are brought forward that Ephraim received the best blessing. Can anyone explain this to me, don’t Jews descend from the tribe of Judah which received a lesser blessing from Jacob, the same as the other tribes, except the tribe of Joseph which received more?
The oldest son inherits everything. That includes the family wealth and any promises from God. Reuben, the first born, screws his dad’s concubine. So Jacob disinherits him. Simon and Levi, the next two sons, massacred a village because the son of the village chief wanted to marry their sister. Because of that Jacob passes over them and declares his fourth son, Judah, to be his heir.
Pay attention to what Jacob says in each blessing. They are both prophetic and declarative. They also contain hints to what Jacob thinks of each son. Judah gets the scepter, the thing kings hold. Therefore, King David and Jesus both descend from Judah. Jacob says Joseph is a vine which goes over walls. That hints that Joseph tends to trespass into areas he shouldn’t, such as other men’s wives. Benjamin is a snake.
Here are a few other things to catch regarding this section of Genesis. Joseph is scum. Go back and reread the section. Joseph is lazy. He is a tattletale. He is spoiled. It is implied he is going out to his brothers not to help them work, but to collect information to use to stab them in their backs with their dad. The incident with Potiphar’s wife, Potiphar put Joseph in authority over the servants. When Joseph comes into the house with Potiphar’s wife, Joseph knows nobody would be there because he sets the servants’ schedules. Also, how does the wife end up holding Joseph’s outer garment (coat)? If some woman grabs your coat, all you need to do is yank yourself out of her grasp. Your coat won’t slip off, unless you have already removed your outer garment and have set it down then you get spooked and run away leaving it with the wife. Remember, Joseph is a slave accused of attempting to rape his master’s wife, and his “punishment” is to manage a prison run by Potiphar. Potiphar is the captain of Pharoah’s guard. That means he is in charge of Pharoah’s security detail and domestic surveillance. Normally a slave who tries to rape the master’s wife would be gruesomely tortured to death. Joseph isn’t. Potiphar is angry, but you got to wonder is he’s angry more at his wife who was possibly an upper class trophy wife who liked to play with the slaves when her husband wasn’t around. Joseph later marries the daughter of a pagan priest. Names one of his sons “I’m glad I have forgotten my father and family;” and practices witchcraft – he has a cup of divination. Finally, he never attempts to contact his grieving father once he becomes Pharoah’s right hand man, and he enslaves the Egyptian population during the famine. Joseph is a bad, bad man.
Judah is the hero. He tries to take care of his sons. He takes care of Tamar. He declares Tamar to be righteous, in this he acts on behalf of God who is the only one who can declare someone righteous. Judah saves Joseph from death. Finally, Judah offers himself as a substitutionary sacrifice for Benjamin. By doing that, he saves his family and reintegrates Joseph back into the family. By these actions he foreshadows Christ, and because of that, Jacob gives Judah the inheritance in the blessings.
“massacred a village because the son of the village chief wanted to marry their sister”
Because he raped their sister and the city was holding her captive.
“Judah gets the scepter, the thing kings hold”
Only till Shilo (Christ) came and GOD took the 10 tribes away sooner than that.
“that hints that Joseph tends to trespass into areas he shouldn’t, such as other men’s wives”
That is a total lie with no basis, it means he shall inherit territory far beyond the bounds of the other tribes.
“Benjamin is a snake”
That’s Dan, Benjamin is a ravening wolf.
You clearly are wrong about almost everything and clearly are deliberately twisting the truth for an agenda.
GOD rebuke your Jewish slander and lies.
Judah wanted to sell his brother as a slave and he went to a prostitute but then tried to burn his daughter in law at the stake for turning up pregnant as a widow, Judah as a tribe rejected the Messiah and had him killed.
Isaiah 11:13“The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim.”
King James Version (KJV)
Vexing (which means attacking) your brethren is far worse a crime than envy and Judah has been doing it all along.
JeremiahChapter 3
8 And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.
9 And it came to pass through the lightness of her whoredom, that she defiled the land, and committed adultery with stones and with stocks.
10 And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not turned unto me with her whole heart, but feignedly, saith the LORD.
11 And the LORD said unto me, The backsliding Israel hath justified herself more than treacherous Judah.
None of the patriarchs were very good men, they just were better than those who rejected GOD, Abraham was the best of them.
Judah will be cursed for the way it abuses its dominion.
Good catch on Dan as the serpent and Benjamin as the ravenous wolf. As an old man, my memory is not as good as it used to be. I should have looked it up, but I wrote that comment on my phone without using references.
Here is the basis of my comments, they come from a paper I presented years ago on the Joseph narratives. I reread it this morning. Not bad for a “Jewish” guy: This first section is my introducation to the paper which was on the topic of “Christological motifs in the Joseph narratives.”
John 3:16 is one of the most well known verses in the Bible. Despite its popularity, it contains a hidden tragic gem that escapes most people’s notice: “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.” What does this say about God the Father’s comparative love for the world (i.e., us) vis-à-vis his only-begotten Son from all eternity? “The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into His hand”, but seems to love the Son for one reason, “because I lay down my life” (Jn 3:35 and 10:17). So, although God the Father loved his Son, did He love the world more and was his love for the son conditioned on the Son’s sacrifice? Furthermore, using only John 3:16, can we even assert that the Son loved the world? This problem is not limited to John 3:16. The synoptic gospels have exactly one instance of Jesus loving anyone. Neither Matthew nor Luke explicitly state that Jesus loves people. Only in Mark do we read that Jesus looked at the young man and loved him (Mk 10:21). John dramatically remedies the deficiencies of the other four gospels. In the fourth gospel, Jesus is constantly loving people. And I am glad that John did this because without him we would be left wondering, if the Son did not overflow with love for the world, then why did He sacrifice himself for it? Why did he, the only-begotten Son of the Father from eternity, offer himself up for us people who live a handful of years before we return to the dust from where we came? Yet even without the Gospel of John, we could puzzle out the answers to these questions by reference to the Joseph narratives because there we see Judah, the Messianic figure par-excellence of Genesis offering himself as a substitutionary sacrifice, not because of his love for Benjamin, but because of his love for his father.
In this paper, I will focus on how the Joseph narratives foreshadows John 3:16 through the comparison of Judah to Joseph, expanding on the issue of Judah and Benjamin and commenting on the theme of younger, unworthy brothers supplanting older brothers. I have also added a handful of miscellaneous observations not directly related to my main topics, but which have atonement implications and which I found intriguing.
Judah has three major disqualifications as a Messianic type. He proposed selling Joseph into slavery, he failed to follow Leverite law regarding his daughter-in law and he impregnated her in violation of kinship laws. Yet, each incident ends with Judah looking surprisingly good.
Judah enters the Joseph narrative when he proposes to his brothers they sell Joseph, who has been left naked in a pit to die. Nothing here indicates that Judah loves Joseph. The narrative implies the opposite. However, Judah does not advocate killing Joseph, the preferred course of action of the rest of brothers (except Reuben). Instead, Judah tells them, “let not our hand be upon him, for he is our brother and our flesh” (Gn 37:26-27). Judah’s abhorrent proposal ends on a positive note. He wanted to rid himself of his pestilent brother, but not kill him because “he is our brother and our flesh.” Selling into slavery, relative to murder, becomes a merciful, although rather perversely merciful, act.
Turning to Judah and Tamar, we will see a Judah who acts surpirsingly well. To begin, Judah got a wife, endowed with great initiative, shrewdness and an impeccable sense of timing, for his son Er. She is quite the catch for Er who is so wicked that God killed him. Judah then rightly gave Tamar to his second son who, like Er, displeased God so much he died for it. Judah now found himself confronted with a dilemma: adhere to the law and give Tamar to Shelah or protect his son from Tamar. Judah, to his credit, erred on the side of mercy and sent Tamar away. Judah had twice provided Tamar with a husband. She had her chance, two in fact, at marriage. Now Judah would give priority to Shelah’s life against Tamar’s legal rights. He is a man of mercy, not mere compliance with the law. [I will make a commente here which is not in the paper. Jesus constantly fought with the legalistic Jews who prefered the law over mercy. That is why they hated when Jesus healed people on the Sabbath. As Jesus informed them, God loves mercy, not mere sacrifice. Also, what would you do if you arranged a wife for your son, then your son dies. The girl then marries your second son, and he dies. Would you wonder if she is cursed, a bad luck charm, or even a murderous? Judah was not a mythological figure. He was a man, and he had to wrestle with these questions regardless of what we, four thousand years later, want him to do.]
Finally, in the matter of Tamar’s pregnancy, Judah begins poorly but finishes strong. After dallying with a prostitute, not a good thing, he discovered Tamar’s pregnancy. Although he first condemned Tamar, he quickly changed his tack when when confronted with the evidence that she had merely attempted to fulfill the Leverite laws. In that moment, Judah declared her, not just righteous, but “more righteous than I,” and commuted the sentence. He once again shows himself to be a man of mercy.
In each incident, Judah’s apparent disqualifications as a Messianic type morph into Messianic qualities. His sinful actions are mitigated by his concern for a hated brother, concern for his daughter-in-law, love for a son and a willingness to give mercy on account of another’s superior righteousness. If not for his obvious sinfulness, Judah could have been the Messiah.
If Judah is the main Christological figure in the Joseph narratives, how does his speech in chapter forty-four illuminate John 3:16? Robert Alter’s observations about Judah’s relationship to his father and Benjamin provides the linkage. According to Alter, “Judah is willing to sacrifice his freedom in exchange for Benjamin’s, for—as will be seen right away—Judah’s plea is a plea for the father—it is Jacob’s fortune that is at stake.” Ron Pirson agrees, “As is clear from Judah’s speech the wellbeing of his father is his main concern.” And finally in regard to Benjamin’s fate, “a tragedy that Judah now tries to remove, because how is he to return to his father if the boy is not with him?” Judah knew that Jacob loved Benjamin more than Jacob loved Judah, yet Judah willingly offered himself to save Benjamin. Why? Because Judah’s love for his father was so great that any thought of jealousy, hatred or envy of Jacob’s preference for Benjamin could not enter Judah’s mind. Judah’s love for his father is a love beyond understanding.
This love becomes deeper and more incomprehensible when we consider Benjamin’s complete unworthiness. All we know of his character comes from Jacob’s blessing to him at the end of Jacob’s life. In his blessing, if we can call it that, Jacob declared, “Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; In the morning he shall devour the prey, And at night he shall divide the spoil.” This makes Judah’s willingness to sacrifice himself even more inexplicable and even more Messianic. It allows us to begin to understand John 3:16. In that verse, God the Son died, not because of his love for us, but motivated solely by his overwhelming love for his Father who inexplicably loved us more than he loved his Son.
The following Christological words and phrases do not easily fit within my comparison of Joseph and Judah, but I found them too interesting to discard. These include the words and phrases “donkey”, “house”, “wash their feet”, “wash his garments”, “wash his robes in the blood” and “a certain man.”
Although “donkey” is used in non-Christological ways in Genesis, three uses in the Joseph narrative have some connection to the atonement. In the first, the brothers “loaded their grain on their donkeys and left” (Gn 42:26). Christ is the bread of life who rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Then, “the steward took the men into Joseph’s house, gave them water to wash their feet and provided fodder for their donkeys” (Gn 43:24). I am more intrigued by the connection between going into a house and foot washing because this echoes Jesus washing his disciples’ feet in the upper room, but the addition of the word donkey adds to the Last Supper theme. Finally, in a clear reference to the Messiah, we have the blessing of Judah: “He will tether his donkey to a vine, his colt to the choicest branch; he will wash his garments in wine, his robes in the blood of grapes” (Gn 49:11). In the same vein, the man who directed Joseph to his brothers so that he would be stripped naked, thrown in a pit and have his garments dipped in blood mirrors this incident: “Jesus told his disciples to “go into the city to a certain man, and say to him, ‘The Teacher says, “My time is at hand; I will keep the Passover at your house with My disciples.””
I think that is enough
Get thee behind me.
What is your background?
Very conservative Protestant minister. Descendent of Asa Riggins with the Washington family, of George Washington fame, on one side and the Lewis, Davis, and Jones families on the other, through Asa White. So, Quakers on one side and Anglicans on the other. I’m neither.
I didn’t read it that way, although your take is interesting. Judah, from my reading took a Canaanite woman, a daughter of Shua, to wife and begat sons from her. Compare this to the lament of Isaac and Rebecca at their son Esau taking several Canaanite women to wife. The entire family is also preserved from certain death during a famine by the actions of Joseph, who was vizier in Egypt. So all of the sons have their own strengths and weaknesses.
And reading ahead, Moses, Aaron and the priesthood descend from Levi, this culminating with John the Baptist. The lineage described in Matthew definitely shows descent of Joseph, husband of Mary, from Judah, but Mary seems to be a cousin of John the Baptists family, who were Levites.
As the Scripture says. Joseph was falsely accused and a the text itself indicates he was Righteous. Such that God gave him favor after his imprisonment.
Chuck Missler’s Genesis 49 Commentary:
His supplementary notes:
Relevant chapter starts at the end of p. 305
End game: CBDC
They mocked you as they shut down your business and churches, and now they are crying for you to come and bail them out so their rotten system doesnt collapse in on itself.
However much you hate these people it’s not enough, because I assure you they hate you more
Matt Gaetz – Steve Bannon – Joe Hoft – Gateway Pundit.
They all glow.
They are all cabal.
It is why all of Bannon’s records are missing.
Bannon was sent in to be Andrew’s best bud.
A glowie just to watch Andrew real close like.
It is why Trump distanced himself from Bannon.
Remember: Everything is a lie, everything they tell
us to believe is a lie, but it is really everything has
no truth to it so nobody can figure out anything
because there are no morsels of truth to use to
critically think things thru and so it is mass confusion.
Think: “It’s a threat to democracy!”
There is no threat. There is no democracy: see what they did?
It is how they craft the lie per say that reveals hidden truths.
Bannon’s texts are missing.
They ain’t missing.
They do not want us to see his texts.
Thats all.
Bannon can sit there do nothing he is cool.
They all pretend to not know things.
Number one tell: no one talks about the surveillance.
Not Joe Hoft.
Not Gaetz.
Not Bannon.
How can these three brains, combined, not immediately see
the surveillance when I can AC can All you reading this can?
Just remarkable, wouldn’t you say?
This is a closed loop misdirect performed by experienced glowies.
It is like the lies, no truths; everyone from Joe Hoft to Steve Bannon,
Everyone is a glowie.
Everything is a lie.
Everything looks like truth.
Everyone is gulled.
Close enough for horseshoes and hand-grenades? What did I miss? What did I get wrong?
Pretty dead on.
The surveillance is the key. Maybe all of you don’t see it, but it is out there. And it is really on anyone who looks like they might get into this arena, even as a rank amatuer. Set up an aggregator, and you will really see it. It wants you to know it is there, and it will move heaven and earth to shock you with how many people are in it.
It is offensive to not have privacy. It is threatening to have this thing telling you it is watching you, even in your home. It is enraging all these people will align with evil, against you, and support everything we see today – the grooming of children, the looting of the national greatness, the destruction of our community, the betrayal to foreign savages, when we were loyal to these operators for this thing. The support of criminals, the victimization of the weak, the corruption, the destruction of the lives of good people, even guys who wanted to serve the nation, or the community.
There isn’t an angle where you look at this thing, and think, geez, I want to protect that. It is the opposite of everything you are taught is great about America – just honest, open Americans, working together as a team. And you deal with it for years, and really develop ingrained distaste for it.
But there all these characters are up there, they all know it, all see it, all realize they never get a single moment of privacy, all know this thing is there, trying to get over on them 24/7 for the same people who gave us Showering Joe Biden, who molested his daughter, as President.
None of them make the slightest move against it. None oppose it, even in passing. They all help hide it, help keep its secrets, so it can continue to fuck our kind over.
Bannon = Jesuit = Naval Intelligence
Isn’t Bannons daughter former, high ranking navy?
No, she’s West Point grad. Served as an officer in the 101st Airborne.
Monday the 13th. Financial Panic day?
Who believes cryptocurrencies are better than gold now?
$200 billion was supporting a lot of surveillance assets.
“A lot of people do ZMA for weight lifting[.]”
I thought it was proven to be bunk when it came to testosterone support. I recall it helping with sleep, though.
“while r tends to prefer women be out there doing all the competitive things men are doing. It does seem, absent any external prodding, newer generations are heading K.”
What is weird is that proported Conservatives are doing this with their daughters:
The kickass gal is a well established conservative feminist trope, and we should be aware of this when considering how we direct the training of our wives and daughters. Feminists know why they want our daughters to move out on their own in the big city and experience the carousel. Conservatives on the other hand pride themselves in knowing how to make this feminist goal “safe” for our daughters to achieve.
The kickass conservative gal trope is easiest to spot when it comes to guns. Conservative shooters love the idea of guns as a realization of the feminist dream. If you aren’t familiar with the subculture, go to any online forum on guns and you will find a group of men eager to explain how tough their pistol packing wives/daughters are. One of the local DFW gun ranges understands this culture well, and features pictures of a kickass gal with a pink gun on their website. This is not, I should add, a range dedicated to women shooters. I’ve been to their store, and their target customers are the same group of men every other range/store in the area caters to. The same is true of another gun shop just a few miles away, B&S Guns. They have a billboard* by the freeway with a picture of a woman shooting a rifle that says “We won’t tell your HUSBAND.”
If you decide you want to teach your wife/daughters to shoot, keep in mind that the entire culture you are bringing them into is designed to tempt them into a feminist rebellious frame of mind. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it, but you shouldn’t kid yourself about the temptations you are throwing their way.
There is also the reality of the difference between men’s and women’s interests when it comes to masculine pursuits. All of the men I know who shoot enjoy going to the range to practice, and even enjoy breaking their guns down to clean and maintain them. I have yet to observe a wife or daughter who takes this level of interest in shooting. They may embrace the “empowerment” of it, or simply enjoy infrequently going to the range for a bit of shooting, but I’ve yet to come across a woman who really “got into it” the way men do. This, plus the realities of men’s and women’s different instinctive response to violence means that training and arming women is going to be much less effective than gun owning feminists desperately want to believe.
Again, I’m not saying you are wrong if you decide to teach your wife or daughters how to shoot. My wife enjoys coming to the range with me from time to time, and I plan on teaching our daughter to shoot. However, we need to be realistic about the risks and benefits involved with this.
Why are proported Conservative Men so want their Daughters to be Men. Like can’t they have Sons-In-Law?
How do you insert your hyperlinks into your comment? I don’t get a bar to do it when I try to include a link.
I just copy the link with my mouse and then paste in the comment.
Simple answer: brainwashing works, subtle subversions of culture work, and people are fucking retarded.
Women aren’t intended to be warriors, but the cultural zeitgeist has been shifting that idea to the forefront because subversion. If you’re not smart enough to see the subversion and actively avoid it it will leech into your worldview over time.
I agree wholeheartedly with you Nonnie. I am middle aged widow left with the task of relearning gun training now that I find myself alone and it will stay that way until further notice. I did not take the same interest that my husband did but that will have to change now
I think one of the differences is guys who are into it think about it all the time. It isn’t two hours at the range once per week. It is in a car sitting at a light, and thinking, if somebody tired to pin me in here, what would I do? Am I too close to this bumper to move? Could I ram somebody and kill them? How would I draw? what would I shoot out of? It is all the time, maybe even borne of a little bit of sadism, and a desire to hurt others.
By pushing that line of “girls with guns” they get guys to looking at girls with guns and it starts out that way.
Then it moves to images or videos of girls posing suggestively with guns, then scantily clad girls with guns, then flat out soft porn stills of girls and a gun is around…
And then Conservative Man, you’re no longer protecting the
pair bond with your wife, you’re heart reacting gun bunnies
posts on social media, and offering detailed info
on the best shooting ranges in the area.
This machine is very tricksy.
I know a couple of neuroscientists studying Alzheimers. It’s not amyloid plaques. They are a symptom, not a cause. People keep “studying” it because that is all the NIH will fund. It’s really Type 3 Diabetes, but the only way to study it is to base the grant on amyloids.
I greatly under-estimated the sig of SVB. This hits Cabal’s soldiers hard. The District will move heaven and earth to fix this. Of course, also eff’ing small local banks. An excellent crisis to not let go to waste.
Thiel obv a wild card. He’s got a place at the District trough. And PLNTR seems stereotypically Cabal. Idk.
Thiel wants to be a literal immortal vampire. It doesn’t matter if he personally leads the army to reinstall Trump and destroy the enemy, he is an enemy too and should not be trusted.
RE: Red Cross
I figure its more or less a given that all charitable organizations are infiltrated by hordes of thieves and scoundrels. The very best case scenario is these organizations are filled with useful idiots who may be sincere in their desire to help but are really too unwise to follow through on the desire in a meaningful and productive way. Useful idiot types are all too likely to use their energy making things worse, in fact, since they are easily manipulated into thinking bad things are good.
If you want to do charity, it should be done personally or at the very least you should be personally familiar with whoever is running the charity and trust them. Anything less you are just wasting your money.
Some more on useful idiots/manipulators
Article mentions two recent Maryland lottery winners who have both won large sums twice. No journalistic attempt to analyze the odds or question the lottery administration but the reporting of the payoffs is broadcast far and wide on CNN’s website. Payment has been made and duly noted.
Can we just address the elephantine in the room. THE LOTTERY IS FIXED
Re: 550 US citizens missing in Mexico
The article makes me wonder about the demographic profile of these Americans and, of course, no data is provided. Given the vast number of Mexican-Americans it’s a reasonable assumption that the majority of the 550 are from that demo and not missing families on vacation from Greenwich, CT. While the three, nice-looking middle-aged Latina ladies may be entirely innocent travelers, many of the 550 are probably Cartel cross-border trafficking-related disappearances. The four black “tummy-tuck” crew also appear particularly out of place for an innocent venture.
RE: royals losing at svb
A thing that is done in investment is something called pumping. That is, somebody invests in something, then tries to convince as many people as possible its the greatest investment ever to pump a stock or whatever up. Usually a stock or shitcoin. Then, once the pump works and people start pouring in they sell their shares. Eventually interest lags and it starts going down and people panic dump it so it crashes back down.
Typically, you think of this in terms of people spamming shitty forums, but I imagine its done at higher levels. I suppose cramer is the prototypical mainstream designated pumper since he always seems there helping someone about to dump a stock get a little extra return.
With surveillance, though, you can imagine how they might go in in person and pump targets on this or that thing they know is going to dump pretty soon. I imagine cabal, in certain instances, when they want to get 1 specific person for whatever reason can tailor make a pump experience for a tartget based on their detailed psychological profile. It also has the added benefit of seeming like genuine insider information since its not a mass pump.
Now lets say a certain royal got on the badside of a his family with a long cabal history. What are the chances he might get this treatment where a few people “in the know” or seem to be at least, all come around and start talking about how great this one bank is? Who knows, but I think its a possibility. Never trust someone talking up an investment.
MSNBC’s Deadline White House with Nicole Wallace. Episode titled “On the Verge”
March 10th, 2023
Nicole Wallace Interviews Jonathan Greenblatt, head of the ADL. 01:23:51 min mark
[QUOTE]”Look, you know that the far-right, for many many years, has sort-of
fetishized martyerdom, this idea of bringing the war home. This notion of people who see themselves as combatants in some global war to stop white genocide some imagined perceived conspiracy. That is ugly and fraught and needs to be called out by law enforcement across the aisle.” [END QUOTE]
That is all you need to know—They will continue to genocide the Anglo-Saxon and the other Europeans in this country. White genocide to him is “imagined perceived conspiracy”. I proof that wrong–it is Jewish Messianism.
Greenblatt’s reaction, sentiment–is typically Jewish. As I said in my book “The Case of the Barefoot Socrates”—they walk right over their own excrement; their shit doesn’t stink. Nothing affects them. Hitler and the Australian sociologist Peter Meyers say the same thing—they are liars; they do not recognize what they are doing–and live in fantasy land. They have NO connection to reality–and this is what is running our country! —White Genocide full steam ahead.
White Replacement.
Not only is White Replacement going on demographically, —Not only now is white replacement going on in our commercials—White Replacement is going on with the Political discussions at MSNBC and CNN! Just recently, CNN had a segment discussing the Iowa primary field. Iowa is mostly White America. But who were invited to talk about it?????????????
Two Mexican/Asian women–couldn’t make out who was from where–But still…! We are being replaced across the board–and when whites don’t show up in our police departments or in the military–they will be filled with Mexicanos and Africanos!
Ahhhhh, the fortune of being a White American–witness our destruction and dissolvement and can’t do nothing about it!
You can thank the Roman Catholic Church for the browning of the USA.
no complaints from me.
Stop watching TV.
The only way to win the game, is not to play
I can foresee the police ranks being filled with muds. Once these begin acting like a 3rd world police force (but I repeat myself) and taxing ordinary heritage Whites, this will build up resentment. Sooner or later this will cause an explosion.
Your options are limited but you can do more than nothing. The thing you could do which would hurt them the most is to get married, have as many kids as you can, and raise them right. I understand that’s easier said than done and not even in the cards for some people but you can definitely do things which if nothing else will make you a thorn in their side. Maybe you mentor some kids through a church and keep them away from perverts and weirdos who go into such things to manipulate them, maybe you drop a few dollars every month to people like AC or Vox Day or whoever else you want to support, maybe you simply prepare for a future SHTF scenario. There’s a lot of little things we can all do. The only thing I think you NEED to do is not give up hope though. Whites are being replaced and oppressed…but there’s still a lot of us and many are on the edge of not standing by and taking this kind of treatment anymore. We are out here you’re not alone no matter how they try to make you feel. Stay strong friend.
For your entertainment. A French cartoon on El lensky and Ukraine Inc.
My experience with Brave and BAT.
I have contributed BATs to AC but cannot any longer using my main computer.
I am using Linux Mint 21.0 [based on Ubuntu 22.04. Linux kernel: 5.15.0-67-generic x86_64 bits.] Most up to date version is 21.1. I know the problem existed with LM 20.3
I believe the change between being able to contribute and not being able to contribute came about when Mint switched its base version of Brave to the Beta version but I am not sure.
First of all, is a “Brave Creator?” Using Brave Beta [Version 1.50.85 Chromium: 111.0.5563.64 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)] to check at…. And, lo, it is:
However, using Brave Beta to go to the site, I am told AC it is not an “Unverified Creator:”
If I have the temerity to Send Tip, the action is ignored.
I got another version of Brave [Version 1.47.186 Chromium: 109.0.5414.119 (Official
Build) unknown (64-bit)] and had the same result. That is, using that version, I saw that AC is a Brave Creator and then got the same result when I queried the BAT data. I am not sure the screen caps are getting in the right place so I will leave it at that: the message is the same as with Brave Beta.
With Android, the search says AC is a Brave Creator and using Brave I see the site is a “Verified Creator.” I just sent you one BAT. 5:46 Eastern.
AC, I believe that only one screen cap is going through. In which case, the one of today’s News Briefs with the message from Brave that AC is an Unverified Creator is the better. It is my hope that is what you will see.
Thank you! For the support and the heads up.
I don’t know what I can do about it though. I tend toward paranoia, so I would assume these things are not accidental, but you never know.
Thank you again,
Unfortunately, Brave Ads is closing support for unverified wallets and are requiring ID-requiring on-ramps to accept BAT payments for ads. This is unfortunate, but I have seen indications of Brendan Eich planning for the long term for Web 3.0. He needs to walk the tightrope until his platforms become relatively antifragile.
AC, re: Brave and BATs. Zerohedge gets the same treatment as this site does.
SIG’s new .338 Norma belt fed machine gun
Garand Thumb – Winter / Arctic Combat Kit Setups. Becoming Deadly in the Mountains.
> But I saw recently a study linking too much zinc intake with possibly predisposing to Alzheimer’s by facilitating the buildup of amyloid plaques. A lot of people do ZMA for weight lifting, and I did too, but I moderate it now, laying off every few days for a couple of days, and I make sure I don’t get too much zinc elsewhere as well.
Hey AC, a Possible method of double checking the correlation to zinc: lots of construction materials are zinc galvanized so if construction workers, especially on outdoor structures like decks, are getting more Alzheimer’s than regular could be a sign this idea is correct.
> 77% of young Americans too fat, mentally ill, on drugs and more to join military, Pentagon study finds.
Lmao cope, sounds like an ex after you break up with them. No one wants to die for tranny Satan’s gay foreigner army, it’s not a lack of capability but desire.
Their real flag was the Fag Flag. They are angrier about its burning than the actual American Flag.
BlackRock and Vanguard are the biggest holders of everything. And I mean everything. I watched a presentation last year and these two companies owned majority shares in EVERY industry.
Wow the $1M Disney gave
paid off ! Desantis pre-election Disney rhetoric was phony hype. Disney maintained:
• exemption from property & sales tax
• tax-free bonds
• fast track permitting
Here’s one for you. The YouTuber, Lazy Masquerade, offers three possibilities – “Was it a suicide, the mob, the CIA? – when the fourth answer, Cabal, makes so much more sense.
Also: TFW you were there for the live discussion of the chan posts that gets screencapped. 😀
Not confirmed, but I want to believe.
Ron Wyat – THE ARK AND THE BLOOD – The discovery of the Ark of the Covenant
I’m open minded but skeptical for several reasons.
The 7th Day Adventist stuff is not helping me believe.
the CIA, DOD, and Tony Fauci taught Chinese military scientists how to build weapons of mass destruction. Then Bill Gates, a former CIA director, and China’s CDC director collaborated on how to censor a lab leak at Event 201 in Oct. 2019: