News Briefs – 03/12/2020


I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Rudy’s podcast – “The Obama administration covered up a report showing that $3.5 billion in foreign aid never reached it’s intended destination & purpose”:

Hunter Biden slammed by judge for ‘duplicitous’ bid to delay paternity proceedings by claiming Coronavirus risks.

Hunter Biden and the former stripper suing him for child support reached a settlement Wednesday.

Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy is calling for investigations into why various agencies in the Trump administration are cooperating with congressional probes of Hunter Biden’s work for Burisma Holdings.

As part of President Trump’s efforts to clear out bureaucrats who have tried to undermine his policy agenda, the president is now looking at Obama-era Inspectors General. If you were going to infiltrate and corrupt a Police Department, the first thing you would take after getting into HR would be Internal Affairs, so you could purge good officers and protect your own. This is what you are looking at here, and fixing it would be a necessary part of the Storm. What did Q say about “Silent Running?”

Chelsea Manning recovering after suicide attempt while in Federal Custody. Like Epstein.

Harvey Weinstein gets 23 years, immediately has chest pains, and is off to the medical unit at Bellevue.

NY Times writer who was exposed to Corona from Basketball players and has symptoms, met with Bernie, and may have infected him.

A former Homeland Security adviser, Tom Bossert, who served under President Donald Trump from 2017 to 2018, told NBC News Tuesday the US is headed for the same sort of health care crisis Italy is experiencing, and it’s imperative for the country to “reduce the acute, exponential growth of the outbreak” as soon as possible “in order to reduce suffering and the strain on our health care system.  Masks, goggles, and gloves work as methods of preventing spread. In areas where people take subways and busses, the use of them could massively affect the outcome of this. Even a scarf wrapped around the nose and mouth with work goggles, swim goggles, or even tight fitting motorcycle googles are better than nothing. Perhaps stimulating people’s amygdalae, and emphasizing the use of things like those would help contain the spread as well. Even with such protective gear limited in the US, we could still have individuals buying a ton of that stuff themselves from Chinese sellers on markets like Ebay, getting it here, and using it to help stymie the spread at the individual level. I think people should be scared by the government, not so much because this is scary, but because a good scare early on could produce very helpful behaviors like self-protection and self-isolation, and bring this to a close very early, whereas less scare means a longer, larger spread with more overall cost, and uncertainty. This should be played up, not just for bragging rights when it is beaten, but to make beating it easier.

Coronavirus is 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says.

Three TSA employees in California test positive for coronavirus.

A staff member in Democrat Senator Maria Cantwell’s Washington, D.C. office tested positive for coronavirus.

Basketball player shows everyone it is silly to think you can catch Corona virus, by touching every microphone and recorder at a press conference, now he has tested positive for COVID-19.  The dumbass is probably why the NBA just suspended the whole season, and if the reporter above did infect Bernie, he just killed Sanders. No telling how many of his buddies he has infected. Lots of people who do not have a good model in their head of how things work will try to assuage insecurity over their ignorance by showing you some counter-intuitive point dramatically. Don’t fall for it. If someone really understands something, they should be able to explain their position clearly and logically in a way that will convince you.

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson test positive for Coronavirus. I hear this, and I immediately think of all his creepy Instagram photos of single child-clothing items like socks, and shoes, and mittens, with comments wondering what happened to cause them to be left by the side of a road, or some such odd place. Could he be about to get McCained?

Man, 100, recovers and returns home after fighting off the Coronavirus.

Coronavirus vaccine available by next month, Chinese scientists claim.

Corona virus can survive for up to three hours in the air. 24 hours on cardboard, and two to three days on plastic and stainless steel.

The head of the medical association in the northern Italian province of Varese, Roberto Stella, 67, has died of respiratory failure after contracting coronavirus.

This Swedish translation appears to say the government is taking very strong measures to bring down their number of infected, and then goes on to say the measures are they will no longer test anyone except for those who are hospitalized. Home of the Stockholm syndrome, so you can’t expect them to be too capable in a K-environment.

New York cancels St. Patrick’s Day Parade. This cancellation, teams playing without fans, TV Shows playing without audiences, schools holding remote classes and sending students home. Somebody at the top is briefing that this thing may be a big deal, whether that is true or not.

Large gatherings banned in San Francisco and Seattle area to slow the coronavirus outbreak. No word on how this will affect the whole bring-back-the-bathhouses initiative.

Investors betting big against catastrophic diseases are watching the World Health Organization closely as insurance bonds tied to whether the organization labels COVID-19 a pandemic are set to mature in June. They labeled it, and all the money went poof. Oddly enough billions of dollars might not have been lost if only these guys who made the bet had lurked here for just a little bit. Pandemics accompany K-shifts.

Sacramento is moving away from quarantine as a strategy. I am 50-50. Part of me says, use every possible advantage, but the other says, there is a large number of people out there who are not going to protect themselves, and who will endanger everyone else no matter what, so let it rip through the morons in a few weeks, get it over with, and then go forward from there with the worst behind us and that threat immune and neutralized.

National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien says, China covered up outbreak of new Coronavirus, costing the world community two months to respond.

Doctors in northern Italy struggling with the explosion of COVID-19 cases are warning their hospitals are on the brink of collapse and telling other countries to prepare for a fierce battle. What I wonder is if we triggered a panic four weeks ago, if we would be able to scale it back now, and be almost out of the woods, with a populace for which panic had become not panic, but everyday reasonable concern and diligence.

Italy death toll, from here, is a good proxy for rate of spread before government begins taking measures, and the public realizes there is a threat. Obviously in a few weeks, this will begin to level off due to reduced infection rates occurring now due to population fear:

Graphs like this look shocking, but they may be more a rate of how quickly testing has come online, as opposed to deaths which are more solid:

Supplement with Zinc:

Ilhan Omar has married her campaign consultant. Hopefully he likes Somalia’s dry heat, given she should be getting deported in the near future.

Don’t forget that Joe Biden routinely exposed himself to female Secret Service agents.

Sanders vows to press on with campaign, after primary losses to Biden.

Soros’ Democracy PAC gave $7,000,000 between pro-Biden PAC & liberal Senate Majority PAC.

House passes key FISA surveillance bill with deadline looming. It’ll be interesting to see what Rand Paul does now.

Dick’s Sporting Goods announces it will remove guns and hunting products from a majority of their stores.

Both chambers of the US Congress on Wednesday gave final approval to a resolution to restrain President Donald Trump from attacking Iran. Trump will overrule them, but how do we have so many lawmakers willing to put the wellbeing of Iran over US interests?

Since San Francisco downgraded shoplifting to a misdemeanor which usually isn’t prosecuted, people now openly loot stores.

CNN’s Jake Tapper expresses doubt about a Biden victory in November.

Asian-Americans terrified of Coronavirus backlash stock up on guns.

Nobody wants to ride in a self-driving car.

Feds arrest over 600 alleged Mexican cartel members of the New Jalisco Generation Cartel.

California voters decisively reject a plethora of borrowing, spending and taxing proposals, possibly indicating the buildup of a massive anti-big-government sentiment.

Brit Hume says there’s not ‘any doubt’ that Joe Biden ‘is getting senile.’ He wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed or the coolest character to begin with. He makes Hillary look young, and she was retching, flopping, and twitching all over, after just a few months of constant travel, poor sleep and stress from fighting the God Emperor. If he is still alive by the time the debates roll around, and after all the stress of campaigning, what a show.

Congress, White House move swiftly on new virus efforts. Not a single President would know the economy better, or how to support it through the tumult. Thinking back to Q talking about the necessity to the Storm of Trump shoring up the economy first, I wonder if this virus was always going to come just as the Storm showed up, and all of this is just expected.

Some 150,000 illegal immigrants from 72 nations with cases of the coronavirus have been apprehended or deemed inadmissible from entering the United States since November.

Supreme Court hands Trump immigration victory, allows enforcement of “Remain in Mexico” policy while the administration appeals a challenge to it by a lower judge.

Trump Administration to delay April 15 tax deadline for most individuals. Somebody on Free Republic pointed out, because of this illness the country is about to see first hand that we don’t need big expensive universities to study university material, but rather we can sit in front of a computer and get a degree. Government and insurance paying for preventive medical testing can happen, and helps lower healthcare costs later on. Government paying for sick days can be a good thing for overall healthcare costs and health. Now people are going to see what it is like without having individual taxes to pay, at least for a while. So if Trump was going to head to an IRS-free national-sales/import-tariff tax, destroy the present higher education system and replace it with something else, and kill a bunch of Iranian elites, it might look like this. Either this is all The Plan, or Trump is the King of making Lemonade out of Lemons.

New poll says Trump is winning over black and Hispanic voters in record numbers in key swing state of Florida.


Spread r/K Theory, because K will always return, but not always nicely

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5 years ago

Couple of thoughts for you:

1. You’ve been expressing some confusion about why Trump is playing up how in control he has this when the obvious move is to hype it up as a huge monster, then be seen defeating it. Consider this hypothesis: Trump (and team) knew the media was going to do the hyping. So it was going to be hyped. The media is desperate for this to be what kills the Trump presidency. Trump didn’t have to add to the hype. He can still look like the hero if this ends up being a damp squib, and (apparently correctly) slag on the media for overhyping it and trying to undercut him.

That it is plainly obvious that the media would literally trade millions of deaths to be rid of Trump isn’t going to endear them to the millions being casually consigned to death in the process. I expect the media to get very visibly vicious in a few weeks if the US does end up with this under control long before it’s a disaster. I expect at least one major media figure to slip and straight-up say “I’d trade millions of deaths to get rid of Trump. It’s mostly old people anyway, and most of them voted for Trump. Serves them right.”

2. If you mentioned this, I’ve missed it and I apologize, but… in light of r/K theory, how crazy is it that the media is banking on a pandemic to swing the voters to the Democrat/rabbit side? A few months ago when I was considering scenarios on what would swing us to the K as rapidly as possible, a pandemic was my #1 answer, short of something massive and totally unpredictable like a huge meteor strike or Yellowstone popping off. The media thinks a pandemic is going to swing people to the rabbitiest candidates ever put up for President? The media thinks the American people are going to walk through the logic of “A pandemic is really bad, so you need to vote for the candidate who promises to dismantle all borders?” I could mock this for many more sentences but you get the idea.

Maybe, maybe in the heat of the moment, maybe if the election was right now… but in six months, who’s going to be voting for Team Rabbit? Those 2-5% that Q says are irredeemable, and hardly anyone else. The election was already shaping up to be a bloodbath in favor of Trump anyhow, but now we have to be seriously considering the possibility that he’ll take everything except DC, and that only because so much of DC is directly dependent on the rabbit structure for their sustenance.

Reply to  Krymneth
5 years ago

Two good points.

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

Tom Hanks is in great danger. He’s really very beloved by many people. Very influential. That’s not the kind of man you want turning on you.

This is why the Storm scares me. Who knows how many loose ends these clowns will try to tie up if things get desperate enough?

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

“Who knows how many loose ends these clowns will try to tie up if things get desperate enough?”

That could by why we have this big push for quarantines.

If you were trying take out the Cabal what’s the best way to shield civilians from their wind-up toys while at the same time isolating your targets?

Think of all the normally large groups of people that are no longer congregating. Schools, sporting events, business conferences, even less commercial flights to crash.

Opportunities for shenanigans are decreasing exponentially. Hospitals would be the only remaining option for crowds and security there will be through the roof to quell disturbances.

Is this virus a hoax or is this just white hats seizing on an opportunity?

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

I seriously doubt Pedo Tom Hanks or his wife have tested positive for the COVID19 virus.l They are both working on a big budget film in OZ. Why have we not heard of any of the hundreds of crew and we are talking three to four hundred crew on this coming down with the virus?

I’ve worked many EMT positions on a couple of dozen minor-moderate films and new/additional gafs, electricians, camera operators, HR staff and many dozens of other people are on and off site daily. Hell, the catering truck on a film with Hanks would be in the two-three dozen range 5 times a day. No new cases reported.

It’s all horse shit to ramp up public panic to dump the worldwide economy by the Cabal. Is it only to take out DJT? I dunno, they want us all dead anyway. SARS killed a couple hundred thousand and this thing has killed a few thousand. It’s all bullpoop.

Hanks is all Cabal, all the time as he is on the Epstein flight lists. You cannot trust a word of the media.

For your consideration.

Reply to  JAG
5 years ago

I seriously doubt Pedo Tom Hanks or his wife have tested positive for the COVID19 virus.

This. Same for the NBA player. That’s straight out of a TV script. You want to convince people that it’s a real danger? Take a guy who just mocked the danger and give it to him. All you have to do is tell him he has it (since they were testing all the NBA players anyway, because… uh… reasons?)

I don’t know how much of it is hoax, but I guarantee you that this part is right out of the Writer’s Room.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

I certainly don’t want to sound like an Adam Henry, but I have to make a suggestion. Please don’t take it as a matter of disrespect. I think we should all make a conscious effort to purge words like ” scared” or “afraid” from our vocabulary. Those terms are headworms, and indicate that the speaker is sort of open to intimidation. I personally substitute “concerned” or “interested” as a means of inculcating the proper mindset for what may be coming down the pike.

My Combatives instructor had a great line. He said that in times of crisis there are people who think to themselves: “Oh, shit!”, and there are others who think “oh, boy!” I firmly believe that the key to prevailing in an emergency is to be one of the latter group.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
5 years ago

Ahh so the “Hockey Stick” is back, I’d missed i!
does that mean Michael Mann is in charge of statistics for Coronu?

& “10x more lethal than normal flu”

For who?

5 years ago

One of the unintentional yet positive consequences of the virus is that people will be sitting home reading blogs.

One man’s loss/fear is another man’s opportunity, as they say.

5 years ago

> Don’t forget that Joe Biden routinely exposed himself to female Secret Service agents.

…and LBJ did it to male Secret Service agents. Often enough they called him “Old Bull Balls” behind his back.

Being on his protection detail wasn’t considered to be a choice assignment.

5 years ago

Perhaps stimulating people’s amygdalae, and emphasizing the use of things like those would help contain the spread as well.

I was wargaming what it would take to enforce a quarantine in an American city, and the only thing I could come up with would be semi-voluntary quarantine from social pressure. You would have to have 90% of the population self-quarantining and shaming anyone who broke out. Cops/USNG could handle the other 10%, especially with the material support of the other 90% (reporting mainly).

The main complication I see is certain ethnic groups that would refuse to abide the quarantine, and have people like me calling in on them at, say, the basketball court behind my house. I think that this sort of quarantine would bring a lot of simmering racial animosity from the silent majority to the front, and might spark a potentially violent preference cascade.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Phelps
5 years ago

Even outside of ethnic groups, we’ve already seen people break what should be a voluntary quarantine for reasons such as “I have tickets to an invitation-only event” and “I HAVE to see movies at the theater. It’s practically my religion!”

Some people are so conditioned to HAVE to be out in social settings, keeping them contained will be difficult. Personally, I’m looking forward to the possibility of not having to leave my house. I can step in the backyard if I need a few minutes of sunshine. But most “normies” have to have the mindless social interaction.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
5 years ago

I saw those and wondered if the disease makes people want to be in a crowd somehow. That would be a nasty trait for a germ.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

I’ve heard normal flus and colds are like that, they make one want to be social. I’ve always noticed as well if I would go out in public while having one, people would flock to me when they would normally avoid me when I’m fine.

King RAT
King RAT
Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

Yes, it does
Remember toxoplasma? Cat urine is sexi for the infected mice. Same with human flu.

Rhapsody The Blue
Rhapsody The Blue
Reply to  Eric The Awful
5 years ago

Hard to say. I’m definitely the alpha/social type, but I do fine when stuck at home for whatever reason. I’m in my 8th month of pregnancy [and a global plague is *really* what I needed now 🙁 ] so I’m inclined to sit around at the moment.

Maybe I’ll start a blog when the baby is born.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Rhapsody The Blue
5 years ago

If you’re a woman, you CAN’T be an Alpha!
The SSH doesn’t apply to women.

Reply to  Mr Twister
5 years ago

There is such a thing as an alpha female.
But it manifests differently than an alpha male.

5 years ago

Somebody at the top is briefing that this thing may be a big deal, whether that is true or not.

Or someone needs to avoid allowing soft targets.

comment image

5 years ago

> Since San Francisco downgraded shoplifting to a misdemeanor which usually isn’t prosecuted, people now openly loot stores.

Retailers will be forced to adopt the Soviet system: a line, a counter, and all the goods behind the counter. You want a TV set or a bag of chips, you stand in line, pay, and then the clerk hands it to you.

The last vestige of that in the US was a chain called “Service Merchandise” in the 1980s, where the “service” part was so slow it took hours to make a single simple purchase.

What’s going to happen is, even more purchases are going to go to Amazon, and after the small stores shut down, everything local will be some variant of “taco trucks”.

I went to a steelyard in Memphidishu some years ago now, and even then you had to press a button, state your name and business, and get eyeballed through the peephole before they opened the door and let me in. A steelyard is hardly the kind of business “roving youth” would target, though a guess a sudden craving for 2-inch angle iron could happen to anyone…

Reply to  TRX
5 years ago

I went to a steelyard in Memphidishu some years ago now, and even then you had to press a button, state your name and business, and get eyeballed through the peephole before they opened the door and let me in. A steelyard is hardly the kind of business “roving youth” would target, though a guess a sudden craving for 2-inch angle iron could happen to anyone…

Vibrants steal steel or other scrappable metals to trot down the street to the scrapyard to sell for pennies on the dollar.

5 years ago

3 days on stainless steel, I wonder how long on a copper surface? Back to the Bronze Age!

Metallic Copper as an Antimicrobial Surface

5 years ago

“Brit Hume says there’s not ‘any doubt’ that Joe Biden ‘is getting senile.’ He wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed or the coolest character to begin with. He makes Hillary look young, and she was retching, flopping, and twitching all over, after just a few months of constant travel, poor sleep and stress from fighting the God Emperor. If he is still alive by the time the debates roll around, and after all the stress of campaigning, what a show.”

They will retire him for senility and bring in Hitlery.
They are using him to make her look good by comparison.

5 years ago

U.S. Army Abandons Iron Dome Project After Israel Refuses to Share Critical Intelligence

5 years ago
5 years ago

Speaking about diseases. I believe that the Old Testament is divinely inspired because of the fact that the Laws of cleaniness anticipates germ theory.

Even the “water of purification” which is used for washing is actually Antiviral and antibacterial soap:

Its like someone used a time machine and taught the hebrews how to avoid disease.

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

With so many people home from work and school, with many sporting events cancelled, it seems that this could be an incredibly big opportunity for some serious red-pilling to occur. Particularly if big things happen in the news and the Q team has some quality video prepared that put things together for people. Steve Bannon is an accomplished documentary filmmaker and he was let go from the White House, perhaps he’s been busy with some projects in recent months.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

I like that theory, Bannon is a stealth fighter, having seen speeches he’s given long before the GE was on the cards, I have no doubt he’s a major player on the side of good, his and the GEs supposed Beef, is just that, a show.

5 years ago

Mexico’s Leftist Leader Is Turning Out To Be a Disaster

We need to drive all of the leftists down there after the civil war (which will come even if Trump and Q succeed), Having Mexico as an enemy with a land border will be an excellent K influence and they are going to collapse anyway.

5 years ago

What are the changes that a man named “Wang” strips naked and bites officers after refusing a temperature check:

LembradorDos6Triliões (very high IQ jokes blog commenter)
LembradorDos6Triliões (very high IQ jokes blog commenter)
Reply to  info
5 years ago

Mess with Want, get the fang.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
5 years ago

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in quarantine, his wife tested postive for Covid19.

Is this real, theater, or part of the Storm?

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
5 years ago

Is this real, theater, or part of the Storm?

It’s all three.