News Briefs – 03/11/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


For our UK Anons, there is a petition to release the home office’s grooming gang review in full. They want to hide it for obvious reasons. It has passed 100,000, so Parliament will have to consider it for debate, but the more the merrier.

Pastor of the Obama-era DHS whistleblower who was found dead thinks it was murder, not suicide.

Harvey Weinstein suggested Jennifer Aniston ‘should be killed’ over sex assault claim. It wouldn’t have happened with a bloody beheading. She simply would have had a car accident, or committed suicide. I’d love to know the deal with Paul Walker.

A federal prosecutor and his wife were found dead in their California home on Sunday from an apparent murder-suicide.

Hunter Biden using coronavirus to flake out of child support case deposition, saying it is unsafe for him to travel.

Appeals court upholds ruling allowing House Dems to obtain secret Mueller probe grand jury materials.

No audience for the next Democrat debate, the health Minister of Britain is positive for Corona, and Trump will keep greeting the throngs of his supporters where he goes. Trump can say that, but I hope his people organize it so he doesn’t see people. He is all we have, and the Cabal will try to get somebody infected, maybe even with something worse than Corona, to expose him to. I’m beginning to think all people high-up in powerful organizations, from the Trump organization to the government, should be tested weekly at least, to catch the infected as early as possible, and limit their contacts proactively. Not testing everybody and not knowing who has picked it up and who hasn’t, until they show symptoms and have already infected a bunch of other highly important people, is stupid.

Pelosi refuses to decamp from the House and let Congressmen perform their duties remotely from their districts.

Sanders, Biden campaigns abruptly cancel election-night rally, citing coronavirus concerns.

Italy says Coronavirus infections have topped 10,000, marks highest single-day death toll of 168. The rise in cases was a 10.7% rise.

Covid-19 death toll jumps 36% in Italy in one day, from 463 to 631.

Italian doctor says they do not have enough respirators, and have begun deciding not to try and save patients who have factors like diabetes or cancer histories. I doubt we will get to that point with Trump, but just in case, somebody should be mapping out how we could either get more respirators fast now, or even an en-extremis way to create some quick hack of air compressors from Harbor Freight with automatic valves, or something to jury rig mechanisms now to try and give respiration to those who otherwise would not get artificial respiration in such a scenario. Hopefully Trump closing the borders gave us just enough of a jump on it to hold it at bay until the spring warm up. But buying up ventilators and getting more on backorder now could be key.

Merkel estimates 60-70% of Germans will get Coronavirus. At the low end, of .1% mortality and 60% exposed you are looking at 49,000 dead. At the high end of 1% and 70%, you are looking at about 580,000 dead. Hopefully we won’t see 3-4%, or even 8% or more. I don’t know. The numbers say one thing, but this thing never seems to go all the way. Plus it is running into spring. However I will be surprised if it does not return next winter, and maybe more deadly. If we don’t have a vaccine by then, it will be trouble. I don’t advocate people panic, but it pays to be informed, understand you don’t want this, and take measures, from hand washing, to minimizing time out among the population, to wearing a mask and sealed glasses, and avoid it.

Almost 200 North Korean soldiers have reportedly died from COVID-19, the deadly disease caused by the novel coronavirus, and thousands of others are being quarantined.

South Korea’s infection rate falls without citywide lockdowns like China, Italy. I am thinking the explosive growth you see early on is an explosive growth in testing of an infected populace which had been growing cases much slower, for a much longer time.

China prepares to declare victory over Coronavirus outbreak as Pres. Xi visits quarantined residents in Wuhan.

Georgia’s first Coronavirus patient has been taken to a State Park for isolation.

Trump pitched 0% payroll tax for rest of year to combat Coronavirus.

If this next tweet is true, I am wondering if it is age, or if Italy may be developing a new, more lethal strain:

Biden decisively won Michigan’s Democratic primary as well as Missouri and Mississippi, dealing a serious blow to Bernie Sanders.

Joe Biden gets confused again: ‘together, I think we can win back the House.’

Based Bernie has an Imam at his rally who said ISIS was ‘somehow connected’ to Israel, and that homosexuality is a ‘disorder.’  Tough to tell if he or Biden would be easier to beat.

House strikes last-minute surveillance deal.

Prince Harry claimed Donald Trump ‘has blood on his hands’ and is one of the ‘sick people’ running the world.  I have to think he knows. So is it all a script? Is he one of the evil ones? Or is he that clueless? He did let himself get tied up with Markle.

An undercover reporter has been arraigned in California and charged with ten felonies for secretly recording conversations that exposed baby body trafficking by abortionists.

California’s chief justice said Tuesday that California courts “have become more than a place that resolves disputes, we have become centers for social justice,” and that the courts are now going to begin doing things to help with the homeless crisis like transferring surplus properties to be used as shelters.

Ancient human settlement was obliterated by a comet that exploded in Earth’s atmosphere and sent fragments of molten glass ‘hot enough to melt cars’ flying to the ground 12,800 years ago. Off topic, but the coolest theory I heard on 4Chan was a guy who say he knew somebody in the Park Service who said in high enough circles it is common knowledge the National Park system was created in a deal between our leaders of the time and aliens. The aliens get to do what they want in the parks, including maintaining hideouts and hunting humans and eating them or bringing them back to game preserves and zoos on their worlds, and in return they protect us from cosmic disasters like this now. I doubt it, but an A+ for creativity.

In the next four, union guys love Donald Trump. Biden was being taunted with chants of “Trump! Trump! Trump!,” which probably lit his amygdala:

That left him prone to missteps like this:

Notice in this next angle, the straw that broke the camel’s back of Biden’s already stressed amygdala was the mixture of the sudden hand waving in front of his face (amygdala stimulating through eye-stimulation) mixed with the violation of expectation of being chastised about something new and unexpected (finger pointing, ie “This is not OK.”). Biden’s amygdala had mapped out an argument about guns and was flowing along (albeit under strain), when suddenly something whooshed in front of his face, his finger pointing was criticized unexpectedly, and his amygdala popped. I have noticed also leftists get very triggered when you introduce the idea of someone telling them what they are allowed to do. Bloomberg got very triggered when in the debate, Biden mentioned federal regulators coming to New York City and telling him he couldn’t do Stop and Frisk. Here Biden is told by this guy he can’t point his finger in his face. (Not a request to not do it, but rather a forceful statement that it is not OK.) Leftists may propose all those regulations as a way of triggering others because being told what to do is very triggering to them. Liberals tell you how they think. However they try to fuck you is how they fear being fucked.

Of course, Joe was dead wrong about saying he wasn’t going to grab guns:

Babylon Bee has perhaps the best satire headline ever – “Hillary Clinton Says Epstein Assassination Was To ‘Manage Anxiety.'”

Pentagon’s new contracts could mean creation of mobile nuclear reactors.

Border Patrol touts benefits of new border wall system, saying, ‘It changes everything.’

DOW bounces back, up 1,167 as Trump talks economic initiatives.

GOP approval rises, Democrats fall post-impeachment in Gallup poll.

Spread r/K Theory, because liberals tell you how they think.

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New Name
New Name
5 years ago

Since early on in the Q movement, there have been people who have put out theories such as Hillary (or others) has already been arrested and they are agreeing to play a part in a game or an act in order to avoid a more serious punishment, perhaps as some kind of plea arrangement.

I always used to be highly skeptical of such theories.

But the other night I was watching Biden and just kept thinking to myself, “Why is he doing this? Why is he doing this?”

He’s clearly not having fun. He clearly doesn’t need the money or power. He really should be on a beach someplace. Clearly everyone around him knows that he can’t possibly win; these people aren’t completely stupid. So, why? What would motivate a man such as him to take this abuse/punishment? Why doesn’t his family ask him to withdraw? Why doesn’t his family do something? Why?

The only answer that makes sense is that he is under threat that if he doesn’t run, his family will be hurt. Is this threat coming from Cabal? It’s the kind of thing that they’d pull, certainly. Maybe they have some wild scheme to use Biden as a placeholder until their preferred candidate is ready to be named.

What if it’s the good guys who are threatening Biden to humiliate himself and keep himself in the news so DECLASS can happen and he can lose the election?

It’s the most sensible explanation for the observed phenomenon.

Rhapsody The Blue
Rhapsody The Blue
Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

What’s the point of having Hillary still acting like, well, Hillary?

From the start I’ve said the major flaw in the apparent Plan was the lack of control over the propaganda complex of the media. It’s relentless and damaging. I estimate about 40% of the country is living fully within a cartoon universe in their heads. Wearing a Trump hat gets you attacked. People are being murdered for being white because of the incessant identity politics and hate.

If they can control Hillary, why not have her start complimenting Trump on how he handles things? Not endorsements, but “he’s not been so bad” level of quips. Why not control some media heads, even if it’s just to stop the lies and report honestly. Get all the child trafficking arrests over the past couple years on the news, for example.

It’s a major reason why I thought they recruited Trump in the first place- his media contacts and savvy. But… nothing other than his Twitter and those of supporters. Even some of Fox News turned against him.

As for Biden I think they’re just formulating something else. Maybe pick their favored candidate as a VP and kill off Biden if he wins, which he well could thanks to voter fraud and corruption. Or just let him resign due to medical reasons if they’re feeling merciful that week. :-\

Reply to  Rhapsody The Blue
5 years ago

>”Even some of Fox News turned against him.”
Even Fox is under the control of Jewish collective power, off course they would try to burn Trump.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Rhapsody The Blue
5 years ago

I think you misunderstand control and influence, and you use that misunderstanding to remove an idea from the realm of possibility. “If they can control, why don’t they have them do _____”. Control is frequently quite subtle, and limited to the circumstances the target is in. It’s kind of like dismissing conspiracy theories by insisting that “everyone would have to be in on it, someone would snitch, no one has, therefore there are no conspiracies.” It invalidates a possibility based on a flawed understanding.

5 years ago

Not sure I understand why Sessions chose to run again, especially knowing Tommy was a big time Trump supporter. What gives?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Leverage
5 years ago

On Sessions. Sessions is most certainly not deep State, cabal or any of these things. I don’t know what happened to Sessions after he entered Trumps administration but before he was rock solid. He IS the reason that one round of making the illegals legal failed. We’re talking a minimum of 30 million illegals being made legal. He threw such a log jam on the works they have never ever tried with such force to legalize aliens again…yet. In my opinion he literally saved the whole country from eminent death. I can not emphasize enough how this one persons actions totally changed the future of our country. Sessions has a multi-decades long action sheet that has in every way been favorable to the founding stock of the country.

What happened to him then? I don’t know. It’s very odd. In the background he seems to have put in motion a wide ranging investigative force but while he pulled up all kinds of firepower NO EVER SEEMS TO BE PULLING THE TRIGGER. I don’t know why this is. It has been said that there are so many crooked people at the top it will take a long time to remove them. Sometimes I’m content with this argument but sometimes I see quite a bit of buggedyboo going on that points towards the idea that all this is a farce and that they only doing “just” enough not to have a large amount of people break into open rebellion or even worse silent guerilla rebellion which would fuck the deep State good. So let’s look at the options. Not saying any is true.

1. Sessions was a big fake never intended to do anything. I don’t believe this. Evidence of his past actions precludes this.
2. Sessions is old school, never be caught up in any procecutorial wrongdoings or cutting any corners and following this came to the conclusion that he could not be impartial so recused himself. I see this as very possible. Trump being from New York filled with lying scheming Jews would NOT understand this. It would be contrary to his understanding. I seriously doubt he could even get his head around the idea and to him it would be just some sort of excuse for some deep plot he wasn’t able to figure out but that they’re had to be another reason because…no one would do that(in New York).
3. Sessions had every intention of bringing in the day of the rope and prosecuting everyone he could and then…his family was threatened to such an extent that, he couldn’t do it. He saw the forces arrayed against him and also saw how Trump abandoned his people who got him elected, packed his administration with a bunch of crooked Jews and came to the conclusion that Trump could not protect him or his family and so he folded. At the first of Trumps administration he seemed to…choke. This could be.
4. This is the one that bothers me the most. Sessions comes in ready for the day of the rope and realizes he’s been had. Trump lets him know, or he finds out that it’s all a ruse. Trump was put in office to control the populist side of the electorate by the Jews, Q, all that shit is nothing but a LARP and the hammer is coming down on all of us. Sessions realizes going after the Jews in this situation is like the Zulus charging British machine guns with spears and hide shields. There is no doubt what so ever right after he recused himself his behavior became very different. He seemed to be a Man under great stress. Maybe even under siege. He does what he can but ultimately stays in long enough to keep face but gets out as soon as he can. This also fits in well with him running for the Senate. He has a power base there and knows the ins and outs. He could still be trying to effect change they best way he can in the Senate. This whole scenario could be the truth whether people like it or not. We just don’t know. Trump has followed through with a lot draining of the swamp, sorta, but a great deal of it has been nothing but theater. Lots of smoke, drums, horns and lightening but little actual result. It all stays on the stage, looks magnificent but nothing changes for real.

Things that strengthen this theory are Epstein(I mean how the hell can they just let that guy go? And don’t tell me he’s dead the body they wheeled out WAS NOT him. So he’s somewhere. Probably Israel.), hiring of the Epstein’s prosecutor(who let him go), hiring of the neocon group, very slow draining of the FBI(most necessary to change anything) and no prosecutions of those cleaned out, no action on Hillary, Bill, the foundation and I would say this whole corona too. Especially Trump saying that it will blow over.

That Sessions deal really bothers me and is what made me distrust Trump. That and the packing of neocons in his administration made me immediately distrust him. That Trump is going slow, I get that and I get the reasons, but it doesn’t explain Sessions actions which were entirely out of character. If it weren’t for the Sessions deal then I would be MUCH more likely to believe everything Trump says he is doing is on the up and up. Trump has tried to demonize Sessions and impugn his character but…I know better.

5 years ago

What are your thoughts on Trump endorsing Tuberville given Tuberville’s hiring of Bush-amnesty-type advisors and the “Trust Sessions” from Q?

Reply to  Steve
5 years ago

It would not look good for Trump to openly endorse Sessions.

Reply to  map
5 years ago

He didn’t have to endorse anybody. It’s a republican primary, he can endorse the winner. Him endorsing a terrible candidate last time is how Doug Jones got in the Senate in the first place.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Steve
5 years ago

I’m going to guess that he has other uses for Sessions. If Trump was truly against Sessions running, Sessions wouldn’t bother. So Trump is likely okay with the idea of him running, probably with the understanding that he’ll be made available for some future endeavor.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

I don’t think Trump has any choice in the matter at all. I’ll be willing to bet Sessions has massive campaign cash from way back. No one controls this but him.

5 years ago

The piercing of Grand Jury testimony is a major reset in our system of justice. It essentially places every person called at risk. The origional purpose was to allow testmony without fear of retribution so criminality could be investigated. This ruling by two courts resets that. You as an individual with very few exceptions most likely do not have the free funds to fight a suit to expose your testmony to those who come against you. Any assurances that your testimony will be kept secret are now a lie. When dealing with any level of government the three most important things are 1. OMERTA 2. OMERTA 3. OMERTA (criminal activity or not). IMHO, Be polite but firm. If you question this read the book by Roger Stone. He thought to cooperate and the book details the Who, What, When, Where, How and Why, they did to him and now he faces years in jail. Take heed it is a good example.

See the video (youtube) about why you should not talk to the police about anything ever. This should now be extended to ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY everywhere at any level. SHUN government; They are legally allowed to lie to you and you are not allowed to lie to them. The ACLU (Asshole, Liberal, Commie, Union) has an excellent pamphlet for illegals (never one for citizens) on how to deal with the police or ice, get it on their web site it, IMHO, is good advice.

Reply to  Goose
5 years ago

>”See the video (youtube) about why you should not talk to the police about anything ever. This should now be extended to ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY everywhere at any level. SHUN government; They are legally allowed to lie to you and you are not allowed to lie to them.”

Solid advice, I agree. The only way you should get the police information is via the use of a deadman switch, and given that you don’t know if the information is going to get into the hands of corrupt actors within the agencies and organizations, keep in mind any deadswitch should also trigger the release of the same information to all the media (both the comped MSM and the independent media (the reason you want the info to go to the comped MSM is that someone inside might run with the info because they need the view rates, or some other reason)), as well as all over the chans (as too unleash an army of autistic frogs with a hard on for justice on your enemies).

5 years ago

Trump can say that, but I hope his people organize it so he doesn’t see people. He is all we have, and the Cabal will try to get somebody infected, maybe even with something worse than Corona, to expose him to.

This thing appears to be disproportionately hitting the elites. I can’t name a single person I know who even knows a non-famous person exposed, but I can give you dozens of elites who have been infected (and in Iran, killed.)

It could be that this thing is very narrowly targeted. And Trump doesn’t seem to be on the target list.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

I agree with your analysis. The spread doesn’t make sense, because it’s not following standard cold flu infection. This thing should have already swept through the public school system and vector into the adults from there. From my personal experience, i get it mostly from my kids or relatives/friends.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

“…4Chan laid out the range maps for two species of bats…”

I question that. I read a comment that had a link to a paper that said that portions of the virus came from bats not even on the same hemisphere. How did HIV get into it???

This link I linked below is a science guy not even remotely a conspiracy guy.

Coronavirus Is Bat Coronavirus With SARS Receptor

5 years ago

I’d bet money that Prince Harry’s IQ is below 90.

His brother seems smarter but that have different fathers (Harry Hewitt for Harry), so that’s not surprising.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Jonesy
5 years ago

Could <90 fly a helicopter?

Reply to  Mr Twister
5 years ago

Sure. It mostly takes paying attention and having good reflexes.

Follow the checklist, keep the paperwork in order, and no problemo.

Several studies on lower-IQ car and truck drivers showed they had better safety records than normies. Doing their jobs took all their attention, while the normies got bored and careless and the high-IQ types simply zoned out and quit paying attention to what they were supposed to be doing.

Reply to  TRX
5 years ago

Fair enough, though I have heard St Efan mention that quicker reaction times correlates with higher IQs.

5 years ago

You wrote: “Liberals tell you how they think. However they try to fuck you is how they fear being fucked.”

How about the rest of us? Are we as inadvertently self-revealing?

5 years ago

“Prince Harry claimed Donald Trump ‘has blood on his hands’ and is one of the ‘sick people’ running the world. I have to think he knows. So is it all a script? Is he one of the evil ones? Or is he that clueless? He did let himself get tied up with Markle.”

I’m still convinced he’s Plan B and that this is part of a plan to try and bring down Trump along with the real criminals when the storm comes.

There is a set of talking points out there that twists the truth to try and tie Trump to Epstein etc.

5 years ago

You know if the economic problems due to Coronavirus gets bad enough. To properly stimulate the economy. Non-government debt of all kinds need to have a debt jubilee.

Unpayable debt has to be cancelled for the economy to be able to move again.

5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago

Within a few days, at least 150 colleges have decided to cancel in-person classes or go remote after the spring break.*lC_O9CYqi04BUhKklWQp-w#gid=0

^ I think that’s yesterday’s list, but it’s more complete than the article.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“Democrats slap back at media, defend Trump’s handling of coronavirus.”

Something very bizarre is going on worldwide. Several commenters have reported on several different things that make no sense at all. Why would the Democrats go with Biden???? Are people dying like flies in Italy and Iran or not. If so why is Trump playing down the virus???

If the virus is a bad as some say we have about three or four weeks until everything stops.

I’m really anxious about the whole thing. Things are just not adding up.

We hear nothing about virus attacks in Israel. Hmmmm…

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago
5 years ago

>”Based Bernie has an Imam at his rally who said ISIS was ‘somehow connected’ to Israel, and that homosexuality is a ‘disorder.’”

Based Imam needs to go back, but is right.
Israel is 100% verifiably connected to Israel (even Trump said it during his 2016 run, proof below):

==Former Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israeli Collaboration with ISIS in Syria==

==Ex-defense minister says IS ‘apologized’ to Israel for November clash==

==Top 10 Indications or Proofs ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation==

==ISIS fighters APOLOGISED after launching an attack on Israeli soldiers, former defence minister reveals==

==Israel ‘giving secret aid to Syrian rebels’, report says==

==Israeli Intel Chief: We Don’t Want ISIS Defeated in Syria==

This leaked e-mail from Hillary Clinton says, and I quote: “The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad.”


Related vídeo:
==“Trump talking about “so-called allies””==

[00:00] – Trump: “I will give you an example, some of our so called allies, that we work with and protect and we protect them militarily, they are sending massive amounts of money to ISIS and to Al Qaeda.”

[00:13] – Joe: “So who are you talking about there?”

[00:16] – T: “You know who it is, why do I have to bring it up for you, you know who it is.”

[00:19] – J: “Because you’re running for President. Are you talking about the Saudis?”

[00:21] – T: “Joe, other countries, are giving massive amounts of money, people from other countries are giving massive amounts of money.”

[00:28] – J: “Are you saying the Saudis are doing this?”

[00:29] – T: “Off course they are doing it, everybody knows that.”

[00:33] – J: “Ok, any other countries?”

[00:36] – T: “There are but I am not going to say it, because I have a lot of relationships with people, but there are. And you know that, and everybody knows that and nobody says it, nobody talks about it.”

[00:45] – J: “But you’re not even saying the countries that are doing it right now, why aren’t you willing to name those, you say you have a lot of relationships there.”

[00:51] – T: “Joe, all you have to do is check your records, and our government knows the countries, and one of them happens to be Saudi Arabia, and our govenment knows that, and why aren’t we doing anything about it? Why aren’t we being firm as to why we’re allowing that to happen.”

[01:05] – J: “So why don’t you think we are?”

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
5 years ago


We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.