Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Netherlands Agrees To Limit Tech Exports To China
DFT – IEA Head Warns Europe The Era Of Cheap Fuel Is Over
DFT – Binance Bans Russian Accounts From Trading Dollars Or Euros
DFT – Bank Of America Chief Warns US Recession To Begin In Q3
DFT – Oil Continues To Weaken Off Fed Fears
The Pentagon is funding experiments on animals to recreate ‘Havana Syndrome.’
The Republicans have a golden opportunity to do something about the weaponization of the FBI by making a petty, mean, and absolutely essential gesture – they can defund the billion-dollar new FBI building that would replace the decaying brutalist monstrosity of a building they currently infest. They will never do it, because they are all terrified to see their darkest secrets and blackmail come to light.
FBI agents colluded to illegally intercept Proud Boy defendant’s communications with his attorney and indicate they were going to share it with prosecutors. Government accidentally let the lawyers see them.
FBI internal communications regarding the destruction of January 6 evidence revealed. “The agent’s FBI “boss assigned [her] 338 items of evidence I have to destroy.””
Internal FBI messages demanding Confidential Human Source reports be edited to remove agent participation. “You need to go into that CHS report you just put and edit out that I [the FBI agent] was present”
Jenna Ellis, a lawyer who represented President Donald J. Trump after his loss in the 2020 election, admitted in a sworn statement released on Wednesday that she had knowingly misrepresented the facts in several of her public claims that widespread voting fraud led to Mr. Trump’s defeat. Never any doubt she was a traitor. Then again, most associated with that were. It is the problem when you are under this intel-op’s control. When it floods people around you purposely it can easily crowd out anyone normal who really wants to help. I do not know if regular America can defeat it, but if it were to, the defeat of it would look like a wild pogrom killing anyone even vaguely associated with it. Because you cannot beat it like this, through the system.
Former Trump lawyer censured by Colorado judge for falsehoods about election. Ellis again. It looks kind of like she took the hit for the conspiracy. She had a mouth which I would never trust in any woman, even without her dead eyes.
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and its American Conservative Union (ACU) parent organization are funded by globalist Nazi collaborator George Soros, Big Tech oligarch Mark Zuckerberg, and the neo-con Koch brothers, financial documents reveal. Matt Schlapp is the ACU and CPAC Chairman who’s been accused of sexually assaulting a male GOP campaign staffer.
New York prosecutors indicate Trump criminal charges likely, report says.
GOP Leader McConnell remains in hospital after concussion. It would be horrible if that motherfucker died. Really.
Prosecutors signal Trump may face criminal charges in hush money probe.
New York prosecutors offer Trump a chance to testify before grand jury. Is the link above this one bluffing?
Norfolk Southern train derails in Alabama just before CEO testifies. Not clear if it is unusual, or if Kwanistani infrastructure is just like this nowadays.
Joe Biden announces corporate tax hike to 28%, likely to burden small business. They are running short of money to steal?
Biden budget includes $24 billion for conservation and protecting communities from climate disasters. How they steal it.
‘Excessive’ Biden budget plan would cause U.S. national debt to hit nearly $51 trillion by 2033.
House Republicans call for a ‘briefing’ on the DoD’s latest failed audit. I want to know what happened to the trillions Rumsfeld announced were missing right before 9/11 took out the office investigating it.
Five Gulf Cartel assassins who kidnapped The Tummy Tuck Four – killing two – are tied up and dumped in the street with a note from cartel bosses APOLOGIZING to the four South Carolina families. From the article, Phelps called it again – “It comes as questions are being raised over why the Americans were in the cartel-run city in the first place after revealed their previous links to drugs.” LOL.
Notice how during the kidnapping video, the three vehicles, all of the exact same color, behind the kidnapping, formed into a perfect wall, bumper to bumper, to potentially contain any attempts at escape, and then they remained static, as dangerous cartel shooters performed a kidnapping in front of them, and they only began to move and exit the scene after the cartel members got all of the Americans under full control, as if the operation had completed. If you are ever in that situation, do not assume the vehicles around you are innocent people, and not hostiles working in concert with the primary shooters. If shit touches off, you are alone, and everyone in eyeshot is a hostile. At least that is how intelligence would try to organize it. Again, I think those vehicles, working as support for local cartel operations in Matamoros, have the same ultimate command as the people following you through grocery stores. Whatever runs things, runs everything, everywhere in the West, and probably the East, outside of Russia.
Cloistered at Walter Reed, Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman runs operation from afar. Let’s rewrite that – “Locked down in a mental hospital for being non-copus-mentis, Jon Fetterman tries to look like he is still doing something of value.”
California county tracked churchgoers’ phone location data to enforce COVID lockdowns.
Never Trumper Bill Kristol calls on Republicans to support ‘Democrats for a while.’ Interesting in that he does not strike me as overly stupid. He has to know his insignificance in the movement, and that nobody will listen to him. So what is this?
Ratings blowout: Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 coverage brought six times as many viewers as CNN.
Revisiting the death of Loretta Fuddy, woman in charge of Obama’s Birth Certificate. “Remember when everyone survived a plane crash but the person who was in charge of Obama’s birth certificate?”
Columbia University eliminates SAT and ACT requirements so they can prioritize diversity over academic excellence. Is that what is happening? Or do they just want to admit who they are told to admit, and not have to explain why they are admitting rubes who are plugged into the conspiracy over actual geniuses who are not?
Syracuse leaders are considering a program focusing on mental health, education, career placement and possibly providing a weekly $100 stipend to gang-members as an incentive to maintain positive behavior. Work hard anon, they need your $100 bills to give to the gang-members for shutting down businesses they don’t own and killing people they deem a threat. Living under an intelligence operation dictatorship.
IQ scores in the US have DROPPED for first time in nearly 100 years, study suggests — so is tech making us dim? Is it all the 80 IQ third world migrants? Or might Covid and the vax be peeling away IQ points long-term?
Lauren Boebert is set to become a GRANDMOTHER at 36: Colorado Republican praises teen moms as she reveals her 17-year-old son’s girlfriend is pregnant. She is not one of us.
Bloomberg News caricatured concerns about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence, and instead trumpeted OpenAI CEO Sam Altman’s utopian view, that reads like he took a page from the script of I, Robot, dismissing the “forecast that AI will kill us all.” I nver thought AI was scary, until I saw the insane woke AI designed to mimic leftist thought and despotism.
The coming artificial intelligence economic revolution may mean, many writers, human resource officers, lawyers, writers, artists, and even coders will increasingly be replaced by AI as the “laptop class” of workers is decimated. In that milieu, trust of an actual person may be all there is of value. It could create two worlds – the world where the NPCs are controlled by the machines, which are controlled by the few, and the world of real people who are trying to find truth and a world where they can trust each other, as the other world is constantly trying to infiltrate and corrupt everything. Kind of feels like a set up for the final act.
Daniel Greenfield – Minot nuclear base focuses on diversity, fails nuclear inspections.
LA Times – White drivers are polluting the air breathed by L.A.’s people of color. Don’t let yourself feel what the psyop wants you to feel. Do the opposite, and quietly understand, that one day, the psyopers will all die.
Colin Kaepernick accuses his White adoptive parents of ‘problematic’ upbringing, perpetuating racism. Don’t let yourself feel what the psyop wants you to feel. Do the opposite, and quietly understand that one day, the psyopers will all die.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams is planning to resettle immigrants across the United States.
As they say, for the Keks:
The right-side jawline is just slightly more angular in both of them, I rarely see a chin that pointy, and these two are always hanging out together…
An attempted airport heist of $32 million in Chile leaves 2 people dead.
Hamburg shooting: seven reported killed in attack at church in Germany.
German officials jettison the elderly to make way for migrants.
China ?ripped off US military technology to build an advanced high-tech jet fighter, and experts warn that more must be done to protect American weapons information? and keep Beijing from making such huge development leaps? in the future, according to a report? on Thursday?. It is irritating because it is China. But for now that is not our tech – that is Rothschild tech, and Cabal tech, which helps Cabal and its Rothschild minions maintain their power over us. We have no dog in that fight.
China has built the world’s largest navy. Now what’s Beijing going to do with it?
Oscars reject Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s bid to appear on telecast. They are sensing the tide will turn soon, and do not want to be associated with him.
NATO chief warns Bakhmut may fall in coming days. Once it does, supposedly a ton of new routes into Kiev open up, and Russia could run the table very quickly, plunging forward deep into Ukraine – presumably just before mud seasons begins, and locks all the front-lines in place.
U.S. military commanders and experts are sounding warnings about the buildup of Russian submarines off American coasts. Note to Russia – nobody in America cares about DC. Just make sure you don’t miss Langley.
The US Department of Defense is reportedly at odds with the administration of President Joe Biden over helping the Hague-based International Criminal Court (ICC) investigate alleged war crimes committed in Ukraine, and so the Pentagon is currently blocking Washington from sharing evidence gathered by US intelligence agencies about alleged atrocities committed by Russian forces amid Moscow’s military campaign in Ukraine. They probably don’t have any evidence. But if they did or didn’t, how fucked is the chain of command, if Biden’s opinions are just expected to have no weight with the military?
Newly discovered asteroid the size of a [Olympic-size] swimming pool has a 1-in-600 chance of colliding with Earth, NASA says. Does anybody know where to find a metric giraffe-to-[Olympic-size]-swimming-pool size-conversion-calculator? Some anons think the asteroid story has some meaning as comms, and it is defined to the Cabal-reader by the item they use as a measurement.
Newsweek – There is no firm, sustained support for gun control.
Visa and Mastercard stop program to track gun purchases.
Former President Donald Trump will publish a book in April containing private letters that celebrities and other prominent figures have written him over the years, including Hillary Clinton, Kim Jong Il, and Oprah Winfrey. More – Trump to release $99 book of his letters, including Nixon, Hillary Clinton.
An Interesting Comment From Over At Conservative Treehouse
“…a little confusing…” It’s really confusing. Admittedly, I read it at 0 dark thirty but AC if you have a concise take, I’d really appreciate it.
Absent the Jan 6ht riots invading congress, there were congress-people ready to trigger an investigation of the 2020 results for fraud under the established procedures, when the vote was being certified. Their path could have changed the course of events.
To prevent that, the Jan 6th riots were done by someone, which allowed Pelosi, Pence, McConnell, et al to shut down the official procedure, and do it under special rules which would forbid any examination of the vote. It appears Pelosi/Pence/et al were all read in, and quietly played their role, as the perfectly timed incursion went down.
So the entire purpose of the riot was to prevent any examination of the election results, and shift power to Biden.
The question is, who was behind it, and why. Are they installing a raft of corruptocrats in a coup which will destroy the United States? Or was somebody like Q installing controlled assets who will do as they are told, as part of some scheme/script to throw off the old guard in a controlled fashion?
It seems much more likely it was the first option, however Trump kind of helped set up the riot that day, so either he was a part of taking the US down, or this was not designed to ultimately take the US down.
It is a puzzling set of circumstances. And then you have the Capitol fencing which went up right after, which appeared to be based on a clear perception there was a threat of some kind. Were the coup-plotters, in their wargaming, thinking word of the coup might leak, and we would all rush the scene? Is there some other threat which could have launched an attack, like the surveillance, which would have required the fencing and 40,000 soldiers to repel?
And why not just have Trump tell all the armed Americans, “Here are the people who need to die, I am offering full pardons to anyone who kills them for all federal crimes, and we will work out the state issues as well later.” We are at the point you might have a million people dropping everything. For that matter, why not reveal the surveillance?
It is all very strange, and maybe even stranger if the people in charge are some weird, nutty cult with esoteric beliefs which could just be fantasy, and entirely detached from reality. Supposedly Freemasons have some weird belief they need to inflict unimaginable levels of pain on society to bring about some sort of utopia. If we are dealing with genuine delusionals who attained positionss of power, who knows where this goes?
Nothing is 9ff the table these days and that includes Trump being a Black hat afaic, though it pains me, I carried Q signs at national protests!
There’s a rare surveillance quote in the Miami Vice film (2006):
Why do I get the feeling everybody
knows we’re here 15 blocks out?
‘Cause everybody knows
we’re here 15 blocks out.
It’s in reference to all the people doing surveillance for a drug cartel, so most viewers will not broaden that to society itself.
Some Bruce Springsteen lyrics:
Hey, little girl, is your daddy home?
Did he go away and leave you all alone?
I got a bad desire
Oh, oh, oh, I’m on fire
There’s no way to interpret this as harmless. That’s not from an obscure song released towards the end of his career, that’s from a Top 10 single from Born in the USA in 1984, when everybody was listening to Springsteen. Were people in the 80s just deaf, dumb, and blind?
17 Apr 2017 … Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Springsteen, and Tom Hanks all gathered on a 450-foot yacht off the coast of Tahiti
At least we can guess what he did on that boat.
“Had a wife and kids in Baltimore Jack
I went out for a ride, and I never went back”
Fuck Springsteen
mehhhhhhh…….. disagree. yeah, pretty much all pop culture/politics/etc is filthy dirty, and fuck em all to death, AND I can’t stand Springsteen. 4 good songs out of 38000 – and that song damn sure ain’t one of em – qualifies as ‘Hall of Fame Overrated’. he is/was a wholly manufactured Rock Star, going back to the famous Time/Newsweek cover-stories push of 1975.
but those particular song lyrics…. seem harmless to me. it’s obvious you’re thinking ‘JonBenet’, but those lyrics predate JBR by 20 years. all is says to me is ‘hot HS cheerleader teasing the boys.’ A) male or female, have you forgotten how blindly horny 16 and 17-year-old boys are? B) sometimes being on fire is just being on fire.
That’s why family court is designed to eject Fathers from their children lives when the evil wife turns against him and poisons the children against him despite his innocence.
My mother did this to me.
From Gary Puckett’s “Young Girl” to U2’s “Babyface,” that filth has always been in pop music. Never saw it until Q.
Sweet Little 16, by Chuck Berry. Obviously about a groupie that wants to bang all the bruthas in the band, and pulling the wool over her parents’ eyes so she can git jiggy wit it.
And take out a few DUM Cities while they’re at it.
Ironic, the number of likes on this one and I just added one!
“Ellis again. It looks kind of like she took the hit for the conspiracy. She had a mouth which I would never trust in any woman, even without her dead eyes.”
“The last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it.”
“Some anons think the asteroid story has some meaning as comms…”
What else could it be?
Asteroid The Size Of 112 Camels Zoomed By Earth On Wednesday
Definitely Comms
“Five Gulf Cartel assassins who kidnapped The Tummy Tuck Four – killing two – are tied up and dumped in the street with a note from cartel bosses APOLOGIZING to the four South Carolina families.”
“Say that you’re with us or your families will be killed. You’re an assassin now. Not a farmer. Understand?”
“Joe Biden announces corporate tax hike to 28%, likely to burden small business.”
“The Covid lockdowns didn’t deliver the death blow we wanted so we’re getting the band back together to finish the job. We need our future climate mandates to have teeth and small businesses are in the way.”
AC, the comments show up for me in a way that made me assume you approve them by batch once a day. Is this so? Not at all a criticism. I know how much you do and how much a PITA maintaining such a great comment section is. Just checking. Thanks.
If one of the basketcase Balts says RUS can go for 2yrs, it means RUS can go on indefinitely.
Sadly, Bill Kristol is tied into the power structure in a big way. Pretty much all the branches. Via connections of his dad. And he did a lot of work conning “conservatives” and GOP voters for his whole life. He was rightly smug about his repeated statements the DJT would not win. He also had the famous Kinsey gaffe where he said the US population (meaning whites) was so drgenerate that only immigrants could save hs (them). I take this as him saying what will “happen” and one of the figleafs Cabal will use next election is a massive defection of traditionally GOP voters to DEMs “just this one time” in oppo to grassroots populist GOP candidates. Prob on social grounds: gays, trannies, guns, abortions etc
Feie, I read the J6 post and instantly felt it explained things. Makes me wonder if all the arrested were in on it. But then I’ve admitted I just can’t make the whole thing make sense and may be just grasping at things. The arrests having been only “arrests” and the torture having been only “torture” seems to explain things better than the alternatives. But idk.
Congress should drfund the FBI building and create at least two more parallel Insitutions to compete with the FBI. Institutional rivalry is what we need.
Yes, comments build up in the backend, and I come in and sweep them all clean. I try for three or four times per day, but almost always get it at least twice.
I have absolutely no idea how sites like Breitbart can possibly handle 5,000 or 10,000 comments per day though
Makes perfect sense. Thanks for all the diligent work.
Given what you know about the surveillance, and the extent — how many people do you believe work as moderators in this country?
I’d say probably hundreds of thousands — from the bigs like FB, Twitter, IG, YouTube, etc., to the middle like Breitbart, Disqus, Yahoo, etc, large platforms like Steam, Twitch, Discord, etc., all the way down to people doing it for free for folks like you, Ace, Sundance, etc.
I have theories about moderators, and who decides to go into that line of work, especially for the Big platforms. And why. They’re dark ideas, though.
They employ moderators too I think.
Create 3 and fire the FBI.
Mathis claims the J6 prisoners really don’t exist.
You can’t take that off of the table.
I claim that Mathis doesn’t exist.
> Anderson Cooper
The brother’s face in the first picture literally looks satanic. Regardless of whether he’s “Cathy” or not, he looks like pure evil.
Interesting. “Cathy” does sure look a lot like “Carter”.
Not that they’d play silly word/name games. Not Cabel. Not them. LOL
Regarding earlier comment about Anderson Cooper’s brother: I now realize it’s Anderson that has the satanic face, not his brother.
he/she also has it now
“Cathy” certainly caught up
Ah, the Pentagon flap is about another Lindsay Graham scheme. Lindsay who “conservatives” tell me is a coward and afraid of bad press which is why he does what he does is once again being the hardest of the hardcore about something. Funny how I get told this spineless effeminate guy is too afraid to do things he knows are right…
SamJ had an excellent post ystdy about the black eyes of pols. He thought they were the result of enforcement. Maybe. Fwiw, my understanding of blackmail is that it is almost always consensual (hence the obsession with “consensual” sexual degeneracy in culture). It just works much better if you game out a system using it. I therefore take these photos as a sign of them having been allowed to rise in rank. And part of the ceremony was some voluntary (prob excited) submission to a debasing ritual. Part of which is being beaten on areas that can’t be covered.
AC talks about the red shoes being a sign of having participated in a ritual so degenerate that it shows the participant is “beyond Good and Evil”. That almost certainly involves both doing and being done upon.
They always seem very proud of the black eye. Like it is an accomplishment. It is possible when punished, Cabal tells them they must make it public, and the smile is just how they try to look cool, but I do not think so. Guys like Branson appeared to be genuinely showing off.
And inherent to that is an assumption others will see it and know what it means.
They believe God is the Demiurge and Satan is the liberator and enlightener. As the Gnostics of old believe.
Therefore to rise above the rule of the Demiurge is a form of ascension for them.
Maybe so. I guess it’s my disbelief that I would want someone to hit me. It would never occur to me as being a good idea to have someone wallop you. I can’t get my head around that.
Well, think of it as hazing. Or buying in. Showing your commitment. Which it is. But there is a perverse kind of trust possible in such a system if one thinks it through to scale. And it is huge, obv. It’s able to enforce compliance. Everyone has done it. Everyone is exposed. It’s also much better than one made out of forced blackmail. More cohesive. And yeah, these ppl are perverts. The more the perversion spreads through one, the higher one rises. They must like it. Like a giant BDSM conspiracy. Which as I said seems to think and talk about “consensuality” a lot.
First rule of fight club …
naaahhh, couldn’t be that with these wimps, huh? Maybe done under anesthetic or trance?
>Jenna Ellis, a lawyer who represented President Donald J. Trump after his loss in the 2020 election, admitted in a sworn statement released on Wednesday that she had knowingly misrepresented the facts in several of her public claims that widespread voting fraud led to Mr. Trump’s defeat.
Stop hiring women in serious roles that require fighting to the knife to achieve victory; it’s not their place to be warriors in the face of overwhelming odds.
Trump’s inability to pick good supporting casts is going to be a literally fatal flaw if he keeps fucking up every single step so badly.
i wouldnt say it is so much an inability. he is surrounded by them and allows them to expose themselves. dont think there are loads of really good honest people lurking who want to do these tasks…
“Today, pre-crime is already here, though it is currently reserved for special cases as opposed to the main approach of U.S. law enforcement. In 2019, then-Attorney General William Barr formally adopted pre-crime as Department of Justice policy via a program called DEEP (Disruption and Early Engagement Program). Since then, the Biden administration’s War on Domestic Terror framework is largely predicated on pre-crime and aims to pick up where Barr left off. In order to have an effective pre-crime system, one needs the necessary infrastructure. That infrastructure is currently being provided by several companies with overt ties to intelligence, such as Mark43, Carbyne and Gabriel.”
“Scientists at the University of Rochester reported this week that they have taken a big leap toward creating a commercially viable superconductor that operates at room temperature and a low enough level of high pressure to be used in almost any technology that uses electric energy.”
I didn’t click on the link, but judging from the headline its the exact same story that I’ve seen run in the news media a half dozen times going back to the 1980s.
Same basic story. They found something that works at a higher temperature, but it’s nowhere near room temperature, unless you’re talking about the outer planets anyway.
“Commercially-viable Fusion/Hyrdogen cars/Flying cars/Bullet Trains/Pneumatic-Tube Trains/Cure for Cancer/Hot Babe Sexbots/Robot Maids are now just 10 years away!”
Why call Soros, Zuck, etc al Nazis, when they are actually right out of The Elders of Zion?
Otherwise, re Anderson Cooper and his chinny sister, lol.
They could actually do better. They could reduce the HQ to what is actually NEEDED as an HQ department, and build them a new building of that size — in Topeka, KA. What you need for the DC field office will easily fit in the Hoover Building, along with a nice museum of past FBI malfeasance for the public — and also that every agent in DC has to walk through to get to their desk every day.
more contractors are paid as if permanent federal employees, than are actual permanent federal employees. and also carrying out policy. adjust azimuth and width of firing field.
The government relies heavily on contractors. In some cases, they get paid more than the government employees do.
They would be proud, it would put a spring in their step.
Visa and Mastercard stop program to track gun purchases.
As if the mere act of using a card didn’t leave a paper trail. As it is, it’s a small win, but not if people get the idea that this win suddenly means purchases can’t be tracked.
SOP is to just go ahead and do the original plan, 3 months later
Ahhhhh The PayPal Method
I think this is the one that will sink the case against the Proud Boys. Lawyers — and by extension, judges — guard their privilege rabidly. I just don’t see the judge letting on this blatant go by. They don’t even (claim they can) do this shit at GitMo. Even in GitMo with actual foreign terrorists they allow them to talk to their attorneys without monitoring. (We know because we have caught their attys smuggling messages for them).
Destroying evidence, in a normal world, would get the prosecution thrown out. I think that this one will get sunk by this, even in our Clown World. This is like the FBI trying to make seat belts mandatory in the clown car.
Geez, they almost got them. And the reason the case was thrown out was the government wanted to nail them so badly, it was willing to break the rules, to try and put them away.
I guess we know these guys are not Feds, and we can totally trust them.
you’re a cynical, cynical man. not saying you’re not **right**….
This is why I hardly ever think in terms of facts anymore, and almost entirely in probabilities.
Yes. They have to consider him a flight risk, so they wouldn’t warn him that they were going to indict.
I read that a derailment a day (~350 a year) is the average, and since there are only 3 major railroads, you would expect one every 3 days.
Embrace the power of “and.”
> Prosecutors signal Trump may face criminal charges in hush money probe.
If they had even a whiff of evidence they’d call the camera crews and do the happy dance.
They got nothin’.
Has anyone else noticed how common these meaningless press releases have become, on both sides?
> DFT – IEA Head Warns Europe The Era Of Cheap Fuel Is Over
Like they didn’t get bitch-slapped by that a while back, when Russia cut their gas quota. Before they lost the pipeline.
You know, not one of the news sites I follow has said a word about plans to repair or replace the pipeline. Interesting, that.
> “Locked down in a mental hospital for being non-copus-mentis, Jon Fetterman tries to look like he is still doing something of value.”
If he was an ordinary person, any contract he signed while committed would be invalid. Yet we must pretend he’s still one of the men who runs the country.
“A Portland Fred Meyer grocery store has fired a black security guard after white Antifa members complained, accusing him of being a Proud Boy and a “white supremacist.””
I found a video of the security guard. (LMAO)
I don’t have a good grip on this because I work in litigation, which is already not amenable to AI replacement yet (things are already sideways and deep into edge cases when it gets to litigation) and because I’m in the high-stakes biglaw world. (It doesn’t make sense to bring in a consultant on a low-exposure case. You don’t hire an architect to design a $500 remodel.)
I suspect that it is the small firms that do a lot of rote stuff — wills, trusts, divorces, corporate formation — and big firms doing financial transactions — multimillion dollar revolving credit accounts for example — that take it the hardest. You will still need a lawyer to feed the AI and double-check it, but you won’t need the team of associates behind that guy that are working now. A team of 3-10 will be reduced to 1.
FWIW, a similar thing happened with document review. It used to be a huge billing source for law firms, but when electronic review came in, and the attorneys could just flip document after document on a computer screen, clicking a few tag boxes rather than shuffling giant stacks of paper back and forth, that time started being reduced. When we got the primitive pre-coding techniques (like keyword searches, latent semantic analysis, etc) that reduced the time even more, because for a lot of things that atty was just double-checking the pre-coding.
Now, there are full blown AI systems that have reduced that big litigation document review process down from tens of thousands of hours to a couple hundred. And even then, a lot of that might get off-shored.
I see the same thing happening with this. It won’t get rid of lawyers, but it will be a tool to let fewer lawyers do the work. That is, unless the lawyer cartel simply bans AI and declares it unethical to use an AI tool. is lauding its AI recently; just got their announcement and invite in my inbox today.
Well something is going to have to do the work because law schools are no longer recruiting the “best & the brightest” instead admitting women (who leave the profession to become food bloggers and SAHM) and dumb brown people.
“The right-side jawline is just slightly more angular in both of them, I rarely see a chin that pointy, and these two are always hanging out together…”
Cathy Griffin is Einhorn? lol
As with Sean Penn, they both look like Goblins
> Or do they just want to admit who they are told to admit, and not have to explain why they are admitting rubes who are plugged into the conspiracy over actual geniuses who are not?
Nobody goes to college to learn. They just want the work permit – the diploma – that HR departments demand for so many jobs nowadays.
The ears are REALLY similar, and that’s usually the giveaway.
Also, just looking at the bottom photo, if I didn’t know who they were, I would instantly agree that they were brother and sister.
Update: Looking at Griffin, she’s an ugly woman, but she has a woman’s body. If there were gender games being played, I think it would be her being raised as Anderson’s brother, rather than his brother masquerading as a woman.
Griffin is allegedly 5 years older than Carter Cooper. That would jive with a girl being raised as a man, since girls mature faster.
depends. check digit ratio and shoulder frame. (((they))) cannot adjust q angle but they can add fat ( / boobs) strategically, teach them how to walk and pose and act, and remove ribs and shave adam’s apples…
I’m basing that on bikini photos and the shoulder-waist-hip ratio, and the pelvic angle and lack of visible iliac crest even with low body fat.
And, the elder Cooper brother “killed himself”. Suddenly. Perfect cover to go off and become “a girl”. Their mother was Gloria Vanderbilt. And don’t forget that creepy photo spread of the three of them in Vanderbilts apartment on the bed. Pick checked gingham everywhere and right over the bed in a folksy art style, what looks like an impending human sacrifice. So there’s that.
> Poland is ready to hand over all of its MiG-29 aircraft to Ukraine, Polish President Andrzej Duda said in an interview with CNN on March 8.
That sounds suicidal on the part of the Poles. Well, it’s about time for Russia to invade them and grind their faces into the dirt again, I guess.
The planes aren’t going to help Ukraine, and it’ll piss the Russians off. And Uncle Joe (Biden) isn’t likely to bail them out.
“because if you sit by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by, especially if you kill them and throw them in the river before sitting down”
> Note to Russia – nobody in America cares about DC. Just make sure you don’t miss Langley.
I may have mentioned this before, but I saw the original “Independence Day” at the theater in 1996.
At the scene where the aliens zapped the White House, probably half the audience cheered.
That was 1996. In 2023, probably the entire audience would be on their feet, cheering.
Same here. I actually saw it on Independence Day in 1996, and viewers in my theater had a similar reaction.
> Newsweek – There is no firm, sustained support for gun control.
Sure there is. But it’s primarily from the Democratic Party and the enemedia. Gun control is part of the Democratic Party’s platform, as outlined on the web site. And the enemedia has always been for gun control, at least back to the original NYC gun bans over a century ago.
Professor Israel Shahak-Good Read
Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years
The most famous person born in Hartford, Connecticut, was banker J.P. Morgan. It so just happens that Stephenie Meyer of Twilight vampire novels fame was born in Hartford, too, she is nee Morgan, and her father was a ‘financial officer’ – at least one coincidence too many. Taylor Swift is another influential artist from a banking family.
Twilight is poison for women, as it’s not just about two high status males interested in a very dull, average girl, getting women to price themselves out of the dating market. It’s also a portrayal of evil as good and seductive. These linked articles are worth reading in full:
Where Did The Twilight Series Really Come From?
Meyer confessed to
“I actually did have a dream after Twilight was finished of Edward [really a demon appearing as Edward] coming to visit me — only I had gotten it wrong and he did drink blood like every other vampire and you couldn’t live on animals the way I’d written it. We had this conversation and he was terrifying.”
The Darkness of Twilight |
In the Twilight series we have a cultural work that converts a traditional archetype of evil into a morally neutral one. Vampires are no longer the “un-dead,” no longer possessed by demons. There are “good” vampires and “bad” vampires, and because the good vampire is incredibly handsome and possesses all the other qualities of an adolescent girl’s idealized dreamboat, everything is forgivable.
On the Credenda blog, Douglas Wilson makes a powerful case for Twilight also serving as a manual for how to become an abused girlfriend and then an abused wife. Edward’s moods are mercurial and unpredictable, and Bella just goes along with it, making excuses and justifying his actions.
Some Christians are inordinately defensive about Twilight, choosing the books over relationships with other believers who take a negative view of the series. One Christian speaker who shared her deep concerns over Twilight at a church conference was verbally attacked at the break by supposedly mature women. Some of them still refuse to speak to her.
boring chick flick, too talky
Romance Novels are porn tailored for women.
There is a direct tie between Twilight and Jane Austen, who started this type of book.
“Twilight is poison for women, as it’s not just about two high status males interested in a very dull, average girl, getting women to price themselves out of the dating market.”
I watched this series with my wife who was into them, and as I watched, the same thought occurred to me multiple times, as to how dull, uninteresting, and average looking the female love interest was. All the very attractive vampire women, and the vampire and the wolf wanted her.
My ex-wife got heavily into the vampire stuff before our divorce. She made me watch the first two Twilight movies. I couldn’t get past “So, this dude is an immortal vampire, and he chooses to spend 100 years of his life as a junior in high school?”
Every leftist in the world would if they could.
Quoting: China ripped off US military technology to build an advanced high-tech jet fighter, and experts warn that more must be done to protect American weapons information and keep Beijing from making such huge development leaps in the future, according to a report on Thursday. It is irritating because it is China. But for now that is not our tech – that is Rothschild tech, and Cabal tech, which helps Cabal and its Rothschild minions maintain their power over us. We have no dog in that fight.
Anon, please take note that the U.S. fed gov never retaliated to china, plus it moved most of america’s industrial base there so the totalitarian technocratic atheistic state can defeat “the free world”.
Boomers and silents, setted the stage for a military defeat against a totalitarian country.
Now I ask you, ¿ how would you expect china to treat any of us who post here, you, or this blog? ¿ How are Christians treated by the communist party in china?
“Now I ask you, how would China treat any of us who post here?”
“They’ll love me. I’ll dazzle them with my rapist wit. “
It’s “rapier” wit. Unless that is a Freudian slip.
I think he meant what he wrote.
It’s a joke from Dumb and Dumber.
Not all of our readers can be men of culture and good taste.
You don’t trust the Virtuous Pagans?
Even the Russians don’t trust the Virtuous Pagans.
Trey Smith – Vision of the Dark Tracks
With respect to great thinkers like VoxDay, their predictions on Russia versus the US are simply wrong, not because of anything they know, but because of the part of God’s plan that they CANNOT know.
Russia is not going to attack America. Vlad is secure in his position in Russia and has no need to take the 10% chance that Space Force’s capabilities really can annihilate his country. The CCP on the other hand has a constant tenuous grip on power getting more sketchy by the day, and they will take the risk. “New kind of warfare” can mean a LOT of things that have already happened, but also a lot of things that HAVEN’T happened.
Simply put, Russia versus USA is not in God’s will. 2023 is The Precipice that Q mentioned several times. This year is as bad as it’s going to get for probably our lifetimes. The billion soul harvest begins with the golden age that we enter on the other side.
Clown World has no place on the other side.
The seeds of Beast world are on the other side.
But they will take time to sprout and grow.
There are a lot of what if assumptions for giraffe to Olympic swimming pool. But I guess the easiest way to rough guess would be to take the average weight of a giraffe and compare that to the weight of the water. An adult giraffe is about 1200 kg. A typical olympic swimming pool is about 2,500,000 liters. Density of water ~1kg/L so 2.5 million kg. 2083 giraffes per olympic swimming pool by weight.
This isn’t at all exact since giraffes can have different weights, olympic swimming pools can have different depths, giraffes aren’t bags of pure water, and temperature varies the density somewhat. However, very roughly, 2000 giraffes per swimming pool would be in the ballpark.
The brilliant R A Lafferty wrote a book called Not To Mention Camels. I always post Lafferty references. Esp when it is something possibly esoteric at issue.
Is it possible Jenna Ellis is acting under threats to her or loved ones?
The Jesuit roots of Fake & Gay Science
China Uncensored – Fake “President” Gets Elected in China
RE: Poland is ready to hand over all of its MiG-29 aircraft to Ukraine
These are literally the same generation of the planes that were easily shot down over Iraq in Desert Storm with 1980’s technology, and half of them aren’t even airworthy.
AdoredTV – Zen 5 Set To End Intel’s Gaming Dominance – Part 1
Since you brought up the Netherlands AC. Perhaps news that might be interesting from that country in the link below:
“According to spokespersons for the Public Prosecution Service and the court in Dordrecht, such criminal cases have never happened before.”
“The accusation of rape is because stealthing is not a separate offense in the Dutch criminal code.”
I wonder what the reason is that they decided now to ‘reinterpret’ the law an make a criminal case out of this for the first time. Is this part of some psyop or has it just arisen organically as a product of the culture at the prosecution office?
Another Friday “happening” that will get memory-holed.
This site I think is talking about the surveillance as AC does:
“AI is about to devastate the laptop class”
{warning: olden dude advice inbound} am not about to shed any tears for those clowns, the problem is most of today’s modern yoots have been brainwashed to think that’s The Future to have. *clearly, it ain’t*. if you know any young men, hell if you’re young enough yourself, scream it from the rooftops: BECOME AN ELECTRICIAN. decent-enough money – equal or better than ‘laptop class’ money – while you’re being PAID TO LEARN; 6-figures easy once you’re up and running; if you do it right and keep working up the electrician food chain, you can own your own shop 10-12 years from starting at zero AND be making $500K AND living in a $1MM house AND be married to a trophy babe AND have no student debt AND be able to pick and choose whatever work you want, in whatever city/state you want to live in. there are already big shortages of electricians, and it’s only gonna get worse – which means electrician pay is only gonna go up.
the thing about Green Energy – which is fundamentally bullshit, but it’s bullshit with a great PR agency so it’s got a bright future – is a) it’s all gotta be transformed to usable electrical current and b) which then has to be hooked up to the customer’s grid/house/etc. every single step of which requires a $100/hour electrician. AI sure as hell can’t do it, AI would just say “call an electrician.”
and as opposed to plumbers, electricians never have to go swimming in shit. {olden dude out}
Never Trumper Bill Kristol calls on Republicans to support ‘Democrats for a while.’ Interesting in that he does not strike me as overly stupid. He has to know his insignificance in the movement, and that nobody will listen to him. So what is this?
They’re lunatics.
“…Unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) appearing to exhibit “highly maneuverable” capabilities should produce luminosity and other observable features, including radio frequency signatures, according to calculations presented in a new study that calls for the better application of known physics in efforts to evaluate the phenomena. ..”
I disagree. We see the sort of odd “inertia” forces in gyroscopes, rail guns and other sorts of oddities. They DO NOT require electromagnetic signals for the force to show itself. I submit that these forces are “inertia waves”. Analogous to electromagnetic waves but creating “inertia fields”. One such device was placed as the bumper to a car and then rammed into a wall with no damage to the car or the driver. Formula 1 race car drivers installed a similar device as a damper in place of shocks. It would damp the suspensions’ movement I’m assuming, but don’t know exactly why they used them, but suspect less heat and/or lighter weight per damping action. If it dumps energy into the Inertia field?????” then it could radiate forces without heat??? Just guessing.
I cover a good deal of detail on these type devices in this comment.
I have seen these things and have never seen a good explanation of how a very heavy flywheel when rotated and then moved in a circle around a person can suddenly levitate itself upwards. There are videos at the link showing this. There’s even a physics guy explaining it and even though he says.”it feels incredibly light as I do that”, he fails to see this as something odd as hell and tells everyone it’s nothing.
Professor Eric Laithwaite, who I first saw doing this in a meaningful way, showed the Royal College and they thought he was daft. Later, the professor got a little boy to lift these heavy flywheels easily over their heads by spinning the wheel, then rotating the boy, while holding it on a platform. Now why no one can see something that a young boy is physically incapable of doing, if it is not spinning and rotating, but can all of a sudden do so under the right conditions as proof, I can’t answer that. They is definitely a force there no one talks about. Look at the videos at the link and see for yourself.
Cathy Griffin
WOOOOWW! What a find.
Penis??? Look closely
Looking a bit manly wouldn’t you say.
Look at the clavicles*. Look at three-heads-wide shoulder-span.thise two are not changeable via surgery, are they? Most of all, once you develop the knack, took at the “male energy” it projects. One photo blatantly exposed the fingertips, something they try to avoid. Hey! The wrong finger is way shorter than the forefinger; does that appear to be photoshopped?
*Male vs. Female clavical and shoulder structure are important training aids, for those who can find real photos of real skeletons.
This one looks like a tranny from the get-go, though, and always has.
Look at that first picture, that doesn’t show here, and zoom it on the crotch. Looks like a penis to me. There’s nudes of her/him/it on the net but the crotch is blurred out. Hmmm,,,these days most stars don’t care and don’t blur anything. So why it/her/him?
Sorry, that’s ring finger, not “wrong” finger.
There is that number again.
Turkey’s government ordered an abrupt halt to the transit of sanctioned goods destined for Russia following increased Western pressure, Bloomberg reported on March 10….
I think your Surveillance page regarding human assets might well already be obsolete AC.
Have you heard of
“Mk 43”
Pre-crime being the end goal.
“Today, pre-crime is already here, though it is currently reserved for special cases as opposed to the main approach of U.S. law enforcement. In 2019, then-Attorney General William Barr formally adopted pre-crime as Department of Justice policy via a program called DEEP (Disruption and Early Engagement Program). Since then, the Biden administration’s War on Domestic Terror framework is largely predicated on pre-crime and aims to pick up where Barr left off. In order to have an effective pre-crime system, one needs the necessary infrastructure. That infrastructure is currently being provided by several companies with overt ties to intelligence, such as Mark43, Carbyne and Gabriel.”
1hr interview a must watch imho.
(All links halfway down the page.)