News Briefs – 03/10/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The image:

The Tweet:

The Tweet:


Harvey Weinstein injured in Rikers Island jail, his publicist says. He was supposed to be all alone, but one report said he was with two other elderly prisoners when this happened. They say he fell and suffered a concussion.

Doug Collins confirms the House does not have the votes to pass a clean FISA reauthorization. If Cabal structured itself to use FISA (and judging by Strzok/Page/McCabe/Comey/Brennan it did), then killing it now could be part of the plan.

Prince Andrew has completely shut the door on aiding the Epstein investigators.

Prince Andrew has hired Britain’s “most formidable” extradition lawyer to protect him against an FBI inquiry.

James Biden may have engaged in fraud by trading on his brother’s name, claiming Joe was interested in a medical business venture and that the Biden family name could provide opportunities, when it was all malarkey.

Bloomberg adviser warns of ‘scorched earth’ retaliation against Trump children if GOP attacks Hunter Biden. Notice how they all assume everyone else is dirty. They can’t imagine Don Jr would be genuinely honest.

New York Post makes the case strongly that the Coronavirus will hit its peak sooner and begin falling sooner than anyone thinks. Interestingly the writer is in the Philippines, and he says the heat and humidity is the reason they have no community spread, despite good exposure.

New data from South Korea shows aggressive testing and contact tracking is knocking back the virus. The key is to stay on top of it, and not let it get ahead of you.

Italy extends its Coronavirus lockdown to the entire country.

Georgia officials preparing a part of a state park for coronavirus patient isolation.

Fourth AIPAC conference attendee tests positive for Coronavirus.

Congress prepares to shutter Capitol Hill for coronavirus, opens telework center.

The spread of COVID-19 in Iran may be far worse than reported.

Kate Couric will be working from home to self-isolate after spending time with head of New York Port Authority just before he was diagnosed with coronavirus. Initially she wasn’t going to isolate, but twitter pressure broke her.

Coronavirus can travel twice as far as official ‘safe distance’ and stay in air for 30 minutes, Chinese study finds. Infected another bus passenger 4.5 meters away, and they say wearing a mask is vital to protecting yourself.

Mongolia orders emergency lockdown for Capital and rural cities after first Corona virus case.

New York will use prison labor to make hand sanitizer.

Biden rallygoers offered hand sanitizer amid coronavirus concerns. Biden is luring his supporters to rallies?

Bernie Sanders promises a completely free vaccine at his rally. Both Biden and Bernie could get taken out by Corona Chan before they even make it to the convention. Say hello to Madame Hillary.

Mark Meadows self-quarantined after exposure to Coronavirus.

MSNBC host hopes Coronavirus deaths rival Katrina’s to ‘take down Trump’s Presidency.’

Donald Trump announces financial assistance for Americans impacted by Coronavirus.

Even ultra-leftist Gavin Newsom praises Trump’s Coronavirus cruise ship response, saying, ‘Every single thing he said they followed through on.’

Flights are coming in from Italy, and nobody is being checked for Corona virus. It is almost like there really isn’t a Corona virus issue going on in Italy, and it is all a smokescreen for something else. I still don’t know anyone who has gotten it. This being faked for the Storm would be no stranger than Q knowing when McCain died, implying he was executed as a traitor, while we are all told he died of a brain tumor as a hero.

Italian prisons riot over fears of Corona contagion.

Italy on full lockdown everywhere, and when a few prisoners escape or riot at the local jail, twitter is saying these tanks were sent to where they were? Other tweets say it is just a military exercise, but it seems odd to be doing it in a city, unless something much bigger was going on:

In this next one, Israel, where Netanyahu is battling Cabal, is eliminating tourism, which is probably a good cover to travel to the country:

And in this next one, in Italy, imagine how easy it would be to track the only secure form of communication, the courier:

Roger Stone is awaiting a 40-month prison sentence while Andrew McCabe enjoys life as a high-profile CNN commentator, creating outrage among conservatives who see a political double standard when it comes to prosecutions of false statements.

Virginia lawmakers pass bill giving driving privilege cards to illegal aliens.

More than 70 percent of small business owners would re-elect Trump over Biden and Sanders.

More than 18,000 Democrats have attended Trump rallies this year.

US begins troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, official says.

ABC News was amazing last night. Before the World News started, they showed Trump’s podium and said they were standing by for a statement from the President (shown above). I stayed there, figuring they would cut to it, which is what I assume they wanted, and then they never aired it. Instead they ran a story saying Matt Gaetz wore a gas mask in the floor of the House to ridicule fears of Corona virus as overblown, only to be humiliated when someone died from it in his district, and then Gaetz had to self-quarantine due to his own exposure. After that, this next tweet was no surprise, and just more evidence of panic in DC:

Spread r/K Theory, because it’s panic in DC

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5 years ago

Loving the early posts! Thanks AC!

5 years ago

I mean you’ve got to be a shill right? RTing Charlie Kirk? I always suspected you were but now confirmed.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

A good battle in life makes it all the sweeter AC, let’s face it, it’s an amazing time to be alive, is it not?

Regarding the Sniffles
X22 tonight is worth a watch

O/t I rarely promote petitions, but for visitors here in the UK, I suggest this Parliament petition regarding releasing the “Grooming”[rape] gang report to the public.
It passed the 100,000 to consider a parliamentary debate in no more than a week, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t get more


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

One of the problems is that you can’t take things at face value. TPUSA pisses me off enough, so i get where you are coming from.

Team Trump is advocating the “unity” message, because all bets are off if this goes hot. I think their worse case scenario is if whitey wakes up to everyone who has been feeding off his offspring and wallet. Then proceeds to genocide everyone of them. The cabal wins in that scenario because the only people who really know who these people are and our beat chance at getting them all resides with Trump, Q, and the NSA’s data, IMHO.

Reply to  StringsofCoins
5 years ago

Lurk more StringofCoins, AC is not a shill.
And Charlie Kirk is indeed paid by anti-America zionists to try to gate keep people from the fact that Israel is the biggest enemy of the US ( CK was very angry at someone who mentioned the Israeli attack against the USS Liberty on one ocasion, and called it a conspiracy theory, although it’s a 100% verifiable fact that Israel attacked the ship on purpose, see here: ), but somehow Trump’s people see some use in him and his organization.

Have this classic:

5 years ago

>”where Netanyahu is battling Cabal”
Bibi is cabal AC, I don’t know where you get that notion that he is battling it. He might be struggling with an opposing faction of cabal, but he is still cabal.

A good time to review:
How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:

The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

It is SOP to target the family too, and his wife has been charged, has she not?

“Follow the wives” – Q

Flu Manchu
Flu Manchu
5 years ago

Patton Oswalt’s making noises again. The guy is a major pedo, heard through the grapevine from his alma mater. His first wife probably found out and he had her “put to sleep”, and of course he remarries, this time to a major cabalitess.

In other news the Pope wants his priests out meeting with the sick in Italy. Toilet licking and Poz parties. It’s all the same phenomena.

5 years ago

Trump endorsed Jeff Session’s primary opponent

5 years ago

Taliban prisoner swap begins as part of Afghan peace talks

5 years ago

Russia reaches out to OPEC as Riyadh opens oil taps