News Briefs – 03/09/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Trump retweets:

Six year old boys from troubled families, were given to pedophiles by the German government as part of a research project by a pedophile researcher who got the government to actually support his research to prove that pedophilia was good for children. The pedophiles beat, raped, and videotaped the kids being abused, and were fully above and beyond the law because of government support. Experiment was still operational as late as 2003. Now grown up, the kids are set for a compensation payout of $100,000 and $24,000 per year. I’d assume the government was all pedos hoping they could produce evidence that would help legalize their crimes, and Cabal was happy to have kids taken off the grid and groomed for abuse.

Daily Caller brings up an interesting point – We should tell Democrats we will trade a national firearms ID Card, if it is combined with being a voter ID, which forces both gun owners and voting to have the same stringent background check rules. Then just before it passes, add in National Concealed Carry.

Harvey Weinstein ‘has a whole floor to himself at Rikers where he is under 24 hour surveillance to protect him from other inmates’ ahead of sentencing. And they are still not sure if they can keep Cabal from killing him. Nobody ever got in any sort of trouble for punching Whitey Bulger’s ticket either.

Original World Trade Center blueprints for sale after being found in the trash. Bear in mind, they were found in the trash in Colorado, which is CIA-land since every agency moved its data centers out there. Possible alternate hypothesis – some Glowie who helped plan 9/11 tossed a ton of his files related to the planning in a trash bin somewhere in town, thinking he eluded Q’s surveillance and got rid of all the evidence linking him to the operation. And this was Q saying, “We got your trash, and all the other stuff with it.”

Alt-right websites are on the rise. If you follow the links to traffic stats, you find hot sites that have dedicated followings have like 160,000 visitors. Then you suddenly see National Review, which I have no doubt nobody reads since it is a conservative website criticizing our President, has  millions, which is clearly utter bullshit.

Sen. Ted Cruz self-quarantines after contact with CPAC attendee who has coronavirus. He’ll probably be fine, but somebody should tell Ted, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc supplements might help.

Congressman Paul Gosar and his staff are all under self-quarantine due to contact at CPAC. Supposedly there are a few doing this. Not a stupid move though. If in a week Corona cases begin popping up in Congress, now is when they were spreading. Getting out for a week until you see how it is playing out is a smart move.

A Democrat Representative says Trump is putting ‘his most ardent supporters at risk’ by not canceling rallies. Another data point which might say things are not as they appear. If you take Trump’s estimate that it has a morality of .1%, then every 20,000 person rally could potentially kill 20 people and put many more in the ICU. Trump would never allow that. He has got to know something we do not.

Coronavirus ‘highly sensitive’ to high temperatures, but don’t bank on summer killing it off, studies say. As a general rule, with microbes there is a thin line between them advancing in number and declining in number. You don’t have to nuke everything with overwhelming force and kill it all at once. All it takes is a little reduction in survivability or transmission and what was a stable or growing population will plummet. Take a slant of bacteria on a perfect nutrient media, and store it for three months at the ideal temperature to grow, and it will  self-sterilize. Initially the growth will be exponential, then it will level off, then the growth will be slower than the death, and once that happens, before you know it, everything is dead. And all of that ignores that what may really kill Corona back is improving the vitamin D status of people through increased sunlight exposure.

Family of St. Louis county woman with Coronavirus violated quarantine by going to a father-daughter school dance. Some people are really fucking stupid.

State Department warns not to travel on cruise ships.

In Iran, Coronavirus kills the ‘Butcher of Tehran.’

Lots of sadness though overseas:

Here is a whole thread on the media first pillorying Trump and saying Trump’s early moves that effectively protected America from the Coronavirus were radical and dangerous, and then later blaming him for not having gone farther:

DNC changes debate rules so Biden can sit down.

California Senator Kamala Harris officially endorses Joe Biden.

Dallas County asks to recount Super Tuesday election results after 44 thumb drives discovered. It is amazing how this is not a big thing. Just an, “Oh well…”

Goodwin in the NY Post says, Democrat’s search for anyone who might be able to beat Trump could bring them back around to Hillary Clinton. I don’t know. I saw a picture of her in the kitchen of a restaurant posing with the staff recently, and she looked horrible. Exhausted, dead sleepy eyes, slumped posture, really like death warmed over.

Wikipedia has deleted its ‘List of Scientists Who Disagree with the Scientific Consensus on Global Warming.’

Another explosion at a plant which would have perimeter security and shift workers, but presumably little within it to steal or attract attention:

Neil Bush fell for the trick in this next tweet a ton, supposedly:

Ultra-leftist defeats Hickenlooper in Senate Caucuses in Colorado. A lot of Cabal failures seem to be happening lately. I’ve also noted that just like Cabal media funding is drying up, a lot of Cabal websites that had tons of traffic seem to suddenly be seeing their pageviews plummeting as well.

Dick Morris says Biden should have to take a test for Alzheimer’s.

Oil plummets 30% as OPEC deal failure sparks price war. Good for our economy.

A gun owner who went viral for delivering a compelling gun rights speech won the North Carolina lieutenant governor GOP primary, becoming the first African-American to achieve the feat.

Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick suggested Beto O’Rourke try to confiscate Patrick’s AR-15 and “see how that goes.”


Spread r/K Theory, because it isn’t a happening unless you see it firsthand

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5 years ago

Trump Halts CDC Fearmongering. But Why Are Antibiotics & Not Anti-Virals Quelling The COVID-19 Coronavirus? Is It Really A Virus?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Great paper. Another reason to stock up on antibiotics as a back up. I, sigh, still haven’t acquired any pig scour yet. I need to get that done.

This article is interesting note,

“…Clear evidence: vitamin C

Most mammals internally secrete vitamin C from their liver and resist infection and death from TB. The mammals that don’t secrete vitamin C endogenously (humans, guinea pigs, fruit bats, primate monkeys) are vulnerable to TB and mortal pneumonia. Even Linus Pauling realized that TB was extraordinarily sensitive to killing by vitamin C. Guinea pig research led to the discovery of the tuberculosis bacterium, obviously because their liver doesn’t secrete vitamin C and makes them prone to TB infections…”

Vit C really is miracle stuff. I had no idea it protected from tuberculosis. I have some info on fighting corona at a forum thread made by others here. I included a link to this paper.

Maybe this is not a real pandemic and some ruse but to be so they must be faking deaths on a wide scale and it seems unlikely as the cratering of economies everywhere this goes doesn’t seem like something anyone would want. I believe it’s real but don’t know how bad it really is.

5 years ago

With each passing day I am more suspicious that Corona-mania is cover for the coming storm.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

Either that or a bigger, badder police/nanny state. Let’s pray you’re right.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

The “Sniffles”

Has a wide variety of uses.

Keep the easily scared. …scared
Give the Cabal more money
Attack the GE
Sell more bog roll
Close down get togethers… Trump rallies/yellow vests etc
Encourage/normalise even more vaccination poisoning.
Hit small businesses via drop in tourism
Lose some Blackhats

Don’t let a good fake news crisis go to waste eh?

5 years ago

Sen. Ted Cruz self-quarantines after contact with CPAC attendee who has coronavirus. He’ll probably be fine, but somebody should tell Ted, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc supplements might help.

Assuming he even had contact and this isn’t just cover for a purely prophylactic isolation.

5 years ago

> blueprints

There should be complete sets of blueprints at the architects’, with the main contractor, with some of the subcontractors, with the insurers (one set during construction, probably another afterward), with the NYC Planning Authority, with the NYC city inspectors’ office, with Code Enfocements, and NYCFD. Partial prints, detailing their areas of responsibility, would go to the excavators, concrete people, steel workers, electrical, elevators, HVAC, windows… it’s likely nobody even knows how many complete and partial sets of prints there are, but chances are you’re looking at literal tons of documents.

5 years ago

> Dallas County asks to recount Super Tuesday election results after 44 thumb drives discovered.

Sooo… they’ll just keep “discovering” thumb drives until they get the election results they want?

Haven’t we seen that movie before?

Reply to  TRX
5 years ago

The hilarious thing is that they already have the results they want. This is just pure chaos and incompetence.


5 years ago

> Dick Morris says Biden should have to take a test for Alzheimer’s.

Anyone else remember when Trump took the never-Trumpers’ dementia test and steamrollered it?

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

OT – Here’s a rabid way to dramatically reduce cabal’s hold: replace all the suspect CEOs of the Fortune 500 companies with retired military officers. As well as their HR managers. Do a few stings on suspect staff.

Cabal members will lose their bloated salaries. They’ll lose the ability to get companies to further cultural issues, NGOs, and state/local candidates.

It’s completely doable. What a case of poetic justice after cabal sent those military officers to die in a foreign land for many of those officers to take over their most valued corporations. That’s also the kind of reward that will keep people loyal on a multi year complex mission such as this.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

I like this idea!

5 years ago

“Six year old boys from troubled families, were given to pedophiles by the German government as part of a research project by a pedophile researcher who got the government to actually support his research to prove that pedophilia was good for children. The pedophiles beat, raped, and videotaped the kids being abused, and were fully above and beyond the law because of government support. Experiment was still operational as late as 2003. Now grown up, the kids are set for a compensation payout of $100,000 and $24,000 per year. I’d assume the government was all pedos hoping they could produce evidence that would help legalize their crimes, and Cabal was happy to have kids taken off the grid and groomed for abuse.”

And then suddenly for no reason at all……..

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

There is good reason why God burnt Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and sulfur. This evil deserves this kind of destruction.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“…Genetic analysis of the COVID-19 virus shows that it is very similar to a coronavirus in bats but the receptor binding looks like the receptor for SARS. This could happen naturally with slow changes of one in ten thousand sequences each year. This appeared all at once….”

“…As a typical RNA virus, the average evolutionary rate (antigenic drift) for coronaviruses is roughly one in ten-thousand nucleotide substitutions per site per year, with mutations arising during every replication cycle. It is, therefore, striking that the sequences of 2019-nCoV from different patients described here were almost identical, with greater than 99·9% sequence identity. This finding suggests that 2019-nCoV originated from one source within a very short period and was detected relatively rapidly…”

Reports are that the virus in China is slightly different from the one in in Iran and others in different regions are different still. This seems impossible to happen going by the normal rate of genetic drift of viruses as stated in the first link.

It seems the evidence that this is engineered is over whelming. I wonder (((who)))) would do such a thing and spread it to the Chinese AND the Iranians. Any ideas? A guess?

I find it appalling that people could be so evil. As I have said it’s impossible to live with people who act in such a manner. No matter what you do it’s never enough for them. No action is too extreme for them. No action to horrid for them to commit.

5 years ago
5 years ago
New Name
New Name
5 years ago

I think it was yesterday that you posted that few people can actually be reading things like National Review. We all know that the Weekly Standard went under. So I was poking around YouTube and decided to compare the viewcounts of famous neocons and never trumpers to some of the more “fringe” Qanon related stuff.

Here’s what I found:

X22 Report: subscribers 500k
Bill Kristol Channel: 14K

Scanning the videos on the channels, X22 usually racks up 75,000 in the first 24 hours of posting a new video. Many videos have over 200k views.

On Bill Kristol? Lots and lots with only 2.5K views.

How about David Frum? I searched for videos he was merely featured in, interviews and speeches.

Most are below 20K views with just a few being more than that.

How about the channel Black Pilled? 200K subscribers. As noted, Bill Kristol only has 14K. By way of comparison, a very well publicly funded source, PBS Frontline, has only twice as many subscribers as Black Pilled. Same with the New Yorker’s channel. Only twice as many subscribers as Black Pilled.

How about some real juicy left wing activist material. Mother Jones channel: 29K subscribers. The majority of videos on that channel have fewer than 2K views. Average views on Black PIlled videos? Over 100K.

Again, X22 has 16x the subscribers of Mother Jones. Black Pilled, nearly 8x.

And these are guys who are barely surviving and scraping by. Against the funded establishment. And dealing with demonization, shadow banning, and more.

Something to think about.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

(X22 report, uplifting channel, good for morale)

We are the majority, it’s ONLY fake news ™ fake polls, fake teachers that say otherwise.

Here in the UK closing down the Pubs has been imperative because that’s where we used to plan our rebellions (site of the “pitchfork rebellion” close to my location)

Currently the push with the Coronu virus is angling towards isolating people, probably for the same reason.

We are so close to pulling away the curtains, the great awakening can’t come soon enough.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Am chuffed to have been featured in the tweet thread that Q Dropped regarding world wide Anons.

UK represented

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

Not to mention that YT suppress the sub/view count of well known alt-right/patriot/Nationalist channels, the Big Bear subs stalled at 230k for a year before they wiped his channel, ntm St Efans too, and there’s the subs who don’t show who they’re subscribed to, keep it private.

Reply to  Mr Twister
5 years ago

Kek, St Efan is the best meme nickname ever created.

5 years ago

“The pedophiles beat, raped, and videotaped the kids being abused, and were fully above and beyond the law because of government support. Experiment was still operational as late as 2003. Now grown up, the kids are set for a compensation payout of $100,000 and $24,000 per year. I’d assume the government was all pedos hoping they could produce evidence that would help legalize their crimes, and Cabal was happy to have kids taken off the grid and groomed for abuse.”

Many homosexuals were themselves abused homosexually as youths and children. The famous example is George Takei.

It acts like a disease in itself and may not be simply just r-selection.