News Briefs – 03/08/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Scavino posts a Q meme:

For the archives here, a purported family insider on 4Chan claims to reveal details in an AMA. Highlights are the elites are families, 9/11 was a surprise move by one on the others, much of the self destructive propaganda, from trannies to bad medicine advice is part of a eugenical program to eliminate the stupid who adopt it, Corona Chan is a desperate stab by a dying faction of the families, and they are working us toward a white rebellion to destroy minorities, and all the individualists are being cataloged to be killed as well, so the elites can restart their bee keeping with a hive of high IQ willing slaves of the White persuasion. Also a lot of famous people dying suddenly, is just a sort of Cabal retirement program, where they decide they have gotten tired of LARPing as a leader, or an actor, or a singer in the show, so they stage their death and go off and live their lives in private. It makes me wonder if Q really oversaw McCain’s execution, or if he intercepted McCain’s retirement package with his death certificate in it, and McCain is off somewhere right now. One of those posts on 4 Chan you file away as being as likely to be right because the LARP was high IQ as it is to be right because the OP was real.

Multiple Saudi royal family members detained, accused of plotting coup.  A lot may be going on behind the scenes right now.

Corona virus stats: 106,041 cases and 3,600 deaths. Yesterday had 102,084, and 3,491 deaths. 3.8% increase in cases and a 3.1% increase in deaths . Yesterday was a 4% increase in cases, and a 3% increase in deaths.

South Korea stats: 7134 cases and 50 deaths. Yesterday was 6,767 cases and 44 deaths. 5.4% increase in cases and a 13.6% increase in deaths . Yesterday was a 7.6% increase in cases and a 4.7% increase in deaths, and the day before was a 9% increase in cases, and 0% increase in deaths.

Italy has 5,883 cases and 233 deaths. Yesterday was 4,636 cases and 197 deaths. A 27% increase in cases and an 18% increase in deaths. Yesterday was a  and the day before was a 20% increase in cases over yesterday and a 33% increase in deaths. Possibly a hotter strain seeded the nation, though others say Italy has an older population.

We can thank Donald Trump for the United States having such a low per capita infection rate of Coronavirus.

CPAC attendee tests positive for coronavirus.

Costco temporarily suspends free food samples over coronavirus. You can see how our world as we know it, is entirely designed for r, even down to the littlest details. All of that will change by necessity in the next decade.

30 year old Jewish New Yorker visited Italy, came home, and is now on a respirator. Pretty young to be taken down that hard. They should really pull blood and look at the levels of Vitamin D, Vitamin C, B vitamins, Zinc, Selenium, and so on. It might be genetic, but that it seems a small cohort among each race is susceptible makes me think there is some environmental factor, possibly relating to nutrition that is playing a role. Now that I think about it, isn’t Washington state always cloudy, so people would have less Vitamin D?

Woman with COVID-19 visited YMCA in Fremont for Special Olympics event; players, coaches and team staff are asked to self-quarantine.

Coronavirus Task Force advises people who have underlying health conditions such as heart disease, kidney disease, or diabetes—particularly those who are elderly — to be cautious.

FBI employee in San Francisco has coronavirus. The employee works in a satellite office and other workers there have returned home until further notice.

US Marine in Virginia tested positive for Coronavirus.

First Coronavirus case confirmed in Washington, DC.

Northern Italy to ‘quarantine 16 million people.’

Vox Day thinks the virus isn’t that big, and somebody may be overreacting to use the virus as a cover to shut down and lock down areas for something bigger that is going on behind the scenes. Now that I think about it, it would not surprise me if this whole thing plays out and I never know anyone personally who got the virus, let alone died from it.

Tensions rise in Wuhan as lockdown enters a second month.

Dozens trapped after hotel used for Coronavirus quarantine collapses in China.

More than 1,000 new coronavirus cases in Italy in one day as death toll slows.

Iran arrests man for photographing piles of Coronavirus victim bodies.

A thousand new cases, and 21 deaths in Iran in 24-hour period.

Iranian official involved in US hostage crisis dies of coronavirus.

Ammo sales surge amid fears of pandemic-induced chaos.

NBA tells teams to plan for empty arenas, and LeBron says no way. To what extent is that a Cabalite who wants the virus to take off?

Nonstop Acela trains between Washington and New York suspended due to coronavirus.

COVID-19 may infect the lungs, move to the nerves enervating the diaphragm, and then work its way back up through them to the respiratory center of the brain, infecting and damaging the part of the brain which tells you to breathe.

COVID-19 can cause the blood to clot and block bloodflow to extremities.

Italian doctor warns Europe to get ready for Corona virus, saying the young are not safe and in Italy 10% need ICU care for severe lung failure due to the disease. A lower ICU admission percentage than China, but is that due to a lack of beds/artificial-respirators?

Canadian official breaks down crying at a news conference:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls on illegal immigrants to fill out 2020 census.

Hunter Biden’s baby-momma is seeking to have him held in contempt of court for failing to provide mandatory documentation.

U.S. has strong intel Taliban do not intend to abide by terms of peace deal, officials say.

Finland sends Border guards to help Greece – by having their border guards link up with migrants and assist them in claiming asylum.

Greek army fires water cannon at migrants on the Turkish side of the border.

California will remove homosexual child rapists from the sex offender registry if they are not more than 10 years older than their victims. 

Sanctuary authorities in Colorado are asking the public for help after releasing illegal alien charged with sexual assault of a child, only to find he didn’t show up for his trial.

Antifa has a pedophile problem. 

Eric Prince is helping Project Veritas recruit spies to help it infiltrate liberal groups.

Rand Paul looms as wild card in surveillance fight. Sounds tepid. He will not drop the bombshell that would change the course of US history. Is he quiet because he is a cast character with a script, is he afraid of it, or does he genuinely not know?

Gun Owners of America (“GOA”) asked to have Sen. Chuck Schumer “red-flagged” as a potentially dangerous person after his threats to the Supreme Court.

Army fires shells 40 miles in upgraded cannon test. And it is semi-automatic.

The Illinois Supreme Court rejected former “Empire” star Jussie Smollett’s request to throw out charges that accuse him of staging a racist, homophobic attack in Chicago.

DNC changes debate rules after Tulsi Gabbard reaches previous requirements.

Tulsi Gabbard urges her opponents to stand up to the DNC. Is it possible she doesn’t understand?

ICE to launch massive surveillance operation with hundreds of agents.

The government is sending 160 soldiers to help border agents in California block the migrant surge that is expected if the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals strikes down the Migrant Protection Protocols.

Trump ‘allies in Americas block Africans’ path to US asylum.

Greeks burn down a migrant camp in this next tweet, which reads “The community center “One Happy Family” is now on fire at #Lesbos. There was, for example, a clinic and a school for children. A failure of the rule of law, a surrender of Europe to the fascists. How can you allow that @vonderleyen”:

Spread r/K Theory, because the world is going K fast, and will not be r for much longer.

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5 years ago

RE: Celeb retirement

Nah. Death is way less trouble. Death also doesn’t come with a risk of that person being discovered. I am on record as thinking that Epstein was dangled out as bait specifically to demonstrate what lengths would be gone to in order to take him out. Evil hates itself more than anything, so it chews them up and spits them out, it doesn’t provide an easy out.

RE: Rand Paul

Remember when Rand attacked Trump during the campaign? Then after a meeting he endorsed him and has become a regular ally? Rand is the pragmatic version of his dad, and I’m fairly certain he’s been told enough, and probably about the Q business, that the spying will be ended and those that have abuses the FISA system already have prison cells that are picked out for them. But it’s all about timing.

If a husband dopes the dishes and his wife is visiting family, did he really do them? If the arrests are to include anyone with name recognition, they have to be arrested only after the drip, drip, drip disclosures to give the public time to process, to circulate the memes, etc. Timing is everything.

Reply to  Lowell
5 years ago

I agree, Rand is working with Trump and is doing things at the pace Trump wants them done.

Trump has not revealed everything to the public yet either.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell
5 years ago

“… Epstein was dangled out as bait…”

I don’t believe this. Not even remotely. I don’t believe that Epstein was killed for the most basic, simplistic of reasons. The guy they wheeled out as him and said was dead was not him. His ears and face did not match. Very similar but it wasn’t him. My reading on this was they showed the body, that was not him, to reassure those on their side that they would not abandon them and had the government under control enough that they could get away with anything.

5 years ago

RE: Tulsi

She understands. She’s being groomed to step into a greater leadership role in the party AFTER Trump gets done tearing the DNC apart. Unsure just which side is doing it, would not surprise if it were Q, but she’s one of the people the Democratic Party will be formed around as it is brought back towards being a left-populist organization again. And the best way to build her credibility against THEM later is to have her fight and lose now.

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

One purpose of this big shutdown may be to encourage some more people to stock up on essential supplies so that they can better survive a larger system shutdown that may very well come.

5 years ago

If you haven’t read “Why Meadow Died,” you need to. It’s a great look at the corruption and the networking of Cabal and how it filters down to the policies that affect our communities.

One thing in particular struck me. On p. 24, there is a section about a Venezuelan immigrant and how he fled the violence of the colectivos. These are legal street gangs in Venezuela that are permitted to have guns and serve as the strong arm of the government. This is what they are creating in places like New York with their no bail laws and requiring witness information to be communicated to defendants.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

This is why making lists is so important, if the white hats in the governments can’t/won’t fix the issue, once SHTF people will have to do it themselves Los Pepes style.

5 years ago

Adding to the subject of rich Jews and non-rich Jews and their relation with the goyim:
The way the rich Jews at the top of the cabal pyramid see the world is a pyramid with 3 steps: the goyim at the based, the non-rich Jews at the middle, and the rich Jews at the top. Every step is willing to sacrifice and exploit for whatever end the ones below it.

5 years ago

“For the archives here, a purported family insider on 4Chan claims to reveal details in an AMA. Highlights are the elites are families, 9/11 was a surprise move by one on the others, much of the self destructive propaganda, from trannies to bad medicine advice is part of a eugenical program to eliminate the stupid who adopt it, Corona Chan is a desperate stab by a dying faction of the families, and they are working us toward a white rebellion to destroy minorities, and all the individualists are being cataloged to be killed as well, so the elites can restart their bee keeping with a hive of high IQ willing slaves of the White persuasion. Also a lot of famous people dying suddenly, is just a sort of Cabal retirement program, where they decide they have gotten tired of LARPing as a leader, or an actor, or a singer in the show, so they stage their death and go off and live their lives in private. It makes me wonder if Q really oversaw McCain’s execution, or if he intercepted McCain’s retirement package with his death certificate in it, and McCain is off somewhere right now. One of those posts on 4 Chan you file away as being as likely to be right because the LARP was high IQ as it is to be right because the OP was real.”

I suspect it is real because it fits many things I know or have guessed.
But I also suspect that there is disinfo mixed in.

I’m not sure what the disinfo is I just suspect that it is there so I take it with a grain of salt and keep an open mind.

5 years ago

“Finland sends Border guards to help Greece – by having their border guards link up with migrants and assist them in claiming asylum.”

They should arrest them.

5 years ago

Re: “family guy”. Taking this guy and other sources at face value, apparently bloodlines and family connections are more important than life itself to these people. Might it be that Cabal’s choice of who to promote or harass is partly on heritage or connections that the person may not even be aware of, distant enough that they were never “read in”? So a red pilled person you might expect to have coverage, maybe would not because of that. That is all other things being equal of course, assuming you are nota pain in the ass.

5 years ago

“U.S. has strong intel Taliban do not intend to abide by terms of peace deal, officials say”

Some people will say anything to try to undermine Trump’s peace deal.

5 years ago


Covid 19 can cause heart damage as well as male infertility as well as brain damage.

5 years ago

Here is a thread with all sources:

Brain damage, nerve damage, fertility damage since ACE2 receptors is in most or all organs virus can attack them all.

5 years ago
5 years ago


On this video you posted the other day:

Do you notice anything odd about the video? Specifically the ghost cab passenger.

1. The cab door opens without the guy pulling the door (auto open?).
2. The video keeps stopping before you see where the guy ultimately sits. It looks like he slides over to right (passenger) side to me, but the video stops before I can definitively tell. They show it at the start, but then cut off that part in subsequent rehashes.
3. Why would the neuroscientist be the expert who is tasked to address the “ghosting/artifacting” in the the video?
4. Listen to Jayde Lovell’s. Straight up programming.

Here’s the neuroscientist’s bio. Straight out of Cabal 101.

Jayde Lovell
CEO of ReAgency Public Relations. Science Correspondent on The Young Turks.

Jayde Lovell is an award-winning Neuroscientist and Science Marketer. In 2014, Jayde left her role as renowned Vice President of the world’s largest PR agency, Weber Shandwick, after she saw first-hand how easily science could be misused for profits. She set about doing something about it – founding ReAgency in New York City, with a vision to work exclusively with science and information-based clients. She was awarded ‘Best Digital Campaign’ for her work with Unilever, was crowned ‘The Next MacGyver’ by the National Academy of Engineering, and named in Anthill’s ’30 Under 30′. She appeared with President Obama at SxSW in Austin, Texas, presented on science marketing at NYU & Yale, has given speeches to Google and YouTube, and hosted live TV at Harvard University. Jayde puts her science communication ideas into practice as host of ‘ScIQ’, the science show on The Young Turks Network.

Pliny the Dawdler
Pliny the Dawdler
Reply to  Bman
5 years ago

“science marketer”, wtf? Phrases like this are a sure tell that it’s all bullshit.