News Briefs – 03/07/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Brett Weinstein reading from the new script, in an interview with Dr Drew is worth watching the whole thing for 3 minutes and 45 seconds, as you see what we have said here for years, now beginning to come out in the mainstream, via Cabal mouthpieces:

“In reading Bobby Kennedy’s new book ‘The Wuhan Cover-Up’ it is increasingly clear that there is something about the Clandestine Services that has taken over entities, that we do not think of in those terms. What their purpose is, I can’t say, but It does appear that it is necessary that the public not know what is going on, and therefore it is not simply important that they have propaganda outlets, what they need is for there to be no exception  there is no place for you to go to even figure out the basic facts …We look at a map, and we think that we understand what those things that we call nations are, and that they predict something about who is on our team and who is not. Increasingly I think that is more of a distraction than in insight, and that something is partnering across national boundaries.”

An explosive new congressional report unveiled financial institutions are partnering with government to surveil citizens’ private transactions.

3 Texas Court of Criminal Appeals judges fall to Ken Paxton-backed candidates on Super Tuesday. These three supposedly tried to stymie investigations of voter fraud and election rigging.

Judicial Watch sues Illinois to force clean up of voting rolls.

Fani Willis paid Nathan Wade from confiscated property fund.

On Twitter:

During her testimony, Fani Willis SPECIFICALLY and CATEGORICALLY denied having visited the White House when she was in DC.

Today, Ashleigh Merchant provided receipts PROVING that Fani did in fact visit the White House.

This means that Fani not only lied under oath, but lied about having visited the White House because she was clearly colluding with the Biden administration in the political persecution of Trump et al.

This is beyond disqualification for conflict of interest.

This is government election interference.

This is lightyears beyond the Russia-gate hoax.

This is pure criminality that attacks the very fabric of these United States of America.

The irony is that Fani didn’t even have to answer the question because there was an objection. But she was too eager to lie to cover up not only her wrongdoing, but that of @potus

and @vp

as well.

This is a scandal of astonishing proportions.

Unless I have misunderstood something…

Nikki Haley spent more than $114 million to only win VT, D.C.

Political commentator James Carville said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that President Joe Biden had a “huge issue to overcome in terms of his age.”

Hillary Clinton tells voters to ‘accept the reality’ Biden is ‘old’ and re-elect him anyway.

Former SPLC staffer and Secretary of State of Michigan Jocelyn Benson announces she is ‘coordinating’ with 6 battleground secretaries of state, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Nevada to fight a ‘common adversary.’

Centrist extinction looms as Sinema, Manchin, Romney call it quits.

Gang members outnumber Police 22 to 1 in Democrat hellhole Chicago and the ratio just keeps getting worse. That is gang members drawn from a small population of younger male minorities willing to risk prison. How much bigger could the ratio be, if you were recruiting a domestic surveillance force from the entirety of the population, and promising them your agency was too big for any of them to ever have to risk going to prison?

Flood of migrant children to put estimated $2 billion strain on public school system.

Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs vetoes bill authorizing Arizona Police to arrest illegal aliens.

Plasmid replication in vaccinated cell lines. The field is too unexplored to know what is posssible or not.

Five Europeans have died in an avian chlamydia outbreak that has spooked health chiefs. Is this going to be “Disease X”?

NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy testified to Congress Wednesday that a controlled burn and explosion weren’t necessary after a train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio in February 2023. “This town very well may have been poisoned to facilitate the rapid movement of freight, or at the very least, it was poisoned for reasons that we can’t identify. That should really concern every single person on this committee.”

Three corporations own 19,000 homes in the metro Atlanta area.

University of Virginia spends $20 million on 235 DEI employees, with some making $587,340 per year.

Jury finds ‘Rust’ armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed guilty of involuntary manslaughter The New Mexico jury deliberated for about 2.5 hours, she faces up to three years in prison.

Republican AGs demand Wells Fargo answer for abruptly closing gun dealer’s account, other woke policies.

New York Governor Hochul deploys 1,000 National Guard and State Police to patrol New York City subways.

NY mulls bill to give inmates $2.6K in taxpayer-funded pocket money when they leave state prison.

Ultra-conservative Republicans are railing against the 605 pages of earmarks that will be included in a $460 billion spending package to fund six agencies of government to avoid a government shutdown in three days.

Study: EVs release 1,850x more particle pollution than gas-powered cars.

Migrants storm the Icelandic parliament as they debated tougher immigration laws, to demand residency permits, housing, and to be allowed to bring all their family to the country.

Three sailors dead after Houthis strike ship in Gulf of Aden, US says.

Russia bombs a maritime drone facility while Zelensky and Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis are right nearby.

Video shows first confirmed destruction of HIMARS MLRS in Ukraine.

Ukraine poll: Zelenskyy would lose election if he didn’t cancel it due to war.

San Francisco passes law-and-order measures by large margins, including drug screening for welfare recipients.

A Louisiana state representative will introduce a bill before the Louisiana Legislature that could establish gold and silver as the state’s currency.

In Texas, “incumbent state House members, judges and other state leaders were forced into runoffs or defeated outright Texas voters on Tuesday handed more power to the insurgent wing of the Republican Party in an expensive and vengeful primary election, punishing GOP lawmakers, judges and a House speaker who defied hard-right state leaders and their supporters in recent years.”

An unexpectedly high number of soldiers from the Tennessee National Guard have volunteered to deploy to Texas to assist the Lone Star State as they continue to battle the Biden regime in their efforts to secure the southern border.

Congressional leaders said this week that they plan to lower annual funding for the FBI in the newest spending bill by about 6% to reduce the political weaponization of the Bureau.

If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves. Article says this time is different, and you will see an exodus. Cabal assets, fleeing justice?

Spread r/K Theory, because an exodus of evil is a good thing.

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
1 year ago

Three corporations own 19,000 homes in the metro Atlanta area.”       
Funny how the areas with the most unrestrained squatters are also the same places where BlackRock’s tentacles are hoovering up all the single-family homes. 

A private homeowner would be more inclined to sell than put with this lawlessness, wouldn’t they?

 What if the only buyer was Blackrock?

I wonder how the pols/police would react if it was a Blackrock home being squatted?

Reply to  Corn Pop
1 year ago

My brother sold his home in this area 2 years ago. It was a big corporation and offered him more than he was asking and closed very quickly.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
1 year ago

“Evidence of Traumatic Brain Injury Found in Gunman Behind Maine’s Deadliest Shooting”

All mass shooters should have their brain tissue examined. Maybe they were all hand grenade instructors.Baffling.

1 year ago

Hochul is not doing this to protect the people, the end goal is to show the fecklessness of the civilian National Guard. The criminals, gangs, cabal assets, etc, will probe and push the Guard in a manner that will reveal their inability to fulfill the mission of the Guard. It is a lose-lose assignment for the Guard.

A worse case that that is that those assigned to this detail are in the cabal camp and will really be there to facilitate civil unrest. The situation is completely bent.

1 year ago

Regarding the Rust shooting…

I remember a story – possibly apocryphal – I heard from a sergeant one time, about a frightening near-miss.

In the military we trained with blank rounds: a casing which was crimped off where the bullet would normally go. It would still go ‘bang’, the explosion would operate the return-system to chamber another round, the rifle would operate normally – but there was no bullet present to fire out the end.

The ammunition – both for live fire and blank fire – was distributed in ammo cans, each of which was factory sealed and contained 200 rounds that were further compartmentalized into cardboard boxes which contained three 10 round strips – one box, three strips, fills up one magazine. Give each troop five cardboard boxes to load up his personal kit. Nice an easy, right?

But 30 round boxes doesn’t round up nicely to 200. 6 boxes takes you to 180 rounds, with 20 left over – two more strips of 10. These ‘extra strips’ were put into Mag Loaders – a U shaped plastic housing which you’d affix to the top of your magazine so that you could load an entire strip at a time. Instead of laboriously loading 30 individual rounds into your magazine, you’d put the mag loader on top, slide a strip of 10 into the loader, and then force all of the rounds into it in one go. Repeat two more times and the magazine is loaded.

Now all of this stuff is clearly labelled. The Ammo Cans clearly say whether they’re blank or live. The cardboard boxes inside the Ammo Cans clearly say whether they’re blank or live – and they’d better goddamned say the same thing as the can they come from or we got an issue. And if a soldier opens up a box of three strips, and can’t immediately tell the difference between blanks and live rounds – Good God Above, I wouldn’t only lose it on him, but his entire chain of command, that’s a level of incompetence that’s beyond all comprehension, earthly or divine.

So: outside of deliberate malfeasance, it should be completely impossible for any sort of incident to occur, right? Well…

Here’s the story the sergeant told me. I kind of suspect it was made up – more of a cautionary warning than a true incident – but who knows? If it had occurred, the heads that rolled would have done so away from journalists and prying eyes.

By now you might have guessed the chink in the armour: those two extra strips in the mag holders. They don’t come in a cardboard box which specifies whether they’re blank or live, and the mag loader grasps the round from the top and the bottom; it’s U shape covers up the base where the primer is located, as well as the top where the bullet, or the crimping can be seen. According to this sergeant, we were once issued a box of 180 blank rounds with 20 live rounds loaded into the two mag loaders.

Scary shit, and a lesson in avoiding complacency. This line from the trial reminded me of it:

Halls went on to say he did not recall seeing Gutierrez-Reed spin the entire cylinder around to ensure all of the bullets were dummy rounds. Wiping away tears, he said, “I let a safety check pass.”

This still leaves the question of how live ammunition got on set, but good luck figuring that out. It could have been an accident – some chink in the armour like the one that my sergeant told me about – but good luck tracing down the numpty who was responsible for the oversight. Even if he were inclined to admit his mistake due to that mythical quality I’ve heard about but never observed, a guilty conscience, the nature of the sin precludes knowledge of the sin. That is to say, anybody so incompetent as to accidentally put live ammunition in the box of blanks is also insufficiently competent to remember doing it two weeks ago, let alone two years.

If it was deliberate? Well – this might just be one for the Perfect Crime file.

Reply to  Aurini
1 year ago

According to the official story the gun had been loaded with live rounds for target practice by the crew during down time and someone had not finished off all the rounds during practice nor bothered to unload the cylinder.
Everyone in the chain of custody supposedly then handed the gun down the line to Baldwin with each of them declaring it empty because they simply assumed it was without checking the chambers themselves.
If true everyone in the chain of custody was responsible, Baldwin most of all because he aimed a real gun at someone and fired without having made sure it was empty.
If the official story is false then it would appear that either everyone involved is an accessory to murder, or that everyone but Baldwin is a fool and Baldwin framed them all as part of making it look like an accident.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Most people I know would never accept a gun without checking the chamber for a round. I sure as Hell wouldn’t. But I guess unholywood is different. Considering how most of the “gun control” voices don’t know the first thing about guns, I guess they’re just as ignorant of basic gun safety too.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

And even someone who didn’t think like that would manually remove any remaining rounds.
And why weren’t the guns cleaned afterwards?
Anyone cleaning the guns would see and remove the rounds.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

While I don’t know anything for sure, I believe Baldwin put the round in and tried to kill the director. The director was hit, but because Baldwin can’t shoot for shit, he hit the girl and killed her. It’s the only thing that makes sense to me. I can’t see ANY live rounds on the set for any reason. I would think the only way they got there was if someone purposely added them. No one else could have know for sure that Baldwin was going to point the gun and pull the trigger, so adding in the round makes no sense unless it was the trigger puller. Why would he do such a thing…I have no idea, but the Jews that run Hollywood are a bunch of depraved Spaths. They could have wanted the director killed for any number of reasons, including they didn’t like him. But likely it set up to steal money from him one way or another. And could have been Baldwin wanted him dead for some reason. A perfect alibi as it seems so unreal that this would happen to normal people. But it doesn’t seem unreal to anyone who has paid attention. It’s a perfectly Spath way to do things. Do something in the open with a big finger pointing in another direction.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

“Five Europeans have died in an avian chlamydia outbreak that has spooked health chiefs.”

How long before Dmitry Medvedev asks what the degenerate Europeans are doing to birds?

1 year ago

‘Jury finds ‘Rust’ armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed guilty of involuntary manslaughter The New Mexico jury deliberated for about 2.5 hours, she faces up to three years in prison.’

As I’ve said previously, the brunt of the responsibility lies with her.

I don’t make it a habit of defending Hollywood Leftoids, but I’m sure Baldwin was horrified when he realized what happened.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

The majority of the responsibility lies with Baldwin.
He took a real gun he didn’t personally clear, aimed it at a person, and fired it.
And they weren’t even shooting a scene, it was “a joke”.
It may not be provable, but the facts that can be proven would fit with the theory it was a deliberate murder, in such a theory the gun may actually have been empty and he surreptitiously loaded it, if that is the case then everyone else in the chain of custody was framed to share responsibility when he alone was responsible.
That’s why the ultimate responsibility must lie with him.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

As Lt. Columbo might say, “Just one thing, Mr. Baldwin….”

My money is on the hothead trying to worm his way out of an affair gone wrong.

1 year ago

Vaccine True Believer dies of Suddenly:

What was that catchy two-word phrase that Nelson Muntz coined?

1 year ago

Three corporations own 19,000 homes in the metro Atlanta area.

Most of the article is “you must own your own home, anon” propaganda. You don’t “own” your “home” if you are paying a mortgage to a bank (legally then the bank owns it) and if the government can confiscate it for non-payment of property tax.

However, the key information is brought out early. Three corporations sprang up out of nowhere a decade ago and took over 11% of the Atlanta metro housing market. No information on where they got the funding to do this, and the writer is likely correct that these are dummy corporations fronting for something else.

1 year ago

> Jury finds ‘Rust’ armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed guilty of involuntary manslaughter The New Mexico jury deliberated for about 2.5 hours, she faces up to three years in prison.

I would have gone for negligent homicide, but that might not be a thing in New Mexico. The prosecutor managed to win his case, even if it looks like Miss Hyphen just going to get her hand slapped.

1 year ago

I had been expecting the Cabal to coup the USA instead of running another election,but then I expected this to happen in 2020 and it didn’t. I think at some point it will dawn on them that just trying a coup works better for them then trying to steal every single election.

My mental time frame for something big happening ran between March 2024 and March 2025. Its looking more likely that the plan is to have Trump win a disputed election, and run a coup or “insurgency” afterwards, which makes no sense, but whatever. But the earliest period was this evening because they are attempting to have “Biden” give a “speech” before Congress. They don’t have to do this. The constitutional requirement is a report (which wasn’t a speech until the Wilson administration) on the “state of the union” from “time to time”. So I have no idea why they are doing this. But today was the earliest possible date they could do a big move.

It will probably be nothing, since it looks like they really expected the Supreme Court to sign off on kicking Trump off the ballot and don’t have a backup plan.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

The coup will be the next election.

1 year ago

> Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs vetoes bill authorizing Arizona Police to arrest illegal aliens.

That doesn’t mean any will actually be arrested. Or more than a token handful to appease fidgety Democrat voters. And arresting them doesn’t mean the prosecutor’s office won’t just have them turned loose without a hearing.

1 year ago

> San Francisco passes law-and-order measures by large margins, including drug screening for welfare recipients.

The narod must be angry enough to scare the pols silly, for them to even consider backing off their Woke agenda.

1 year ago

> Fani Willis paid Nathan Wade from confiscated property fund.

Using a funds from stolen property to pay a conspirator has a certain air to it.

1 year ago

> New York Governor Hochul deploys 1,000 National Guard and State Police to patrol New York City subways.

New York City has over 50,000 police of its own. Since the NYC courts aren’t interested in dealing with criminals, I imagine they police are mostly idle. The Subway Police got rolled into NYPD back in 1995; I figure NYPD has more than enough officers to police the subways.

On the other hand, it’s a demonstration of the clout that NYC has in Syracuse.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Correction: According to the web, Albany is the capitol of New York. I was sure it was Syracuse. Hell, I’m pretty sure I was taught that in junior high. I didn’t see any point in learning the names of the capitols of all the states; now I wonder if what we were taught was even correct.

We were taught that John Glenn was the first man in space, and the Pilgrims discovered America, and that “Lincoln freed the slaves,” among other hilariously-wrong bovine extrement.

Makes me wonder what they’re teaching kids now.

“Public school is child abuse.”

1 year ago

I just can’t get outraged at the latest crop of bullshit stories and bad behaviors. Call it adrenaline fatigue. All that hype and what ever gets done, after how long a wait?

1 year ago

‘If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves.’

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

heh Bye…

1 year ago

Migrants storm the Icelandic parliament as they debated tougher immigration laws, to demand residency permits, housing, and to be allowed to bring all their family to the country.

Since this was insurrection on Jan 6, can we finally call all this “immigration” an invasion?

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Of course not.
It is the will of the cabal.
Only actions opposed to cabal are insurrection against cabal, and cabal is all that matters, there is nothing besides cabal.
It’s THEIR democracy republic world and we just live in it.

1 year ago

In Texas, “incumbent state House members, judges and other state leaders were forced into runoffs or defeated outright Texas voters on Tuesday handed more power to the insurgent wing of the Republican Party in an expensive and vengeful primary election, punishing GOP lawmakers, judges and a House speaker who defied hard-right state leaders and their supporters in recent years.”

Translated into plain English: The Republican Party in Texas, responding to the wishes of the Republican constituent, successfully challenged rebellious, insubordinate incumbents who ignore the will of the electorate.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Three corporations own 19,000 homes in the metro Atlanta area.”

When they are used as a barracks they can hold at least 20 men per home. So those 19,000 homes could hold 380,000 soldiers from Haiti, Africa and the Middle East to join whatever is in Atlanta. That’s an awful lot.

1 year ago

If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves.

I’m already voting for Trump, you don’t have to keep selling me.

1 year ago

I’d like to just clear something up for anyone who might not know how California’s primaries work. The top 2 in the primary race go on to the final ballot in November REGARDLESS of party. This means, usually, it’ll be 2 Democrats. This race in particular was unique because Adam Schiff was practically the anointed one and the few Democrats who were challenging him were not well liked within the party. So what you had was a situation where in the primary the Democrats were already behind one candidate so all the Republican votes (which do exist) and anyone choosing to vote against the Democrat for whatever reason all went to Steve Garvey. While I don’t disagree with the tweet, I’m absolutely sure they cheated Garvey out of votes, it won’t matter. They are both going on to the general where Adam Schiff will probably win legitimately but just in case he doesn’t they have been manipulating votes in California for a long time. Garvey never stood a chance and people need to stop fooling themselves.

1 year ago

The “insurgent wing” of the Republican Party in Texas has been trying to expose the establishment wing for over a decade. The incumbents showed themselves to be political usurpers by impeaching Ken Paxton. True Texas Project, Grassroots America – We the People, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, and Huffines Liberty Foundation are some “insurgent” activist groups that have been fighting the establishment Bush Republicans.

1 year ago

Wow. I’m noticing the transformation of Vox Day.
A Quote, Updated – Vox Popoli (

Next, he will become Catholic and lead a Crusader army in Europe!

1 year ago

Okay, the first one is about shoddy air control at the Seattle Children’s Hospital. The second is about wealthy people buying in to buildings with intense air filtering systems.

So, at some point, does medicine get tiered? Like, clean air for rich patients? Clean equipment for wealthy patients?

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

Informative explanation of the movie “They Live.”
Deeper Meaning of the 1988 Movie ‘THEY LIVE’ …..

1 year ago

Huh. Weinstein — wait for it — is concerned that “something is partnering across national boundaries.”

1 year ago

The kabuki theatre of National Guard deployments:
Will these Guardsmen receive several weeks of training on Criminal Procedure and Constitutional Law? Without this, how can TPTB expect PFC Schmuckatelli to make decisions regarding search-and-seizure or use-of-force? And as far as using force goes, none of these Guardsmen will have firearms. The guys sent to TX will simply be part of the welcoming committee that processes paperwork and gives the immivaders three hots and a cot, and I have no idea what the hag in NY expects them to do in the subways — stand around and “look military”?

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

We are now a third wold country. Nothing says third world more that the military patrolling cities during times of peace.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

To be fair, the videos I have seen, they do have weapons. I don’t know if they actually have ammunition.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Saw that too. Unknown if there are actual rounds in the mags. But aside from all that, how in the Posse Comitatus are they going to engage in any actual law enforcement without a solid grounding in the civilian use-of-force continuum?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Was deployed to assist MPs gaurding a major Army base immediately after 9-11. Basically I would have been the first person shot if someone attacked the base. The whole deployment I was standing at an entrance wearing level 3 body armor that would not stop an AK round with an empty mag in my rifle. The ammo was kept in the connex nearby, locked in a box. I felt extra like a fucking because that was the year they issued black berets to every swinging dick and camo cunt in the Army. There I was black beret and empty mag feeling like I was participating in the slap in the face to the Rangers I always thought were cool, being a regular, ‘leg’ rifleman who never went to jump school.

Reply to  Highangelheck
1 year ago

Security is always a joke. When my ship was deployed to the Persian Gulf in the mid 90’s, they did not issue a weapon to the Quarterdeck watch. Then, we got back in port and suddenly had to account for a .45. No weapon in a war zone, weapon moored to the pier on base in CONUS. What a joke.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

Schmuckatelli is still in, and still a PFC! God bless Schmuckatelli!

1 year ago

How do you get to be an “armorer” on a movie set anyway? I’ll wager seven quatloos that that little twatlet has no military or police experience, and is probably not even a recreational shooter.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

Just another tard leading a kickass life.
Cabal has degenerated through r selection and the recruitment of tards to the point that they have to fill all of their operations with tards.
That’s why they are beginning to fall apart and the smartest of them are preparing a phoenix operation to salvage what they can and rebuild.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

The references to Idiocracy and the Phoenix Program have made my day.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

I hadn’t intended a reference to the Phoenix Program in Vietnam.
I just referred to the mythical bird immolating itself to be reborn.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

“Just another tard leading a kickass life.”

“Great comment!

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

Her daddy was a famous armorer and hollywood being so nepotistic practically guarantees her pudgy snout a spot at the trough.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

“…Ultra-conservative Republicans are railing against the 605 pages of earmarks that will be included in a $460 billion spending package to fund six agencies of government to avoid a government shutdown in three days

There’s your surveillance money right there. There’s some of the money used to import aliens in that too, you can bet.

Un-earmark them. Cut their slush funds off. un-earmark their agents in the government and refuse to fund their salaries. Defund them. Trump should move the worst of them into some off the wall government agency, “seal fertility agency” or “State border stretching agency” or “Agency for petrified wood”, then dump the whole lot on the streets by defunding it.

1 year ago
Is this really what is appears to be? Let’s pay teens to be “social justice warriors” OR is this how they give cover to domestic surveillance in schools by fellow theatre students? Things that make you go “hummm…”

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Wow–this is a fascinating and informative read that starts out about 5GW and moves on to cover a lot of data that might parallel r & K selection studies by our host.

BTW, I haven’t thanked AC for a while about this service he provides. My deep thanks for all you do, AC.