News Briefs – 03/07/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Corona virus stats: 102,084, and 3,491 deaths. Yesterday had 98,121 cases globally, and 3,388 deaths. 4% increase in cases, and a 3% increase in deaths. Yesterday was a 2% increase in cases and 2.3 % increase in deaths.

South Korea stats: 6,767 cases and 44 deaths. Yesterday was 6,284 cases and 42 deaths. 7.6% increase in cases and a 4.7% increase in deaths, though the numbers are so small you can’t read too much into it. Yesterday was a 9% increase in cases, and 0% increase in deaths.

Italy has 4,636 cases and 197 deaths. 20% increase in cases over yesterday and a 33% increase in deaths. Possibly a hotter strain seeded the nation, though others say Italy has an older population.

How the White House protects Trump and his staff from coronavirus. Basically they ask everyone coming in about their travel history. Supposedly there are breath markers they can detect instantly. If any agency could find rogue scientists to jury-rig a breath tester for anyone coming near POTUS, it would be Secret Service.

One slide in a leaked presentation for US hospitals reveals that they’re preparing for millions of hospitalizations as the outbreak unfolds. It is a presentation from February. There is a strange aspect to the virus, in that it seems to come on very strong initially, and then peter out quickly, as if everyone is being exposed in the first month, but only a small subset are susceptible, and once they are all hit by the end of the month, new cases level off as the remaining potential patients are not susceptible. But it seems early trends do not persist, and the raw numbers don’t seem to bear out over the long term. I take this seriously, and am preparing as if it were going to be the one. I think logic says it is a risk, and the numbers would make it entirely possible, but this feels as if it will not get us on this go around, but rather will re-emerge in a year or two having mutated into something bigger and more virulent.

South Korea has tested 140,000 people for the coronavirus – that could explain why its death rate is just 0.6% — far lower than in China or the US. So Trump’s hunch was right, if they find all of the minor cases that go unreported the death rate drops. Although strain variance could play a role too, if South Korea just caught the mild form.

US official says, the mortality rate from the new Coronavirus is between 0.1 and 1 percent.

MSNBC giddy that Coronavirus ‘may be Donald Trump’s Katrina.’ Mainly funny just because it is the five hundredth time we have seen that headline with some crisis or issue the administration has had to deal with inserted in it. Every time, one month later, the narrative has been deep sixed.

Hawaii resident, passenger aboard Grand Princess confirmed as first coronavirus case in Hawaii. Again, as with Africa, a warm locale, and the only case is someone coming in from somewhere else.

The US lifts tariffs on Chinese face masks and other medical supplies amid coronavirus outbreak.

Austin officials end 2020 South X Southwest festival amid coronavirus concerns. Good play, seize every opportunity for containment.

Police-enforced quarantine hits Calif. residential block after man’s Coronavirus death. Amygdala stimulation is good. All of this is exercising the same brain structures, and building the same cognitive sensation which will promote common sense and conservatism.

VP Pence says 21 coronavirus cases on California Grand Princess cruise ship.

Coronavirus patient in Spain reportedly recovers after being treated with HIV drug.

Governor confirms COVID-19 case in Tulsa county.

US prisons, jails on alert for spread of coronavirus.

Italy’s COVID-19 death toll hits nearly 200 as France closes schools. It is possible Italy has a hotter strain. I am sure this thing is looking for mutations all the time to better take over the human machine.

German researchers identify a new potential drug for Covid-19 that blocks viral entry into lung cells.

Protesters at a rally led by climate activist Greta Thunberg on Friday denounced governments for taking urgent action against the coronavirus outbreak but failing to treat global warming as an emergency. Literally Global Warming, if it were real, would fix the Corona virus. So if we had tried to cool the planet, we would have wiped ourselves out with a pandemic. I prefer warmth to a cold viral death.

Rep. Matt Gaetz defends wearing gas mask, says Congress at risk for coronavirus. I support him. Personally, if I had my way every Republican would wear them, and Trump would don a biohazard suit every morning. We will never get another President exactly like him.

London Mayor claims ‘no risk’ of catching coronavirus on public transport. A lot of outright wrong info being given out lately. Are they that stupid, or are they lying. And if they are lying, why are they lying?

Kaiser Permanente recruits volunteers for 1st coronavirus vaccine trials.

Iran shuts 60,000 mosques.

eBay bans face mask and hand sanitizer listings to halt coronavirus price gouging.

These next tweets are actually a good thing, as this is what will crush down the new infections:

Jill Biden hints odds are against Kamala Harris as Joe Biden veepstakes pick up. Tulsi really left a mark. Kamala’s entire future destiny was destroyed inside of fifteen seconds. There is nothing that can destroy a political career like showing the electorate that a hypocrite fucked over the electorate’s people unnecessarily, for the hypocrite’s own benefit, and then the hypocrite committed the same crime themselves while using their position to avoid any consequences and laughed at the little people they fucked over. You can pretty much apply that formula to any Democrat if you are creative enough.

DNC rigs rules to exclude Tulsi Gabbard from next debate. Tulsi could easily have been Obama’d into office, but for whatever reason, the machine did not want her.

Bloomberg staffers brag about ripping off his campaign, covertly canvassing for Sanders.

Mitt Romney votes to clear the path for Hunter Biden to be subpeona’d and his Burisma ties to be investigated. If he was not under control, he would never have made this vote.

Dirty Chris Steele says he won’t speak with US investigators Barr or Durham.

New York bail and discovery reform laws scaring witnesses and victims into silence. Another possibility is if Cabal was using gangs as ground forces, and had them under protection using JTTF surveillance operations to force local PD out of gang territories, (((They))) may have seen utility in impeding gang-investigations. This would certainly do that.

American taxpayers are billed up to $133,000 per refugee resettled in the United States over the course of a lifetime.

German leadership is launching a witch hunt to root out right wing sympathies in their elite military commando forces.

Transvestite Billy Porter revealed that he is portraying a “genderless” Fairy Godmother in the upcoming “Cinderella” remake, saying “the kids are ready” for more inclusive fairy tale characters.

The case of a guy who was Red Flagged by a crazy ex-wife, and how just her crazy story, with no evidence, had his guns taken, him hauled in to a psych facility in handcuffs, and a protection order granted against him. At the least Police should have to investigate the claims as a disinterested third party before the hammer drops on a guy. Having a judge just take the word of one person with an axe to grind is nuts.

A meme I saw online which shows that deep down, people have an innate understanding of r-ification:

The story of CIA and NSA rivalry in the purchase and exploitation of a commercial encryption company.

Ariz. House passes bill banning trans athletes from competing in girls’ sports.

Former acting Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security indicted on theft of government property and scheme to defraud the United States government.

Florida woman arrested after filing nearly 120 false voter registration applications, officials say.

Trump administration to collect DNA from immigrants taken into custody.

DOJ asks Supreme Court to preserve ‘Remain in Mexico’ border policy.

ICE defies sanctuary law to arrest illegal immigrant at San Francisco courthouse.

Trump administration to shift 500 ICE agents to assist sanctuary city arrests.

Trump names Rep. Mark Meadows his new Chief of Staff. Consolidating allies for the Storm?

New border wall going up in San Luis.

El Centro, California Border Patrol experiences decrease in apprehensions due to the border wall.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is protecting a young female photographer from having to participate in same-sex “weddings” against her conscience. Interesting legal argument. DOJ makes the case that by forcing her to photograph a gay wedding, when she says she doesn’t want to photograph it as a statement of protest, they are forcing her to abridge her own free speech rights and support a political statement.

Trump campaign sues CNN over ‘false and defamatory’ statements, seeks millions in damages. I wonder if these lawsuits could be to open up discovery, to create a public source of intelligence for the Storm. I mean Trump is basically forcing an entity under illegal control of the CIA to open up its records and come in and answer questions under oath.

Trump team yanking green cards from immigrants who abuse the U.S. welfare system.

Trump won’t extend FISA spy powers without reforms, Rand Paul says. The surveillance state thrives because it is allowed to hide itself. The one rule which would dismantle it overnight is if it had to expose the surveillance it had performed after a set amount of time. If I have ever been collected under a FISA, and if anyone has reviewed my collections, I would like to know.

Donald Trump rejects Lindsey Graham’s push for DACA amnesty.

US adds 273,000 jobs in February, unemployment rate unexpectedly falls to 3.5%.

The Storm is happening:

Spread r/K Theory, because every day is an adventure

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Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
5 years ago

I suspect the reason Congress was willing to give so much more to Wuhan Virus funding above what the God Emperor asked for is to send money to their slush funds.

5 years ago

AFAIK, the only ways that Tulsi differs from the leftist agenda is her concern for veterans, her desire to extricate us from the Forever Wars in the ME, and her reluctance to play the neocon game of picking a fight with Russia. Evidently these positions are important enough to the Deep State/Democrats to block an otherwise ideal Democrat candidate from the electoral process.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

That is the only explanation that makes sense.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I agree that this makes sense, but it might not be a bloodline issue strictly. You’re right, of course, that the ideological issues are just a smoke screen. The fact that she’s woman, of color, etc,. all these things that they supposedly care about, would seem to be a huge flag requiring an explanation. But I suspect that it’s deeper than that. I think that these surface issues are merely cover for advancing larger agendas. And when someone comes in with the surface issues but opposed the larger agenda, they get the Tulsi treatment.

Note how Hillary made the reference to Tulsi being a Russian asset. I don’t think that she in any believes it. And I have my doubts about the sincerity of people I see parroting the claim. It’s almost as if she’s speaking in code that the base is expected to understand: Putin/Russia represent some other. And, well, if you know the history of cabal you know that Russia is their longtime enemy.

I think this is why the media hysteria about Trump/Russia seems just kind of bizarre or mystifying to most average citizens but cabal proles respond quite instinctively to it.

There’s something that Tulsi represents, some key issue, that they find threatening. The fact that she’s indepedent and patriotic is undoubtedly a big one. They don’t want those things. Patriotic and anti stupid war is even more menacing.

Then again, I think its most likely that Tulsi is a white hat and if I can figure that out so can the cabal leadership. But they can’t come out and say that’s why they oppose her. So they are left with the Russian asset code.

5 years ago

Saudi Arabia Starts All-Out Oil War: MbS Destroys OPEC By Flooding Market, Slashing Oil Prices

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

It’s not possible to crush the shale producers. Sure maybe they crush some for a time but as soon as prices go back up all this equipment will come out of storage and cash will be lent to get it going. The oil market is so MASSIVE, ( a search shows 1.3 trillion a year WOW!), that you can afford to lose a little here and there. You just have to be willing to quit when it gets too tight then ramp up fast when it’s profitable. The profits are huge. I’ve heard that shale doesn’t last as long but the profits are even quicker where you pay off all cost in a year or less then for 2 or 3 years it’s just profit. And there’s so damn much oil in shale. And there’s even MASSIVE amounts in the ground from old oil fields, not shale, that have 30% or more left in them, [think how many decades oil fields in the US have been pumping and imagine even 10% more could be taken out. It’s stupendous amounts]. A company has found a way to microwave it, steam it, liquefy and pump most of it out.

If we can just continue to have modest growth in electric cars we will never run out of oil. Even if we didn’t we would never run out in our lifetimes.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

Agree with you Sam J. Oil will continue to flow abundantly for generations. The Trump Generation understands its critical importance to geo stability.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

There’s another way of looking at this. The Arabs are trying to get as much value out of a declining commodity while they can. Electric cars are here and will not go away. Musk has proven that they work. Every single manufacturer of cars is rushing to add their own. After a long decline nuclear power is ramping up. Very slow in the US but in China they are balls to the walls building nuke plants. The price of batteries is falling constantly. New batteries will eventually be made of chap materials not lithium. There’s carbon batteries with similar performance to lithium. They haven’t been totally proven yet but the do work. Carbon is of course dirt cheap and as they are proven and process control to make them gains in knowledge oil driven cars will be the expensive option. As the price of batteries fall intermittent power sources and nuclear become even more attractive. A self reinforcing trend. Oil will be around a long time for chemical manufacture but for cars it’s on the way out. This won’t change over night but these guy in Arabia have excellent advisers. Best that can be bought and they see this as easily as some guy on the internet can. The logic is fairly irrefutable. I expect they will continue this to get maximum value out of the only resource they have while it’s still worth something.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  BreyerConstruct
5 years ago

Interesting. Great find. A quote,”

It is now extremely clear why the extensive use of vitamin C in China as therapeutic treatment for COVID-19 has produced most encouraging results, showing quick recovery of COVID-19 patients [67]. Ascorbic acid can act on multiple levels, reducing oxidative stress, regulating hypoxia signaling, mitochondrial membrane potential, furin expression, and modulation of immune defenses to stem the progression of cytokine storms [78, 79, 80]…”

Note my post on Liposomal Vit’ C that can give you the same levels in the blood as intravenous Vit. C.

The idea is that nitric oxide stops replication and Vit. C is part of the pathway to make and recirculate nitric oxide.

Another quote,”…In the human body, the three nitric oxide synthases nNOS, eNOS and iNOS convert L-arginine to L-citrulline and nitric oxide [53, 54]…”

Reading up on this other things to take with the Vit. C are L-arginine to L-citrulline with L-citrulline seemingly the best of the two if you have to pick one. I’m going to add this to the how to fight a pandemic post in the forum.

5 years ago

Leader of Italy’s co-ruling Democratic Party tests positive for coronavirus

5 years ago
5 years ago

Q has been awfully silent on Coronachan. Now I’m doubting this is even a real pandemic and it’s cover for a culling of the cabal.

5 years ago

Senior member of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards killed in Syria