Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Chinese Economic Activity Soars As Recovery Picks Up
DFT – EU Rules On Combustion Engine Car Ban Delayed By Luxury Automakers
DFT – Bankruptcies Soar In Sweden – Bloomberg
DFT – JP Morgan Says Russia Will Continue Robust Oil Production
DFT – Brazil Approves Bioceres’ GMO Wheat
Marianne Williamson accuses DNC of ‘rigging’ primary system for Biden.
After 19 shoplifting incidents in a year, a store at Washington Square mall is calling it quits. Notice how if intelligence is in the shadows and taking over, this set of conditions, would allow it to completely dominate which small businesses are able to survive, and which are not. Only the conspiracy’s businesses, run by its people, would be able to function, as the intel op would simply tell the thugs it has doing the shoplifting to hit the competitor’s stores. This is exactly what you would see, and exactly how it would look.
Horrifying cases of women being raped in their rooms at top hotel chains are taking place because staff are allegedly handing over keys to sexual predators unchecked. “Accidentally,” because hotels have always given away room keys haphazardly to rapists, to let anyone in anyone else’s room at night, because there is no legal liability which arises from that. Again, we have an intel op big enough it has a satellite office in every grade school, with adult intel officers overseeing it, controlling the experiences of the kids, by using spy-kids the conspiracy has control of in the schools. And every “gifted” kid has a file, like I did by age eight, so detailed it can tell you I had 103 degrees of peripheral vision on my right eye, and 101 degrees on my left eye, my eye to hand reaction time was 0.093 seconds, my ear to hand reaction time was 0.087 seconds, I could hear tones up to 197.3 hz in my left ear, and 198.2 hz in my right ear, and I scored 6 out of ten on the Zenner psychic card test. Or whatever those numbers were. Literally, every gifted kid in my school had that data in their file by fourth grade, and I am sure it sits there to this day.
The op is so big, every neighborhood is turned into a sector, with a listening/monitoring/observation post, whose residents have the capability to listen inside houses, the ability to call up and deploy vehicular and foot surveillance stationed in the neighborhood, and the responsibility to use that to assemble the most detailed and personal of files on every resident in their neighborhood, so that post’s charges are personally known to the residents, whether they have ever met or not,
And this thing is choosing mates for the young based on all that intel, and playing some sort of Darwinian/Mendelian/Dating game, deciding who mates with who, what genes get passed forward and how – and what girls have genes that pose such a threat, that they need to be “broken” in some way so they cannot pair bond and have kids. This is what an intel op like that looks like, from our perspective. Hotels “accidently” giving keys to rapists, who know exactly what room they want the key to, and what girl is inside it, even if she si just passing through town, and stopping for the night.
I am not a mad man here who latches on to every conspiracy. I am not telling you the earth is flat, or aliens are abducting people, or the world will end due to the Halle Bopp Comet. But I am telling you one thing, based on my experience. Everyone in the West is living under some weird amalgam of the CIA’s technological and operational sophistication, and the East German Stasi’s dystopic ever-presence in the form of civilians who were happy to sign up with it to work against their neighbors and fellow citizens, and tech allowing them to listen in every residence – just like the Stasi did in every apartment in every apartment building.
And whatever it is, those at the top have some weird master plan to control everything from who “succeeds” in business and politics, to who breeds with who, and what the human society will look like down to a granular level. However bad the conspiracies thus revealed look, from vote rigging to intelligence agencies deploying operationally on Donald Trump – know this – if the truth is to be revealed, it will get much worse, and much weirder before all is said and done.
Ex- NYPD boss Ray Kelly: NYC’s $6M settlement with protestors is ‘disgraceful.’ So many things which do not make sense – unless this is an intel op which has it assets in government paying off assets in the anarchist movements with your money. And Kelly will know this, just like he knows about the surveillance, and that 9/11 was not as advertised, but he will not say anything, US Marine or not.
Ron DeSantis and the Florida GOP declared war on the First Amendment to “combat anti-semitism.” Third degree felony to make fun of someone’s clothes if they are religious clothes.
Hunter Biden-linked Chinese military company is assisting Russia in war against Ukraine.
A dam designed to contain toxic water contamination in East Palestine, Ohio, has failed.
Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff vows to fight ‘Toxic Masculinity,’ gets mocked. Fight? Sounds kind of toxically masculine. These are the people running the country.
UK GOV. confirms unvaccinated had lowest mortality rate per 100k in 2022.
Spotted the r-strategist – The 9-hour ordeal involving Southwest flight 3094 included three passengers vomiting as the plane shook “like crazy,” recounted one North Carolina couple on board. Another person, the couple said, had a panic attack and passed out on the plane amid its wild approach into Raleigh…
From here, now they are going to cancel John James Audubon: “Audubon the man was hailed in his time as a pioneer, a visionary and a gifted artist as he set out to paint every bird in North America. But that’s only half the story, according to Stuart Wells, executive director of the Portland Audubon chapter. “What’s not as commonly known is that he was also a slave trader and was staunchly against any abolitionist movements,” Wells said. “He dug up Native American graves and sold their skulls to folks that were trying to show that there was a difference in the skull structure of Indigenous people.”
Director Steven Spielberg warned that “overt” anti-Semitism in the United States mirrors that of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, leading up to the systematic extermination of six million Jews in the Holocaust. Clearly it is not there right now, so I take his statement as a sort of Cabal predictive programming. By saying this, Cabal would assume everyone will begin to think everyone else is anti-Semitic, and suddenly all the Lemmings are off and running in a big anti-Semitic mass. Cabal has used the Jews as a pressure relief valve in the past, as we have gotten close, they may be preparing that option again.
Orca pair devour 17 sharks in a day in South African killing spree, say marine biologists. Think about it. Were those biologists with the Orcas the whole time? How did they know they didn’t kill a shark before they first saw them? How do they know they didn’t get another right after they left them? The number 17 was pulled out of thin air. Why? Does this story mean something to someone?
Prince Andrew ‘insulted’ he’s being forced to move to Frogmore after Harry and Meghan’s eviction. From the article, thin upper lip on Jeffrey Epstein’s favorite friend. I make this upper lip, and I feel angry and irritated, like I am a little kid, and feel as if someone has wronged me and it is so morally wrong I would be right doing just about anything back:
2023 Brazil Carnival goes full on satanic.
A Chinese spacecraft has been checking out US satellites high above Earth.
Wagner Group leader Prigozhin sends a message to to Zelenski – “…a while back we were seeing a professional army in front of us. Now most of what we are seeing is teenagers and elderly men. You should allow those people to return to their families…”
Before Biden traveled to Ukraine to insult Vladimir Putin, and tell the media he was doing it in defiance of Putin, he went to Russia in secret and begged Putin for a safe-conduct pass, allowing him to visit Ukraine without fear of being killed by Russian forces. So embarrassing. What happened to this country?
The Secession movement of eastern Oregon is gathering steam.
Ex-Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan won’t challenge Trump in 2024. Warned off?
President Trump crushes Ron DeSantis in head-to-head poll, 67% -vs- 20% with Hispanic voters.
What do these village idiots think archeologists and paleontologists do? Should these diciplines now be cancelled; should all those Egyptian mummies be reburied and given full burial rites? And what about Lucy and all of her fellow pre-humanoids?
“Before Biden traveled to Ukraine to insult Vladimir Putin[.]”
And Ohio.
If ‘dog comms’ have a specific meaning, I wonder what orcas and sharks mean?
This Lady talks about the children’s facial expressions in this V-clip, about a stadium size celebration for 35,000 children rescued from Ukraines ukronazi,( read Ahskenazi “jews”, Ahke-NAZI… get it), child trafficking system. She shows images of saved kids faces holding onto hugging Russian soldier, (who i think if i remember right, last year is responsible for specific Russian military rescue efforts using special forces sent in as strike teams in the first days of Russian SPO, and in part why the Russians ran that almost perfect airborn drop and holding of a Keiv airport, it was a cover and distraction operation among other objectives, and why all the ukronazi oligarch’s ran like crazy abandoning or going total underground bunker, they know but we will never be permitted to hear about it, Putin sent in strike teams right off, to hit the bio-weapon labs and child trafficking holding pens and adrenal-chrime harvesting farms).
But it is most notable this Lady, who looks awfully familiar for some reason, like i known her a long time but just can not place her repearedly refers to the childrens expressions/facial characteristics.
Source: “Trust me bro”
Unless proven otherwise.
“…By saying this, Cabal would assume everyone will begin to think everyone else is anti-Semitic, and suddenly all the Lemmings are off and running in a big anti-Semitic mass…”
We can only hope.
“I could hear tones up to 197.3 hz in my left ear, and 198.2 hz in my right ear….”
So, you’re essentially deaf to human conversation, but at least you can communicate with the orcas and see what the body count really was.
First time i seen it. This i can not say enough you just got to see, it appears it is maybe the origins of the plan as in follow the plan Q and anons speak of, i don’t know, but its one heck of a great video put on by a serious K Strategist, he certainly lays out a lot of things which make sense, but furthermore add up. Guarantee it you will get something from it.
And as this gentleman says over and over, they are coming for our guns, Do Not, no matter what, give up your guns or we are done. It is all that stands in the way. Its a callout too, De Oppressor Liber!
100 Million Armed To The Fucking Teeth Americans, Are Not Wrong.
i copy and pasted this verbatim below from rumble
🔥The Empire of the Three-City-States🔥
PRESENTATION BY Sergeant Robert Horton
:Control. Vatican-City
:Greed. London City
:Power. The District of Columbia
> This is a very old Masonic system that is operating here on planet Earth & it’s all based on shipping & postal wars that have morphed into banking wars.
> In 1999 (event horizon year) the NWO plans foiled.
> NWO Global Extremists include: Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Rockefeller Institute, Vatican, et al.
> Eisenhower, Kennedy & Reagan warned us int their speeches that a group of people [NWO] are conspiring together to get the US military to go to war for them in an effort to set up their NWO global government.
> DeSantis and Florida GOP
Same as it ever was.
Trump did the same thing.
All American politicos bend the knee… or, in this case, pray at the wall, if they want national office.
Think hard on that one for a few moments.
It is very curious. Why do they all wear the yarmulke, too? I thought that was just for Jewish people?
It is a customary thing. They have baskets of them for men and women. It is the custom to wear a head covering. If you or I went and did not, no big deal. If a pol did it, every news outlet would lead with the supposed swipe at Israel.
The politicians shouldn’t even be there.
How about they go to some Christian site over there or some site in America involved with the founding of OUR nation?
The Jews impose all of their laws on their slaves.
A little known secret: most people on Earth are descended from a member of the tribe of Israel, one way or another. Jews know this.
Even lesser known fact: A large percentage of the people who are not call themselves Jews.
Shameful! What is wrong with people?
Christianity is a Judaism sect. Old Testament is the Torah.
Some would say, Christianity is the True Judaism, and “Judaism” failed to recognise the Messiah they were waiting for.
That is why Pope, and Cardinals wear yarmulke.
Christ fulfilled the Law and freed us from such symbolic requirements.
> Prince Andrew thin upper lip
Interesting…. If I try to do this with my upper lip I can feel the muscles around my nose automatically contracting with a disgust expression. It’s amazing what’s revealed by the face if you know what to look for. I’ve said it before…. Of all the things I’ve learned here, face reading is the most useful in my daily life. Thanks AC.
“2023 Brazil Carnival goes full on satanic.”
I mean considering how many trannies there have been at Carnival in years past I’m not surprised it’s so Satanic. They’re just being more open about it now for some reason.
A 1991 Oxford study of 10,000 volunteers found that 90% of subjects with green eyes were enthusiastic bike seat sniffers. In fact, additional study minders had to be hired to help separate these subjects from the bike seats.
Wakemann, J. & Weser, U. (1991). Genetic divergence of polygenic phenotypic character: An in depth study of green eyed preverts . Nature Genetics, 134(4), 441–461.
Green eyes are a chaotic trait.
This has long been known.
How the chaos is expressed decides whether it is good or bad.
I suspect that study is flawed if your summary id correct though.
It’s just a joke. I made it up.
And here I am, married to a woman who looks like the Afghan girl from the National Geographic cover.
You got a chuckle out of me there Corn Pop
“A dam designed to contain toxic water contamination in East Palestine, Ohio, has failed.”
I wonder if someone found evidence of huge mineral deposits (gold/oil/etc.) in/around the town of East Palestine……
Or just the land. At discount. It always amazed me, with a ten twenty year hindsight, how quickly nature recovered from all those ecological disasters. Oil, nuclear, and so on. Turns from a nightmare to a paradise in no time at all.
They really really want that real estate
Delicious BMan
What does anyone know about “OTA’s”
Other transaction Authority.
Started with NASA(!) in the 60s, and now 11+ gov agencies use them, unaccountable purchasing.
More recently used for the Jabs… by the DOD…
Used by the surveillance machine??
Covered early in this interview with Sasha Latypova
Worth a watch I think
Without doxxing myself, your suspicions are not without merit.
In the vein of grants and cooperative agreements, but with less oversight/expectations by the grantor.
Having said that, no need to go too far down the rabbit hole on OTs, just know it’s a way to give away money without much in the way of deliverables
“On Friday night, a Southwest official at the Myrtle Beach International Airport said the plane had been diverted because weather issues caused the jet to experience a low-fuel situation.”
When out of fuel, I always divert to another airport further away.
Doesn’t make sense, does it? I spent years flying the mid-Atlantic routes and there are several, airports and even more runways if you count military fields closer to Raleigh than Myrtle Beach. I read that and all I could think was someone was trying to crash that plane. Or the pilots were brain dead idiots. Either way, something doesn’t add up.
Hogan is more like a Blue Dog Democrat than a Republican. Who knows what skeletons are buried in his closet but he did have some issues during the Coof Crisis. IIRC his Korean wife helped him set up a deal with a Korean company for Covid test kits. The state of Maryland paid a ton of money and staged this whole spectacle of jets flying the kits in from Korea. Oh yeah, the kits were defective and I do not believe they ever worked from the start.
Sci Fi author Philip K. Dick on his experiences being under surveillance.
Holy jesus
Every thing I have read about people who have done surveillance mwntions how ppl who do it develop an addiction to it and a compulsion to collect it. Indiscriminate collecting. Compulsive indiscriminate collecting.
Like any other sin.
“The number 17 was pulled out of thin air. Why?”
Wierd cult sht. Kill it with fire.
“More than 1,000 principals from across Ontario, Canada, told People for Education they’re seeing more behavioral issues, lack of self-regulation, and unaddressed mental health challenges.”
The same can be said for America. The same stuff! There are more behavioral issues, lack of self-regulation, and mental health issues–as it is said in Scripture, “The Wicked shall be turned into hell”. We …Are…There.
It’s always been satanic. It’s one last blow-out of sin before lent.
(Glad that I’ve been absolved of the liturgical calendar and practice the Regulative Principle.)
I’ve had several friends that traveled to Carnival in Brazil more than 20 years ago, and they said it was way more intense than anything any American could imagine.
“The Thin Upper lip”
—-is an Anglo-Saxon racial trait. There is even a saying about that “The Stiff Upper Lip” which is about Anglo-Saxon stoicism.
“…we are told to trust the government. In the meantime, we are left with the same game of whack-a-mole: We strike down a Disinformation Board, and a Disinformation Index pops up … we strike down a Disinformation Index, and a disinformation blacklisting appears.”
There is no stopping it. They are intent to bring about the Marxist totalitarian state here in America. They have it all—They own it all. The Jim Jordans and the Rand Pauls of this world are just pin-pricks–nothing that is threatening to their overall control. They be busy! We are now living in a prison camp.
We ran into this in our denomination. We eventually began calling it the Satanic cycle. It even happened in debates and conversations; a neverending cycle where the evil people kept going around and around in loops.
The crazy thing is I see the same thing popping up around me all the time now. The Jews even did it to Jesus. The Jews would ask, “Are you the Christ?” Jesus would say, “Yes.” They’d say, “Show us a sign.” He’d do some miracle, and they’d say, “What a great miracle. Are you the Christ?” He’d say, “Yes.” They’d say, “Show us a sign.” And around we go on another circuit around the never ending Satanic cycle. You know how Jesus stopped that in Jerusalem? He sent the Romans in to kill everyone there and level the place. Helps that he’s God. He can “whistle for a people who do not know me [Assyrians, Babylonians, Romans, Chinese], but come and kill at my call.” It made me realize that in the end God will be the only one who can end these evil people and their never ending evil cycles.
WOW—one of the greatest comments on the AC Blog! Thanks for that—“The Satanic cycle”!
Thank you!
So this behavior will not disappear, I will make an article about it and post it to my academia page and give “Anonymous” full credit and link to this comment! This is TOO important to forget.
The Bible gives us the playbook on how to handle them. As Peter taught: when Satan was accusing mankind of everything he could think of while battling Michael for the body of Moses, Michael could have answered him accusation for accusation.
Michael didn’t. He simply said, “God rebuke you.” We shouldn’t fall into their loop of “yeah but.” Just say, God rebuke you and move on.
Hey AC, could you ask David Greenberg whether any Amazon affiliate purchases are going through? Especially today? The Amazon tagging system is so different from before so I can’t tell whether or not the proper attributions are being made.
Also, a note for those who want to support regularly: I made a separate bookmark link to the DFT affiliate link. This way, any time I want to make an Amazon or eBay purchase, I can click on that link to attribute my purchases.
Thank you!
I asked, and so far today, the clicks from this site have earned about $8.00 in commissions at Amazon [Edit – that was yesterday’s total, today’s is not available yet]. The average gross intake there is a little under $9 per day so far. That is fantastic because our cut of that, combined with the cuts of advertising and eBay, would cover costs if the host boots us and we need to go to a virtual private server, or whatever it was the host was saying a few months back when we had some friction. I can do the costs for shared hosting each year, but a few hundred a month for a VPS on this site each month would be stretching it. (Again, thank you to everyone, I really appreciate it.)
Plus, there might be a way to use this for guerilla marketing as the 2024 election heats up, to grow our traffic and name recognition.
It is also interesting to see, we are one of the larger conservative sites now, with a very loyal readership who want to help us out and are not just freely consuming free stuff. We are at about a million monthly pageviews on similarweb, with over a quarter-mil visits per month, which is not small. And we have books for sale, decent percentages of affiliate links and advertising at a finance site which generates more money than a news site, and we are still on shared hosting which saves costs. But the money from this just trickles in.
There is no way I could afford to even pay myself a living salary off this right now, let alone hire anyone. And I think it works that way scaled up. UncoverDC is fewer pageviews though twice the visits, but unless they have some magic monetization thing going on, I do not see how that even pays one person’s bills, let alone travel for conferences and appearances, and other costs. Even National Review, at 32 times the visits and 16 times the pageviews, would, IMO, even with advertising and affiliate links and books, have trouble paying more than one regular living salary.
And again, I do not really know what I am doing. Maybe if I did something different I could turn National Review’s traffic into seven or eight salaries. But no way do I see how I could turn Daily Wire’s 100 times the visits and 75 times the pageviews into being able to drop $50 million on just Crowder, just to water his stuff down. Even that traffic, would probably be just three regular working salaries at $70K per year, maybe. And I cannot even imagine how hard those three people would be working to produce all that material and moderate all those comments. The work to money ratio is insane, and probably not possible.
All of that, the “millionaires” and the ethereal air the big names of punditry breathe in their elite castles, it is all fake, and designed that way because if you saw any of these big names broke and working to exhaustion out of a broken down apartment in some ghetto somewhere, with worn out clothes, barely making it, like it this tuff really pays, nobody would listen to them any more than a bum on the street.
But dump the trappings of wealth and business success on them, give them a fancy suit, and have them arrive in the back of a limo, and suddenly they look like people others would listen to.
It is all a show.
Thank you though for all the help. I really appreciate it.
According to the book “William F. Buckley Pied Piper of the Establishment”, National Review survived on donations. It was never profitable and was always close to failure. They solicited donations from their readers and some wealthy Cabal people wrote big checks to keep it operating.
It’s all illusion. I appreciate you showing us from the inside how it works in reality.
Thank you.
I really like doing this now for the younger people just starting out. The main thing our kind need is a clear understanding of reality. By all means, get a political website up and running, or write a book, or start a business, or anything else. But know how it works going in, and that you will be operating under different rules, and it will probably be all cost and no money.
Ann Coulter makes millions for her drivel, and you can do all of those things better, and only need 1/500th of her financial success to live comfortably. But you also have to know, her entire life is fake and she would never be making even a subsistence living at that, if she wasn’t saying what somebody with money and power wanted to hear. Unless you have sworn the oath to lucifer, you cannot follow in her footsteps.
By all means start a retail store. But understand what you will be up against, and that you may get flooded with shoplifters, so you cannot stay open. Know you will have to find a way around that. Put the shop in a place where you have legal backing, and will not be sued in front of a jury of the shoplifter’s criminal-supporting Cabal peers if something happens to them. Make sure the law supports your defense of your property, before you set it up in that location.
I look back at the retarded view I had of this world, where I thought people took out a single patent and turned it into a multi-million dollar business, where the government was filled with people who were all sworn to protect the weakest among us, and anybody could run for President, and the people I saw supporting conservatism on TV were regular conservatives who just took that path and began talking about supporting the right.
Know how the world works, and how you are going to have to fight, and don’t spin your wheels trying to succeed, according to all the fake rules and imaginary fantasies they show everyone which are totally fake.
If I had known all of this at 17, I would have been an incredible force.
Well some of just have to hide out a little bit more and nip away at this system
“If I had known all of this at 17, I would have been an incredible force.”
there it is “17” again!
“Orca pair devour 17 sharks in a day in South African killing spree, say marine biologists.”
Orcas showing great whites what a true apex predator looks like. They aren’t even eating the whole shark; just the “oil rich liver”.
The Cabal symbols are all apex predators. The only difference between an eagle and a hawk, is that the hawk will look back just before it strikes. The dive puts it in danger. The eagle never looks around.
UK Health minister texted “BillGates owes me one” considering “how many people I’m getting his chips injected into”
From Vox Day,”…Everything, from the reported deaths to the lockdowns and the mandated vaccines, was based on nothing more than pure government-generated fear….”
HE IS WRONG. I know someone who almost died when he got the earlier version of COVID. Lots of people died in Italy, Iran and elsewhere. I think it possible that China had a very large number of deaths such that it freaked the leaders out so bad they instituted lock-downs. Everyone comes up with silly reasons why they did so that don’t really make sense. How about, people were dying in large numbers and lock-downs made perfectly good sense in that situation?
That it mutated very fast to less lethal forms, predicted by an interview that I read by a viral weapons researcher who said engineered viruses have this property, says nothing, nada, zero about the lethality of the virus as it was released.
The reason I go on about this is I could see them releasing another, why not they released one, of far higher lethality and people saying that,”well it was nothing last time” and then keeling over and dying from it.
If another mass virus breaks out, and they start bleating about people falling out, well it may be true, so at least be careful and do not automatically believe it’s benign.
Interesting. Jim Stone put up a post about the same subject today:
“Covid was developed by the Pentagon and released near Ft Detric Maryland. The first people that got the non-mutated real deal had their lungs “fill up with glass” and it all got blamed on e-cigarettes. Anyone remember that? How e-cigs got blamed??? That happened MONTHS before there was any mention at all about a lab in Wuhan, and when it was mentioned, there were 7 total variants in the U.S. with only 3 variants in China. That again proves the virus was released in the US, and the Pentagon had a “vax” ready to go. Only it was not a vax, it was the second kill wave shot.
:”It is obvious America’s own government wanted whatever it was to spread by blaming e-cigarettes at first, and at “the right time” they were going to suddenly announce it was in fact a new virus, to scare the hell out of the public, people really were supposed to be dying in droves everywhere. But the mutations castrated the virus, it failed early on and that saved everyone who was smart enough to realize not enough people were dying to justify a shot.”
I originally thought that the virus was rebranded flu and completely fake, mainly because I knew that it had a really low fatality rate when I first looked into it in early March 2020, right before most of the lockdowns. Incidentally, apparently the worldwide health emergency that was announced that month was just lifted in February, so the whole thing lasted almost exactly three years.
What changed my mind was the sudden lifting of most of the remaining restrictions and shift in media coverage right around April-May 2022, when the latest Ukraine psyop was seriously getting underway, and then the release of toxic chemicals in East Palestine. The East Palestine incident convinced me that they have been seriously trying to kill us all along. Jim Stone reported that one of the rail cars set on fire hadn’t even derailed. There was no reason to do that other than another try at mass death. Also, they could have turned the COVID restrictions into a permanent 1984 style tyranny any time in the three years they ran the psyop, but instead they pretty much lifted it when they got Ukraine underway again. And Ukraine seems pretty clearly an attempt to start a worldwide nuclear war.
So my thinking was that the virus was supposed to be lethal, they failed, the backup plan was to do all the public health measures completely backwards and then the backup plan for that was the injections. These killed more people than the manufactured virus, but not enough.
I remember Ed. All of that news. This crap started way before the COVID announcement. How do I know this. I ran my husbands practice at that time and a lot of patients were reporting this strange flu that kicked their asses. Now we all have to worry about dying from from rubbery clots in our lungs and groin. Stay safe out there my friends
If you follow jikkyleaks on Twitter you’ll find several threads showing that protocols that didn’t use antibiotics to deal with secondary infections like pneumonia were put in place for covid. Dr’s were prepped in 2019 about overuse of antibiotics causing resistance and then in 2020 when treatment protocols were issued were advised against including antibiotics. Many elderly ppl died due to secondary pneumonia.
I personally believe COVID was a release of anaerobic gram negative bacteria. Meant to spread via nosocomial transmission (hospitals).
SamI really believe the fatal shit is in the booster shots. Fatal to all of us potentially
It can be both, as one facilitates the other. After all it appears they had the jab all ready to go and lined up.
Just like in the UK, the various Govs (in lockstep) killed their elderly first to give the impression of a deadly “virus”
Prove they even exist!
You can’t!
And so what if they do release a deadlier version? What are we supposed to do? Lock-down again? Wear masks?
Nope, I’m going to live my life as normally as possible. I refuse to ever wear a mask again and I will no longer be taking shots from these lying cunts either. Fuck their fear tactics and anyone promoting them.
My philosophy going forward is that any government/societal actions or recommendations imposing on my freedom is to be opposed in the most non-violent way possible. I will also be shaming anyone following along.
NO, YOU ARE WRONG. Flu, Influenza, and most of all the Common Cold have all been rebranded as Covid-19.
Covid-19 is nothing but a lie and a scam. I caught the flu back in ’89. I almost died. Received a shot of antibiotic in my thy muscle. Roceferon was the name of the stuff. Felt better after about 12 hours. Much better after 24.
COVID is scam, a lie, and a plan.
All Caps poster is back.
I had the weakened Covid, it was definitely different, and I would not have wanted a strong version.
I would easily bleive tey engineered that thing with some new docking protein no other virus uses.
No one has got the flu in over 3 years.
Has the flu somehow been eradicated after being around for at least a thousand years?
When was the last time you heard of a common cold?
Has that been wipedout after 10,000 years?
“…I had the weakened Covid, it was definitely different…”, me too. Never been so sick for so long. Real bummer. I had Ivermectin, zinc, quercetin, lyponized vitamin C and was gulping decongestants, i the form of nighttime cold medicine, same as what worked in Italy and saved a lot of people in areas they tried it. So what would have happened if I had not had all that. Might not have been here to tell you.
>I am not a mad man here who latches on to every conspiracy. I am not telling you the earth is flat, or aliens are abducting people, or the world will end due to the Halle Bopp Comet.
There is as much evidence the Earth is not a globe as there is of the surveillance state. I mean that literally.
Understand that the fundamental deception surrounding the nature of this world is critical to keeping people under the boot of the enemy. If you’re nothing but a randomly evolved bacteria imprisoned on a nihilistic sphere of dirt flying through an infinite godless expanse of nothingness, the very ground beneath you constantly spinning and tumbling through space with no uniform sense of direction, where it’s literally impossible to define up and down thanks to the enemy’s warping the shape of reality to a nonsense ball, then you’re done from day one. You’ll approach every problem incorrectly because your foundational beliefs are wrong.
Compare that to the reality that you’re a divinely created creature, designed in God’s image and placed in a realm specifically made by God for you to live in. The foundation of the Earth is unmoving, your space is separated from the external chaos above and below with intent, and the entire world operates on one orienting system where up is up, down is down, and things have a set defining location to permanently reference against rather than the relativism of Australia allegedly being upside and the instability that instills in your psyche.
When you see you’re in a designed realm created by God, you can see the triviality of their efforts to destroy you, that the battle is already won thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and that these wild haymaker swings by the enemy are the death throes of a frantic, defeated enemy trying to cause as much damage as they can on the way down to hell. Their machinations are doomed to fail, and you are protected spiritually from their efforts simply through belief in your divine nature and salvation.
This all comes at a cost; this existence is a spiritual test to see this very conflict, and the enemy does everything they can to distract you, break your spirit, make your life miserable and dangerous so you accidentally or willingly damn yourself. They will bribe you with damnation in exchange for a comfortable, easy life (as we see all these politicians, actors, etc. take the deal, give up the blackmail, and serve the enemy). If you refuse, they will ruin your life to break your faith (the gang-stalking, career assassination, harassment, infiltration, etc. we experience).
It’s a literal battle for your soul, and knowing the origin story and shape of the Earth is the simplest way to constantly remind yourself of the nature of the fight. Proving they’re lying about the very nature of the Earth is the simplest proof of God there is; why else would the enemy work so hard to hide this? They know the danger to their system that disproving the globe model poses, and so launch their strongest psy-ops against it.
Look, we are not debating flat earth on here, to the point I have begun not publishing comments on it.
I can take off in a plane, heading west, see I am traveling in a straight line, and end up right back where I started. And I can do that in any direction. Even the distances I measure between places and compare will not be predictable, unless I factor in a curvature of the earth. I cannot just make a flat map on a table and have all the distances work out. If I head in two directions, at exactly 90 degree right angles to each other, the paths do not diverge at a set rate infinitely. The two destinations get farther apart, and then they get closer together, until they meet at the exact place I started. And I can hop a plane to Pakistan, and time the flight, turn around and come back, and it takes longer one way than the other because the earth is turning under me, and helping me one way, and slowing me the other. And there are only like 100 other experiments I can do right outside my front door, from meter sticks in the ground measuring the shadow of the sun’s angle, which is different from one latitude to another consistent with a sphere, to hanging a pendulum and watching the path it takes rotate as the earth rotates. End of story.
Like I said, this site has one purpose – make it so an innocent kid, who happens to have some measure of brainpower, can just go to school, learn, and head out into life free, and not have a fucking CIA trying to fuck up his God-given destiny with all sorts of hurdles and obstacles and bullies and ho’s and drugs and rapists and other shit – so we can all do that. It is getting late for me, but I may be in a small window in history where I can pass that forward to the next generation of my kind, which really is an even better use of my life than just enjoying it myself.
And honestly, this flat earth argument is so retarded, and requires so much easily obtainable experimental evidence be disregarded, and so makes this site look retarded to a lot of the people I am trying to draw into the surveillance/intelligence battle, that I would be entirely unsurprised to find out you were in the domestic surveillance network and trying to make this site look dumb.
I am not even sure who looks at the fact we have people in our neighborhoods, listening in our house like the Stasi, even breaking in while we are out just to look around, and maybe put stuff in our food, and targeting our kids in the schools, and raping innocent girls to slow them down, and zapping Bill Binney in his home, and killing innocent girls, and decides we should forget about that for a while, and focus on getting everyone to believe the earth is flat because that is more important.
I mean if the sky was blue, and everyone was saying it was hot-pink, I do not give a fuck. It is beautiful shade of pink, now let me tell you about Ira Sok being murdered in front of her son, and how an intel op is rigging our elections.
Personally, I think if you get close to breaking the surveillance, they will kill you if they can – you will need God on your side. If you manage to teach everyone the earth is flat, they would not care, and might even offer you a job.
The surveillance is the tool that allows them to maintain their “cloud of deceit”. The real truth about any number of topics will never come out completely without the “cloud of deceit” being removed.
I absolutely believe the flat earth nonsense was/is cabal Intel blowing as much chaos into dissident political circles as they can, just to throw everyone off their bearings and get people to exhaust themselves debating silly shit instead of focusing on the real task at hand.
Thanks for this.
Flat earth is a psy-op. People who bring it up are fucking shills and deserve immediate deportation.
Google “flat Earth” and Quora and the answers are quite fun. One I read yesterday, and I didn’t save the link to, explained that the idea came to the West through Norse mythology, the Mediterranean peoples and also the earliest Christians all held that the Earth was round.
This is one conspiracy theory with no supporting evidence at all and is easy to debunk, so I agree this is likely a psyop to discredit conspiracy theories.
Flat Earth is proving very popular on Bitchute unfortunately.
This is pretty good spam. The AI’s are getting better.
People would be more open to the level of surveillance we are under, once the veil of BIG lies has been lifted.
FE is a gateway exposing those lies.
that’s all I have to say on the subject.
Re: From here, now they are going to cancel John James Audubon:
Hard to imagine that the 18th/19th century Saints of Science had the audacity to not be up to speed on the latest 21st century wokian virtues, but it appears that might just be the case.
Rectifying their false tribal gods with their false science god can become quite the tongue twister for the modern pagan and the fragile integrity of their pantheon. Can’t help but notice they seem to be taking their sweet time getting around to Charles Darwin.
Interesting twist on Audubon is that he was half-black, having been born in Haiti to one of his plantation owner father’s many mistresses. Might be why Audubon Society has been back burning how to deal with his legacy for a long time now. However, thanks to modern marvels of wokian think tankery, can now be resolved as “whiteness is a state of mind”.
Seems ironic. The organisation being so warmest and woke now. Has been for decades. I wonder if they’re burning their bridges. It started out with good intentions. The Audubon Society. That is. He’d be turning in his grave over the windmills. It’s like many British organisations. Like English Heritage saving the old and the beautiful only to end up with a leadership that doesn’t give a care for that heritage, it’s members or the money. Bloody clown world.
To understand Cabal is to understand that they either want to destroy everything or to take something over and re-write its legacy. They don’t want us admiring anyone from history, they want us thinking that we are the enlightened ones and that all past heroes deserve derision.
Unless it’s someone like MLK, in which case they will honor him but only through sufficient rebranding as to make him one of their icons.
Jim Stone at
“Covid was developed by the Pentagon and released near Ft Detric Maryland. The first people that got the non-mutated real deal had their lungs “fill up with glass” and it all got blamed on e-cigarettes. Anyone remember that? How e-cigs got blamed??? That happened MONTHS before there was any mention at all about a lab in Wuhan, and when it was mentioned, there were 7 total variants in the U.S. with only 3 variants in China. That again proves the virus was released in the US, and the Pentagon had a “vax” ready to go. Only it was not a vax, it was the second kill wave shot.”
Interesting – but I have seen no evidence that Covid is nothing but the flu
Mixed with a nightmarish assortment of bioweapons attached. Take it to the bank
“… I have seen no evidence that Covid is nothing but the flu…”.
Then you are not paying attention.
Supposedly, Biden admin left the war service dogs to starve….
More on it:
“Director Steven Spielberg warned that “overt” anti-Semitism in the United States mirrors that of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, leading up to the systematic extermination of six million Jews in the Holocaust. Clearly it is not there right now, so I take his statement as a sort of Cabal predictive programming. By saying this, Cabal would assume everyone will begin to think everyone else is anti-Semitic, and suddenly all the Lemmings are off and running in a big anti-Semitic mass. Cabal has used the Jews as a pressure relief valve in the past, as we have gotten close, they may be preparing that option again.”
He means there is open opposition to pedos.
They already told us opposition to pedos was anti-semitic.
Remember what the first books the NAZIs burned were?
Pretty much every Spielberg film has open pedophilia references, or is programming for antisemitism BS.
His big break was a short film also referencing Pedophilia.
Fwiw, the guy who stepped down in CHN was Li Keqiang. He was a pro-western technocrat. Or western sympathetic. Xi seems to be turning inward and girding for tough times. Western aggro and massive global slowdown.
Li is a protege of Hu Jintao, the public face of the Shanghai Clique, or Shanghai Gang if you prefer. The Shanghai Clique grew up and developed in coordination with the Shanghai Ghetto gang which have pretty much all fled China for Israel since Xi Jinping began his anti-corruption campaign targeting the Shanghai groups back in 2014-15.
Let me interprete my statement. Shanghai Jews identified young Chinese men growing up in Shanghai. These Jews, working behind the scene, pushed these Chinese men to attain positions of power and authority in Chinese politics. They had considerable success, until Xi Jinping and his allies gained power. In 2014, Xi began anti-corruption investigations focusing on Shanghai. They uncovered mass embezzlement, bribery, blackmail, and I seem to remember rampant manipulation of construction projects where Shanghai Ghetto gang members would provide predatory loans for building homes and such with over inflated property prices. Some of this is hard to piece together because you have to pick through hints in Chinese media. Once Xi’s investigators began uncovering the schemes, most of the Jews involved fled China for Israel, leaving their former Chinese frontmen to face prosecution. It sounds like one of the younger former members of this group, talking about Li here, just got nabbed.
Dang it. I just wrote that long reply about the Shanghai Clique. Then I went and read Li’s bio. I didn’t know his first big political position was as the governor of Henan. That rings all sorts of bells since Kaifeng is in Henan Province. I’ll leave it to you all to make the connection.
Old interview from 1998 with two supposed MK Ultra “survivors” and a former FBI agent and former CIA agent. What I found interesting was the way one of them talked about intimidating their surveillance. He said he would go outside and look at them and park is car in front of them etc etc and make them nervous. Not sure if any of this is real or half truths or even total BS but it was interesting to watch nonetheless.
Prince Andrew likely diddled as a little boy.
He and Charles were ass-raped by Lord Mountbatten as part of their initiation into British Vampirism.
About OT dietary and cleanliness laws:
As a result of water’s dual nature (easily transmitting uncleanliness, yet itself a source of purification), Jews became fixated on ensuring the purity of their water supply.
GENEVA: George Soros has gone missing. Today he was supposed to attend a conference on his recent work in African Education and did not arrive. Military units have been called in to search.
Awaiting confirmation but not to many tears will be shed for this Globalists who has brought death & destruction on planet earth for decades #georgesoros #globalists
Who says God does not answer our prayers.
Power will either be destroyed or will be used by our enemies. Or we wield power.
There is no other way.
This is very good and says what I keep trying to say with huge tracts in a few sentences.