News Briefs – 03/06/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Chuck Schumer says he used the wrong words following Supreme Court backlash.

A ruling by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court on Wednesday mistakenly said Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm which hired British ex-spy Christopher Steele in 2016, was looking for dirt on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Harvey Weinstein being moved to Rikers Island. Was it Rikers, where the leadership said they didn’t think they could keep him from being killed? I’ve gotta look back through my archives.

Romney claims Senate probe into Hunter Biden ‘appears political.’ We should get another political investigation into his kids, who are also tied into the Ukraine energy scene just like Biden’s. He may try to block a subpoena in the Hunter Biden probe.

Corona virus stats: 98,121 cases globally, and 3,388 deaths. Yesterday had 96,207 confirmed cases, and 3,309 fatalities. 2% increase in cases and 2.3 % increase in deaths.

South Korea stats: 6,284 cases and 42 deaths, Yesterday was 5,766 cases, with 42 deaths. 9% increase in cases, and 0% increase in deaths.

Trump says his intel indicates Corona virus mortality is under 1%, and is over valued because many people don’t go to the hospital and get counted, so their infection and effortless recovery is not counted. There were the couple on the cruise ship who were positive, but never had symptoms. He probably has better intel than us, but I would still maintain he should play it like a disaster to lower expectations, and when it peters out play it like he rescued it. If this does end up being just a minor outbreak, it should be a test-run for Pandemic procedures, and should produce a national pandemic program designed to train people up, and develop procedures and technology for telecommuting and tele-education, as well as telemedicine, so as to allow people to isolate at home as best as possible for several weeks in the event of a big one. They should also train up First Responders and gets them containment gear so they know how to operate in such a situation. Incidents like below where cops are doing CPR on an expired patient and end up exposed may not be fatal here hopefully, but a real pandemic with a MERS-like pathogen could have a very different outcome.

Coronavirus Patient Zero in Italy was a Pakistani migrant who refused to self-isolate and kept delivering Chinese food.

23 year old female soccer player dies in Iran. Young, female, not Asian, probably not a smoker, and with a fuckload of excess aerobic/cardiovascular function to keep her alive as her lung function diminished. There is an idiosyncratic aspect of this, where some people just seem to be systemically vulnerable somehow.

5 Florida residents who traveled to China test positive for coronavirus.

Two cases in Colorado.

First case of Coronavirus confirmed in Williamson County, Tennessee. There was a female employee of NSA who worked on Directed Energy weapons research in Virginia. She suddenly came under gangstalking/surveillance, and they were using the same types of weapons she worked on, on her. My assumption was CIA wanted to spook her, and make her think NSA was doing it so she would go public and burn NSA’s DEW research, thereby leaving NSA behind CIA in that regard, and therefore less operational on US soil where those toys are really being broken out. She got irritated, and began filming them and posting it all online. One of the distinctive guys she filmed walking back and forth in front of her house would show up periodically in front of my house on the surveillance camera, walking back and forth. Needless to say, we lived very, very far apart – many states. He’d show up for two weeks or so every six or eight months, sometimes longer, and then he was gone again. You’d see the same thing with cars, which would be around for a few weeks, and then gone for long periods. I’ve seen too many other indicators to list, but suffice it to say the surveillance apparatus moves a cohort of its physical people around from AO to AO. That cohort mingles with the locals, as all of them frequent densely populated areas like shopping centers and malls, following people. So when I see some remote area in Tennessee has the new pandemic fad running in its population, I am not surprised. If I wanted to design a machine to kill people in a pandemic situation, I could not do any better than that. It is coming everywhere, and you can’t really judge what is safe based on how remote you are anymore.

Four new cases of Coronavirus reported in LA county.

Italy says it’s had 41 new COVID-19 deaths in just 24 hours.

Trump administration reverses Obama-era regulation responsible for Coronavirus testing roadblock.

HSBC evacuates London offices after worker tests positive for coronavirus.

Washington county with nine coronavirus deaths urges all of its 2.2 million residents to work from home, pulls 22,000 students from school and tells everyone over 60 to stay indoors.

New York City has first case of community spread Corona virus.

San Francisco has two cases of community acquired Corona virus show up. Should play well there, given how hygienic that city is.

San Jose Hospital prepping ‘surge tents’ for possible influx of Coronavirus cases.

Congress warned of possible coronavirus exposure that may have occurred at AIPAC conference.

NY Times science writer admits Trump was proven right on his travel restrictions.

COVID-19 damages the heart.

I was thinking about the infections jumping into the Middle East. Remember that anon on 4Chan who said in Hollywood before Trump, there was an area of the LA Port (((They))) controlled, and (((They)) brought in shipping containers full of Chinese children for the pedophile networks there? Makes me wonder if they don’t ship Chinese children to the Mideast, and this is why we are seeing all of these leaders there suddenly getting infected, like these:

Bernie Sanders says he will drop out if Biden gets plurality coming into Dem convention. He has to be careful because he doesn’t want Cabal highlighting how he is funneling campaign donations into his family through the media-middleman company his family created.

Elizabeth Warren quits and her supporters are crushed.

Ilhan Omar swipes at Elizabeth Warren, claiming a ‘united progressive movement’ could have stopped Joe Biden, but Warren split the vote for nothing.

Allies of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are in unity talks as they seek to rally around one agenda.

Ex-U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock comes out as gay. Maybe nobody noticed and he wasn’t getting blackmailed. It is not like anybody would watch him for anything hidden, in an effort to find some way to control him.

Violent transgender evades jail time when judge can’t decide on male or female prison.

‘Five Eyes’ nations introduce principles on online child sexual exploitation. I was kind of hoping we were going to do as Q said and destroy Five Eyes, given it appears to unify the machine across national boundaries.

Turkey is emptying its jails, and driving the prisoners to the Greek border, telling them to cross over. Here comes K.

Turkish police move to stop Greece from pushing migrants back. Look closely at this, and I am sure you will see (((Them))) somewhere in the ether, pushing both sides into what is now almost an inevitable path to a fight. I am increasingly thinking (((They))) have known about r/K all along, and have been using it, holding back the K shift until it is ready to explode, and then doing something like this to trigger the K, right as (((They))) have set everything up to best benefit them. It is probably like shorting a stock you know is going to go down. Knowing it is going to go down sometime in the next two years will not make you a certain, easy profit. But knowing you can keep it up, even as it wants to tank, and the crash will build while you are holding it up, and then, on Thursday at 2PM you can shift from holding it up to actually pushing it down, and it will crash epically in an instant from all the different forces pushing it down, is how you create a massive, certain profit.

The Washington State Senate passed a bill to lower the penalty for intentionally exposing a sexual partner to HIV, making the crime a misdemeanor instead of a felony. They call it “modernizing HIV laws.

A public school’s gender-neutral bathroom closed after student arrest for sexual assault.

BLM loses half of DC staff that are slated for relocation.

Former auto workers union president charged with embezzling $1 million. Interesting we are uncovering all these union embezzlement things all at once now. Feels like another tentacle of Cabal being cut off.

DOJ watchdog faults FBI investigations into ‘homegrown violent extremists.’

Former child services caseworker charged with human trafficking.

ICE is boosting its operations in sanctuary cities to arrest and deport undocumented immigrants.

Senate passes $8.3 billion emergency Coronavirus package, sending bill to Trump’s desk.

DC appeals court judge to retire, handing Trump key vacancy.

Primary results indicate Republicans poised to flip 6 California congressional districts. 

Trump says he will block U.S. funds to ‘sanctuary’ jurisdictions after court ruling.

Trump will use Corona virus to restructure US manufacturing and reset the US business relationship with China.

Trump says he will bring up Ukraine ‘all the time’ against Biden in general election.

Spread r/K Theory, because here comes the K.


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Cinderella the deplorable
Cinderella the deplorable
5 years ago

Regarding Senate passes $8.3 billion emergency corona virus package, which is way more than GEOTUS asked for. My first thought was ok cool, GEOTUS can now build more wall! From the article:

“More than $3 billion dedicated to the research and development of vaccines, as well as therapeutics and diagnostics;” – OK, FINE.

“$2.2 billion in public health funding to aid in prevention, preparedness and response efforts — including $950 million to support state and local agencies;” – WOULD BE SWEET IF THAT MEANS ALL BORDER STATES AND COUNTIES GET A CHUNK TO PUT UP MORE WALL TO KEEP HELP KEEP POTENTIAL INFECTED INVADERS OUT.

“Nearly $1 billion to go toward medical supplies, health-care preparedness, Community Health Centers and medical surge capacity“ – -OK, TAKING CARE OF OUR OWN, and

“$1.25 billion to address the coronavirus overseas.“ – WTH – THIS SOUNDS SKETCHY

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Cinderella the deplorable
5 years ago

I love your user name. it makes me smile.

5 years ago

“There is an idiosyncratic aspect of this, where some people just seem to be systemically vulnerable somehow.”

Are RH- blood types more susceptible or vice versa? Remember, the Rofschild. I think there would be more panic on their side if this was the case though. Maybe there is a dna component to who gets hit the hardest outside of just being “Asian”?

5 years ago

“BLM loses half of DC staff that are slated for relocation.”

Sounds like time for the people who have been screwed over by them to fill the vacancies.
Infiltrate and destroy from within.

5 years ago

> some people just seem to be systemically vulnerable somehow.

The randomness of where the known cases pop up, the schizophrenic incubation times, delays for recurrence, and asymptomatic infection make me wonder if we’re looking at a binary agent here.

Maybe a buttload of people have Part A, some basically-harmless flu, that turns into full-blown COVID when it’s triggered by Part B, which might be another virus or some chemical factor, something that would ordinarily be of little consequence either.

5 years ago

> BLM loses half of DC staff that are slated for relocation.

They could live like kings on their salaries in Grand Junction, Colorado. Which is a hell of a lot nicer place to live than DC. Yet they choose to stay in the ghetto fishbowl, even if it costs them their phony-baloney jobs and generous retirement packages.

I also noticed the article made a point of saying “out West”, refusing to mention Colorado by name.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  TRX
5 years ago

The government pays incentive pay for employees living in certain high cost of living areas, especially the NCR (National Capitol Region). In the DC area, it’s about $26k a year employees would lose. I don’t feel any pity for them losing it; just saying it’s likely a factor.

The GEOTUS administration is right though: They are the Bureau of Land Management. Why are they in DC, instead of out where the land they’re supposed to be managing is?

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

OT – I wanted to talk a little bit more about Jordan Peterson, who all too many people seem to feel is actually a sinister Jewish agent or cabal operative. I think that exploring this will give us a better sense of how cabal operates and how one needs to get ahead in this world.

Let’s start with the basics of Peterson. If you consume a bunch of Peterson content you’ll be presented with a lot of good practical advice on life, not all of it perfect but a bunch of it very good. HIs very popular book is really just simple, common sense advice that we should all receive in public school or from the mass media. HIs deeper work in psychology, religion, and mythology serves to give people a very decent introduction to topics that were once considered the liberal arts, stuff educated people were just expected to know.

Peterson has touched a lot of lives. He has a big following because he gives advice that is practical and that people can put into action. And, apparently, they’ve not received this advice before. It’s made a big change in their lives and they are grateful for it.

Now here’s what’s notable to me: the content that Peterson delivers should really be available and commonly taught to all students at community college.

Peterson’s persona is really that of a somewhat stern and occassionally disapproving father who aches for you and at the same time strongly wants to see you to do better.

What’s really notable to me is that any of this makes Peterson novel. This is what our male academics SHOULD BE. This is what our teachers SHOULD OFFER. Peterson’s success points to an incredible void, an incredible ignorance, and along with it, an incredible despair in our population. I would say that most Americans, even ones who frequent forums like this, are like fish who are unaware of water. Inversely, many of us are really not aware of just how toxic and anti-social our cultural environments truly are. I’m not talking about the obviously horrible propaganda in movies and the proliferation of pornography and things like that. I’m talking about the very real loneliness, isolation, and disconnection that so many Americans desperately feel. This shit just isn’t normal. We aren’t supposed to be living like this.

All of the toxicity that surrounds us is Cabal originated, I’m sure. I’m to the point where I really don’t have evidence for things like chemtrails and vaccines. But what I do know is that there is nothing too horrific for these people to not do.

They want us isolated, alone, groundless, uninformed of our roots, ignorant, despairing, disconnected. Because that makes us powerless and receptive to manipulation and exploitation.

Peterson’s popularity is the result of him being a drop of water in a parched hell.

Now there are some that somehow feel he’s a sinister agent because he doesn’t call out cabal or point to every single problem in society and name the perpetrator. Well, if he started out doing that he would have been destroyed long, long ago. Sometimes you need to go along to just merely survive.

There aren’t a lot of Jordan Peterson’s around, which is tragic because people are clearly hungry for him and so much of what he teaches really isn’t all that advanced. It’s fairly elementary.

But that’s the point: it’s not for a lack of talent. cabal just makes it this difficult for people to become known. We are a society that is desperately in need of genuine spiritual leaders, of people who can unfuck our heads of a lifetime of cabal brainwashing (and if you don’t think that this applies to YOU, well, you’re really brainwashed.) We are a society that needs people that we can look up to, people who can guide us, people who can provide us with inspiration to improve ourselves and our world.

People are so hungry for it. And right now, with the great awakening happening, people need it like never before. particularly as more and more people discover just how false the official narrative has been.

And in the midst of this, Peterson becomes so ill that he has to travel to Russia of all places for medical care. He may not survive.

Cabal only comes with guns if it’s a rush emergency and there can be no more risk. Every other potential problem they kill this way.

Cabal does not want us to have inspiring, educated guides who encourage us to be more resilient and to connect with others in positive ways. That is why there are so few people who fill that role.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

Peterson is a voice that may resonate with some people. He never did with me. I wish I’d been as quick as Vox Day to determine something was wrong with him. When he started getting popular around 2015 and 16, I tried to listen to him. It took me fewer than 3 videos to decide he wasn’t a voice for me. He rambled and it took him too much time to deliver any information for my tastes. Life’s too short for that, and I unsubscribed.

He got popular on the right when he refused to play the gender game. Most of us found out about him when he showed up on podcasts like the Tom Woods Show.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

>”who all too many people seem to feel is actually a sinister Jewish agent or cabal operative”

I don’t feel like he is X or Y, I know, based on factual verifiable information that he is indeed an operative who has worked to push forward the UN genocidal migration replacement agenda (in which he worked along side of Podesta), and I also know, based on factual verifiable information that he is indeed someone who acts like a zionist gate keeping shill who promotes identity politics for Jews and promotes the opposite to anyone else.

Here is the proof (again), no feelings of any kind required to verify: – “(Archive) E. Michael Jones on Jordan Peterson and the Jewish Question” – “The myth of Jordan Peterson’s integrity” – “A reply to Jordan Peterson” – “Vox Day Concludes His Work On Jordan Peterson” – Big graph on the subversion of Jordan Peterson – “Jordan Peterson a UN Globalist: Edited a Report for the High-Level Panel on Sustainable Development” – Image of article above, with archive link included – Image about Jordan Peterson curriculum (source of image: ) – Image from the UN document on the replacement migration project that Juden Peterstein helped with

Cinderella the Deplorable
5 years ago

Also, OT
There is no way in hell that Bloomberg and Steyer spent millions and billions of their own money on their campaigns. From the simplest viewpoint, one would think they each must be very smart and business savvy to be so wealthy. Any regular Joe American with half a brain knew those two never had a chance, so if they (Bloomberg and Steyer) are both so smart and savvy, they must have KNOWN they didn’t have a snowballs chance to win the Dem nomination. So what millionaire or billionaire throws their money away on such harebrained, clear as day losing propositions? None would. Also the very very wealthy that I have known over the years are frugal. For even the stupidest stuff. One might look at them trying to jerry rig something or haggle over something small and think to one’s self “why don’t they just spend the $5 or $50 or $100 and just get a new one!?” Nope. they never do.

So they are are not really millionaires or billionaires (and it is all Cabal money for their ‘roles’) or this is/was all Cabal recycled money for TV an print ads to online ads to ground game or whatever…like its all one huge shell game.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Cinderella the Deplorable
5 years ago

There’s another possibility here. They did in fact have the money but they only had or largely had it due to their cabal service, and cabal called for a payback. Bloomberg spent sent out a lot of mail and I viewed a lot of his ads on YouTube. But $500+ million worth? Doubtful. My guess is that this was part of an operation of keeping their political operatives and various media influencers loyal to the Dems in general. I’d also guess that these political operatives/consultants were funded to a degree that will allow them to keep operating through the general election and beyond.

It’s also increasingly my guess that part of the reason that they were there was to just keep the stage cluttered in order to effectively censor voices like that of Tulsi Gabbard or anyone else who might come along. And create a noisy, uncertain environment that would lead people to find a sense of relief in having a candidate that they could coalesce behind.

I think that they all know that Trump will smash Biden. All of these people aren’t dumb. Did you notice that right after Warren announced her withdraw we got a flurry or tweets and articles about the inherent sexism in the process and how that needs to be addressed? Too many voices singing in too clear of unison for this to be random chance. They are prepping the ground for a female VP candidate at the very least, perhaps another female POTUS candidate.

I suspect all of this was staged by Hillary who is too damned entitled to want to bother running a primary again. So, we got a spectacle so horrific and silly that it would lead all kinds of people to beg for any kind of relief. I presume Hillary will be named VP nominee and Biden will either withdraw due to health reasons or he’ll simply be killed. A state funeral with a week of eulogies will take a complete news cycle. I anticipate it will happen at the time of the RNC convention in August. We’ll learn about how great Biden was, how decent he was, how much he wanted to save our country… and, oh, it’s so brave and wonderful of Hillary to step up and take this fight on for Joe. Let’s win one for the sniffer!

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

I agree with you about The Great Tulsi Blackout and the prospect of Hilldog rising like a Phoenix from the ashes. You can see it coming like a pro wrestling kayfabe.

5 years ago

Yes. Daylight savings time all the time!!!

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 5, 2020″

The shifting back and forth is a cabal plot to weaken our health.

It must end.

5 years ago

Freeze Order on Lebanese Banks Lifted After Less Than 24 Hours

5 years ago

Top Trump Communications Strategist Set to Leave White House

5 years ago

Before coronavirus, China bungled swine epidemic with secrecy