News Briefs – 03/05/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


A criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia is set to intensify this week, as a grand jury convenes, offering the local district attorney her first shot at seeking subpoenas for records and interviews. Donald Trump is a thrill seeker who likes chaos and excitement. He would have loved to declare martial law and create a massive fucking shitstorm that would have dominated the news 24/7, just to see where that interesting, exhilarating path would lead. I would have too. He did not take this boring path, and set himself on this self-flagellating course, for no reason.

Four months after 2020 Presidential election in Georgia, and there is no chain of custody documents produced for 404,000 absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes.

A video on twitter here. Now, ask yourself, why is she standing there doing nothing but looking at her phone? Was the guy driving by, who was watching, and was so quick to act, totally unrelated to her? What about all the other guys, some who just saw one guy running toward them, being chased by another guy, and who jumped in and laid down a beating? Were they all watching that specific bicyclist, at that moment, and saw what happened, and were suddenly filled with a noble urge to act? Maybe. But obviously I see a slightly different world, where that many people on one street, knowing each other, watching what a single lone guy passing by is doing, and working together, is not at all unusual. Not that the outcome was bad, but you should know what is out there, and that in America, it has nefarious motives in many, many cases.

Nine out of 10 voters are concerned about the state of the economy. And the vast majority of them voted for Trump.

Per Gen McInerney’s Telegram, Durham met with Gen Milley yesterday. He also says Karl Rove is a pedophile. He also said, “Which journalist will inform the public the Cuomo brothers were frequent guests in Epstein’s mansion in New York City?” I’ll bet they had something to do with NXIVM too.

Bill Clinton’s former body-man-turned-aide Doug Band has turned whistleblower in the federal sex trafficking investigation involving Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein and may have implicated his one-time boss. It is a headline, so maybe, maybe not.

Pelosi tells bizarre story that her young grandchildren are “longtime friends of Joe Biden” and they say, “Open Biden” instead of “Open Sesame.”

Cuomo aides rewrote nursing home report to hide higher death toll.

Still more accusations emerging against Cuomo.

Andrew Cuomo asked a 25-year-old advisor whether she had trouble being intimate with men as a rape- survivor and quizzed her on whether she had sex with older men.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday signaled support for a thorough investigation into allegations of sexual harassment brought against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Is this to derail nursing home COVID investigations, or might Cuomo have turned state’s evidence, and this is retribution?

The Commander of the National Guard was forbidden to authorize additional troops on Jan 6th, including a “quick reaction” team, without the express approval of a civil authority, such as Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the House Sergeant at Arms.

At the Capitol, a March 4 threat from militant Trump supporters proves a mirage. This is just like when Trump ordered 25,000 troops into the Capitol. There never was a threat from Q or Trump-supporters. I could have told them that, and if I could, you can guarantee their intel knew, because it is light years ahead of us. The two reasons they might be lying are that one, they just want to demonize Q-anon and Trump supporters, or there really was a threat, but it was one they don’t want to reveal, or can’t reveal. Don’t forget, the enemy may have Tom Bauerle invisibility suits with limited battery life. Eyes everywhere could drain batteries.

Senator Mike Lee questions FBI director Chris Wray about domestic surveillance, and geolocation authorities, during their January 6th DC protest investigation, and Wray disambiguates. But you know there is so much more Lee could have raised to blow everything open, and he never touched it. These are the games played at that level, where nothing will ever be accomplished.

Two Paterson City Council Democrats indicted on voter fraud charges after using mail-in ballots to steal election.

More information on how the FBI took possession of suspicious ballots in Georgia in early January and ordered them destroyed with a shredder.

YouTube’s ban on the Trump Channel will lift when the ‘risk of violence’ decreases, CEO says.

Right Side Broadcasting Network has been suspended from YouTube over Trump’s CPAC speech.

Twitter posthumously strips Andrew Breitbart of verified, blue check status.

Trump calls Karl Rove a ‘pompous fool’ and a ‘RINO of the highest order’ after the veteran GOP strategist said the former president should NOT run again in 2024.

The media conglomerate Gannett recently banned the comic strip “Mallard Fillmore” because it poked fun a Biden’s transgender policies.

Fifty Michigan National Guard troops have complained of “gastrointestinal” issues after being served undercooked meals and food contaminated with metal shavings, Fox News reports.

Capitol Police request National Guard at US Capitol for 2 more months.

Pelosi says the National Guard troops deployed at the U.S. Capitol will remain “as long as they are needed.” 

Newly unsealed court filing alleges ad firm tried to set up ‘Papa John’ to look racist. Ad firms are Cabal money laundering firms used by the network to move money around to preferred media outlets. Form your own non-Cabal outlet and see how many ad firms buy advertising with you. For that matter form your own ad firm and see how many big accounts hire you. Or buy advertising as a non-Cabal entity, and see how much good it does you.

Is our exploding National Debt fueling a stock market crash? So we can’t go on like this. Which means, part of purging Cabal would have to be resetting our economic system, in a way which in part, purges almost three quarters of a century of massive debt spending clean, without us having to pay it off. But part of that may be letting things crash, with massive inflation, before we do the reset. It is possible a plan might entail putting Biden in to handle the crash, keeping him heavily controlled, and then resetting under Trump. I would watch close for signs of a crash in the run-up to 2024 if nothing extraordinary happens soon, and we do not see Biden enacting any of the vital, must-have policies, like citizenship for illegals or gun bans. It is impossible to know what is going on, beyond the fact it is very strange, and being kept out of our sight, and even people like congressmen are given the cold shoulder if they try to inquire.

Brooklyn Jewish patrol founder charged federally for rape of 15-year-old. Anyone with any following is going to get the attention of Cabal, and either become an agent of Cabal, or come under suppressive operations.

Man calls 911 on himself and reports a black man with gun to ‘goad’ cops into a George Floyd incident.

Father of slain Ferguson teen demands $20 million from BLM.

Feds quietly dismiss dozens of Portland protest cases. This is why John Sullivan looked so shocked when he got arrested. These are all people in the network, and they know they are being run as assets by the power brokers, and thus they should be above the law. Cabal still has its pull in some places.

Democrats won’t take up Biden immigration plan this month: A dismal whip count came back this week showing House leaders don’t yet have the votes to pass the bill on the floor.

Trump releases a second statement slamming Mitch McConnell, as the ‘most unpopular politician’ in America.

The Transportation Department’s Inspector General made public a report that cites repeated examples of former Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao allegedly using her staff and her office to help benefit her family and their business operations. This is Mitch McConnell’s wife.

Mitch McConnell is working with the Kentucky legislature to plan his departure before the end of his term.  These guys never let go willingly. Is this a sign from Trump he is still calling shots, coming right after his statement?

Illinois Republicans vote to give Illegal aliens free legal council.

Ebay is removing Dr Seuss book listings.

Barack Obama once said, ‘Pretty much all you need to know’ is in Dr. Seuss books. I am beginning to wonder if somebody was using the Dr Seuss books as some sort of messaging medium, maybe hiding something in it, and selling them in special marked listings on Amazon and Ebay, and whoever is in control now is trying to shut that platform down. This whole thing is very strange, in that way that you will often later find out was much more significant than you would have thought..

Workers file 745,000 jobless claims as winter storm batters labor market.

Millions of Californians’ unpaid utility bills total $1.25 billion due to lockdown.

U.S. adversaries weaponize woke politics, as China says U.S. leads an ‘axis of white supremacy.’

Why China could invade Taiwan soon.

China is using ‘emotion recognition technology’ to arrest people.

Emotional scenes outside courthouse as all 47 Hong Kongers arrested for violating controversial new security law are denied bail.

Myanmar had a billion dollars stored with the Fed which got immediately locked up on the military took over. Slick set up. Cabal governments store their cash with the Fed, and if they get overthrown, Cabal keeps the cash. Another sign that military coup was noble.

Ilhan Omar unveils bill against Saudi Crown Prince. Fits with Q. Her CIA/Cabal handlers drafted it.

Two writing professors at St. Olaf College are calling on faculty and writing tutors to prioritize “labor-based grading,” which de-emphasizes calling out and correcting traditional writing errors. Again, they are trying to eliminate the meritocracy by changing how teachers assign success. This is about a covert network creating a cover story for why their morons rise to leadership positions, so you won’t look too closely when it happens.

An itchy rash may be a side effect of receiving the Moderna vaccine.

Fauci’s daughter is a software engineer at Twitter. No telling what she really does. everything you see in the media is likely a cover story.

Fauci says, US shouldn’t loosen coronavirus restrictions until daily new cases fall below 10,000.

On Twitter – Washington Post says the anti-vaccine movement is comparable to domestic terrorism.

Pope Francis says seeing a psychiatrist helped him with anxiety when he was younger. There is nothing an MK Ultra shrink would love more than somebody who was desperate to avoid anxiety. Of course the parallels to r-selected neurobiology also don’t hurt.

Third major earthquake near New Zealand prompts tsunami alerts.

Decades old video of Tom Hanks exposing himself on set. Shows a side of Mr Nice-Guy which probably has much more to do with him becoming a major star than his “acting ability” or “good looks.”

Puerto Rico statehood bill introduced. I was thinking about this. Schumer and other dems suddenly sounded hesitant to get Puerto Rico statehood. I wonder if Cabal moved all of their Puerto Rico assets into other areas of the US to affect electoral vote counts, and as a result Puerto Rico is now not as Cabal-permeated, and not as reliably controllable.

Wyoming state lawmaker to challenge Rep. Liz Cheney in 2022 GOP primary. She is building up a bunch of challengers. I wonder if what we are seeing is the machine flooding in challengers to try and dilute the opposition to her.

Putin seeks a crackdown on those who push children to protest. These will tend to be Cabal “network” families. Those not in the network will leave their kids be, to protest or not protest as they wish.

Newsom recall edges closer to qualifying for California ballot. One guy on OAN said they need extra days to process signatures, so if you are thinking of sending in a signed petition, do it ASAP.

California special election to recall Newsom to be held this fall, movement leader says.

The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled against an undocumented immigrant who sought to challenge his removal from the U.S. after being convicted in Nebraska of using a false identity to gain employment.

Legislation in at least a dozen states seeks to nullify any new gun restrictions coming from the federal level, such as ammunition limits or any bans on certain types of weapons.

Spread r/K Theory, because any day, anything can happen.

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M in the 517
M in the 517
4 years ago

Karl Rove always was and still is a dirty, mouthy little shit bag.

He is the embodiment of Backpfeifengesicht.

Reply to  M in the 517
4 years ago

“turd blossom”

M in the 517
M in the 517
4 years ago

“Brooklyn Jewish patrol founder charged federally for rape of 15-year-old.”

Get your bitch ass in the party van, Barney Fifenstein.

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4 years ago

“Donald Trump is a thrill seeker who likes chaos and excitement. He would have loved to declare martial law … He did not take this boring path, and set himself on this self-flagellating course, for no reason.”
It may not have been his decision. He didn’t get to the White House unaided, and we don’t have any idea who aided him, or how much they aided him, or who got to make which decisions. Obviously Trump was trusted to say whatever he wanted to – he was allowed to get on stage and talk off-the-cuff for hours – but at this point there is no reason to think he hadn’t agreed to a script, and some limits, before he ever burst on the scene in 2015.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“Bill Clinton’s former body-man-turned-aide Doug Band has turned whistleblower in the federal sex trafficking investigation involving Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein and may have implicated his one-time boss.”

Could they be cleaning up loose ends??? All these people have strong negatives and maybe know too much. You get in bed with these people and they will throw you to the wolves in a heart beat.

Hammer & Anvil
Hammer & Anvil
4 years ago

Maybe there’s a critical mass problem with the network where its reached a saturation point, which is the machine has too many network assets, like too many fish in a pond, and its creating an unintended consequence monster, and these observations below are indicative. Its pervasive nature creating undesirable side effects. Why some shit doesn’t add up in any logical known sense. Because who knew they lived surrounded every day, with tens of millions in the network, totally converged governments, particularly at the state/county/local level, academia, now add in corporate and other business. And them there’s the rest of us who pretty much most of us have no concept of what it is. But our heightened K Strategist amygdala’s see it, and our conscious forebrains are beginning to receive the message, sense something really ain’t right with the world, in this dynamic lot of things no longer appear normal, the machine with its massive surveillance and mete data mining shows something is wrong, it’s counter effects system it has relied on no longer creates the intended results. Part of our K Strategist amygdala defense in such a situation is to cause folks to kind of go underground, run silenter and deeper, become more discreet, more meat space less faceborg, because the amygdala knows these things and ours are highly developed from 2-3 thousand years of waring with the machine. This the machine can not effectively counter short of rapid vast genocide. Cabal is not as all knowing all controlling as it assumed. That is an inner conflict within the network higher echelons, and that is causing unintended consequences, partly due to the inflexible statist nature of the machine. And the network shitstains they all have amygdala’s too, but of the moron, not of the meritocratic White Christian Men of The West variety amygdala humans, its causing problems, they have built up because the machine has no way to eliminate them, and a cascading failure effect within the machine’s structure is underway, or at a critical mass. And like a Water Empire, all it takes is one outside force which gets inside it’s gates, and it fails. We are seeing signs of such. They don’t add up or make sense because we are inly now beginning to sense and see for ourselves in increasing higher numbers what is going on. We are having our own preference cascade too, and this adds complexity and confusion.
Trump & Q are that outside effect, they literally got past the empires gate keepers, in part because the machine has fossilized institutionally wise, part of its massive hubris os its achilles heel, seeing itself like with hillary clinton in 2015, they thought she could never loose. Part time was ripe to destabilize the machine, creating the MAGA folks was in part for creating an exponential fold of outside effects getting past the gate keepers, while Trump’s central purpose is to unbalance the machine’s operational equation. And you can’t solve all problems with blackmail, particularly problems from good folks who can’t be blackmailed or co-opted, they are simply good folks who do not do these things that the network shitstains do. The chicom proxies are experts at blackmail and the process of dirty all hands, their form of marxism is shakedown marxism, and being Asians and so rigidly centralized doctrinaire power orientated, they rely more on their dogma and doctrine then improvisational and open source, where American’s in general are very good at open source and insurgent grass roots. Two totally different kind of humans. One born into Liberty, one born into bondage, two totally different orientated mind sets and amygdala’s.
Trump’s job is to unbalance the equation. I’d say The God Emperor is extraordinary successful, doing a splendid job of it. Looks like he is in a new phase, switched from unbalancing operations to destabilizing op’s. Kicking legs out from under the machine’s support framework. I think thats how you beat it, you have to keep it off balance, reacting instead of acting, and thats a definite Trump trademark throughout his administration. He is relentless and a 3D chess player in that respect, its classic OODA Loop. First on the LIC, low intensity conflict level, building a prairie fire grass roots support and auxiliary, win the countryside, ( as Mao was fond of saying ), give cabal the Ali rope-a-dope treatment, as the marxian dictum demands make everything political, politicize all the things, this exposes the network because whats the network if it isn’t a political machine, ie, election coups and false flag-false narrative machine R us. The worst thing to do to Trump was to oust him by weaponizing the last bastion of ordered liberty, even if was at last an illusion of legitimate path to redress for the dirt people, it is a strategic disaster, cabal after everything else, on top of this fucking stupid panic-demic false flag operation, will never sweep it under the yellow media rug, they ran out of room, its a mountain of lies under that rug of lies and truths.

In the most basic terms possible, You Need Epic People To Do Epic Shit. America is a country of epic shit. Network’s not epic shitstains are the dregs of Epic America. It shows. It is becoming self evident. The machine can not change its not epic cadre, its stuck with them, they are the best kind of people, its showing. The shitstains running that cesspit behind the fence and razor tape is all the proof you need. Hillary Clinton. Karl Rove. Eric Holder. Cuomo. McCConnel and Pelosi, the whole lot of them. Are their more detestable nasty pieces of human garbage? And the child trafficking rape torture and murder? Find something more vile or auto-degenerative. Hitler was a puppy dog in the genocide department compared to these motherfuckers.

At some point the Tower of Babel becomes unstable and somebody comes along and gives it a shove at the right spot…

*But you know there is so much more Lee could have raised to blow everything open, and he never touched it. These are the games played at that level, where nothing will ever be accomplished.
*Again, they are trying to eliminate the meritocracy by changing how teachers assign success. This is about a covert network creating a cover story for why their morons rise to leadership positions, so you won’t look too closely when it happens.
*Shows a side of Mr Nice-Guy which probably has much more to do with him becoming a major star than his “acting ability” or “good looks.”
*This is Mitch McConnell’s wife.
*Is this to derail nursing home COVID investigations, or might Cuomo have turned state’s evidence, and this is retribution?

Reply to  Hammer & Anvil
4 years ago

real life jenga

4 years ago

Why are you sharing articles about sexual harassment scandals with Cuomo? No one gives a shit. We need to focus on the nursing home deaths. Nothing else matters. Don’t fall for the distraction tactic by the Dems and their media organs.

Reply to  D
4 years ago

The news is that he was being lauded for manslaughter, but they’re going to withdraw protection for #metoo.

I,for one, find that interesting and newsworthy.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

“Four months after 2020 Presidential election in Georgia, and there is no chain of custody documents produced for 404,000 absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes.”

404 is the Atlanta area code.

Randolph Carter
4 years ago

By the by, some of the later replies say that the fellow in the car who immediately swerved to nail the bicyclist was the woman’s boyfriend coming to pick her up. That’s why he had eyes on her and saw the crime. The rest of the pedestrians did not have such relations but do appear strangely motivated.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Seems like meme crusades and dissident communication is going to be a thing of the past unless the white hats get off their ass and finish what they started:

4 years ago

Why China could invade Taiwan soon.

If it is going to happen, it is going to happen in October.

One of the things you never hear much about is that a huge advantage Taiwan has is that they don’t have to stay on heavy alert all the time. The reality is that any invasion has to have a massive sealift, and they don’t have the blue water vessels to handle it. They are going to have to do it with cheap boats slapped together in secret, and the only time the weather can be relied on to NOT sink the damned things right off is in the fall, around October.

So every year, Taiwan goes on alert and activates its reserves around August, and stays on alert until sometime in November. Then, everyone goes back to work until the next fall.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Phelps, what do you think about the potential of China’s massive fishing fleet in the role of troop transport? Their fleet goes around the globe, “fishing”. It must be big, because so many areas have been fished out by them.

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Reply to  Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

For what it’s worth, Taiwan’s beaches on the China Straits side are littered with the wrecks of little wooden fishing boats. They tell me that Mainlanders cross the Straits, beach the boat and walk inland to blend in with the locals. My sister in law had an Mainlander illegal working for her for a while.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

They aren’t relevant. There’s no way to pile significant numbers of troops on them (you can’t put them in the fish hole) and there is certainly no good way to get them off, even at a dock. The closest comparison is to the evacuation of Dunkirk, but that was only crossing 40-55 miles (there were two routes, the shorter was more dangerous) while the absolute shortest distance across the Taiwan strait is 110 miles.

Also, an evacuation is far, far different from an invasion. When you are evacuating, you drop everything. You are low on munitions and rations, and you can drop all that getting on the boat. Invading is the exact opposite — you have to bring everything on the boat (and get through the surf carrying it if you don’t have a dock.)

War is always about logistics. You have to move the men, and you have to move them with all the bullets, bandages and beans required for the fight. The Chinese don’t have the logistics.

4 years ago

I found this article linked on gab today
As I read it all I could think was how it illustrates so much of what I’ve learned on this site about cabal
It’s worth the read (if you can stomach the TDS and fawning over Clinton)

Phil Carson
Phil Carson
4 years ago

??? Is this posible?
(interesting news site, started up on December 29, 2020, lot of pieces with stories highly unique)

Navy SEALS Arrest Hillary Clinton
By Michael Baxter – March 4, 20210

“…US Navy SEALS loyal to Donald Trump raided Hillary Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY estate and arrested her on charges of treason, destruction of government property, and aiding and abetting the enemy, Real Raw News has learned.

The arrest happened on Tuesday night, according to a source in Trump’s orbit, only hours after Trump had spoken to Rear Admiral Hugh W. Howard at US Special Operations Command and given him a “mammoth trove” of evidence of Clinton’s criminality dating back to her days at the State Department. The evidence allegedly includes thousands of never-before-seen emails, which Clinton acid washed prior to the 2016 presidential election, as well as documents implicating her in plots to assassinate Republican legislators across the country.

The evidence was so compelling, our source added, that Adm. Howard had trouble believing that Clinton wasn’t arrested years ago.

“Trump’s been wanting to get her, and the rest of the Deep State cabal, ever since he set foot in the White House. It has taken him years to dig up the motherload. Once he had military support, he greenlit the operation. Trump’s team, for lack of a better word, had been surveilling Clinton a long time, and he knew she was always alone on Tuesday nights. That’s when the SEALS nabbed her,” our source said.

Under cover of darkness, an eight-man detachment from Naval Special Warfare Group 3 infiltrated the Chappaqua mansion shortly after 2:00am. Mysteriously, Clinton’s two-man Secret Service detail, which normally lives in a guest house on the property, was absent that morning. The SEALS cleared the main building, then silently breached the door to her bedroom, where they found her awake rehearsing a speech before a vanity mirror. They fired a single tranquilizer dart into her neck, our source said, before taping her mouth and sealing a black cloth bag over her head…”

Reply to  Phil Carson
4 years ago

you mean they didn’t then continue to bury her at sea…

Reply to  Phil Carson
4 years ago

I’ve run in these worlds and this is not how these ops go.
I’m calling fake news.

Phil Carson
Phil Carson
4 years ago

Wow, and this too:

Gov. Abbott Expels FEMA “Mask Police” from Texas
By Michael Baxter – March 4, 20211

“….“To say Abbott was pissed is an understatement. Judge Brown and Austin Mayor Steve Adler conspired to keep him in the dark. They broke chain of command, and I imagine the Biden administration was quite pleased. When Abbott got the tip, the first plane was 90 minutes from wheels down. He had a revelatory moment: if the planes landed, more would follow.”

Abbott, our source added, immediately contacted Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and state AG Ken Paxton to discuss how to handle unwanted federal agents on Texas soil. They agreed, unanimously, that D.C. should have cleared the incursion with the governor’s office; to do otherwise was unlawful.

“Paxton pointed out that Abbott had already given FEMA permission to operate in Texas, though just to help with vaccine administration. But this probably emboldened the Biden administration into believing they could wantonly land as many FEMA in Texas as they wanted. Abbott wasn’t having any of that,” our source said.

Abbott notified the Texas National Guard station in Austin, and at his request, commanding officer Major General Robert Bodisch at once deployed a detachment of Guardsmen—exact figures unknown—to the airfield, with orders to prevent passengers from deboarding the aircraft. When the first plane touched down at midnight, it was quickly encircled by several Humvees brimming with armed soldiers.

“A brief standoff occurred. The lieutenant in charge told the pilot to refuel and take off, that he had orders to expel any FEMA agents trying to get off the plane. We don’t know what conversation went on between the pilot and Washington, or between him and whoever on the plane was in charge of the FEMA people, but after twenty minutes they refueled and left. The second aircraft, which was in a holding pattern and low on fuel, was given the same privilege,” our source said.

In closing, our source said Gov. Abbot relayed the incident to governors of other republican states, cautioning them to keep a wary eye on treacherous Democratic legislators in their midst.”

4 years ago

“Open Biden” is what he makes them say when he enters their “cave of wonders.”

Reply to  Cloudbuster
4 years ago

This shit literally breaks my heart. Like fuck, it’s a tiny child. How do this guys do this shit?
This whole cabal thing has to be spiritually connected, it has to be. There are just too many indicators of evil.

Reply to  Cloudbuster
4 years ago

“secret garden”

4 years ago

Former CA Attorney General (Politician – check)
Son of Watergate figure (G. Gordon Liddy) (Related to famous person – check)
Arrested for child porn (BING BING!!!!! CABAL).

From the article:
“Liddy was convicted earlier this year in a bench trial by U.S. District Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. She said there was no evidence that he actively sought out the material, but he received and saved the images sent to him.”

Ah yes. “saved images SENT——TO——-HIM.”

Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

always beware free gifts from geeks

Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

“…and exactly how stupid do you have to be to hold on to them?”

4 years ago

it would be funny if fake pres jim carrey and fake defense sec austin overrule milley and continue trump’s approach.

4 years ago

On the street beat down:
Holy shit, that was 900% coordinated. It is like at the end of John Wick where everyone stops and stares.

4 years ago

From TV land…

In season 8 Episode 8 of “The Blacklist,” the FBI director is speaking to a Senate staffer when he gets a call from Raymond Reddington on his cell phone.

The name?

Nick’s Pizza.

4 years ago

Commerce Secretary To Use Trump’s Export Blacklist For Chinese Firms

4 years ago

Pelosi-appointed general recommends establishing permanent QUICK-REACTION TROOPS in DC to protect government from the governed