News Briefs – 03/05/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Democrat leader Chuck Schumer threatens the Supreme Court, saying of an upcoming abortion ruling, “I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” This is like Schumer telling Trump the intelligence community had six ways from Sunday of getting back at you, to try and back him off. Notice how they are speaking a language we would not have believed ten years ago, and which the normies would not believe could mean what it does. Scalia saw the surveillance and told everyone, and he ended up dead – and they all know. I am sure the rest of them know about their own situations, and here Schumer is basically telling them they will be dealt with if they don’t do what he demands. Hopefully Schumer is as wrong here as he was with Trump, and all he has done is piss off the Supreme Court.

Chief Justice Roberts issues rare rebuke to Schumer’s ‘dangerous’ and ‘irresponsible’ comments. Says, “… threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous. All Members of the Court will continue to do their job, without fear or favor, from whatever quarter.” Roberts however shows signs of caving to Schumer’s threats already.

A Democrat calls for Schumer to step down.

FISA court blocks FBI agents linked to Carter Page probe from seeking wiretaps.

Corona virus stats: 96,207 confirmed cases, and 3,309 fatalities.

South Korea stats: 5,766 cases, with 42 deaths.

A passenger who was on a Princess cruise has died of the coronavirus in California. The ship is headed for San Francisco, but Gov. Newsom said it won’t dock.

Screener at LAX airport tests positive for Corona virus.

First case in EU offices in Brussels. Hoisted upon their own globalist petards.

18,300 infected in Iran, scientists estimate.

36 year old ‘recovered’ Corona virus patient dies as China reports discharged cases falling ill again. It is not impossible this thing is creating new strains, and these patients cleared one, got out, and encountered a new one, and got sick again. I think what this requires is a high-amygdala K response, of the kind where a patient can’t just break quarantine when the mood strikes him, and where all the effort is devoted to testing everyone and tracking down every last exposure to get them out of circulation. But I do not think, after this massive period of r, we have that in us. Spring can’t come fast enough.

Facebook employee in Seattle diagnosed with coronavirus.

Seattle feels like ‘ghost town,’ business owners say as they face life in coronavirus hot spot.

British scientists develop breath test that can detect disease on the spot.

328 Chinese nationals caught trying to illegally enter U.S. at the southern border.

Brit who the media said beat the Corona virus easily with a few Hot Toddies comes forward and says the media made that up, and he went through hell on earth that no Hot Toddie could cure, and the virus probably killed his cat. He tried to clear things up with the media but they wouldn’t listen to him. Interestingly he describes having the TV on but not being able to understand it, so there is neurological symptoms.

Couple on the Diamond Princess caught Corona and had almost no symptoms.

Indian government shuts down export of numerous pharmaceutical ingredients. They say due to medicine hoarding in China, they will now do the same.

North Korea canceled Kim Jong-il’s birthday party events over Coronavirus.

COVID-19 could bring down the regime in Iran.

Washington county with nine coronavirus deaths and 31 cases urges all of its 2.2 million residents to work from home and tells everyone over 60 to stay indoors – while state officials warn primary voters not to lick their ballots.

Carnival crisis grows after another Princess cruise ship goes on lockdown after a former passenger dies from coronavirus.

People ask will Sen. Chris Murphy infect the entire US Senate with COVID-19 after his little backstabbing meeting with the Iranians?

Pence to travel to Washington as state grapples with coronavirus. I really wish they wouldn’t take chances like this. These visits aren’t going to have any practical effect. It won’t calm those who panic, and it won’t affect the perceptions of those who don’t.

One thousand people who came into contact with coronavirus lawyer in New York are ordered to self-quarantine after he infected his wife, son, daughter and neighbor.

People living with HIV diagnosed with COPD 12 years younger than HIV-negative people. HIV screws up the lungs, and COVID-19 has regions of its DNA similar to HIV docking proteins? The question becomes, will COVID-19 be killed by HIV drug regimens before it takes off in HIV+ people, or will it take off in them, and their compromised lungs will be like smoking, and our global HIV+ population will drop to zero very, very quickly.

Italy to close all schools as Corona virus deaths rise. We should have national pandemic day for one day a year at first, and work it up to two days, four days, and eventually a week. during which nobody is allowed to leave their house, and businesses are forced to test telecommuting methods, schools have to test out tele-schooling methods, and we all practice a Pandemic plan to isolate in our homes for three weeks. If the President could make a simple proclamation, and we could lock everyone in their houses for the next three weeks using a practiced procedure, while keeping businesses afloat, we would go a long way to shutting down any disease spread in the future.

2,000 cruise passengers are ordered back on board their ship off of Greece and told not to leave after it is revealed a former passenger has coronavirus.

Just in time for Corona Chan, San Francisco announces they are bringing back the bath houses. They had been banned back during the AIDS crisis, but now they say they are perfectly safe. Wait until you see what Corona Chan looks like when she comes out of that petri dish.

Might the global cases be starting to level off?

CA official tells citizens, “Work on not touching your face,” and then she licks her finger as she turns her pages:

In this next one, note “Largely” remained at home in quarantine:

The problem in these next two tweets is we don’t have amygdalae producing the mental force that drives accomplishment of goals. Now is when we get control over the spread of this thing, while it is still in small pockets. But people just aren’t triggered enough by it, so they will let things like this happen, mostly to avoid the panic they fear might happen if we didn’t do it. And so we may end up with the disease not being controllable, and in an infinitely worse position.

Twitter suspends journalist for quoting a Joe Biden gaffe calling “Super Tuesday” “Super Thursday.”

DNC says debate ‘threshold will go up’ after Gabbard clears previous mark.

Court to halt Trump administration’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy in Arizona and California.

Greek Orthodox church on Lesvos island destroyed by vandals.

An older but good article on how various monied interests are behind Greta and are using her to try and force governments to mandate they and their companies get contracts to “green” the world.

Blue Cross Plans say Alzheimer’s has tripled among adults ages 30 to 64. I wonder if it parallels sexual partner count like cancer. Could be an infectious agent.

NY Times says YouTube must curb conspiracies like aliens, and climate change skepticism. Why aliens? Now I’m thinking, “Shit, there are aliens. I wonder how they fit in to all of this?”

Biden on cheerleaders: ‘The stuff they do on hard wood, it blows my mind’

Spain seizes 1,657-pound haul of methamphetamine inside marble blocks from Mexico.

AOC-aligned progressive candidates fall flat in Super Tuesday contests.

Bloomberg and Steyer spent at least $1,063,718,074 trying to oust Trump.

President Trump and Health officials consider using National Disaster Program to treat uninsured Americans.

Next week, President Donald J. Trump will award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to  retired four-star general and former Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Army General Jack Keane.

Greek Army greenlights soldiers to get violent and aggressive with migrants trying to infiltrate from Turkey.

Trump campaign sues Washington Post for libel.

New Mexico Sheriffs preparing to sue over Red Flag Laws.

Click this link to see Trump’s primary numbers compared to Obama’s numbers. Massive enthusiasm for Trump.

Carved into Lake Winnebago in letters 250 ft high:

Spread r/K Theory, because it is rare these days to get good data


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English Tom
English Tom
5 years ago

AC, re: British scientists develop a breath test.

Check out a BBC TV series from 2019 called: Years and Years. The series was about a British family over the next 15+ years. Lots, and I mean lots, of predictive programming. One of the things they kept referring to was a breath test.

Unfuckingbeblievable! Dont forget, the BBC is fully on board with the globohomo agenda and it all came shining through in this series.

Reply to  English Tom
5 years ago

Sounds like bullshit. It’s more likely that it’s just a blinkenlites box that gives a “positive” when the screener wants it to, the same way drug sniffing dogs are just detecting the suspicions of their handlers.

Reply to  English Tom
5 years ago

If you want to see predictive programming, check out the last season of the show Strike Back.

They were writing about the Novichock virus a year before the poisoning.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Those letters in the ice are so perfect they could have been written by a laser printer. Tells you something about the quality of many Trump supporters.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Or the enhanced focusing mode of the Wrath of Thor satellite.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

I always thought Hunter Biden had the worst crooked smile:

comment image

This one in particular really shows that it’s not just his smile it’s his whole face. Left side is All-American good boy, right side is contemptuous sneering a-hole. So I searched to find out which hand he prefers and lo:

Pliny the Dawdler
Pliny the Dawdler
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Holy smokes, that face is off the charts unbalanced. Still, I am right handed and use my left hand to hold my phone which doesn’t require much dexterity. Suppose I need to write something or even just scratch my balls?

5 years ago

HIV screws up the lungs, and COVID-19 has regions of its DNA similar to HIV docking proteins?

Or the AZT does it, which is far more likely. I don’t even believe the HIV/AIDS connection. HIV seems to be more a common, mild illness that doesn’t really do anything. Before they “discovered” a connection between HIV (which, if it was a mild STD that doesn’t really do anything, you would expect to be ubiquitous in a promiscuous population like sodomites) it was called GRIDS, Gay Related Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

Why does it strike sodomites and needle junkies? Because they both take massive amounts of drugs. It’s that simple, and HIV is a smokescreen that makes you think that it was a roll of the dice that made them sick, and not purely lifestyle choices. That’s why Magic Johnson was cured — he never did the amount of drugs, he was just promiscuous.

5 years ago

“Personally, I feel society would advance optimally if we just chose to be K, and structured everything to favor K-genes, inculcate kids to be K-strategists, and ruthlessly eradicate r wherever we find it.”

I understand that impulse, but please consider that the seemingly cyclical nature of r & K dominance may be a solution to a problem that we haven’t even grasped exists yet. Consider this clip from the great American philosopher Herman Kahn, particularly starting around 6:20 in:

He explains that there are both advantages and disadvantages to centralized organizations and decentralized ones. It is a seemingly impossible problem for a company (or other organization) to find a balance between those that will gain the advantages of either but not the disadvantages. American companies seem to have a way to deal with this problem; they tend to cycle between centralization fads and decentralization fads about every 5 to 8 years. In doing so, they do not stay decentralized long enough for the various components to drift too far from the organizational goals nor stay centralized long enough to become ossified and unchangeable. Thus American culture seem to have found a dynamic way to deal with a problem that may not have any satisfactory static solution.

What if r/K is like that. A society that stays too r for too long would have one set of problems, and one that stayed too K for too long would have a different set of problems. Perhaps oscillating back and forth is actually a feature and not a bug; that it is a way to keep either set of problems from growing too large, or taking advantage of some conditions that couldn’t be done by staying in either condition permanently. I don’t know, but it seems worth being humble and thinking about.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

I have always believed in a balance between r and K and some dynamic shifting could be part of that balance.

But the center of the cycle should be moved in the direction of K and the r end of the cycle should “get the short end of the stick”.

K is superior to r.

Flu Manchu
Flu Manchu
Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

Accept there aren’t any good r traits. Human beings that are r type (insula dominant) gifted with modern biological control and knowledge will create a destructive hellscape all the time. The environment for r type Humans is a tropical jungle, with fruit and food everywhere, the people barely need huts, or even clothes for that matter, there are predators and diseases but the r-type humans outbreed these threats. Females start childbearing at age 13 with as many males as possible and two parent families never really form, all of these females are single mothers. Give these people science and put them at the head of organized societies and you end up with human sacrifice, homosexuality, state collapse and mass death. Think of the Moloch worshiping baby-killers of Canaan to the child sex trafficking, abortion supporting Talmudists of today (ie. the SCOTUS threatening Chucky Schumer).

K type humans (amygdala dominant) value other things. Loyalty. Honesty. Truth. Two parent families. Gender roles. K type humans foresee and respond to threats. K type humans are adapted for resource scarce areas, places with winters and eventually, Space. Civilizations are built by K type humans. K types value traditions and respect laws and boundaries. Give these people control and you have morality, prosperity, happiness. Where r-type humans always try to screw their way out of a problem, K-type Humans THINK their way out of problems. K-type humans want families, r-type humans want sex. Think of the 10 commandments and virginal brides- that is K type Humanity. This is why r-types and K-types cannot get along, or coexist. You cannot maintain a jungle in Sweden or on the Moon permanently, eventually as it always does, Winter (or an apocalypse) comes.

Reply to  Flu Manchu
5 years ago

It’s not as simple as that.
A minor r balance has benefits.
Creative solutions to problems and to finding new resources is an r trait.
Questioning authority (which is needed to detect and defeat cabalists) is an r trait.
Diplomacy instead of war to solve minor disputes is an r trait.

There are others but those will do as examples.
r traits are all bad only if taken too far.
r has much in common with the vices and K has much in common with the virtues and the same thing applies to both, it is possible to take virtues to far until they are bad and it is possible to to keep vices within proper limits and in their proper place. (it’s not only beneficial but necessary)

Flu Manchu
Flu Manchu
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Questioning authority if it sounds whack or if Reality keeps triggering your amygdala isn’t an r trait, it’s K. Unquestionably following obviously biased or conflicted self serving leaders to the point of destruction of you or your family isn’t anywhere near K, it’s r. That’s how you make cucks and cowards out of men. It’s the marquess of queensbury rules, gun registering Romneyesque bullshit of “decency” while your avowed adversaries practice none that gets good K people killed. There is pure r in the cuck stuff.

It’s like something we discussed with AC here a month ago. The Bible forbade true Israelite priests from marrying women who where not virgins, or else their Priesthood wouldn’t be valid in HIS eyes. The Almighty wants his human priests as K as possible. Farce, this was the word of the Almighty, and he is unchanging from age to age. Anything r-type is not of the Lord and his ways. Anything r is worldly and it will pass away, along with the world.

There is nothing good in the r selected. This is the truth and buddy, some things are simply true.

5 years ago

” Roberts however shows signs of caving to Schumer’s threats already.”

I believe that was from before the threats.
Perhaps Roberts will push back now.

5 years ago

“NY Times says YouTube must curb conspiracies like aliens, and climate change skepticism. Why aliens? Now I’m thinking, “Shit, there are aliens. I wonder how they fit in to all of this?””

Aliens or something pretending to be aliens that doesn’t want exposure from people looking for aliens.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Super short version of something you could research for weeks: the case can be made in the Bible that the Nephilim (human/angel hybrids, likely the source of the idea of demigods) whose bodies died became disembodied demons.

So then you get incubi & succubi, demons trying to do the nasty with humans over the millennia. Fast forward to today and they’re beaming people up to the ship where they’re always performing sexual experiments on the victims. They’re trying to figure out how to reproduce with humans again so they can get back to what they left Heaven for in the first place, which was screwing human women.

It’s a lot to take in, but it can all be understood if you keep an open mind and follow the breadcrumb trail.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
5 years ago

Regarding “the sniffles”
Iran’s apparent outbreak AND the IMF’s $50bn “fund”
Remember the GE is throttling all cabals usual revenue streams (UN/Border(human trafficking/NAFTA/TTIP/TTP/etc, not to mention Brexit)

Enemedia dialling back the Corona rhetoric?

One of the best economic, political and geopolitical channels on YT the “X22 Report”
Tonights 2nd episode of 2 daily uploads, usually at around 00:00hrs GMT.
Highly recommended, big Q follower too.

5 years ago

Lebanon Prosecutor Freezes Assets Of 20 Banks After $2.3BN In ‘Illegal’ Transfers

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“Brit who the media said beat the Corona virus easily with a few Hot Toddies comes forward and says the media made that up, and he went through hell on earth that no Hot Toddie could cure, and the virus probably killed his cat.”

I don’t trust the BBC at all. In fact if the BBC says it’s no threat and any random person whose actually had it disagrees I would believe the random person no matter who they were, where they came from or any other circumstance. It actually raises all kinds of alarms that the story they put out by BBC about this Man has been completely twisted into a mass of lies. It should concern us all.

Are they deliberately trying to spread it???? I keep hearing, no problem, but didn’t several leaders in Iran die off? Iran may not have the best but people at the top surely have reasonably good care. If they do and I suppose they do, what does that say about your odds if you get corona? We also hear that it’s just the old but I see pictures in China of not old people falling out in the streets and the Chinese must be afraid of something because they have locked the country down.

I still haven’t seen much about this paper in the US.

It would explain a lot if this was a combined bacteria infection and virus infection. [Obviously I know nothing but like all people when I see something that explains a great deal about something mysterious I tend to see that as true or more true than other explanations.] Namely how feces are a problem and how after dying down it pops back up more virulent than it was killing people quickly.

If it is a combined infection I outlined some ideas on how to defeat it in the forum here,

Also some ways to disinfect water and few other tips to survive.

The main problem is we are not really getting good information on this. I wonder why? Is it just too new and people haven’t figured out a way to handle it yet?
Another tip I’m going to add to the forum is getting greens. If we’re locked down you won’t be able to get fresh vegetables and this is something you will need. A good substitute is sprouted seeds. You can store big masses of this and sprout them as you need.

5 years ago

Argentina farmers announce strike after soya exports tax hike

5 years ago

Another senior politician has died of coronavirus in Iran

5 years ago

> he describes having the TV on but not being able to understand it

Nothing unusual about that. Most of what I get is “hmnomehmnmnnum” or barking noises.

I have very expensive hearing aids, and spent several sessions with the audiologist working on the equalization. I hear “things” just fine. My poor truck sounds like it’s falling apart… but as far as voices, I learned that I was right all along: the reason I can’t understand most people is that they don’t speak intelligible English. This is apparently not a big problem for them since they seldom listen to anyone else anyway.