Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
But don’t get your hopes up too high:
I was hoping for a theme more along the lines of “Quick, you need to kill all these motherfuckers before they get away!” Hope springs eternal, but I still think our day will come. Keep the faith, anon. And make sure you can still hit what you aim at under the pressures of the moment.
Apparently Cabal is not too certain which way things will go either:
Tucker Carlson says he has confirmation a murder took place against someone leaking DNC crimes, “He was murdered for political reasons. A very high ranking person. The DNC told me that.” Seth Rich, apparently, and I will bet the high ranking person who told him that was Donna Brazille. Tucker also notes a big mystery is how 9/11 could have happened, and the government never picked up on all the signs, such as through surveillance. You will find, people living on your street, right nearby, were totally cool with 9/11.
The new DOD is down with the DOGE program:
Deep State Governors sweep into D.C. to offer jobs to federal workers laid off in DOGE cuts.
NYC eases requirements for illegal migrants to get ID residency card: ‘A terrible idea.’
Illegal immigration cost the state of Connecticut $1.3 billion in 2023.
UK foreign aid gives Planned Parenthood hundreds of millions of pounds. Their governments are apparently set up exactly as our’s were – to steal from the treasury.
Two dead after car-ramming incident in German city of Mannheim.
The Ukrainian army has lost the majority of the M1 Abrams tanks supplied to it by the US.
Bill Clinton, saying that he trusted Putin in private and that when they spoke in private, he always kept his word. Putin is a noble warrior.
We see in our own lives, the primary purpose of this conspiracy is to keep noble warriors isolated from their kind, insulated away from each other by multiple layers of the lying traitors and manipulators of the conspiracy. And so it is here at the national level. But no more, at least for now.
Good News – Trump bid to take over Postal Service could threaten mail voting.
The United Nations’ World Food Program is closing its southern Africa office in the wake of the Trump administration’s aid cuts, a spokesperson said Monday. Why are you not willing to pay for this anon?
Taiwanese chipmaker TSMC commits another $100 billion investment to U.S.
Send people to, because you want to know what you are looking at
The United Nations’ World Food Program is closing its southern Africa office in the wake of the Trump administration’s aid cuts, a spokesperson said Monday.
Cue commercial:
By just giving $1 a day you can help feed dozens of these poor feral negros. Call today!
THIS! I am old enough to remember Ms. Sally Struthers tearfully begging us on TV to SEND MOARRRRRR MONEEEEEEEEE.
Never realizing that she and her ilk are the actual child traffickers.
I remember seeing that in the grocery store one time and seriously thinking about doing it. What a fool I was.
It hurts a lot to admit to being tricked and fooled successfully. I do wonder if a lot of people out there won’t give up certain beliefs and deulsions simply because they don’t want to admit they had been tricked.
Did Sally Struthers neck herself?
Martin Armstrong on Epstein:
I think “Israel” is a mis-leading term when used that way. “Israll” doesn’t exist to that level of internal coherence and aim. It’s about as useful as some modal “Leftist” talking about “The US” and not specifying which Faction was behind which action. Taking some Bush project (9/11 Iraq) or Obama project (Iran rapprochment) as if they each manifested “US interests” is confused.
“Epstein” was an op run out of Israel by one Faction within Israel. It’s aims were to benefit that Faction and pursue what that Faction thought was best geo-strategically.
We are seeing now another Israeli Faction taking that operation apart via DJT.
“Video – AG Bondi says a truckload of Epstein files arrived on Friday”
Here’s Pam unloading the contents herself:
Never fear. Barbie Barr is here!
Its on her desk
“2 More Weeks!”
I just watched this AOC clip and the only wall she needs to fear is the biological one she just hit
Red beans and rice didn’t miss her
She’s in the first stages of blimping up. Oh, and she’s a turncoat to boot.
In re the possible trillions that were de-frauded from SSA by foreign entities.
It’s really hard to figure out where these USDs went and where they are now. They aren’t in domestic circulation. They aren’t being used to fund global commerce. All the evidence points to their being a scarcity of USDs globally and domestically.
It’s really hard to figure out where the majority of the USDs printed went and where they are now.
It sure seems, on the basis of what I can see, that the USDs have been “confiscated”.
It might be the mechanical difficulty in using stolen or illicilty gained USDs. There are stories about early cocaine dealers forgetting about millions they had stuffed in walls….
Not just SSA fraud. Where are the other amounts from USAID and other frauds? Somebody in that chain of events is a weak link. That should be discoverable and maybe has been already.
Panama Papers opened a few doors and bank accounts. What happens next and to whom?
It has to be an open secret. And yeah, the same applies to all the hijinks.
There’s something stopping open and notorious “theft” and hoarding of USDs.
I don’t have any idea what it could be.
Pallets of USD are being bought and sold on the black market at a discount. Dubai is one center where you can buy them.
No doubt. Nations are resorting to absurd things in order to obtain USD to transact trade. But there aren’t enough pallets in the world to move a fraction of what is in existence but not moving in commerce.
This is not the case of a pro-athlete where they are just a twmporary resting place for the USDs which then move on into the economy at large. These USDs leave and never return.
At least in my opinion.
With US aid to Ukraine being cut-off the fake booba market will be taking a huge hit.
One of my more annoying habits irl is that I try and make everything “fractal”. I think this is the right general approach, and things really are fractal when correctly understood (because that’s the nature of things (God)). But I do overdo it hahahah.
That being said, I see a lot of similarities between the conflict (Russian civil-war) in UKR and what is happening here in the US.
Just like RUS, DJT and his Faction are attacking “everywhere” along a very very long front. None of these attacks seem designed to bring an over-whelming force into the battle at one point. Instead, as RUS almost comically says everyday “As a result of the battle, our forces achieved tactically superior positions”.
Allegedly, this process has been repeating itself daily for 2 years which strains belief: compound interest is powerful.
Because the enemy lacks manpower and materiel for a long grinding war or an effective Offensive, they want to focus the battle at one point where they are strong (the Courts). DJT has denied them this.
Instead, he has denied them this and attacked “everywhere” seeking to gain advantage “everywhere” and “attrit” the enemies forces overall.
I also think, just like UKR, the enemy has vastly superior “command and control” and visibility of the battlefield. Not surprising as it is actually the same ppl doing command control for UKR and DJT’s enemies.
Also just like UKR, DJT’s enemies have a fiendishly btilliant inter-locking foritification network protecting regional logistics hubs. DOGE is like establishing “fire-control” over the routes into and out of such a regional logistics hub. Analogous to drone coverage. But also analogous to deep strikes on logistics via missile.
I think DJT’s enemies have fallen back to a reserve line of defense which they hoped never to have to use. This is what the EU and London stuff is about, I think.
But, a key difference is that the land UKR retreats from is devastated and RUS takes on massive rebuilding concerns. That’s not the same here in the US. The Insitutions are intact after Cabal leaves in force. Cabal has let them rot in re their primary missions, but the machine is still intact and readily repairable.
The SDNY is still a functioning District Court. It could go right back to being “normal” or working as intended.
I can hear Farce now 100% correctly asking “Where’s all this attrition, then?”.
It’s a fair point. A very fair point. But I think it mistakes “casualties” for “killed in action”. “Attrition” is not primarily or only about killing personnell. It’s about “attriting” the “fighting capacity”. Arrests would be very nice and kino. But firing the f*ckers (temp removal from battle until re-habbed and re-assigned) counts! And destroying logistics and industrial plants and funding streams is where the war is finally won.
And I think we have seen a lot of the latter.
The real war is for hearts and minds. Arrests and convictions would go a long way toward that.
In the sense that politics and politicians are above the military yes. A military commander who disregards politicians has just made himself a politician and has stopped being a military man.
Clearly, the groundwork has not been laid for the post-conflict legal proceedings to take place. And they may never take place if DJT Faction loses or stalemates.
There’s plenty of stuff happening to boost DJT Factikn morale.
The opposition leaders must submit formally to the DJT Faction before pure politics like arrests of high-ranking opponents can begin. And many of the highest will be let go.
“Quick, you need to kill all these motherfuckers before they get away!”
You never know. Maybe, they all have a toast.
As much as it would please, and frighten me, and maybe all of us, the sight of US Marshals arresting the members of Congress responsible for their part in ongoing rebellion and insurrection, not to mention the fraud, would be a most astounding event to witness live on television.
Have you been following news on X from @DataRepublican? She is producing shocking revelations and making available handy tools to demonstrate the connections of NGOs, Congress and others. Martin, the US attorney in DC, is aware of her work and likely integrating that into ongoing investigations. He asked her to get in touch.
She is now at some undisclosed location as there are too many grifters and corrupt people in Congress and among cabal that don’t want that knowledge to see the light of day.
With some luck, Trump’s event tonight in Congress will reveal more about DOGE, related issues and findings to a wider audience.
I have seen her, it is very impressive.
Clearly something big is coming, and this is not happening randomly or by chance. At some point, GIven how big everything so far has been, with our government set up more as an embezzlement machine than anything else, and surveillance now zapping me almost non-stop in the house, there will be a massive move, I hope by Trump’s side first, and the speed of everything will blow us away.
For now, we wait.
God bless you AC. I cringe when I hear what they are doing to you. You’re a far heartier Man than myself. It is appreciated the work you do. If things continue as they have soon they will run out of funds and it may well be someone will start tracking these people and what they are doing to you and, hopefully, they will pay.
As I have said I think they set up Zalenskyy in order to cut off the slush fund washed through Ukraine. And slowly but surely they are forced to either give up files showing what they have done OR hide them and maybe get caught doing so leading to their firing. Clearing the way for real honest people and getting rid of the gatekeepers. We already see this in them outing the tranny lie director squad at the FBI. Think if they get real lie detector personal and they start requiring retesting of all agents. WHOOPS!!!
haven’t been able to comment since Saturday, so this is a test.
Things seem to be accelerating all around. We do not have massively more traffic, but that wordpress install screen would be there all the time if I just ignored it.
A new thing for me is that the coments link always showed the number of comments. It has always been that way. However recently – prob a week now – the link to comments doesn’t show the number so it looks superficially there are no comments. I am outside the US & use vpn
The Governor of Maine is exactly the kind of person I want to send to prison.
I’m no peach, but those folks could destroy a mirror factory from 10 miles out, they sure are an ugly bunch.
Men’s or women’s prison?
Following up from yesterday’s post:
Looks like for MOTELS (Honeypot for Surveillance) Rajesh gets 1-5 Million and you get spied on.
Where I’m from (soCal/sowestUSA) the “Indians” that are buying up all the motels and cheap hotels are the Patel family, and was informed by two independent sources, one a maintenance man that worked for a group of them for the dozen properties they were in charge of and the other was an Indian co-worker at my previous job. Not sure if anyone has any supporting information on this or other information that might shed light on who the people are actually buying the properties.
I think that is a very common name among them. One of the kids in school who was on surveillance for me was a Patel.
more on this
Vivek the anchor baby…

Tick Tock….

Cashapp Paypal and Barbie Barr.
Enough of the subtle hints. Fire up the choppers.

• FBI office head who withheld Epstein files fired
• truckload of Epstein files delivered
• Ukraine cut off
• Trump taking over POSTAL SERVICE
That last one in particular should make all of us here eyebulge, twitch a little, pinch ourselves…in a good way. Are they…are they really doing it, is this actually happening? Or, STILL happening, rather, since it began 6 weeks ago. Some off notes, but holy shit, we are now on Week 7 of Two More Weeks actually being fulfilled. Right? Seems that way. My expectations are conservative for tonight, but my hopes include a scenario a bit more realistic than ALL of them being simultaneously arrested. What if, like, only 1 or 2 or 3 of them were. Right there, in the middle of the speech. Trump describes a military intel sting operation, resulting in enough evidence of heinous crimes and even treason to generate an arrest warrant, says the suspects are still at large, but not for long, and then points to Schiff, Pelosi, and/or Schumer. First arrest will shock the world, we were told. That’d do it. Not expecting it, but it’s a halfway-plausible hope.
I will say, for years surveillance seemed to treat me as an irritation they zapped periodically just to make sure I remembered they were there. But lately week to week is nothing but acceleration. Total knockouts, my ears ringing for a half hour after I wake up, swarms of unhappy people when I am shopping. I mean I accelerated to American Stasi and I am wearing the shirts evrywhere, but it still feels like something else is going on, and they are worked up over something and desperate to shut this site down in way I have not seen before.
If it’s to stop you from peering through the kayfabe that Pam Bondi and Kash Patel appear to be so far, that would make sense they’d want you knocked out senseless.
If Trump were truly pulling the rug out from under Cabal, you’d think your minders would be grabbing their bugout bags and planet tickets for New Zealand instead of wasting time with you.
Still, many good things have happened–let’s hope someone gets a ticket to Gitmo tonight.
I know you are stubborn but I don’t think anyone would fault you if you were to flee for a couple of months and hide out. I suspect you could eventually shake them or at the least keep moving enough so that they would have trouble setting up. It may be very soon that they will be cut off.
I say the last because I fear for your safety. You must see that if they are defunded and lose their protection their liability if you remain alive is infinite. Though I feel a little bad about saying it so bluntly I’m not saying anything that you or they can not see for themselves.
This is going to be entirely a faith in God thing. From what I have seen in this, there is no point in running. Aaron Alexis tried to move around, but every single night he was getting beamed, no matter where he went. There was a State Department worker, came back to CONUS, his family got hit in his house. They went to a hotel and took out a massive suite for them and the kids, and his kids were being hit. They even hit people on White House grounds. I have been hit in the car driving, in parking lots, in two different houses. I was actually hit in the acupuncture office while on the bed. The doctor goes out, I am face down, my face in the hole, and they sent the vibrations through my body, and then the fuckers were tapping on the bed on each side of my head on the bed, like a spatter cadence only done as if fingers tapping the bed.. It is set up like that, and the tech is designed for that. They have probably been doing it for four decades now, at least, and seen every permutation of running and found a way to address it.
Plus, abandoning this site could prove to be worse even, as right now there is an audience here, and I can say here, I have had this happen, I have these videos to prove it, and publicize it, and have a relative dump the videos. Now, if I die that way, and that evidence goes public, there will be a lot more out there than I would think they would want. Hopefully that will apply pressure to abandon that specific method.
But if I bail on this site and lose the audience, I lose that ability. And I have shown I am a bit more of a pain in the ass than the average target. Extrapolating my psychology on them, I would have killed me already ages ago. And if I abandoned this site, I would do it even faster, before the opportunity was lost, and I re-entered this arena.
There is not much I can do at this point, except maintain my sites, push to expose this thing, and continue to probe the tech and see what pops.
But I appreciate the concern.
And understand, I am all sorts of weird, in exactly the ways I need to be for this path. I really thing God crafted this whole thing to make me like this, just for this purpose. It is to the point I have thought about the day this is fully defeated, and this battle over, and I will not be surprised to find out I have cancer or something with a week to live and I am right back to the other side. I would prefer to hang here and check stuff out for a while, but it would not surprise me or bother me if that was the script for me.
And I am not sure anything I do would change them anyway. They seem to have their path, and I think it was always going to involve beaming me. I had no idea they existed, they beamed me. I found out they existed when they began harassing me, but I did not do anything but try to avoid them, and they beamed me. I write about it, they beam me, I act nice to them in real life, they beam me, I call for executing all of them and write the definitive book exposing them, they beam me. I am pretty sure, before the whole storm/Doge thing, I could have popped and killed 15 or twenty of them in this area in one go, gone home, and if the cops couldn’t pin it on me, they would’ve done the exact same level of beaming as before.
I really think the only reason things are accelerating now is something is happening with Trump/DOGE/Storm, and they are afraid of something coming. My guess is they are not sure what is coming, but they think me being a figure in the new online world coming, talking about all this would be bad. And of course it will be, if I can make it be so.
But there is no play from here beyond trusting God will take them out before they take me out. All that DOGE money and all the years of importing Indians and other foreigners and giving them hotels and gas stations, and on and on, and putting their network everywhere, and developing tech to hit anywhere, from China, to Russia, to Cuba, It is too complex. My only path to escape is right through them, and taking them all out on the way.
you said if you go dark here, then we should move over to Farce’s site. What’s the web address?
It is in the navigation bar above, Timeless Author’s Forum.
on the influence of microwaves on living creatures’ behavior…
> • FBI office head who withheld Epstein files fired
So he’ll walk away… I guess that’s better than leaving them in place, but it grinds me that these weasels can avoid consequences for their actions.
I’d like to at least see him “detained” at Leavenworth or Gitmo for, oh, two or three years, until we can set up a kangaroo court like the FBI helped with the J6 victims.
I refuse to let myself get too hopeful about tonight, especially after seeing Trump’s theme. Meh. Over on GAB I’ve been reading posts fantasizing about tonight and mass arrests. Meh. Not gonna happen. HOWEVER, your scenario is downright plausible! Not exactly likely, but definitely plausible. “From your lips to God’s ears,” as the saying goes.
The “nascent” Jewish Sanhedrin recently petitioned @realdonaldtrump to establish an International Divine Court and institute global Noahide Law.
Under Jewish interpretation of Noahide laws, of which there are seven, they consider all Christians to be “idolaters.”
The punishment for idolatry is decapitation.
> UK foreign aid gives Planned Parenthood hundreds of millions of pounds. Their governments are apparently set up exactly as our’s were – to steal from the treasury.
It has been obvious that the British government was taking orders from the same people who were driving the American government. Whatever crackbrained thing the Fed did, Parliament would usually fall right in line with it.
I noted this over a decade ago, but it was just a “WTF?” thing at the time. In the light of what I know now, it’s not a coincidence.
Hey AC, not super important, but just so you know, the past couple of days, the news briefs have showed that there were no comments until I clicked on the “leave a comment” link and behold there they were. Don’t know if it’s happening ti anyone else.
That is weird. I cannot explain it, but thank you for the heads up.
Which tlls you he was not just some dude on a private sector economic espionage op. He was somehow woven into the government.
The Trump administration has proposed selling 443 federal properties, including Department of Justice headquarters and FBI headquarters
DOJ Blocked US Attorney Ed Martin’s Push to Impanel Grand Jury to Investigate Chuck Schumer’s Threat Against Conservative Supreme Court Justices
Fire Bondi.
Trump limits scientists’ work on key climate report that critics say has become politicized
Trump reportedly told government scientists working on a global climate report by the IPCC to step back. Critics say the panel’s work has become increasingly politicized.
Vellichor, your account at TA has been activated.
The IRS is reportedly drafting plans to fire as much as half of its workforce through a mix of layoffs, attrition and incentivized buyouts, two leakers told the Associated Press, who spoke on condition of anonymity “because they weren’t authorized to disclose the plans.”
More at:
Some good news.
Definitely Russia and US are natural allies.
saw this on 4chan and tried to reply. captcha doesn’t work for several hours. Go figure. This appraisal tracks with my experience.
I had a bizarre idea. What if pole shift was real and Trump knew it. Owning Greenland , roughly a quarter the size of the continental United States and Canada would be prime real estate after the pole shift.
Greenland had much less ice cover when the Vikings first settled there; they left when the ice cover increased.
It’s not a crazy idea, and the pole shift should be more widely born in mind, but I doubt legal treaty stuff and things like ownership will matter much when every court has been shaken from its foundation and there is a new pole star and the hordes of mad Max human remnants need food and metal.
Also, insofar as the elites have a survival plan and it involves Greenland, they will have already gone and done it. Remember. They’re saving themselves. Not America, or you or me.
Another thing occurred to me: if the pole shift also melts all that ice, then the isostatic rebound will be wild. Building stuff there would be like playing Jenga on a bucking bronco for a very long time. And another thing, there will be no soil.
Alberta lawyer Jeffrey Rath says a delegate is planning to travel to D.C. to pitch President Trump on Alberta statehood.
“It’s quite evident that we’re being governed by idiots in Ottawa… there’s a number of us in Alberta that have had enough.”
Trump BANS Britain from sharing any US military intelligence with Ukraine