Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
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New York City, 1896, what is the guy doing standing on the stairs, and not moving?:
Tucker says that he cannot believe he was so dumb he did not know the CIA was intervening to subvert Democracy in the US, as well as overseas. Surprising in that Cabal would not want that said out loud.
Merrick Garland: Voter ID requirements and restrictions on ballot ‘drop boxes’ are “discriminatory.”
Nikki Haley says she’s no longer bound by RNC pledge to endorse Trump if he wins.
Denver Mayor Mike Johnston announced the city’s decision to scale back migrant services by consolidating shelters, closing one shelter per week over the next month to reduce the budget deficit by nearly $60 million. Presently the budget deficit is $180 million.
25% of vaxxed now have VAIDS, top scientists warn.
The disturbing answer is probably not very many at all:
Trump leads Biden among Hispanics, registered voters overall: poll.
Spread r/K Theory, because not every day is a great news day
Hunter Biden’s Chinese legal ‘client’ threatens to sue unless first son pays back $1 million, since Hunter did no legal work for him.
Uh oh. The rats are abandoning the boat before it sinks.
“Officials from the National Science Foundation tried to conceal the spending of millions of taxpayer dollars on research and development for artificial intelligence tools used to censor political speech and influence the outcome of elections.”
It’s our own damn money used to ruin us. All of it. If there’s anyone who has influence, tell the worthless Republicans in the house to pass a bill saying no money will be spent ion any shape or form to recruit, move, inform, or in any way help aliens coming to the US. Specifically carve out their funding. While they’re at it, pass a bill saying ALL funds of anywhere in the US government that involve watching, recording, or doing anything to track US citizens needs a court order.
The Haitian government declared a state of emergency tonight after a major escalation in violence in the country over the weekend, with severe damage to infrastructure in the capital Port-au-Prince, prison invasions by gang members and the release of some 4,000 prisoners, including those accused of killing the prime minister. -Minister Juvenal Moïse in 2021.
Among other things, a night curfew has been imposed for the next few days, but it is questionable what more the authorities can do to deal with the rampant gang violence in the country.
re: Intelligence Community on meds
Given Medication Spellbinding ( from psychiatric meds… how many are *ordered* to take them?
If you are noticing that the “Red Pill” is now associated with Grifters, Gurus and Glowies. It is no accident. Here is the following of what has happened to a few of our guys:
One significant factor feeding into The Vacancy of Authority is how difficult it is to produce Red Pill content. Readers are not made privy to the details, but Manosphere / Red Pill authors are subjected to intense sufferings. In fact, that suffering is what makes them powerful authors. The most intense persecutions happened between 2017-2019 when TPTB tried their dandiest to stamp out the Manosphere / Red Pill, but it continues. Here are a few examples.
Moreover, The Red Pill lore has come at a great cost to some men.
Even the so called MGTOW(Men going their own way) online personalities has been under attack since they comprise genuine dissent. Largely composed of non-believers.
This Video platform is still up:
Reddit had a MGTOW forum that got shut down hard, some years ago. I have been finding it harder to find manosphere/ MGTOW material on the internets for some time. And what is there seems to be very superficial or doesn’t have much content other than misogyny.
Today’s Vox Day post might provide a clue:
Basically for middle class whites in the USA, it now costs more to raise a family than what will probably be their lifetime earnings. Karl Denninger made a similar argument a few months ago and VD disagreed.
This applies to both men and women looking to start a family, but the Cabal seems focused on keeping men from realizing that its just not the right time now, more than women.
Here is the Archive of a lot of the blogs:
Don’t forget what happened to Roosh. His forum was full of red pill postings, his planned meetups were targeted, he was personally targeted and banned, and after his sister died he gave up his lifestyle and turned to God.
It always seemed to me they targeted and destroyed him because he was having an influence on people that Cabal could not allow.
That was 1989 imagine what they have now.
‘Merrick Garland: Voter ID requirements and restrictions on ballot ‘drop boxes’ are “discriminatory.”’
Yeah, discriminatory against the millions of criminaliens they need to install a permanent Democrat majority.
Treasonous sows.
I saw this video. I don’t agree with any of these peoples’ politics but they made a point that is “sort of” how I feel about Trump. Why I can never 100% feel like I trust him. They talk about Ann Coulter’s stance on Trump. She really, really hates him now. But remember when no one, no one at all was for Trump, she was, but he pulled a Lucy on us and didn’t do what he said. At the least, as they say, Ann refuses to say even remotely what is popular, only what she thinks. It’s not very long and interesting.
I will say, I have seen Ann say utter bullshit I know she doesn’t believe. Here, she makes the case Ray Epps is just an innocent guy, totally unaffiliated with anything ominous.
Epps, I am sure, is clear to every surveillance person as one of their own. I look at his wife, and I can see a local team leader as clear as day. I do not know what they are, foreign intel op, British Royalists, Alien skinsuits. Could be anything, but whatever it is, it is totally in opposition to regular, clueless American normies. I am baffled we can have such a diametrically opposed OpFor operating among us, and still not even know what group this is, which is so totally on some other side they would flood us with migrants, and get little harmless girls out for a jog killed, and feel it is all worthwhile. I try to contemplate it, and just cannot process it.
Coulter is clearly running cover for him, and must see him as one of her own.
Trump lies, pretty blatantly at times, but when he does, it seems to be to put the enemy at ease, and get them complacent and not fighting, so he can then fuck them over and serve our cause even better. I mean, clearly he is working with some group. I hope he figured out a way to know who they are for sure. But I think he is OK.
If he ends up fucking over our side, I think the only way it happens is he finds out the group he joined was just a splinter of Cabal setting up another script. And they will probably fuck him worst of all. In truth, I have no idea how you ever form an alliance. This whole intelligence-driven environment is just liars and scumbags lying and scumbagging all over. You cannot trust anyone.
I suspect Trump’s assigned role was to negotiate with the dominant faction of the Cabal and talk them down from whatever insane plans they have for us.
I also think the only way he gets a second term is if some sort of deal is struck, and that may not be ideal for us. The dominant cabal might also be planning to let him win in November, then do the coup or insurrection.
“…Here, she makes the case Ray Epps is just an innocent guy…”
That’s not the case she is making. Read it. It says that the videos of him saying go in were from the day before, and that he said the opposite the actual day people entered the capital. Now I think Ray Epps is an agent but she’s a lawyer and is talking lawyer speak by saying what they are purporting Epps did, say, go in to the capital, the day they did, is not correct.
Looking at this differently She is just attacking Vivek Ramaswamy and Trump, who she doesn’t like, by arguing over minutiae like any other lawyer. It does not mean she is supporting Epps. Just like a lawyer can defend any sort of vie creature while not saying they are good, or bad or anything about them.
She’s more politically savvy than that.
She knows the propaganda effect is to tell people Epps is an innocent patriot like the MSM kept telling people.
She may have found a loophole to be saying something technically correct, but she knows people won’t know or understand the difference and she purposely doesn’t explain the difference and that he is still a “fed” (cabal) provocateur like you did.
And her blatant lies and attacks on Trump in many other cases show what side she’s on.
“…She knows the propaganda effect is to tell people Epps is an innocent patriot…”.
I don’t 100% disagree with you but she didn’t say anything about him being an agent or not.
She didn’t talk about that, though she may have elsewhere. One reason I’m not totally miffed at her nor believe that she is some sort of 100% controlled Jew asset is that while on the one hand people here say if you’re against Trump your an asset but there was NO ONE as big a booster of Trump than her. She said Trump would win and everyone looked at her like she was retarded but she stuck to it. She wrote a book praising Trump. Hard to get more pro_Trumpo than that. What soured her on Trump is some the very same things that made me distrust him,. No wall, no mass deportation of aliens, hiring RINOS to pack his administration. Dumping on Sessions. She mentioned all of these and thinks Trump is nothing but a big BS machine. Whatever you think about her, and she does have that lawyer mind squeak phrasing now and then, but I find that she tells the truth. Even if she’s not full on raising all issues or going on about the fakeness of the Holohoax she does I believe tell the truth, within the boundaries of the MSM which are tight. That i’ve noticed anyway. She also has always been for the working men and the average people in the country, while not being against people making money the old fashioned way. I find a lot of things she says I think also and until she makes some super boo boo then I see no need to damn her as being some cabal agent.
“Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo reported that a trusted, anonymous source revealed that House Rep. Anna Paulina Luna and House Rep. Matt Gaetz were briefed by military personnel”
Someone (Matt Laslo) said a “trusted” someone (anonymous) revealed that some people (Luna & Gaetz) were briefed by some people (anonymous military personnel)
Its a data point – but credibility score of 2 (out of 10)
SCOTUS reverses CO removal of Trump from the ballot 9-0. Trump is ON the ballot, all 50 states.
The 9-0 ruling (the part they all agreed on) was that states don’t have the authority to enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Maine and Illinois automatically roped into this.
I read the ruling, which was unsigned:
All justices agreed that the states don’t have the authority to enforce section 3 of the 14th amendment, which as Phelps said closes off all state government attempts to use that excuse to interfere.
A majority also ruled that the only way that section could be enforced was by a federal law passed by Congress. Such a law already exists, but the problem for the Blues is that Trump has neither been charged or convicted under that law, and it is too late to charge and try him before November. The three Democratic appointees and Barrett wrote opinions stating there was no need to address that. But a majority did address the issue and the majority opinion governs.
The Blues are talking about not certifying the result if Trump wins, which indicates they are going for the “let Trump win then stage a (real) insurrection” scenario, which I think is an insane strategy for them, but we are dealing with theater kids. There is apparently still supposed to be a State of the Union address by “Biden” on Thursday evening, so we may get more information then.
Not quite. There is an insurrection charge, which doesn’t invoke it automatically, and there was an enabling act passed in 1870, but it was repealed by Congress in the Amnesty Act of 1872. (By Democrats.)
Waiting on a ride, up higher to be able to see further down the street.
Not that he isn’t doing what we suspect, but at least he has a plausible cover.
This isn’t really news. This is just Haiti.
Highly recommended, especially the scanned version that is much much harder to censor.
This time it included the escape of those locked up for killing the last PM.
That makes it more significant.
Nah. It’s just another coup. Maybe we’re behind it, maybe the French, maybe its homegrown. Still just another coup.
From the book I linked:
RE: Nikki Haley says she’s no longer bound by RNC pledge to endorse Trump if he wins.
Okay. She just won her first primary, a meaningless, perfunctory victory in Washington, DC. She got a thumbs-up from the people that the rest of America wants strung up.
“Chinese gangs are behind THOUSANDS of illegal weed farms across the US – sparking fears that CCP could become new cannabis kingpins.”
Explains why fentanyl is now showing up in weed. Careful out there folks.
I heard an advertisement for the dangers of fentanyl. Can’t taste it, it gets put in other drugs, so powerful that an accidental or not over large amount put in (they didn’t say either way) could easily kill you said the advertisement against illegal drugs.
It reminded me of the Feds dosing alchohol in the Prohibition with poison.
Speculation is what this is.
The “partying hard” type teenagers are likely going to die much more often.
I suspect some of this China, China, China panic is BS. Have you noticed how lately there are all sorts of peril from CHINA!!! PR job.
China has been making war on us all along, it is only now that it is to someone’s advantage to admit it that the truth is being told.
“Surprising in that Cabal would not want that said out loud.” It’s right out of Tiny Hat Inc playbook. First subvert an institution, that’s fine but then you need to help the goyim along by making it obvious that the institution is corrupt now. The same will go for every governmental and religious organization and then it’ll be – aw man you let all your stuff go to hell in an handcart, can’t just have anarchy, better just accept our despot. Their despot is the antichrist. It says right there in the Bible that though they did not accept Jesus Christ, Who came in His Father’s name they’d accept one who comes in his own name. Their plan, which we are watching unfold, is all outlined in the Protocols. And Tucker wears a Cabala bracelet.
>Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo reported that a trusted, anonymous source revealed that House Rep. Anna Paulina Luna and House Rep. Matt Gaetz were briefed by military personnel who had a video of alien bodies.
Gaetz, allegedly taking neocon scalps and being groomed to replace the failed Desantis-bot in Florida, plays into the fake alien narrative. That’s how you know he’s a really trustworthy guy who’s just taking wins against this massive machine that controls everything!
And yet people will fall for it, still, even “smarties” that frequent this site.
Maybe we should hear alien stuff from Gaetz instead of rumors spread by someone else before we pass judgment.
>Chinese gangs are behind THOUSANDS of illegal weed farms across the US – sparking fears that CCP could become new cannabis kingpins.
Same message as a comment I made a few days ago about Russia: even if China is fighting to kill Cabal (unlikely, but as some like Vox posit), the symptoms of this action will be indistinguishable from hostility to the average American.
These countries know the best way to ruin Cabal is to sink the USA and that means propping up and fueling the fires of degeneracy, civil unrest, race tension, financial ruin, and even killing off our population directly via military or bio-warfare. These nations have made it clear they are Russia/China first, and if your American civilian ass has to be spanked to achieve that goal then you better pad up your pants.
We may eventually reach a point where we can all be friendly and work together post-Cabal, but it’s not going to be an easy ride there. All this ignoring the history that shows the corrupting evil of Satan will just reinstall itself into the new world power that rises, whoever it may be, to fuck with us some more.
Russia is not engaging in these tactics.
That’s why we know they are not just a different wing of cabal.
The best way to destroy cabal is to enable the American people and tell them the truth.
China is evil.
Russia may not be taking the best course of action because Putin and his allies may see allowing some damage to America as revenge for the fall of the USSR, but they are not actively engaged in attacking the good, the beautiful, and the true.
“…China is evil…”
The people in charge survived Mao’s purges. They are not sissies like our “pretend” leaders. They are hard nosed people and we are in our present state are no match for them.
They are delusional maniacs and are causing their own demise without our help.
Another weird one.
This video (26 minutes long) is from from the Houston ‘church’ shooting from February 11th at Joel Olsteen’s mega-church. Joel is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and I will never set foot in that place, false Gospel and all that.
But the video is worth the watch, just from the training aspect.
Around the 9 minute mark there is a security guard that behaves in a very weird ‘American Statsi’ way , he moves towards the crazy woman with a gun, and he’s unarmed! At times he stands in front of the off duty cop with his pistol. It makes no sense! Unless he’s like the grocery store people in Colorado who wandered around with and active shooter.
13 minute mark is body cam footage from woman cop.
Shooting an AR inside is no joke.
Woman is clearly a wind up toy… “I’ve got a bomb, I just need help, (shooting at cops), don’t shoot I’ve got a bomb)” Crazy.
Wind up toy brought her son along (who was special needs no less) and she actually shot him in the head! No word on his condition. I’ve got family who works the pediatric ICU, and generally GSW’s to the head are devestaing, but their little hearts will work long after brain death, which is really hard on family and staff.
I tell ya, something is off with that whole scene.
It is like Buffalo. That shooter went around that supermarket like it was a video game. He saw somebody, he blasted them. Bang, bang, Bang-bang-bang. He comes around the checkout counter, and there is a guy kneeling between checkout counters, his hands held over his head, though he was trying to stay low. The shooter whips the gun on him, the guy peeks up at him, and the shooter is about to blast, and then saw something, and went, “Oh, sorry!” And then he kept moving looking for people to shoot. It was very strange. I mean, he apologized, like whatever he saw, clearly he was not supposed to scare that guy like that. After he just skullcapped like five or six people.
Have you checked the video for possible hand signs or clothing tha signifies anything? Putting both hands up etc. etc. and to break the rule when the signs are used gets extra punishment- plus even to the uninitiated it still would look like executing a surrender.
I have that video. I can tell you the whole event was fake. Watch the way the woman falls in the beginning, how her body jackknifes as she folds her hands in front of her to break her fall. Watch the guy on the right fall back pretending he is hit, when the shooter did not fire at him. The shooter had gone off script and reversed his targets.
Vox Day writes the truth:
It is not over if we take it back.
Dream on. Read Michael Yon’s X posting on China Camp.
Get lost, doomer.
We will prevail with GOD’s help.
The America we were sold a lie, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make it real.
“It is not over if we take it back.”
This is true. However depressed I am about the situation, it would only take a minority of real shit lords in the House to and eventually the Senate to change things, drastically. I mean drastically, such as to put them on the run.
With the House they could start by un-earmarking individuals and refusing any government money in any capacity to be paid to them. They could end all support for the illegal alien invasion. Stop their funding. If we stop their funding, it would bring a huge amount of their malfeasance to a halt because we’re the ones funding it. Eventually we would have to take the Senate with the same sort of determined people. THEN the heads would roll. Repeal the ruling that made State Senates population based and go back to regional based. That would be a stake in their heart and follow it by all these regional Senators ripping the heart out of their global homo. Make only financially self sufficient people to vote, be on juries, etc. This would put a stake in the heart of 99% of our problems. True we would still be pozzed, and have lots of problems but they would stop compounding and start rolling back. I would, with control of the House and Senate, deport anyone who immigrated who took any public assistance. I don’t know what or where they are, but I bet with almost 100% assurance that there are laws passed long ago that said immigrants who were public charges could be deported. This would be a 100 million people???, maybe. A lot of this could be done in four to five years time. Eight at the most if enough people decided that “this is the way”.
I think we all know where these fuckers are headed.
Merrick Garland is the gift that keeps on giving, a herpes.
Americans are lucky that he was kept off the Supreme Court, where he could’ve done even more long-term damage to the country than what he has been doing as AG.
Federal appeals court allows Texas immigration law to take effect.
Law enforcement officers in Texas are now authorized to arrest & jail any illegal immigrants crossing the border.— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) March 4, 2024
Supreme Court’s Alito pauses Texas law on illegal border crossings
Haley going bye bye soon:
New meme face:

Post was removed by the moderator, but someone grabbed a screenshot first:
The wife was walking her dog in the parking-lot of their gated community when this car started “pacing” her.
The next day, she went back down to walk the dog and this time, the guy was waiting outside his car and asked her across the parking lot, “Hey, can I talk to you?” She said no and left. The husband was at home, so she went in and told him that it happened again, and he ran out. The guy had just rolled out the exit gate but he had turned down a dead-end, and so the author of the Reddit post knew he would have to come back around, and that’s when he snapped the photo.
Mark Giuliano, former FBI deputy director, dies at 62
From FR:
[quote]Taken from a post by on TWITTER (AKA X)
As per the Federal Government only 113 MILLION votes were cast in 2020.
If that is the case and Trump’s turnout was 74 MILLION and ZERO
votes were switched from TRUMP to BIDEN by the Dominion voting machines,
then that would have left BIDEN with only 39 MILLION votes.
ALL sources claim he received 81 MILLION votes,
more than even Obama and Trump also.
That means there were over 41 MILLION invalid votes.[/quote]
Former President Donald Trump won the North Dakota Republican caucuses, NBC News projects, defeating former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley on the eve of Super Tuesday. He will receive all 29 delegates.
HILLARY Is RUNNING For President in 2024?
Remember my RFK theory?
It kicks in on the 19th.
Biden will stay in that long and then publicly collapse.
Biden has until March 19 to drop out