News Briefs – 03/04/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s Twitter feed:

No Q. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Here is an idea I wondered about. Does a grandfathered assault weapons ban create an issue of age discrimination? As after a set amount of time, younger people who were too young to own such a weapon and get it grandfathered have a tangibly reduced Second Amendment right to self defense weaponry compared to older individuals who were old enough to purchase such weapons and have them grandfathered. In short, is it a possession ban which only applies to the young, and thus discriminates.

A reminder of the time Twitter users found a child porn network using twitter to spread child porn, they reported it, and twitter proceeded to suspend all the reporters.

150 missing Tennessee children recovered in a joint operation by US Marshals, and other agencies.

From Patrick Byrne’s Telegram:

“…HBO released a documentary that some may find relevant. [WATCH full movie here ??] The surprise this fellow evinces matches my own over the last few months, studying the security of our election infrastructure. I first began looking at it thinking, ‘Where is the vulnerability? At what weak spot might it be attacked?’ It turns out that the answer is, ‘Everywhere. Just… everywhere. The whole system is a soup of vulnerabilities. An 8th grader could hack this shit.’ …And yes, I know that the esteemed Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Director Christopher Krebs (a lawyer) has come out and said that this was the most secure election in US history. Krebs is either an idiot or he is lying, and if he is lying it is either out of embarrassment at what he let happen or he is captured. I openly challenge him to appear on any news show he chooses to debate the subject with me. I don’t care if it is with Rachel Maddow refereeing: in four minutes there will be nothing left of the fool’s credibility but a greasy spot. Put differently, HBO was correct.”

There is a strange lack of video of John Durham online, and people can only find five still photos, two of which appear to be possibly the same with a tie swapped out. The site wonders how he could do the entire Whitey Bulger case and not have a single video clip of a press conference somewhere online, even if as background to a modern news story about him as Special Prosecutor. At this point, no telling what that means. Could just mean he hates publicity, or Cabal only lets assets get TV time, and he was not one.

CrowdStrike had no evidence of Russians stealing emails from DNC, declassified transcript shows.

House passes sweeping voting rights bill over GOP opposition. Supposedly this will die in the Senate, though the article implies Democrats could change procedural rules and force it through on a bare majority. I suppose we will find if patriots really are in control, as this is the whole game.

Pentagon to raise social media screenings in military background checks for ties to groups with ‘strong conservative elements.’

Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL) suggests a Republican-led amnesty plan for millions of illegal aliens living in the United States could be unveiled “probably next week.” This will tell us a lot. If there is amnesty, the nation is done, and we should focus everyone’s effort on taking it all down, ideally by exposing the surveillance for starters.

108 illegal immigrants were released by Border Patrol in Texas after they tested positive for COVID-19.

Illegal immigrants test positive for Covid but are sent on their way into the interior of the country.

Germany places entire far-right AfD under surveillance. Just in time for an election year. AfD may also have noticed what was always there, and was going to complain, so this is how they make it look like it is only AfD, and it just started.

Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani have been served in lawsuit that accuses them of inciting the January 6 MAGA riot.

Day 43 into the Biden presidency, and his cabinet is still half-empty.

Private payrolls growth well short of expectations for February.

Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday announced a new program that will require New Yorkers to show a COVID-19 vaccine “passport” to enter sports arenas, theaters, and other businesses. If the 4th Amendment is supposed to protect a woman’s right to get an abortion, why does it not affect your right to take a vaccine or not?

Andrew Cuomo’s approval rating tanks.

Cuomo accused of harassment, ‘hostility’ and ‘dirty tricks’ against a woman while HUD chief 20+ years ago.

Breitbart says Cuomo getting Me-Too’ed is about diverting attention from the other governors who were involved in the nursing home scandal.

Cuomo rips de Blasio and NYC amid apology over sex harassment claims.

Joe Biden’s deputies set a 2021 goal of welcoming 117,000 migrant youths.

Biden admin locks the “ICE Alerts” twitter account because it doesn’t want people seeing how Biden was forcing the release of dangerous migrants, or having people help catch them.

Republican Governors group seeks coordination links between Cuomo and Whitmer on Coronavirus policy.

Bill Gates and MIT unveil quantum dot technology to mark children’s skin so they can be scanned for vaccine compliance and anything else to be determined later.

Biden calls Republicans ‘Neanderthal.’ It is mainly interesting in that as he goes into dementia and loses all his less important thoughts, that word remains.

Biden limits eligibility for stimulus payments, phasing them out faster with increasing income, under pressure from moderate Senate Democrats.

Migrants wear Biden T-shirts at US-Mexico border, and demand clearer policies.

Police uncover ‘possible plot’ by militia to breach Capitol on March 4th. Sounds like another FBI special production.

House cancels Thursday votes amid security threats at Capitol. Clearly domestic violence is a cover story, but a cover story for what?

The D.C. National Guard chief on Wednesday told lawmakers he would have “immediately” activated his forces to assist U.S. Capitol Police on Jan. 6 if his authority had not been restricted by the Pentagon. So either Chris Miller was Cabal, or the Capitol riots were a Q-operation.

A Mississippi judge ruled in favor of a new Democrat Primary election for Alderman, following overwhelming evidence of mail-in ballot fraud, including 78% of mail-in ballots being shown to be fraudulent.

White House cuts virtual event feed after Biden says he’s ‘happy to take questions’ from House Democrats.

US mulls possible military response to rocket attack on Iraq base.

U.S. senators offer bill to rein in Biden war powers after Syria strike.

House COVID bill creates a $50 million ‘slush fund’ for Planned Parenthood and eliminates the Hyde Amendment protections.

Social media platform Parler dropped its lawsuit against Amazon on Tuesday. It can refile.

Scientists in Iceland say ‘strong signs’ volcanic eruption is imminent.

NBA refuses to comment of a China court ruling homosexuality is a mental illness.

Palace help who worked with Megan and Harry feel they have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from Meghan’s bullying. The Palace is launching an unprecedented investigation.

Eight injured after ‘suspected terror attack’ in a Swedish municipality. Crazy stabber who got shot by cops. His condition is unclear.

On Twitter – France has banned the far-right group Generation Identity, citing it’s “a private militia” that incites “discrimination, hatred, and violence.”

China makes COVID-19 anal swabs mandatory for foreigners.

Anthony Fauci says ‘I do not think we’ll be back to normal by March of 2022.

People with blood type A are at greater risk of catching Covid-19 because the virus can bind more easily to their respiratory cells.

In Baltimore, a school where a student who passed three classes in four years, ranks near the top half of his class with a 0.13 grade point average. Now imagine that the population there has established an r-selected reproductive strategy, the government is flooding in welfare and stimulus based on how many kids you have so there is no mortality or resource shortage, and from here on out every generation will get bigger and dumber and faster-reproducing. It will accelerate logarithmically, and there is nothing you can do but let it collapse civil society, because any attempt to stop the collapse of society into savagery and warfare between the civilized and a massive army of uneducated savages, will be judged unkind. It is a pretty amazing situation.

A SpaceX rocket prototype, known as SN10, made a pinpoint landing near its launch site, however three minutes later it exploded on its landing pad.

Ron Johnson vows to force clerks to read the entire $1.9 trillion coronavirus bill to stall it through the weekend.

Scientists struggle to figure out plunging COVID cases.

Birth rates continue to plummet. One part of this is the end of the era where you got a job and had some income security until you retired. But you are also seeing reduced rearing urge due to a lack of K-ifying stimuli causing people to not really see why children are desirable.

South Carolina Senate adds firing squad to execution methods. Electric chair too.

A bomb explosion rocked a coronavirus testing centre in the Netherlands early today – weeks after anti-lockdown riots left the country reeling.

China’s ambitions to become self-sufficient in the production of chipsets have been dealt a serious blow with the closure of a state-backed semiconductor plant.

Alabama looks set to make it a felony to use puberty-blocking drugs, hormonal therapy and surgery to treat transgender minors. Through the Senate, the House already passed a similar bill, and then to the Governor.

President Trump says it is time to buy Goya again. Trump is brilliant, and knows not having a social media account is a detriment. And yet he is maintaining radio silence, at least on social media, even as he has to know it weakens his position – a position he will need stronger given all the nutty federal prosecutors and State AGs trying to launch their own personal witch hunts against him now. Something is going on, and there is some unknown reason Trump is laying low.

Spread r/K Theory, because everything as meaning.

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LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago


>”ideally by exposing the surveillance for starters.”

I think the JQ stuff has became widespread knowledge enough for me to be able to change priorities redpilling wise that it won’t lose steam any time soon (and of it does, it’s always possible to refocus on it, and there are enough organized archives of verifiable facts to be able to flood the gen pop with those, unlike with the surveillance issue). Should I start a meme crusade to bring more audience here and mainstream the surveillance question issue?

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

IMHO that page is great for the more autistic type of person that wants to take in as much info as possible all at once as fast as possible.

So there is nothing wrong with the page.

I think you can try to create different pages (such as a FAQ type page) so you can capture the attention of other types of audience, kinda like a landing strategy page that then drives the traffic to another place after getting the attention and sparking the interest.

I say this because what I would do is to have what I called a sledgehammer and a scalpell approach to redpilling on the JQ. Sledgehammer was just flooding the places where I posted (such as here, for examole) with verifiable facts, over and over again, in order to saturate the “field of attention” (made up term, it can be a chan thread, or a page to a blog article, or a flier, etc, it’s a site or piece of media where we can input information of some kind), until enough people on the place had verified the content and would spread it themselves in other places (you never know when that is happening, but over time you can see the impact of the redpilling campaign in the “culture” of the place as the info the campaign is designed to spread starts becoming widespread thru the platform’s audience).

Scalpel approach is just seeding little seeds in the minds of the audience (inception style) in the middle of any convo where an opening happens, without saturating the attention of the audience with the data the campaign is designed to spread.

I would cycle thru both both because it is boring to stay on the same MO, but also because people need time to absorb the data, and sometimes it can make the platform outputting for some potential new audience (which is why I shortened my nickname here recently, I gave it a thought and it was kind of a dick move to have used that for so much time, even if you seemed to not mind).

Your comprehensive page is like a sledgehammer, and is great, but we can speed up the spread of the info if scalpels are develop to be used in specific contexts.

I hope I made sense, I have a lot of autism in what regards information warfare.

Google 'Dancing Israelis' & 'USS Liberty attack'
Google 'Dancing Israelis' & 'USS Liberty attack'
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Would like to deposit my unsolicited 2¢ to humbly request advanced tactical redpilling on the domestic informant/surveillance network in the form of the creation of additional resources for the consumption of (the extremely conservative estimate of) 1/1000 NPC’s that has the potential to be at all jarred out of complacency into awareness when coming across non-co-shure wrongthink be somehow kept quarantined from this actual blog with some level of plausible deniability for the totally selfish reason of not wanting to lose my current go-to internet asylum. I have no idea what kind of fielding AC has to do on a daily basis to keep the comment section free of JIDF/COINTELPRO garbage, but I’m concerned any effective outreach on the part of this community would cause the threat level of this site to be escalated from ‘tolerated pressure-release valve and resource for intel gathering’ closer towards ‘SHUT_IT_DOWN.jpg’.

So frustrating that the expression of such a sentiment from a sincere reader trying to look out has the potential to read like a ‘nice blog you have here, shame if anything were to happen to it’ thinly-veiled threat or an attempt at concern trolling because it’s neither, but such is the world we currently live in I guess, and thank you for abiding my suggestion from the peanut gallery fwiw


I am on fb. I am on a one week suspension. ok today they dug out the pic of 3 prominent yahhodi saying hateful things, that I posted. 30 days! ok I went back to them in the support line and reminded them I was “quoting” them, taxpayers paid for fb so who do they think they be foolin… a few minutes later… 30 day suspension was gone. methinks at the end of the day they have more pussyhatters and streetshitters doing narrative enforcement than they do hardcore yahoodi. I think that could be the case. I rarely go and holler at them, but a 30 day sentence is total bs. I also have a 45 day one where I cant go live or advertise. I never do those so who cares. I have also had multiple sentences going on at one time and some admins let go on one but must mistakenly let go on others simultaneously. they are a clusterfuck, and I mean that in a nice way.

4 years ago

“because any attempt to stop the collapse of society into savagery and warfare between the civilized and a massive army of uneducated savages, will be judged unkind.”

Let it be judged that way, who cares?

Last days of the wicked
Last days of the wicked
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Who said anything about culling? Just sit back and watch it all burn down, but be well clear of the social blast radius.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Last days of the wicked
4 years ago

That’s also a good point. Big Bear says it all the time “you don’t have to beat them to win”, if you can just build your own community and unplug from the system as much as possible (homestead mentality), you can watch it burn from a distance.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen

That’s true. Like VD says, one should always expect conflict, because of the fallen nature of this world.

I really have no idea if Owen has seen the machine, although I think/feel he has, and assuming he did, that he believes that by going his own way and ignoring their operations they will allow him to do his thing.

Anyway, it is not something I will bring up to him, I don’t think he would be receptive to it of he doesn’t know about it, and if he does, I think he doesn’t want people talking about it on his “platforms” (and I don’t judge him, he has the right to make the rules to his own “houses”).

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones

Lem, remember the first few months of Big Bears livestreams? He was terrified they were going to wipe him off the face of the earth at any moment. Then he relaxed as he realized they weren’t. And that is a good reminder, we don’t have to beat them to win. That is why they work so hard to sow distrust and prevent friendships, marriages, families, and communities from forming. All it takes is people reproducing at above replacement, and passing on their knowledge and values to their children.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen

I just realized I can’t deal with advancing another full on meme crusade, if I do that I am pretty sure I will burn out.

But I will do normal sharing of AC’s articles as he churns them out (as should anyone that believes his content should spread), but the times of spending 16 hours per day on the chans and every place where posting can be done are over for me, constantly fighting shills, learning their tactics and designing ways to turn them against them are not something I can do at this point. Looking back it was some insane shit, but I don’t regret it because it worked.

I really need to focus more on my financial shit, and to be honest, if things keep going in the tragectory they seemingly are, then I have this feeling that it wouldn’t be long until I would get fucked for meme crusading again. Basically, I decided to take on the mind set “it’s not my job”, because I know it would consume me, and I don’t know if I could come back from the ashes like I have done so many times now.

Maybe I am going soft, but it is what it is.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I think you underestimate how pissed people really are AC fren.

IMHO, when the festivities start, no matter if it’s the military or the neo-Founding Fathers hosting the party, most of the lemming NPCs will switch sides once the MSM traitors and other mass communication mercenaries and prostitutes start getting taken out.

It’s the reason why info is as gatekept as it is, TRE gaybal knows some 40-60% of the population are literally lemmings that won’t think for themselves no matter what, and don’t care to ever start, they will just follow who can convince them they can provide them with safety, food and after those are meet, entertainment/luxuries. Once the system starts falling apart (and it will, I know not how specifically, but it’s a when, not an if), the lemmings will stop being loyal to the machine. For the moment they seem to be unredimably loyal to the system, but if you look closer, they will be quick to switch sides once the system’s capacity to keep them in their mental prison stops working. And they’ll just hop into another mental prison, no matter of it is a righteous and truth based one, or not, lemmings will always be in a mental prison because that’s what they want so they’ll never think critically. This means they can be flipped of the right conditions are met.

Sam J.
Sam J.

“…TRE gaybal knows some 40-60% of the population are literally lemmings that won’t think for themselves no matter what, and don’t care to ever start, they will just follow who can convince them they can provide them with safety, food and after those are meet, entertainment/luxuries…”

I don’t think that’s even remotely even 20% true. It’s not luxuries either. Most people are barely getting by and the idea of get in a big tussle with the State or anyone is something they can;t afford. People with kids don’t want when they come to them saying,”I’m hungry” to have as a reply,”well I have to fight off the deep State, you’ll just have to starve and live in a tent”.

I bet above 80% know there’s a corrupt vicious government running things but have no idea what they can do about it without suffering certain destruction themselves. Remember the Jews and their shabbos goy have cash and we don’t.

The real test comes when they crash the economy. I suspect after a few months of turmoil people will start going after them then.

I’ve seen this guy play in a bar before. He was good. A kind of country/rock player.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Interesting perspective.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

true but if enough cucks start getting offed, they’ll stop caring, or die.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

I have an idea AC fren (which might or might not be retarded): what if you make a FAQ like article about the “civilian embedded humint network” question?

Also, people have talked about it before here, but nothing seems to have gained traction, but I think it would be wise to find a term to address what you are talking about here that the word “surveillance”.
“Civilian embedded humint network” seems more precise, but IMHO too long, and too “bulky”.

The point of that is to design a term that people recognize as being distinct from the typical gov surveillance Assange and Snowden etc exposed. This CEHN is a different thing (although it overlaps in certain areas with the “classic” abusive gov surveillance, no doubt), and I think mass exposure would be faster if the audience could learn about the difference between the two ASAP when exposed to the content of your site and blog.

Or perhaps I’m just being a gay and overthinking it, kek

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Peeping Tom

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

>”Domestic informant/surveillance blackmail network”

Perfect. Yes, adding the treason word ends up messing it up. Brevity is sacred but what about:

Domestic widespread informant/surveillance blackmail network

Adding the widespread to give it a sense of scale. Kinda like you use the word massive on the link to the surveillance page.

Also, no matter what term you decide to use, I think you need to make it “pop out” visually on the page. I have no skill in web design, so this is probably retarded, but perhaps use the term with a bigger font than everything else on the page, or some other way to make people look at it and remember it (basically, do for the term of your choosing what was done with the term “Jewish collective power”, aka make it familiar and have people exposed to the term, even if they never use it themselves, they’ll be able to accept everything related to it much more easely because the “mental folder” where shit related to the issue is correctly labeled (sorry if this is too nerdy, but I am pretty sure it’s a real factor, I experimented a lot with language and it seems feeding the audience a very clear term for them to related to a whole subject helps the audience to understand the subject much better (at the end of the day we want to educate people, so we should use every trick to make the info stick with them, kinda like a good teacher does)).

Also, as a side note, this type of “nitpicking” is useful because every edge we can get is precious given that any info you want the audience to pay attention to, retain and start spreading themselves is in constant competition with every other piece of info that is not related to it at all times. It’s a very literal information war.


Don’t give them anything that starts to sound cool. No acronyms, nothing with any sort of dignity. Informant sounds cool. That Snow douche in the 90s did a hit song called “Informer”. Calling Cortez “AOC” was the worst thing we could do, because it sounds cool.

Call a spade a spade.

They are snitches. They are just fucking snitches. They spend all day snitching. They have a snitching club.

Snitches end up in ditches.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

This is a great point.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

And I agree with you that is is on the verge of becoming widespread knowledge.

Lots of people know but fear the machine (not surprisingly), but the more people know, the more efforts the machine has to keep an increasingly amount of people under compliance. And the more people that know they use to keep others that know in check, the more vulnerabilities it opens itself too. Just like the bigger the army the bigger the chance that saboteurs get inside. And I am pretty sure lots of people that comply with the machine (agree to follow its orders) resent the machine. The more the machine gets overwhelmed (more persons of interest it labels for extended attention), the more its power is diluted, and the harassment / intimidation efforts become hamfisted.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

agree cause informants are just trying to stay out of jail, or keep doing as is, or get a promotion. into what they don’t always know, or care. / or call them CHUD – civilian humint undercover dirtbags

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

More proof that electing Jewish financed politicians is not effective in stopping the verifiably real phenomena of White Genocide:

The moves towards normalization include praise for Charles de Gaulle (loathed by Le Pen père for his abandonment of the 1 million Europeans of French Algeria), the commemoration of the victims of the Vel d’Hiv, agreeing with the media that the “Great Replacement” is a baseless conspiracy, and providing only qualified support for the persecuted group Generation Identity on grounds of free speech.

A sign of Le Pen’s attempt to break out of the “far-right” ghetto and join forces with the mainstream right: three heads of regional lists on the National Rally (RN) ticket are not RN members (the ecological essayist Hervé Juvin and the conservative politicians Jean-Paul Garaud and Thierry Mariani).

I always thought she was controlled opposition once I learned she was a zionist. Jewish money always induces treason against the people in all politicians, and right now there isn’t a single politician that hasn’t been turned against the Western people via Jewish money.


look hard at her. does she look of gaul or something else. I say something else. / now lets do the name thing. le pen. la pin. lapin. / yeah she’s also jewish. / macron is the shabbier goy there. id still prefer her but only as a short term solution.


in the vein of my othe comment, look at Charlie and tell me he isn’t jewish

4 years ago

re: Durham

As I suggested yesterday, I think it might be more of a Trump’s operation than Cabal’s (assuming those two are distinct ;)) as Durham was appointed in October.

Of all of the weird things going on, this one seems to be the most bizzare.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

AfD placed under surveillance in Germany
Generation Identity banned in France
UK legal commission advising the government to ban PA
Greece declaring Golden Dawn a criminal org

Democracy is fake. If anyone outside the regime makes a dent they’ll just use the state to squash them

Last days of the wicked
Last days of the wicked

All Democracies eventually become r-selected rabbit warrens. The same way all Republics inevitably evolve into Monarchies. The USA, France, UK, Germany and Greece will be no different, except there will be no king but King Jesus.

Name (required)
Name (required)
4 years ago

“Something is going on, and there is some unknown reason Trump is laying low.”
Perhaps it is something good for Americans. Certainly Trump’s concern for America is genuine, even if he’s a little fuzzy on who we are. Certainly the power structure is changing, and we still know how it’s all going to shake out.

4 years ago

If anything you do today or tomorrow—Please watch “What You’re Not Supposed to Know About America’s Founding” by Arthur Thompson of the John Birch Society.

It is unbelievable the stuff he has uncovered! It is based on a book he wrote called To The Victor Go The Myths & Monuments. I got it yesterday, skimmed thru it—it is a blockbuster. All sorts of people who were Illuminati influenced America. He references a book called Lincoln’s Marxists. The whole 1st American Civil War can really be called a Marxist War. All sorts of German communists led Union forces. William Tecumseh Sherman was a Communist. The book is mindblowing!

This shatters the whole narrative of America and the Civil War and beyond. It is a must read. I suggest ordering it from the JBS bookstore

He has a whole chapter on the radical origins of the Repuke Party.

All the stuff going on today can be traced to the radical agenda of the 1800s and all that crap in the 1800s America can be traced thru to Michael Hoffman’s book The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome . I also recommend all of Mme Francis Yates books.

Everything and I mean everything can be traced back to the Jews in the Renaissance and their silly ideas. Jewish Messianism is a powerful elexir that has everybody following it.

4 years ago

AC, I’m curious how you think Cabal actual functions on a day to day basis. I hope we can agree that most of Cabal is r-selected chumps. Since these people are ipso facto incapable of loyalty and sacrifice, how does Cabal maintain its structure and operational security?

Also, why have you forgotten about John Earle Sullivan. It seems like he is a perfect example to support your hypothesis.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

And the hypocrisy of the Jewish controlled system in Western Europe keeps destroying anyone that “dares” to offend a Jew:

The 18 year old Spanish girl may face 4 years in prison for “hate” speech, but it is still 100% OK to call for the death of all Whites there, as well as publicly support the destruction of Spain for their colonialist past.

This only proves that the Western political system is an enemy of the Western people, and that it will either get destroyed, or the Western people will.

4 years ago

> The D.C. National Guard chief on Wednesday told lawmakers he would have “immediately” activated his forces to assist U.S. Capitol Police on Jan. 6 if his authority had not been restricted by the Pentagon.

That is what as known as “a big fat lie.”

The DC NG answers to the incumbent President, who can call them up without involving the Pentagon at all, just like the various state and territorial Governors.

4 years ago

Biden calls Republicans ‘Neanderthal.’ It is mainly interesting in that as he goes into dementia and loses all his less important thoughts, that word remains.

The Saps have always been terrified of the Thals. Ask Arcane Texas, he’ll back me up.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

if you actually look at the Phoenician navy, ie khazarian army… best example is paul Wolfowitz… got yer Neanderthal right there. our enemies call us Neanderthal in projection. / I prefer to be called an atavist.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

I believe Tex Arcane was spouting nonsense. One thing I like to do is bore things down to the simplest logic. The basics. The most lower level of common sense.

If the Neanderthals were so great how come they lived in Europe for 250,000 years and didn’t build a damn thing of note? If they were so smart, so strong, so intellectually brilliant how come they had…nothing?

So in reality Tex can not verify nor offer any decent information at all that neanderthals were some great thing. The only thing he could verifiably attribute to them was a type of plastic made from wood ashes that he said took some inordinate tech to build. But that’s not really true because anyone can do this stuff by following a few directions.

Now I don’t doubt they were smart but I think a good case can be made that they were animals. Human animals.

When Cro-Mags or the made up derogatory term “Saps” came about there was an explosion of creative work done that in no way could be attributed to the Neanderthals. The Neanderthals can not even be reliably seen to make any of the more complicated stone points that Cro-Mags did.

Tex said a lot of interesting stuff but when asked point blank about a lot of stuff he just made up he never had answers for any of it. All in all he had all the traits of an autistic Jew who was spinning some super florid embroidered tale to injure Whites, (Cro-Mags). A huge part of everything he went on about was basically White people are no good. Jews have a habit of this. See Moldbug and “we need kings”. And all the feminist, communist, Ayn Rand libertardians, trans push homo push, it goes on and on.

Now if you look further you will see that the people who completely and totally look EXACTLY like the Neanderthals is, the Jews. Same skull shape. Long trunk and short legs. Never able to build a damn thing only able to take over things that the “Saps” built and then promptly destroy it.

Hepcat 1
Hepcat 1
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Tex was/is an interesting fellow, and I have no doubt he’s probably smarter than me. but. but that don’t make him a) right all the time, or b) not prone to stretch the truth, same as everybody else does.

truth stretchin’/whopperage: I don’t have an eidetic memory, but there are times when my memory randomly kicks into Upgraydd mode, and improves by a factor of about 3. anything written by the talentless hack steven king activates this, so I quit reading him long ago. (who the fuck wants to remember page after page of poorly-written overblown horseshit featuring a bad guy from Maine who’s a creepy sanctimonious firebreathin’ Christian fundamentalist pedo with an overbearing mother and also has lots of s-s-sexual p-p-p-p-PROBlems??) I absolutely, positively, would swear to it in court REMEMBER a post Texas Arcane wrote about back when he was a mere youth and spending time in weight rooms that he – it was either him, or another special noble ‘thal – was working with “180-lb. dumbbells.” now I used to spend quite a bit of time in weight rooms. all over the country. and I never, no never, not even once saw a “180-lb. dumbbell.” think about it: most men’s bench tops out around 180; working a dumbbell that heavy will overbalance you waaay too much to get any good iso work done; and *2* of them …. nah. then too, what gym owner is going to shell out big bucks for ultramegaheavy dumbbells that maybe 1 man in 20,000 can make use of?? so Tex slang him some bullshit now and again.

‘Thals vs Saps: Sam makes an excellent point in re ‘why no Neaderthal structures?’ I tend to suspect Tex would claim Lascaux cave art, etc., as ‘thalish, and who knows, maybe it is. but … a few dozen (admittedly dazzling and magnificent) cave paintings in Yerp isn’t much to show for thirty to fifty thousand years of ‘thal dominance.

in re Sam’s notion that ‘maybe ‘thals are jews?’ – there’s a semi-famous picture of (((henry kissinger))) from back in the obama years. it’s findable: search ‘kissinger meeting with obama in oval office’ in Google images. the pic in question is an Alamy stock photo on the top row: he’s standing with preezy barky and some other political scum. now at the time of this photo, HK was probably 86 or so, so of course he’s kinda shrunk and hunched over, BUT ….. his upper body looks like a fuckin BEER KEG. not fat, just bulk. and his hands are still massive, and look to be still quite capable of stabbing 1000 goyim in the back, easy-peasy. at 86 years old. old men – at least old cro-magnon men – simply do not age like that. so if the stereotypically prototype jewish kissinger is an obvious prototype Neanderthal, then, maybe, just maybe …. then maybe Sam’s right and Tex is wrong. especially when you add in Sam’s last words on jews/thals: they never build a damn thing on their own, they just steal what better men built.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Former WBA heavyweight champ Nicolai Valuev:comment image

Three-time Olympic Greco-Roman wrestling champ Aleksandr Karelin:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“Former WBA heavyweight champ Nicolai Valuev:

That guy is a genetic throwback to the giants. I have no doubt that giants used to be a thing. There’s a vast amount of evidence. Near where I live is an Indian mound and a former Indian city that when Hernando de Soto came through had a Chief that was around 7 feet tall.

I think a lot of them were killed off because they were arrogant. The Romans defeated a whole tribe of them by using a man with a shield and a spear poking at their faces while another Roman went after their legs.

Reply to  Hepcat 1
4 years ago

I’m with AC. The Golds I started at did dumbbells up to 250, and there were guys using them, again, more for shrugs than curls, and always in pairs.

(Always the most polite guys in the gym, too. In the words of the Geto Boys, “real gangsta ass niggas don’t flex nuts / cuz real gangsta ass niggas know they got em”)

As for thal in the jews, that’s been confirmed genetically. Ashkenazi at least, because they are pretty much east German with virtually no semetic genes (i.e. not Hebrew.)

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

You make some serious points. All that time, with nothing to show for being so brilliant and advanced. Where is the ‘thal Parthenon? I read Tex’s blog avidly for several years, especially interested in the ‘thal thing, but his talk about the melonheads was the more interesting part of that tale — that and his claims about the mindless spear-chucking hoard that invaded Europe. Aren’t they exactly similar to the current White sheeple and NPC’s, who actually do account for the vast majority of our family, friends, and neighbors? Do the creative and independent freedom-seekinng five percent minority result from some outside genetic input? If so, what?

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Sap isn’t made up. It’s short for Homo Sapiens, just like thal is short for Homo Neanderthal.

If you missed that, it doesn’t give me a lot of confidence in the rest of your interpretation.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

So, does that mean everyone’s a homo? oh thesus

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

“…Sap isn’t made up. It’s short for Homo Sapiens…”

Like I don’t know this??? Please. And it is damn well made up to call Homo Sapiens “Saps”. No one does this. The whole essence of it is derogatory. If you can’t understand that then ” it doesn’t give me a lot of confidence in the rest of your interpretation.”.

Let’s further cast doubt on Tex’s derogatory “Sap” machinations. Remember I’ve read most likely every single word he’s written on his blog, so while I may not remember everything I do remember the things he went back to over and over. One of THE prime reasons he said that the “Saps” defeated the “thals” was that they had longer arms and could throw spears better. He said this over and over. Well if the Neanderthals were so fucking smart why didn’t they use an atlatl???

They were so much stronger and so much smarter, according to him, that surely they could think of something as simple as a stick to throw sticks but…they didn’t.

I’ll tell you the reason and tell you why the Neanderthals never did shit. The Neanderthals were animals. Not that they were stupid but that their psychology was that of animals. Look at lions, wolves or Chimps. They have close in related groups and they are at war with everyone else. They can not cooperate very well. They do not have empathy for others. Everyone not in their immediate group is either food or foe.

WOW sort of describes the Jews also doesn’t it!

Here’s what I think happened. Cro-Mags(Whites) came from Atlantis(mid-Atlantic ridge now under water). I don’t know how they got there but the Cro-Mags developed over the ice-age or earlier there. I also have no idea where the Melonheads fit into this but it wouldn’t surprise me if the Melonheads were not at Atlantis also. It could very well be the Cro-Mags were made by or tamed or created or breed somehow by the Melonheads to help them(their slaves).

The genetics and basic coloring of Cro-Mags shows we’ve been breed somehow differently from other Sapiens. Cro-Mags have all different types of hair color, skin tones, eye color. Whites are some of the most diverse people on earth, We don’t need diversity we are diversity. Where else do we see this?? In tamed animals. Look at dogs and the wide variation in form and coloring. Standard wolves look much the same for all of their groups. Same with horses. The tame ones have varied coloring. Now these animals were tamed long ago so we can’t definitively attribute this coloration to their taming but there is an experiment done recently that 100% shows this pattern.

The Russian domesticated red fox study. The study was a multi-generation study that only passed on the genes of the least aggressive or tame towards humans foxes. Surprise, surprise they developed many of the different colorations and droopy ears of dogs. Interesting.

I believe that this experiment, while controlling for tameness brought fourth another trait that they haven’t acknowledged. Empathy. Genetic traits when breed for usually don’t come singularly they come in packages. While breeding for tameness I think they got empathy and differential coloration in the same package.

I don’t think you can have civilization without empathy. Blacks score very low on empathy and everywhere they predominate there is exactly…no empathy(I wish to emphasize the point I made about animals only caring for close clan). A total Hobbesian world of the vicious and strong preying on the weak, (psychopathic, very important this). Psychologist have commented on how cold some of the ghetto Blacks are showing no remorse for the most vile crimes of violence against other people. Whites I think have very high levels of empathy. I think non close kin marriage made some of this possible and I believe WWI and WWII vastly accelerated the tend by killing off the most aggressive and psychopathic Whites in mass numbers. I also believe psychopathic numbers are increasing because of the long peace we’ve had.

So Cro-Mags and Melonheads frequently went on the mainland but didn’t stay there in any large numbers because of the evil vicious murdering Neanderthals who attacked everything they could. Another clue to this is that all Neanderthals genes are from Men. None known from Neanderthal Women. We can specify this because all the mtDNA, which comes from Women alone, is Cro-Mag. There is NO Neanderthal mtDNA. So I expect that all Neanderthal genes were passed on by Neanderthal raping Cro-Mag Women.

Remember Tex went on and on and on and on about “Saps” raping Neanderthal Women and making them slaves but…there’s not a damn bit of evidence for this because if it were true there would be Female Neanderthal mtDNA and there is NONE.

So this goes on for a while but then comes the huge comet strike in Greenland 12,000 years ago that wipes out all the mega-fauna in North America. Kills off most of the Cro-Mags in N.A. (there are Cro-Mag spear points of a very specific design found off the coast of North America embedded in Woolly Mammoth bones in depths that were land before the end of the ice age.). And the mid-Atlantic ridge sinks forcing the Melonheads and Cro-Mags onto the mainland. N.A. is ruined by mass flooding so people stay away mostly.


The Cro-Mags are forced to go to the mainland and since the Neanderthals are just like Jews and can not, just can not live with anyone without trying to murder them, (they are animals), the Cro-Mags have to wipe most of their asses out. The rest retreat into the Caucasus and remote mountain areas.


“The Iceman Inheritance: Prehistoric Sources of Western Man’s Racism, Sexism and Aggression” by Michael Bradley

When Bradley first wrote this he did not realize that he was describing the Jews as the savage ice man. Later on he and the Jews realized this and afterwards he was persecuted as they do. He also came to realize that the Ice Man that was so violent was the Neanderthal left overs, the Jews.

That’s the basics with A LOT of mysteries but the basic facts do fit. No one really knows at this time where the Cro-Mags came from. There’s a huge amount of missing links. They seemed to come in large numbers fairly quickly. Where did they come from? Atlantis would fit the bill. I say they interacted with the mainland but with the Neanderthal animal murderers about, and Africans are no friendly bunch either, it was dangerous to move about too much. I don’t think there’s any dispute that Cro-Mags made a great leap in social and material progress in a very short period of time compared to all the millions of years of stagnation of the Neanderthals and other hominid groups.

The only book I’ve ever read that explains this leap “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” says that the mind was split so people didn’t have their shit together.

My theory is much, much simpler. Cro-Mags were tamed and by this process gained varied coloration and empathy so that they could work together as a group much easier without so much viciousness and friction.

There’s much talk of Whites less aggression towards out groups. A benefit towards civilization but a detriment towards us keeping any civilization we build. See Kevin MacDonald’s books.

Sam J’s theory of civilization,”Civilization came about because of the rise of empathy. This allowed people to work together”.

Sam J’s theory of civilization, ”Empathy is necessary to form civilization. As capacity for empathy rose civilization rose with it.”

Where Melonheads fit in I don’t know really. The meager facts suggest they tamed us. It appears the melonheads ran South America at one point. If I’m not mistaken the Aztecs told Cortes that the the monumental buildings were built by others before them, all they knew came from Whites with beards(Melonheads), the Aztecs bound their heads to look like Melonheads and they were VERY HEAVY on sacrificing people. I think the mass graves of Melonheads in Peru means that some sort of virus killed off the Melonheads or their slaves revolted because the Melonheads were so evil. Smart but evil.

There’s a lot of gaps because the comet strike wiped out a lot and the obvious covering up of the coastlines by flooding after the end of the ice age gaining 300 feet or so in ocean height.

Now I may be wrong about all this but it is coherent and consistent with a lot of facts on the ground. Let’s hope that excavation at Göbekli Tepe ,a neolithic monument site that was deliberately covered up shortly after the comet strike thousands of years ago, gives us more answers. There are several mounds in the same area with only parts of one uncovered. I think if we looked at a lot of evidence that followed the line of reasoning that there was civilization during the ice age we would find a lot more data to prove this theory but right now it’s forbidden to think such thoughts.

The Truth Behind Göbekli Tepe [copy this before it’s nuked]

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

More stuff if you are willing to spend the time.

Michael Bradley – Neanderthal Roots of the Jews

Michael Bradley with Michael Collins Piper, May 25 and May 26, 2010

4 years ago

A SpaceX rocket prototype, known as SN10, made a pinpoint landing near its launch site, however three minutes later it exploded on its landing pad.

I watched the stream. The rocket was leaning a little and there was a small fire when it landed. I thought it was weird when the presenter said that the next test would be SN11, and remarked to the wife, “why not just fly SN10 again?”

Then, when I saw the news that it blew up, I asked her, “what if Elon just blew it up on a goof because he knew they wouldn’t use it again?”

Now I wonder if he’s blowing them up to keep someone [or (((someone)))] from getting to them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago

SN10 I wonder if some of the rocket structure was crushed in some way. I read it had some crush structures built in(non-recoverable). Maybe that’s just for prototype. I think in the end they will have to have some sort of substantial suspension to get all weather all the time landings because downdrafts and various atmospheric pocket glitches are in no way predictable to any certain degree. I can’t see landing this thing on Mars or the Moon without some really big folding landing gear like the Falcon. Too easy to tip over and you’re not going to find compacted and leveled landing zones on other planets. Of course you could make one.

I also wonder why he is not using air augmented rockets for the lower stage. More complicated but the thrust improvement is immense. Almost double the ISP (ISP of 500) which means far less fuel to carry, which means far less weight, which means it can be payload instead. Even if they made it three stages with air augmented rockets on the lower which dropped off it could have a serious massive increase in payload to orbit. Another method would be to use air augmented rockets for the very lowest stages and a big second stage. Studies against air augmented rockets have said they are no good because if you carry them to orbit the fuel they save is used up by carrying the ducts to orbit but…if you don’t carry them to orbit it all changes.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Elon said the landing legs will be extended soon. So after Wednesday, they might want to replace them for bigger ones even on SN11.

However, this enormous progress in Boca Chica can also have some meaning in our considerations:
For some reason Elon believes that Cabal will allow him to have a launch system 2-3 orders of magnitude more capable than anything currently in use. And Elon is surely aware of how things are going.

And make no mistake, all this is Elon’s work. No Cabal involved. (Deep) State/Cabal would never be able to do it this way – what we see is a unique work of single, extremely gifted and motivated individual.


Phil Carson
Phil Carson
4 years ago

“Here is an idea I wondered about. Does a grandfathered assault weapons ban create an issue of age discrimination?”

Has no bearing on the primal right to arms. Unequivocally. All that is is a lever, a mind job tool, to create some form of fiction, ones Unalienable God given natural born rights and freedoms are divisible in sections that are negotiable, driven by the imperatives of what some demoniacal potentate or organization which lusts for helpless unarmed slaves, all in order to obtain total unlimited raw naked power over the human race and its activities. Contradiction in terms much?

No man made inalienable law, diktat, writ of attainder, fiction of plausible deniability writ large, administrative centralism, or regulatory tyranny, supersedes God given natural law and natural born sovereign rights. Things as inseparable from myself as example, as my beating heart and my spirit. My Unalienable existence. I have no half way or fractional Unalienable Rights. Unalienable, as my amygdala is to my whole mind.

It is absurd to propose what belongs to me, preposterous to even dare think, both my natural right to defend myself and the physical means there of, being my right to and possession of private property, which is the first thing my rifle is, is something in physical tangible, and philosophical form, that can be chopped up, divided into tiny pieces, then denied me piece by piece, or dolled out as a herring reward to a trained seal for good behavior, till there’s nothing remaining, all by the very tyrants who lust for my total compliance and servitude and or my death.
This is contradiction in terms on galactic scale.
Nothing is as legitimate than me myself and I and my property. Its not even open for discussion. Fuck. You. In fact BFYTW.

There is no such thing, as a little bit of slavery, or being a little bit pregnant, half a liberty, fractionally sovereign, or partly dead.
To be a free natural born person is the ultimate holistic existence. Its a total package deal. No aspect of it is negotiable. And thats the thing right there, to get you to give in just a tiny weeny bit, because once you have compromised what is yours in totality, because how can you give away something thats yours for something that lessens your primal position as being the ultimate in legitimacy? You have just elevated the tyrant to being more powerful than yourself. This is the tyrants stock in trade. Men who refuse to comply are Free Men. Not subjects.
This is the pinnacle of conning you, into you yourself, making you a slave, or easily dead to the shitstains who grifted and gulled you into self enslavement in the first place.

Me? I am either Free in all things, or I am dead.

AC is dead nuts to rights on one thing thats for sure.
We as the dirt people are approaching the conversion point. Of that, its the one certain thing you can bet on.
With cabal you must maintain a state of paranoia about the machine, because you can be wrong about what the network will do 10,001 times and you will survive because you don’t take nothing it can do for granted. You in effect this way, plan for the worst it can possibly do, then when the machine falls short of its worst, you win more easily.
If you ignore it, the first time when it matters, it goes bad for you because that is its first purpose, it is a hidden weapon, pervasive, all around everywhere, always watching, designed just for you, always set like the jaws of a trap, with a myriad of ways it will trigger, ignore it and you take the dirt nap.

That preposterous idea of gradually limiting grandfathered clause of right to arms is one of those traps.
How do you get your leg free once you have suckered yourself into deliberately stepping on the trigger pan?
The trap is compromise. Compromise with plausible deniability? WRT could be dummer?
Create the trap of illusion of legitimate compromise, nothing less then Faustian bargaining, of what is utterly legitimate and uncompromisable and therefor never needs compromise, because why would you ever compromise on what is totally legitimate about yourself? Huh? And when you enter into this bargaining with Hellmouth, you give in a tiny bit on something you have no need whatsoever to compromise on to start with, YOU, lend this total bullshit legitimacy. YOU give it power over you. But what also happens is YOU by consequence of your total lack of prudence paint me with the brush of domestic terrorist, and provide the illusion of legitimacy, power which creates another illusion of legitimacy, I can be legitimately hunted down, cast out as wolves.

It is the mind fuck of all mind fucks. Because we have guns. Lots of guns. Because the machine fears us, and what we will do to it for what it is doing to us. And they can not risk open war with free dirt people armed to the fucking teeth. The machine can not even risk low intensity conflict and leaderless resistance. It is so afraid of us Freemen it is hunting down every soul who was at the capitol on January the 6th. Thats how scared it is of even the chance of threat of resistance.
The proof of that fear is simple pie, that fence and razor tape with National Guardsmen around the border of Shitstainistan. They are scared shitless people are going to storm their sacred cesspit of plausible deniability and usurpation, drag them out into the sunlight, and hang them all from lamp posts as all tyrants must. As any tyrant worth its salt understands better than anyone.

Reply to  Phil Carson
4 years ago

regarding your initial legal question… it’s a conundrum for an honest yet modlib court. in a real court, yes the bad laws would get tossed. in a corrupt court they wouldn’t care, and would rule iaw “do as thou wilt”. it is only a conundrum for an honest yet modlib court. do those yet or still exist?

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Cori Bush, the new Vice Chair of the House Committee on the Judiciary’s Subcommittee on Crime Terrorism and Homeland Security is a total communist, anti-White disgrace:

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
4 years ago

One thing I don’t get, and I might be wrong, but if I had a secret cabal that had all the strings of power, I would create a happy, peaceful world. Every tribe would have their own nation. International matters would be carefully maintained. Everyone (well, as many as possible) would lead rich satisfying lives and not question anything. Then the cabal can go about it’s private dealings and matters in quiet.

It just seems that hiding an elite subculture in a utopia, where people are satisfied and living their lives, would be easier than in a dystopia, where people are constantly looking for scapegoats and bad guys.

Maybe I’m just too nice, and I can’t think like a psychopath. Maybe they just like f*cking with populations of people.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

They could still arrange “accidents” etc. and I think in times past it was handled more that way.

But the cabal has over the course of generations become more demonic and stupider.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Drunk with power (hubris), and there is also the aspect of personal over reach, in the sense that they clearly have multigenerational plans, and I bet you the youngest generations at the top dog level, after realizing that they are the legacy of hundreds/thousands of years of a massive power grabbing machine, might end up getting egofucked in the sense that they see the goal line (total domination and control over the whole Humanity) so close, that it is bound that some of the more narcissistic members at that level want to be them to push their cult/organizatio/machine past the goal line.

It’s kinda like when playing grand strategy video games, you have put 30 or 40 hours into a campaign, and you just want to get it over with, and you have a big chance to win it all if you go all-in right now, or you could keep putting more ducks in a row for 10 or 15 more hours, with the possibility of a random event to mess up your plans and set you back. So there is always a certain element of risk regarding their strategic position of strength, they can be subject to ego fucking (going all in in now in order to avoid postponing victory another X amount of decades or centuries), and they can be subject to setbacks due to sheer randomness (which they try to mitigate as much as possible).

At a certain point, grand strategy wise, you know your position of strategic superiority/domination can be a temporary condition, and the urge to pull the trigger and go all in while the odds are good becomes a plausible situation for these big dogs (IMHO, I’m just trying to get inside their decision making processes, I have no idea how accurate these observations are).

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

My guess exactly.

If people have peace, and aren’t being constantly distracted with bullshit, the human spirit and greatness end up manifesting in ways that are both impressive and unpredictable. This would threaten the continued control of the top dogs.

Also, there is a very real spiritual aspect to all of this shit show. They seem to want more than to herd humanity and milk them like a goat,

And there is also the issue of maintaining control over a growing population. For every person that exists, a seed of rebellion exists. The more a person gets great, the stronger of a rebel it can become. And the more potential rebels, the more guard dogs they need to put in place, and those can turn too. This is a point Owen Benjamin did on his last stream. They need greatness to be surpressed, and cullings. And they cull/blackmail the greatest (or with the potential for greatness) and those with the potential to inspire more of their human cattle to rebel.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 years ago

Marielle Redclaw says,”One thing I don’t get, and I might be wrong, but if I had a secret cabal that had all the strings of power, I would create a happy, peaceful world…”

ME TOO! You notice I talk at various times about all sorts of technologies that could do exactly that. People will still have problems in that some people if they don’t have problems will crate them but the majority just want to raise their kids and have a reasonably decent time.

There are ways to build large islands made of concrete made from oceans and powered from ocean heat that could house the whole of the population of planet earth in first world conditions with first world food in 15 years. That’s right 15 years.

Exponential Remediation of Civilization’s Footprint

people would say that if this happened that people would have so many kids that you couldn’t keep up but that’s not at all the history of human populations. If risk is lowered, people are assured their children will live and they have birth control Women will have less kids.

4 years ago

This is awkward – just left a job last week because they forced masks on everybody. This week I started a GabTV channel and got to work on converting a corner of a workshop to a small business where I was going to go ahead knowing the money was running out quickly, and I just got a job out of the blue at a metal shop where they think the masks are ridiculous. I’m still going to have afternoons and weekends to keep BootStrappyWorkshop going.

God is good. Christ is King.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

“I just got a job out of the blue at a metal shop where they think the masks are ridiculous.”

Good for you I’m happy this worked out for you.

Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

I am very glad to hear it.
I was hopeful but worried for you.

Don’t forget to post your videos here 🙂

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago


Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

Congrats Lowell! I hope it’s the best and you make a ton of money 😃

Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

Don’t drop the video side gig.

The new job might not be a coincidence. It might be an attempt to prevent the video series from getting off the ground.

HUGE NOTE: This does NOT mean that the shop you are going to is comped. It might be, but I think you will know that if it is. Know them by their fruits. If they produce good fruit, they are a good tree.

But our opponents know where the good trees are, and will subtly push us together if they can contain us in a controlled orchard, if you’re following the metaphor. All it takes is for their network to know you are about to go off on this dangerous thing, and ask, “is there someone that would hire this guy that we can mention him to?” Friend of a Friend of a Friend later, and this shop knows you are looking for work. It’s a win-win for the good guys, but it also kills your channel in the cradle.

If it’s a good shop, flourish where you are planted. But don’t let them wreck your channel as part of the deal.

Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

I’m stoked for you man!

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

Thanks for the encouragement fellas.

I don’t think the shop is comped. My grandpa noticed a week old add in the local paper and called them. After he talked for a long while, he called me. They even talked to me outside of the office so that we could avoid the face diapers(probably just in case I was a snitch). But then I came back with a job app filled out telling them I can start tomorrow, which was yesterday. Went really well.

I am currently running a large bandsaw and some industrial drill presses, and will be for the near future. But the handwritting is on the wall. I will be a trained manual machinist within the next few years. I’m probably going to work there for a long time.

The trade off is that we work fifty-sixty hours a week. BootStrappy is def a weekend project. Of course, it’s a job shop for the lumber industry, and that means the spectre of lay offs every so often when the mills have nothing to do. That means that I have to keep building BootStrappy just in case.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
4 years ago

Yeah, that sounds like God instead of Cabal.

God is great, and he puts us where we need to be. It sounds like you need to be in that shop, at least until God tells you different.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
4 years ago

Also, it occurred to me that if God is going to take this country back, and He will, he’s going to need machinists. The Cabal doesn’t seem to realize that if you have a machinist, a Bridgeport mill, some billet aluminum, a car battery and some steel rod for electrochemical machining, then you have a midnight rifle factory.

4 years ago

Remember I said I never saw any surveillance despite being a person you’d expect to be under coverage? I just got a texts from an Ex girlfriend today.

“So the craziest thing just happened, [Redacted] and I went for a walk and then there was this silver Chevy Tahoe that stopped as we passed by it.
[Redacted] saw the man inside pointing his phone at us, I told [Redacted] that he probably was just looking for someone, but when [Redacted] insisted I turned around and the man was still there, as I started to walk towards it so I can capture the license plate and he just drove off.”

“I’m scared
Because about two weeks ago, [Redacted’s Mom], [Redacted] and I went to grab food and [Redacted] noticed a man walking his dog and he was like “huh, I’ve never seen that man before” I took a mental note of that because I’ve never seen that man either.”

“Thank you darling, [Redacted] said that he was a bold guy with wrinkles who had a serious look on his face.”

“The plate was VTX 22??” (Virginia Plates)

I’m kinda surprised, I don’t know what to tell her, I don’t know how to move forward, except to just keep being myself? It’s unnerving. I didn’t doubt you per se, I’d just never seen it, having people follow my ex and her young nephew around has me freaking out for their sake.

Thoughts? Advice? Comments? I am medium to high levels of agitation right now.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

>running little kids into the schools in teams…

I experienced this in elementary school, but chalked it up to new kids who moved in simply wanting to take over the existing clique structure and so b anding together. For such children, moving to a new school, they can now become just who they want to be, but there’s only a narrow window of opportunity — like the first day. At the same time this was happening, I had a second grade teacher who was way outside the norms of even the average typically rotten teacher we probably all encountered now and then on the way through K-12. She was truly diabolical, and rather good looking as well.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I would love to get my fart log. There some sort of cool electronic art project there if I just had the data.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

More good news on the tech front. Brave browser buys open source search engine.

Many people who are for the freedoms we used to have are programmers. In aggregate they are starting a Tsunami of privacy enhancing programs. There’s a real surge in this and it will over time break up concentrated power.

4 years ago

China’s “Sharp Eyes” Program Aims To Surveil 100% Of Public Space
teaser image

The program turns neighbors into agents of the surveillance state…

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

This article is worth the read:

Specially relevant to AC is this: consider creating audio versions of the articles you want to become widespread.


I think I would be willing to do the VO work. I’ve got decent pipes, as they say in the biz.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

So you are like a mix of a heterosexual version of Sherlock Holmes and Rick Astley.

Got some good gene shit going there mate. Must be nithe oh thesus : D


Better. I’m a bass.

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Smallmouth or Largemouth? 😉

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

I was not expecting finding out that you are a fish. But it is OK, no species based discrimination here. : D

4 years ago

Made a matrix channel:

An open format chat that’s a little better than comments.

How to access:
1) Install Element at
2) Create your usename
3) Search for public room #sinnersofthesystem-chat
4) Post cool shit

1) Running my own matrix server so (a censorship friendly org) can’t nuke it.
2) Accompanying website at
3) Have you guys join, submit stories, and work to expose the machine. Format similar to and

1) The sinnersofthesystem domain has been purchased, but is stuck in transfer to the same registrar that gab uses, hosted on a VPS in an airraid bunker in [edited]. I want to make this 100% transparent, 100% you guys driven.
2) I intend to use as the software found at
3) I’m open to technical help as I’m having a hard time getting it up and running.
4) Open to comments, ideas, and help.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

>”They will let you know when Management gets displeased.”

True dat.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

A few months ago I Binged Burn Notice because you used to recommend it a lot.
Jesus it’s full of gold nuggets, I wonder what cool stuff doesn’t make it to TV

4 years ago

REPORT: Jared Kushner Is No Longer Part Of President Trump’s Political Orbit

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

probably too good to be true.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Big if true.
I have nothing personal against the man, but all zionists and Chabad people need to GTFO the West. They should be allowed to leave unharmed and peacefully, and keep their private liquid assets, but their companies need to be registered as foreign agents and watched carefully. And of subversion happens, their companies operating in the West need to be told to gtfo (give them 1 year to sell, while under heavy total surveillance so no monkey business happens).


The opens only get more brutal from there.

4 years ago

Goya makes very good frying dough for empanadas. If you can find it.