News Briefs – 03/04/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Police forces in the European Union are planning to establish an interconnected bloc-wide network of facial recognition databases, leaked documents have revealed.

Graham starts closed-door depositions in FISA probe.

Senate Panel preps subpoenas in the Hunter Biden investigation.

COVID 19 infects the brainstem and neurological system. Not entirely unique, but I wonder if the mechanism is related to what causes people to seemingly go lights out all of a sudden wherever they are.

10% of the Iranian parliament already infected.

Senior aid to Ayatollah Khamenei dies from coronavirus.

Chinese authorities require government offices to destroy data related to coronavirus outbreak.

Reminder : Some veterinary Corona viruses can survive for 28 days on surfaces.

First Korean reinfection after hospital discharge. We know this is a fast mutator. In HIV, I read somewhere that as a retrovirus, it was an exceptionally fast mutator,  so it will actually mutate within the patient through four or five strains. They said, often the patient immune system will eradicate the initial strain the patient was exposed to, and a couple of the subsequent mutants, but the virus mutates through several strains and one which can overcomes the patient’s immune system inevitably happens, which then becomes the persistent infection in that person. I wonder if this is doing something similar, only it is doing it through the population, and people are encountering different strains from other people.

Coronavirus death toll climbs to 9 in U.S. as global mortality rate increases to 3.4%. Mortality rate may be creeping up, to one out of 29 dying . Here is the problem. Viruses adapt to hosts to be less lethal, because they want their host to spread them. But that is a mechanism at the group/organisms/population level, which just acts as a check by culling viruses which get too lethal, too fast for the individual to spread them. At the cellular level, there is another pressure culling for lethality, as each individual virus particle is competing with the other individual viruses to take over cells faster, reproduce and complete their reproduction cycle faster, evade the immune system better, and in essence multiply as fast as possible as much as possible. Corona is already surprisingly lethal, considering how many advantages it has in spreading, with up to a four week incubation, with such a divergent presentation from person to person with 80% of the population feeling only a minor illness or not even exhibiting symptoms and 20% being in the ICU, and with being so infectious prior to symptoms presenting, with possibly surviving on surfaces for 28 days, and with being fully airborne. In short, Corona has a large reserve of transmissibility it can sacrifice as the individual mechanism pushes it to get more lethal. It could increase reproductive speed in the cells of the body a lot, and develop better immune countermeasures that would sacrifice two weeks of incubation, cause 80% of the population to need the ICU while leaving 3 or 4% asymptomatic spreaders, and with being infectious only four or five days prior to symptoms presenting instead of two weeks, and it could in doing so increase lethality a lot, and still be ridiculously transmissible. I doubt it will, as the spring is coming fast, but if it becomes endemic, this could be a real problem in a year or two. There will certainly be deep biological forces moving it that way.

Chinese lab ordered shut by Shanghai Health Commission a day after publishing Coronavirus genome. Probably just didn’t say “May I?”

Amazon employee in Seattle office tests positive for coronavirus.

NY Coronavirus patient reportedly commuted on Metro-North.

N.H. coronavirus patient breaks isolation, potentially exposing others by attending an invitation-only private event Friday “despite having been directed to self-isolate.”  Name them. They are a threat to the health of everyone they come in contact with now. People should know who they are so they can avoid them.

Man in Wake County, NC tests positive for coronavirus, but is ‘doing well.’

Italy declares 27 more deaths and 400 new coronavirus cases in 24 hours, bringing its total up to 2502. The rate of increase was 19%. More troubling, was the resolved cases vs deaths, which is 160:79, or 2 resolved to one died.

EU experts say closing borders is ‘ineffective’ in stopping coronavirus. I wonder to what extent a lot of the smoke about numbers, the bad testing, and statements like this is because the EU doesn’t want this to look controllable, because if it were people would want their borders closed, and begin to turn on the migrants.

Iran frees 54,000 prisoners to combat the spread of the coronavirus in its crowded jails.

Unexplained Coronavirus transmission in Florida prompts worries of more cases.

Corona virus already has mutated into two different variants. On the bright side, it appears China’s aggressive containment measures selected against the more aggressive version. The question is, will similarly aggressive measures be possible in the West?

This tweet, run through google translate says, “We requisition all stocks and the production of protective masks. We will distribute them to healthcare professionals and French people affected by the Coronavirus”:


This next tweet called to mind the tweet a couple of weeks back of all the crows in the city of Wuhan. Crows eat carrion and can smell rotted flesh. Now I wonder if they were filling the city because there were dead bodies around in those apartment buildings they were welding shut. Which made me wonder if they were welding them shut to keep people in, or if they were trying to keep people out, so they wouldn’t go inside and post videos of what was in there:

Mike Bloomberg reassessing campaign after brutal Super Tuesday defeats, reports say. What is amazing is, pull Mini-Mike out, and drop Donald J Trump in, and this would have been the next President of the United States, if he didn’t face Donald J Trump on the other side.

Bloomberg claimed he ‘didn’t realize’ Warren was still running. He was only next to her on the debate stage and probably had his campaign singlehandedly crushed by her.

Daughter of a Coronavirus-positive policeman from Pomezia, Italy, was infectious at the Jonas Brothers concert in Italy.

Student quarantined days after classmates shook Vice-President Mike Pence’s hand.

Pence office says he did not have contact with student later quarantined for coronavirus.

Migrants are targeting Sweden’s kids for robberies and assaults. A hallmark of the r-strategist, they look for someone weaker to victimize, because it is an easy free resource with no risk or competition.

An illegal immigrant accused of raping a 13-year-old girl in Brooklyn was cut loose thanks to New York’s “sanctuary city” policy and the Brooklyn District Attorney — despite a request by immigration officials that he be detained. ICE bagged him.

After a 17 year hiatus, PBS is bringing back the immensely popular children’s show ‘Clifford The Big Red Dog’ but with lesbian moms.

UN Agency says, Iran nearly tripled its stockpile of enriched uranium.

Fox News’ Brit Hume caught looking at ‘Sexy Vixen Vinyl’ online when a screenshot he posted revealed the tab. What jumps out is he has open a banking tab with Sun Trust, a notorious Glowie financial institution in Florida, despite him not living in Florida.

I do not take this next one seriously, because the third from last comment is too stupid. Even I know that is just a moronic comment. So this is probably a gold speculator trying to get people to pump up gold. But the idea is interesting, and it is so clever I wondered if Trump might try something like this at some point:

There was this: Options trader bets $2 million on a monster rally for gold. Is that OP, who then headed over to 4Chan to help his bet along?

Women more likely to take sexual risks when traveling. Or traveling women tend to be more r-selected. Migrants are r-strategists.

Porn erodes brain structure. Porn is just a simulation of r-selection. As r-selection starts, much less brain power is needed, as all you really need is a high sex drive and an inability to be responsible, so you live in the moment and exploit the glut.

Here is an interesting one. Donald Trump’s election to President skewed the sex ratios of babies in liberal areas, causing rabbit women to produce more girls, and fewer boys. If this is true, it may mean some leftist amygdalae do not develop when met with K, but rather biologically shift their design to produce girls. These girls avoid the K-selection by latching onto K-males, in essence sneaking their rabbit genes into the next generation at the expense of K-female’s genes, hoping eventually r-times will return so they can shift back to producing boys who will impregnate females with r-selected genes, thereby blocking K-genes from reproducing in times of r through promiscuity. This points to human rabbits being much more parasitic, and perhaps genetically and biologically divergent from human K-strategists.

James Comey endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden. Andrew Bates, director of rapid response for Biden’s campaign wrote on Twitter in response, “Yes, customer service? I just received a package that I very much did not order. How can I return it, free of charge?” Ouch.

Putin wants traditional marriage and God in constitution.

Greek coast guards fire into sea near migrant boat.

A couple who help migrants on a Greek island have been left “terrified” after feeling “hunted” by angry locals over the work and claim police do not help. r and K are obviously operative. But my impression is the shadow leadership has now greenlit the Police to support the K-strategists, probably after a practical recognition that things are going K and there is no fighting that incoming tide, so they had better be on the right side as things heat up. Either that, or Q has taken over in the area. It is possible the Cabal running things has long recognized r/K Theory, and they merely recognize that in times of plenty, things go r, and they just side with it for practical reasons, perhaps even giving it a push to try and control exactly when the K-shift begins. And once the population goes K, they simply shift sides, support the K’s, and suddenly the rabbits are on the run. I could even see the elites somewhere saying, “Tell Erdogan to do it,” thinking they are touching off the K, and marking the moment the shift will begin in earnest. Personally, I feel society would advance optimally if we just chose to be K, and structured everything to favor K-genes, inculcate kids to be K-strategists, and ruthlessly eradicate r wherever we find it.

Democrats are afraid of John Ratcliffe becoming President Donald Trump’s next Director of National Intelligence because they are concerned about how he’ll work on reforms of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

Former NYPD boss Bernie Kerik changes his mind and says socialism is a bigger threat to the U.S. than Islamist terrorism.

U.S. Supreme Court lets states prosecute immigrants for identity theft.

Federal Reserve cuts interest rates by a half percentage point. 

Pierce Bush loses Texas primary.


Spread r/K Theory, because the baseline is chainging.

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
5 years ago

“Or traveling women tend to be more r-selected.”

Without a doubt.

I used to hang out a hotel bar popular with traveling business people in my younger days. The amount of married women trying to hook up with me was ridiculous. Kind of depressing really.

Flu Manchu
Flu Manchu
5 years ago

“Migrants are targeting Sweden’s kids for robberies and assaults.” And nobody does a thing.

Just out of curiosity, what would it take to demographically and culturally go back to something like the video below? What happened? It was only 130 years ago, a couple of generations that exist amongst the thousand others of mighty Europa. There is no “civilized” way back to what was normalcy until a few decades ago. My point of view is that, if this video doesn’t ruin your day, then you are part of the problem.

Reply to  Flu Manchu
5 years ago

Traffic must have been a trip.

5 years ago

“COVID 19 infects the brainstem and neurological system” maybe it is the same virus.

5 years ago

If this theory played out, they should NOT back the currency with gold. It is only a historical and chemical coincidence that gold (and silver if you are a Wizard of Oz fan) are used for currency. There is no reason that the supply of gold and/or silver should track the amount of wealth in the world. A Comstock lode sort of thing in the future (it doesn’t have to be a conventional mining breakthrough, it could occur in some otehr field like desalination or asteroid mining) could devalue currency for no good economic reason. Similarly, economic breakthroughs in other areas that don’t also increase mining effectiveness could cause unneeded economic hardship through deflation. The thing to back the currency of the future with is energy. Presumably electrical energy, but there might be allowances to deliver it in various fuels. Energy is, after all, the ability to do work. There is every reason to believe that increases in the energy supply would go hand in hand with increases in the amount of wealth in the world and vice-versa… so an energy-backed currency would be far more automatically stable than one based on material commodities. There is another reason to use electrical energy to back your currency: it greatly reduces the possibility of a “run on the bank” if there is ever a loss of confidence in the currency. If you want to redeem your money, you can just pull your car* up to any federal building or post office or military base or arsenal, park in one of the electric charger parking spots and get your money changed to electric energy. What happens if everyone loses faith in the currency and wants to exchange it for the backed commodity? You don’t have to increase the power supply to satisfy the bank run!!! In fact, you couldn’t as the breakers would trip for safety reasons if you tried to send energy at a rate higher than they were designed to handle. All that happens is the lines at the chargers get longer, but no one thinks that the electricity is suddenly going to run out if you don’t get it all today. Electricity is only made as needed, not stockpiled, so no one ever fears that the ‘stockpile of electricity’ is getting low and wants to get all their power today before the electron depository is empty.

I’ll bet you could even get a large percentage of the honest low-level lefties and greens on board with setting up the basis for it. All you need is a law that says 1. All post offices, federal buildings, and military bases must build and maintain a working electric car charging station.. and 2. make electricity from the charging station available at a cost set by congress. Lefties are happy the gov’t is promoting electric cars. The ‘cost’ of the electricity set by law is, in practice, the legal exchange rate. You could build the whole distribution network to back the energy-based currency and it would look like nothing more than a typical greenie subsidy to electric car owners that Trump gave away in exchange for some military spending or other horse-trading. The first chargers could be installed before the end of this year.

But where does the electricity come from? Like most things, the gov’t would usually pay private companies and utilities to supply it… but it would be nice to have an emergency reserve so that the gov’t could retain it’s ability to support the currency even in dire emergencies. It would likewise be sensible for the military to be able operate important facilities and bases even if power was lost to the surrounding community. I’m sure they have backup generators all over now for specific buildings, but you could also have military-owned power plants operating on major bases that could also supply electric power to so maintain confidence in the gov’ts ability to support the currency (though perhaps at a reduced number of exchange locations… though just people knowing that we have that capability would reduce the likelihood that people would feel the need to avail themselves of it). Again, it could be set up entirely without a hint of any link to a future currency. It would just look like normal military spending / pork for the construction firms and contractors that would build and maintain the power plants. You could easily ‘buy’ green support (or at least lack of opposition) by requiring that a certain percentage of the generating power come from ‘renewable’ sources, using the conventional sources as tech demonstrators / research facilities for emissions reduction innovation (and more pork for nearby universities to partner with the Sen. Blowhard DOE/DOD Joint Clean Energy Center), and perhaps even to demonstrate next-generation small safe nuclear plants (I think the Navy has a couple of people who know about atomic safety already). There is no reason, however, to wait until this is done before installing chargers; this would just be an additional safety reserve to start building.

The whole thing could be hidden in plain sight. No one would realize that recharging some hippie’s car at a “price set by congress” amounts in practice to backing a currency with energy… until we suddenly needed to give people confidence in the dollar or roll out its replacement. Then the president could explain that we DON’T have fiat currency. No, not at all. Our currency has been backed by electric energy ever since 2020 when the Green Transportation Promotion Act required every neighborhood post office to have at least one electricity dispenser that would allow people to redeem their dollars in energy at a fixed exchange rate.

*Don’t have an electric car? Charge your phone for a penny. Run your aluminum smelter for a month with your tax refund (though the utilities may charge a handling fee).

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

That’s a terrible idea.

Free energy exists and would be used to devalue the currency.

Deflation isn’t really a problem, I’m open to alternatives to gold or silver but any alternative would need to be durable and able to be held and stored by individuals.

Flu Manchu
Flu Manchu
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Assuming no crypto, going off of Fiat would only work if all precious metals and their mining rights (Gold, Silver, Platinum group) are put into a joint basket. The future U.S. dollar would essentially then become partially both stored metal and real estate backed. Also, all foreign debt would have to be zeroed out which would involve the U.S. government not repaying Chinese held bonds (which could only be done if there was a war), also it would mean the end of social security and every welfare program of the federal government. At some future point nuclear elements (Uranium, Thorium, Plutonium, Deuterium and Tritium) could be used to back a currency for an economy that was becoming space based.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

“…The thing to back the currency of the future with is energy. Presumably electrical energy, but there might be allowances to deliver it in various fuels. Energy is, after all, the ability to do work. There is every reason to believe that increases in the energy supply would go hand in hand with increases in the amount of wealth in the world and vice-versa…”

It’s a great idea as I’ve had the very same idea and posted it…somewhere, not that I’m saying you copied me as with most great ideas many think it.

Farcesensitive says,”Free energy exists and would be used to devalue the currency.”

Hell that’s even better. We could have free money!

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

Free Money is very bad.

It is r selecting and causes resource misallocation.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

“… Lefties are happy the gov’t is promoting electric cars…”

Not just lefties. I massively support electric cars. The reason is they can be charged by electricity you make yourself that no large Oligarchical persons, companies or government can control. I also strongly support them for defense purposes. There’s many ways to make electricity that doesn’t involve the middle east as a source.

It’s worth public funding because it’s so important to have transportation and the change over needs to be done as soon as possible without abrupt discontinuities. If Musk and others push electric cars as they have in 20 years or so we should be in good shape.

5 years ago

Off topic, but interesting: Discovery Channel, Strange Evidence show, Wrath of Thor episode, Phantom Fare segment — could be a light twisting cloak …

5 years ago

“Women more likely to take sexual risks when traveling. Or traveling women tend to be more r-selected. Migrants are r-strategists.”

Or both.
Migrating r types may be programmed to find acceptance among foreigners by granting sexual favors and/or to collect diverse DNA for diverse offspring by being sexually active while migrating.

5 years ago

“Here is an interesting one. Donald Trump’s election to President skewed the sex ratios of babies in liberal areas, causing rabbit women to produce more girls, and fewer boys. If this is true, it may mean some leftist amygdalae do not develop when met with K, but rather biologically shift their design to produce girls. These girls avoid the K-selection by latching onto K-males, in essence sneaking their rabbit genes into the next generation at the expense of K-female’s genes, hoping eventually r-times will return so they can shift back to producing boys who will impregnate females with r-selected genes, thereby blocking K-genes from reproducing in times of r through promiscuity. This points to human rabbits being much more parasitic, and perhaps genetically and biologically divergent from human K-strategists.”

This is the kind of reason why we must purge the r types from among us and not allow them to reinfect our society.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

It’s more likely that liberals wait longer and use IVF, which produces more girls. I’ve always heard that more males are produced, yet more females survive infancy. It’s the same with IVF. Babies successfully carried to term are more likely to be female because female embryos have a better survival ratio.

5 years ago

“It is possible the Cabal running things has long recognized r/K Theory, and they merely recognize that in times of plenty, things go r, and they just side with it for practical reasons, perhaps even giving it a push to try and control exactly when the K-shift begins. And once the population goes K, they simply shift sides, support the K’s, and suddenly the rabbits are on the run. I could even see the elites somewhere saying, “Tell Erdogan to do it,” thinking they are touching off the K, and marking the moment the shift will begin in earnest. Personally, I feel society would advance optimally if we just chose to be K, and structured everything to favor K-genes, inculcate kids to be K-strategists, and ruthlessly eradicate r wherever we find it.”


Cabal and their mirror image exhibitionists both seek to ride the cycle to their own advantage but we would be much better off shifting the range towards K as long as we don’t let it go too far and provoke an r reaction.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Despite U.S. warnings, Ethiopia said it still plans to move forward with the first phase of filling the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in July without an agreement in place with Sudan and Egypt, Addis Standard reported March 3….

More at:

5 years ago

“These girls avoid the K-selection by latching onto K-males, in essence sneaking their rabbit genes into the next generation at the expense of K-female’s genes, hoping eventually r-times will return so they can shift back to producing boys who will impregnate females with r-selected genes, thereby blocking K-genes from reproducing in times of r through promiscuity. This points to human rabbits being much more parasitic, and perhaps genetically and biologically divergent from human K-strategists.”

I think if they remain as unpleasant feminists or are still susceptible to the meme that promotes their masculinization or they are masculinized in the 1st place which includes their agitation for power.

Then K-strategists do well to avoid them. They are trouble always.